Te Hoa Maori 1885-1910: Number 21. 01 July 1891

Te Hoa Maori 1885-1910: Number 21. 01 July 1891

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 I haere mai hoki te Tama a te tangata ki te rapu ki te whakaora i te mea i ngaro. " Ruka 19, 10

       " For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. " Luke 19. 10.

NAMA  21. /                 AKARANA, HURAE, 1891. Registered as

No. 21. AUCKLAND, JULY. 1891, a Magazine.

              " Rapua a Ihowa i tona kitenga ai karangatia atu kei tata ana ia. "

        —Ihaia, 55, 6.

             " Seek ye the LORD while he may bo found, call ye upon him while

        he is near. "—Isaiah 55, G.





KATAHI    te kupu miharo ! Engari ra, i

 e tika ranei kahore ranei ? Ehara

ranei i te kupu nui a nga tangata whakapono

hemea  noa iho nga pukapuka katoa haunga

 te Paipera Tapu ? Ehara ranei i nga kupu o

 roto e kupu tika he kupu e rite ana hoki mo 

 enei ra ? Ehara i te kupu a te Karaiti tonu,

 " E pahemo te rangi me te whenua, ko taku

 kupu ia e kore e pahemo. "—Ruka 21, 33. 

 Pera ana te kupu ki a— 1 Pita 1, 25. " Ko

 te kupu a te Ariki, mau tonu ake ake. " He

 kupu pai he kupu tika hoki era. Hei reira

 ka mau tonu ki a te Karaitiana nga mea

 katoa e whiwhi ana ia i nga kupu a te Atua.

 Ano hold te tangata e whakarere ana i te

 aroha noa inaianei ki mau tonu ki a ia ake

 tonu atu te whakataunga whakawa.

   Tera pea e penei ana te kai-korero, E aha

 koia te tikanga o taua kupu na, '' He mea

 noa ano te Paipera Tapu ?" Tena ko tenei.

 Tera ano ka puta mai te wa ka pahemo nga



 WHAT    a startling statement! Surely

    that can never be true!

  Is it not the boast of Christians, that every

 book that is written grows old and out of

 date  except the Bible ? Does  not it keep

 abreast of the times; and  does not Christ

 Himself say, " Heaven and earth shall pass

 away, but my words shall not pass away"

 —Luke   21, 33. Also in 1 Peter 1, 25—

  " But the word of the Lord endureth for

  ever. "  Yes, those verses are blessedly true,

  and  all the blessings that Christians get

 through  God's Word  will last for ever, and

  the judgments recorded upon the rejectors

  of the gospel will be carried out, and that

  for eternity.

   Then  what do you mean  by the Bible

  being out of date ? What  I mean  is this.

  There will undoubtedly come a time in the

  history of this world when the Bible will be

  out of date. For more than eighteen hun-

! dred years pardon has been proclaimed to

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                      TE HOA MAORI.

tikanga o te Paipera Tapu a ka noa Pau


noa te tekau ma waru  rau nga tau e rere

noa ana te panuitanga o to aroha noa utu

kore ki nga tangata hara. A he panui tora

hei runga i nga tikanga o te mahi nui i otia

e te Ariki o Ihu Kamiti i runga i te ripeka.

  I mua  i te hekenga a te Ariki a Ihu

Karaiti o ki ana ia, mea ke ka hoki mai, ano

ahau  ki te tiki atu i koutou a ka noho

koutou ki ahau  ake ako. A  i muri mai i 

tana hekenga  ka tukua mai e Ia i tenei

panui  ki ona, "Tenei  te ki  nei o te kai

whakaatu   o enei mea  na, Ka hohoro taku

haere atu. Amine. Ae  ra haere mai, P te

Ariki, e  Ihu "—Whakaritenga      22, 20

 Akuanei tonu, pea, ka hoki mai Ia, " No te

mea  ko te Ariki pu ano e heke iho ite rangi

 mo te karanga  ano. mo to reo o to tino

 anahere, me te tetere o te Atua: a ko te

 hunga kua mate i roto i to Karaiti e ara ki

 mua; ko reira tatou te hunga kua mahue

 ki te ora, ka kahakino ngatahitia me ratou

 i runga i te kapua, ki te whakatau ki te

 Ariki i te rangi: na, ka noho tonu tatou ki

 te Ariki " -1 Teharonika 4. -16, 17. Kahore

 tatou e mohio ana te ra te po ranei ka oti

 enei mea: tera pea inaianei tonu i a koe nei

 e korero ana i tenei pukapuka. Na ka oti

 tena kotahi ka tu.


