Te Tiupiri 1898-1900: Volume 1, Number 3. 18 January 1898 |
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THE JUBILEE. Maori Newspaper No 3 Vol 1 TE TIUPIRI JANUARY 18, 1898. WHANGANUI. HANUARE 18, 1898. PANUITANGA He tono tenei ki nga tangata e noho ana ki Whanganui nei kia huihui mai ki te Kueri a Mane te 19 o nga ra o Han- uere nei i te 4 o nga haora o te ahiahi kia whakarongo ratou i te ripota a te komiti purei waka o te tau kua pahure ake nei a kia pootitia hoki he komiti mo te tau hou nei. Na Teone Peeti, Tiamana. KARAITIANA ME NUMANA. Kite hiahia koe kite hikoi ki a rite kite haere o tenei wa me tango koe i nga hu o KARAITIANA ME NUMANA Awanui Tiriti o Whanganui. If you want to march with the Times wear CRICHTON & NEWMAN'S BOOTS. Avenue Wanganui
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THE JUBILEE. Whanganui, January 18. 1898. TE TIUPIRI. HEHITINGI MOA. Kote tino whare Hokohoko Kakahu tenei i runga i te utu iti noaiho, ara kaone. Hooro, Paraikete kara, to- kena, he mea whatu ki Niu Tireni. Ritiwe Tiriti, kei tawahi mai o te tiata o Whanganui. G. H. POENE, Kai tuhituhi reta Wini, Toa, o runga e nga roro whare, A he kai Peita whare hoki. o WHANGANUI. KEI whea te toa pai hei haerenga atu mou ki te hoko, kia riro mai ai i akoe te taonga e rite ana mo to moni na maku e whakaatu, kei F. RAWHITEI tangata whakamine taonga kakahu, ara Paraikete Paranene, Wuru Whatu- whatu, Horo, Paraikete kara me nga Hutu tangata, tamariki hoki Haate, tarau, tokena, here Kaki, Perehi, Karapu ringa, toroiho, taora Piihi Hiiti, Kaone, tatana, Paranene angiangi, Potae, Karakaki, Araiaroaro, Henui, Kaone po, Heipene me era atu mea. F. RAWHITEI. Keremeputu Whare, Wikitoria Awaniu, Whanganui. WHERE is the BEST SHOP to go to buy the BEST VALUE for your MONEY ? WHY at CHELMSFORD HOUSE! F. LOVEDAY the CASH DRAPER and DIRECT IMPORTER. Imports the best goods direct from the Manu- facturers and so saves all intermediate profits. For the best value in Blankets, Flannels, shawls, Rugs. Men and Boys' Tweed Suits, shirts, Pants, Socks, Ties Braces, Gloves, Cashmeres Merinos, Dress Tweeds, Sheeting, Prints, and satteens, Flannelettes, Hats, Collars, Bags, Portmanteaux, Pinafores, Chemises, Night Dresses, Aprons and Dresses. F. LOVEDAY, CHELMSFORD HOUSE, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui. HEMI TEINA ME TE KAMUPENE. WHAKAMINE taonga Haeana me nga mea maroa katoa, Wikitoria Awanui Tiriti, Whanganui. Kei konei e tiaki ana tona tini o nga taonga mahamaha o tenei takutai katoa, ara, haeana, rau whare, korere wai, nera, raka, inihi, omu, riihi kai. hapara, hapara koko, toki poke whaki mahi taewa, tapu horoi, pakete wai, kariri pu, paura, hoota, tingara pu, kohua, me era atu tini taonga katoa ka hokona i konei mote utu iti noaiho. M KORANA, PARAKIMETE. Kai whakanoho haeana hu hoiho. TERA WIRI TIRITI, WHANGANUI. M. GORDON, HORSE-SHOER & GENERAL BLACKSMITH. TAYLORVILLE, WANGANUI. W. L. KOO, KAIMAHI mohoanga tangata haere hoiho hanihi kara hoiho. Kei au nga taonga o ingarangai me o Amarika Hanihi, Kara Paraire Wepu. Awaniu Tiriti, Whanganui. W. L. COE, SADDLE, Harness and Collar Maker, Best English, and American Harness, Col- lars, Whips, and Bridles. MONI HEI TUKU. I RUNGA i nga whenua karauna karati kore raruraru i runga i te mokete tuatahi nga moni e tikaana hei tuku. C. PANETA, Roia, Wikitiri Tiriti, Whanganui. MONEY TO LEND. MONEY to lend on good freehold securities of first mortgage, in moderate sums. C. BURNETT,. Solicitor, Wicksteed Place.
