Te Hoa Maori 1885-1910: Number 23. 01 January 1892

Te Hoa Maori 1885-1910: Number 23. 01 January 1892

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                      TE HOA MAORI

iho i reira. Na kia mohio  ai koe, kihai

i  Paora  i korero ki  a  ratou i runga

. te pai  te  kino ranei o  ta  ratou  pa,

nga whare, nga aha ranei, engari ra, i kau-

whautia e ia ki a ratou a Ihu me te aranga. I

panuitia e ia te Kai whakaora, ara ko Ihu,

me te panui nui hoki o te haeretanga mai o

te ra "E  rongo ai i tona reo nga tangata

katoa i roto i nga urupa, a ka puta mai,

ko nga kai mahi o te pai ki te aranga o te

oranga; a ko  nga kai mahi o te kino,

ki te aranga o te whakawakanga. " Hoani

5. 28, 29.

  Engari ra e kore e pai nga tangata mohio

o tana takiwa ki aua tu korero. He mahi

ke te mahi o nga tangata whakaaro ki to te

Atua  whakaaturanga, hei reira kua tuhia

enei kupu kia whakarere ai te tangata kino

i " tona ara " " i aua whakaaro; a kia hoki

mai ano ki a Ihowa a, ka aroha ia ki i ia;

ki to tatou Atua hoki, he nui rawa hoki

tona mahi tohu. Ihaia 55. 7.

  Na, he kainga whakaako tangata a Atene

i tera wa. I reira ngo tohunga nui o ia tahi

o  ia tahi o nga whakaaro tangata o te ao.

 "Ta nga Kariki he rapu whakaaro nui, "

Engari e rapu ana ratou i nga mea i tua atu

i o ratou kaha te kite atu na te mea he mahi

tangata ratou motu ke i nga mea o te Atua

whakaatu. "Whakatakina   atu e koe  te

Atua, e  kitea ano ranei e koe?" Ko wai

 e kaha ki te whakaora ake i tona wairua ?

   Na, ka rongo ratou i te korero a Paora

 katahi ratou e  ki na, "He   aha tenei

 tangata korerorero  e  mea  nei ?"   To

matou ia he kauwhau i a te Karaiti kua oti

 nei te ripeka, te "kaha tenei o te Atua me te

 whakaaro mohio o te Atua mo nga tangita

 whakapono, engari, he mea kuware tera ki

 ana tangata mohio o tenei ao.

   E te kai korero! E aha hoki te Karaiti ki

 a koe ? Te kaha me te mohio o te Atua ranei,

 he mea kuware ranei? Ko tehea? Tena,

 ka mea koe, ko te mea tuatahi maku, ka tika

 to karanga, engari mehemea e ki ana koe,

 ko te mea kei muri maku, ehara tera i te

 mohio pai, no te mea kahore he oranga motu

 ke i a te Karaiti kua oti nei te ripekatia.

   Kua harea a Paora e. enei tohunga ki

 Areopaka—te  kooti nui tera o Atene A,

 ka tu nga tangata mohio a taua wa i reira

 ki te whakawakia i a ia. He ra nui tera.

unto them Jesus and the resurrection. He pro.

claimed a Saviour—Jesus, and the solemn

fact, that the day is coming when " all who

are in their graves shall hear his voice, and

come  forth; they that have done  good,

unto the resurrection of life; and they have

done  evil, unto the resurrection of judge-

ment. "

  But this did not suit the men of learning

of that day. Man's mind, for the most part,

runs counter to the revelation of God; hence

it reads, " his way" and "his thoughts"

are to be forsaken, " and let him return unto

the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him:

and  to our God, for he will abundantly

pardon"  (Isa lv. 6-8. )

  Now  Athens in those days was one of the

 seats of learning. Philosophers  of every

 school were to be  found there. "The

 Greeks seek after wisdom; " and these poor

 men were groping their way, in matters too

 high for man to reach, apart from the lamp

 of revelation; for who  by searching can

find out God ? or who by working can save

 his soul?

