Te Hoa Maori 1885-1910: Number 18. 01 October 1890

Te Hoa Maori 1885-1910: Number 18. 01 October 1890

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 " I haere mai hoki te Tama a te tangata ki te rapu ki te whakaora i te mea i ngaro. " Ruka 19, 10

        " For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. " Luke 19. 10.

 NAMA  18. AKARANA, OKETOPA, 1890. Registered as

 No. 18. AUCKLAND, OCTOBER, 1890. a Magazine.

       " Kotahi hoki whakamamaetanga   o te Karaiti mo

    nga hara, te tika mo te he kia arahina ai tatou e ia

    ki te Atua. "—1 Pita 3, 18.

        "Christ also hath  once suffered for sins, the just

    for the unjust, that He might  bring us to God. "—

    1 Peter 3, 18.



   " Kotahi hoki te whakamamaetanga o te Karaiti

 mo nga hara, te tika mo te he, kia arahina ai tatou

 e ia ki te Atua. "—1 Pita 3, 18.

   " Kotahi nei hoki tana whakahere, a tika tonu i

 a ia ake ake te hunga ka oti te whakatapu. "—Nga

 Hiperu 10, H.

 NA, ka hiahia ranei ahau kia whaka-

  rauorangia. Koia  ra, na tona toto

te ara ki te orangatonutanga. Na, ehara

ano hoki i te mea no nga koati nga toto, no

nga kuao kau  ranei, engarei nona ake nga

toto e haere atu ai ia, kotahi tonu te haere-

tanga ki roto ki te wahi tino tapu, i te mea

ka whiwhi ki tana mea hei hoko mo tatou

a ake tonu atu. —Nga Hiperu 9, 12, 13, 14.

  Ka  hiahia ranei ahua kia murua aku

hara ? Kua murua aku hara i Tona toto.

Kua  tika ahau i tena. Koia ra, ki te kahore

he ririhanga toto, kahore he murunga hara.

—Nga  Hiperu 9, 22.

  Ka hiahia ranei ahau kia whiwhi ai te



   " Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just

for the unjust, that He might bring us to God. '—

 1 PETER 3, 18.

   " By one  offering He hath perfected for ever

them that are sanctified. "—HEB. 10, H.

 IF we examine  the value of the

 death of Christ, what do we find

attached to it in Scripture ?

   " Do I Need REDEMPTION ? We have re-

demption  through His blood, an eternal re-

demption; for ' neither by the blood of goats

and calves, but by His own blood He en-

tered in once into the  holy place, having

obtained eternal redemption. '—Heb. 9. 12,

14, 15.

  " Do  I need  FORGIVENESS ?  That  re-

demption which I have through His blood

is the forgiveness of sins; yea, without shed-

ding of blood is no remission. —Eph. 1. 7.

  "Do I need Peace? He has made peace

through the blood of His cross. —Eph. 2, 14;

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                     TE HOA MAORI.

rangimarie? Nana  hoki i whakatika te

rangimarie i runga i nga toto o tona ripeka.

Epiha 2, 14, Korehe 1, 20.

  Ka  hiahia ranei ahau kia hohou  i te

rongo?  Ahakoa  he  tangata hara tatou

kua meinga e ia kia houhia ta tatou rongo

he meatanga na te tinana o tona kikokiko,

i te mea ka mate  nei, me totou ano kia

tapaea atu ki tona aroaro, he hunga tapu

kahore nei he koha, kahore he he. —Korehe

1, 21, 22.

  Ka  hiahia ranei ahau kia mate ai i te

hara kia ripeketia hoki te kikokiko me ona

hiahia kinotia katoatia?   Kua   ripeketia

maua  ko te Karaiti. E mohio  aua hoki

ahau ki  tenei, kua ripeketia ngatahitia to

tatou tangata tawhito me ia, kia hemo ai te

tinana o te hara, kia mutu ai to tatou mahi

ki te hara. Na te mea kotahi tona matenga

i te hara ka pena hoki ka ora ia ka ora ki

 te Atua. Ko tenei taku whakarauorangu i

te taimaha o te ture e mau ana te tangata

ki nga  wa e ora ana  ia. —Roma  6. 6,

Korehe  3, 3.

  Ka  hiahia rawatia e ahau te whakara-

ngimarie ? Ko  te Koraiti hoki ta te Atua

i whakaatu mai ai i mua hei rangimarieta-

nga  i runga i te whakapono ki ona toto.

