Te Hoa Maori 1885-1910: Number 40. 03 October 1895

Te Hoa Maori 1885-1910: Number 40. 03 October 1895

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          (He  mea tapiri tenei ki nga mea i oti nei. )

   MURI   iho ka tae mai era wahine, ka mea, E te Ariki, e

      te Ariki, uakina ki a matau. Na ka whakahokia e ia,

ka mea, He  pono  taku e mea nei ki a koutou, kahore ahau a

mohio ki a koutou. " Matiu 25, 11, 12.

   Na, tera tetahi mea ki roto i te karaipeture kua oti nei te tuhi-

tuhi i runga ake nei, he mea tera kia whakahaeretia muri iho i

te tangohanga o nga tamariki o te Atua i tenei ao, he mea tera

kihai ahau i ata whakaaturia i roto i nga korero i oti nei te panui,

Otia  ko tenei taku e pai ai kia ata korerotia e ahau inaianei i

nga tikanga o taua karaipeture ki aku hoa Maori  e ki na nei

ratou e whakapono ana ratou ki te ingoa e te Karaiti.

  Ko  taua korero ko tenei. Tera he whakaaro taimaha mo aua

wahine  kuare o taua karaipeture, ko tenei, ka tino marama ratou

kua mahue rawa ratou ki waho mo te whakawakanga, a ka mohio

hoki ratou i tena i tua mai o te taenga mai o taua whakawakanga

 ki a ratou.

 Kua tae rawa mai te Ariki ki taua wa kua kore-

         rotia e ahau ki runga ake ra:

   A ko nga hoa o aua tangata whakapono hanga noa iho, e ki

 ana nei e whakapono ana ratou otira e kore e whakapono, a ko

 o ratou hoa ka  riro katoa ratou ahakoa Pakeha, Maori ranei,

 kua toremi katoa ratou. He toremitanga miharo tera. Kahore

 nga tangata i mahue atu e mohio ana he rironga pehea ranei he

 rironga ki hea ranei o ratou hoa. A, ka tau te mea pouri ki a

 ratou. A hei konei ka tino mohio ai ratou he mea tika rawa te

 korero o to ratou hoa. A, kua tae mai hoki te Ariki. A, kua

 riro atu hoki ratou tahi. Ae  ra! kua riro atu ki te noho ki a

 Ihu ake tonu atu; engari ko te hunga kua mahue, kua tino he


   Na, tera etahi kei waenganui o te hunga ma ratou tenei tuhitu-

 hinga kei te mohio ratou kahore ano ratou i ata rite ki te whaka-

 taki ki te tane marena hon. Otira kei te mahi ratou, ka mahi

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               TE HOA MAORI

ratou i runga i o ratou ano kaha, kia tika ai ratou. Ara, kei te

whakamatau ratou ki te hoko i te hinu ! Engari kia ata marama

ai nga tangata ki tenei, i taua wa tonu kua whakatakotoria te

tikanga nui, " A to ratou haerenga atu ki te hoko, ka tae mai te

tane marena hou. "

  Kua mutu rawa te wa o te hoko. Kua mahue noa te take kia

mahia  ai ratou kia tika, kia rite,

          A  kahore ano ratou i ata rite.

Heoi ano, " A tomo tahi ana me ia ki te marenatanga te hunga

kua  ata rite: a tutakina ana te tatau. "

   I te korero i runga ake nei, ko te hunga e kore ratou i ata rite

nei, ka tu ratou ki waho i te tatau, a, e kore rawa ratou i tomo ki

roto, ake tonu atu !  A, ka kore ranei ratou e mohio ana ki


   Ka mohio. Ka  tino mohio ai ratou ki tena. Ko to ratou

 wahine, o ratou tamariki, matua, o ratou hoa, ka riro atu katoa

 ratou, a ka haere nga tangata ki te rapu i a ratou. A, i te rapu-

 tanga ka tutaki ki etahi atu o te hunga taihoa e pena ana te rapu

 i o ratou wahine, tamariki, matua, ratou ko o ratou hoa. A, ka

 haere tonu ki te rapu ka tutaki ki etahi atu ano e rapu ana i te

 hunga kua riro atu nei.

