General Documentation
From GreenstoneWiki
About Greenstone
Greenstone users
- Building collections on a remote Greenstone server (En Español).
This scheme allows users to augment and edit collections that are held on a remote Greenstone server. Users work with a modified version of the Greenstone Librarian Interface but do not need to have Greenstone running locally. Multiple users can collaborate on the same collection (though not at the same time).
- Creating digital libraries based on CDS/ISIS databases (En Español) John B. Rose and Pablo Morete
- Building up a Digital Library with Greenstone: a Self-Instructional Guide for Beginners K Rajasekharan and K M Nafala
- Easy Ways to Customize the Display of Greenstone Pages K Rajasekharan and K M Nafala
- Creating a Greenstone Digital Library with Winisis Database K Rajasekharan and K M Nafala
- Converting a Winisis database into a Greenstone digital library K Rajasekharan and K M Nafala
- Time taken to explode bibliography records
Greenstone developers
- User Feedback Mechanism Documentation
This is detailed documentation of the user feedback software incorporated into Greenstone under the “Send Feedback” button. It covers the design rationale and the artifact and is intended for those wishing to extend or modify the software. It is a companion document to the “Greenstone Developers’ Guide”. If you want to know the purpose of the software, you should read the papers listed as “further reading” at the end of this report.
- I’d like to complain: system test plan
Having developed some usability reporting software for Greenstone, it is necessary to test it. This document is broken up into two parts: a description of the software, and a description of the ideal test circumstances. To examine the system discussed in this document go to; to examine the source go to /nzdl/public_html/dana/gsdl on nikau.
User Supplied Documentation
- Customizing the Greenstone User Interface
An illustrated guide to customizing the Greenstone user interface. Written by Allison Zhang of the Washington Research Library Consortium
- Essential Strategies and Skill Sets Towards Creating Digital Libraries Using Open Source Software
National Convention on Library and Information Networking (NACLIN) 2005. By M. G. Sreekumar and T. Sunitha, Center for Development of Digital Libraries (CDDL), Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode.
- Greenstone Ubuntu HowTo (in Spanish)
By Jesús Tramullas,
- Converting a Winisis library Catalogue into a Greenstone Digital Library Application
by Rajasekharan and Nafala (2007). E-prints in Library and Information Science