   These men  listened to Paul, an. d called

 him a babbler, or chatterer. Now  Christ

 crucified is to the believer both the power of

 God, and the wisdom of God; but to those

 men of worldly wisdom  it was foolishness.

   Reader, what is Christ crucified to you ?

 —the power of God, and  the wisdom of

 God?  or foolishness? Which?  If you say

 the former, it is well; if the latter, it is

 not well, for there is no salvation apart from

 Christ, and Him crucified.

   Paul is brought by these philosophers to

 Areopagus, or Mars' Hill, the highest court

 in Athens, and there he is confronted with

 a large company of those who represented

 the learning of the day. It was a solemn

 and interesting moment, —human learning

 pitted against the Gospel of God.

   Paul discourses; the man of God is alone

 in testimony for his Lord. Mark the heads

 of his sermon. God—to them the unknown

 God—God, and man in relation to Him as a

 responsible being, form, as it were, the first


   Man's  sin, and God's call to repentance,

 with the assurance of forgiveness, form the


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                      TE HOA MAORI

Ka  totohe nga mohio tangata ki te rongo

pai a te Atua.

  Ka kawhau o Paora. Ko ia anaki e tu

ana mo te Atua taha. Whakarongo ki nga

take o tona korero. Ko te take tuatahi—Ko

te Atua, me nga tangata ahua ki a ia—

engari te Atua  ngaro ki a ratou. Ko  te

tahe tuarua—Te hara o nga tangata me te

karangatanga o te Atua kia ripeneta. Ko

te take tuatoru—Te ra o te whakawa me

te Karaiti i te kororia te kai whakawa. Ko

te take tuawha—Te tangata kua pana i te

ao, engari kua toronatia ki runga.

  Ano te kaha o te kauwhau o te tangata o

te Atua. Ano   hold tona  totohe ki te

whakaaro nui o nga tangata e whakarongo

ana ki a ia. Kei runga rawa te Atua; he

mea hanga te tangata, aue, he tangata hara,

he tangata mate hoki ia, aue ano, ka korero-

tia e ratou o ratou mahi ki te Atua tonu;

note mea, kua  oti ra te tuhituhi "E ora

ana ahau e ai ta te Ariki, ina e piko katoa

nga turi ki au, a e whakaae nga arero katoa

ki te Atua. " Roma  14. 11.

  Hei runga i te marama o tenei korero e

hara ranei i te mahi tika mo nga tangata kia

ripeneta ratou ki te Atua ? Kei hea te mea

tika atu i tera korero—Ka whakaae nga

arero ki te Atua, me o ratou ahua he ki te

aroaro o te Atua ? Me pehea ka taea e te

Atua   ki te titiro atu ki  te tangata  he,

mehemea  e pupupuri ana e whakatika ana

hoki te tangata he i tona mahi kino. Engari

ka ripeneta te tangata ki te Atua ka hohoro

te Atua ki te murua  i tona hara. A ka

hari te rangi, no te mea e ki ana te kupu nei

l" He hari ano kei te aroaro o nga anahera o

te Atua mo  te tangata kino  kotahi ina

ripeneta. " Ruka  15. 10.

  He  mea pai rawa atu te matakitaki ki te

tangata e ripeneta ana. Aeha ki te ao nei,

engari he mea pai ki te rangi he mea hari

hoki. Ko  te take o te hari kua  hoki

te  tangata mahi  he  ki  te mahi  tika

ki  te aroaro o te Atua. Hei  reira ka

taea e te Atua ki te whakaputa te kaha o

tona aroha  ki te murua te hara  o taua

tangata, he mahi nui tera na te mate nui o

Tana Tama. Hei reira ka koa nga anahera

ki te titiro atu ki te tangata ripeneta me te

mahi tohu o te Atua.

  E te kai korero ! E mohio ana ranei koe

  The  day of  judgment, the  appointed

Judge, the risen Christ in glory—the Man

rejected from the earth, but enthroned on

high, —form  the third.