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Vol. 1. ] Tuesday, January 18, 1898. Hanuere 18, 1898. [No. 3 RONGO KORERO. NA HOANI TAURI. Kite Etita e hoa he meatu kia koe he korero pai ano enei hei tuku atu ma koutou ki roto i te Tiupiri mana e hari atu ki te ao, kia rongo, kia mohio mai nga iwi i te ahua o ta matau haerenga ki Ingarangi ki te whakarite i te Powhiri mai a nga tino rangatira o Ingarangi kite Pirimia, me nga hoihoa Niu Tireni. Na kite pai koutou ki te tuku atu e pai ana. Poneke, 27 Aperira, 1897. Ka timata ta matau mati iho i te Paraki o nga Hoia, ko maunga kuku te ingoa, ka tae matau kite Waapu, kua ki tonu i te tangata Pakeha Maori hoki a reira, e tatari ana ki to matau ekenga kite Tima, he nui te tangi onga Maori kia matau, I puta te kupu Poroporo aki a tetahi kuia no ngati awa ki tona Tamaiti, haerea e ta, ma te atua koe e tiaki e manaki, mana koutou e whakahoki ora mai kia matau. I muri o tenei ka eke matau ki runga i te tima, ko Tutae- nekai te ingoa, I poroporoaki ano matau, koia tenei ta matau ngari, ka mate, ka mate, ka ora, ka ora, tenei te tangata tu huruhuru nana i whakawhiti te ra, upane e, upane e, upane! Kau ana whiti te ra, ka mutu, karere to matau Tima ki Poti- kupa te ingo Pakeha, kei te Wai- pounamu i te 9 onga haora ka tu atu to matau Tima, Na ia matau ano i Poneke, ka tae mai te reta a nga rangatira o Karaitiati Powhiri mai ia matau kia tae atu ki ta ratau Po ! hakari, hari hoki mo to matau haere nga atu ki Ingarangi. Na ko nga mahi he poroporoaki kia matau, ne ako, kia pai ta matau haere, a kia hoki pai mai o matau ingoa ki muri nei, ka mutu, ka hoki matau ki to matau Tima. 1 te ata o te 29 onga ra, ka haria a matau Pouaka Kakahu ki runga ia Ruahine, no te 30 onga ra ka mahue a Niutireni ia matau i te 8 o nga ra o Mei, ka hemo to matau Tupapaku he Pakeha, no te 9 onga ra, ka tukua to matau Tupapaku, he mea takai ki roto i te kanuehi, ka oti, ka herea te mataa ki nga waewae, ka kokiritia ki runga i tetahi papa takoto ai te Tupapaku, katahi ka nekehia atu ki waho i runga i te niao o te Tima, ka tu katoa matau i te taha, ka karakiatia te Tupapaku ka mutu, katahi ka whakaheke atu kite wai, ko te hohonu o te wahi i whakahekea ai, e wha maero te hohonu o te moana, I konei ka hoki mai te aroha ki muri nei, koi peratia hoki etahi o matau, I taua ra ano, ka hurihia te Tima ahua taiawhio porotaka nei, a tutuki mai ano kite timatanga atu ano, kotera whaka- haere a te kapene, kia mohiotia te ahua o te kapehu, kei te he ranei, kei te tika ranei, a kitea ana kei te tika te kapehu, a haere ana ano to matau Tima i tona huarahi. Na he nui to matau ngahau, takaro putu pooro, kiriti, kanikani, mete tini o era atu purei, he mea kia pai ai te ngakau, kei pouri, kei moke-
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The Jubilee, Tuesday, Jan. 18, 1898. [2] Te Tiupiri, Hanuere 18, 1898. moke te ahua o te tangata, kia Waiora tonu ai nga tangata o te Tima. Na i te 13 onga ra o mei ka kitea atu te whenua e matau, ko taua whenua ko te tonga o marika, ko te ingoa o te kurae ko keipa Hona, ka tae atu matau ki tetahi kokoru, ka tu to matau Tima i reira teretere noaiho ai, kaore i tukua te haika i te hohonu e wha maero te hohonu o te moana o taua wahi, kote take i tu ai i reira, he mea kia ao te ra, ka haere ai, he wehi koi puta te kohu i te po mate te Tima, he whenua kino hoki taua wahi, he huhua no nga kokikoki i nga motu ririki nei e tutu haere ana i waho o te moana, he kowhatu aua motu, a he maha nga Tima i pakaru ki reira, me nga kaipuke, a i kite ano matau i tetahi Tima kua pakaru, a iu katoa nga tangata ki uta, no te unga atu ki uta, ka tikina mai e te iwi maori o taua motu, ka patupatua, ko taua iwi kei te kai tangata tonu i naia nei, I konei ka tohutohu a Kanara Wite Moa kia noho mataara matau i te mea kaore he kariri o nga pu, ka mea ia me whakamau tonu nga peneti, a me whakaki nga paipa korere tinei ahi nei kite Waiwera, mo te whakaeke rawa ake o taua iwi, ka tirere atu ai kite Wai Wera, ka kite ana taua iwi i te Tima i te kai- puke, ka whakaeke mai, tae ana kite toru kite wharau waka te manutanga mai, a ka karapotia te Kaipuke, te Tima ra nei, a kite tukua kia eke mai ki runga, ka patupatua nga tangata o runga e ratau. Ka roa matau e rere ana, ka kite atu matau i tetahi taone ko te kurae one te ingoa, no te Panioro taua taone, kaore he waapu o taua Taone, ka tu atu to matau Tima i waho noa mai o te moana, ka eke mai etahi o taua iwi ki runga i to matau Tima kite hokohoko kiri kekeno, a kotahi te huru kekeno i riro mai, i tetahi o matau, I peka ki te hoatu i te meera te take i tu ai te Tima i reira, i te 15 ka rere atu matau ki tetahi taone nui, e toru pea nekenga ake i Poneke te rahi o taua Taone. Tae atu matau kua whawhai ake taua iwi, a kua mate etahi o ratau, mo te kino o nga Ture te take o taua whawhai, I haere ano matau ki uta, he nui te utu o te kai o te moe, e 4 hereni mo te kai, mo te moe hoki,, No 19 Karere atu matau i reira ki Teneriwhi, ia matau e rere ana i taua moana, ka kite matau