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Te Tiupiri 1898-1900: Volume 1, Number 14. 05 April 1898 |
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THE JUBILEE. MAORI NEWSPAPER TE TIUPIRI APRIL 5, 1898. WHANGANUI APERE 5, 1898. SMITH & MILLWARD FORWARDING SHIPPING & CUSTOMS AGENTS. COAL AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS TAUPO QUAY, WANGANUI. Telephone, No 96 P. O. Box, 60 TE METE ME MIRIWATE, HE kai tukutuku taonga i runga inga Kaipake Tima ranei. He kai whakahaere Katimaute Me te hoko nui te waro, me era atua mea. TAUPO KI TIRITI, WHANGANUI. Nama o te Terewhono, No. 96 Namama o te Poake o te Poutapeta, No. 60 KARAITIANA ME NUMANA, Kite hiahia koe kite hikoi ki a rite kite haere o tenei wa, me tango koe i nga hu o KARAITIANA ME NUMANA, Awanui Tiriti o, Whanganui. If you want to march with the Times, wear CRICHTON & NEWMAN'S BOOTS. Avenue, Wanganui.
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THE JUBILEE. Whanganui, Apere 5, 1898. TE TIUPIRI, HEHITINGI MOA. Kote tino whare Hokohoko Kakahu tenei i runga i te utu iti noaiho, ara kaone. Hooro, Paraikete kara, to- kena, he mea whatu ki Niu Tireni. Ritiwe Tiriti, kei tawahi mai o te tiata o Whanganui. —WANTED KNOWN. — AUSTLINE CURE FOR ASTHMA. The undersigned wishes to place on the market the above, at a low price, so as to come within the reach of all sufferers. It can be obtained at the " Jubilee " office or from Mr Kitchen, Druggist, Whanganui. SIMPSON— MANUFACTURER, At Wellington. KEI whea te toa pai hei haerenga atu mou ki te hoko, kia riro mai ai i akoe te taonga e rite ana mo to moni na maku e whakaatu, kei F. RAWHITEI tangata whakamine taonga kakahu, ara Paraikete Paranene, Wuru Whatu- whatu, Horo, Paraikete kara me nga Hutu tangata, tamariki hoki Haate, tarau, tokena, here Kaki, Perehi, Karapu ringa, toroiho, taora Piihi Hiiti, Kaone, tatana, Paranene angiangi, Potae, Karakaki, Araiaroaro, Henui, Kaone po, Heipene me era atu mea. F. RAWHITEI. Keremeputu Whare, Wikitoria Awanui, Whanganui. WHERE is the BEST SHOP to go to buy the BEST VALUE for your MONEY ? WHY at CHELMSFORD, HOUSE! F. LOVEDAY the CASH DRAPER and DIRECT IMPORTER. Imports the best goods direct from the Manu- facturers and so saves all intermediate profits. For the best value in Blankets, Flannels, shawls, Rugs, Men and Boys' Tweed Suits, shirts, Pants, Socks, Ties Braces, Gloves, Cashmeres Merinos, Dress Tweeds, Sheeting, Prints, and satteens, Flannelettes, Hats, Collars, Bags, Portmanteaux, Pinafores, Chemises, Night Dresses, Aprons and Dresses. F. LOVEDAY, CHELMSFORD HOUSE, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui. HEMI TEINA MB TE KAMUPENE. WHAKAMINE taonga Haeana me nga mea maroa katoa, Wikitoria Awanui Tiriti, Whanganui., Kei konei e tiaki ana tona tihi o nga taonga mahamaha o tenei takutai katoa, ara, haeana, rau whare, korere wai, nera, raka, inihi, omu, riihi kai hapara, hapara koko, toki poke whaki mahi taewa, tapu horoi, pakete wai, kariri pu, paura, hoota, tingara pu, kohua, me era atu tini taonga katoa ka hokona i konei mote utu iti noaiho. M. KORANA, PARAKIMETE. Kai whakanoho haeana hu hoiho. TERA WIRI TIRITI, WHANGANUI. M GORDON, HORSE-SHOER & GENERAL BLACKSMITH. TAYLORVILLE, WANGANUI. W. L. K O O, KAIMAHI mohoanga tangata haere hoiho hanihi kara hoiho. Kei au nga taonga o ingarangai me o Amarika Hanihi, Kara Paraire Wepu. Awaniu Tiriti, Whanganui. W. L. COE, SADDLE, Harness and Collar Maker Best English, and American Harness, Col- lars, Whips, and Bridles. " F. KOURAMANA. TANGATA hokohoko taonga tuarua kua oti te ' kakahu te mahi oia ahua oia ahua me te" hoko - mai ano i nga mea katoa aha koa heaha heaha mai i te ngira tae atu ki te haika. Whanganui. F. COLEMAN, DEALER,.... Whanganui. Aways in aorkl second-band goods of every des- cription. I buy anything from a needle to an skct tocn