   With what fervency the man  of God

speaks  and with what power he deals with

the conscience of his hearers. God  is sup-

reme; man is a creature, and, alas! a sinful

fallen creature; and, solemn fact, he has to

give account of himself to God; for it is

written, " As I live, saith the Lord, every

knee  shall bow to me, and every tongue

shall confess to God" (Rom. xiv. 11).

  Iu the light of this, what more right than

the sinner's repentance toward God! Could

you  conceive of anything more consistent ?

A  creature getting into his right place be-

fore his Creator, owing His authority, and

confessing his sin. How could God meet a

guilty sinner save in judgement, if he did

not  take the place of repentance?  And

mark, heaven   rejoices when  he   does.

 " There is joy in the presence of the angels

of  God  over one sinner that repenteth"

 (Luke xv. 10),

   It is a blessedly interesting sight to see a

sinner repenting. The world may not think

much  of it; but heaven does, and rejoices

over it. And why ?  Because another fallen

rebellious creature has  got into his right

place with God, has recovered himself, and

God  is left free to come forth in grace, on the

ground  of the precious death of His Son,

and  pardon and save. Those  unjealous

beings  in heaven  rejoice in the  sinner's

blessing, and in the exercise of God's grace

on his behalf.

  Beloved reader, do you know what repen-

tance towards God is ?—repentance to sal-

vation not to be repented of. True repent-

ance goes with something  else, viz., "faith.

toward our Lord Jesus Christ. " A  repent-

ant sinner sees that God has provided a sac-

rifice, and that the blood of that sacrifice has

made  anotement for the soul. By  faith

he reposes in that blood, and in Him who

shed it, and the blessed result is—salvation.

  Oh, sweet thought, sweeter still as the

years roll by, is that of God's salvation for

poor sinner who  deserved it not!  And

wondrous  thought, that while it only cost

God but a word to call into existence the

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                      TE HOA MAORI

te tikanga o taua kupu te ripeneta whaka-te-

Atua ?  A, he ripeneta, a ora ake, he mea e

kore e ripenetatia? Kua tapiritia tetahi mea

atu ki te ripeneta tika, ara, "Te whaka-

pono ki to tatou Ariki, ki a Ihu Karaiti. "

Na, ka kite te tangata e ripeneta ana te

whakahere i whakaritea e te Atua, a ko te

toto o taua whakahere hei utu mo te wairua,

ko te toto hoki te mea hei mea whakamarie-

tanga mo te wairua. Ka tau tana whaka-

 pono ki taua toto, ki a ia hoki nana nei i

 ringitia, a, ko te mutunga ake, te oranga


  Ano te whakaaro pai. Ano hoki mo muri

 kua takoto te tohu o te Atua ki te tangata

 he take kore ! Ano hoki te whakaaro miharo,

 ahakoa ua te Atua i hanga te ao na tana

 kupu whakahau, ko tana utu ki te whakaora

 i te wairua tangata koia ko Tana Tama, a,

 ko te toto hoki o Tana Tama, Ka  tika

 rawa te hari o te rangi, kotahi tonu o

 ratou whakaaro. E te kai korero, whaka-

 rongo mai koe ki ahau. Mehemea ka mau

 o hara ki a koe, mo whakarongo koe ki ta

 te Atua kupu whakahau, a, kia ripeneta, ka

 hari hoki te rangi ki to ripenetatanga. I

 te maramatanga o taua ra whakawhiu e

 whakahau ana e Ia i a koe, ara, nga tangata

 katoa, kia ripeneta. Na, ka ripeneta koe ?

 Ka hoki koe ? Ka rapu ranei koe i Tona

 aroaro ? Ka whakapono koe ki a Ihu me

 tona toto ? He mahi tohu, he mahi whakaaro

 nui te Tokotoru ki to oranga tonutanga! I

 tonoa te Tama e  te Atua te Matua hei

 whakaora mo to ao. I mate te Atua Tama,

 te tika mo te he kia arahina ai tatou e ia

 ki te Atua. Kei konei te Atua te Wairua

 Tapu ki te whakaatu te he, ki te whakaatu-

 ria a Ihu, a, ka arahina te tangata hara ki

 te whakapono ki a Ia. Kia oho to karanga

  ki te rangi i tenei ra, ara i a koe e korero

  ana i tenei korero, a kia whakarongo koe te

  whakahau a te Atua ki a koe kia ripeneta,

  a kia tahuri koe ki a te Karaiti i runga i

  te whakapono, a, kia whakaae rawa koe ki

  te kupu o ta Atua te Wairua Tapu e kore e

  maharatia e te Atua to hara, to he, ake ake

  ake. Titiro Nga Hiperu 10. 15-18.

