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Te Hoa Maori 1885-1910: Number 44. 07 October 1895 |
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ISSUED QUARTERLY —: " No. 44;: - AUCKLAND- TE HOA MAORI ANO GOOD NEWS. " Tena ra, tatou ka korerorero, e ai ta Ihowa, ahakoa i rite o koutou hara ki te mea ngangana, ka pera me te hukarere te ma; ahakoa i whero me te mea whakawhero, ka rite ki te huruhuru hipi. " Ihaia 1. 18 " Come now and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. " Isaiah 1. 18. THIS MAGAZINE MAY BE OBTAINED AT Bible, Book and Tract Depot—Karangahape Road, Auckland. „ „ 91, Manchester St., Christchurch. „ „ Hardy Street, Nelson. „ „ Cuba Street, Wellington. PRICE, Payable in advance—One Penny each, or Six Shillings per hundred. Postage extra. Correspondence to be addressed "Te Hoa Maori, " care of Bible Book and Tract Depot, Karangahape Road, Auckland. The Prayers and interest of the Children of God are affectionately sought I in connection with this Magazine. John vi. 5-13.
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TE HOA MAORI AND GOOD NEWS. ME PEWHEA TE TANGATA HARA KA WHAKATI- KAIA AI? KAORE e taea e te tangata tenei kupu. Ahakoa pewhea tona matauranga e kore rawa e taea e ia te rapu he tikanga e taea ai tenei patai i runga ake nei. Tena me whakarite ki tetahi tangata herehere e tu ana i te aroaro o te kai whakawa me te tino mohio o te katoa e tika ana te hara e whakawakia nei ia. Ka ahei te kai whakawa ki te tuku, otira ka ahei ranei ia ki te ki atu ki te herehere. Haere, kua whakatikaia koe, e kore ano hoki tetahi e ahei te whakahe ia koe a muri ake nei 1 Ma te Atua anake e whakatika te tangata hara ka tika ano hoki Ia i Tana mahi. Timata atu i te tahi o Roma tae atu ki te waru o nga upoko e whakaatu ana i ta te Atua putake whakami- haro hei whakatika i te tangata hara. Kua hara katoa, Hurai, Tauiwi ranei. Kaore he rereketanga kua hara katoa. Penei te kupu a te atua. Penei ano ta te ngakau o te tangata hara. Kei te mohio koe, e mohio ana ahau e tika ana. Hara! Hara ! E ki ana koe " Ae " na konei ahau i pororaru ai, kei te mohio au he tangata hara ahau; tena me pewhea ahau ka whaka—tikaia ai e kore ai he hara e whakataua ki runga kia au ? Tena tatou ka ata titiro i te tuatahi ki te kahoretanga o tenei e taea—e kore ai koe e whakatikaia—me te titiro ano hoki ki ta te Atua putake anake hei whakatika i te tangata hara. "Kaore he mahi o te ture e tika ai tetahi kikokiko i tona aroaro. " (Roma 3, 20). Ki te aroaro o nga tangata he whakatikaia te tangata whakapono e nga maki e korerotia ana ia Hemi 2, 24. Otira i te aroaro o te Atua Kaore rawa ia e whakatikaia i runga i nga mahi o te ture; Kaore ano taua Hara kia makere noa ki raro. " A kua mohio nei e hara nga mahi a te ture i te mea e tika ai te tangata no te mea hoki kaore rawa he kikokiko e tika
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TE HOA MAORL i nga mahi o te ture. " " Mehemea hoki ina runga mai te tika i te ture, maumau mate noa a te karaiti. " (Karatia 11, 16-21. ) " Te hunga katoa o nga mahi o te ture, kei raro ratou i te kanga; kua oti hoki te tuhituhi, ka kanga nga tangata katoa kahore e mau ki nga mea katoa kua oti te tuhituhi ki te puka- puka o te ture hei mahi ma ratou. He hanga marama ano tenei e kore e tika i te ture tetahi tangata ki te aroaro o te Atua. " Kua takahia e tatou te ture, na reira i noho ui tatou i raro i te kanga. Kaore ano hoki tatou e whiwhi ki te murunga, i runga i to tatou kaha ki te pupuri i te ture, e kore ano hoki totou e whakatikaia. Tera pea koe e te kai korero e ki. " Kia kaha tatou te mahi, ki te aroha ki te Atua, me te pupuri i ana ture, a taihoa ka whiwhi tatou ki te murunga hara me te whakatikanga ? Kei te whea wahi o te Paipera e ki ana, me mahi tatou i ta tatou e paiai 1 Kei whea ano hoki te tangata e mahi ana i te pai 1 Kaore kia kotahi, i runga i putake o te mahi kaore te tangata e whaka- tikaia. Koia nei te kupu a te Atua a e kore ta te Atua e taka. Na me titiro tatou i ta te Atua huarahi hei whakatika i te tangata. Ko te karaiti i mate ! Katahi te whakautu whakamiharo mo aku hara katoa. " He mea whakatika utu kore na tona aroha noa, i runga i ta Karaiti Ihu hokonga, koia hoki ta te Atua i whakaatu mai ai i mua hei whakamarietanga, i runga i te whakapono ki ona toto. " "I tukua nei mo o tatou he, i whakaarahia ano hoki mo tatou kia whakatikaia. Na ka tika nei tatou i te whakapono, ka mau ta tatou rongo ki te Atua, he mea na to