Zona Dezvoltatorilor
Greenstone este software cu sursă deschisă (open source) şi asfel încurajăm toţi dezvoltatorii comunităţii să contribuie la dezvoltarea acestuia. Dezvoltatorii noi ar trebui să verifice pagina getting started, precum şi register.
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The greenstone source code is kept under version control in our subversion repository.
Latest commit
r39515 by anupama @ 11.50 pm, 11th October1. Made a simple beginning on Jenny's customisingHomePage tutorial after rewriting yesterday's flawed helper functions in GSBasicTestingUtil.java that do similar operations to specified XSL files that earlier Edit class operations did in the format statement editor, this allows us to continue using the tutorials-yaml file to specify large chunks of text edits (as well as small). Yet to come across the first instance where Dr Bainbridge's suggestion of adding placeholders in XSLT files as insertion points will come in handy. So far a single line change has been tested, so single lines can be identified, which is what is necessary. 2. Corrections: to an xpath selector statement in BrowserTest (where multiple heading levels are possible) and runCommand was not returning the actual exitvalue from running a command but the intialised value of -1 all the time and is fixed now. 3. Helper functions in RunGLITest.java to restart the GS3 server. For now I have settled on the commandline server restart as it's faster and we've already tested the GSI dialog's server restart was working in the OAIserver tutorial (so we're no longer testing that).
Nightly Builds and Regression Test Results
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YourKit is the creator of innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications. We make use of it to improve the execution speed of Greenstone3. Take a look at YourKit's leading software products: Java profiler and .NET profiler.