    Engari me hoki tatou ki a Paora. Ka

  kauwhauria ratou e ia, a, ka wehea te hui ki

  nga wahi e toru. Te wahi tuatahi, "Ka

  tawai etahi. "—He hunga tawai tera. Te

universe, it cost Him His own dear Son, and

that Son  His life-blood, to save one poor

sinner!  No wonder  then that heaven re-

joices, for all the mind in heaven is one. If

you  are not saved  dear reader, I would

beseech of you to obey the command of God

to repent. His goodness leads to repentance,

and  heaven rejoices when you do. In the

light of that dreadful day of judgement He

commands  all men—you—to  repent. Will

you repent?  Will you return ? Will you

 seek His face ? Will you trust in Jesus and

 His blood ? Oh, how interested are the three

 Persons iu the blessed Trinity in your sal-

 vation ! God the Father sent the Son to be

 the Saviour of the world; God the Son died,

 the just for the unjust, that we might be

 brought to God; God  the Spirit is here to

 convince of sin, to testify of Jesus, and to

 lead the sinner to trust in Him. Let it be

 said to-day in heaven, —yea, while you read

 these lines, —that you obeyed the command

 of God to repent, that you turned to Christ

 in faith, and that you  accepted, without

 reserve, the testimony of God  the Holy

 Spirit, that God will remember your sins

 and iniquities no more for ever (Heb. x. 15-


   But to return to Paul, As is usually the

 case, the preaching of the Gospel split the

 congregation  up  into three parts: first,

 " some mocked "—mockers; second, others

 said, "We    will hear thee again of this

 matter"—procrastinators; third, "Howbeit

 certain men clave unto him, and believed;

 among  the which was Dionysius the Areop-

 agite, and a woman named Damaris, and

 others with them "—believers.

    Reader, in the light of eternity, I ask you,

 To which  of the three classes do you belong?

 —to  those who mocked? to those who pro-

  crastinated ? or to those who accepted the

  Gospel, as the message of God to them, and

  believed? Let not the sun go down again before

  you are ranged before God with those who

  believe in His blessed Son.

    In the day of judgement, where will the

  mockers have their portion ? In hell. And

  in that day when the voice of mercy is heard

  no more, where will the procrastinators be ?

  Alas!  in hell, And in that day, what  of

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                       TE HOA MAURI

wahi tuarua, " Taihoa matou e whakarongo

ki tenei mea i a koe. "—Te  hunga taihoa

tera. Te wahi tuarua, " Ko etahi tangata

ia i piri ki a ia, i whakapono: i roto i a

rotou a Rionaihia no Areopaka, ko  etahi

wahine ko Ramari  te ingoa, ratou ko etahi

atu. "—Te hunga whakapono  tera.

  E  te kai korero! i runga i te marama-

 tanga mo muri ake tonu atu e patae ana

ahau ki a koe. E piri ana koe ki tehea o

enei wehenga e toru? Ki te hunga tawai

ranei, ki te hunga taihoa ranei, ki te hunga

e whakaae  ana ki te kupu a te Atua a

whakaponohia  ranei?  Kia  tere koe, kia

 kaua e to te ra i mua i to whakapiringa ki

te hunga e tu ana ki te arearo o te Atua e

whakapono ana ki Tana Tama.