  Katahi ka tau te mohiotanga whakawehe ki a ratou. Ka mohio

 ratou inaianei ka tika tonu te kupu a te hunga karaitiana. Kua

 tae mai te Ariki, kua riro atu hoki ratou ki a Ia. Aue kua

 mahue matou mo te whakawakanga.

           " Na, i karanga atu ahau. "

   Katahi ka  ata rite te kupu kua  oti ra te tuhituhi, "Na, i

 karanga atu ahau, heoi kihai koutou i pai mai, i totoro atu toku

 ringa, a kihai etahi i whai whakaaro mai: heoi whakakahoretia

 iho e koutou i aro mai ki taku ako. Na reira ka kata ano ahau

 ki to koutou aitua, ka tawai atu ina pa mai te pawera ki a koutou;

... Ko  reira ratou karanga ai ki au, a e kore ahau  e

 whakao  atu; ka rapu wawe ratou i a au, otira e kore ahau a kitea

 e ratou. " Nga Whakatauki  i. 2 2-28.

   Ano  te ahua rite o taua korero ki to to korero o nga wahine

 kuare i a ratou e karanga ana nei, " E te Ariki, e te Ariki uakina

 ki a matou. "  Engari he korero taimaha tana whakahoki, " He

 pono  taku e mea atu ki a koutou, kahore ahau e mohio ki a

 koutou. "

   Na, he mutunga iho pehea te mutunga o nga mea pera ? Me

  pehea koe, e taku hoa e korero ana i tenei korero, me pehea koe

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                TE HOA MAORI.

mehemea ka hohoro to mohio ki te mea ka mahue atu koe i te

oranga tonutanga, a, heoi te mea ko te whakawakanga me te po e

tatari ana mou ? Ka pera hoki te tikanga mo etahi. Koia ra,

ko te ahua tera o

          Te Po ki runga i te ao nei!

  Kahore  ahau e mohio ana i tetahi whakaritenga ke atu o te

ahua o te po U runga i U aol Ina, ka rite te tangi o nga wahine

kuare  ki to te tangi o te iwi kuare o Iharaira a muri, " Kua

pahemo  te kotinga witi, kua taka te raumate: ko tatou, kahore

he whakaoranga mo tatou. "  Heremaia  8, 20. Otira, ahakoa

ka rite te ahua o tera ki te po ki runga i te ao, he mea hanga noa

iho tera ki to te ahua o te po ki roto i te po ano!!!

  Te  aue mo te hunga e whakarere atu i nga korero whakatu-

pato, me nga korero mohio hoki inaianei! Engari ka whaka-

rongo marie ki te hunga whakapatipati, ki. te hunga e whakaaro

hanga noa iho te mate, a e ki na hoki ratou, "Ka mau te rongo,

ka  mau te rongo; i te mea kahore he maunga rongo. " Here-

 maia 8, 11.

   Engari ra, e aku hoa Maori, e aha ra te take kia waiho atu tera

 mea kino mo koutou ? E aha ra ka totohe koutou ki.

   Te hoko i te hinu, ko te Wairua Tapu hoki tena ?

   E kore tonu e taea e te tangata ki te hoko i tera, a me pewhea

 ka taea e koutou i runga i a koutou kaha ? E aha ra ka pana atu

 koutou i a Ia e ki na nei, " Ko taku kupu tenei ki a koe, kia

 hokona ki a au he koura mou kua oti te tahu ki te ahi, kia whai

 rawa ai koe; he kakaha ma hoki, hei kakahu ki a hoe, kia kaua

 ai hoki e kitea te whakama o tou tunga kautanga; pania hoki

 ou kanohi ki te rongoa, kia kite ai koe. " Whakakitenga 3, 18.

   He  whakaritenga to taua rongoa kanohi ki te hinu, ara, ki te

 Wairua Tepu. Ko ia hoki e whakakaha ana i a tatau kia kitea i

 nga mea o te maramatanga tika hei kona ka tu ai tatou he rama ki

 tenei ao. Heoi, ko reira hoki ka whai kaha tatou ki te puretia

 te maramatanga, ara, te rama e ka ana mo te hokinga mai o te

 tane marena hou ina ka hoki mai ia ki te marenatanga. Ka taea

 e Ihu ko ia anake ki te hoko i taua hinu. A e pena ano tana

 mahi kia "kauaka he moni, kaoa he utu. " Ka homai noa mai

 e Ia te Wairua Tapu ki nga tangata katoa e whakapono ana ki a

 Ia, e pena ana hoki te tuhituhi, " A to koutou whakaponotanga

 ki a ia, na, hiritia ana koutou e te Wairua Tapu i korerotia mai

 i mua. "  Epeha 1, 13.