i te nui o te Weera e pauta haere ana, tona tini o taua ika, me te Ika penei me te manu nei te rere, e rima o matau rangi e rere ana, ka Timata te kaha haere o te were o te ra, i te whitu ka tino eke matau kite raina, ka rewa te peita o te kaupapa o te Tima i te nui o te Wera, kore rawa matau i kaha kite noho noaiho, kote ra poupou tonu, e kore e kitea te ata o te tangata i a i a e tu ana, e titaha ana, engari ka tu poupou tonu te ata o te tangata koia te raina kite Pakeha, ka pahure atu matau, i taua takiwa, ka heke haere iho te wera o te ra, a ka tae atu matau ki teneriwhi Taone he motu tera, kaore i te Taone pai a reira, he nui te tangata rawakore, tu ai i nga hoki o nga tiriti tono moni ai, ka whakapura i nga kanohi, kia kiatu ai he mata po, na ko nga tamariki kite makaia te moni ki te Wai, Kaore e tatu ki raro, ka mau i te kai ruku te hopu, na he maha nga korero, hei korero ma matau motenei Wahi kati noaiho i konei, e wha o matau ra, e rere atu ana i konei, ka tae atu matau ki Paremata Taone, kote Taone tenei i tata atu ki
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The Jubilee, Tuesday, Jan. 18, 1898. [3] Te Tiupiri, Hanuere 18, 1898. Ingarangi, i a matau i te moana e rere atu ana, ka eke mai te kapene paerata o te taha takutai o Ingarangi ki runga i to matau Tima ka riro ia ia te whakahaere o te Tima katoa u noa atu ki uta, kaore te kapene o te Tima ake e whai tikanga kite Tima, ka tae to matau Tima ki taua taone ka hoatu te meera, ka noho etahi onga pahihi i reira, ka rere atu to matau Tima ki Ranana, ka tae atu matau kite awa o te rewa Teme, karere i roto o taua awa, ka Timata ta matau titiro ki tenei mahi kite whare e tu ana tera me te pari horo, katata matau kite wapu. PANUI PUTURU O TE NUPEPA TIUPIRI. NO TE tahi o Noema 97 ka timatita te whakahaere o tenei whakaaro kia whakaturia he nupepa reo Maori mo te iwi Maori o nga motu o Niu Tireni, he pouri te take, mo to tatau kore e rongo i nga korero o enei motu, puta atu ki nga motu o te ao, me te kore kaore tatau e kaha kite whakaatu i a tatau ake whakaaro i hiahia ai kia rangona mai e nga iwi, e nga Hapu, e nga tangata matau o tatau motu ake e nga iwi hoki o te ao, i runga i enei whakaaro, ka takatu te whakaaro kia whakaputaia he Nupepa, hei pikau atu ia tatau ake whakaaro. I te 5 Noema 97 ka timata te whakauru o te kamupene whakatu o tenei Nupepa, e rima pauna te kohi a te mema kotahi, i whakatuturutia kia 24 nga mema o te kamupene, nga moni £120 o o. No te 8 Noema 97 ka tu te komiti toko whitu kite whakahaere i nga Ture mo te whakahaere o tenei Nupepa, me nga tangata hei mahi, hei whakahaere. Ka kowhiria i roto i te 24 mema, ka whakatuturutia te korama ote komiti, kia to kowhitu o roto o te 24 mema, ka whakaturia ko H. T. Whatahoro hei Etita ko Ru Reweti hei Etita Tuarua, ko Hori Pukehika raua ko Ru Reweti nga tangata hei tiaki, hei kohi moni mo tenei kamupene kite Niu Tireni Peeke, ko Parete Wereta ko Ropata Rangi- tahua hei kai tono inga tangata e hiahia ana kite tango Nupepa, kia homai te utu Nupepa, te utu Panui ranei. Na e rua putanga o tenei Nupepa, ko 4 Hanuere me te 11 ka mutu, ko enei putanga o te pepa nei, he mea tuku moatu ki nga tangata i tae atuai aua nama o aua putanga kua kia ake nei. Na i naianei, kote haerenga mutunga tera o te pepa nei kia koutou i te 11 o Hanuere nei. Kotenei putanga o te pepa nei, ma te moni tonu e tiki mai, no konei e nga iwi e nga Hapu powhiritia mai ta tatau tamaiti ki o koutou marae, kote kai mana i te ono marama e ora ai te haere e 7/6 i te tau, 12: 6, mo nga panui kei te inihi te ritenga pera ano me te Ture o nga mahi pera. Ka paiperatia nga nama o tenei pepa e 52 nga pukapuka i te tau, e rua pukapuka e tika ana ma te tangata i te tau nga, kotahi ia ono marama ia ono marama ka pau te tau, ka hokona ki nga Waipere kite Paremata, ki nga tangata matau, me nga tangata e whakaaro ana kite tango mana, te utu 15/ mo te pukapuka kotahi. Kote maha onga pepa o te putanga kotahi o tenei pepa 1500 i te wiki, kotahi putanga i te wiki, a pau moa te tau. Kite tuku reta mai koutou, tuku mai kia Ru Reweti Etita tuarua Hekeretari hoki o te kamupene, ko nga tangata e tukua moni ana mai, me tuku mai i te pouta- peta ota, kaua te noli te Hiriwha, koi ngaro, a kite hoatu te moni kinga kai kohi a te kamu- pene kei a raua ano nga Rihiti whakaatu i te rironga mai o te moni a te tangata, konga tangata katoa e tango nupepa ana o te Tiupiri i runga i te utu, ka tukua kite panui o te Tiupiri ia toru marama ia tora marama o ratau ingoa me te moni, me nga marama e utu ai ia. Na ka marama koutou i naia nei he me utu tonu e haere ai, haunga nga pepa e tukua noatia atu ana e te whakaaro o tenei kamupene kiana tangata e pai ai. Na te Tiamana, H. T. WHATAHORO. Blacking the nose all over with burnt cork U said to prevent the eyes being dazzled by the reflection of the sun and moon on the water. If young ladies will only remember this when they go boating on the river with their young gentlemen friends, they will save themselves lots of discomfort.