tatou Ariki na Ihu Karaiti. " Ma te Atua anake e whakatika. (Roma 3 19-28; 5 1; 8 31-34. ) E te kai korero, me waiho o whakaaro i runga i te ripeka o te Karaiti. Ka hari nga konohi e kite ana me nga taringa e whakarongo ana ki ta te Atua kupu mo te matenga o Ihu, te kai whakapahemo mo te hara. " Heoi e whakakitea nuitia ana e te Atua tona aroha kia tatou, ia tatou hoki e hara ana, ka mate a te Karaiti mo tatou, na tera noa ake he whakaoranga mo tatou e ia i te riri, ia tatou ka tika nei i ona toto " (Roma 5 8, 9. ) Ko te mea kaore e oti i te tangata, kua oti i te Atua. Kua utaina e te Atua o tatou hara ki runga i a Ihu, kua ma nga hara i ona toto i whakahekea. Kua whakaarahia e te Atua i te mate. Ko te tangata e whakapono ana ka whakatikaia ia i nga mea katoa. Na konei te putake mai o te tika o te Atua ki te muru i nga hara o te tangata whakapono, i tika ai ano hoki ki te whakatika ia ia. He tangata i mua kua whakatikaia inaianei— te whakatikanga e te matenga o Ihu, na reira e kore rawa e tu
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TE HOA MAORI. ki te aroaro ano o te kai whakatika—Whakaarohia e taku kai korero Karaitiana! Kua whakatikaia koe e nga toto o Ihu, kaore ano hoki e whakataua he he kia koe a muri ake nei. Na Ihu katoa i waha o hara. Na konei i mau ai te rangimarie. Ae te rongo mau a te Atua, hei noho tonu kia koe mo ake tonu atu. TE POU ARAHI, HE maha nga tangata e korero ana i tenei pukapuka kua kite i te pou whakatupato me to mohio ano hoki ki tona tikanga; tu ai tenei pou i te wehenga o nga huarahi e rua me ona peka e toro ana ki ana wahi, me nga kupu whakatupato kua tuhituhia ki runga. Katahi te tohu pai ki nga tauhou e haere ana ma aua ara! Ka titiro ake ia, ka korero i nga korero kua tuhituhia, haere atu ana ia i runga i te ngakau marama. Ko ta te pou arahi he whakatupato, he whakaatu i te huarahi, ko ta tira-haere he whai i runga i te huarahi e tohungia ana e whaka- aturia ana e te pou-arahi. A ko te huarahi tera e tutuki pai ai ia ki tona kainga. Na, kahore tatou i waiho e te Atua kia haere kore mohio atu ana ki te rangi; kua whakaturia e te Atua Tana pou arahi, hei mea e kore ai tatou e pohehe ki te huarahi. Tena ' tatou ka korero i tetahi o nga tuhituhihinga o taua pou arahi " Tomo atu ma te kuwaha kuiti: he wharahi hoki te kuwaka, he nui noa atu te ara e tika ana ki te whakangaromanga, a he tokomaha e haere ana ra reira: e kuiti ana koki te kuwaha, e kiki ana te ara e tika ana ki te ora, a he ruarua te hunga e kitea ai. " (Matiu 7 13, 14). Na e te kai korero koia nei te pou arahi e whakaatu nei kia koe mo nga huarahi e rua. Kei te whea koe o enei 1 Kei te huarahi whanui ranei kei te mea e tika ana ki te whakangaromanga, kei te huarahi kuiti ranei e tika ana ki te ora ? Kei runga koe i tetahi o enei huarahi e haere ana, ahakoa mohio koe kore mohio ranei. Erite ana ki te awa wai e heke atu ana ki te moana, e penei ana te ahua o te tangata e haere ana i runga i te huarahi whanui, nga ra katoa e ora ana ia e whakatata haere atu ana i a ia ki te moana nui o te pouri- tanga ki te kororia mutunga kore ranei. Kei te whea ano koe o enei huarahi ? Ko tetahi o enei huarahi he kuwaha whanui, he maha te hunga e haere ana ma reira. He whanui te huarahi—kaore e kiki—he nui te huarahi; he inaha nga tangata i whanau ki runga, i noho
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TE HOA MAORI i runga, i mate ki runga. He whanui noa atu hei tuunga mo katoa, he maha nga mea hei kukume hei whakawai mo te hunga e haere ana ma taua huarahi. Te tangata, me tona karakia, me te tangata kore karakia, te Tika me te He, he rite tonu, ka mutu ano ta Hatana whai kia tere te tae o te tangata ki te mutunga mai o te huarahi whanui. E nga kai korero, kia tupato kei uru koe ki roto i te hunga e kumea nei e whakawaia nei e Hatana ki ana whakawainga maha Ko te huarahi whanui koiara te huarahi e tika ana ki te Reinga. Ko tetahi o ana huarahi e tika ana ki te Rangi. Ko tona kuwaha he tika, ko tona huarahi he kuiti; otira e tika ana ki te ora, a he ruarua te hunga e haere ana ma reira. E te kai korero ! Kei runga ranei koe i te huarahi kuiti 1 Kua haere ranei koe i tenei huarahi? Ki te mea kei runga koe i te huarahi kuiti, kei runga koe i te huarahi e tika ana ki te oranga tonu- tanga. Ka uru noa atu koe, engari kaore he ruma e ahei ai koe ki te mau i au kawenga, kaore koutou tahi ko o mahi tikei, e tomo tahi atu ma taua huarahi, me whakarere i tenei taha, ki te tomo koe ma taua kuaha tika, me