Ka  hiahia ahau ki tika ai ? Na, tena noa

ake he whakaoranga mo  tatou e ia i te riri,

i a tatou ka tika nei i ona toto. —Roma

 5, 9, Me 1 Hoani 4, 10.

  Ka  hiahia ranei ahau kia kotahi maua ko

te Karaiti ? Me mate ia: na te mea, ki te

kore  he purapura  witi kia makare  ki te

 whenua ka tu tahi i a ia; otia ka makere i

 a ia ki te whenua kia pirau ka whai hua

 nuitia e ia. —Hoani 12, 24, Epiha 2, 4, 5.

   Me pehea ka taea e tatou te tomo ai ki

 roro i te wahi tapu? Na te toto o Ihu

 te huarahi hou te huarahi  ora, he mea

 whakatapu ano nana e tika atu ana na te

 arai, ara, na tona kikokiko. Tae  noa  ki

 tena i haehaetia i whakaaturia e te Wairua

 Tapu e kore e marama ana te huarahi ki te

 wahi tapu. —Nga Hiperu 10, 19.

   Koia nei na te whakairiaketanga  o te

 Karaiti i kukume ai nga tangata. A ki te

 whakairiha ake ahau ki runga i te whenua

 maku nga tangata katoa e kukume ai ki

 ahau. —Hoani  12, 32.

Col. 1, 20.

   " Do I need RECONCILIATION with God?

Though  we were sinners, yet now hath He

reconciled us  by the  body of His  flesh

through  death, to present us holy and un-

blamable and  unreprovable in God's sight.

When  we  were enemies we were reconciled

to God by the death of His Son. - Col. 1, 21,


   " Do I desire to le DEAD TO SIN. and have

the  flesh crucified with its affections and

lusts ? I am crucified with Christ. Know-

 ing this, that our old man is crucified with

 Him, that the body  of sin might be des-

 troyed; for in that He died He died unto sin

 once, and in that He liveth, He liveth unto

 God. This is my deliverance also from the

 charge and burthen -of the law, which has

 dominion over a man  as long as he lives.

 —Rom. 6, 6; Col. 3, 3.

   " Do I feel the need O/PROPITIATION ? Christ

 is set forth as a propitiation through faith

 in His blood. The need of JUSTIFICATION ?

 I am justified by His blood. —Rom. 5, 9; 1

 John 4, 10.

   " Would I have a PART WITH CHRIST ? He

 must die; for except a corn of wheat fall

 into the ground and die, it abides alone; if

! it die, it brings forth much fruit. "—John

 12, 24; Eph. 2, 4, 5.

   How  have we boldness to enter into the

 holiest ? By the blood of Jesus, by that new

 and living way, which He has consecrated

 for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh ?

 for till that was rent the Holy Ghost sig-

 nified by it that the way into the holiest

 was not yet made manifest. —Heb. 10, 19.

   Hence  it was a lifted-up Christ that was

 the  attractive point for all. " If I be lifted

 up from the earth, I will draw all men unto

 me. "—John  12, 32.

   In the power of what was the great Shep-

 herd of the sheep brought again from the

 dead ? Through  the blood of the everlast-

 ing covenant.

   How  was the CURSE OF TEE LAW taken

 away from those who were under it? By

 Christ's being made a curse for them; as it

 is written, " Cursed is every one that hang-

  eth on a tree. "—Gal. 3, 13.

   How  are we washed from our sins ? He

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                      TE HOA MAORI.

  Na te aha te kaha kia whakahoki mai te

kai tiaki hipi i te moenga roa? Na  te

meatanga na nga toto o te kawenata mutu-

nga kore.

  Me  pehea i whakarere ai te kanga o te

ture i a ratou i raro iho nei ? Koia nei kua 

kanga te Karaiti mo ratou. Kua oti nei te

tuhituhi: He mea kanga nga tangata katoa

e whakairiha ki runga ki te rakau. —Kara-

tia 3. 13.

  Me  pehea ka horohia tatou i a tatou hara ?

Nana  hoki i aroha mai ki a tatou. Nana

hoki i horohia tatou i a tatou hara i tona

toto. Ka horohia tona toto te hara katoa. —

 I Hoani 1, 7, Nga Mahi a Nga Apotoro 13.


  Mehemea  ka hiahia ahau kia whakanoa

ai i te ao: Ko tona ripeka te huarahi. Kua

ripekatia ahau ki te ao me te ao ano ki ahau

i tera. —Karatia  6, 14.