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The Jubilee, Tuesday, April 5, 1898. [2] Te Tiupiri, Apere 5, 1898. whakatu karakia Hauhau, mahi poro- piti huhua kore, ko te whakaaro tika ko te whakakotahi ia tatau i te iwi Maori me nga Hapu, i kapea e te whakaaro; na no naia nei ka hangai te whatatoro a te ngakau, koia te kotahitanga ka tu nei i nga mano e 37, 000 o te motu nei. Arai atu i te Hoko, i te mokete, ko nga mahi ma te kotahitanga koia tenei ki te whakaaro ake. 1. Ko te tono pitihana ki te Pare- mata kia whakamutua te whaka- tuwhera i te Hoko ki te iwi Maori o Niu Tireni. 2. Ko te whakamutu i te Ture mokete riro tonu atu nei o te whenua hei utu monga moni mokete, mo nga takoha ranei; Engari te mokete, aha koa pewhea te roa, e whakaea ana i nga moni mokete, ka ea, ka hoki ano te whenua ki te iwi nona, ki te Hapu, ki te tangata ranei, i penei ai te whakaaro, kia taea ai he moni mo nga whakamahi o te whenua, me te whakanoho kararehe mo te whenua. 3. Hei arai atu i nga Ture kino e mahia ana mai e te Paremata o te koroni, e pa ana mai ki te iwi Maori, me ona whenua, me ona rawa; ma te kotahi o te iwi, o nga Hapu, onga Rangatira, onga mema e tu ana ki te Paremata o te koroni e tae a ai enei whaka- haere e tatau. 4. Kia tukua he Ture ki te Paremata o te koroni e te kotahitanga, kia whakamanaia te Ture kohi moni a te kotahitanga e tono ai ki ia. tangata ki ia tangata onga tangata ano i haina i te kirihipi o te kotahitanga ake. 5. Ko aua moni hei moni takoto ki te peeke, hei hoko whenua ma te- kotahitanga, hei whakaaro ki nga- tangata kore whenua, ki nga tangata pirangi ranei ki te nama moni hei whakapai whenua, her Hoko kararehe whakanoho whe- nua, me era atu whakaaro hei painga mo te iwi o te kotahitanga e kitea ana e te Paremata Maori o te Kotahitanga. Na e te kotahitanga, e nga iwi, e nga Hapu koia tenei te huarahi e pai ai te kotahitanga i naia nei, me penei me enei whakaaro, me etahi ake whakaaro e ngaro ake nei, kei etahi o tatau e mohio ana. Na ma te kotahi o tatau whakaaro e taea ai e nei tu mahi, e tatau, ma te wehewehe o a tatau whakaaro e kore e taea, no konei he mea tino tika rawa kia u te whaka haere i to tatau kotahitanga. Na i konei ka penei ake te whakaaro, he meatika kia kotahi a tatau whaka- aro a te -iwi Maori, me nga Hapu katoa o temotu nei, aha koa te ropu o te Whiti, no Tohu me era atu ropu pera kei nga motu nei; me mahitahi tatau ki nga whakaaro e whakaarotia ana hei painga mo te iwi Maori ake. Na ko te whakaaro haere ki Ingarangi a te kotahitanga
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The Jubilee, Tuesday, April 5, 1898. Te Tiupiri, Apere 5, 1898 e mea nei, kia haere ki te tono i te Ture motuhake mo te iwi Maori, e kore tera e marama i naia nei, i te mea kua kuiratia nei te ahua o te motu nei, mehe mea ko te toitu- tanga o te motu nei penei e ahua tika ana ano, ko tenei e kore e taea, kite haere a tenei haere he mou mou moni, ko te pai anake kia kite i Ingarangi o nga mea haere o tatau. KATI I KONEI ENEI WHAKAARO. . TE ARATAPU, TE WAIROA, KAIPARA, Maehe 22, 1874. E KARA, E MAIHI P. KAWITI, heaha ra te noho putake kore o Ngapuhi ? Tuarua Turua, kua mohio noatu a Rotorua kei te noho putake kore a Ngapuhi. Tenei taaku vvhakaaro mo tenei, kua matau ano a Rotorua ki te putake kore o Ngapuhi, heaha ia i tuhituhi mai ai ka haere atu a Ngapuhi ki tana hui ? Katahi ahau ka matau, he hui titiro whakaaro, he hui titiro matauranga, inahoki ta ratau kupu me haere katoa atu nga tangata whai-matauranga. Heoi e kara e rapu ana ahau ki te putake kore o Ngapuhi, putake kore pea ki te Kawanatanga! heoi