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The Jubilee. Tuesday, January 18, 1898. [4] Te Tiupiri, Hanuere 18, 1898. Persons wishing to have half-yearly volumes (bound) reserved for them should give their in- structions without delay, as only a limited number will be kept back for binding each half-year. PUKAPUKA KAWHENATA. Kite hiahia etahi tangata, ki etahi onga nama o te TIUPIRI kia hangaia, kia whaka Kawhe- natia, me tuku mai he reta, he waea taunaha, e rua pukapuka i te tau, kotahi ia ono marama ia ono marama. The Jubilee. TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1898. KA 58 NGA TAU I NOHO AI I RARO I TE KARA O INGARANGI. KO TE rima tekau ma waru tenei onga tau i noho ai tatou i raro i te kara o Ingarangi; i ako ai hoki tatou ki nga tikanga, me nga mahi a o tatau hoa Pakeha, a e hoa ma, kua mau ranei ia tatou ? Ki taku mohio he patai tenei e kore e pai kia poto te whakautu; a kia utua ranei ki te kaore anake, ki te ae anake ranei: no temea he rahi noa atu nga mea hei ata tirotirohanga ma tatau, o roto o enei tau ka rima nei tekau ma waru. Otira ki te patai koe ki nga Pakeha, ehia nga tau i akona ai e koutou enei matauranga e ako nei koutou kia matau; tera ranei ia e kaha ki te ki mai, e rima tekau ma waru nga tau i akona ai e ia kore rawa atu ia e kaha ki te ki mai i tenei kupu: he aha te take! No te mea e tino mohio ana ia e rima nga rau tau e ako ana in, ka [mau i aia. 1 haere tahanga ano a ia, he atua Maori ano ona, i whawhai ano tetahi hapu ki tetahi, i makutu ano ia, i kainga ano hoki ana kai ki ona ringaringa, i noho ano hoki tana tou ki te whenua, i moe ano hoki ia ki roto ki nga puta rakau, otira to tatou ahua katoa, ia ratou ano hoki i mua atu o te taenga o nga iwi o te tuawhenua o Oropi ki Ingarangi, ara o nga Nomana, me nga Hakitini, a inaianei ano e kia ana tera ano etahi tangata kei Ingarangi, kei kotarani, kei Aerana e kaha ana ki te makutu. Kaati kua roa rawa te kotititanga i te tino putake o ta tatou korero, ko ta tatou korero he utu i te patai kua pataia nei, kua mau ranei ia tatou nga tikanga, me nga mahi I a o tatou hoa Pakeha ? Tena me titiro atu tatou ki nga mea kua akona mai e o tatou hoa Pakeha, kote mea tuatahi tonu kote rongo- pai o to tatau Ariki o Ihu Karaiti. E hoa ma heoi nei anake te tino taonga a o tatou hoa i homai ai kia tatou, ina hoki te ahua o ona hua, he rangimarie, he maungarongo, he aroha. Ko tenei taonga i tere tonu te whawha a o tatou matua a o tatou tupuna: a e tino ki ana ahau, mehe mea i roa te takotoranga mai o tenei taonga kia ratou, homai ai e o tatou hoa etahi tikanga ke, kua kore nga raruraru maha i penei ki runga ki to tatou motu i waenga o te Maori me te Pakeha; tena ko tenei, e homai ana etahi o ratou i te Rongo Pai, ko etahi e homai ana i to ratou taonga kino te waipiro me era atu taonga Kikino a ratou. E tino inohi o ana hoki tatou ko te matua, ko te whaea tenei o te nuinga onga he i waenga ia tatou ake, ia tatou hoki me ratou, ko te waipiro, a e mohio ana hoki tatou he tino tere rawa te whai o te tangata inga mahi kino, i te whai i nga mahi pai; no reira ko nga pai i akona nei ki o tatou matua tupuna e ratou, horomia ake e te kino, otira e hara ta tatou korero i konei mo te kino, mo te pai renei, engari ko tenei Kupu anake kua mau ranei ia tatou, kaore ranei ? Heoi ano te Kupu mo tenei patai; ko nga hua tonu muna e whakaatu, ina hoki ko nga hua o tenei mea o te Rongo Pai he hua papai anake; na ka iti te hunga e tango aua inga hua o tenei rakau, kua kiia ake nei hoki e au '• he tere ke te whai o te tangata inga mahi Kino,
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The Jubilee, Tuesday, January 18, 1898. [5] Te Tiupiri, hanuere 18, 1898. i te whai inga mahi pai, " Otira timata mai i te tau 1814, (te tau i timata ai te Rongo Pai ki tenei motu) tae mai ki naienei Kaore e kore ta tatou hapai i tenei taonga tino nui, a no te tau 1863 ka tu to tatou, Minita tuatahi o te Hahi o Ingarangi, ko Rota Waitoa tu ingoa, no Ngati Porou, muri tonu iho ko Matiu Taupaki, ko Heta Tarawhiti, ko Piripi Patiki me etahi atu he tokoma, a he toko- maha hoki o muri iho ia ratou tae mai ki naienei e whakapangia ana hei minita, me tekau rongo taku ma wha nga mea kei