Te Hoa Maori 1885-1910: Number 26. 01 October 1892

Te Hoa Maori 1885-1910: Number 26. 01 October 1892

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TE     HOA       MAORl



 ' I haere mai hoki te Tama a te tangata ki te rapu ki te whakaora i te mea i ngaro, " Ruka 19, 10

        "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. " Luke 19, 10.

 NAMA 26. •  AKARANA, OKETOPA, 1892. Registered as

 No. 26. i              AUCKLAND, OCTOBER, 1892              a Magazine,

        Kihai  hoki te Atua  i tono mai i taua Tama ki te ao, ki

     te whakahe i te ao; engari kia oraai te ao i a ia, —Hoani 3. 17.

         God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world;

     but that the world through Him might be saved. —John 3. 17.


          KETANGA. "

 " KAHORE he pokanga ketanga: kua

    hara katoa hoki, kahore e taea e

    ratou te kororia  o te  Atua. "

 Romo  3. 22-23.

   Aue te mea taimaha hei akonga mo to

 tangata! Kahore  he pokanga  ketanga i

 te tangata  i te- tangata. Kotahi ano  te

 whakatau ki runga i te katoa, ara, " Kua

 hara katoa koki. "

    E te kai korero, kahore ahau e mohio i

  a koe, kahore ahau e mohio ka pehea ranei

  to mahi ki te ao a tangata titiro; engari ra

  ahakoa ko wai ranei koe kua whakaurungia

  koe i roto i taua kupu " Katoa " hei reira

 kua tau taua kupu marama o te pukapuka

  o te Atua ki runga i a koe. Tera pea he

  tangata ahua tika koe ki to te tangata titiro,

i tenei mahi, i tera mahi ranei, otiia aue te

  mea  taimaha, fie tangata hara koe. Kahore

  e ngaro o hara i te kanohi o te Atua tino

      "NO  DIFFERENCE. "   

 " THERE  is no difference, for all have

     sinned and come short of the glory

     of God"—Rom. ui. 22, 23.

   What  a hard lesson to learn! That there

is no  difference between man and man.

 One common verdict has been passed on all

 alike—" all have sinned. "

  Dear reader, I know not your character,

nor your outward life; but whoever you

 may be, you are included in the word " all, "

 and therefore this plain statement from the

 Word  of God, which  affects everybody,

 affects you. You may be moral, respectable,

 even religious; but alas, you are a sinner.

 Your sins are under the eye of a thrice-holy*

 God. Have you ever owned to be, in His

 presence ?

   *' There is no difference.. *  for the

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                     TE HOA MAORI.

tapu nui whakaharahara Na, i whakaae-

tia ranei e koe i aua mea ki Tona aroaro ?


  " Kahore hoki he rerenga ketanga o te

Hurae o te Kariki: e hua tonu ana hoki

nga taonga o taua Ariki na ano o nga tang-

ata katoa, ki te hunga katoa e karanga ana

Haia. "   Roma 10. 12.

  Kia nui te Atua! Ahakoa kua mate tatou

katoa na to tatou hara, i te matenga o te hunga

katoa, tera ano Le oranga mo ia tahi mo ia

tahi. E mea ana ano ahau, aeha te rerenga

ke o tetahi tangata o tetahi tangata i tona

ahua  ano ki to te tangata titiro, ko taua

Ariki e hua tonu ana  ki te katoa. Otira,

kei te takato tetahi tikanga, ara, ka  riro

taua hua " Ki te hunga katoa e karanga ana

ki te ingoa o te Ariki. "

  Tena, me whakaaetia e tatou i o tatou he

i te tuatahi, i o tatou urunga ki roto i te

hunga " Kahore he pokanga ketanga " A

muri iho me tono he turanga mo tatou ki

roto i te hunga ke o te aroha noa o te Atua,

a me tonu hoki i te mea runga i te mahi a te

Ariki Ihu Kara  ma runga i te tikanga o

tana kupu  kaha  e hoki  he rerenga ke-


  E te kai korero ! Kua oti katoa enei i a

koe?  I karanga atu ranei koe ki a Ia?

" A karanga ma ki a au i te ra o to he:

maku koe e whiakaora. "—Nga  Waiata 50.