   Na  e hoa ma, kia mohio ai koutou, ehara tena he mea kia

 whiwhi ai e te tangata na tana mahi nui, na tana puku mahi, kao,

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                TE HOA MAORI.

engari na te whakaponongia ki te Tangata ki te mahi hoki o te

tatou Ariki o Ihu Karaiti. A ka rere tono taua aroha noa Nona

kia tae rawa ki te wa ka tutakina ai te tatau, hei reira mutu rawa

ake tonu atu.

  E  te kai-korero, ano te mea nui mou mehemea ka rongo koe

i enei kupu e rima i a koe e noho nei ki tenei ao

          * A tutakina ana te tatau. "

  Kia  matau  koutou inaianei e nga Maori; kia whakaakona

koutou, e nga tangata, i whiwhi ai i te tuatahi i tenei whenua a

te Maori. Kihitia te Tamaiti kei riri ia, a ka mate atu koutou

i te ara, ina ka mura tona riri akuanei.

  A, me pewhea ma koutou ?  Ko koutou kei roto i taua tatau

kei waho ranei ? He mea tena mo amuri ake tonu atu. kei roto

nga mea ahuareka e kore nei e mutu, kei waho nga mea o te

aue tonu e kore nei e mutu!!

   Ko taku hiahia tenei ma koutou, e aku hoa Maori, kia ora ai

koutou i nga mate, a ka whiwhi ai koutou i nga ahuareka. Hei

kona ka pupu atu te whakamoemiti ki a Ia nana nei i whakaora i a

koutou  i ona toto utu nui, a, mo ake tonu atu.

   Otira, ki te kore e pena ana koutou, kia mau mai koutou, kei

te haere mai te wa ka tau iho te matauranga pouri ki ia tan-

gata mo tona ake ahua, ina, ka rapu ratou ki runga i te tino aue

he tomokanga  mo ratou ki roto i taua tatau, te tatau nei e

puare ana inaianei otira e kore e taea te take ma reira  ka

tutakina ki a ratou ake tonu atu.



     TERA   tetahi kotiro rangatira i waiatatia i tetahi waiata (he

      himene nei) i tetahi huihuinga nui o ana hoa; ko tana

waiata he mea hanga tera i runga i nga tikanga o te korero whaka-

rite ki nga wahine kuare ki Matiu 25.

   He roa tana mahi totohe ki te rapu he mea papai mana, ara

ma  tona hinengaro, ki roto i nga ahuareka o tenei ao, hei kona

ka uru ia ki roto i nga ahuareka katoa. I mua atu i taua hui i

whakaaturia e tetahi ki a ia he mea kaha kore tana ki te pupuri i

nga mea e rua mana, ara, Ko te Karaiti me tenei ao, he mui hoki

 te tohe atu ki a ia kia tangohia te Karaiti mana.

   Otiira kihai ia i kite i tona ake mate, te ataahua ranei a te

 Karaiti, ko ia ka mea atu;

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                TE HOA MAORI.

             "Maku tenei ao. "

  Engari ra ahakoa he he noa tona whiriwhiri kihai te Atua i

whakarere atu i a ia, ka tohe atu te aroha noa a te Atua ki a ia,

a ka tae iho i tona reo ki a ia ki roto i taua waiata i whakaaturia

i runga ake nei. Ka  waiatatia taua waiata e ia a tae iho ki nga

kupu whakamutunga e whenei ana te ahua o aua kupu:

  •' Kahore ranei tatou i rongo i te pai a te tane marena hou;

E, uakina te tatau ki a matou, ahakoa ko matou kua roa, ki te

kihi i ona waewae !

  Kahore kau, kua tomuri rawa koutou, ka kore koutou kia tomo

mai inaianei e !