   Ko nga tangata o taua hui koia nei nga

 tangata katoa, katoa, kua oti nei o ratou te

 horoi o ratau hara i nga toto o Ihu Karaiti,

 a timata mai i a Arama tae noa ui tenei wa.

 A ka huihui mai ratou i nga wahi tapu, i

 nga parekura, i temoana nui. i nga takiwa

 ke i nga takiwa ke, i tetahi pito o to ao tae

 noa ki tera atu pito o te ao, kahore e hapa

 tetahi kore rawa ka huihui mai ratou, nga

 karaitiana nei, (nga tangata e whakapono

 ana, haunga nga tangata e whakaae kau na

 te waha) me nga tangata ora hoki a whaka-

 pono  ana ka  huihui ngatahitia ki  tenei

 huihuinga nui rawa atu ki te rangi. Katahi

  ka rite te karaipeture ki a Matiu 25. 10.

  "A tomo tahi atu ana me ia ki te marena-

  tanga te hunga kua ata rite: a tutakina ana

  te tatau. " A  ka araina  e te Ariki o Ihu

  Karaiti te hunga kua oti nei te hoko ki roto

  i te whare o Tana Matua ara ki te rangi pu

  ano, a ka hari ia. Katahi ka rite te kupu

rebellious man through the finished work of

the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross.

  Before  the Lord  Jesus  Christ left this

earth. Ho promised to return, and take His

own to be for ever with Himself; and since

He has ascended into Heaven, He has sent

this message to His own. "He   which

testifieth these things saith, Surely I come

quickly, Amen. —Rev. 22, 20. Even  so,

come, Lord Jesus. "  He may  come any

moment  ''For the Lord himself shall de-

scend from Heaven with a shout, with the

voice of the archangel, and with the trump

of God: and the dead  in Christ shall rise

first; then we which are alive and remain,

shall Le caught up together with them in

the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and

so  shall we ever be with  the Lord"—

 1 Thess. 4 16. 17. When  this happens—

 and it might possibly, while you read this



 will take place. Every blood-washed  one

 from Adam  downwards will form part of

 that grand open-air gathering. From the

 graves of countless churchyards—from the

 battlefields of centuries—from the depths of

 the ocean—from the catacombs of Rome—

 from the uttermost parts of the earth they

 will come; and the  Christians—possessors

 not processors—living on the earth at  the

 time will also go to take their place in this

 great gathering in the air.

   Then  will come  true the  scripture in

1 Matt 2. 3, 10—•' They that were ready went

I in with him to the marriage; and the door

 was shut. "  The Lord Jesus Christ will con-

 duct the host of the redeemed with infinite

' satisfaction into His Father's house, —into

 heaven  itself. Then  the gospel invitations

 of the Bible will be out of date for those

 who  have heard the gospel and rejected it.

