Time taken to explode bibliography records
From GreenstoneWiki
Number of records | Averge size (chars) | GLI Memory | Time to explode (min:sec) | Time to switch to Enrich panel (min:sec) | Time to modify a metadata entry (min:sec) |
1000 | 200 - 300 | standard (128 M) | 0:10 - 0:15 | 0:02 - 0:05 | 0:02 - 0:05 |
2000 | 350 - 450 | standard (128 M) | 0:15 - 0:20 | 0:02 - 0:05 | 0:02 - 0:05 |
4000 | 500 - 600 | standard (128 M) | 0:40 - 0:45 | 0:05 - 0:10 | 0:05 - 0:10 |
6000 | 200 - 300 | standard (128 M) | 1:10 -1:20 | 0:05 - 0:10 | 0:05 - 0:10 |
8000 | 400 - 500 | standard (128 M) | 2:30 - 3:00 | 0:05 - 0:10 | 0:10 - 0:15 |
10000 | 300 - 400 | Increased to 256 M | 2:30 - 3:00 | 0:05 - 0:10 | 0:10 - 0:15 |
12000 | 300 - 400 | Increased to 256 M | 2:30 - 3:00 | 0:05 - 0:10 | 0:15 - 0:20 |
14000 | 400 - 500 | Increased to 256 M | 4:30 - 5:00 | 0:10 - 0:15 | 0:20 - 0:25 |
16000 | 400 - 500 | Increased to 256 M | 6:30 - 7:00 | 0:10 - 0:15 | 0:25 - 0:30 |
19000 | 350 - 450 | Increased to 256 M | 9:30 - 10:00 | 0:10 - 0:15 | 0:25 - 0:30 |
Note: This experiment was carried out on a 2.16 GHz computer with 1 GB RAM. Results will vary on different computers.
We plan to add a progress bar during the exploding operation. We hope to speed up the times taken to switch into the Enrich panel and edit metadata there. |