15. Nana taua kupu pai. E hoa, ko tenei

to ra he, ka tata koe ki te ngaromanga

mutunga kore, he matenga mo tena hei utu

mo o hara. Ko ia hoki e hua tonu ki te

manakitia, a ka whakarongo ia ki to kara-

nga atu.

  " Kua oti hoki te katoa te kopani e te

Atua ki roto ki te whakateka, he mea ki

tohungia katoatia ai. Ano te hohonutanga

te hua o a te Atua whakaaro, o toua mohio. "

—Roma   11. 32-33. *



       NGA NGA IHO.

TERA      ka ui atu te kai mahi o te Ariki

      ki te tangata ki te pehea  i tona

       wairua, ka ora ranei, kahore ranei,

 whenei ana te whakahoki o te tokomaha,


same Lord  over all is rich unto all that call

upon Him. "—Rom. x 12,

  Blessed be  God, though our sins have

involved us in common  ruin, yet there is

a  common  salvation. Again, let me say,

it matters not what difference there is in

man's sight between man and man, " the

same Lord... is rich unto all. " But

there is one  condition. We  must  "call

upon Him. "  We  must own  our standing

on  the "no  difference" platform of sin,

and  claim a place, because of the work of

our Lord  Jesus Christ, on the "no differ-

ence " platform of grace.

  Reader, have you done this ? Have you

called upon Him ? " Call upon Me in the

day  of trouble, I will deliver thee, " is His

gracious word. Psa. 1. 15. Now is the day

of trouble; you are about to perish for ever,

to suffer the everlasting punishment due to

your sins. Oh, then, call upon Him who is

rich to bless, and He will hear.

   " God hath concluded (shut up) all in un-

 belief, that lie might have mercy upon all.

 O the depth of the riches both of the wis-

 dom and knowledge of God "—Rom xi. 32,

 33                         F. J. M. 



 " I HOPE   so " is a most common

       answer that the  Lord's servants

     receive when inquiring as to the

state of people's souls; but the  Scriptures

—Eph. ii. 12—shew  that as long as we

are in the unconverted state we have

          NO HOPE,

   No, sinner; your case is utterly hopeless

 apart from the grace of God; so you had

better discard " I hope so " at once. But

 believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and then

 YOU may know; for the language of faith is

 not, We hope; but, WE KNOW.

  "We   know  that the Son of God is

 come, and hath  given us an understand-

 ing, " etc. —1 John v 20.

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                    TE HOA MAORl.


koia ko toku tumanakotanga tena. Engari

ra ta te karaipeture kupu o ki na nei ki

Epeka 2. 12. Ko nga  tangata Atua-kore i

te ao ko ratou te hunga



  E te tangata hara! Kahore he tumanak-

otanga mo motu ke i to te aroha o te Atua,

hei reira me whakarere e koe inaianei i to

kupu " Koia ko taku tumanakotanga tena. "

Engari ra kia whakapono koe ki te Ariki

Ihu Karaiti hei reira ka mohio ai koe, no te

mea ehara te kupu a te whakapono he kupu

whakaaro noa iho, he tumanakotanga tang-

ata ranei, engari, e matau  ana  ano


  " Na e matau ana ano tatou kua tae

mai te Tama o te Atua, a kua homai e ia ki

a tatou he matauranga. "—i. Hoani 5. 20.

  " Na konei ano tatau i matau ai e

mau  ana ia i roto i a tatou, na te Wairua

kua homai nei e ia ki a tatou. "—1 Hoani 3.


  " Ka matau nei tatou no te Atua tatou,

a kei te takato te ao katoa i roto i te kino. "

—1. Hoani o 19.

  " Ka matau ana tatou kua whiti tatou

i te mate ki te ora, no te mea e aroha ana

tatou ki nga teina. "—1- Hoani 3. 14.

  " Ma konei hoki tatou ka matau ai

no te pono tatou, ka whakau ai hoki i o tatou

ngakau i tona aroaro. "—1. Hoani 3 19.

  " E mohio ana tatou, ka puta mai ia,

ka rite tatou ki a ia; ka kite hoki tatou i

a ia a ia ake ano. "—1. Hoani 3. 2.

  " E matau ana hoki tatou, na, ki te

wahia ta tatou whare wharau te mea whenua

nei. he whare ano to tatou he mea hanga

na te Atua. "—2   Koriniti 5. 1.

  " I tuhituhia atu ai e ahau enei mea ki a

koutou e whakapono nei ki te ingoa o te




NGA. " Hoani 5. 13.