tomo kautahanga atu. " Haere mai kua rite nei hoki nga mea katoa. " Haere mai ki roto e te tangata hara, haere mai ! Ko Ihu e pohiri nei, Haere mai! Haere mai!! Haere mai! ! ! E kore ranei koe e whaka- rongo ki te pohiri o te rangimarire e pohiritia nei koe e Ihu, ka haere mai " Kei whai wahi takoto noa ana. " " Ko ahau te tatau " te kupu a Ihu, " Ki te waiho ahau hei huarahi tomokanga atu ma tetahi. " Katahi te kupu whakamiharo, ma tetahi—. hei huarahi tomokanga, " Ka ora ia "—ata whakaaroaroa terei kupu Ka ora, —"a ka haere ki roto, ka haere ki waho, ka kite hoki i te kai. " (Hoani 10 9). Na, ko te whea o enei huarahi kei runga koe e haere ana e te kai korero ? Kauaka e ki kaore koe e mohio. Ta te mea kei te mohio tonu koe. Kei te mohio tonu koe i whanau koe ki runga i te huarahi whanui; a ki te mea kaore ano koe i whanau how noa kei runga tonu koe i te huarahi whanui e kawhakina ana ki te mate mutunga kore, otira i runga i enei whakatupato katoa e whakaaturia atu nei hei hopu mai ia koe i nga whakawai a Hatana. Whakamutua te haere i taua huarahi, he huarahi tauheke, kei mahara rawa ake koe ki te hoki kua kore e taea. Pera me tetahi tangata whiu kooti i a ia e tata ana ki te hemo— I karanga ia i mea, " E! kei runga ahau i te tauheke e heke ana, kua kore e mau ia au te pupuri te wiira. " Tona heke e ueke ana ki te reinga. Ko taku inoi tenei kia koe e te kai
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TE HOA MAORI. korero, e tu me te whakarongo ki te rongo pai. " Heoi e whaka- kitea nuitia aua e te Atua tona aroha kia tatou, ia tatou e hara ana, ka mate a te Karaiti mo tatou. " (Roma 5 8. ) I whaka- arahia i whakaotia i Kawari te kupu nui mo te hara. I reira ka whakakororiatia te Atua e Ihu mo te hara, na reira i whakakoro- riatia ai a Ihu e te Atua i te rangi, a he Tangata kei te rangi inaianei, a, " na tenei tangata te murunga hara e kauwhautia nei kia koutou; a mana nga tangata katoa e whakapono ana ka whakatikaia ai i nga mea katoa. (Nga Mahi 13 38, 39). Nana i whakaoti te mahi—" Kua oti. " (Hoani 19 30). Ko te whaka- pono anake tahau. Kia mahara ki te pou whakatupato e whaka- mahara tonu nei i to ngakau ki nga huarahi e rua ki nga wahi ano hoki e tutuki ai enei huarahi. Ko te huarahi kuiti, ko tona tutukitanga ko te rangi, ko te huarahi whanui ki te reinga. Na, kua tohutohutia nei koe e te Atua i runga i Tona aroha i roto i Tana Tama ia Ihu Karaiti. Waihoki ki te kore koe e whaka- pono, kaore he kupu whakahoki mahau a taua ra. HE TOHU TIKA, "Na, tena ra, aotitia mai a Ihowa ki a au; (mo taku whakahaere atawhai hoki kia korua, ) ka atawhai hoki koutou ki te whare o toku matua, homai ano hoki he tohu pono ki a au.... Katahi ka mea mai aua tangata ki a ia, E kore maua e whai hara mo tenei oati au i whakaoati nei koe i a maua. Nana, ka tae mai matou ki tenei whenua, herea tenei miro, te aho whero nei, ki te matapihi i tukua iho nei maua e koe na reira; ko to papa hoki, me to whaea, me o tungane, mo te nohoanga katoa o to papa, me huihui mai ki a koe, ki roto ki te whare Na, ngu tangata katoa e puta atu ana ki waho o ngu tatau o to whare, hei runga ano i tona mahunga ona toto, ko maua ia ke hara-kore; tena ko nga tangata katoa i roto tahi koutou i te whare, hei o maua mahanga ona toto, ki te pa atu tetahi ringa- ringa ki a ia. "—Hosua 2. 12-19. KO Heriko e whakarika ana ki tenei ao e takoto nei i raro i te riri a te atua. Na te aha koia i puta ai te riri, i mau ai te pouritanga ki runga i taua pa mate ? Kotahi tonu te whakahoki mo tenei patai. Na te H-A-R-A—Hara. Heoi kei te whakapehapeha tonu a Heriko. Kei te mohio ranei koe e te kai korero ki te tikanga o taua ingoa o Heriko ? E ki ana etahi tangata mohio ko te tikanga o taua ingoa ko te pa o te marama. He penei te ahua o Heriko ki ta te tangata titiro—he kainga tino pai rawa he teka. Kaore i penei. Na
