Language-dependent text in Greenstone

Language-dependent text in Greenstone

From GreenstoneWiki

For your information and interest, the language-dependent text in Greenstone comes in these places. We do not attempt to translate the comments that appear in program code, scripts, or configuration files. Our guideline is that non-programming users doing standard things with Greenstone should be able to work entirely in their own language.

User interface
CoreText used in the basic digital library interface for Greenstone>br>On-line help for the basic digital library interface
AuxiliaryText that is generally directed at the library maintainer (e.g. the Administration pages and the Collector)
GLIText used in the Greenstone Librarian Interface
Text in scripts for running (and compiling) the GLI
The gli.txt help file
On-line help for the GLI
Collection buildingOption descriptions and error messages in perl scripts, and plugins and classifiers
ImagesText strings that appear in images that form part of the user interface
ManualsInstaller's guide (35 pp.)
User's guide (50 pp.)
Developer's guide (115 pp.)
From Paper to Collection (45 pp.)
UnixText in and setup.bash. We do not translate text strings that appear during the configuration process (./configure), because people installing programs on Unix usually do so using English.
WindowsText in the InstallShield installer used for Greenstone, and setup.bat. InstallShield comes with many different languages, and we are not responsible for these translations.
BothThe install.txt file
The GNU General Public Licence is written in English, and official translations into other languages do not exist. However, an unofficial translation is appended to the licence text that is presented during the installation process.
Sample Collections
Collection configuration files for sample collections supplied with Greenstone.