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Te Hoa Maori 1885-1910: Number 29. 01 July 1893 |
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TE HOA MAORI WITH GOOD NEWS FOR ALL, " I haere mai hoki te Tama a te tangata ki te rapu ki te whakaora i te mea i ngaro. " Ruka 19. 10. " For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. " Luke 19. 10. NAMA 29 AKARANA, HURAE, 1893. Registered as No. 29 J AUCKLAND, JULY, 1893. a Magazine. " He pono te korero, a e pai ana kia tangohia rawatia, i haere mai a Karaiti Ihu ki te ao ki te whakaora i te hunga hara; ko ahau ano hoki te tino tangata hara o ratou. "—1. Timoti 1. 15. " This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. "—1- Timothy 1. 15. NAAMANA, TE REPERA, ME ONA RUKUNGA I TE AWA O HORANO. TENEI tangata he " rangatira ope o te kingi o Hiria, e whakanuia ana hoki no te mea i waiho ia e Ihowa hei kai homai i te oranga ki a Hiria. He tangata marohirohi ano ia, he toa; otiia he repera. " (2 Kings 5 1. ) Hei aha ranei te nuinga kautanga i tenei ao ? Ahakoa e whai mana ana te tangata, e whiwhi ana ki te nuinga o te taonga; e kake rawa ana ranei, kite keokeonga o te kawana- tanga: ka rite kau ia kia Naamana, te repera. Me aha hoki tona turanga i tenei ao; he tangata hara ia. Aue ! na tenei i kino ai; na tenei i kawa ai nga mea katoa ki a ia. Tena mate—te repera—e kore e taea e nga rata. Ka tupu tonu a, kapi noa te tinana i te pukupuku, i te hakihaki; a noho kau ana te tangata, i roto tonu i tona mate rihariha. Ko te ahua ano. tena o te hara. E kore hoki tena e taea e te tangata te muru; erangi e tupu haere ana. Ano te kino o tena mea o te hara! Rapu kau te NAAMAN, THE LEPER, DIPPED SEVEN TIMES IN JORDAN. This man was " captain of the host of the King of Syria; was a great man with his master, and honourable, because by him the Lord had given deliverance unto Syria; he was also a mighty man in valour; but he was a Leper. "—2 Kings, v. 1. 'WHAT does earthly greatness afford after all? A man be ever so popular; he may prosper in business to his utmost cravings; or he may climb the highest pinnacle of political honour or military greatness. Naaman was all this; but he was a leper. And man, no matter what his position in this world, he ia a sinner. Ah, this spoils all, makes every cup of this world bitter. Leprosy was incurable. Still it spread, until the whole person was filthy—bloated, pimpled, and scabbed—wretched picture of man's ruined, utterly ruined, lost condition through sin. And, what is still worse, like the leper he finds every effort in vain to cure himself. The fearful poison spreads. Oh, how loathsome is sin! My reader may have
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TE HOA MAORL tangata i tetahi ritenga pai mona, e kore e '. kitea. Kihai i kitea he rata i Hiria, hei whakaora i te repera. Whaihoki e kore e kitea i. tenei ao, he oranga mo tetangata hara. A, e ki ana te ao i nga repera pena. Otira kua whiriwhiria e te Atua nga mea ngoikore o tenei ao, mo Tena mahi. I tonoa e Ia tetahi kotiro herehere, ki taua rangatira nui o Hiria Ka mea taua kotiro iti, " A ue ! me i tata toku ariki lu te poropiti i Hamaria ! katahi ano he kai whakaora mo tona repera " Ko taku hoki tenei ki te tangata hara; Aue ! me i haere koe ki nga waewae o Ihu, kia horoia atu e ia ou hara katoa. Kihai i pena to whakapono o te kingi o I Iharaira, me to tana kotiro: a, i hua ia i haere mai taua Hiriani ki te rapu take whawhai. Ka mea ia, "He atua ianei ahau hei whakamate, hei whakaora ? "A, le rongonga o Eriha tangata a te Atua, " ka tono tangata ia ki to tiki i taua repera. "Na haere mai ana a Naamana. " I haere mai i runga i te ritenga o le ao. Ona taonga, ona hoiho, me ona hariata ! Ka tu i te tatau o te poropiti. Otira kihai a Eriha i tango i ona taonga. E kore hold e hokona ki te taonga, te whakaoranga a te Atua. (Ihaia 56. 