ano taaku te mano o Ingarangi, a waiho ana hei Kawenata tuho- nohono mo nga iwi katoa i noho tahatahi i mua mau ana i te tatahau o te waewae te kingitanga whaka- mutunga. He rino he keretu e kore e piri tetahi ki tetahi, ahakoa mea mai a Rotorua ma kia haere atu a Ngapuhi ki oana hui ka piri ai tetahi ki tetahi kahore! tenei nga tohu rae nga putake i matauria ai, te kotahitanga te taatahitanga ranei. Ko nga putake o te reo ko te Atikara te putake o te nauna ko ia te huihuinga o nga mea katoa i te rangi i te whenua. E kara, tenei kei ahau nga putake o nga reo katoa. 1 Koia tenei; 2, Atikara; 3, Haputana Tiwhi; 4, Erihe Heketiwhi; 5, Poronauna. 6, Waapu. 7, Piripohina;, 8, Kanahakihana; 9, Inatahekihana. —Ko nga putake tenei o nga reo katoa, ahakoa manu, ahakoa ngaarara, ahakoa kararehe, ahakoa tangata, kei Ngapuhi tenei matauranga e kore e puta ki te taha ki runga. Hei whakamahara kau atu tenei ki a koe kia matau ai koe e noho whai-putake ana a Ngapuhi, ahakoa e pouri ana i etahi kua marama ke i a au enei mea katoa, tenei taku kupu ki a koe, kaati te whakahoki i nga kupu a runga, kia ngoikore te whakaaro, koia ka kaha mai ai, me te marama ka popo-nunui, a, ka whakaiti, ka tuku nga tai ka whai-ika te moana Heoi ano, ka mutu Na to mokopuna, NA APERAHAMA TAONE. Kia MAIHI P. KAWITI, Waiomio.
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The Jubilee, Tuesday, April 5, 1898. [4] Te Tiupiri, Apere 5, 1898. EHIAHIATIA ANA KIA MOHIOTIA. TIMIHANA AHIRAINA. Rongoa Huango. Na e hiahia ana ahau ki te whakaputa i te rongoa i runga ake nei, mo te utu iti kia ahei ai nga tangata e pangia ana e taua mate te tiki atu i te Tari o te " Tiupiri, " ia Kitini, tiaki rongoa o Whanganui ranei. TIMIHANA TANGATA, HANGA RONGOA. WHAKAMAHARATANGA Powhiritia mai te tamaiti ki o koutou kainga, ko te kai mana i te ono marama 7/6; I te tau, 12/6. Mo te kawhenata kotahi o te ono marama, 10/6; mo te tau 21/. Mo nga panui taonga hoko, kite, ngaro, me era atu panui e utua nei, kei te utu a nga Nupepa te ritenga utu, mo nga ahua tangata nei 12/6 mau ano te ahua, engari kia pai te ahua hei tuku mai. NOTICE. Welcome our child to your respective settlements. The necessary money for our new child is 7/6 per quarter, or 12/6 per annum; for half-yearly bound num- bers of our child 10/6 or £1 is per annum. For all advertisements the charges are on the same scale as European newspapers. Persons desirous of having their photo printed in our child can do so by forwarding their card. The charges altogether is 12/6, the block being their own private property. It is particularly requested that a first class photo be forwarded in order to give satisfac- tion. WHAKAMAHARATANGA. Me tuku mai e nga tangata e hiahia ana kite tango pepa taane wahine ranei a ratau reta, waea ranei, a ka tukua atu te pepa nei. A kia marama te whakaatu mai o te ingoa o te tangata o te kainga o te Poohi, kia tika ai te tae atu o te pepa. Engari koi wareware kite o te potiki nei, e ora ai te haere atu kite whaka rite i to tono mai. Tiamana o te Kamupene o TE TIUPIRI. PUKAPUKA KAWHENATA. Kite hiahia etahi tangata, ki etahi onga nama o te TIUPIRI kia hangaia, kia whaka Kawhe- natia, me tuku mai he reta, he waea taunaha, e rua pukapuka i te tau, kotahi ia ono marama ia ono marama. Mehe mea e hiahia ana koe ki te Pia pai UI MAI KIA KIPA ME ONA HOA. HOKINA ME TIURI MONI takoto tonu mo te Hoko Wuuru, me nga Hiako Hipi, a keia matau nga mea paraoa TiHuka, me era atu mea katoa koia tenei te whare. iti te utu o Whanganui nei. TERAWIRA o WHANGANUI. Persons wishing to have Half-yearly volumes (bound) reserved for them should give their in- structions without delay, as only a limited number will be kept back for binding each half-year.