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TE HOA MAORl. te ahua o te pa i hoatu he teka ki taua ingoa, ta te mea kua poke ke kua ki i te kino noa iho—kua ki i te hiahia o te kikokiko, i te kohuru, i te karakia whakapakoko. I etahi takiwa whakahe ai te tangata mo te kiinga a te Atua kia whakangaromia nga Kanani ki te hoari, me te whakangaromanga ia ratou. Heoi ko taku mea whakamiharo nui ko te manawanui me te atawhai o te Atua ki nga tangata o tenei ao mo te tukunga ia ratou mahi kino kia haere ana a taea noatia mai tenei wa. E tika ana kia wha- kangaromia ratou e wha rau nga tau i mua atu, otira na te atawhai i wawao, na reira ka whakaroaina haeretia te whakawa- kanga ta te mea kaore ano kia mutu noa te hara o nga Amori. E hoa ma kaore ranei te Atua i te whakaatu i Tona mana- wanui ki tenei ao? Ka 1800 nga tau o te matenga o Ihu—no reira mai ra ano ta te Karaiti kianga " Ka naianei te whakawa mo tenei ao"- ahakoa i taua takiwa kua oti te whakawakanga o tenei ao te whakatau otira ko to whakatutu-kitanga ki te mate kei te arohirohi noa. Otira kei te whakaparahako te tangata ki te aroha noa o te Atua—" He kore no te hohoro o te whakaoti o te kupu whiu mo te mahi he, koia i ki tonu ai te ngakau o nga tamariki a te tangata i te mahi he " (Te Kai Kauwhau viii. 11). Otira ka tata te ra whakawa. Ta te mea e kore te Atua e ware- ware ki te ripeka. Ka rapu utu te Atua mo te matenga o Tona Tama Aroha—kei te paru tonu tenei ao i nga toto o te Karaiti, a tera ano ka tu ki te aroaro o te Atua. Kua hara katoa te ao, i te ripeka katoa e tu aua, te Roma, te Kariki, me te Hurai—i reira katoa, i whai wahi katoa i roto i te tukunga ai ia Ihu ki te mate. E aku hoa, e korero nei i tenei pukapuka, kaore nei ano kia whakapono noa kia te Karaiti, E hara ia koe tinana tonu na i ripeka a te Karaiti, otira ki te kore koe e whakapono kia Ia, e whakahoa ana koe ki te hunga na ratou nei i ripeka a te Karaiti. Na te ripeka i wehe nga ropu tangata kia rua—mo te Karaiti, mo te hunga ranei nana nei Ia i ripeka. Eaku hoa, kei te whea taha koutou ? Kei a te Karaiti ranei kei tera taha ranei 1 Na, ko Heriko e rite ana ki te ao i roto i te kapunga ringa. I hanga, e tata ana ki Horano, te awa o te mate, e heke atu ana ki te Moana Tote—te awa o te whakawakanga—kei roto i tenei ahua te wa kua mahue ake nei, me naianei, me amua ake noi o nga tangata hara katoa. Ona hari o mua o naianei—-me te. matenga. E toru enei mea, hara, mate, me to whakawakanga ! Katahi te hanga whakamataku ki te matakitaki i te mano tini e okeoke ana i roto i nga wai paruparu o te mate e aia atu ana. Ki te matenga mutunga kore. E kore ranei koe e maharahara
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TE HOA MAORI. mo enei mea katoa 1 Ki taku mohio ki te pororaru koe, engari e wehi ana koe ki te whaki. Kaore ranei koe e mahara ana mo a muri ake nei 1 Kua rongo a Heriko i ta Ihowa whakamaroke- tanga i te wai o te moana whero, me " Tana whakangaromanga hoki" i nga kingi e rua ia Hihona me Oka pororaru ana. Ohorere ai te ngakau mataku i te makeretanga rau rakau; ka pewhea ra te tangata hara a te wa e tangi ai nga whatitiri o te ra whakawa e haere mai nei ? I ki atu a Rahapa ki nga tutei, " E mohio ana ahau kua hoatu te whenua nei e Ihowa kia koutou, kua tau mai hoki te wehi o koutou kia matou. " Ko tenei mataku ki te Atua kei roto katoa i nga ngakau o ia tangata o ia tangata kaore nei e whakapono ki te Atua, ahakoa huna ia pewhea ranei. Heoi ra i enei katoa, hei aha ake ma te tangata whakamaro tonu i tona ngakau ki te Atua, hei aha tona mataku, a ko te mutunga a taihoa, ka penei me Heriko, whakataikaha tonu a taea noatia te mutunga. Tau noa te riri a te Atua ki runga i taua pa—a ka penei ano te takanga o te riri a te Atua ki runga i tenei ao e taria ake nei—a kua horo tepa whakangaro- mia iho nga tangata o roto, ko Rahapa anake me te hunga i roto i tona whare i raro i te tohu aho whero i whakaorangia. E toru • nga putake o te whakaoranga o Rahapa. Te tuatahi: — I na runga mai i te Aroha noa, He Tauiwi a Rahapa; otira he kino atu i te Tauiwi, he wahine puremu ia. Ko Koroniria te Tauiwi tuatahi i Whakatahuritia ki te whakapona Karaitiana. Otira he tangata tika ia, a he tangata kua whanau hou—mehemea ia e hara i te tangata tika e kore rawa ona mahi atawhai me ona inoi e tae ki te aroaro o te Atua; Heoi ko Rahapa kaore i penei ta te mea he tipuna mai ia no te Karaiti. Kei te rapu te nuinga mo te ingoa o Rahapa mo te piringa o te puremu ki te taha. Kua kiia ano hoki e ratou ko te tikanga o taua kupu " he wahine tiaki whare, " " he wahine tiaki whare tira haere ranai. " Heoi kei te he katoa. Na runga i to ratou kaha ki te rapu i taua kupu na reira i tino mohiotia ai to ratou pohehetanga ki tenei mea nui ki te Aroha noa. TE AROHA NOA, NA. te aroha noa mutunga kore, E te Ariki, e Ihu, otia matou \_ io matou ano ahua, He mahi aroha noa tena timata ai a tae noa ki tenei wa, "