  Mehemea  na te aroha a te Karaiti ahau i

whakakaha ki nga tangata katoa kia whak-

awehi  ai i te riri a te Arika, koia nei tenei

ka whenei ahau, mehemea kua mate te Kar-

aiti mo te katoa, he tika kua mate te katoa.

Ko  tatou e ora ana i te mate kia kaua tatou

e noho mangare, engari kia ata mahi mo Ia

i mate nei mo tatou, kua ara hoki Ia i te

mate. Ina  hoki te  Apotoro, kihai ia i

mohiotia ai te tangata o te ao ahakoa ko te

Karaiti. Kua  houtia katoatia. Mehemea

e  hiahia ana ahau  1d te noho ki roto i

tenei tikanga o te Atua  me mua  tonu

ki ahau  te matenga  a te Karaiti Ihu te

Ariki, katahi ka marama tonu Tana mahi

ki roto ki ahau. Mehemea  i whakatu ai

tetahi mea hei whakamaramatanga ki a ia

koia nei ehara i te mea tona tinana i motu-

hia me  tona toto i riringitia? Koia  nei,

ehara i te mea ko te kuao hipi nei i te no-

honga  tino rangatira. —2 Koriniti 4, 10.

  Kua   oti nei i te aroha. Otia ka hiahia

ranei ahau kia marama atu ahau ki tena ?

Nana  nei i homai tona oranga mo tatou.

Na  te Atua hoki tena. No te mea Nana

nei i arohatia tatou: nana hoki i homai

Tona Tamaiti hei patunga tapu mo o tatou

hara. Kua whakatapu  i te tahitia o te toto

o te Karaiti. Kua whakatapu ki te whaka-

rongo. Kotahi anaki te patunga tapu a te

Karaiti (Ehara i te mea me nga patunga

 has loved us, and washed us from our sins

 in His own blood; for His blood cleanseth

 from all sin. —Acts  13, 38, 39; 1 John

 1, 7.

   If I would be delivered from the world, it

i is by the cross, by which  the world  is

 crucified to me and I unto the world. —Gal.

 6, 14.

   If the love of Christ constrains us towards

 men in the thought of the terror of the Lord,

 how is it so ? Because I thus judge, if One

 died for all then were all dead, and they

 that live should live not to themselves, but

 to Him that died for them and rose again.

 Hence the apostle knew no man  after the

 flesh—no, not even Christ. All was a new

 creation. If I would live in divine power,

 it is always bearing about in the body the

 dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus

 may be manifested in my mortal body. If

 He would institute a special remembrance to

 call Him to mind, it was a broken body and

 a shed blood. It is not less a Lamb as it

 were  slain that is found in the throne. —2

 Cor. 4, 10.

I  All was love, no doubt; but do I want to

i learn it ? Hereby we know it, that He laid

 down His life for us, and that even of God,

 in that He loved us, and gave His Son as a

 propitiation for our sins. It is to the sprink-

 ling of that precious blood of Christ that we

 are sanctified, and to obedience; and through

 the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once,

 contrasted with the many Jewish sacrifices,

 sanctified and perfected for ever, so that

 there is no more offering for sin; for having

 offered one sacrifice for sins, He is set down

 for ever at the right hand of God. For He

 should not offer Himself often, as the high

 priest entered into the holy place once every

 year with the blood of others; for then must

 He often have suffered since the foundation

 of the world; but now once in the end of the

 world hath He appeared to put away sin by

 the sacrifice of Himself; for as it is appoint-

 ed unto men once to die, and after this the

 judgment; so Christ was once offered to bear

 the sins of many, and them that look for

 Him  shall He appear the second time with-

 out sin unto salvation.

   Read Heb. 9, 10.

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                      TE HOA MAORI.

tapu a nga Hurae). A  kua  whakatapua

whakatikaina rawatia mutunga kore tatou

katoa. Eoti nga patunga tapu mo te hara,

no te mea kua oti tana hei patunga tapu

kotahi ma nga hara, ka noho Ia ki te ringa-

ringa katau o te Atua ake ake  tonu atu.