te kura minita i Turanga i tenei tau. He tohu tenei kaore tatou, o tatou matua tupuna ranei, i kore te kite inga hua papai o tenei taonga tino nui i akona mai nei e o tatou hoa kia tatou. Me to tatou mohio ano hoki, he nui nga whenua i hoatu noatu e tatou mo te hahi, he nui hoki nga whare Karakia i hanga e tatou, a ko tetahi onga tino whare Karakia ko Rangiatea i hangaa i te tau 1846 e tu mai nei ano inaianei i Otaki. Enei Katoa he tohu hei whakaatu kihai tatou i ngoikore, ki te hapai i te whakapono, a mei kore to tatou whakapono kihai te pai e takoto nei i waenganui o tatou i penei me ia e takoto nei. Titiro hoki tatou ko te kai tangata ko te patu a tetahi hapu, tetahi, ko te patu noaiho a etahi ano i etahi, o te whanau kotahi, i nga taurekareka ranei i ko te moe a nga rangatira i nga wahine kotahi takau (haunga hoki nga mea kei te pera ano i naienei, kaore i tokomaha) me era atu mahi e kore nei e taea te tatau, kua kore nei i waenga ia tatou, e anga katoa ana hei tohu na te whakapono i kore atu ai, a e ahei ana te ki penei ake e ahau, ko nga takiwa o tatou kua marama, kua kai hoki inga hua papai o tenei rakau o Rongo Pai kei te ngaki tonu inga taru o te putake, kei te hoatu whaka- momona hoki, kia kaha ai te tupu te hua, me te wharara onga manga, kia Kai ai te katoa, a kia waiho ai hoki hei whakamarumaru mo te katoa. Kaore i Mutu i Konei. I runga i te mate o Ta Ropata Taute ka nekehia te ra i kia hei huihuitanga mo te iwi kite whaka- kitenga o te kowhatu o te Parani. A kite pai ake a Ta Ropata Taute i tona mate, ka panuitia atu ano kia rongo te iwi i te tino ra. HE PITO PITO KORERO. Kua puta mai nga ronga o Pahi. atua. Kei te kainga e te ahi, tekau marima nga whare kua pau i te ahi, he whare karakia tetahi no te hahi Weteriana nui atu te kau te hipi kua pau i te ahi ko te putake o te ahi, he ahi tahutahu inga Waerenga ka kaa mui ki nga otaota ka toro haere, no te I4th onga ra ne, ka tino kaha te toro haere o te ahi i te kaha o te hau ka haere atu te ka a te ahi i Mangahao ki Pahiatua me te kai haere inga whare, inga taiepa inga hoiho inga kau, inga hipi, me te oma haere onga tangata me a ratou wahine tamariki hoki ki nga wahi e ora ai ratou. Ko tahi tetahi pakeha he mea panga ana tamariki me tana wahine ki roto i tana weera wai ora ai, a kei te anga katoa te oma anga tangata ki te taone tonu i Pahiatua, a kua kapi tonu i te tangata. Ko te tereina o Wairarapa kaore i puta mai i te mea kua wera nga Piriti. Tetahi whenua kei te kainga hoki e te ahi ko Whakatu, he ahi tahu- tahu ano hoki, kua nui nga whare kua wera, me nga taiepa, me te kai nei a te Hipi pukai ana. A kaore ano i mutu te hiahia o te ahi kai te kai haere tonu, ina ra e ai ta nga rongo o te 14 onga ranei, kua kapi tonu te whenua i te Paoa, he ana te manawa. Tenei ano tetahi whenua ko Pouhangina kei te kainga ano hoki e te ahi i kaa mai ite Ngaherehere, na te kaha tonu onga tangata ki te tinei ka kore e pau te Taone i ahi, engari Kaore ano i mate, kei te kaha tonu te hau, tera e pau te taone. Kote Kaute i naia nei o nga Rakau Kauri e toe ana, tekau tuawha rau miriona putu meiha. e whaka- arotia ana, e kore e tae kite rua tekau tau, ka kore atu he Kauri o Niu Tireni. Na e te iwi e, titiro ano ki tenei mate mo o tatau uri. E titiro whakamiharo atu ana matau kite Purei takaro tangata nei, ka tu nei i nga ra o Pepuere, e heke iho nei, ka uru katoa mai nga tino Toa o tera i mahi o Poihakena o Niu Tireni katoa. A, e tino koa ana hoki tatau kite powhiri atu ti J ta tatau tamaiti kia Hori Eruwera, kaore tatau i te i Wareware i te mea he kiri kotahi tatau meia. A ko matau ko nga Maori e tino koa ana ki ta tatau tamaiti Toa, i te mea kaore he tangata onga koroni katoa e kaha ana ia ia kite purei peka titoko. Kua kite iho matau i roto te kahiti a te kawana- tanga, kua whakaturia tetahi roera komihana, hei ui ui i nga tikanga, me nga whakahaere, me nga mate, o te mahi kari kapia. Ka tae atu taua komi- hana ki o koutou marae ui ui ai i aua take kua kia ake nei. Na kia takatu mai koutou nga iwi nona aua taonga kite whakamarama mai i nga mate i pa mai kia koutou i runga i taua take, mehe mea ia, he mate i pa kia koutou. Ka timata i Takawira tona ui ui haere atu i te 18 o tenei marama.