  Ka  noho te hunga tawai ki hea i te ra o

 te whakawhiu  inana, —ki te roto ahi. Ka

 mutu te kupu rangimarie ki reira. A ka

 noho hoki te hunga tiahoa ki hea i taua

 wa, aue !—ki te roto ahi. A me pehea mo te

 hunga whakapono ki taua ra ?—Kia nui te

 ingoa o te Atua, " Ka noho tonu tatou ki te

 Ariki. "



 KO te Karaiti kua koroiatia ki te ring-

 aringa katau o te Nui i runga rawa,

 kua whakakitea i a Ia e te Atua ki

 te katoa hei mea whakaponohia.

   " Ko ia hoki ta te Atua i whakaatu mai

 ai i mua hei whakamarietanga, i runga i te

 whakapono  ki ona toto, kia whakakitea ai

 tana tika, i te mea ka whakapahemotia nei

 nga hara o mua, he mea hoki na to te Atua

 manawanui; hei whakatika i tana tika i

 tenei wa nei ano; he mea hoki kia tika ai ia,

 me  te whakatita ano i te tangata e whaka-

 pono ana ki a Ihu. " Roma 3. 25, 26.

   "Ina, na te rongo te whakapono, a i

 rongo ai, na te Kupu a te Atua. " Roma

  10. 17.

   E marama nui whakaharahara te whaka-

 aturanga a te Atua ki te orangatanga i roto

 i ona kupu. Kua  riro mai i te titiro, i te

 whakarongo, i te haere mai, i te tango.


    " Tahuri mai Ki au, Kia ora ai Koutou,

  e nga pito katoa o te whenua. " Ihaia 45 22.

the believer?   Thank  God, he  will be

" for ever with the Lord. "            E. A.


    HEIST, glorified at the right hand

       of  the Majesty in the heavens, is

       presented by God to the whole world


   " Whom  God hath sent forth to be a pro-

pitiation through faith in His blood, to declare

His  righteousness for the remission of sins

that are past, through the  forbearance of

God; to declare, I say, at this time, His

righteousness; that He might be just, and

the  justifier of HIM WHICH BELIEVETH IN

JESUS. "  (Rom. iii. 26. )

   "Faith cometh by hearing" [or, a re-

 port], "and hearing by the Word of God. "

 Rom. x. 17.

   God  presents salvation in His Word in

 the simplest manner possible for all. You '

 may  have it either by looking, hearing,

 coming, or taking.


   "Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the

 ends of the earth. " Isa. xlv. 22.


   "Incline your ear, and come unto 

 HEAR, and your  soul shall live. " Isa  lv.



   " Come unto Me, all ye that labour and

 are heavy  laden, and I will give you rest"

 Matt. xi. 28.


   " Whosoever  will, let him TAKE the water

 of life freely. " Rev. xxii. 17.

   Could God make it more simple'  Reader,

 will you be simple ? Whether you look unto

 Him  in the glory hearken to His voice, come

 unto Him  with your burden, or take His i

 free gift, it is faith in each instance, and

 God says you are saved.

   Will YOU take Him at His Word ?      !

   Christ  "was  delivered for Our offences, 

 and  was raised again for our justification. '

 Therefore being justified BY FAITH, we have

 peace with God  THROUGH OUR LORD  JESUS

 CHRIST. "  Rom. iv. 25; v. i. E. H. C.

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                      TE HOA MAOEI


  " Tahuri mai o koutou taringa, haere mai

hoki ki au; whakarongo mai, a ka  ora o

koutou wairua. "  Ihaia 55. 3.

              HAERE MAI.

  "Haere mai ki ahau, a koutou katoa e mau-

iui ana, e taimaha ana a maku kotou e wha-

kaokioki. " Matiu  11. 28.


  " Kia tangohia noatia ano te wai ora e te

tangata e hiahia ana. " Whakakitenga   22.


  Ka taea te Atua ki te whakamarama ake?

E   te kai-korero, kia marama hoki  koe.

Pera  ka titiro atu koe ki a Ia ki roto i te

kororia, ka whakarongo koe ki tona reo, ka

haere mai ki a Ia, ka tangohia tana mea

homai noa mai, he mahi whakapono tena aua

ka ki te Atua ka ora ai koe. Kohore koe e

pai ana ki te whakapai i ana kupu ?