 Awfully solemn !  Then will take place the

 fulfilment of Rev. G, 16, 17,


  All the empty  proffessors of Christianity

  will be there—all those who were satisfied

  with a fair exterior without the inside being

  right—who  preferred a cloak of religion to

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kua oti nei to tuhi, ara, ''He mea noa ano te Paipera Tapu," mo te hunga nei i whaka-rongo nei ratou i   te panuitanga o te aroha noa  a   kua   whakarerea.    Aue, Aue!    Te Mate nui, te mataku !    Na kei reira ka rite te   korero   i   te  Whakakitenge  6,-16,   17.
                             Katahi ku tu. TE HUIHUINGA NUI  MO TE INOI    ATU,
Ka huihui ki  reira  nga   tangata   ahua karakia,  te hunga nei  e whakapai ana a waho engari o roto he he rawa.      Pu aua a roto, ke ana a waho.    E pai aua ratou kia ata waiho o ratou ahua karakia hei whaka-oraoranga mo ratou i ta te Karaiti pu i roto i o ratou ngakau.
E te hunga atua kore! E te hunga whakaaro kore ! E te hunga e whakaae kau aua! Te hunga Karaiti koru! Ku tika rawa nei tenei kupu mo, "Kote ahau o te karakia kei a ratou, toua kaha ia whakaka-horetia ihu."—2 Timoti 3. o. Oho ra koutou ! Kahore ano i pahemo tonu inaianei te wa o te oranga. Kia manawanui! Kei ngaro koutou apopo. Ko wai o mohio aua e aha ranei apopo! Kia kaha, kia kaha! Kia mau tonu inaianei he oranga he turanga hoki mo koutou mo tera wa ake ake.
He aue pehea te aue o te hunga ngaro i taua wa te hunga nei e ahua karakia kau ana '? Ehara i tenei ta ratou karanga " E te Ariki, E te Ariki, uakina ki a matou-"— Matiu '25, 11. He kupu pehea te kupu whakahoki mo tera. Ehara i te kupu nui whakaharahara, te kupu taimaha, te kupu kaha hoki ki te pana atu i a ratau ? I nana te kupu nei, ''Kahore ahau e matau aua ki a koutou ;" aho hoki, " mawehe atu i a au e nga kai mahi katoa i te kino."— Ruka 13, 27. Kuia nei te kupu ki a Matiu 7, 8, e ki na nei, Inoia, a ka hoatu ki a koutou; rapua, a ka kitea; patukia, a ka uakina ki koutou" He kupu tika, tika rawa atu taua kupu INAIANEI. Engari ki reira
te hunga a kua whakakorea; ka rapua, a kahore e kitea; ka patukia, a kahore e tomokia ki roto. Hei taua wa ka pahemo tenei kupu ua, " Nana, TENEI TE WA. manakohanga mai ; Nana, TENEI TE KA o te whakaoranga."—2 Koriuiti 6, 2. E te I hunga korero: Kaua e porangi ki te whakaroa

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                       TE HOA MAORI.

te oranga o te wairua ngaro kore, kaua e ki,

taihoa, kia tata ahau ki te hemo katahi ahau

ka tahuri ki tera whakaaro moku: kauka e

pena to koutou engarikia mau tonu inaianei

i tenei wa tonu he oranga mo koutou ara ko

te Karaiti ko Ia he oranga mo koutou mo

tenei wa mo  tera wa hoki. Kauaka  9


  Ka  tata te hokinga mai a te Ariki o Ihu

 Karaiti Ahakoa  e taunu ana te tangata

 atua kore, e awangawanga aua te tangata

 ahua-karakia ki tera kupu ka hoki mai ano

 Ia. Kia mohio ai koutou o tu hunga korero

 K rite ana aua tangata ki nga tangata i te

 takiwa e Noa. I whakatenetene ratou, ki

 a ia kahore ratou e whakarongo ana ki a ia.

 Engari ra kua tika rawa tana kupu ki a

 ratou. Kua  kitea o ratou he ka mau tonu

 ki a ratou te whakawhiunga ake ako ka

 pera hoki enei. Na. whakarongo  mai,

 Me  whakapono ki  te Ariki ki a Ihu

 Karaiti, ka ora ai koe. Nga mahi a nga

 Apotoro. 1C, 31. A, e horoia ana o tatou

 hara e nga toto o Ihu Karaiti o tana Tama. "

 —1  Hoani, 1, 7. Anohoki " Kia tangohia

 noatia ano te wai ora e te tangata o hiahia

 ana. ''  Whakakitenga. 22. 17.

   E  koe ! E te kai korero! Ka uru koe ki

 tehea e enei huihuinga erua ?  Ki te hui-

 huinga  ki to rangi ranei ki te huihuinga

  inoi ranei ?

          KIA TUPATO.

