User contributed
From GreenstoneWiki
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- How to use the filter_text() function to handle diacritics
- How to build CD/DVD-ROMs from collections for redistribution
- How to integrate Greenstone collections into LOCKSS systems
- Moving data into and out of METS formated data
- Creating media streaming video library in Greenstone
- E-commerce and Greenstone, monetizing library and archive collections
- Lucene configuration - the Lucene command interface to access proximity search, fuzzy search, and soundex search.
- Installing Imagemagick on OS X
- Explaining Plugins
- Collection specific plugins
- MetadataCSVPlug notes
- Converting very large CDS/ISIS databases to Greenstone Collections
- Changing the prefix for incremental OIDs a quick hack that is occasionally useful.
- Title, ex.Title and dc.Title notes some helpful details.
- customising export
- Installing Greenstone3 for OS X users
- Useful searching methods in Greenstone2 (in French)
- A case study of customizing the AREU collection