Greenstone FAQ
From GreenstoneWiki
General Information
- What is Greenstone?
- How is Greenstone licensed?
- What platforms will Greenstone run on?
- Are there any mailing lists concerned with Greenstone?
- Are the mailing lists archived anywhere?
- How do I contribute to Greenstone?
Obtaining Greenstone
- Where do I get Greenstone from?
- Are there binary distributions of Greenstone available?
- Is Greenstone available on CD-ROM?
- Is the Greenstone source code available through a Version Control System?
Installing Greenstone
- How do I compile Greenstone from a source or SVN distribution?
- What is the difference between Greenstone's local library and web library?
- How do I use Greenstone's web library with IIS?
- How do I install the Greenstone Librarian Interface as an applet?
Running Greenstone
- OK, I've installed Greenstone. Now how do I make it go?
- What web browser do I need to view Greenstone collections?
- When I start the Windows local library there are two buttons in the dialog box, "Enter Library" and "Restricted Version". They both seem to do the same thing, what's the difference?
- So when should I use the "Restricted Version" of the local library?
- When I start the Windows local library my computer asks me to dial up my Internet Service Provider. Do I really need to be online to run Greenstone?
- I'm trying to use the Windows local library. My web browser is starting up as expected but the Greenstone home page never gets loaded or gives an error message. What's wrong?
- Where can I get more Greenstone collections?
- When I attempt to access certain parts of Greenstone I'm asked for a username and password. What do I enter?
- When I use the large query box function I occassionally get a Not Found error.
- How do I get usage information for my library?
Building Greenstone Collections
- What is the "Greenstone Librarian Interface"?
- What is "the Collector"?
- How do I build a collection from the command line or DOS prompt?
- I built a new Greenstone collection on my Windows machine. Everything appeared to work fine while building, however when I tried to view the collection some of the documents contained no text. Sometimes Greenstone appeared to crash completely. What have I done wrong?
- Why won't the Collector's "export to CD-ROM" function work?
- I'm trying to use the Collector on Windows 2000 but it's running extremely slowly. Is this normal?
- What is "the Organizer"?
- Where do I get the Organizer?
- I'm attempting to build a collection with the collector but it keeps failing with an error. What am I doing wrong?
- What options are available for the collect.cfg file?
- Where can I find some example collect.cfg configuration files?
- How can I build my collection using MGPP?
- How do I fix XML::Parser errors during
- Are there any limits to the size of collections?
- How do I enter non-English metadata in GLI?
- How do I change the search results order?
- What's the difference between MG, MGPP and Lucene?
- How do I build my collection incrementally?
- Can I build collections using the Librarian Interface on a remote server?
More About Plugins
- Does Greenstone have a plugin for my data format?
- What metadata is available for each plugin?
- I'm having problems with my PDF files! What's wrong?
- How do I use UnknownPlug to handle my new format?
- How do I get my CDS/ISIS database into Greenstone?
- How do I get my XML files into Greenstone?
- How do I use DBPlug?
- How do I build collections of documents with images and OCR text (PagedImgPlug)?
More About Classifiers
- I've added a new type of classification to my collection.
- How do I create and add the navigation bar images (2.62 and earlier)?
- How do I translate the navigation bar labels (2.71 and later)?
- How can I do Unicode collation for my classifier?
Customizing your Collection
- How can I customize the appearance of my Greenstone collection?
- What are the formatting options available for my collection?
- How can I hyperlink individual metadata elements?
- How can I hide the dummy text "This document has no text"?
- How do I suppress the link to the Greenstone text version of a document?
- How do I add cover images for my documents?
- How do I link to other sections of my document?
- How do I link to the next or previous search result in a document page?
- How do I search multiple collections at the same time?
- How do handle diacritics?
Customizing Your Greenstone Library
- How do I change the logo on the front page of my library ("greenstone digital library software")?
- Where can I get more information about customizing my Greenstone library?
- How can I add a new page to my Greenstone library?
- What do the cgi arguments used by library stand for?
- How do I change the default settings of the cgi arguments?
- How do I get rid of the external link page?
Greenstone interoperability
- Does Greenstone support z3950?
- Does Greenstone support OAI?
- How do I use DSpace with Greenstone?
- How do I use the Greenstone Corba interface?
- How do I use METS with Greenstone?
User Contributed Information
Registered users may enter their own FAQ entries in this section. This page is not monitored or edited by Greenstone staff.
- How to use the filter_text() function to handle diacritics
- How to build CD/DVD-ROMs from collections for redistribution
- How to integrate Greenstone collections into LOCKSS systems
- Moving data into and out of METS formated data
- Documentation for creating media streaming video library in Greenstone
- E-commerce and Greenstone, monetizing library and archive collections
- Lucene configuration - the Lucene command interface to access proximity search, fuzzy search, and soundex search]].
- Installing Imagemagick on OS X
- Explaining Plugins
- Collection specific plugins
- MetadataCSVPlug notes
- Converting very large CDS/ISIS databases to Greenstone Collections
- Changing the prefix for incremental OIDs a quick hack that is occasionally useful.
- Title, ex.Title and dc.Title notes some helpful details.
- customising export
- Installing Greenstone3 for OS X users
- Useful searching methods in Greenstone2 (in French)