  I  AHAU   e haere ana ki runga i tetahi

   tima i tetahi rangi i mahue atu nei, i

  korero atu ahau ki etahi o nga tangata o

  reira nga tikanga o  te wairua  tangata,

  ka kauwhautia hoki te Karaiti e ahau me

  te tikanga o te whakakorekore i a Ia

    Ano te miharo   E hoatu ana te Atua te

  oranga tonutanga ki te tangata i runga i te

  tikanga anake a te mahi a te Karaiti. "Na

  tenei tangata te murunga hara e kauwhautia

  nei ki a koutou; a mana nga tangata katoa,

  e whakapono ana, ka whakatikaia ai i nga

  mea katoa, e kore nei koutou i whakatikaia i

  runga i ta Mohi ture. Na, kia mahara, kei

  pa  ki a koutou  te mea  i korerotia e nga

  poropiti, titiro mai, e te hunga whakaha-

  wea, ka miharo ai, a whahangaromia i ho:

  ka mahia hoki e ahau he mahi i o kotou ra,

before them  the consequences or rejecting


  What  a marvellous thing! God is now

offering salvation to every one, and wholly

through what Christ has done. " Through

tin's Man is preached unto you the forgive-

ness of sins; and by Him all that believe are

justified from all things, from which ye

could not be justified by the law of Moses.

Beware; therefore, lest that come upon you

which is spoken of in the prophets: Behold

ye despisers, and wonder, and perish; for I

work  a work in your days, a work which ye

shall in no wise believe. though a Man de-

 clare it unto you. "—Acts  13,. 38, 41.

   While 1 was speaking, and putting before

 those gathered round me, that all those who

 accept what (rod is now offering will be for

 ever with Christ iu Glory, and the rejectors

 for ever in the lake of fire, a gentleman

 came up and said:

   '• How do you know there is such a place?"

   '• The Word of God says so, " I replied.

   "I do not believe there is such a place, "

 he continued.

   " That I cannot help, though I am sorry

 for it, but your not believing it will not do

 away  with the fact, and if you do not believe

 it now, in a short time yon will feel it.

   "Perhaps   so, "  he  said, and  walked

 quickly away.

   What   folly for a man to say he does not

 believe what God says ! "And whosoever

 was not  found written in the Book of Life

 was  cast into the lake of fire. "—Rev. 20, 15.

  " Where their worm dieth not, and the fire

 is not quenched. "—Mark  9, 46.

    Is the reader one of those who  call in

  question what God says ? If so, remember

  —as  I said before—your  not believing it

  will not do away with the fact; and also you

  will soon feel it unless yon are brought to

  own your  lost estate, and accept the Lord

  Jesus Christ as your own personal Saviour.

    Dear friend, if your name is not in the

  Book  of Life, we pray  you to listen no

  longer to the enemy of your soul, for his

  object is to get you banished from  God's

  ' blessed presence for-ever; and he cares not

  how he does it, so long as he accomplishes

   his purpose. He persuades one there is no

   hell, another that he has something to do to

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                      TE HOA MAORI.

he mahi  e kore e whakaponohia o koutou,

ahakoa whakapuakina  o te tangata ki a 

koutou. "—Nga   Mahi a Nga  Apotoro 13,

, 38. 4I.

  Ia  au e korero anaki te hunga e whaka-

rongo ana te tikanga o tewhakapono, ara, ko

nga tangata katoa o tango ana i ngu mea e

homai ana e te Atua ki a ratou ka noho ratou

tahi kia te Karaiti ki roto ito kororia ake tonu

atu; engari ra, ko nga tangata o whaka-

 kore ana ka hinga ratou ki roto i te roto ahi

 ake tonu atu; katahi ka tae mai he tangata

 ki ahau ka karanga atu.

   "Me  pehea  tau  e mohiotia ai tera he 

 takiwa pera me tau o korero ana?"

   Ka ki atu ahau  ki a ia, " Na to Atua

 kupu. "

   Ka ki mai ia ki ahau, " Kahoro ahau e

 whakaae ana ki to kupu tera he takiwa pera

 mo tau i korero mai nei. "

   Ka  ki atu ahau ki a ia, '• Ahakoa, mau

 tera whakaaro: engari o pouri ana ahau

 mo. Na kia mohio ai koe, kahore e kore i

 runga i te whakakore, a ka kore koe e whaka-

 ae ana  inaianei, mea ke ka tino kite koe.

   Ka ki mai ia ki ahau, " Ae pea. " katahi

 ka haere atu ia.