   Katahi ka whakarere iho te whakaaro nui ki a ia. Koia ra !

ko ahau tena!  Akuanei ka tika rawa tena i ahau. Ka hohoro

tana haere ki waho o taua hui, ka haere ake ia ki tana ruma, a e

 mau tonu te awangawanga me te pouri ki tona wairua.

   E rima tonu nga ra ka mau tonu taua ahua pouri ki a ia, a

 muri iho ko ia ka rongo i tenei kupu, " A ki te haere mai tetahi

 ki au, e kore rawa e ponga e ahau ki waho. " A, katahi ka whiti

 mai te marama me te rangimarie ki roto i tona wairua.

   No naianei ka tu ia mo taua i rana atu nei e ia i te tuatahi, a

 katahi ka taea e ia ki te ki atu;

       •' Kua tau tuturu toku wairua ki a koe e te Atua ora tonu

           Ae, kua tuturu ki a Kou;

       Kua otia taku whiriwhi mo ake tonu atu,

          E, Ko te Karaiti maku!"

   Koia ra, hei kona kua whakakitea te aroha noa a te Atua ki a

 ia, ahakoa ko ia kei te pakeha.

   E!  Kua oti ranei tau whiriwhiri ? He aha ra ?

            HAERE  MAI!

 E  te kai-korero, haere mai ki te Ariki ko Ihu;

               Te Take: -

        Kua whakaitia tou haere mai: —

    "Kia  tanohia noatia ano te wai ora e te tangata e hiahia ana. "

  Whakakitenga 22. 11..

             Kua karangatia koe: —

    " Haere mai ki ahau, e koutou katoa e mauiui ana, e taimaha

  ana, a maku koutou e whakaokioki. " Matiu 11. 28.

   Ka  tohe te karanga atu kia haere mai koe: —

    "Na  he  karere matou na te Karaiti, me te mea ano ko te

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               TE HOA MAORI

Atua tenei kei roto i a matou e karanga ana; ko matou he

whakakapi mo  te Karaiti ki te tohe atu, kia houhia ta koutou

rongo ki  te Atua. " ii. Koriniti 5. 20.

      Kua whakahau koe kia haeremai; —

  " Ko tana ture tenei, kia whakapono tatou ki te ingoa o tana

Tama  o Ihu Karaiti. " i. Hoani 3. 23.

Kua whakatuturutia  te oranga tonutanga ki a

  koe inaianei tonu mehemea ka haere mai koe:

  "Koia  ano te aroha o te Atua ki te ao, homai ana e ia tana

Tama  kotahi, kia kahore ai e ngaro te tangata e whakapono ana

ki a ia, engari kia whiwhi ai ki te oranga tonutanga. " Hoani

 3, 1 6.

  A ki te kore koe kai haere mai ka tino ngaro koe

ake tonu atua: —

   " Na te tangata e kore e whakapono, ka meinga kia mate. "

 Maka 1 6, 16.


            Tera he murunga hara,

     Me perowhea Ma murua oku hara?

    KI te kahore he ringihanga toto, kahore he

     murunga hara. '' Nga Hiperu 9, 22.

   ''Na tenei Tangata te murunga hara e kauwhautia nei ki a

koutou. "  Nga Mahi A Nga Apotoro 13, 3s.

   " He kai-whakaatu nga poropiti katoa mona, ma tona ingoa ka

 whiwhi ai ki te murunga hara nga tangata katoa e weakapono ana

ki a ia. " Nga Mahi A Nga  Apotoro 10, 43.

  Awhea ra ka whiwhi ai ahau te murunga hara?

   " Kei roto nei i a ia to tatou whakaoranga i runga i ona toto,

 ara, te murunga o nga he. " Epeha 1, 7.

   " Na te Atua i hohou nei i te rongo ki a koutou i roto i a te

 Karaiti. " Epeha  -i, 32.

   " Ka tuhituhi atu nei ahau ki a koutou, e nga tamariki nonohi,

 no te mea kua murua o koutou hara, he whakaaro hoki ki tona

 ingoa. " i. Hoani 2, 12.

                          Otiia tera tetahi

  E kore rawa ratou e whiwhi i te murunga hara,

 Maka 3 29.

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 8             TE HOA MAORL

  E te kai-korero, kia tupako koe, kei uru koe kei roto i taua

hunga mate.


            Nana  nei i tono mai.