Kahore he  tikanga kia nui ona matenga

pene me te tohunga o mua kotahi tona tomo-

kanga ki roto i te wahi tapu i te tau, ano

Tana kaha nei he toto ke. Me he pera Ia

me nga tohunga o mua he maha ona mate-

nga timatanga mai i te hangatanga o te ao:

engarei inaianei nei i te mutunga o te ao

nei kua whakaputa mai i a ia hei patunga

tapu mo  te hara. Na kua  takoto nei te

tikanga mo nga tangata kia kotahi tonu te

matenga, a muri iho i tenei, ko te whaka-

ritenga whakawa: waihoki ko te Karaiti

kotahi tonu tona tapaenga atu hei pirau i

nga hara o  te tini, a tenei atu ko te rua o

ona whakakitenga mai kahore ano he hara,

hei whakaora i te hunga e tatiri ana ki a ia.

  Korerotia Nga  Hiperu 9 me te 10 nga




            RUKA  15, 1, 2.

E RUA      kau nga ahua tangata ki te ao

 \_    —ko  te tangata e whakatata ana ki

te whakarongo ki a te Karaiti, ko te tangata

kahore ano e whakarongo ana. "Na, ka

whakatata ki a ia nga pupirikana katoa me

nga tangata hara, ki te whakarongo ki a ia. "

E te tangata whakapono kore, ka pera koe ?

Kua  rongo koe te korero kau o nga tangata

i a Ia; he nui hoki pea o whakaaro pohehe

i a Ia; engari ra kua whakatata he ki te

whakarongo  ki a  Ia?  Kia mahara  ra,

 " Meake puta mai te wa, tenei ano inaianei,

 e rongo ai nga tupapaku (Wairua) i te reo

 o ta te Atua Tama: a, te hunga e rongo

 ana ka ora. " Nana  hoki te korero miharo.

 Tena whakatata koe ki a Ia ki te whaka-


   "E  manako ana  tenei tangata ki nga

 tangata hara, a e kai tahi ana me ratou. "

 E whakahe ana Ia i taua korero ? Kahore

 ano, e whakaae ana Ia. Kua puta Tana

 kororia i Tana manakohia nga i a ratou.


             LUKE 15, 1, 2.

THERE   are only two classes of men—

 \_    those who  draw  near and   hear

Christ, and those who hold aloof. " Then

drew near unto him  all the publicans and

sinners for to hear him. " Unsaved reader,

have you ever done so ? You have heard

what others have said about Him, who, it

may be, knew Him not. You may listen to

your own heart, which totally misrepresents

Him: but have you drawn near unto Him

to hear Him?  Remember  that the hour

now is when the dead (souls) shall hear the

voice of the Son of God, and they that hear

shall live. " It is He  who  speaks in this

wonderful chapter. Then  draw near unto

Him now to hear Him.

  " This man receiveth sinners, and eateth

with them. "  Did He deny the charge ? No,

He  admitted  it fully—it was His  glory

to receive them. In doing so the  glory

of His divine origin shone out. " He could

not be hid. "  He was  in the midst of sin-

ners. How  would He  treat them? He

would receive them. How  could the Son of

such a Father do  otherwise ?—the  Father

whose  portrait He draws in the third sec-

tion of this parable. Will He  refuse you ?

 Have you ever drawn near to Him to ascer-

tain ?"

   " I am too bad, " you say. What, too bad

to be a sinner ? Are you  sure you are not

too good ? You may  be too good, but you

 cannot be too bad. Thank  God for that.

 That robe, that best robe, has covered the

 chief of sinners, the thief on the cross, a

 Mary  Magdalene, a woman  in the city,

 which  was  a  sinner. That  Shepherd

 sought them, that "woman " (figure of the

 Holy Ghost) found them, that Father receiv-

 eth them, and art thou too vile ? You wrong

 the blessed Three.

   " Oh, but He was on earth amongst sin-

 ners then, and He is separate from sinners

 now, " do you say ?

   But is He changed ? Has He ceased to

 own a Saviour's heart, or to do a Saviour's

 part? Nay, nay, you wrong Him. The

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                      TE HOA MAORI.