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THE JUBILEE [6] TE TIUPIRI ODDS AND ENDS. Two violins formerly belonging to the famous M. Alard, have been sold in Paris. One, a Stardivari. fetched £2, 000, and the other, a Jacob Stainer, £250. i Among the many curious things which Stanley brought back with him was a necklace made of thirty-eight human teeth, which was found on the neck of a young warrior. This curio was presented to the Odontological Society. It is stated that some necklaces contained as many as 400 teeth. The i popular fallacy that natives of Africa have perfectly sound teeth is exploded. Mr L. Davis has been arranging with the Northern Steam Shipping Company for a through shipment of the celebrated canoe Omapere from the Bay of Islands to Wanganui. Owing to its great length, which is something like eighty feet, the s. s. Glenelg will have some difficulty in shipping her here. The agents in Wanganui have corresponded with head- quarters in Auckland about the matter, and it is to be hoped will receive a favourable answer, for, with a canoe of the Omapere's size, against our local canoes, it will make things very interesting in our coming Regatta. Mr Davis informs us that she is made of kauri, and out of one log, and is capable of carrying sixty warriors. A document, which was in the library of Sir R. Macdonnell, once Governor of South Australia, has recently been secured by the British Museum authorities; it is the title-deed of the sale of the site upon which Melbourne was built. The land was sold by Australian aborigine chiefs to John '< Batman and others for " 20 pairs of blankets, 30 tomahawks, 100 knives, 50 pairs of scissors, 30 looking-glasses, 200 handkerchiefs, 100 pounds of flour, and six shirts, " and the purchasers were also to pay a yearly rent, in which the six shirts became fifty suits of clothing, and the 100lbs. of flour five tons. Some of this same land was recently sold for £2, 000 per square foot. We think this compares very favourably with New Zealand land purchase records. A curious and practical illustration of the force of water was made the other day in an American town. In a drinking bar a bet was offered that the strongest of men would not stand a quart of water dropped into his hand, drop by drop, from a height of but one yard. A great stalwart fellow rushed at the bet, thinking he could easily bear such a small matter; but, before five hundred drops had fallen, he roared out he had had enough. Each drop seemed to crush his hand, and a great blister was formed in the centre of it. A very simple matter, but a good illustration of the old adage, " Constant dropping wears away stones. " It is the mark of a low nature when a man regards money as an end, and not a means, and finds his chief delight in gloating over his gains. The discovery of Christopher Columbus's log- book, which tradition says was lost during a violent storm on the return voyage from the New World has, " it is alleged, " been recently recovered by a Welsh fisherman while trawling near Tenby. The well-known St. Bernard dog "Rector" has died in America. He was sold for £303 when he left England, but subsequently the monstrous price of £840 was paid for him. He was originally sold by his breeder for £10. With the Maoris it is a belief that people born on a Monday are jealous; on Tuesday, honest; Wed- nesday, quick-tempered, but soon calm again; Thursday, mild; Friday, talkative; Saturday, hot- tempered and quarrelsome; while Sundays, children will be parsimonious. We look forward with great pleasure to the forth- coming Championship Meeting which takes place here next month; especially will we welcome young Hori Eruera of Auckland, we do not forget that he is one of our own colour. We Maoris are all very proud of our champion, who is able to give inches to the best man in the whole of Australasia in a pole jump. The Shah has started a racecourse at Teheran. His Majesty himself is senior steward, keeper of the match book, clerk of the course and scales, judge, and handicapper. Whenever he has a bet, he places two guards with drawn scimitars beside the book- maker. The Shah won't take less than 20 to 1 about anything, and the layer invariably pays out on what- ever wins. We think the guards and scimitars business is a capital idea, and ought to be brought into force in Wanganui sometimes; it would save many disappointments. A Southern paper gives a very sympathetic obituary notice to an interesting character whose death has caused great grief to the Government. Here are the particulars: " There died at Wellington, re- cently a somewhat notable youth named O. A. P. William, who from his birth, was afflicted with impoverishment of the exchequer and general in- conclusiveness of the system. Under the care of a near relative—a Dr Seddon—he was kept alive, when his case appeared hopeless, for several days upon a diet of milk and water, flavoured with the extract of promised beans. Under this treat- meat he revived slightly, was thereupon removed to a higher grade hospital, and entrusted to the care of Dr Grace and other practitioners. The change of scene was not beneficial, however, as in a few hours after his admission to the institution be rapidly sank, and expired as above stated. " The deceased was better known as " Old Age Pensions Bill. "