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The Jubilee, Tuesday April 5, 1898 [5] Te Tiupiri, Apere 5, 1898 THE OHOUTU BLOCK. THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE AND THE NATIVE OWNERS. For some time past a section of the native owners of the Ohoutu Block on the Wanganui river have been anxious to prevent the im- provident members of their tribe from selling their shares in the land, as it was the only property of that description they possessed, and if they parted with it they would be land- ess. Last session they approached the Public Trustee (Mr J. C. Martin), on the sub- ject, and after consultation with them he refused to have anything to do with it unless the land was vested in him on somewhat similar lines to the West Coast settlement reserves. In a subsequent interview the Public Trustee explained the working of the Act to the natives, and, being of opinion that such a system of vesting would prove bene- ficial, they asked him to request the Govern- ment to introduce a Bill for that purpose. This, however, the Public Trustee would not consent to do, seeing that the first question the Government would ask him would be if all the owners were at one on the question, and he could not give them an answer in the affirmative. He decided, instead, to ask the Government to stop the purchase of any land in the Block until next session of Parliament, and, in the mean time, that he would pay a visit to Wanganui, meet the owners of the Block on the ground, and talk the matter oven with a view to deciding on the most suitable course to adopt. Accordingly Mr Martin recently, in fulfilment of his promise, met the natives, explained the working of the West Coast Settlement Reserves Act, and after clue consideration they expressed them- selves as being anxious to have their land brought under a similar system. For that purpose they requested the Public Trustee to ask the Government to introduce a measure into Parliament next session, so that they will have an opportunity of putting their views on the matter before the legislators, either through their representatives in the House or before the Native Affairs Committee if the Bill should be referred to it. The Public Trustee has put the matter before the Govern- ment, who have requested him to draft a Bill, and they will give it their consideration in conjunction with other native measures. Should the Bill become law it will be the duty of the Public Trustee to have the Block, which is estimated to contain about 90, 000 acres, surveyed, roaded and cut up into suitably sized areas, and let to suitable tenants, and the rents, less charges for expenses and advances, paid to the native owners. NATIVE LAND LAWS. ALTERATION IN THE SYSTEM. AUCKLAND, March 28. With reference to the Government proposals to be made at the Huntly native meeting, it is evident they are agreed as to the general policy which should be pursued in connection with native land legislation. Regarding the first proposal—stopping the sale of native land either to the Government or a private purchaser—Mr Carroll explained to a Herald representative, the Government have already made a large purchase of native lands. They have what they consider a sufficient quantity of land, and their next step will be to see into the matter of title, and get everything in this connection placed upon a satisfactory basis. Some of the titles are rather complicated find will require to be looked very carefully into, and this duty will be at once under- taken by the Government previous to the binds purchased being thrown open for settlement. The fact that a large area of land, some of it of splendid quality, to open for leasing should certainly give an , impetus to settlement, and there is every probability, should the proposals meet with approval, that in a. few years land which is at present lying idle and unproductive will be settled and cultivated. The demand for land exceeds the present supply, but with permission being given to the natives to lease their land the demand will be readily met. It is more probable the Government will exercise an im- mediate supervision over the granting of all leases of native laud. What may possibly be done will be the establishment of land boards for the purpose of administering lands in the same manner as Crown lands boards deal with matters pertaining to the throwing open and occupation of Crown lands. So far as the personnel of these boards is concerned, it would be rather premature to enter into such details, but personally he thought that their constitution I may be arranged in this way: The Government
