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Latest commit

r39665 by anupama @ 12.43 am, 10th December
Kathy had made some recent changes to GLI, so I've now re-run the automated tutorial testing on Windows. Found a couple of issues (probably) unrelated to Kathy's commits but which didn't appear the last few days when I did Win testing: call to setPrefs from definingLibraries() to change the site needs more time, so increasing the pause to 1.5 seconds (from 0.5 seconds) as I think I chose a timing previously on the border of acceptable and not acceptable. The second change is that the downloadingOverOAI() still broke on creating a new collection (OAICmdDownload) after running the unknownConverterPluginTutorial(). This was another peculiar timing related issue: the new collection created was somehow not given enough time before the Gather pane was clicked and the coll tree view refreshed to view the background file copy. I've moved the creating the collection to before the cmdline download process happens, so there's a little more time before we switch to the Gather pane. This is weird behaviour as it doesn't happen when the tutorial is run on its own and it needs to adjoin the djvuColl tutorial in order for it to exhibit this timing problem.

Nightly Builds and Regression Test Results

See here.

Helpful Tools

YourKit is the creator of innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications. We make use of it to improve the execution speed of Greenstone3. Take a look at YourKit's leading software products: Java profiler and .NET profiler.