   Ko te Karaiti I tukua nei mo o tatou he,

i whakaarahia  ano  hoki mo  tatou  kia

 whakatikaia. Na, ka  tika nei tatou i te

whakapono, ka mau ta tatou rongo 1d te Atua,

 he mea na to tatou Ariki na Ihu Karaiti. "

Roma  4. 25 me 5. 1.

           MO NGA TAMARIKI.

        KO WAI A IHU ?

 TERA    pea ka ki te tamaiti nei, " Ko

       wai ra e kore e mohio i tera ? Ko Ia

       ra o tatou Kai whakaora!"

   Koia, koia, e ki ana  ahau ka pera to

 whakahoki  kupu. Engari ra tera ano

 tetahi tamaiti pea  e kore  e mohiotia i

 tera. Tera ano tokorua nga tamariki tane

 ahakoa i rongo ratou i te ingoa o Ihu e kore

 ratou e tino marama ko wai ranei i a Ia.

 Na ehara ranei tera i te mea kuware ?

   Engari ra e mohio ana pea nga tamariki

 e korero ana i tenei pukapuka etahi tikanga

 o Ihu nei ?

   Tera  pea ka taea etehi o koutou ki te

 tuhituhi iho o kerere nui i runga i te mahi

 miharo o tenei tangata Ko Ihu.

   I te tuatahi ka korero koe pea, ko Ihu te

 Tama o te Atua; a i runga i tana mohio

 ake o te aroha noa o tona Matua ki nga

 tangata, nga whahine, nga tamariki tane,

 nga tamariki wahine e whai hara nei ratou

            (TO THE CHILDREN. )

        WHO  IS JESUS ?


OH"  says some little boy or girl

    " who does not know that ? Why,

     He is our Saviour!"

  Now, that is just what I thought you

would say. But there are some little chil-

dren who  do not even know so much as

that. Two  little boys, who evidently had

heard of Jesus, did not seem quite to know

who He was. Was  not that igorance ?

  I do not suppose  that there are many

little readers of "Good News" who do not

know  something about Jesus.

  Perhaps many of you could write down a

long life of that blessed One.

  You  would first of all tell how He is God's i

Son, and how, knowing  that His Father;

loved sinful men and women, and boys and

girls, in this world, Ho came down here,

leaving all His bright glory behind, to die

a shameful death on the cross at Calvary, in

order that every one who with the heart be-

lieves on Him might be  able to stand in

God's holy presence by-and-by. Yes, you

could perhaps tell all this, and say, too, how

good and kind He used to be when down

here; how he went about healing the sick,

and  raising the  dead; comforting  the

widows, and  blessing the little children;

showing out the love of His own heart to

everybody who  would allow Him. Then

you might  go on to speak of the mighty

works He used to do: how He had power

to still the storm with His word, to turn

 water into wine, to cast devils out of men

and women, and to do many other wonderful


   Yet, iu spite of being able to tell all this,

 I am afraid some of my young readers are

 still wanting in one piece of knowledge,

 without which all the rest is worse than use-


   " What is that ?" you say.

   Let me tell you a story, and then you will

 see what I mean.

   Some years ago a Christian lady had a

 Sunday class of girls, and one day she set

 them all an exercise. What  do you  think

 it was ? Why they had each to write down

 on a piece of paper all that they knew about

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                      TE HOA MAOEI

 ri tenei ao, katahi ka haere iho Ia i te

 kororia kia mate ai ia i te mate kino i runga

i te ripeka ki Ka ware hei reira ka whai kaha

nga tangata katoa e whakapono ana ki a Ia

 ki te tu ki te aroaro o te Atua Tapu a muri

 ake. Ka  taea e koe, pea, ki tera korero

me   te korero  ake  i  runga  i Tana

 pai me Tana  atawhai i a Ia nei i konei

 lei; ki Tana haerere ki  te whakaora  i

nga  turoro, whakaara i nga  tupapaku,

 korero atawhai ki te hunga poaru, a manaa-

 kitia nga tamariki, e whakamarama ana te

 hunga e pai ana ki te aroha noa o roto i a

Ia. Tera hoki ka korero ake koe i runga i

 Tana mahi nui i oti i a Ia, ki te whakamutu

 be marangi kia marinotokitoki, ka hanga

 hoki e Ia te waina i te wai maori, ki te peia

 atu i nga rewera i nga tangata ratou ko nga

 wahine; a tera atu te mahi nui.