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The Jubilee, Tuesday Jan. 18, 1898. [7] Te Tiupiri, Hanuere 18, 1898. Na e pouri ana matau mo te rongo kua tae mai kia matau i te ata o te 17 nei, kua nukuhia te tunga o te kooti whenua Maori kite 19 o tenei marama, i runga i te taimaha o te mate o Tiati waari, e koana hoki matau kia rongo matau, kua hoki mai ano tona ora kia ia. The voice of Robert Brown ing was reproduced by the phonograph on the first anniversary of the poet's death. One night in April, 1889, Browning repeated some of his own poetry into the machine, and the waxen cylinder has been untouched till a gathering of friends at Mr Haweis' house enjoyed the rare experience of hearing " the sound of a voice that is still. " This reminds us of the fact that Sir George Grey has left a message to the people of New Zea- land to be repeated on the phonograph after his death. It is now being jealously guarded in the Auckland library. It is estimated that there are still in New Zealand nearly fourteen hundred million feet of Kauri timber still uncut. Twenty years it is believed will see the last of it put through the Saw Mills. In looking over the Gazette we notice that a Royal Commission has been set up consisting of Messrs Mueller and Tregaar, to inquire into the state of the kauri gum industry, and the condition, and status of persons engaged therein. The Com- misioners will start by taking evidence at Dargaville on the 18th inst. —" Kapai. " Owing to the "Grip, " which Sir Robert Stout has contracted, (on Wanganui) the unveiling of the late Premier's statue has been indefinitely post- poned.. We are sorry indeed to hear that Judge Ward is laid up with influenza. News reaches us that most of the officers of the Native Land Court, Wellington, are also in the fashion. The old saying goes: " You might as well be out of the world as out of the fashion, " but perhaps this is very poor consolation to those afflicted. California's latest sensation is a venerable lady who claims to have been kissed by George IV. of England, and wooed by the third Napoleon. The Queen always sleeps in a wooden bed of a particular shape, and made up in a special way, and whenever Her Majesty goes to a strange place, a bed and its furniture are despatched from Windsor for her use. Many a man who is a good shot in this world hopes to miss fire in the next, ARTIFICIAL IVORY. Until recently the substitute used for artificial ivory has been obtained by injecting white wood with chloride of lime, under strong pressure. Within a short time, however, it has been established that a substitute may be prepared with bones of sheep and waste pieces of deer and kid skins. The bones are for this purpose macerated and bleached for two weeks in chloride of lime, then heated by steam along with the skin, so as to form a fluid mass, to which are added a few hundredths of alum; the mass is then filtered, dried in the air, and caused to harden in a bath of alum, the result being white tough plates, which are more easily worked than natural ivory. KITE KAIWHAKATIKATIKA O TIUPIRI E hoa tena koe, ka mihi ake au Kite Kaupapa o nga Wharangi o te Tiupiri, i te mea kua kite iho nei aku kanohi, i te taonga e taea ai, te whakatinana he korero, hei whakamohio, hei painga hoki, ki to tatau iwi maori, mai ano i Wharekauri Kite Wai- pounamu ki Aotearoa tae atu ki tongawhiti nga motu ririki e whakapae atu ra tae atu ki Hawaiki. E marama mae e ? Ina koa to taonga ? Manakitia mai, awhinatia mai, ta tatau potiki i tuna whanake tanga ano kua pakari noa, ka waiho ia hei whakaari ki nga mea e aro mai ana ki o tatau whakaaro, i roto i to tatau 46 mano tangata, mehe mea ka takoto rite, a kite urupu hoki te whakaaro o te rima mano tangata kia whakatipuria paitia a potiki waewae- roroa, kote taea e ia te whakapuaki o tatau take puta noa. Kati ake enei wahi kupu. NA HARE HONGI. Hawera, 6th Haurmere, 1898. Kua hoki mai a te mete timuaki o nga kai ruri i Hamoa me Hanga- ruru me era atu motu o Hawaiki i te kimi i te hekenga mai o nga iwi Maori ki Niu Tireni, he nui te mara- matanga kua riro mai ia ia mo runga i aua take, tera e panuitia ki roto ki te pukapuka whakapapa tangata, Natera matau e koa mo tenei pukapuka ina oti. Kua mau ano tetahi tuna nui e 4 putu te roa e 6 inihi porotaka te matotoru, ko te taumaha e 22 pauna he mea rapu na nga Maori o Patea i te taha ote rere wepiriti,
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MEDICINAL PROPERTIES OF VEGE- TABLES. Spinach has a direct effect upon the kidneys. The common dandelion, used as greens, is excellent for the same trouble. Asparagus purges the blood. Celery acts admirably upon the nervous system, and is a cure for rheumatism and neuralgia. Tomatoes act upon the liver. Beets and turnips are excellent appetisers. Lettuce and cucumbers are cooling in their effects upon the system. Onions, garlic, leeks, olives, and shalots, all of which are similar, possess medicinal virtues of a marked character, stimulating the circulatory system, and the consequent increase of the salvia and the gastric juice, promoting diges- tion. Red onions are an excellent diuretic, and the white ones are recommended to be eaten raw as a remedy for insomnia. A soup made from onions is regarded by the French as an excellent restora- tive in debility of the digestive organs. J. L. TIWIHANA, (Tiemi mititi. ) TANGATA whakamine taonga kai katoa o ia ahua o ia ahua mo te utu iti, kia mahara tonu koutou kite wahi e tu nei taku toa kei te koki tonu o Rititwe Tiriti, me Wikitere Tiriti o Whanganui. J. L. STEVENSON. Full Stocks of GROCERIES, and Produce of Every Description at Lowest Prices. Note the address: Corner of Ridgway Street and Wicksteed Place. F. KOURAMANA. TANGATA hokohoko taonga tuarua kua oti te 1 kakahu te mahi oia ahua oia ahua me te hoko mai ano i nga mea katoa aha koa heaha heaha mai i te ngira tae atu ki te haika. Whanganui. F. COLEMAN, DEALER,,. •. Whanganui. Always in stock second-hand goods of every des- cription. I buy anything from a needle to an anchor. T. R. WIREMU Kai Makete Taonga oti, Taewa, Witi, me Eratu mea Pera. Taupo Ki, Whanganui. T. B. WILLIAMS. AUCTIONEER, Produce and General Salesman. Taupo Quay, Whanganui, KUMANA METE KAUMPENE. Tangata Whakaminetaonga o ia ahua o ia ahua Katoa. Ki oku hoa Maori tena koutou kia mohio mai koutou, ko ahu tonu te timuaki tuturu e whakahaere ana inga tikanga katoa kuakia i runga ake nei. E tino whakamoemiti ana ahau kia koutou, mo te tunga o te nupepa, ka perehitia nei kite reo maori, whaka pakehatia ano hoki tetahi taha. Mehe mea ka whakahaerea tenei pepa i runga i nga whaka- haere kaha tika hoki. Etino mohio ana ahau, era e kapi nga hiahia kua maharatiake i mua noatu, a e tino tumanako ana ahau tera e puta he painga ki nga maia nana nei i whakatu tenei