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The Jubilee, Tuesday, April 5, 1898. [6] Te Tiupiri, Apere 5, 1898 could have representatives on the boards, and the natives could also be represented by a certain number of members. These members would naturally attend closely to the interests of the natives, and would doubtless pay particular attention to the terms and conditions under which the lands would be leased. Of course, other members would do the same, the object being to arrange the leases so that the best rents would be obtained for the benefit of the natives. He could not say how the proposals will be accepted by the natives. Some of the most intelligent, however, are desirous that permission should be given them to lease their lands and may be expected to give strong support to the proposals when they are laid before them The opinions of a few of the leading rangatiras were ascertained, and the general opinion appeared to be that the proposals if given effect to would relieve the natives from the difficulty at present experienced of how to reap the benefits which should be obtained from the large area of land at present in their possession. It is certain these proposals will be carefully con- sidered at a conference between the Minister and natives which will be held to-morrow. 28, Maehe, 1898. I whakaatu te Niu Tireni Taima he panui mai te Tarekawhi pepa o Akarana kua whakaaro te kawa- natanga ki te whakapuaki i te Hui Maori ka tu nei ki Waikato kia whakamutua te Hoko whenua a te kawana tanga i nga whenua Maori, kia kore rawa he Hoko ki te kawanatanga me nga Pakeha noaiho. Ko Timi kara nana i whakamara ki te Herara, he nui nga whenua kua riro mai i te kawanatanga o nga whenua Maori, kua nui nga whenua i naia nei kei te kawanatanga e mau ana; ko te mahi ma ratau ma te kawanatanga e takoto ake nei, ko te tirotiro i te ahua o nga pukapuka whaimana o aua whenua i riro maira i te kawanatanga, kia whakahaere kia takoto hangai, he nui nga pukapuka o aua take, e raruraru ana te ahua, a, ma te ata titiro i runga i te tupato etaea ai, ko tenei whakaaro ka mahia tonutia e te kawanatanga i naia nei tata, ka whakatuwheratia ai te Hokohoko o aua whenua hei whakanohonoho tangata ki runga, ko etahi o aua whenua he pai, hei noho anga tangata, a e kore rawa e maha nga tau o nga whenua e takoto noaiho ana, e kore nei e taeatu, tera ka nohoia, ka whaka- paia. A e whakaarotia ana kia hoatu te mana ki te iwi Maori ma ratau e rihi o ratau whenua, a ko te ahua mo te whakahaerenga me tu tetahi Poari whenua, hei whakahaere i nga whenua, pera ano te ahua me nga whenua o te karauna Poari. Ko te ahua o te whakahaere me noho etahi mema ma te kawanatanga ki roto i te Poari, ma nga Maori hoki etahi, ko aua mema ka whakahaere i nga take o nga Maori ki taua whenua, kia utonu ki nga tikanga) me nga painga mo nga Maori e taea ai te Riihi. kia riro mai ai te utu rahi hei painga mo nga Maori. Kaore au e kaha ki te ki ake tera ka whakaaetia e nga Maori, whakaaro kua whakatakoria nei; E ngari ko etahi o nga tino tangata whakaaro tono kia tukua atu te ritenga kia ratau mo te riihi i o ratau whenua. A ko te whakaaro o etahi o nga rangatira whakahahaere e whakaae ana, a ko te tino whakaaro koia tenei mehe mea ka taea te whakaoti tenei, ka mama ake nga raruraru o te iwi Maori o nai a nei, ko enei take katoa, kaata whaka aroarotia i te Hui apopo i Waenganui i nga minita me nga Maori. PITOPITO KORERO. Kua puta mai tetahi panui i roto i te kahiti 24 Maehe, 98, whakatupato na te Kawana o te koroni o Niu Tireni. I runga i te mana o te Ture o te tau 1894 kua whakahaua ia i runga i nga mana katoa i tukua kia ia o taua Ture a te kaunihera, kia kaua rawa tetahi tangata e haere ki Aramoho, ara, kite pito ki runga o te Piriti o Aramoho ahu atu ki runga o te awa Whanganui me tetahi kupenga hao ika ai, ki te kitea tetahi tangata e pera ana ka painatia, ara, ka tonoa kia utu inga moni e £1 e kore e rahi atu i te £20 pauna te whiu a te Ture. I te taenga o nga minita o te Koroni ki Hanatere Waikato, ka takoto te tina ki te whare nui Maori, ka mutu ka tu te tangata whenua ki te manaki, he nui te manaki, mo te taite tuwhera ai te korero o te Hui a te kingi mahuta ratau ko ona iwi, a e ki ana te kingi e kore e mutu te Hui kia tae rawa atu te Pirimia ki taua Hui, a e whakaarotia ana ko te 4 Aperira nei tae ai te Pirimia ki reira ki te whakau i te whakaaro a te kawanatanga whaka mutu i te Hoko whenua a te kawanatanga ake me nga Pakeha noaiho, me reti anake nga whenua toenga o te iwi Maori. Kia mutu te Hui ki Waikato ka hoki mai a Timi Kara ki te Hui ki Waihi a te wiki e heke iho nei. I te 28 Maehe nei ka haere atu te Pirimia i te Tereina ki Nepia kia haere tahi at raua ko te kawana ki te Hui a nga Maori ka tu nei ki te Waipatu Nepia; I muri o tera hui ka haere atu te Pirimia ki Hanatere i Waikato ki te ra Hui. T muri o tera ka haere atu ia ki Rotorua ka hoki atu ai ia ki Akarana, e whakaarotia ana e 8 pea nga ra engari atu ana ia i runga i taua haere ana, ka hoki mai ki Poneke nei.