   Otira, ahakoa e mohio ana koutou i enei

 mea tera pea etehi o koutou e kore e tae atu

 ki tetahi mohiotanga ake; a, mehemea e

 ngaro tera mea atu, he mea noa iho te mohio


   Tera pea e ui ana  tetahi o koutou, " E

 aha koia tera mohiotanga ?"

   Tera, maku   e korero atu tetahi korero

 ki a koutou hei reira, pea, ka marama kou-

 tou ki te tikanga o taku korero.

   1 tetahi tau i mahue atu nei ka mahia e

 tetahi wahine whakapono he kura ratapu

 mo nga tamariki wahine. Ka homai e ia

 tetahi mahi ki a ratou. Na, e aha tera mahi

 ki to mohio ? Tera ko tenei. Kia tuhituhia

 e ia tahi e ia tahi o ratou nga mea e mohio

 ana ratou i runga i te ingoa o Ihu.

   Tera pera e ki ana koutou  " Katahi te

 mea ngawari. "

   Pera ano etahi o ratou. Na, i te kitenga

 atu o te kai whakaako ki o ratou korero ka

 kitea e ia he maha nga korero pai i runga i

 te Kai whakaora, pera mea tau ka tuhituhi

 nei. Engari, tera tetahi kotiro iti heoi ano

 ona kupu ewha, otira ki ta te kiawhakaako

 titiro e pai rawa tana pukapuka i nga puka-

 puka  katoa. Tena, Ka iu mai koutou, e

 aha koia ana kupu e wha ? Ko enei.


   Na, kia mohio ai koutou, kei taua kotiro

 te mohiotanga pai rawa atu i nga mohio

 katoa  o te ao. I tino mohio ai ia e arkoa

 ana a Ihu U a ia. Ae ra, ahakoa he tamaiti


  " Oh, how easy, " you say.

  So some of the girls found it, for when

the teacher came to look over the papers

next Sunday, she found many  nice long

accounts of the Saviour, just as, I dare say,

you could have written. But there was one

little girl who could  write only four words,

and yet, in the teacher's eyes, her paper was

the best of all. What  were those words ?

Just these:

        "HE  IS MY SAVIOUR. "

  That  little girl had a  secret that was

worth more than all the knowledge of the

world. She  knew  that Jesus loved her; yes,

only a  little girl, and yet Jesus loved her,

and  had died for her.

  Let me ask you, dear young reader, can

you say, "Jesus is my Saviour ?" I do not

ask you if you can say, " He is the Saviour, "

or, " He is our Saviour; " but can you take

up the words of Paul in Galatians ii. 20, and

say, He  '' loved me, and gave Himself for

me ?" Can you apply those words in 1 Pet.

 ii. 24 to yourself, and say, "His own self

bare my sins in His own body on the tree ?"

 Can you truly say, " With His stripes I am

healed?"   (Is Iiii. 5. )

   Why  do I ask these questions? That you

 may think whether you are fit to meet God.

 For God is holy, and cannot even look on a

 naughty child like you  Hab. i. 13], unless

 you have been washed " whiter than snow "

 [Ps. Ii. 7] in the blood of His Son. But if

 you have thus been washed—if you can say,

 " Jesus is my Saviour, His blood was shod

 to cleanse me, " then you are perfectly fit to

 meet God. For "the blood of Jesus Christ

 His Son cleanseth us from all sin. " [1 John.

 i 7].

   May  each of you who read this little paper

 solemnly ask yourselves the question, "What

 is Jesus to me ?" and not be able to rest till

 you can truthfully say, " He is my Saviour. "

                             F. E. M.

8 8

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                      TE HOA MAORl

iti noa iho te tamaiti nei, e aroha ana a Ihu

ki a ia, a i mate hoki Ia mona.