Hei reira kua puta mai ai te kororia o Tona

Atuatanga. " Kihai i ngaro. " Kei waen-

ganui Ia i nga  tangata hara. He mahi

pehea Tana mahi ki a ratou ? E manako

ana Ia ki a ratou. Me  pehea ka taea te

Tama  o tera Matua te mahi ke ? Te Matua

nana nei i whakakitea i te wahi tuatoru o

taua korero whakaritenga. Ka whakakorea

 koe e Ia ? I tata koe ki a Ia ki te whaka-


   Tera pea koe e ki na nei. " He kino hoki

 ahau. "  He  kino atu koe i te aha; i te

 tangata hara ? Ki to mohio ehara i te mea

 na to pai i he ai koe ? Ka taea to pai ki te

 whakahe koe, engari e kore ano koe i he ai

 i to he. Kia nui ai te ingoa o te Atua mo

 tera. Kua kakahuria te tangata hara nui i

 te kakahu pai rawa, tera ano te tahae i

 runga i te ripeka, ano hoki ko Meri Maka-

 rini taua wahine hara. Na  te Hepara i

 rapu i a ratou. Taua wahine (He  atara-

 ngi no  te Wairua  Tapu) i kitea i a ratou,

 Taua Matua i manako i a ratou. E ki ana

 nei koe, e kino hoki ahau! Ehara! Kua

 whakahengia ratou te tokotoru e koe.

   Tera pea koe  e ki nei, Koia ra, engari

 kei te ao Ia i taua wa i waenganui i nga

 tangata hara, kei te rangi Ia inaianei kua

 wehia Ia i nga tangata hara.

   Engari, kua rere ke Ia inaianei ? Ehara

 tona ngakau i te ngakau o te Kaiwhaka-

 ora; ehara Tona mahi i te mahi o te Kai-

 whakaora ?  Kati, kua he to korero pera ki

 a Ia. Tana kupu whakamutunga i korero

 mai Ia i te rangi i korero mai i runga i tona

 ingoa " Ihu"  he ingoa tera i haere ai i

 runga ki te whakaora i ona i o ratou he.

 Tana  kupu tenei "Kia haere mai hoki te

 tangata e hiainui ana; kia tangohia noatia

 ano te wai ora e te tangata e hiahia ana. "—

 Whakakitenga  22, 16-17. E pai ana Ia—

 E pai ana hoki koe ?

   E aha Tana ki te rangi ? He tohu mo te

 mahi i oti ai me te whakaae. Ma wai ra ?

 Ma  te tangata hara: ano hoki "Ae kai tahi

 ana me ratou. "—Ruka  15; 2. Ara, he take-

 tanga  na ratou, nga tangata hara kua wha-

  kaorangia i te aroha noa. Ko wai ranei e

  taea te whakaatu i te nui o tenei aroha noa

  o te Ariki o te kororia! "Tenei  e tu nei

  ki te tatau, e patuki nei: ki te whakaronga

very last words He spake to us from heaven

He  spake in the character of " Jesus, " the

name He  received because " He shall save

His  people from their sins. " And  what

did He  say?   "Let  him  that is a thirst

come, and whosoever will, let him take the

water of life freely. "—Rev. 22, 16, 17. He

 wills—will you?

  And  why is He in heaven ? As the evi-

 dence of His finished work accepted. For

 whom ?  For  SINNERS. But  more, HE

 EATETH  WITH THEM, 15, 2, that is, holds

 communion  with them—with   sinners saved

 by grace. Who  shall express the grace of

 this? That  He, the Lord of glory, should

 partake with such—should  bring them  to

 participate in His  joys. As  we   read,

 "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock;

 if any man hear my  voice and open the

 door, I will come in to him, and sup with

 him and he with me. "—Rev. 3, 20. That

 is, that to " any man " amongst self-satisfied,

 religious professors, who say, "I am rich,

 and increased with goods, and have need of

 nothing, " but whom He sees wretched, and

 miserable, and poor, and blind and naked

 —Rev. 3, 17; to any who  will hear and

 open, He will come in. And people do not

 knock on the inside of a door. He is out-

 side. And  art thou of those who are keep-

 ing the door of their heart barred against

 the Saviour, and  He  seeking admission ?

 Beware that He rise not up and close His door

 against all thy importunity. See Luke 13, 24-30

   On  one occasion it was said that He was

 gone to be the guest of a sinner. And on

 another—" How   is it that He eateth and

 drinketh  with sinners. " But  the Saviour

 answered, "I came  to call dinners to repent-

 ance. "   Oh  the condescension  of  grace!

 How  blessedly the Lord "condescended to

 men  of low estate. " Well may we sing—

      " But, ah ! the Master is so fair,

          His smile so sweet to banished man,

       That those who meet it unaware

          Can never rest on earth again. " W. G. B.