   Katahi te mahi poanau a te tangata, ki te

 ki nei kahore ia e whakapono ki ta te Atua

 kupu!   " A te tangata kihai i kitea kua oti

 te tuhituhi ki te pukapuka o te ora, i panga

 ia ki roto i te roto ahi. "—Whakakitenga 20,

  15. —"Ki  te wahi e kore ai e mate to kutu-

  kutu, ki te kapura e kore e tineia. "—Maka,

 9, 46

    E  te kai-korero!   E  ruarua ranei  to

  ngakau ki te kupu a te Atua ? Ki te pera

  koe, na kia  tupato. Kia  mohio  ai koe.

  Kahore e kore i runga i te ngakau ruarua.

  Mea  ke ka tino kitea e koe me he mea e

  kore koe e whakaae ana inaianei ki to he, a

  kia mau  tono ki a koe te Ariki ko Ihu

  Karaiti he tino kai-whakaora mo.

    E hoa !  Pera ka kore to ingoa ki roto i

  te pukapuka o te Ora me mutu to whaka-

   rongo ki to tino hoa riri. E hiahia ana ia

  ki panga ai koe i te aroaro o te Atua ake

  tonu atu. Ka nui tona hianga ki te hanga

   huarahi mona. E  ki ana ia ki tetahi; aeha

   kahore he roto ahi; ki tetahi atu, kanui to

  kaha, kia ora ai koe ki runga i o mahi; ki

 I tetahi atu he kupu  tinihanga ke. Tana

be saved, and another something else. His

object is to try and  hinder the  glory of

Christ, to get souls damned, and to keep you

from  simply believing God's Word. We

entreat you  dear reader, to believe God's

Word  only, and we beseech you to accept the

forgiveness of your  sins at once, without

further delay. Mark the words, " Through

this Man, " not through your work's, prayers

or anything  inside of you; but through

this Man—the  Man in the glory of God—is

preached unto you the forgiveness of sins. "

Will you not accept it ?

   " Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that

heareth My  word, and believeth on Him

 that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and

 shall not come into condemnation, but is

 passed from death unto life. "—John o, 24.

                                  J, S. G.


 WHEN     I  was crossing the prairies

 which stretch for hundreds of miles

 west of the Mississippi, I saw far away upon

 the horizon a long black wall of smoke; as

 night came ou, this became a line of fire for

 many  miles, stretching over the undulating

 country. It was the unmistakable prairie


   When   the travellers iu their waggon or

 the Indians see the  prairie fire in the dist-

 ance rapidly approaching, they at once make

 a  fire themselves, setting fire to the tall.

 waving  grass around them, which burns

  away till nothing is left but a bare, blackened

  space covered with the charred remains of

  the roots. Upon this cleared ground they

  take their stand, and boldly defy the fiery


    The prairie fire now closes on them, rush-

  ing madly on sweeping down all in its course.

  The prairie dogs, who have been barking,

  turn tail and run  into their holes; whilst

  owls  and rattlesnakes vainly screech and

  hiss. All is wild confusion around, as the

  tempest drives the leaping flames on in their

  devastating work; but the Indians, or the

  travellers are safe. The place where

  they  stand  being  already

  cleared by fire, there is nothing

  left to burn, so that when the

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                         TE HOA MAORI.

 pukumahi   tenei, kia weto te koroia a te,

 Karaiti; kia whakangaromia  nga wairua

 tangata; kia whakararuraru ai koe kei pono

  koe ki te kupu a te Atua. E  hoa! me

  whakapono kau e kue ki ta te Atua kupu.

i Kauaka e whakaroa, kia ata whakapono koe

  inaianei. Nana  te  kupu nei, "Na tenei

  tangata, ehara i te mea ua to mahi, inoi, aha

I ranei, engari  ra, " na tenei tangata, " —Te

  tangata  Ui te kororia  a  te Atua—"   Te

  murunga hara e kau-whautia nei kia koutou

  E pai ara koe ki te tango; ?

    "He  pono, he pono taku e mea atu noi ki

  a koutou, to tangata o rongo ana ki toku

  reo; a whakapono  ana  ki toku kai tono mai

  Le oranga tonutanga tona; e kore ano hoki

  ia e riro ki roto ki te whakamatenga, engari

   kua  whiti atu  ia i te mate ki to ora. "

  Hoani  o, 24.



 I  AHAU   o whiti ana i tetahi niania nui

  ki te taha hauauru o te Mihihipi e kite '

   ana ahau te auahi ki te pae: a ka to te ra 

   katahi ahau  ka kite te ahi nui e rere ana

   mai he nui nga mairo te roa o taua ahi

   Koia ra ko te ahi nui tora o te niania.