1) I tono a Eriha i te karere hei ki atu, "'Haere, kia whitu nga horoinga ki Horana, a ka hold mai ou kiko- kiko ki a koe, ka ma koe. " Kihai ia i puta mai ki waho, kia kite i a ia. Ma te whaka- pono hoki—kauaka ma te kitenga, ma te mahi tohu ranei—he whakaora. Inahoki te kupu a te Atua, " Ko ia e whakapono ana ka whakaorangia. " (Maka 16, 16. ) Na ko taua Horano, he tohu mo te mate. I tu te aka ki reira, i te whitinga atu o Iharaira ki Kanaana. E rite ana tenei kia Ihu, e tu ana i waenganui o te awa o te mate mo tatou Heoiana te oranga mo taua repera nui, ko ona rukunga ki te awa o te mate. A, ma te matenga o Ihu anake, e ma ai te tangata i ona hara. Ma Ona toto anake, he horoi i nga he katoa. Heoi, ka riri noaiho taua repera, ki te tohutohunga o te poropiti. I hua ia, ka meatia tetahi mea nui ki a ia. He penei tonu ana te tangata hara; ki tana whakaaro iho, ma te meatanga a te Atua i tetahi mahi nui moua, katahi ia ka ora. Ko te tanu kau i Horano ia, hei aha ranei tena! long hoped to get better, but have you not rather got worse ? Not a physician in Syria could cure the leper. Nota remedy on earth is Found For sin. Search all nations, man has found no cure for sin. The whole world is one leper-house. God hath chosen the weak things of this world A little captive maid is God's messenger to this mighty Syrian. She says, " Would God my Lord was with the prophet that is in Samaria, for he would cure him of his leprosy. " And I can say to my reader, " Would God thou wert at the feet of Jesus, He would cleanse thee from thy sins " The King of Israel had no such faith as this little maid; he only thought the Syrians sought a quarrel. He, thinking of himself, said, '• Am I God to kill and to make alive P" " And it was so, when Elisha, the man of God had heard, " he sent for the leper to come to him. " So Naaman came. " So like man was his way of coming! Such gifts, such horses and chariots! And he stood at the door. But Elisha received none of his gifts. The salvation of God is not be sold. And Elisha sent a messenger unto him, saying, " Go wash in Jordan seven times and thy flesh shall come to thee, and thou shalt be clean. " He does not even come out to him; he sends a messenger. It must be by faith, not by sight, or by sign. God gives his bare word. He that believeth is saved. Now Jordan was the type or figure of death. Tho ark had stood there, whilst all Israel passed over dry shod into the land of Canaan. Most striking illustration of Jesus taking our place in the river of death. There was no cure for this great leper, but to be seven times dipped in the river of death. There is no means in the universe by which a sinner can be cleansed, but by the death of Jesus. His blood alone cleanseth from all sin. This made the leper uncommonly, or rather commonly angry; for it is the anger of the human heart against God's mode of cleansing from sin. Surely, the leper thought, there would have been some great thing done to him. And so with the sinner; surely, he thinks, God must do some great thing to me or in me, by which I shall be saved. Burial in Jordan; why this is contemptible!