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TO HOA MAORI. E pera ana te korero o tetahi tangata aroha, tangata whaka" pono i a ia e whakawhetai ana ki te Atua nei mo Tona aroha noa nui rawa atu. Ka nui te ahua raruraru a etahi tangata ki te rapu i te tikanga o tenei kupu "aroha noa. " Na, ko te tikanga o taua kupu koia tenei, " He mea homai noa mai take kore. " To te Atua aroha noa. He mahi tena na te Atua i runga i tona pai tona aroha ki nga tangata hara, a heoi te mea tika mo ratou koia kia porowhiu atu mutunga kore. Heoi kua oti noa Karaitiana te tu inaianei i tenei ao nei ki \_ roto i te manakohia o te Atua. (Titiro ki a Roma 5. 2. ) A ka taea hoki te aroha noa i whakaorangia i o matou wairua ki te whakatikaia ano ratou tae noa ki te mutunga o to ratou noho ki tenei ao. Ko te Arika ko Ihua, nana nei i haere mai ki te whakaaturia ta te Atua tikanga, kua ki katoa i a Ia i te aroha noa. E aroha noa hoki Ia ki ona hoa riri. Ka nui rawa Tona aroha nui noa ki te rawa kore. E te kai korero, e pera ana Tona aroha noa i tenei wa. Na te aroha noa a te Atua i whakahaeretia i a Ia ki te whakaatu he tikanga whakaoranga mo nga tangata mate. He mea riro mai na te aroha noa nga mea katoa e whiwhi ai e nga Karaitiana. E kore e tae tetahi ki te rangi ki te kore ia e whakaae ana i haere atu ai ma runga i te aroha noa Kahore he turanga whakahihi i roto i te aroha noa. (Titiro ki a Epeha 2. 8, 9. ) Heoi ia e whakakororia ana Ia nana nei te timatanga te kawenga hoki o nga manakohanga ki te tangata. Ka rere ke te tikanga o te aroha noa ki to te ture tikanga. E mea tono tonu ana te ture he mea o te hunga i hopukia i raro i taua ture. A kahore ano te aroha noa e tono ana i tetahi mea, kahore, engari ka kawe mai i ona mea mo te hunga i arohaina. He mea tika rawa mo te tangata kia hari ai ia i tena, na kona hoki ona mea katoa i riro mai ai ki a ia. Kia waiho te aroha noa i whakaaturia i roto i te tinana me te mahi o to tatou Ariki Ko Ihu hei tikanga mo te whakawhetai atu, me te waiata atu hoki o te hunga ora i te kororia ake tonu atu. E te kai korero, kua whiwhi ranei koe, kua hari ranei koe i nga mea katoa i whakaputaina i te aroha noa a kua whakatata hoki ki a koe. Kua whakakaki ranei koe ki to haereere inaianei ma runga i to tikanga ahuareka to tutu ranei; tera pea e mohio ana koe kei te tatari te Atua kia manawanui. Tera tetahi korero o te tangata ko Waiti whira tona ingoa, e
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10 GOOD NEWS mea ana ia i a ia e kauwhau ana i tetahi ra, E whenei ana te ngawari me taku e hopu ana i tenei ngarongaro. Katahi ia ka kapo engari ia kahore e mau; katahi ka korero ake, ahakoa e ngawari ana te kapo atu e ngawari rawa atu te hemo atu. He kupu whakarite tena nona. E tika rawa taua kupu. E te kai korero kua hemo atu taua mea te aroha noa i a koe hahore ranei 1 Heoi to take ki te aroha noa o te Atua, ira, to ahua tikanga kore. Inana te take nui. " Heoi i te hara e nui noa ana, kua hud noa ake te aroha noa. (Rema 5. 20. ) GOOD NEWS, [ The foregoing Articles are free Translations of the following. ] HOW CAN A SINNER BE JUSTIFIED ? WITH men this is clearly impossible. Man, with all his boasted wisdom, could not devise any plan of effecting this. For instance, a prisoner stands at the bar, really guilty of the crime charged upon him. The judge may forgive, but can •he say to that guilty man, You go away from this bar justified; from this time no person can lay anything to your charge ? GOD ALONE can justify the guilty and be righteous in doing it, Romans 1st to 8th chapter shows God's wondrous plan of justify- ing the guilty. All are guilty, Jews or Gentiles, religious or profane. There is no difference, all have sinned. God says so. Conscience says so. You know, I know it is so. Guilty ! Guilty! " Yes, " you say, " that is what perplexes me. I know I am a sinner; how then can I be justified, so that no charge can be laid to me ?" Let us see first how this cannot be done—how you cannot be justified—and then see what God's only plan is of justifying the sinner. " By the deeds of the law there shall be no flesh justified in His sight" (Rom. iii. 20). In the sight of men the believer is justified by works, as in James ii. 24. But in the sight of God it is absolutely impossible to be justified by works of law: still guilty, guilty. " Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law; for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. " " For if righteousness come by the law, then is Christ dead in vain" (Gal. ii. 16-21). " For as many as are of the works