TERA     he maha  nga karaipeture e whakaatu ana koia ko

 \_   tenei anake te huarahi ki te whakapainga, engari ka mutu

taku tohutohu atu ki nga mea e rima anake.

   " Ko ia e whakapono ana  ki a ia, e kore e tau te he ki ia. "

Hoani 3, 18.

   " Na tona ingoa ka whiwhi ai ki te murunga hara nga tangata

katoa e whakapono ana ki a ia. " Nga Mahi  A Nga Apotoro

 10, 43.

   "Kia ai te whakapono ki a te Karaiti hei tika mo  tatou. "

 Karatia 2, 16.

   " Me whakapono  ki te Ariki ki a Ihu Karaiti, ka ora ai koe. "

 Nga Mahi A Nga Apotoro 16, 3.

   " Ko ia e whakapono ana ki te Tama, he oranga tonutanga tona. "

 Hoani 3, 36. [

   Na  reira ka kite ai tatou, ko te whitinga mai i te whakawhiu, te

 whiwhitanga o te murunga hara, te whakatikaia i nga whakahe

 katoa, te whiwhitanga hoki o te oranga tonutanga, he mea katoa

 ratou ka riro mai ai ma te whakapono  ki a Ihu, te Karaiti, te

 Tame o te Atua.

             EHARA I NGA MAHI.

 KORE      rawa tetahi mea i marama atu i ta te Atua kupu, ara,

 \_    ka ora matou i waho i nga mahi katoa. E wha nga ahua

 mahi i korerotia ki roto i te Karaipeture. A e marama ana aua

 mea  ki te katoa, he mea era hei katia matou i te Atua, ara:


       (Korohe 1, 21. )           E TATOU (Taituha 3, 5. )


       (Karatia 2, 21. )            (Nga Hiperu 9, 14).

  E tino marama ana te kupu ki Epiha 2, 9,

              " Ehara I Nga Mahi,

  kei whakamanamana te tangata. " Ano hoki ki Roma 4, 3-6 ka

  oti te ki nei, " E pehea ana hoki te Karaipeture ? I whakapono a

  Aperama ki te Atua, a ka whakairia mai hei tika moua. Na he

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                TE HOA MAORI. 9                           

tangata e mahi ana, e kore e kiia te utu mona he mea aroha noa

engari he mea mo tana. Tena

           He tangata kahore e mahi

engari e whakapono ana ki te kai whakatika i te tangata karakia

kore, ka whakairia tona whakapono hei tika. Pera hoki me ta

Rawiri i ki ai mo te hari o te tangata, ka whakairia nei e te

Atua  he tika ki a ia

             Motu  ke i nga Mahi.

Ano  hoki ki Taituha, 3, 4, " Otira i te mea ka puta mai nei te

tikanga ngawari me te aroha o te Atua o te tatou kai whakaora,

 Ehara i te mea na nga mahi tika i mahia e tatou,

 engari na tana mahi tohu i whakaorangia ai tatou e ia, he mea-

 tanga na te horoinga o te whanautanga houtanga na te whaka-

 houtanga a te Wairua Tapu. "

   Ehara i te mea ka ora tatou i nga mahi, engari i te mahi

 kotahi, ara:

            Te mahi  i oti na te Karaiti.

   " Ko ta te Atua mahi tenei, kia whakapono koutou ki taua i

 tono mai ai. " Hoani 6. 29.

   Ehara hoki i te mea ka ora tatou i a tatou mahi raua ko te

 Karaiti, ehara hoki i te Karaiti raua ta tatou mahi (he mea tapiri

 nei) engari ra ko te Karaiti anaki. Nga mahi tika mahi pai ki ta

 te Atua  titiro koia enei, ko te hua o te whakapono  ki a Ia.

 " Waihoki ko te whakapono ki te kahore ana mahi, he mea mate,

 ko ia anake hoki. " Hemi 2. 17. Ko te whakapono e whai hua

 ana ki te kororia o te Atua.