  THE  writer of this short paper was invit-

   ing a young man to hear a servant of

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                      TE HOA MAORI.

tetahi ki toku reo, a ka uaki i te tatou, e

tomo atu ahau ki a ia, a he hoa mona ki te

kai, hei hoa ano ia moku ki te kai. "—Wha-

kakitenga 3, 20. A, ki te tangata ko wai

ranei e whakakaki ana e karakia ana e ki

na nei "Kua  whai taonga ahau kua tini

aku rewa, kahore tetahi mea e meatia ana

e ahau. "  Engari  kua kitea e Ia he wai-

korohuhu noa iho ratou, he he noa iho, he

rawakore, he  matapo, he mea   kakahu

kore. "—Korero  Whakakitenga  3, 17. Kia

ia e whakarongo ana e uakina ana ka tomo

Ia ki a Ia. A  kahore ano nga tangata e

patuki ana ki roto i te whare. Kei Waho

Ia. A kua  katia to ngakau ki a Ia  kei

tomo ranei te Kaiwhakaora ki roto ahakoa

e patuki ana Ia! Kia tupato ra kei whaka-

tika Ia ki te tutakina te tatau ki a koe ka

maumau  to totohe atu. —Korerotia Ruka 13,


  I ki ai te tangata i tetahi wa kua riro Ia

ki te tangata hara noho ai. Ano  hoki, E

aha ka haere atu Ia ki te kai tahi ai me te

tangata hara ? Ta te whakahoki a te Kai-

whakaora, I haere mai ahau ki te karanga i

te hunga  hara kia ripeneta. Koia  ano  te

whakaaro pai mo te aroha noa. Aue te pai

o te Ariki ki te whakauru ki roto i te hunga





E TONO      ana te kai tuhituhi o tenei,

       ki tetahi taitamariki, kia haere ia ki

 te whakarongo i te kauwhau o te Rongo pai

 o te Atua, a tetahi kai mahi a te Karaiti; ko

 a tetahi ahiahi raumati te kauwhau ai.

   No reira te kianga mai, "E kore ahau e

 pai kia korerotia mai te whakapono i nga

 ra noa o te wiki, mei raia tenei ahiahi ahua

 pai. Ko taku pai he whakarongo kauwhau

 i nga ra tapu, a, mehemea kahore aku mahi

 ke, i nga po roa o te hotoke hoki. "

   Ko  ta tenei taitamariki tikanga he tino

 whakapokake atu, i ta te Atua kupu e ako

 mai ana. I whakanohia e ia kia iti nga mea

 mo tona wairua, hore nei he mutunga; ko

 tana i rapu ai ko nga mea rawe o te ao. Me

 te mea nei i pera nga kupu, "waiho atu te

Christ preach the Gospel of the Grace of God

one week evening in summer.

  " I cannot stand religion in the week, " was

the reply, " and especially a fine evening like

this. I like to hear a good sermon on Sunday.

or do not mind on a winter's night if I have

no other engagements. "

  What a sad excuse. This young man was

doing just the opposite to what God's Word

counsels us to do. He thought that his soul's

eternal welfare was of the least importance;

he wanted to enjoy himself and see life. His

words were equivalent to saying, " keep the

Gospel in its place, it does very well for Sun-

day. "  Oh! if such is the thought of any who

may  read this, I warn you, for God says,

" What  is a man profited, if he shall gain

the whole world, and lose his own soul ? or

what shall a man give in exchange for his

soul ?"—Matt. 15. 26.

  Mark!  this young man said "Religion, "

not " Christ. " He  was  a stranger to the

Blessed Son of God; he did not know " the

Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though

He  was rich, yet for our sakes He became

poor, that we through His poverty might be

rich. "—2   Cor. 8. 9.

   Dear reader, are you a stranger to this

 blessed Son of God? If so, why is it ? Do

you not know that by nature, as a child of

fallen Adam, you  are " dead in trespasses

 and sins. " You  may  be very religious, a

 beautiful character as far as man can see, but

 God, who searcheth the heart says, "All have

 sinned, and come short of the glory of God. "

 —Rom. 3. 23. Again, "As by one man sin

 entered into the world, and death by sin, and

 so death passed upon all men, for that all

 have sinned. "—Rom. 5. 12. And if you die

 as you are, you will have to spend an eter-

 nity in hell. Oh! how awful. "Where  their

 worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. '

 Mark  11, 48. The  question is not, "Are

 you religious?" but " Have you Christ?" Do

 you know Him, whom to know is life eternal?