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The Jubilee, Tuesday, April 5, 1898. [7] Te Tiupiri, Apere 5, 1898 I te 29 nei Hamenetia tetahi wahine no Parihaka, kia tae atu ia ki te aroaro o te kooti whakawa hara nei, a kaore ia i haere atu, a haere atu ana te Pirihi ki Parihaka hopukia mai ana ia ko Tiriwa te ingoa ko te take i hopukia ai kaore i mohiotia. I te weranga o te Pahiatua kua hori ake nei i te ahi, 308 nga whare katoa i pau i te ahi, ko nga moni e tika ana hei utu i nga taiepa i pau i te ahi £3, 374 te utu onga whare i pau £9286, utu o nga purapura karaihe £7, 052, me nga Hipi i pau i te ahi 18. 553 nga kau 5 pau i te aihi 30, me eratu taonga i pau i te ahi £7492. Hui katoa nga utu £30, 344. ] ea mai inga Inihua onga whare £5105, I tino ngaro atu e £16, 350, he nui te pouri mo te mahi a te ahi, e tika ana te whakatauki a te Pakeha nei, he pononga Pai te ahi e ngari he rangatira kino, a koia ra tenei te kino i kia ake nei. I tuwhera te korero o te Hui ki Waihui i Waikato i rawahi atu o Hanatere; na Mahuta te kingi i whakatuwhera te korero o te Hui ki te whakaaro ake te maha onga tangata i tau a Hui e 2, 500; na Henare Kaihau mema o te Paremata, te korera mo te Pire tono i te mana kaunihera Maori kaore i whakaaetia e te Hui, e nga rangatira katoa onga iwi o te motu nei, e nga minita hoki o te kawanatanga o te koroni, a ko te Honore Timi Kara i reira e whaka- rongo ana, Heoi te wahi u nga korero i tae mai i i naia nei 30 Maehe nei. £16, 000, 000 miriona moni kua hoatu ki te iwi Tiaini na nga peeke o te Ingarihi, me o Tiamana I hoatu. Kua whakaatu a te katimana minita o te kawanatanga kite Pare mata, aha koa te nui o nga aitua i tupono mai ki nga raina o te Rerewe me nga pakarutanga onga piriti me era atu aitiua, ea katoa i nga moni ake o te Rerewe, a toe ana te takoha e 3½ paiheneti. E ki ana te Rangitikei pepa o te 31 Maehe nei tokowaru nga kaumatua onga momona era e tae mai ki Niu Tireni nei, ko te maha onga mema o te Hahi momona ki Wairarapa kia ronga i nga korero a Hirini Whananga tetahi tangata Maori rangatira o Nukutaurua i haere i etahi tau kua pahure ake nei atahi nei ano ka hoki mai. Ko Enoka tangata Maori o Parihaka i kohura ra i tona wahine, kua whakataua te mate mona kia Na ka marama mai nga tangata ngakau kino o mutunga o tera whakaaro kino a te tangata kohuru, he moumou i tona tinana ki te Taronati, heoi te whakaarotika ma te tangata, ka ka mohio kei te pera te whakaaro o te Wahine kei te puremu, tukua atu ki tana i hiahia ai. Na ka kino tenei te ingoa kohuru, a koia ano te utu. Ka waiho tenei hei ingoa kino ki ona uri i muri ia ia ka kia he momo kohuru no mea. Otira i huhua ai tenei tu o te raru ia tatau, no te ahua ano o a te Maori noho huihui, moe huihui i te ruma kotahi, kai waipiro o nga wahine o nga taane, nana e nei mahi katoa i whakakaha kia pera. I te taite kua hori ake nei i manu ai nga manuao o Ingarangi, ua haere atu i te moana. Kua tu a Timi Kara i roto o te Hui a Waikato whakamarama i te whakaaro o te Kawanatanga kia whakamutua nga Horowhenua katoa a te Kawana- tanga me nga Pakeha noaiho; a kia hoatu te mana katoa o te Reti whenua ki te iwi Maori, ara i runga i te ahua Poari whakahaere pera, a me mutu hoki te tu onga Kooti whenua Maori. Ka mea a kaihau me whakamana tona Pire, a kaore tera i whakaaetia. Heoi ke te mane te 5 Aperira nei te Pirimia tae ai ki te Hui i Waikato. 