Tutorial exercises
From GreenstoneWiki
Greenstone tutorial exercises (August 2007)
These work with Greenstone 2.74. Print version
Translations of March 2006 version (for Greenstone 2.70): Spanish French Russian
Working with a pre-packaged collection (UNAIDS)
- Installing a pre-packaged Greenstone collection
- Browsing around a Greenstone collection
- Searching within a Greenstone collection
- Leaving the Greenstone digital library
- Exercise: Use the UNAIDS collection to answer these questions
Working with a pre-packaged collection (Digital Libraries in Education)
- Installing a pre-packaged collection
- Browsing around a Greenstone collection
- Exercise: Read the Help page; then answer these questions
- Exercise: Use the How to build a digital library collection to answer these questions.
Installing Greenstone
- Installing Greenstone on a Windows system
- Installing ImageMagick on a Windows system
- Installing Ghostscript on a Windows system
Updating a Greenstone installation
- Removing Greenstone from a Windows system
- Reinstalling Greenstone on a Windows system
- Amalgamating different Greenstone collections
- Installing the Greenstone language pack (2.62 and earlier)
- Enabling other languages (2.63 and later)
- Installing the Classic Interface Pack (2.63 and later)
Building a small collection of HTML files
- Running the Greenstone Librarian Interface
- Starting a new collection
- Adding documents to the collection
- Building the collection
- Viewing the extracted metadata
- Viewing the internal links and external links
- Setting up a shortcut in the Librarian interface
A simple image collection
- Adding Title and Description metadata
- Change Format Features to display new metadata
- Changing the size of image thumbnails
- Adding a browsing classifier based on Description metadata
- Creating a searchable index based on Description metadata
A collection of Word and PDF files
- Viewing the extracted metadata
Formatting the Word and PDF collection
- Tidying up the default format statement
- Linking to Greenstone version or original version of documents
- Making bookshelves show how many items they contain
- Displaying multi-valued metadata
- Advanced multi-valued metadata
Enhanced PDF handling
- Modes in the Librarian Interface
- Splitting PDFs into sections
- Using image format
- Using process_exp to control document processing (advanced)
- Opening PDF files with query terms highlighted
Enhanced Word document handling
- Using Windows native scripting
- Modes in the Librarian Interface
- Defining styles
- Removing pre-defined table of contents
- Extracting document properties as metadata
Exporting a collection to CD-ROM/DVD
A large collection of HTML files—Tudor
- Extracting more metadata from the HTML
- Blocking the stray images
- Looking at different views of the files in the Gather and Enrich panels
Enhanced collection of HTML files—Tudor
- Adding hierarchically-structured metadata and a Hierarchy classifier
- Adding a hierarchical phrase browser (PHIND)
- Partitioning the full-text index based on metadata values
- Controlling the building process
Formatting the HTML collection—Tudor
Section tagging for HTML documents
Downloading files from the web
Pointing to documents on the web
Bibliographic collection
- Using fielded searching
- Exploding the database
- Reformatting the collection to use the exploded metadata
CDS/ISIS collection
Customization: macro files and stylesheets
- Collection specific customisation
- Changing the colour of the page title and page text
- Make your own Greenstone home page
- How to determine which images to replace (advanced)
Looking at a multimedia collection
Building a multimedia collection
- Manually correcting metadata
- Browsing by media type
- Suppressing dummy text
- Using AZCompactList rather than AZList
- Making bookshelves show how many items they contain
- Adding a Phind phrase browser
- Branding the collection with an image
- Using UnknownPlug
- Cleaning up a title browser using regular expressions
- Using non-standard macro files
- Using different icons for different media types
- Changing the collection's background image
- Building a full-size version of the collection
- Adding an image collage browser
Scanned image collection
- Grouping documents by series title and displaying dates within each group
- Displaying scanned images and suppressing dummy text
- Searching at page level
Advanced scanned image collection
- Adding another newspaper to the collection
- XML based item file
- Using process_exp to control document processing
- Switching between images and text
Open Archives Initiative (OAI) collection
- Tweaking the presentation with format statements
Downloading over OAI
- Downloading using the Librarian Interface
- Downloading using the command line
Use METS as Greenstone's Internal Representation
Moving a collection from DSpace to Greenstone
- Adding indexing and browsing capabilities to match DSpace's
Moving a collection from Greenstone to DSpace
- Using Greenstone from the command line
Editing metadata sets
- Running GEMS
- Creating a new metadata set
- Adding a new element to a metadata set