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GOOD NEWS. 11 of the law are under the curse; for IT is WRITTEN, Cursed is everyone that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. But that no man is justified by the works of the law is evident, " &c. We have broken the law, it can only curse us. We cannot even have forgiveness by all our efforts to keep the law, much more be justified. Do you say, "We must do our best to love God and keep His commandments, and then hope he will forgive us and justify us ?" Where does He say, if we do our best 1 or where is the man that does his best. No, on the doing plan no man shall be justified. God hath said it, and it is hard to fight against God. Let us now look at God's only way of justifying the ungodly. IT is CHRIST THAT DIED ! Oh, wondrous answer to all my sins. " Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God has set forth, a propitiation through faith in his blood, " &c., " who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. " IT is GOD THAT JUSTIFIES (Rom. iii. 19-28; v. 1; viii. 31-34). My reader, let your thoughts dwell on the cross of Christ. Blessed are the eyes that see and the ears that hear God's testi- mony about the death of Jesus, the propitiation for sin. " God commendeth his love towards us, in that, while we were" yet sinners, Christ died for us; much more being justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him " (Rom v. 8). What man could never do God has done. He hath laid our sins on Jesus; they are put away by his atoning blood. God hath raised Him from the dead. Ue that believeth is justified from all things. And God thus not only is just in forgiving the believer's sins, but is righteous in justifying the believer. Though once guilty, yet justified—so justified by the death of Jesus that not one charge can be laid to him that believeth. Oh, think of it, my fellow believer ! God hath so justified you by the blood of Jesus, that nothing can be laid to your charge—all, all has been borne by Jesus. Is not this enough to give you peace 1 Yes, the peace of God is yours. Yes, yours for ever. C. S. THE GUIDE-POST, MOST readers have seen a guide-post, and know its use there it stands at the cross-roads, with its arms pointing
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12 GOOD NEWS. in different directions, and the needed information painted on them. How convenient to the perplexed traveller ! He looks up, reads, and passes on with a light heart. The guide-post points the way, the traveller follows the road pointed out, and finds himself in the course of time at his destination. And God in his great mercy has not left us to travel on to eternity in ignorance of whither we are going; He has set up his guide- posts, so that we may not in anywise mistake our way. Let us pause for one moment and read this one: "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be that go in thereat: because strait is the. gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life; and few there be that find it. " (Matt. vii. 13, 14. ) Now, my reader, here is the guide-post calling your attention to the two roads. Where are you 1 On the broad road which leads to destruction, or on the narrow way which leads to life 1 On one or other you are most certainly travelling, whether you know it or not. Like the river rolling on to be lost in the ocean, so you are speeding on to eternity, every breath you draw bring- ing you nearer to everlasting glory or eternal misery. Which 1 One of these roads has a wide gate, and many there be which go in thereat. The road is broad—no need to crush each other —plenty of room; souls are born on it, live on it, die on it. It is large enough to hold all, and on it are attractions to suit all as they pass along, according to their various tastes. Moral or immoral, religious or profane, it matters not, so long as Satan gets souls to the end of that broad road. O reader ! beware, lest you are one of those whom he is beguiling with his at- tractions. The broad road is the road to Hell. The other road is the road to Heaven. Its gate is strait, its road is narrow; but it leads to life, and few there be that find it. Reader ! have you found it ? Have you passed in at the strait gate of conversion, and are you upon the narrow way that leads to life eternal ? There is plenty of room for you to get through, but no room to take anything with you; every rag of righteousness must be stripped oft which you would fain take with you, and if you enter the strait gate it must be as an empty and naked sinner. " Just as thou art, without one trace Of love, or joy, or inward grace, Or meetness for the heavenly place, O guilty sinner come. "