  E te kai korero! He patae tenei naku ki

a koe, Ka taea ranei e koe ki te ki atu " Ko

Ihu TOKU Kai whakaora?"  Ehara i te penei

taku iu atu ki a koe, Ka taea ranei e koe ki

te ki atu " Ko Ia te Kai whakaora. " " Ko

Ia to tatou Kai whakaora, " ranei. Engari

ra e penei ana te takato o te patae ka taea

ranei e koe ki te tango i nga kupu a Paora

ki Karatia 2. 20  •• I aroha mai nei ki au, i

tukua nei i a ia moku" Ka taea ranei e

koe ki te tango i nga kupu a 1. Pita 2. 24.

"Nana   ake i waha toku hara, na  tona

tinana ake i runga i te rakau, " hei kupu

mo?  Ka  taea ranei e koe ki te ki i runga i

te pono, "Kei ona karawarawa hoki he

rongoa moku"   Ihaia 53. 5.

  Tera pea e kimi ana koe te take o aku

patae  atu ki a koutou. Ko  te take tenei.

kia  marama  ai koutou ki to tika mo to

koutou tutaketanga atu ki te Atua. No te

mea he Atua tapu te Atua e kore e taea e Ia

ki te titiro ki tetahi tamaiti he ka pera me

koe. (Titiro ki a Hapukuku 1. 13) a ki te

kore koe i horoia " ma atu i te hukarere " i

"te  toto o Tana Tama. "  (Titiro ki nga

"Waiata 51. 7. ) Engari ra, mehemea kua oti

koe te horoi, ka kaha koe ki te karanga atu,

" Ko Ihu toku Kai whakaora, kua ringihia

tona toto ki te horoia ahau" Katahi ka tika

koe  ki te tutake atu ki te  Atua. "Ae

 horoia ana o tatou hara e nga toto o Ihu

Karaiti o Tana Tama. "   1. Hoani 1. 7.

  E te hunga e korero ana i tenei pukapuka

iti me iu atu e koe ki a koe tonu, " E aha

hoki a Ihu ki ahua ?" Kauaka e whakarere

taua patae, engari kia mau tonu, mau tonu,

a tae noa te ra e whai kaha ana e koe ki te

karanga ake i runga i te pono " Ko Ia toku

Kai whakaora. "


NA ta te ha o te Atua nga Karai-

    peture katoa. ''—2 Timoti, 3,

     16. He kupu tenei kia hopo-

hopo tatou ki te karaipeture. Na nga mea

i tuhituhia i mua, he mea tuhituhi hei whaka-

ako i a tatou. "—Roma, 15-4. He kupu

tenei kia ia tahi o tatou hei whakakaha o

tatou whakaaro ki aua mea.

  He  tohu tika rawa te kupu tuatahi kua

riro mai ai aua kupu i te Atua. Ko te kupu

tuarua kia waiho tera hei tohu ka reira mai

aua kupu ki a tatou.

  Kai mau aua kupu erua he mea kaha era

ki  te herea tatou ki te Atua i runga i te

kupu  tapu o te Karaipeture Tapu.


ALL Scripture is given by inspir-

   ation  of God. "    [2 Tim. iii.

   16. ]  This  commands  our

 reverence. " Whatsoever things where

 written aforetime where  written for  our

 learning. "—Romans 15-4. This awakens

 our personal interest.

   The  former of these quotations proves

 that Scripture comes FROM  GOD, The

 latter proves that it comes TO US.

   That and this taken together, bind us to

 God by the divine link of Holy Scripture.

                            C. H. M.

    PRICE, Payable in advance—One Penny each, or Six Shillings per hundred and postage.


             Bible, Book Tract Depot, KARANGAHAPE ROAD, Auckland.

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                       Depot, Karangahape Road, Auckland.

   The prayers  and interest of the Children of God  are affectionately sought in connection with this

                                   Magazine. JOHN vi. 5. 13.