 NA, te whakapono, he tangomanga tena o te wairua o to te

 \_, Atua  whakaatu mai. He  whakaaetenga o te wairua ki to

 te Atua kupu. I a ia e ki mai nei, ka tino ngaro koe. " Ko

 tenei tama aku i mate, e kua ora,: i ngaro, a kua kitea. " Ruka

 15. 24. Na, e whakaae ana ahau ki tena. He mea whakapono

 tena naku. I a ia e ki mai nei, " He pono te korero, a e pa ana                                

  kia tangohia rawatia, I haere mai a Karaiti Ihu ki. te ao ki te

 whakaora i te hunga hara, " Timoti 1. 15. Na, e whakaae ana                               

  ahau ki tena. He mea whakapono tena naku. 1 a ia e ki mai                              

  nei, " Ko ia e whakapono ana ki te Tama, he oranga tonutanga                           


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  10             GOOD NEWS,

thou. " Hoani 3. 36. Na, e whakaae ana ahau ki tena. He mea

whakapono tena naku. Na, ma runga i te whakapono ka mohio-

tia ai ahau kua ngaro ahau. I haere mai te Karaiti ki te whaka-

ora, a, i ahau e whakapono ana ki a Ia ka mau tonu ki ahau te

oranga tonutanga. He  mea  marama noa iho te whakapono.

Ehara i te mea he mea mo te tinana tangata kia rongo ai.

      GOOD NEWS.

 [The foregoing Articles are free Translations of the following. ]

           THE LORD'S COMING.

                         (Continued from a previous issue. )

" AFTERWARDS     came also the other virgins, saying, Lord,

   Lord, open to us. But He answered and said, Verily I

say unto you, I know you not. " Matt. xxv. 11. 12.

  There is something in the above Scripture, which takes place

after God's children are taken  away  from  earth, which we

did not touch upon in our previous issue. I should like now to

present this to those among our readers who profess the name

of Christ.

  It is the solemn thought, that the foolish virgins of the parable

will have it forced upon their consciences that they are left be-

hind  hopelessly for judgment, even before the judgment  is

actually poured out upon them.

  At the moment of which we speak

                  THE LORD  HAS COME;

and  the friends and  companions of  these mere professors, —

whether Pakehas or Maoris who  were real Christians are gone.

All have suddenly and mysteriously disappeared; they know not

how  or whither. This fact will force itself upon their hearts with

sorrow, and so bring conviction to their consciences that it is as

these friends had said. The Lord has come and they are gone.

Gone  to be with their Lord for ever; and they themselves are

left behind, condemned, undone.

  Now  amongst those for whom this is written are some who are

conscious that they are not ready to meet the bridegroom. But

they are doing their best to make themselves ready. That is they

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                  GOOD NEWS. 11

are trying to buy the oil. Let it be noted that in the parable, it

is exactly at this point the whole scene is closed. " While they

went to buy the bridegroom came. "

  Here evidently is an end of all buying. The event for which

they are trying to prepare themselves is past, and

               THEY ARE FOUND UNREADY,

  Only, " They that were ready went in with Him to the mar-

riage, and the door was shut. "

   In our text the unready are on the outside of that closed door,

and NEVER enter in: Will they not know it ?

   Yes, surely!  They  will miss their wives, their children, their

parents, their friends, and will set about to seek them As they

seek they will meet others, who like themselves intended to be

ready, seeking their wives, children, parents, friends And fur-

ther on others also on the same fruitless search.

   Suddenly it must burst upon their stricken consciences, —It is

as they said ! The Lord has come and taken them away, and we

 are left for judgment ?

                "BECAUSE I CALLED"

   Then shall come to pass that which is written, " Because I have

 called and ye refused, I have stretched out my hand, and no man

 regarded; but ye have set at nought all my counsel and would

 none of my reproof; I also will laugh at your calamity, and will

 mock when your fear cometh......... Then shall they call upon Me

 but I will not answer, they shall seek me early, but they shall not

 find me. " Prov. i. 24-28.

   How  like to this is the saying of the foolish virgins when they

 turn to seek ! " Lord, Lord, open to us! " But how solemn His

 answer, "Verily I say unto you, I know you not. "

   What  must the result of such a condition of things be 1 How

 would you feel my reader if you should suddenly wake up to the

 consciousness, —as some must do. —that you were  too late to be

 saved, and that nothing but judgment and hell awaited you!

                   HELL  UPON EARTH !