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TE HOA MAORI. Ka mea a Naamana, "Ehara ianei a Apana raua ko Parapara nga awa o Ramahiku i te pai atu i nga wai katoa o Iharaira ? Kaua ianei ahau e horoi ki era, kia ma ai ahau ?" A, haere riri atu ana ia. E ki ana te tangata hara inaianei, E kore ranei nga ritenga o toku karakia e pai ake i te oranga kautanga i roto i a te Karaiti ? E ki ana toku hahi, kia noho puku ahau; kia whakaritea katoatia ana tohutohunga. E kore ranei e pai ake te horoinga i nga awa o te hahi, i te whakapono kau ki nga kupu o te Atua, mo te matenga o te Karaiti ? Tena ra, whakamatauria; horoi tonu, horoi tonu; a whakaaturia mai ki au te tangata kotahi, i roto i nga mano tini e horoi tonu ana ki nga awa pena, e mu ana i te hara. Rapua mai tetahi e mohio ana i roto i tona ngakau, na te whakaritenga i nga ture o tona hahi, i murua ai ona hara. Kore he tangata kotahi e horoi kau ana ki aua awa tawhito, e mohio ana mehemea kua ora ia. I mea nga pononga a Naamana ki a ia, " E taku papa, me i nui te mea i korerotia e te poropiti ra ki a koe, e kore ianei e meatia e koe, na, tera noa ake i a ia ka ki mai nei ki a koe, Horoi kia ma ai?" Whaihoki, ka whakauaua rawa te tangata, mehemea e whakaaro ana ia, ma tena e ma ai ia i te hara. " Na, haere ana ia ki raro, a, e whitu ana rukuhanga ki Horano; pera tonu ia me ta te tangata a te Atua i korero ai, a, hoki mai ana ona kikokiko, ano he hikokiko no te tamaiti iti: NA KUA MA. " Pai rawa atu tenei whakaaturanga i te matenga, me te aranga ake o te tinana: nga ritenga erua o te Atua. Ko te matenga o te Karaiti te mutunga o te hara. Tona aranga ia, ko te timatanga o te tangata hou. Heke iho ana te repera tawhito ki te mate; tanumia tahitia ana me te Karaiti. Puta ake ano, be tangata hou. e rite ana ki te tamaiti whanau hou. Ano te koha kore o tena ahua! Na kua, ma. Na te Atua tenei horoinga. " He meatanga na te tinana o tono kikokiko, i te mea ka mate nei. mo koutou ano kia tapaea atu ki tona aroaro, he hunga tapa, kahore nei be koha, kahore he he. " (Korohe 1, 22. ) I heke iho a Ihu ki te mate. A, e mate tahi ana rae ia te hunga whakapono; kua tanumia, Besides, are not the rivers of my own country, "Abana and Pharpar, better than all the waters of Israel F may I not wash in them and be clean ?" And he went away in a rage. So now, one poor leprous sinner will say, Are not the doctrines of my own church better than this salvation through the death of Christ alone ? My church tells me to fast; to keep the vows of my order; in fact, to keep all the orders of my church. Is it not far better to wash in these rivers of my own religion, than to simply believe God about the death of Christ ? Well, try hard; wash, wash, wash: but find me one, out of all the millions who wash in man's own religious rivers, that is clean from sin. Find me oue who knows even his sins forgiven by all his fasting, praying, and order-keeping. No, there is not one who washes in the old man's rivers who either does, or even can, know, with certainty, that he is saved. Naaman's servants say, " My father, if the prophet had bid thee do some great thing, wouldst thou not have done it ? How much rather thee when he saith to thee, Wash, and be clean ?" All nations bear witness what man will do (if doing would do it) to get clean from sin. "Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God: and his flesh came again as the flesh of a little child, AND HE WAS CLEAN. " How beautifully, to be sure, this does set forth death and resurrection, the two great lessons of God. The death of Christ the end of sin; the resurrection of Christ the beginning of an entire new existence. The old leper goes down into death; burial with Christ. The new man comes out in all the freshness of the new-born child. Oh how spotlessly clean is that new creation. " And he was clean. " This is God's only way of cleansing. " In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unreprovable in, his sight. " (Col. i. 22. ) Jesus went down into death. Every believer is dead with him, buried with him, risen with him, perfect in him; without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing. (Rom. vi, Eph. v. ) Oh, to know the power of resurrection; being made conformable to his death. To leave poor old leprous self in Jordan. Ah, the old leper
