Proyecto Biblioteca Digital de Nueva Zelanda
Un sitio muestra desarrollado por los creadores de Greenstone, el Proyecto Biblioteca Digital de Nueva Zelanda. Este sitio contiene diferentes colecciones con temas que van desde las humanidades hasta informes técnicos de informática y colecciones muestra de documentos chinos y árabes.
Greenstone3 Showcase Library
A demonstration site using Greenstone3.
(Unofficial) Eurovision: Open Up
The Eurovision Song Contest is a long-running, live-broadcast televised multi-national competition with a collaborative mission, not dissimilar in spirit to the Olympics. We wish to share our love for the competition, and at the same time demonstrate what is possible when—harnessing some of that passion!—the techniques of Linked Open Data are applied to the Open Source Greenstone3 Digital Library platform.
Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit - AREU
This on-line bibliographic catalogue lists materials held in hardcopy in AREU's research library in Kabul, Afghanistan. AREU's collection includes books, pamphlets, government publications, periodicals, maps, CDs, DVDs, etc. in English, Dari, Pashto and other languages. A case study of customizing the AREU collection.
Agricultural Technology Transfer Society (ATTS)
ATTS is a non-governmental organization accredited by the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs in the Sudan according to the work permit No.2234 dated January 21st 2009.
Arcas: Scientific Primary Sources in Humanities and Social Sciences
ARCAS is an open access portal which includes collections of primary sources for research. These have been collected as part of research projects accredited by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences (FaHCE) of the National University of La Plata (UNLP) in Argentina.
Armenian Rare Books
The first Armenian books were printed in Venice in 1512-1513, whereupon Armenian printing spread rapidly during the XVI-XVIII centuries into cities with large Armenian presence such as Constantinople, Rome, Amsterdam, Madras, Calcutta, Smyrna, Astrakhan, and many others. This small but growing collection presents these historic books in "Realistic Book" format. You can almost smell the books!
La Biblioteca Digital de la Bolsa de Cereales es un proyecto desarrollado por la Biblioteca Institucional de la Entidad.
Brinda acceso abierto a su colección de documentos especializados en la temática agropecuaria, agroindustrial y agroalimentaria, disponibles en texto completo.
La Biblioteca Digital tiene, inicialmente, las características de un Repositorio Institucional que, con el fin de preservar y difundir, reúne la producción intelectual de la Bolsa de Cereales.
El Repositorio está constituído por dos colecciones: Documentos y Publicaciones Periódicas, que aumentará la visibilidad y diseminación de los trabajos publicados por nuestra Institución.
Biblioteca Digital Científica de les Illes Balears
La Biblioteca Digital Científica de les Illes Balears és un portal d'accés a la informació científica i erudita produïda en aquestes illes.
Inicialment conté 11 col·leccions amb un total de 2.283 documents entre manuscrits, llibres, articles de publicacions periòdiques, fotografies i plànols, que s'aniran incrementant de forma continuada.
Biblioteca Digital del programa Pro-Huerta (INTA-MDS)
La Biblioteca Digital del Pro-Huerta es una herramienta de acceso público que reúne y organiza toda la producción del programa en materia de publicaciones gráficas y audiovisuales. Permite la búsqueda y consulta del material por: título, autor, materia, fecha, lugar. Los documentos se pueden descargar o leer online.
Biblioteca Digital Museo de la Memoria
Biblioteca Di del Centro de Documentación del Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos de Chile, es un recurso de acceso público al patrimonio Chileno, constituido por diversas colecciones de objetos y documentos digitales. Mediante esta herramienta el usuario podrá hacer búsquedas directas, que ofrecen una rápida respuesta según tipo de material (textos y manuscritos; iconografía, objetos, fotografías, audios y videos). Este servicio fue desarrollado por Prodigio Consultores
British Parliamentary Papers. Colonies: New Zealand
This collection contains digitised despatches and reports relating to New Zealand from selected volumes of the British Parliamentary Papers.
FAUBA DIGITAL: Repositorio institucional científico y académico de la Facultad de Agronomía de la UBA
La Facultad de Agronomía ha creado su repositorio digital con el fin de garantizar la preservación de la producción intelectual de alumnos y docentes de la Facultad, y de brindar a su comunidad académica la posibilidad de difundir internacionalmente las publicaciones generadas por la misma.