190, 000 nga Rapeti e pau ana i te Wiki kotahi i te taone o Wiwi i Pariha; e tata ana ki te 10 miri- ona rapeti i te tau. A e tukua atu ana ki Ranana 300, 000 Rapeti. Ko te tino hoari pea tenei o te ao nei, he mea mahi ki te koura, ki te taimana, ki te Rupi, ki nga Emareti, enei nga kowhatu utu nui o te ao, ko te puritanga ringa, me te tatua i whakairotia ki aua taonga utu nui kua kia ake nei, ko taua taonga na te timuaki o Pahia, e £22, 000, te utu e rite ana mo Hoari, na taua iwi ano tetahi atu Hoari £10, 000, te utu, no Inia etahi hoari e /2, 000, tu utu. Ko te whakaaro nui o nga matauranga o nga tino tangata o te ao, mo nga whawhai e rongo nei tatau, ko ta Marika raua ko Panioro, ki te whakaaro ko Panioro e hinga, mehe mea ka tino whawhai raua; a ki te whakaaro ano, ki te whawhai a Ingarangi rau a ko Ruhia, e ra e tuara a Tiama ia Ingarangi, a era hoki a Wiwi e tura ia Ruhia; na he nui te ua ua o tenei whawhai ki te whakaaro a nga matau- ranga, ma Ingarangi ranei ma Ruhia ranei. Ki te titiro ki te moemoea a Raniera Poropiti, ko te wa tenei mo Ruhia e kai ai i nga kikokiko onga iwi e toru, ia ia ra nga rara e toru i roto i te waha o te Pea, ko taua Pea tenei. E kiana te Pepa o Ruhiu, kua tuturu te whaka- aro o Ruhia kia awhina ia ia Tiaina, Kotahi wiki i muake o te hainatanga a Tiaina te whakanohoa- nga a Ruhia i te wahi e tautohe nei a Ruhia raua ko Ingarangi, i Poata Ata. Kua puta te kupu a te Pirimia i runga i te kore e puta o nga taonga o te takiwa o Turanga Kihipane ki nga taone nunui, ki nga makete, me era atu painga; he mea tika kia mahia he Rerewe raina i Nepia ki Kihipane i naia nei tata tonu. Kua haere te kawana ki te Waipounamu i enei ra. I te mutunga o te Hui, ka hoatu e Airini Tonore e rua nga kahu Maori, hei tohu mo te taenga atu o te Kawana ki te Hui o te iwi Maori o Heretaunga. Kua puta te kupu a nga takuta kia Karatitone e ! kore tona mate e taea, engari ki te whakaaro ka takoto kore kaha ia mo nga Wiki e wha koia tenei te tino Pirimia o ingarangi. E 2000 Hoia o Ruhia kua noho ki Poata Ata i naia nei, 170 nga pu repo hei tiaki i taua wahi.
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The Jubilee, Tuesday, April 5, 1898. [8] Te Tiupiri, Apere 5, 1898. KI TE ETITA o TE TIUPIRI. E hoa tena koe me te komiti, me nga mema katoa o to komiti, kia ora koutou katoa i roto i nga mahi atawhai a to tatau Ariki ka huri iho te mihi. E hoa he mihi noake naku ki nga korero e haria haeretia nei, e ta tatau tamaiti aroha e TE TIUPIRI, ki nga marae huhua o nga motu nei, he nui taku whakapai ki nga korero katoa, ka pai enei korero katoa i te putanga o TE TIUPIRI 5 te No. 1 tae noa mai nei ki te 12 pai rawa atu. Na he meatu naku kia koutou, kaua nga Purei hoiho e tukua ki roto i ta tatau taonga, me era atu ahua o te purei, he whakakapi noa iho i te pepa nei, kia watea ai te pepa mo nga tino korero mo tatou ake, taku whakaaro nga taonga tika hei panui ma koutou, me nga tangata e tuku korero atu ana ki te pepa, ko nga korero e tipu ai koutou te iwi Maori; me titiro koutou ki te ahua o tenei wa, e tipu tonu atu ana te matauranga. Na taku kupu tuatahi ake koia tenei. 1. Kia mau ki te whakaako ia koutou tamariki ki te kura, kia whiwhi ki te matauranga, ma tera e whakaako kia ahua tipu rangatira te tinana me nga whakaaro, ma tera hoki e ako, kia kore e korero kino, kia kore e uru ki nga ahua kino katoa, ma tera ano e ako kia mahi i nga mahi pai, e whiwhi ai te tinana i te taonga, e whiwhi ai i te kai, e tahuri ai ki te whakatipu i ona ake uri kia tipu pai, kia ako ki te mahi kai, ki te whaka tipu taonga, ki te ahu whenua, ki te whakamine taonga mona, me ona uri i muri ia ia; na konei ahau ka meatu ai kia koutou, kia kaha ki te kura ia koutou tamariki ki te kura. 2. —Ki te hoki mai a koutou tamariki i te kura; kaua hei akona hoki e koutou ki nga whakaaro kuare, ara Maori, ki te Mangere, ki te whakahihi, ki nga mahi purei Hoiho, ki nga haere noaiho ki nga Hui Maori, whaka- pau moni ai, me era atu mahi kino e mahia ana i roto i nga Hui Maori. 