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TE HOA MAORI. kua ara ano, kua rite tahi me ia. (Roma 6, Epeha 5. ) E! te mohiotanga ki te kaha o te aranga: te rite rawa ki a ia i tona matenga! Otira he maha pea nga rukunga mo te repera tawhito Tena pea kua whakamatauria e tatou he matenga mo tatou ki te ripeka, a, kua mohio tatou kahore ano kia ma. Kei te piri tonu tetahi wahi o te reperatanga; ka kitea ano nga pukupuku, e tipu ake ana. Heke iho ano; heke iho ki Horano. Ko te mate anake te wahi mou. Mo tou tika, mo tou hara ranei, ko te urupa anake o te Karaiti te wahi mou. Titiro ke atu i te repera tawhito; whakaarahia ou kanohi ki a te Karaiti, i ara ake i te mate. Ki te mea e ki ana te Arama tawhito i te hara, kua meinga e te Atua a te Karaiti, " hei take whakaaro nui mo tatou, hei tika hei whaka- tapu, hei hoko. " (1 Koriniti 1, 3O. ) Kahore he reperatanga i a te Karaiti kua ara. A, e rite ana ki a ia, tatou o noho nei i tenei ao. (1 Hoani 4, 17. ) " Kua rite pu. " " E ma katoa ana. " E te kai titiro i tenei; kua akona ranei e koe tenei? Kua heke iho ranei koe ki te mate ? Kua ara tahi ano me te Karaiti. Tena ra, "Whakaaroa nga mea o runga, Kauaka o te whenua. " (Korohe 3, 2. ) A, ka riro ke atu i a koe te reperatanga. " Ki te mea kei roto i a te Karaiti tetahi, he mahinga hou ia: kua pahemo nga mea tawhito; na, kua hou nga mea katoa, a, te putake o nga mea katoa, ko te Atua. " (2 Koriniti 5, 17. )—Translsted by J. G. B "KA RITE KI NGA RA I A ROTA. " KA rite ano hoki ki nga ra i a Rota; e kai ana ratou e inu ana e hoko mai ana e hoko atu ana e whakato ana, e hanga whare ana, a, te ra i putu ai a Rota i Horoma, ka uaina he kapura he whanariki i te rangi, a ngaro kaoa. Ka pera ano i te ra e whaka- kitea mai ai te Tama a te tangata. " (Ruka 17, 28-30. ) Ka ui mai pea te tangata, " He pehea te ritenga? I hua matou ka tupu tonu te whakapono, taea noatia te urunga katoa- tanga o nga tangata. Kihai ianei nga Karaipiture i mea, ' Ka kapi te whenua i te matauranga ki a Ihowa, ano ko nga wai e takes some dipping. Often, when we think we have learnt the death of self on the cross, self still needs some dipping. Ah, you are occupied with the old leper still; remember- ing his sorry scabs and running sores. Oh, down with the leper, down, down to Jordan. Down, down in death is the only fit place for self. For its righteousness and its wickedness the grave of Christ is the only place. Look away from the old leper, to the risen Christ. If Adam were full of the poison of sin, God hath made the risen Christ to be our wisdom, sanctification, righteous- ness, and redemption. There is no leprosy in the risen Christ. And " as he is. so are we in this world. " (1 John, iv 17. ) "For ever perfected. " " Clean every wit. '' Oh, my reader, hast thou learnt this wondrous lesson ? Hast thou gone down into death? Art thou risen with Christ? Then set thine affection on things above. Every old spot of leprous sin is gone. "If any man be in Christ he is a new creation; old things are passed away, all things are become new, AND ALL THINGS OP GOD. " (2 Cor. v. ) C. S. "AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF LOT. " " Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all, even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed. "— (Luke xvii. 28—30. ) HOW can this be?" some of my readers may ask. "We thought Christianity would spread, until all the world would be converted. Does not the Scripture say, ' The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea?'—(Isaiah xi. ) How then, can this world become as wicked as Sodom; and that wickedness go on, until the very day that Christ is revealed from heaven ?" The answer is very simple. The Scripture nowhere teaches, that the time of the earth's blessing will take place before Christ comes, but after. There can be no
