Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 4, Number 9. 03 March 1877

Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 4, Number 9. 03 March 1877

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             "TIHE     MAURI-ORA."
  NAMA—9.                      NEPIA,  HATAREI, MAEHE 3. 1877.              PUKAPUKA  4.

ME haere katoa mai nga Maori kia kite
i te Pakeha mohio rawa ki te mahi 
tiata ko tona ingoa ko



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                    TE WANANGA.
ko te  hoki ano  ki te karakia, me te whakamutu   .;
i te kai waipiro. Ko te Pooti i Nepia kua mutu  tata
ake nei tena e korerotia, me etahi atu mea maha hei
whakakapi  i te taima o te hui, a ka mea matou kia
pera ano te pai te tika o te whakahaere o nga whiri-
whiri a te hui me to mua ahua, a  ko mutunga  iho
o nga  whiriwhiringa hei pai hei ora mo te iwi Maori.
  Ko nga Rangatira ka haere nei ki te hui, he Manu-
hiri na Renata Kawepo, a Kei te mohiotia  kei roto
ratou i te ringaringa pai, e kore he mea e ngaro hei
hoatu ora pai mo nga Manuhiri i te wa e  noho  ai
ratou ki Omahu.

      Te Wananga.
  Published every Saturday.
            SATURDAY.     MARCH   3. 1877.\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_

 IT will be in the recollection of our native  readers
 that about this time last year a large gathering of
 native chiefs from, all parts of the island took place
 at Pakowai.  The meeting was conducted  according
 to European rules.  The usual expensive train of idle
 young  men, and  of women  and children was not
 allowed to be present, and the meeting was confined
  solely to chiefs of undoubted position and experience.
  A president and other officers were elected, and the
  subjects for discussion drawn up iu the form of reso-
  lutions were  submitted for discussion upon  printed
  order papers. Conclusions of the utmost importance.
  and marked by a spirit of moderation and loyal feel-
  ing were come  to by the assembled chiefs, and after
  passing  a  resolution in favour of holding  similar
  meetings once every year the hui came to an end.
    The  meeting which  will take place at Omahu  this
  week is the second annual assembly of the chiefs, and
  it will be a larger  and even  more  representative
  gathering than the  last.  The business of the meet-
  ing will commence  with a formal review of the reso-
  lutions  passed  last year.   Several of the principal
  resolutions of last year have been either approved of
  or  carried into effect by Parliament, such as the
  change of Government,  the abolition of Government
  land purchases, the reform and consolidation of Native
  Land   Court Laws, and the  establishment of Maori
  representation iu the House upon a  permanent  foot-
   ing.  The meeting  will then consider the various; reso-
   lutions to  which,  no  effect has yet been  given.
   Amongst  the subjects for discussion will be  resolu-
   tions  in   favor  of   increased  representation  of
   the  Maoris   in  ihe  Assembly,   equal laws  for
   both races, and removal   of restrictions on sales  of
   of land, the establishment of schools, the revival of
   religion, and the prohibition  of the  use of ardent
   spirits.  The last Napier election will  also come  up
   for consideration.  Many  other matters  will occupy
   the time "of the meeting, and we hope that the same
   loyal and moderate councils will again  prevail, and
   that the result of the deliberations may prove to be
   of practical benefit to the Maori people,
   The representative chiefs are the guests of Renata
Kawepo,  and  it is hardly necessary to remark that
they are in good hands : and that nothing will be
 wanting to provide for their comfort and wellbeing
whilst stopping at Omahu.

           NGA   RONGO    KORERO.
  Tenei te Panui a Te Morihana, weatimeka o Nepia, i te
 rori o Hehitinga, kei te Wananga nei. He mea nana kua
 tae mai ki aia nga wati koura me nga wati Hiriwa, he
 tini tini noa atu aua wati. He tangata tautowhito  a Te
 Morihana i Nepia a he pai ano kia haere te Maori ki aia
 hoko wati ai.