  E  te kai korero ! E  matau ana  ranei


   E  ki na tetahi kotiro rawakore. "Ko

ahau he tangata hara, he rawa kore hoki.

 engari i mate a Ihu moku, a, e whakapono

  "We  know  that He abideth in us, by

the Spirit which He hath given us. "—1

John iii. 24.

  " We know  that we are of God, and the

whole world lieth in wickedness. "—1 John

v. 19.

  We  know  that we have passed from

death  unto  life, because   we  love the

brethren. "—1 John iii 14,

  "We  know  that we are of the truth,

and shall assure our hearts before Him. "

1 John  iii. 19.

  " We  know that, when He shall appear,

we shall be like Him, " etc. —1 John iii. 2.

  " We  know  that, if our earthly house

•.. wore dissolved, we have a building

of God. "-2 Cor, v. 1.

  "These  things have I written unto you

that believe on the name of the Son of God;



   ETERNAL  LIFE. "-1 John v. 13.

  Reader, do you know ?

  Said a poor dying girl, "I'm only a poor

sinner, but Jesus died for me, and I believe

in Him; and God says I'm saved, and so I

know l aml"

  Again I press it upon you, that as long as

you are in your sins you have no hope; but

if you are a believer on the Son of God, you

are saved—saved in hope of the glory of God,

And  this is what the Word of God calls " a

good hope  through grace, " based on His

promises  (Who  cannot lie), which are all

in Christ yea, and in Him Amen, unto the}

glory of God by us. —2 Cor. i. 20.

  The  Christian, knowing he is saved, rejoices

in hope of the glory of God. —Rom. v. 2.

       "ONE OFFERING. "

A  POOR lad who was employed iu a

       gentleman's house was one day sent

        upstairs with  another  servant to

clean the windows of one of the bedrooms. As

he stood on the sill outside, he looked through

the window-pane, and saw a text hanging

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                       TE HOA MAORI.

 aua ahau ki a Ia; e mea ana Ia ko koe kua

 ora. nu  reira a matau ana ahu" hi  te ora

 ahau. "

   E totohe ana ahau ki a koutou kia mau

 tow i kupu ki a koutou, i nga ra katoa e

 noho ana koutou i roto i to ahua kino kore

 rawa  he tumanakotanga ki a koutou; engari

 ra, mehemea e whakapono ana koutou ki te

 Tama a te Atua kua whiwhi ai koutou ki te

 oranga tonutanga, kua whakaora  ki te

 tumanako nei ki te kororia o te Atua. Ko

 enei te mea e ki na. te Kupu o te Atua. '• me

 te mea pai e tumanakohia atu nei, he mea

 ua te aroha  noa. " — 2. Teharonika 2. 16.

 Kua whakapumau enei mea na runga i te

 kupu o Ia e kore e taea te korero teka, a

 kua mau tonu i roto i a Ia te ae hoki me

 te amine ano hei kororia mo te Atua i runga

 i a tatou ano mahi. —2. Koriniti 1. 20. 

   Na i te tikanga o te mohiotanga a te hunga i

 whakapono  kua ora ai tatou, ka whakama-

 namana ana tatou, te mea ka tumanako nei ki

 te kororia o te Atua. —Roma -5. 2.


  TERA tetahi tamaiti rawakore i whai

  mahi mona ki te whare o tetahi rang-

 atira. A kua tukua ia raua ko tetahi

 kai mahi  ke e taua rangatira ki te horoi te

 matapihi o tetahi ruma moenga. I a ia kei

 waho nei e mahi ana ka titiro ia ki roto i te

• ruma katahi ka kitea e ia tetahi korero i

 iria kei runga rawa i te moenga. Ko enei

 nga korero, '' Kotahi nei hoki tana whaka-

 here, a tika tonu i a ia ake ake te hunga kua

 oti te whakatapu. "  Nga  Hiperu 10. 14.

 Katahi  ka karanga atu te tamaiti nei ki

 tona hoa mahi, "E Mere, inana te korero

 pai. "  Ka hohoro a Mere ki te whakahoki

  kupu, ka karanga atu ia ki te tamaiti nei,

  "Kia kaha koe ki te horohi i te matapihi. "

  Kihai tera i kite ai te pai o taua korero.