     Mehemea e kite aua nga tangata haerere !

   nga tangata maori ranei o taua whenua he

   ahi nui o te mania e ahu mai ana ki a ratou

   ka hanga ratou he tikanga mo taua tu ahi

   Ka tahu huki ratou he ahi e tata ana ki a

   ratou kia pau nga otaota katoa o taua pito o

   te whenua. Ka tu ratou ki runga i taua 

   wahi  i pau i te ahi ka tatari mo te taenga '

   mai o te ahi nui.

     Ka  rere tonu mai te ahi nui e kai ana nga

  I mea katoa o te whenua kahore he toenga, i

   Ko nga kuri o reira e oma mataku ana ki o

   ratou run; ka tangi hoki nga ruru ratou ko

   nga nakahi. Ka raruraru te whenua katoa

   i  taua ahi nui, engari ko nga  tangata

   haerere ko nga tongata mauri ranei o taua

    wahi e ora ana ratou. No  te mea kua pau

 katoa nga otaota nga aha ranei o tera wahi o te

   whenua  e tu. ana nei ratou, ka tae mai te ahi nui

    ki reira kahore he toenga kia nunui hei reira ka

  ' haere ki te ahi nui. Ka mate nga tangata o

    waho  i taua pa engari kei roto ahakoa he

    nui te mate o waho ko ora nga tangata o roto.

flames come, finding no  fuel,

they  merely  encircle it and

pass  on. Any other place outride is in

imminent  danger, near ur  far it matters

little, for to be without the circle is certain

destruction, whilst within is perfect security.



 self up with his own righteousness as with

 a cloak, but his accumulated mass of good

 works and human  performances will only

 add to the great burning oi that terrible


 day when all things shall be tried by the

 fire of the holy, consuming wrath of the

 living God. 

    Rut here is- the glad tidings of a refuge

 from the  coming wrath— a refuge secure !

 and divinely safe a shelter of God's own

 providing what is it?  It is God's own 

 Son who has borne the wrath for the sinners

 —Christ  who  died, and rose again, and is

 now  ascended and iu heavenly glory. When i

 the thick judgment cloud that had gathered '

  for the poor doomed sinner burst in all its

  relentless fury upon the sinner's Substitute, 

  then, then the thunder bolts of God's wrath 

  fell upon Christ. Oh ! the greatness of the !

  judgment, —oh!    the  greatness of the  

  love ! The ono can only be measured by the '

 other!  And  now, There  is no  con- '

 i demnation for  those who are  in Christ

 Jesus—Romans  8, 1. Oh! flee to Him; i

 and know  with peace-giving confidence that i

 upon the cross He bore the condemnation for

  thee. Was not the intense burning He en-


 dured enough when He cried, ''I thirst, "

  '• My God. my God. why hast thou forsaken

  me ?"—Matt. 27, 48. God has proved He is

  satisfied by the resurrection of His Son, and

  there, poor sinner, thou mayest rest, where

  the judgment  has already fallen; this is'' the

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                     TE HOA MAORL

  Engari e te kai-korero tera he aitua nui

nui rawa  atu i te ahi ki te mania e rere

mataku ana mai inaianei. Ac ra. Tera te

haere mai. I rara ! Kua puta mai te tohu.

He nui rawa atu nga tangata e haere ana ki

te takiwa mutunga kore, e kore rawa ratou

e kite ana te tohu, e kapo aua ratou. Ka

ki ratou, e kore e pa te mate ki a matou 

Engari ra ka pa ahakoa e pera ana te ki a

te tangata ra, kore rawa taua ahi kia weto

noa e tino rere ana mai ki a ratou. Ko taua

ahi ko tenei te ahi nui rawa te ahi matuku

nui o te riritanga a te Atua lu nga mea kino

ki tona tapu, ara ta te Atua riri ki te hara.

 Kahore e taea ta te tangata mohio ki te

 whakarere ke i taua aitua: ahakoa e mahi

 ana te  tangata i tana mahi; ka huna

 ranei ia i roto i tana mahi tika hei kakahu

 mona: kahore e ora ana ia: ho mea hoki

 era kia kaha rawa te ahi ki taua ra te ra hei

 whakawakanga  mo  nga moa  katoa ka

 whakawakia e te ahi nui te riri tapu o te

 Atua ora.