Cuenta hoy con dos colecciones:
TESIS DE POSGRADO: Todas las tesis de doctorado, maestría y especialización desde el año 2011 presentadas a la Escuela para Graduados Alberto Soriano de la Facultad.
TRABAJOS DE INTENSIFICACION: todos los trabajos presentados desde el año 2004.
Hauraki Digital Library
The Hauraki Maori Trust Board (New Zealand) has gathered information over the last fifteen years across a range of activities for the purposes of preserving matauranga Maori and recording significant Hauraki events and images, and making that information accessible to Hauraki Maori and the wider community.
Illustrated London News
A Digital Library of the New Zealand content from the Illustrated London News, 1853 to 1902.
La Biblioteca Digital de la FCEN
La Biblioteca Digital de la FCEN es el repositorio institucional de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, que tiene como finalidad almacenar, preservar y difundir la producción científica, académica e institucional de la Facultad.
Local History Online
North Shore and Waitakere City Libraries, Auckland NZ
Manioc is a digital library developed by the University of the Antilles and Guyane (, specializing in the Caribbean, the Amazon and the Guyana Plateau. The collection contains thousands of documents: digitized texts (historical works and documents emanating from university research projects), as well as audio, video and pictural records relating to cultural, social, economic and political developments. Manioc benefits from several private and public partnerships and is an open access initiative accessible through OAI-PMH harvesting (the base address is
Memoria Académica
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Institutional repository that collects, records, distributes and preserves the academic and scientific production of FaHCE - UNLP. It tries to encompass the entire production, including thus far curricula, course programmes, undergraduate and postgraduate theses, research project summaries, and journal articles published locally or abroad.
Mirabilia Vicomercati
Mirabilia Vicomercati es un proyecto dirigido por la Biblioteca Pública de Vimercate (Milán, Italia), cuyo principal objetivo es la digitalización de las fuentes primarias de la historia local. Incluirá varias colecciones – fotografías, postales, mapas, texto, referencias y multimedia – para promocionar, preservar y poner al alcance de la gente la memoria histórica de Vimercate y su territorio.
MOST Digital Library (UNESCO)
The MOST Digital Library contains results from research carried out during the first ten years of the MOST Programme. The themes covered include Drugs, Globalization and Governance, International Migration, Multicultural Societies, Poverty Eradication, Social transformations, Sustainability, Urban Development and HIV/AIDS. The MOST digital library offers a brief abstract of each document (in English, French and Spanish) that identifies the key issues and arguments in a few lines. The database contains the documents in their original language (English, French or Spanish) and in translation if such a version exists. The user interface is currently in English only, but will shortly also be available in French and Spanish.
National Institution - University Library "Sv. Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola
This is a digital library for the National Institution - University Library "Sv. Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola, in Macedonia.
NZ Chinese Journals
The NZ Chinese Journals database aims to provide greater access to important historical material and make the history of NZ Chinese more visible. The database consists of three Chinese publications - the Man Sing Times (1921-22), NZ Chinese Weekly News (1937-46) and NZ Chinese Growers (1949-72).
Our homes are bleeding / Nos foyers saignent - Union of BC Indian Chiefs
This digital collection draws together several types of primary materials concerned with aboriginal land rights in British Columbia, Canada. The testimonies database contains the hearings of the McKenna McBride Royal Commission (1913-1916). Additional historical records, including maps, documents, newspaper articles, photographs, audio and video clips showing the continual assertion of aboriginal title and rights are available here. The testimonies database will continue to be developed over the coming years to incorporate more audio, video, cartographic and photographic material.
Pacific Archive of Digital Data for Learning and Education - PADDLE
PADDLE provides full text access to a comprehensive collection of Pacific education material. This includes publications from the participating Ministries of Education including strategic plans, education legislation, curriculum frameworks and school policies. It also contains national development plans, statistics and budget information for the fifteen Pacific countries. PADDLE also includes material from international and regional organisations including UNESCO, the Commonwealth Secretariat, the Commonwealth of Learning, Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (PREL), and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat. In recognition of the low bandwidth in the Pacific PADDLE is also available on CD. Built by DL Consulting.
Papers Past
Papers Past contains more than one million pages of digitised New Zealand newspapers and periodicals. The collection covers the years 1840 to 1915 and includes publications from all regions of New Zealand. Built by DL Consulting.