 John  17, 3. If you are anxious, His words

 are, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and

 are heavy laden and I will give you rest. "

 Matt. 11, 28. Hear this message of love:

 "God so loved the world, that He gave His

 only beggoten Son, that whosoever (you, me,

7 7

▲back to top
                      TE HOA MAORI.

rongo pai i tona wahi, e ahua pai ana tera

mo  te ratapu anake. " Aue! mehemea  e

pena ana te whakaaro o tetahi e korero ana

i tenei, ka whakatupato atu ahau i a koe, no

te men e ki ana te Atua, " He aha hoki te

pai ki te tangata, ki te riro mai i a ia te ao

katoa, a ka kore he ora mona? He  aha

hoki ta te tangata e hoatu ai hei utu mona

kia ora ?"

  Whakaaro!  me  te mea nei i mea tenei

taitamariki, " Nomai ko te ahua kau o te

whakapono  whakakorea  atu a te Karaiti. "

He  kuware ia ki te Tama aroha a te Atua;

kahore ia i matau ki te aroha o te Karaiti;

kahore ia i matau, "ki te aroha noa o to

tatou Ariki a Ihu Karaiti i a Ia e whai

taonga ana, whakarawa koretia iho ana Ia

he whakaaro ki a tatou, kia whai taonga ai

tatou i Tona rawa koretonga. "-2 Koriniti 8, 9.

  E  hoa  kaikorero, e tauhou ana ano hoki

koe ki tenei Tama aroha a te Atua ? Mea

hemea ae, he aha ra hoki ? Kahore koe i

te mohio mehemea kei to ahua Arama hinga

a koe, e " tupapaku ana koe i nga he i

nga hara. "—Epeha  2, 1. Tera pea koe e

whakarite whakawaho kau ana, a e pai ana

ki ta te tangata titiro atu, otira e rapua ana

e te Atua ko ta te ngakau, a, e mea ana Ia.

 "Kua  hara katoa, kahore e taea e ratou te

kororia o te Atua"—Roma   3, 23. Tenei

ake, " Na, ka rite ki te putanga mai o te

hara ki te ao, he mea ua te tangata kotahi,

me te mate ano i runga i te hara, a horapa

atu  aua te  mate  ki nga tangata katoa

no  te mea kua  hara katoa" —  Roma

5, 12—a, ki te rokohina koe  e te mate

i roto i tena ahua ou, e pumau tonu to tuta-

kinga ki roto ki te reinga! Aue tai e! "ki

te wahi e kore ai e mate to ratou kutukutu,

ki te kapura e kore e tineia "—Maka 9, 48.

E kore ahau e patai atu, mehemea e mau

kau ana ki to whakawahotanga te ahua o te

whakapono, otira mehemea  " kei roto i a

koe a  te Karaiti?" Kua  matau  koe kia

Ia, ko te matauranga nei ki a Ia he oranga

tonutanga. "—Hoani  17, 3. Mehemea   e

 pairiiri ana to ngakau, ka Ona kupu enei,

" Haeremai ki ahau, e koutou katoa e mau-

iui ana, e taimaha ana, a, maku koutou e

whakaokioki. " — Matiu 11, 28. Whaka-

rongo  ki tenei tono aroha, "Koia ano te

or anybody  else) believeth in Him should

not perish, but  have  everlasting life. "—

John  3, 16. Think Who  it is that so loved

us. Before we were born He thought of us

and made  provision for our need, and how?

He gave His only beggoten Son. What a

wondrous gift!  Is not this enough to melt

thy heart?

  Delay no longer, but come now to Him

who said, "Him who cometh to me I will in

no wise cast out. "—John  6. 37.

          " 'All things are ready, ' come,

            To-morrow may not be;

         O sinner, come, the Saviour waits

           This hour to welcome thee. "

                                  F. T. J. M.

           [TO THE CHILDREN. ]


 WELL  Jimmy, Are you saved ?"

was  a question I put one

Lord's Day evening, after a Gospel meeting,

to a little fellow ten years of age.

   " Yes, " he replied, " I am quite confident

now  that Jesus died for me. I was not be-

fore my  illness. I used to think I was all

right because father and mother were saved,

but I found out I was all wrong, but now I

know  for a certainty that Jesus has borne all

my  sins away. "

  " What  do you think is the reason why

the Lord Jesus does not take us to heaven as

soon as we are saved?" I asked.

  " Oh, because He wants us to tell others

of His love. We  ought not to keep it to

ourselves, you know, " he answered.