   E  te kai korero, ka pehea koe ki taua

  korero ? Kahore koe a kite ana te pai me

  te kaha o te " "Whakahere kotahi " hei mea

  kia whakatikaia te hunga katoa a whaka-

  pono ana ki te Ariki Ihu Karaiti. I runga

  i te mana o taua tu '' Whakahere kotahi"

  nana nei i kororiatia te Atua, no rena i

  noho ai Ia ki te ringaringa o te Runga rawa.

over the bed. The words of it were, '' By

oue offering He hath perfected for ever them

that are sanctified. "—Hebrews x 14. "Look

Mary, "  he said, " what a beautiful text!"

She  quickly told him to make haste and

clean the window; for the verse had no

charm for her. She saw no beauty iu it.

  Does the reader see its beauty and know

the value and efficacy of that "one offer-

ing"  which perfects for ever all who trust

in the Lord  Jesus Christ?  In virture of

that one. sacrifice having glorified God He

has taken His seat on the right hand of the

Majesty on high. What the many offerings

under   the  Jewish   dispensation  could

NOT DO, the One offering of JESUS HAS DONE.

 The believer has no more conscience of sins.

God  declares, "Their sins and  iniquities

will I remember KO MOKE. " Joyful news

to the sinner long burdened with his sins!

   Some  days  after the little incident, re-

ferred to above, the poor boy was taken ill,

 and sent home to his parents, where, shortly

 afterwards  he   died  from   diphtheria.

 Scratched on  the wall, at the foot of the

 bed, they found the words, ' By one offering

 He  hath perfected for ever them that are

sanctified. " Will you not rest, dear reader, as

; he poor boy appears to have done, simply

 and solely in that "one offering?" The

 only sacrifice for sin which   God  could

 accept. The only offering which can give

 the sinner peace with God. "Whosoever

 believeth in Him shall receive remission of

 sins. "—Acts x 43.

           ————         E. E. N.

   HE that thinks he hath no need of Christ

 hath too high thoughts of himself. He

 that thinks Christ cannot help him hath too

 low thoughts of Christ.


 MOST  of the readers of Th  Maori

    Friend know that the promised

  "coming"  of  our Lord  Jesus

  Christ, for which we wait, is in respect of

 two-clashes of people. First: Those  who

  sleep in Jesus. Second: Those  believers

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                      TE HOA MAOBI.

Ko nga mea  katoa E KOKE NEI I OTI i raro i

nga tikanga o nga whakahere i to te takiwa

o nga Hurae; KUA OTI KATOA inaianei i te

whakahere kotahi o Ihu. A e kore te tan-

gata whakapono a maharahara iho ki nga

hara. E ai ta te Atua, " E kore ano hoki

e maharaharatia e ahau a  ratou hara a

ratou kino A MAU AKE NEI, " Nga Hiperu 8.

12. He  panui pai rawa atu tena mo te

hunga he e mau tonu ana i tona hara ki u


  I muri mai e tata nei ki te ra o te koiero

i runga ake ra ka  pa he mate ki taua

tamaiti, a ka hoki ia ki te kainga o tona

koheke; a e kore e roa ka hemo te tamaiti i

te mate  kino. Katuhi  ka kite atu ona

whanaunga  enei reta kua tuhia iho ki te

taha o te whare e tata noi ki toua moenga,

"Kotahi  nei hoki tana whakahere, a tika

tonu i a ia ake ake te hunga kua oti te whaka-

tapu. " Nga  Hiperu 10. H.

  E  te kai korero! E kore ranei koe kia

tau iho to ngakau e whenei me te ngakau

o te tamaiti i tau iho nei ki taua tu whaka-

here ? Ko  te mutunga iho tenei o ngu

whakahere e whakaae ana te Atua hei utu

mo nga hara. Ko te whakamutunga tenei

o nga whakahere e kaha ana ki te hohou

i te rongo ki te Atua. " Ma tena ingoa ka

whiwhi ai ki te murunga hara nga tangata

katoa e whakapono   ana ki a iu. " Nga

Mahi A Nga Apotoro 10. 43.