pepa, a tera hoki e tae atu nga painga ki nga maori, me nga pakeha, e noho nei Aotearoa me te waipounamu. A tara atu putanga o te nupepa, katahi ahau ka tuku mai i taku panui i nga taonga o taku toa. I naia nei, ia ka whakamoemiti atu ano ahau kia koutou, a e hiahia ana ahau kia whiwhi tonu koutou i nga haringa o te tau hou nei, na to koutou hoa pono. Na T. D. KUMANA, Riitiwe tiriti, Whanganui. CUMMINS & CO., GROCERS AND GENERAL PROVIDERS, RIDGWAY STREET, WANGANUI. To MY MAORI FRIENDS. You will please understand that I am the proprietor of the firm doing business as above. I am desirous of congratulating you on the es- tablishment of a newspaper printed in Maori and translated into English. If this newspaper is con- ducted on good sound lines I feel sure it will fill a long felt want, and I sincerely trust it will be of mutual advantage to the promoters as well as to the Maoris and European residents of the North Island. In a future issue I will put forward my busi- ness advertisement, meanwhile I again offer you my congratulations and wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR. Yours sincerely, T. D. CUMMINS. PIRIHITARA ME KORUMANA, POIHA Monga Whanau Kotoa. Wikitoria Awanui, Whanganui. « BRISTOL AND COLEMAN, FAMILY BUTHCHERS, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui,
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THE JUBILEE. Whanganui January 25, 1898. TE TIUPIRI. Tiana Porowota me te Kamupene. KAI MAHI HAIRA, WAINA, ME ERA ATU WAI INU INU PERA. Etakatu ana matau kite hoko mai i nga Maori i nga Huarakau Katoa, Ara. Paramu Tere, Pea, Pititi, Aporo, Kuini, Waina, me era atu tini hua rakau. A ka utua atu e matau ki nga Maori te utu, e utua atu ana, pera me te utu e tua ana i nga Pakeha, me peka ake koutou kia kite ia matau i mua ake o to koutou hoenga atu kite taone o Whanganui, ko a matau whare mahi me nga toa kei te rerewe piriti o Aramoho. Me u mai koutou kite patai mai i te utu, ma nga kaitiaki toa e whakaatu kia koutou taku Tari.. Aramoho Rerewe Piriti. NOTICE. A reminder to those persons who have received free issues of the ' JUBILEE. The subscription will be as follows—Half-year, 7/6; yearly, 12/6. Charges for advertisements will be the same per inch as is usu- ally charged by other newspapers; half-yearly volumes 10/6; yearly, 21/-. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ W. MEKE KIRA, He tangata mahi kowhatu urupa ahau, kei au ano nga tauira kowhatu urupa, me te utu moia kowhatu ina- tonoa mai kia tukua atu eau Taupo Ki, Whanganui. W. McGILL, • Monumental Works, Taupo Quay. Wanganui. Designs and Estimates forwarded on applica- tion. THE WANGANUI UP-RIVER TOURIST 1 STEAMER LINE. (New Zealand's Rhine) NEW TOURIST ROUTE. Steamers: " Manuwai, " For all particulars apply to A. HATRICK & CO, Agents M. HOKENA NA ATE KAUMPENE Tangata Whakamine taongo e tango ana irunga te hoko, wuru, hiko hipi, kau me era atu mea pera Taupo Ki, Whanganui. M. HOGAN & COMPANY. LIMITED. GENERAL MERCHANTS. Buyers of Wool, Skins, Hides. &c. TAUPO QUAY, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_WANGANUI. WIREMU KARIMANA, TANGATA Rongoa Whakamaroke Tupapaku i runga i nga Matauranga o tenei wa e roa ai i te Tupapaku e Takoto ana. Wikitoria Awanui, Whanganui. WILLIAM CALMAN, EMBALMER and Modern Undertaker (American System). —— Victoria Avenue. Wanganui.
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TAMATI HAWI TIEMI. Whairaihana. TANGATA mahi ahau mo nga wha- kaara whare, toku tari kei te whare nui o Kamene, Whanganui. THOMAS HARVEY JAMES. (Articled) ARCHITECT. ADDRESS: Cummins Buildings, Whanganui. HOHEPA PAORA, KAMUPENE WHAKAMINE TAONGA KAKAHU WAHINE TAANE. Paraikete, Horo, nga Kakahu Katoa o te tinana o te Tangata. Awaniu Tiriti o, Whanganui. JOSEPH PAUL & CO. DRAPERS. AND. CLOTHIERS, Wanganui. Blankets, Shawls and Clothing, WIREMU HOKA, Whare Kai, inu inu Wai reka. Ritiwe tiriti e tata ana kite Poohi apiha. Rohi, Pikete, Keke, Rare, me era atu mea pai mo te kai. Whanganui. WILLIAM HOGG, Refreshment Rooms, Ridgway Street, close to Post Office. Bread, Biscuits, Cakes and Lollies. REWETI MARE ME TE KAMEPENE. HE kaitiaki, mahi, whakahaere, mihini, haeana, parahi, whakaara piriti, nga mea katoa, e oti ai te kanataraki mahi, nga mea e oti ai te mira kani rakau, mahi paera hanga kaata, paki, kooti, Parakime hoki. Taupo Ki Tiriti o, Whanganui. DAVID MURRAY & CO. IRON and Brass Founders, Engineers Boiler Makers, Millwrights, Blacksmiths. Bridge Building, Ship and General Iron work, Contractors' Plant. Machinery: Cheese and Butter Factory and Sawmill Machinery. TE TINO TARI O TE MOTU TUARAKI. E EKE ki runga i te whenua e eke ki runga i te whenua e tama ma. Nga whenua whare, me era atu mea e hokona mai ana, Ehokona atu ana kite tangata. Ko nga tono katoa, ka whakaotia paitia e au P. RANANA; Timuaki Whakahaere, Awaniu Tiriti, Whanganui. GET ON THE SOIL YONG MAN, GET ON THE SOIL. Great Northern Road Agency. Properties Bought and Sold. Commissions of all kinds executed. P. LUNDON, Manager. TEONE MAKIWHARANGI, KAI tui hera kaipuke. Teneti, Me era atu mea. Kai whakamine kareko. Hiiti. Uhitepu. Me era atu mea hanga teneti. Taporena. Kahu hoiho. Kupenga hao ika. Me era atu mea. Awaniu, o Whanganui. JOHN MCFARLANE, SAIL MAKER, &c. Importer of Calicoes, Sheetings, Damasks, &c. Manufactures — Tents, Tarpaulins, Horse- covers, &c. Avenue, Wanganui. TEWI MAKIWHARANGI. TANGATA Whakamine taonga Rino, me era atu taonga maro, katoa e puritiana ki konei, mo te Hoko. Waea taiepa, Rino uhi whare, Tepara, Neera, Parau, Hapara, me nga mea ngaki whenua katoa, omu, toki, Perohuka, keena kohua kai, Paneke, Pureti me era atu mea pera katoa tona tini noatu onga taonga pera, e hokona ana i konei mo * te utu iti reawa. Ritiwe Tiriti, Whanganui. DAVID MCFARLANE, • WHOLESALE & RETAIL IRONMONGER, Ridgway Street, Wanganui, Hold large stocks of—Fencing Wire, Corru- gated Iron, Staples, Nails, Ploughs, Spades and other garden tools; Camp Ovens, Axes, Slashers, Enamelled and Tin Billies, Pannicans, Plates, and General Ironmongery. All goods sold at lowest market rates.