  Earnestly we would ask you, dear young.

reader, Are you saved? Can you say, "Jesus

has washed all my sins away in His own

precious blood ?" If not saved, we would

urge you to lose no more time, for "Behold,

now is the accepted time; behold, now is the

day  of salvation. "—2 Cor. 6, 2.

  Come to Jesus where you are, and as you

are, He turns none away, but  receives all

who cast themselves upon Him. No one is

too great a sinner for the Saviour to save.

 " This is a  faithful saying........ that

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sin-

ners. " 1 Tim. 1, 15. Soon the day will come

when  the saved will be taken up to meet the

8 8

▲back to top
                      TE HOA MAORI.

aroha a te Atua, homai aua e Ia Taua Tama

kotahi, kia kahore ai e mate te tangata (a

koe na, ahau nei, a wai noa atu ranei) e

whakapono ana ki a Ia. engari kia whiwhi

ki te oranga tonutanga"—Hoani   3, 16

Ata whakaaro  iana, ki a Ia i penei nei te

nui o Tona  aroha mai. 1 te mea kiano

tatou kia whanau kua hopukia tatou e ona

whakaaro, a kua taka whakaora  Ia mo

tatou. I  pewheatia ? Homai ana  Ia i

Tana Tama  kotahi. Kia pehea atu ano i

tenei oha whakahara.

  Kati te whakaroa, haere mai ki a Ia i

ki mai nei " ki te haeremai tetahi ki a au,

e kore rawa e panga atu e ahau ki waho. "

—Hoani  6, 37.

      " Kua oti nga mea katoa te taka,

          E kore pea e ao he ra mou,

       E -whanga ana mai a Ihu ki a koe,

          Tana Karanga, haeremai, haeremai. "

                                  F. T. J. M.

           [MO NGA TAMARIKI. ]



HE patai tenei i pataia e ahau i tetahi

  ratapu ki tetahi tamaiti paku, kotahi

te kau pea ona tau.

  " E Timi! I whiwhi koe i te oranga tonu-

tanga ?"

  Tana whakahoki mai ki ahau, "Ae  ra

kua mohio tonu ahau kua mate a Ihu moku.

I mahara  noa ahau  i te tuatahi, koia he

tangata whakapono toku papa raua ko toku

whaea  hei reira ka tika hoki ahau. Engari

Lord, but the unsaved will go into eternal

torment. Be wise! Time is short. Decide

for Jesus.

                              P. H. S.

ka he taua whakaaro. A  inaianei e mohio

rawa ahau na Ihu i murua oku hara katoa. "

  He  patae tenei naku ki a ia, " Ki to

mohio  e aha ranei te take kahore nei te

Karaiti Ihu e tiki mai ai tatou ki te rangi i

te wa e whakapono ana tatou ?"

  Tana whakahoki  tenei, "Na te mea e

hiahia ana Ia ma tatou kia panuitia ai Tona

aroha noa ki te katoa. "

  Na, he patai nui tenei naku ki a koe e te

tamaiti paku e korero ana  i tenei korero,

Kua  whiwhi ranei koe te oranga tonutanga?

Ka  taea ranei ko te ki nei na Ihu i horohia

oku  hara katoa i tona toto? Me he kore

koe i ora ai kia hohoro ra ki te mau inaianei

nei, " Nana, tenei te wa manakohanga mai,

nana, tenei te wa o te whakaoranga. "—2

Koriniti 6, 2.

  Haere mai ra ki a Ihu inaianei ahakoa

he nui o he, kauaka e kimi he huarahi ke

atu. Kahore rawa Ia kia pana atu ai tetahi

o te hunga e haere ana ki a Ia. " He pono

 te korero........ I haere mai a te Karaiti

Ihu  ki te ao ki te whakaora i te hunga

hara. "—1  Timoti 1, 15. Meake puta mai

te ra ka haere atu ai nga tangata whaka-

 pono ki te Ariki, engari ka mahue atu te

 hunga whakapono kore mo te mamaetanga

 mutungakore. Kia  mohio ai koutou. Ka

 poto te wa. Tahuri rapea ki a Ihu.

  PRICE, Payable in advance—One Penny each, or Six Shillings per hundred and postage.


             Bible, Book Tract Depot, KARANGAHAPE ROAD, Auckland.

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  Correspondence to be addressed "Te  Hoa  Maori, "  care of Bible Book and Tract

                       Depot, Karangahape Road, Auckland.

   The prayers  and interest of the Children of God  are affectionately sought in connection with this

                                   Magazine. JOHN vi. 5. 13.