Title, ex.Title and dc.Title notes
From GreenstoneWiki
> Would someone be kind enough to tell me the differences between dc.Title > and title? > > <Metadata name="dc.Title">Gilmour, Gordon, Sapper; 7 Aust. Field Survey > Sect., Darwin, Adelaide River</Metadata> > <Metadata name="Title">10</Metadata> > > Where do they come from, what is the difference and how are they used?
Title is actually the ex.Title metadata, which is automatically extracted (if any) by plugins. Therefore [Title] or [ex.Title] in a format statement means the same thing.
dc.Title is the Title element of the dublin core metadata set, which is normally manually assinged, for example, by the collection creator.
> And how do they interact with the 'extended metadata names'? > [parent:Title]The Title of the immediate parent section > [parent(Top):Title]The > Title of the topmost parent section
[parent:Title] is the value of the extracted title (ex.title) of the immediate parent section Likewise, [parent:dc.Title] is the value of dc.Title of the immediate parent section
> and more generally - where can I find out more about how greenstone > handles qualified dublin core metadata? > [isn't there some use of the ^ symbol?]
1. Greenstone can use the qualified dublin core metadata set (or other metadata sets, even your own one):
In the Enrich panel ->
click "Manage Metadata Sets" -> click "Add" -> select "[Title] or [ex.Title], "dublin core metadata element set" from the "available Metadata Sets" list -> click "add",
then it will be added into the table (on the right hand side of the Enrich panel) where the metadata values can be entered.
Note: [Title] or [ex.Title] in a format statement means the same thing.
2. Then the metadata elements of qualified dc can be used in a way as other metadata elements are, for example, [dc.Title^Alternative]
3. You can create your own metadata set using GEMS.
In the gli directory, run gems.bat or gems.sh.
Or In the Enrich panel ->
click "Manage Metadata Sets" -> click "Add" -> click "New".
4. The available metadata sets are stored in GSDLHOME/gli/metadata
Thanks Shaoqun!