Primeras ediciones de la música de Federico Chopin
Una colección de imágenes digitales de las primeras ediciones impresas de las composiciones musicales de Federico Chopin. La colección fue creada por la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Chicago y, una vez terminada, incluirá más de 400 ediciones. El archivo de configuración de la colección Greenstone para esta colección también ha sido puesto a disposición del público y puede bajarse haciendo click aquí.
REPOSITORIO INSTITUCIONAL Asociación Mutual de Protección Familiar (AMPF)
El Repositorio provee documentos del Mutualismo y de la Economía Social y Solidaria desarrollados por profesionales de AMPF y otros profesionales de entidades mutuales o académicas y relacionados con la Economía Social y Solidaria, permitiendo mediante el acceso abierto, determinar el rastro digital institucional y una mayor visualización de los contenidos.
Sudan Open Archive
The Sudan Open Archive provides free digital access to contemporary and historical knowledge about Sudan. The initial version of the Archive consists primarily of technical reports and unpublished grey literature from the history of aid in Sudan, covering the period from the start of Operation Lifeline Sudan (OLS) in 1989 to the present day. Built by DL Consulting.
The Council of Independent Colleges Historic Campus Architecture Project
This project presents information about significant buildings, landscapes, campus plans, and heritage sites of American higher education and identifies sources for further research. Supported by grants from the Getty Foundation, the CIC HCAP website documents nearly 2,000 places of historical significance on private college and university campuses and includes more than 4,300 images relating to these sites. To date, nearly 370 institutions have participated. On this site, web users can find institutions or places in a particular state or region; seek information about a specific type of architecture, designer, or time period; or gather data for future research.
The Cushing/Whitney Medical Digital Library
The Cushing/Whitney Medical Digital Library is a growing collection of digital resources made available on the Web for scholarship. The Medical Digital Library Committee coordinates the library's digitization activities. Its goals include expanding access to the library's unique collections for scholarly research, and life-cycle management of digital objects. Nine of the collections, mainly presenting images of historical importance, make use of Greenstone. One of these consists of 83 mid-19th century oil paintings rendered by Western-trained artist Lam Qua of Chinese patients with tumors under the care of Yale-trained medical missionary Peter Parker.
The Lincoln Archives Digital Project
The Lincoln Archives Digital project, launched in 2002, is working to provide all executive, legislative, judicial, and military federal records, currently housed in the National Archives of the United States, which were created during the presidential administration of Abraham Lincoln, to the global community.
The records are organized as if virtually within the Archives, and provides an opportunity for related records to link, in a matter of seconds, i.e. photographs, maps, political cartoons, and documents.
Traditional Mongolian script digital library (TMSDL)
This is a continuing project to show the feasibility of using Greenstone to handle digital library collections in traditional Mongolian script, an important cultural heritage for which computerized treatment lagged after the adoption of Cyrillic script by Mongolia in 1946. Recent improvements to the collection involve font format (OTF), font embedding and displaying. The collection contains some very old historical chronicles and is expected to be enriched in the near future.
Ulukau, la biblioteca electrónica de Hawai
Ulujau permite disponer de recursos para el uso, enseñanza y mejora del idioma Hawaiano. Tiene cinco colecciones: "Ka Hoʁoilina: Puke Pai ʁŌlelo Hawaiʁi" (El Legado: Revista de Recursos del Idioma Hawaiano), Periódicos Hawaianos, Baibala Hemolele (La Biblia Hawaiana), Diccionarios Hawaianos, y librosa Hawaianos.
La Biblioteca Digital de la Universidad Católica Argentina es el repositorio institucional que alberga la producción intelectual de la Universidad. Integran el repositorio seis colecciones: Tesis y Trabajos Finales seleccionados por cada Facultad, Revistas y Documentos de Investigación con el aporte de docentes e investigadores de las distintas Facultades, Ponencias presentadas en jornadas organizadas por la Universidad, Libros, editados por la Universidad o por editoriales externas y Contribuciones, colección que aporta material diverso de docentes de nuestra Universidad. La Biblioteca Digital adhiere a la filosofía del acceso abierto a la literatura científica, permitiendo descargar, distribuir, copiar e imprimir su material sin restricciones, asegurando así el cumplimiento de dos objetivos fundamentales:
- Acceso irrestricto a la información, sin barreras económicas, legales o técnicas
- Aumento de visibilidad e impacto de la institución y de sus investigadores