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TE HOA MAORI. taupoki nei te moana. —(Ihaia 11, 9. ) Ma te aha ra ka rite rawa ai te kino o tenei ao kia Horoma; a e tupu haere ai te hara, taea noatia te taenga mai o te Karaiti ?'" E marama ana te whakaaturanga mo tenei. Kihai nga Karaipiture i ki, mo mua o te taenga mai o te Karaiti nga whakapainga, engari mo muringa mai. A he pono hoki, ka rite rawa ano ki nga kupu a te Karaiti. Ka rite rawa ano ki nga ra i a Rota; ara, i te hokinga mai ano o te Karaiti i te rangi. Tera pea tatou e kite i taua ra. A mehemea, he hunga whakaponokore, ka tupono mai ia kia tatou; a, ka rite tatou ki nga tangata o Horoma; e noho raruraru ana, i a ratou hokohoko, aha noa ranei, i roto ano i a ratou hara. Tena, kia tirohia marietia e tatou: i pehea i nga ra o Rota. Tera a Aperahama, te tangata a te Atua, i waho o Horoma, e noho tahi ana me te Atua. Ko Rota ia, i roto o Horoma; Whaihoki, kahore a te Atua i a ia; ahakoa ra, i tae te whakaoranga ki a ia; ki roto tonu o taua pa kino. He tangata kotahi a Aperahama, o tona whakaaro ake. Kihai i maha nga tangata o mua, i haerere tahi me te Atua. O nga tangata tuatahi i whanau mai i te wahine, ko tetahi, kihai i whakaae ki te ture a te Atua. Kawea mai ana e ia, hei whakahere ki a Ihowa, ko nga mea i whakatupuria e ia ki te whenua; a, whakakahoretia ana. Tetahi, a Apera, i whakaae ki taua ture; ara, mo te whaka- hekenga toto, hei murunga hara: a, i whaka- paingia tona whakahere. I haere tahi a Enoka me te Atua: a, he tangata kotahi hoki is. Whaikoki a Noa; he tangata kotahi ia i tona whakatupuranga. A, i te ao hou, i muringa mai o te waipuke; he tangata kotahi ano a Aperahama. A Ihaka he tangata kotahi. Me Hakopa, me Hohepa Muringa, e hia ranei rau tau, kahore he tangata i korerotia; tae noa mai ki te tamaiti iti, i kitea e huna ana i te aka raupo A, ko Mohi anake ia, i tona whakatupuranga Tona tuakana ia, a Arona i koropiko ki te kuao kau. Muri mai ko Hohua—ko Hamuera—ko Rawiri. A, heaha nga korero mo nga Poropiti ? He ruarua ratou i te mata o te whenua, i te wa kotahi, e haere tahi ana me te Atua. A, ko etahi o ratou, haere takitahi: i kotiti ke hoki te iwi katoa doubt, but that it will be exactly as Christ says. As it was in the days of Lot; yes, until the very day that Christ is revealed Tom heaven. Yes, my reader may live to see that day. If not a believer, but a rejecter of Christ, you may be taken with as great surprise, as when they had just taken their shutters down in Sodom, to commence another day's business, and another day's sins. But let us see how it was in the days of Lot. There are some solemn lessons, connected with this subject. There was Abraham, the man of God, outside Sodom, in unhindered communion with God. There was Lot in Sodom; and, consequently, out of communion with God; though saved so as by fire. And there was the doomed city of wickedness. There was but oue Abraham on the face of the earth. And how few, at any one time, have really walked with God. Of the first two men born of a woman, one set aside God's sentence on the earth; and tried to bring the best he could grow, an offering to the Lord; and was rejected. The other, Abel, owned the sentence of death, and approached God, through the blood of a victim. Enoch also walked with G od; but there was only one Enoch in his day. So of Noah; but there was only one Noah, out of the whole world. And in the new world, so soon filled with idolatry, there was only one Abraham. And again only one Isaac. And only one Jacob. And only one Joseph. And then, not one man of faith is named for some hundreds of years. And then a little child is found hid by faith, in an ark of bulrushes. But, on the face of all the earth, there was only one Moses. Aaron even worshipped a calf. And then a Joshua—a Samuel—a David. And what is the history of the Prophets but that of a very few men at any time, on the face of the whole earth, fully walking with God ? How often they had to walk alone; even the nation of Israel, utterly departing in heart from God. And when Jesus came io his own, did they walk in his light ? Alas! they rejected and killed him. Aye, and after the resurrection, there was but one Paul. And since his day, how few have walked with God, in the power