   We  can  think of nothing  like this that so sets forth what

 hell upon earth must be ! When   the foolish virgins will take up

 the cry of the foolish nation of Israel in a  still future day; —

 " The harvest is passed, the summer is ended, and we are not

 saved. "  Jer. viii. 20. But like as this may  be to hell upon

 earth; what is it to what hell in hell must be !!!

   Alas for all those who refuse all the overtures and warnings of

 wisdom  now !  Who  listen to the folly of those who slightly heal


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  12             GOOD NEWS.

their wounds, and say, —" Peace, peace, when there is no peace. "

Jer. viii. 11.

  But why  should this be for my Maori readers? Why still try

to buy


  This can never really be bought at all, how much less by your

own effort ? Why  refuse Him who still says—I counsel thee to

buy of Me gold tried in the fire that thou may'st be rich, and

white raiment that thou may'st be clothed, and that the shame of


thy nakedness do not appear; and to anoint thine eyes with eye-

salve that thou may'st see. " Rev. iii. 18.

  This eyesalve answers to the oil, and is the Holy Spirit. He

who enables us to see everything in a true light, and so to become

a light in this world. Thus only shall we be able to sustain light

for the bridegroom when He shall return to the marriage. Jesus

alone can sell this oil, and this He does, " without money and

without price. "  He  GIVES the Holy Spirit to all who believe on

Him, as it is written, —" In whom, having believed, ye were

sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise, " Eph. i. 13.

   Now, note dear friend that this is the result of no laborious

works, no long continued efforts, but simply the result of faith in

the Person and work of  our Lord  Jesus Christ. This blessed

grace on His part continues right up to the moment of the shut-

ting of the door of grace, but then it ceases for ever.

   What a moment for you my reader if in your lifetime those

 five simple solemn words ring out. —

              "AND THE DOOR WAS SHUT?

   Be wise now therefore, Oh, ye Maoris; be instructed ye origi-

 nal proprietors of Maori-land Kiss the Son, lest He be angry

 and ye perish in the way when His wrath is kindled in a little


   Which  will it be with yon 1 Will you be inside or outside of

 that closed door. All your  eternity hangs upon  this. Inside

 are eternal joys 1 Outside are eternal woes !!

   Our wish for you dear Maori friend is that you may escape the

 woes, and ensure the joys. So shall your life be filled with praise

 to Him' whose precious blood redeemed you for ever.

   But if this is not the case remember, that the moment comes

 when  the truth of the condition of all such, will be forced upon

 them, as with anguish of heart they seek admission at that door,

 which—though   wide  open  now—shall  then be closed for ever

 against them. G. J. S.

13 13

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                GOOD NEWS. 13

             NO, NO. TOO LATE!

IN   a large company of friends and acquaintances a young lady

 was  singing a well-known sacred song, founded upon the

parable of the wise and foolish virgins. (Matt, xxv. )

  She had  been long seeking to satisfy her heart with the gaieties

of the world, and had plunged into excitement of every kind.

Sometime  before it had been pointed out to her that she could

not have Christ and the world, and she had been pressed to make

her choice for Christ.

  Her  eyes saw neither her needs, nor His beauty, and she said:

                  " I CHOOSE THE WORLD. "

  But  God's grace pursued her in spite of her sinful choice, and

as she sang the song amid her friends, its voice spoke to her of

her dreadful danger. She  had come to the closing lines, which

run: —

           " Have we not heard the Bridegroom is so sweet;

              O, let us in, though late, to kiss His feet!

                No, no. too late ! Ye cannot enter now. "

  The thought flashed into her mind, " That is just my case—it

will be true of me. " Hurriedly leaving the company, she retired

to her room in bitterness of spirit and deep concern of soul,

  For five days she was in much distress, but at length the words

" Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out, " shed their

light and comfort into her soul.

  Now  her decision was for Hira who hitherto had been slighted,

and she could say: —

                  " My heart is fixed, Eternal God,

                           Fixed on Thee;

                    And my  immortal choice is made,

                             Christ for me ! "

  Thus  the mercy of God was exhibited to her in spite of herself.

   Is your choice made 1 What is it?


 READER, come to the Lord Jesus; for—

 \_. 1. You are permitted to come: " Whosoever will let him

 take of the water of life freely. " Rev. xxii. 17.

   2. You are invited to come: " Come unto Me, all ye that

 labour and  are heavy   laden, and  I  will give  you  rest. "

 Matt xi. 28.