   Engari  ra tera te panui pai o  totahi

 rerenga atu mo te tangata hei oranga mona

 i taua wa  o te riri e haere ana mai: he

 rerenga atu e tika ana, e kaha ana hoki, he

 rerenga atu kua hanga ua te Atua. E ui

 ana ranei koe, e aha hoki tera ? Tena ko

 tenei ko te Tama a te Atua. Kua tau te

 riri a te Atua mo te hara ki runga i a Ia ko

 te Karaiti i mate kua heke hoki ki te kororia

 o te rangi. I te takiwa kua puta mai te riri

 nui rawa atu ki te hunga hara ka tau te

 riri kei runga i te Kai-Reiwhi. Aue te nui

 o te whakawa!  Aue  te nui o te aroha!

 Ka   rite te nui o tetahi ki te nui o tetahi.

 Katahi ka kaha te kupu, '• Na. kahore he

 whakahe  inaianei mo te hunga i roto i a

 Karai-Ihu. "—Roma. 8, 1. Rere atu ki a

 Ia. Kia mohio rawa koe na te Karaiti Ihu

 i waha to whakawa whakahe kei runga i te

  ripeka. Ehara  i te mea kua ata rite nga

 mea  katoa o te whakawa i te takiwa e

  karanga i a Ia "He mate wai toku. " E toku

  Atua, e toku Arua he aha koe i whakarere ai

  i au ? —Matiu 27, 46. Kua whakakitea te

  pai a te Atua i te mahi a te Karaiti i te mea kua

  whakaara i a Ia i tana Tama i te mate. E

  te tangata whai-hara kia tau to ngakau ki

  reira ki te Tama a te Atua kua tau  te

  whakahe  ki reira ko tenei hoki te rerenga atu

only safe place "—sheltering in a wounded

and smitten Christ, when all around is given

up to the flames.

  Linger not, but "Believe on the Lord Jesus

Christ and thou shalt be saved !"—Acts 16,


                  (TO THE CHILDREN. )



A  FRIEND   of mine had two sons. The eldest

  boy  was always offending, and the father

  felt it his duty to punish hira. This father

 used to beat this son who was getting into trouble

 every day, one day ho had been doing something

 amiss and the father said you must go to your room

 and prepare for a caning. And to the astonishment

 of the father when he went upstairs he found the

 younger boy instead of the eldest was stripped and

 ho said to him, What makes you have your jacket

 off?  He  said, Christ has been beat for me, and I

 will be beat for my brother; Christ was beaten with

 many  stripes for us. The father thought to himself,

 I will try and see whether it is genuine, so he said

 to me. I took my  stick and gave him one stroke

 across the shoulders, and I never had such a stroke

 myself in my  life. Not a muscle upon  his back

 moved and  I could hear hira say as I struck him,

 Christ was wounded  for my  transgressions and

 bruised for my  iniquities, and the chastisement of

 my  peace was laid upon Him  and through His

 stripes I am healed, and he said to his brother don't

 weep, you are  always being  punished, I will be

 punished for you to night; don't weep. The father

 said, I broke the stick, and put my arm round the

 little boy, and the eldest boy came and took the

 little boy round his neck and there was a weal over

 his shoulder; and the father added, my eldest boy

  never offended me after that and it was through the

  younger brother suffering for him that he became an

  obedient child.

    Christ hath once suffered for sins, the just for

  the unjust.

    It was His love to you caused Him to bear what

  wa? due to you for your sins, —listen now to what

  He tells us in His own Word—Romans 5, 8, 9.

    "But God commendeth  His love toward us in

  that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us"

    " Much more then, being now justified by His

  blood we shall be saved from wrath through Him "

    Believe in Him   and yours  is everlasting life, see

  too what he says in the 4th John. 23, 24.

    " But the hour cometh and now  is when the true

  worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and

  in truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.

  God  is a Spirit and they that worship Him must

  worship Him  iu spirit and in truth. "

    May  I ask dear reader are you in the position of

  a  true worshipper. If not  oh see to it for God's

  time is to day. Now  is the accepted time. To-

  morrow may be too late. A  E.