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GOOD NEWS. 13 " Come, for all things are now ready. " Come in sinner, come in ! It is Jesus who says, " Come. " Will you believe what He says, and enter while "yet there is room ?" " I am the door, " says Jesus, "by me, if any man "—how precious, any man— " enter in, he shall be saved "—mark the word, saved—" and shall go iu and out, and find pasture. " (John x. 9. ) Now which road are you upon ? Do not say, I do not know. You do know. You were born on the broad road; and if you are not born again, you are still hasting to eternal ruin and misery, in spite of the warning cries which have been raised to arrest you. Do not continue your present course, it is an awful incline, lest when you want to stop you cannot. Like a wicked coach-driver when dying—"Ah, " said he, "lam on the down grade, and I cannot find the break. " Poor fellow, with fearful rapidity he was rushing into hell. I beseech you, stop and listen to this good news: " God com- mendeth his love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. " (Rom. v. 8. ) The sin question was raised and settled on Calvary's cross. There Jesus glorified God about sin, so that God could glorify Him in heaven, and now there is a Man in yonder glory, and " through him is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins, and by him all that believe are justified from all things. " (Acts xiii. 38; 39. ) He has done the work—"It is finished. " (John xix. 30. ) May it be yours to accept it now. Remember the guide-post, calling your attention to the two roads, and where they lead to. The narrow one to heaven, the broad one to hell. God has told you so, therefore you are without excuse. W. E. A TRUE TOKEN, *' Give me a true token... And the men said unto her, We will be blameless of this thine oath which thou hast made us swear. Behold, when we come into the land, thou shalt bind this line of scarlet thread in the window which thou didst let us down by; and thou shalt bring thy father, and thy mother, and thy brethern, and all thy father's household, home unto thee. And it shall be, that whosoever shall go out of the doors of thy house into the street, his blood shall be upon his head, and we will be guiltless: and whosoever shall be with thee in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand be upon him. "—Joshua ii. 12-19. JERICHO, viewed from a gospel stand-point, represents the world under wrath—the wrath of God. What was it, think you, that kindled the divine displeasure, and caused it to hang like
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14 GOOD NEWS. a dark heavy pall over the doomed city? There can be but one answer. It was S-I-N—Sin. Yet Jericho appears to have made great pretensions. Do you know what its name signifies 1 Some say it means ' The city of the moon. ' That is how man regarded it—a fair and lovely place; but that is just what it really was not. The character of the city gave the lie to the name it hore, for it was corrupt and vile—full of lust, cruelty and idolatry. People sometimes affect surprise and horror at God telling Israel to put the Canaanites to the sword, and exterminate them; but what surprises rae is the wonderful patience and mercy of the great moral Governor of the universe in bearing with their iniquity as long as He did. Why, four hundred years before this they might have been right- eously destroyed; but mercy interposed, and judgement was delayed because the iniquity of the Amorites was not then full. And has not God displayed the same longsuffering grace with the world at large? It is 1800 years since Jesus died—since He said, " Now is the judgment of this world "—and though even then the world before God was ended and judged, yet the execution of the sentence pronounced upon it has lingered century after century. But man, foolish man, trifles with divine grace—" Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. " (Eccl. viii 11. ) Howbeit, judgment is near. God cannot forget the cross. He must avenge the death of His own dear Son. The world is stained by the foulest murder con- ceiveable, and it will surely stand arraigned before God's bar, red-handed with the blood of its rejected Lord. All the world are alike guilty, for all were represented at the cross—Romans, Greeks, Jews—all