    E MOHIO   ana te nuinga o nga

       tangata e korero ana i tenei puka-

       puka. "Te Hoa Maori, " nei, "ko te

hokinga mai a te Ariki Ihu Karaiti, ina. te

mea e tatari ana matou, e mea whai tikanga

ana taua mea ki nga hunga tekorua. Ko

te hunga tuatahi ko te hunga e moe aua i

roto i a Ihu, —1, Teharonika 4. 14. Ko te

hunga tuarua ko te hunga e ora ana, a, e

tatari ana tae noa ki Tona he kinga mai.

Ara, ko te hunga whakapono kua oti nei te

tanumanaga, ratou ko te hunga whakapono

e ora ana i te ra o Tona hokinga n ai ki te

tiki i ona. —Korerotia 1. Teharonika 4. Hi-


who are alive, and remain unto His coming.

In other words, for those who have died,

and whose bodies have been laid low in the

grave; and for those Christians who are

still alive on the earth when He returns. —

! Thess. iv 15-18.

  Let me remind you what will happen to

these two classes of people at His coming.

The bodies of those who have died will be

raised up out of their graves, and the bodies

of those who are alive will be changed, all

being made  like the glorious body of the

Lord   Jesus-Phil, iii. 20, 21; then,

together, they will be caught up to meet Him

in the air. —1 Thess. iv. 17. All  this will

happen "In a moment, in the twinkling of an

eye. "   1 Cor. xv. 52.

  What joy! what blessing! They  will

be for ever with and like their Lord. Out

of all those who have  died, ever since sin

came into the world, there will be a com-

pany  singled out. The scriptural name of

that company is " They that are Christ's. "

 1. Cor. xv. 23. Out of all the vast number

of those who are still living throughout this

wide  world, there will  also be  a com-

pany singled out—a heavenly company—to

go up  and meet their Lord. The name of

that company is, "They that" are "ready"

Matt. xxv. 10. These  two companies to-

gether will go into their heavenly home, the

Father's house; and then the door will be


  Now, if you should be  called away

through death before our Lord Jesus Christ

conies, would you be amongst "those that

are Christ's " when He conies, and betaken

up to meet Him, and to be for ever with

Him ? or, would you be amongst these who

will be afterwards raised up to appear before

the great white throne; and who will be

judged according to their works, and cast

into the lake of tire ?—Rev. 20, (11-15.

  On  the other hand, if the Lord should

come while you still live and remain, would

Bis coming find you amongst the " ready 

ones ? or, would it find you amongst those

who, when  it is too late, will seek admission,

saying, "Lord, Lord open to us; " and to

whom  He  will reply, " Verily verily, I say

unto you, I know you not?"

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                   TE HOA MAORI.

  Na, maku e korero atu ki a koutou nga

tikanga mo aua hunga tokorua i te hokinga

mai a te Karaiti.

  Na, i te tuatahi ka maranga mai e nga

tupapaku i nga urupa; a ka whakaahuatia

ketia te hunga e ora ana kia rite ai ki Tona

tinana kororia—Piripai 3. 20-21. Ko  reira

tatau ka kahakina ngatahitia atu me ratou

i runga i nga kapua, ki te whakatau ki te

Ariki i te rangi. -1. Teharonika 4. 17. A,

kua oti katoa tena a, "E kore e aha, kimo

kau te kanohi. '*—1 Koriniti 15. 52

  Ane te hari! Ano te whakapainga! Ka

noho tatou ngatahitia ki o tatou Ariki, a ka

mau  tonu te ahua ki a tatou me Tona ahua

tonu. Hei reira kua kohikohia he hunga i

roto i nga tangata mate timata ai i te tima-

tanga o te putanga mai o te hara ki te ao. a

rae noa ki taua ra. Ko te ingoa Karaipe-

ture o taua hunga  "Ko   te hunga o te

 Karaiti"—1. Koriniti 15. 23. A, kua kohi-

 kohia hei reira he hunga i roto i te tini

mano  o nga tangata ora ki taua ra he hunga

 mo te rangi—Kia haere ake ai ki te whaka-

 tau ki to ratou Ariki. Ko te ingoa o taua

 hunga, "Te hunga kua ata rite. "—Matiu

 25, 10. Ka tomo aua hunga tokorua ki roto

 ki te kainga ki te rangi, te whare o te

 Matau, a, hei reira ka tutakina ana  te


   Na, e hoa, mehemea kua karangatia koe

 kia haere atu ai koe, inaiana nei, marunga

 i te huarahi o te mate, ka uru ranei koe ki

 roto i "te hunga o te Karaiti" i te ra o

 Tana hokinga mai, a. ka peke ake koe ki te

 whakatau ki a Iu, a ka noho koe ake ake ki

 a Ia: Ka uru ranei koe ki roto i te hunga

 mahue atu mo te marangatanga tuarua ki

 te tu ki te aroaro o te torona nui torona ma,

 hei reira kia whakawakia ma runga i te

 tikanga o to ratou mahi, a kua porowhiua

 atu ki roto i te roto ahi.