3. —Kia penei a koutou ake whakahaere, ko te kawe inga tamariki ki te kura tera whakaaro, kia u tera whakaaro a koutou, a taea noatia te mutunga onga kura i whaka- arotia, ma ia tamaiti, ma ia tamaiti. Kia tuturu tena whakaaro a koutou, ko te taonga nui rawa tenei o te iwi Pakeha i te ao nei, mehe mea kaore tenei taonga te kura, e kore e kia a Ingarangi he iwi nui i te ao nei, me era atu iwi e tipu ana i roto i te kura, ko etahi iwi nui o te ao, kaore nei i tipu i runga i nga whakahaere o te kura, aha koa pewhea te nui, te pakari o te tipu o te tangata, te roroa te nunui. Kore rawa e tipu i runga i nga whaka- aro pai, kei roto tonu i te kuaretanga e noho ana o mua mai tae noa mai ki tenei ra; na mehe mea i tipu i runga i te kura aua iwi kua kia ake nei, penei me te Ingarihi, e kore rawa e kia ko te Ingarihi anake te iwi i enei ra, ko wiwi anake ranei, ko Tiamana anake ranei ko Ruhia anake ranei; ka marama mai ia koutou ko te Kura te mea nui o nga taonga o te iwi o te ao nei, he Ture heke iho tenei i te Atua. ki ona iwi i te ao, koia te kupu whakarite a te atua, ko te rangi, ko te whenua e pahemo, ko ana Ture e kore e rereke tetahi tongi kia iti. Na ka mohio tatau ko te kura te mea nui o nga whakahaere katoa o te ao nei. 4. —Na ko tetahi, ia koutou tamariki e noho atu ana i te kura, me tahuri koutou ki te mahi whare kia pai hei noho anga mo nga tamariki me ka hoki mai i te kura, whare penei me o te Pakeha nei, whare ruma, he mea he te moe huihui o nga tamariki me nga matua, he mea. he te moe huihui o nga tamariki me nga matua ratau ko etahi tangata ke noatu, ko • nga whanaunga ranei, he maha nga he e tipu mai ana i tena tu ahua, o te iwi Maori kei te mohio koutou, ki nga he e puta mai ana i roto i taua mahi i te moe tahi me nga tamariki. me te moe i roto i te whare huihui; E hara hoki i te tikanga pai kia moe huihui nga. tangata moe wahine i roto i te ruma kotahi, me nga tangata ke, me nga tangata takakau, ehara i te mea tika kia moe nga wahine taka- kau i roto i te ruma o nga taane takakau;: no reira kia mahara ki nga huarahi penei, he huarahi e nei no nga whakaaro kuare, e tipu mai ai te Hae te riri, te patu, te puremu, te kohuru. Na kua whiwhi ano koutou ki te mohiotanga me te maramatanga, me whaka- kore atu enei tu ahua o te whakahaere e koutou, ma te hanga whare motu hake mo ia tangata, mo ia tangata mea ratau wahine mea ratau tamariki e arai atu tera ahua o te raru- raru kua kia ake nei. Na kei te toe ano a muri o tenei panui aku; E te etita koi hoha koe ki tenei reta, me te roanga atu o muri o tenei reta, ara ki te pai koe koia nei he pika- nga ma ta tatau tamaiti, mau e tuku atu. NA G. B. HALL.
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TEWI MAKIWHARANGI TANGATA Whakamine taonga Rino, me era atu taonga maro, katoa e puritiana ki konei, mo te Hoko. Waea taiepa, Rino uhi whare, Tepara, Neera, Parau, Hapara, me nga mea, ngaki whenua katoa omu, toki, Perohuka, keena. kohua kai, Paneke, Pureiti me era atu mea pera katoa tona tini noatu onga taenga pera, e hokona ana i konei mo te utu iti reawa. Ritiwe Tiriti, Whanganui.