were there, and had a hand in that dark deed when Jesus was put to death ! Unconverted hearer, you did not literally crucify Christ, but in rejecting Him you have sided with those who did. The cross divides this audience into two classes—for Christ and against Hira. Friends, on which side are we found ! To which do we belong ? Jericho then was, as it were, the world ia a nutshell. Built nigh by Jordan, the river of death, which flows into the salt sea —the sea of judgment—we have in it the past, present, and future of every lost sinner. Past—sin; present—sin and death: future—sin, death, and judgment! How awful to see thousands around struggling in the black, murky waters of death as they
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GOOD NEWS. 15 are swept away—away into judgment. Does not all this trouble some of you ? I think it does though you may not like to say so. Have you not qualms of conscience and secret misgivings as to the future 1 Is it not so ? Jericho had " heard how the Lord dried up the waters of the Red Sea, " and how He had " utterly destroyed " the two kings, Sihon and Og, and it was troubled " A guilty conscience trembles at the sound of a falling leaf.;, how much more so when the thunders of the approaching storm of judgment begin to mutter. Said Rahab to the spies, I know that God hath given you the land, and that your terror is fallen upon us. " There is locked up in every sinner's heart a secret dread of God, whether he owns to it or not. Still he often hardens himself against God, despite his convictions, and, like Jericho, brazens it out to the end. Wrath fell upon that wretched city at last, —as it will in a more terrible way upon the world ere long—and it was taken, sacked, and destroyed, only Rahab and those in her house, under shelter of the scarlet line, being saved. GRACE was the SOURCE of it. Rahab was a Gentile; yea, she was worse than that; she was a harlot. In Cornelius we have the first Gentile convert under Christianity. But he was a just man, and, doubtless, born again —otherwise his alms and prayers could not have gone up accept- able to God; but Rahab had nothing of this to commend her. I know that, seeing she was an ancestress of Christ, some have left no stone unturned to rescue her name from the infamy attached to it. They have even tried to make out that the word " harlot" might be rendered " hostess, " or " tavern-keeper; " but it is all in vain. Their very efforts do but betray their ignorance of what grace is. GRACE, "It is Thy boundless grace, Lord Jesus, that has made us what we are. It is all grace, from beginning to end. " SUCH were the words used by a dear believer when express- ing gratitude to the Lord for His marvellous grace. People are often puzzled as to what is meant by "grace. " It, simply means " undeserved favour. " The " grace of God " is the
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GOOD NEWS It was the grace of God which led Him to devise the plan of redemption for ruined man; and Christians owe everything they have to his sovereign grace. No one will ever be in heaven who will not ascribe his being there to grace. Grace leaves no room for boasting. (Eph. ii. 8, 9.) It glorifies the One from whom it flows, and brings blessing to its objects. It is the opposite of law. Law demands something from those under it; grace expects nothing, but brings everything with it. Well may one who owes everything to grace triumph in it. The grace exhibited in the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ will form the theme of the eternal song that will be sung by the redeemed in glory. Dear reader, are you in the enjoyment of the numberless benefits which divine grace places without your reach ? Or are you turning the grace and long-suffering of God into an opportunity for gratifying your own lusts, and taking your fill of pleasure and sin 1 It is related of Whitefield that in his outdoor preaching on one occasion, he desired to illustrate the ease with which the blessings brought by grace may become ours. "Just as easy," said he, " as for me to catch this passing fly." He made a grasp at the fly, but failed to catch it, and had to add : " Easy as it is to lay hold of grace ; it is easier still to miss it!" How true this is, my reader ! Are you missing it ? Your only claim to God's grace is need. Behold, then, your title. " Where sin abounded, GRACE did much more abound." (Rom. v. 20.). E. Y, G.