   Otiia, mehemea ka hoki mai te Ariki i a

  koe e ora ana ka kitea koe e Ia he tangata

  " Kua ata rite, " ranei; ka kitea koe e Ia

 e noho ana ki roto i te hunga kua mahue

  atu, ranei, a muri iho ka haere mai ki te

 karanga  atu " E te Ariki, e te Ariki, uakina

 ki a matou" A ka pangia te karanga mai

 ki a koutou" He pono taku e mea nei ki a

• koutou, kahora ahau e mohio ki a koutou, "

  —Matiu  25. 11-12.

  Boys  often hear the words, " Are you

ready ?" before being started in a race, and

know that the prize frequently depends on

being ready to make  a good start. This

question is oftentimes a far more important

one, and one in which eternal issues are in-

volved. Are you ready ? "The coming of

the Lord  draweth nigh. "   Therefore, be


  Those  who  are "CHRIST'S, " and those

who are "READY, " -will go in with Him, and

the door will be shut,



FAlTH      is the soul's reception of a divine

       testimony. It is my heart simply as-

 —  -  senting to what God says. When

He says, I am utterly lost—"This, my son,

 was lost and is found, "—Luke  15. 24. I

 believe it. That is Faith. When He says,

 "It is a faithful saying-, and worthy of all

 acception, that Christ Jesus came into the

 would to  save sinners, "—1. Timothy 1 15 I

 believe it. That is faith. When He  says,

 "He that  believeth on the Son hath ever-

 lasting life, '"—John 3. 36. 1 believe it. That

 is faith. So then by faith I learn I am lost

 that Christ came to save, and that believing

 Him  I have eternal life. Faith is a very

 simple  thing There is no question of

 feeling. "               W. T. P. W

            TO THE  CHILDREN.


 TWO       little boys were playing in a boat

        in Lowestft harbour. The  elder

        one, standing upon the boat's edge,

 overbalanced  himself, and fell into the

 water. The  other  caught  hold of his

  brother's leg, and tried to pull him into the

  boat, but in vain; he was not strong enough.

  He was willing to save, but was not able;

  and before assistance could reach them, the

  boy was drowned.

    Dear  children, Jesus in willing to save

  every sinner. Not only is He  willing, but

  He  is able also.


7 7

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                      TE HOA MAOEI.

  Tera koa, kua rongo nga tamariki tane te

karanga a te rangatira i mua i te tuku ki

ta totohe ki te oma, ara, '' Kua rite kou-

tou ?" A, e mohio ana hoki koutou ka taka

te utu ki te tamaiti kua tino rite mo te oma.

Mo  konei, mo te ao tena totohe, engari ra,

me pehea te nui o taua patai ki a koutou

mo nga mea ake tonu atu, na, "kua ata

rite koa tou ?" " Kua tata hoki te haerenga

mai o te Ariki. "—Hemi 5. 8. Hei kona kia

ata rite, —-——

  A, "Ko   te hunga o te Karaiti "me te

hunga kua ata rite ka tomo ratou tahi me

Ia ake roto, a, ka tutakina ana te tatou,



NA, te whakapono, he tangomanga

   tena o te wairua o to te Atua wha-

  kaatu mai. He  whakaaetanga o te

wair a ki to te Atua kupu. I a ia e ki mai

nei, ka  tino ngaro koe. " Ko tenei taina

aku i mate, a kua ora; i ngaro, a kua kitea. "