   3. You are entreated to come; " Now then we are ambassa-

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  14             GOOD NEWS,

dors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us; we pray

you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. " 2 Cor, v. 20.

  4. You are commanded to come: "This is His commandment,

that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ. "

1 John  iii. 23.

  5- You  are assured of a present and certain salvation if you

come: " God so loved the world, that He   gave His only

begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish

but have  everlasting life. " John iii. 16.

   6. You will be lost for ever if you do nut come: " He that

believeth not shall be damned. " (Mark xvi. 16).



      How  may  I be forgiven?

   "Without   shedding of blood is no remission " (forgiveness. )

 Heb. ix. 22.

   " Through this Man" (the Lord Jesus) "is preached unto you

 the forgiveness of sins. " Acts xiii. 38.

   ' To Hira give all the prophets witness, that through His name

 whosoever  believeth in  Him   shall receive remission of sins. "

 (Acts x. 43. )

   WHEN   may I be forgiven 1

   "In Whom"    (Jesus Christ) "we have redemption through

 His blood, the forgiveness of sins. " (Eph. i. 7. )

   " God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. " (Eph. iv. 32. )

   "I  write to you little children, because your sins are forgiven

 you for His name's sake. " (1 John ii. 12. )

  Some have

   "NEVER  FORGIVENESS. " (Mark iii. 29. )

   Reader, beware lest you be numbered among them.



     MANY    Scriptures show that  this is the alone  road  of

    blessing, but I quote five passages only.

   "He  that believeth on Him is not condemned. " (John iii, 18)

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                 GOOD NEWS. 15

  " Whosoever  believeth in Him  shall receive remission of sins. "

(Acts x. 43. )

  " We  have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified. "

(Gal. ii. 16. )

  " Believe ou the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. "

(Acts xvi. 31. )

  "He  that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life. " (Jno. iii. 36.

  From  these we see that to escape condemnation, to obtain the

remission of sins, to be justified from every charge, to be saved,

and to have everlasting life, we must believe on Jesus the Christ,

the Son of God.

             NOT OF WORKS,

   NOTHING   can be plainer in the Word of God than that we

    are saved apart from our works  altogether. There  are

four kind's of works spoken of in Scripture, and manifest on all

hands which all alike shut out from God. viz.:


       (Col. 1. 21. )                    (Titus 3. 5)

     LAW  WORKS                 DEAD WORKS

       (Gal. 2. 21. )                    (Heb. 9. 14. )

           Ephesians  2, 9 distinctly tells us that it is

                " Not of Works,

lest any man should boast. '"' Again in Romans 4. 3-6, we read,

" For what saith the Scripture? Abraham  believed God, and it

was counted unto him for righteousness. Now to that worketh

is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. But

            To  him that Worketh not,

but believeth on  Him  that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is

counted for righteousness. Even  as David  also describeth the

blessedness of the man unto whom God imputeth righteousness

                Without Works. "

   And again in Titus 3, 4, " But after that the kindness and

love of God our Saviour toward man appeared,

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  1. 6             GOOD NEWS.

Not by Works of Righteousness which we have done,

but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of re-

generation, and renewing of the Holy Ghost., '

  We  are not saved by works, but by one work, and that

          The finished Work of Christ.

  " This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him whom He

hath sent. ", John 6. 29,

  Neither are we saved by our works and Christ, nor by Christ

and our works, but by Christ alone. Good works, acceptable to

God, are the fruit and evidence of faith in Him. " Faith, if it

hath not works is dead, being alone. " James '2. 17. Faith pro-

duces good works to the glory of God.



 FAITH      is the soul's reception of a divine testimony. It is

 \_    my heart simply assenting to what God says. When He

says, I am utterly lost " This, my son, was lost and is found, "

 Luke 15, 24. I believe it. That  is Faith. When   He  says,

 " It is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ

Jesus came into the world to save sinners, '' 1 Timothy 1. 15.

 I believe it. That is Faith. When He says, " He that believeth

 on the  Son  hath everlasting life" John   3. 36. I believe it.

 That is Faith. So  then by faith I learn I am lost that Christ

 came to save, and that believing Him I have eternal life. Faith

is a very simple thing. There is no question of feeling.

                                        W. T. P. W.