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TE HOA MAORI. o Iharaira: whakarere ana i te Atua. A, i te taenga mai o Ihu ki ona ake; i whakapaingia ranei ia ? Kahore pea; i whakakahoretia, i kohurutia ia e ratou. A, i muringa mai o tona aranga, ko Paora, he tangata kotahi. A, kihai, i maha nga tangata i kitea e haere tapatahi ana i muri i a ia. E ! te raruraru o te hunga whaka- pono i nga mea whaka te ao. Poka ke atu i nga ritenga o te Hahi o te Atua i te rangi. A, ka pera tonu ranei i te taenga mai o te Karaiti? Ae. Inahoki te kupu Ona. e kore nei e matau ki te teka Ka rite rawa ano, ki nga ra i a Rota. Ae, ka kino atu hoki i nga ra o naianei. I puta mai a Ihowa kia Aperahama, i a ia e noho manene ana i te tatau o tona teneti i te mania o Mamere. (Kenehi 18. ) Korero tahi ana raua. Kahore i pera kia Rota: kihai a Ihowa i tomo atu ki te pa, ki a i a; otira i tonoa e ia ona karere hei to mai i a ia ki waho. I te mataai i hiahiatia e Rota nga mea o Horoma; muri mai, ka whakatata atu ia i tona teneti ki reira: a, ite mutunga, i noho rawa ia ki roto o te pa. A, kei hea koe, e te tangata whakapono ? Kei te hiahia koe, ki nga mea o te ao; kei te whakatata atu; kei roto tonu ranei e noho ana ? He wahi kino tena ma te tamaiti a te Atua ! Ko Hatana hoki te atua o reira. He whakangaromonga tona mutunga. Ina riro katoa mai nga taonga o te ao, heaha te mea e whiwhi ai koe ? Ui atu ki te koro- heke hina ra: Heaha te mea i whiwhi ai koe, e te koroheke whai taonga ? E rongo ana hoki ahau, he nui rawa ou taonga i Horoma. Kei te koa ranei tou ngakau? Ka ruru i tona matenga, ka mea, " Heaha te koanga ? He ngakau mamae, he ngakau takoto kau, heoiano. " Hei aha nga taonga, me nga whakahonoretanga o Horoma; mehemea ka whakaritea ki te haora kotahi, e haere tahi ai te tangata me te Atua: te kai tonu i nga mea a te Karaiti; te korero tahi me te Atua ? Kihai i pena a Rota. He raruraru, he whakatakariri tonu tana mahi. I whaka- matauria e ia he tikanga pai mo Horaina ! otira kihai i kaha; a, whakahengia ana ia e ana ake tamariki. E te tamaiti a te Atua, ehara ianei tenei i te ritenga inaianei ? E ahei ranei tatou te of the heavenly calling! Alas ! how earthly, and worldly, the great house of Christendom has become. Sad contrast to the heavenly, exalted, Church of God. And will it be so up to the very coming of Christ ? There can be no mistake about it. He, who cannot lie. says it will be, as it was in the days of Lot. Oh, far, far worse than it is now! The Lord then appeared to Abraham, as he sat, pilgrim like, in the tent door, on the plains of Mamre. (Gen. xviii. ) There was unhindered communion at once. Not so with Lot; the Lord would not even go into the city, where he was; but sent his messengers to pull him out. First the eye lusted after Sodom; then the tent pitched towards Sodom; then in Sodom itself. Where are you, my fellow-Christian? The eye on the world; the tent towards it; or are you in it ? Sad place for a child of God! The Devil is the god of it. Destruction is its end. When a man has got his utmost- wish of this world, what can it afford ? Ask that grey-haired old man; What does the world afford you, prosperous, rich old man ? I hear you have got a good bit of property in Sodom. Does it satisfy ? He shakes his head. "What does it afford?" He says, "An empty, aching heart; that is all. " What are all the riches, and honours, of Sodom, to be compared with one hour's real communion with God. Oh, for more real separation to him; to feed on Christ with him; to talk with God. Not so Lot. All confusion and vexation. He tries to reform Sodom ! and loses all power, even over his own family. Child of God, is it not so ? true picture of every worldly Christian ! How can we say, Lead us not into temptation; and then settle down in Sodom ? But God is rich in mercy. " Hast thou here any besides ? son-in-law, and thy sons, and daughters ?" Oh. precious grace, it is just what God is doing at this very time. The terrible day of the Lord is very near; but God still waits in mercy, and is awakening whole families. It is as though the Lord said. I would not have those, so dear to you, to perish; go and wake them up; tell them of my mercy, and tell them of my coming judgment. Oh, my reader,
