

From GreenstoneWiki

General Greenstone Manuals
Include the latest version of Installer's Guide, User's Guide, Developer's Guide, and the manual of From Paper to Collection for English, Spanish, French, and Russian.
Some of the manuals are also availble in Kazah and Vietnamese (with Greenstone version 2.39 and higher):
Installer's Guide kazakh vietnamese
User's Guide kazakh vietnamese
From Paper to Collection kazakh vietnamese
Inside Greenstone Collections english(HTML) english(PDF)
The document presents and explains the configuration files for a few actual Greenstone collections, and also gives an example of how Greenstone's appearance can be customized. (Note, this document is intended to be used with Greenstone version 2.40 and higher.)
Information about the underlying indexing and retrieval systems used by Greenstone.
How to build a digital library
A book authored by two of the group's project members.