8 8

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                      TE HOA MAORI

hei oranga tangata kahore tetahi atu kore rawa

atu. Ka ora koe ki reira ki roto i te Karaiti

i mate ki to takiwa ka pau nga mea katoa

o waho  ki te ahi.

  Kaua  rawa  e whakaroa engari '' Me

whakapono  ki te Ariki ki a Ihu Karaiti, ka

ora  ai koe. Titiro ki nga  mahi  a nga

Apotoro  16, 31.

            MU  NGA  TAMARIKI,


 E HOA     pakeha toku erua tana tama, te

  matamua  e  tamaiti kino, i nga ra

 katoa e mahi kino, ko te whakaaro o tana

 matau mo whiu tana tamaiti ua ka patua ite

 matua. Na  i tetahi ra imuri iho ka mahi

 kino tana tamaiti ka riri te matua tukuna

 ana e ia kia haere ki tona ruma imuri ihu

 ka haere atu te matua me tana rakau he

 patu i taua tamaiti, ua i tona haerenga atu

 ko te teina e tu mui ana kahoro kau e pake-

 kau ki  tona tuara, katahi ka patai atu te

 inatua e aha te take o tenei, te utunga mai o

 te teina ka patua te Atua tona tamaiti moku

 me patua hoki au mo taku tuakana, ka

 patua te Karaiti me te nui o te karawarawa

 mo matou, ka ki mai te matua ki au ko tana

 whakaaro me whakamatau e ia kia kite me e

 tika, na ka mau tona rakau ka whiu kotahi

 te patunga ki te pakihiwi o te teina, na ka

 ki mai te matua ko tona mamae e mamae

 nunui korerawatu e kori kori etahi o nga

 urua o te tuara u tona tamaiti engari ki te

 korerotonu, ite taima i whiu ahau ka rongo

 tona korero. I werohia te Karaiti mo taku

 he i tuki tukia ma  taku kino  nona  to

 whiunga i mau ai taku rongo kei ona kara-


warawara hoki he rongoa moku na me te ki

ona tuakana kauaka e rangi ki te putu ia ki

a kou i nga wa katoa, mona he patu ahua

tenei po mou. Kauaka etangi na ka ki mai

te matua ka whate kia a to takau ka homai

tunu ringaringa irunga taua tamaiti ka puta

hoki te tuakana ka awhi tona teina, ko te

korero o te matua e nui te pukupuku ote

pokihiwi o tona tamaiti engari korerawatu o

te tuakana e mahi kino imuri, Titiro koe

irunga te mamae o te teina ka tino rongo ite

tuakana. Ko tahi te matenga o te Karaiti

mo  te hura, te tangata tika mo te tangata


he no tona aroha kia koe ka waha  ia to

haru whakarongo kou ki tona kupu. —Roma

upoko  5, rarangi 8, 9. Heoi o whakakitea

 nuitia ana e te Atua tona aroha ki a tatou,

 ia tatou hoki o hara ana. ka  mate a te

 Karaiti mo tatou. Na  tera noa ake he

 whakaoranga mo tatou e ia i te riri, ia tatou

 ka tika noi i ona toto.

   Na me whakapono koe kia ia na kua riro

 kia a koe te urunga tonu tanga—Titiro hoki

 tonu kupu otira mea ke puta mai te wa a te

 nei ano u karakia ai nga kai karakia pono

 ki le matua irunga i te wairau ite pono: o

 rapu ana hoki te matua ki te pera he karakia

 ki a ia. He wairua te Atua a me karakia

 nga kai karakia ki a ia irunga ite wairua a

 te pono—Hoani 4. nga upoko 23, 24 nga


   Irunga te aroha maka  e patai kia koe.

 Pehea to tu. E kaha koe ki te karakia ki

 te Atua irunga te wairua me te pono? Ki

 to kore  ata  titiro koe inaianei tenei ra te

 taima a te Atua. Tenei  te wa manako-

 hanga mai. tenei te ra u te whakaoranga

 apopo pea kua kore. A. E. C.

   PRICE, Payable in advance—One Penny each, or Six Shillings per hundred and postage.


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   The prayers  and interest of the Children of God  are affectionately sought in connection with this

                                   Magazine. JOHN vi. 5. 13.