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TE HOA MAORI. mea, Aua matou e kawea ki te whakawainga; me te noho tonu ki Horoma? Otira e nui ana te atawhai o te Atua. "Kahore atu ranei on tangata i konei ? me he hunaonga, he tamariki ranei au, he tamahine ranei au?" E! tenei arohanoa ona; e rite ana ki tona meatanga kia tatou nei. E tata rawa ana te ra whakawa nui a te Ariki; otira e whanga ana te Atua, i runga i tona atawhai; me te whakaoho tonu i nga tangata kia kite ai ratou. Ano, e penei ana nga whakaaro a te Atua, E kore ahau e hiahia kia mate era e arohaina ana ekoutou: haere whakaohongia; whakaaturia kia ratou aku mahi tohu; korerotia hoki taku hokinga mai ki te whakawa. E hoa ma, mehemea i kua ora koutou; tena ano pea a koutou' tama, tamahine, hunaonga hoki. Kahore i ianei etahi e arohaina ana e koutou, e inoitia ana e koutou, he hiahiatia ana e koutou kia whakatupatoria? Otira ki ana tamariki, i rite a Rota ki te tangata e hangareka ana. Ko te ahua tenei o Horoma. E hoa ma, e titiro tonu mai ana a koutou tamariki ki a koutou; e kite ana ratou i a koutou mahi apo, i nga taonga u Horoma. A, ka whiwhi koutou i nga mea e hiahiatia aua e koutou; a, ka tahuri ki te whakatupato ia a koutou tamariki; ka whakaritea ano pea koutou ki te tangata hangareka. A, kite kau koutou i te matenga o a koutou tamariki. 1 whakaroa tonu a Rota; ko ona taonga kei reira: otira, "i hopukia atu tona ringaringa e aua tangata; " he mani tohu hoki na Ihowa. Kawea mai ana ia, me tana wahine, me ana tamahine tokorua ki waho. Kahore he kupu mo ona tama, me ona hunaonga. A, ko tona wahiue, mo tona tirohanga whakamuri, i mate. Na, kua whiti te ra. Kua ara nga tangata o te pa. Ko Rota ia kua puta lu waho. Katahi pea ka timata te aue o taua hunga, i to ratou kitenga i te ahi whanariki. Otira, kua pahure te wa oranga mo ratou. A, ka penei, ranei te mate mo te hunga e whakawareware ana i tenei ao ? Ae; tona putanga, ano he tahae i te po. Takahuri marire e te ao; kua whakakahoretia e koe a te Karaiti; kua whakaaetia e koe te tangata kohuru, hei Atua mou. A, ka maka tahitia koe me Hatana, ki te roto ahi. E hoa ma, whakaaroa; ko te nate ranei tenei mo if saved yourself, have you no sons, or sons-in-law, or daughters ? Are there none you love, for whom you would pray; and to whom you would speak the warning word ? But Lot seemed, to his own children, as one that mocked. Oh, sad effect of Sodom. My reader, your children watch you; they may see you clinging, and grasping at Sodom's property. Tou may get your heart's desire in this world; and when you warn your children, you may seem as one that mocks. Ah, you may see them left to perish. Still poor Lot lingers. His property is there; and " the men laid hold upon his hand" the Lord being merciful to him. Thus was he, his wife, and two daughters, brought out. Not a word about sons, and sons in-law. Even his poor wife looked backed, and perished. The sun was risen. The city was astir. Lot was out. Oh, what a cry of wailing bitterness, as the first drops of liquid fire fell. It was too late. And is this the doom that awaits this deceived world P Yes: it shall come as a thief in the night. Roll on, poor world; thou has rejected Christ; thou has preferred a murderer, for thy God. The Devil that deceiveth thee, shall be cast into the lake of fire with thee. Oh, my reader, is this thy doom—art thou still a rejecter of Christ ? Do ponder the end. To-day there is mercy; pardon through the precious blood of Christ. God only knows to-morrow. Oh, may God speak to the now, being merciful to thee Remember, it is Christ who says, "In such an hour as ye think not the sou of man cometh. " C. S. "FOR" AND "WITH. " MANY know what the Lord has done for them who do not know what the Lord has done with them. Christ died for our sins accord- ing to the scriptures. —1. Cor. 15. 3. Who gave himself for our sins. —Gal. 1. 4. Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree. —1. Peter 2. 24. * * * Knowing this, that our old man is crucified