—Ruka  15. 24. Na, e whakaae ana ahau

ki tena. He mea whakapono tena naku. [ a

ia e ki mai nei, " He pono te korero, a e pa

 ana kia tangohia rawatia, i haere mai u

Karaiti  Ihu ki  te ao ki te  whakaora i te

hunga hara, "—Timoti 1. 15. Na, e wha-

kaae ana  ahau ki tena. He mea whaka-

pono tena naku. I a ia e ki mai nei, "Ko

ia e whakapono ana ki te Tama, he oranga

 tonutanga thoa. "—Hoani 3. 36. Na, e wha-

kaae ana ahau ki tena. He mea whakapono

tena naku. Na, ma runga i te whakapono

ka mohiotia ai ahau, kua ngaro ahau. I haere

mai  te Karaiti ki te whakaora, a, i ahau e

 whakapono ana ki a Ia ka mau tonu ki

ahau  te oranga tonutanga. He mea mara-

ma  noa  iho te whakapono. Ehara i te

mea  he mea mo te tinana tangata kia rongo


      (MO NGA. TAMARIKI. )



 r    RA  ka takaro nga tamariki tokorua

        ki roto i tetahi pooti e tu ana ki te

  —    akau o tetahi turanga kaipuke. Ka

 tu te mea koheke ki runga i te taha o te

 pooti, a, muri iho ka taka ki roto i te wai.

           JESUS is WILLING.

  When   a poor leper said to Jesus, " Lord,

if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean. "

Jesus answered, " I will" -Matt. 8 2

             JESUS is ABLE.

  He  ia able also to save them to the utter-

most that come unto God by Him. —Neb. 7


  Are  you willing that Jesus should save

you ?                    A J. H. B.

  Neither is there Salvation in any other:

                  for there is


   under heaven given among men, whereby

       we  must be saved. —Acts. iv. 12

         THE GYPSY.

PASSING      near an encampment of

       gypsies, 1 went in amongst them.

       After buying some of the skewers'

they were making, I learned oue of their

number  was ill, and begged to be allowed

to see him. The father asked:

   " Did you want to talk religion to him ?"

   "No. " "What  then?" "About  Christ. "

 " Oh, then, you may go; only if you talk re-

ligion I'll set the dogs on to you !"

  In the caravan I found the lad alone, and

 in bed, evidently at the far end of the last

stage of consumption. His eyes were closed

and he  looked as one already dead. Very

slowly in his ear I repeated the Scripture,

 " God so loved the world, that He gave His

 Only Begotten  Son, that whosoever  be-

lieveth in Him should not perish, but have

 everlasting life. " I repeated it five times

 without any apparent response; he did not

 seem to hear even with the outward  ear

 On repeating it the sixth time, be opened

 his eyes and smiled. To  my delight he

 whispered, "and I never thanked Him!

 But nobody ever told me I turn Him many

 thanks. Only  a poor gypsy chap! I see!

 I see! I thank Him kindly!"

   He  closed his eyes with an expression of

 intense satisfaction. As I knelt beside him

 I thanked GOD. The lips moved again. I

 caught "That's it. " There  were  more

 words, but I could not Lear them. 

8 8

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          On going the next day, I found the dear

         lad had died (or rather, had fallen asleep in

         Christ)  eleven  hours  after I left. His

         father said he had been very " peaceable, "

         and had a " tidy death. " There  was no

        Bible or Testament in the encampment. I

        left one of each. The poor mau wished me

        "good luck, '' and gave me a little bundle

        of skewers the'" boy Jimmy " had made.

          My  fellow-sinner, it was apparently the

        first timo this dear boy ever heard of God's

         salvation, and with unquestioning faith he

        took God at His word, and with his dying

        lips thanked Him that He so loved the world

        as to give His Son for him, " a poor gypsy

        chap. " God is satisfied with the finished work

        of the Lord Jesus Christ. This poor lad was

         also satisfied and this mutual satisfaction was

         instant and everlasting salvation. In eleven

        short hours he exchanged that forlorn, rick-

        ety caravan for the paradise of God, he fully

        believed that God is as good as His word.

          If you  have not  with your  heart said

        "Amen"   to God's way of  saving lost

        sinners, you are on the extreme verge of

        that death which God calls "eternal, " and

         Christ has the keys of hell and of death.

        But the " grace of God that bringeth salva-

        tion " is brought before you this day. Oh,

         will you refuse it and pass on to " the great

        white Throne " lying ahead of you, and at

        last find your portion in the fire that "never

        can be quenched ?"  O, will you pause, yes,

        believe, and " turn Him many thanks ?"

          My  fellow-believer, may God forbid that

        any one within your reach or mine should

         ever have occasion to say, with regard to

         these everlasting realities, the awful words,

        '' Nobody ever told me!"'