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TE HOA MAORL koutou; kei te whakakahore tonu oti koutou i a te Karaiti? Whakaarohia marietia. Inaianei he oranga; he murunga hara i nga toto o te Karaiti. Ko te Atua anake te mohio ana ki apopo. Whakarongo tonu ki te Atua inaianei, kia tohungia ai koutou. Maharatia, na te Karaiti, enei kupu. " Ka puta mai te Tama a te tangata i te haora e kore ai koutou e mahara. " (Matiu 24, 44. ) —Translated by J. G. S. "MO" RAUA KO "KEI. " TERA he maha nga tangata e mohio ana ki te mahi a te Ariki mo ratou, "I mate a te Karaiti mo o tatou — hara, i pera me ta nga karaipature. " (1. Koriniti 15. 3. ). "I tukua nei i a ia ano mo o tatou hara. " (Karatia 1. 4. ). Nane ake i waha o tatou hara, na tona tinana ake, i runga i te rakau. " (1. Pita 2. 24. ). * * * Engari ra e kore e tino mohio te nuinga o nga tangata i mahia ratou e te Ariki kei te aha. — "E mohio ana hoki ki tenei, kua ripekatia ngatahitia to tatou tangata tawhito me ia, kia hemo ai te tinana o te hara, kia mutu ai to tatou mahi ki te hara. " (Roma 6. 6. ). "Kua ripekatia tahitia ahau me te Karaiti: a e ora nei, ehara i te mea ko ahau, engari ko te Karaiti e ora ana i roto i a au. a ka ora nei au i roto i te kikokiko, he oranga na te whakapono ki te Tama a te Atua, i aroha nei ki au, i tuku nei i a ia moku. " (Karatia 2. 20. ). "Kua mate hoki koutou, a kua oti to koutou oranga te huna ki a te Karaiti i roto i te Atua. " (Korohe 3. 3. ). "AUE NANA TE ANO KUPU. " TEEA tetahi, kotiro, ka whitu nga tau, i pataia* with him, that the body of sin might be de- stroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. —Romans 6. 6. I am crucified with Christ: neverless that I live; yet not I, but christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. —Galatians 2. 20. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God; —Collossians 3. 3. "WHY, HE PROMISED TO!" A LITTLE maiden about seven years old, was once asked, "My little girl, are you a Christian?" Looking up with a happy smile, she answered "Yes!" "How long have you been one?" "Ever since last night, " she said. "I was at the meeting, and I felt I was a sinner, and I went home and kneeled by the side of my bed, and I asked God to put away my sins, and He did it. " "How do you know He did it?" "Why, He promised to!" was her sweet reply. How this dear child's faith took God simply at His word, believing that what He promised He would fulfil. He has said, "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. " (Rom. x. 13. ) *atu, "E ko, he Karaitiana ranei koe ?" Katahi ka titiro ake me te menemene mai nga kanohi, ka ki mai, " Ae!" "Kua pewhea te roa o to Karaitiana tanga ?" E, no na po nei ano, i haere ahau ki te hui a tae mai ana te mohio ki au he kotiro hara ahau, hoki ana ahau ki te kainga inoi ai ki te taha o taku moenga, mea atu ana ahau ki te Atua kia murua e Ia oku hara, a, whakarongo tonu mai Ia. He aha te mea i matau ai koe ? Ina ra nana ano te kupu; ko tana whakahoki tenei. Ina ra te hopu kaha atu o tenei kotiro, i te kupu a te Atua, whakapono atu ai ko ta te Atua kupu i ki mai ai e kore e pahika i a Ia. Nana ano te kupu, "Eora hoki nga tangata katoa e karanga ana ki te ingoa o te Ariki. " (Roma 10. 13. ) PRICE, Payable in advance—One Penny each, or Six Shillings per hundred and postage. THIS MAGAZINE MAY BE OBTAINED AT Bible, Book Tract Depot, KARANGAHAPE ROAD, Auckland. ,, 91 MANCHESTER STREET, Christchurch. ,,,, HARDY STREET, Nelson. ,, ',, MANNERS STREET, Wellington. Correspondence to be addressed "Te Hoa Maori, " care of Bible Book and Tract Depot, Karangahape Road, Auckland. The prayers and interest of the Children of God are affectionately sought in connection with this Magazine. JOHN vi. 5. 13.