   Mr. Morrison, watchmaker,   of Hastings,  advertises  in
 our columns that he has received a very large and valu-
 able consignment  of gold and silver watches. Mr. Morri-
 son is a very old resident in Napier, and we hope our
 Maori friends will not forget to give him a turn.
                                                         \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_                 \_\_        \_                                                                                            

   A tenei ano hoki te panui a Te Emete, te tangata mohio
 ki nga mahi hei whakangahau i te iwi. A ko a te po nei
 te timata ai aua mahi i te Oripera Haara. He nui te pai
 o a ratou mahi e koa ai a e whakapai ai te Maori. A  e
 nui pea te haere mai o te Maori kia kite i aua takaro.

   As will be seen by reference to our advertising columns
 the celebrated theatrical, Emmett, has  arrived with  his
 company  in Napier, and commences to play this evening
 in  the Oddfellows'  Hall.   Emmett    is an  actor whose
 specialties are of the kind  which  will  please a  Native
 audience, and we expect that the Maoris will visit him in
 considerable numbers.

   Ahakoa  nga tini whakararuraru, rue nga mahi kopeka-
 peka  i nga Maori, kua  oti tenei mea, a ko te  moni
 (.£17.500) kua hoatu e Wata ma kia Te Hiana Roia o nga
 Maori  ko tenei te mea whakamate i a '' Ngati Hoko He "
  me to ratou  mohio, me ta ratou  whakaatu.   He  tino
  kahanga  tenei mo  te taha Maori.   Ko  Wata  ma,  he
  tangata i boko mohio kore, kua mahi i te mahi a te tangata
  tika, a kua whakaatu i te mahi tika ki nga tangata hoko
  he, hei whainga ma ratou.

          KAKIRAAWA     AWA-O-TE-ATUA.
  Is spile of bitter opposition, ami of innumerable dodges
  attempted  to be made  amongst the Natives, this matter is
  now closed, and the money (£17,500) has been paid over
  by  the Messrs. Watt to Mr. Sheehan, as solicitor for the
  Natives.  This transaction is the death-knell of the Ring,
  and they both know  it and show it. It is a solid and im-
   portant victory  for the  Native  side.  Messrs.  Watt, as
  innocent purchasers, have behaved like honest men, and
  have set an example which others, who are not innocent
  but exceedingly guilty, will do well to follow.

             KORERO    PAREMATA.

  He Korero enei no nga korero a te Komiti rapurapu  i
   nga tikanga o nga mea ki te taha Maori, a  he mea ta
 aua kupu e matou, ki te tikanga o aua korero i whaka-
   maoritia ai e nga kai Whaka Maori o te Kawanatanga.

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 E hara ia matou taua tu reo Maori. He ta ta matou  kia I
 rite pu ki ta ratou i mahi ai, a na ratou taua whakamaori- 
 tanga i nga kupu a te Komiti, e hara ia matou.
                               EDITA WANANGA.
pukapuka-inoi tenei na nga Maori o te iwi Ngatikahungunu e
noho  ana ki te taha ki te Rawhiti o Te Ika-a-maui. E hiahia
 ana nga kai-inoi kia panuitia ta ratou piri pono ki a te Kuini
 me ta ratou hapai i ana Ture.                           i
   E mea ana ngakai inoi kia tu i ia tan. i ia tau he huinga 
 nga rangatira Maori o nga iwi katoa ki te. korero i nga mea
 whai tikanga anaki nga Maori ki te whakatakoto putake hei
 tukunga mai ki te Paremete. E whakapuaki aua hoki ratou
 i ta ratou whakaaro kia whakakorea atu te Ture e mana ana
 inaianei hei whakatu tangata Maori ki roto ki te Runanga.
kia ahei ai te whakatuturu tetahi Ture hei whakatokomaha
 atu i nga mema  Maori  i roto i te Whare  o nga Rangatira i
kowhiria i runga i te pooti a te Iwi
   E ki ana koki ratou e kino ana nga whakahaeretanga o te
 Ture whenua Maori, a e mea aua me mutu te hoko whenua i |
runga i taua Ture e nga apiha o te Kawanatanga, a o inoi ana
ratou kia whakatuturutia tetahi Ture hou.
   Kua whakahaua  ahau kia ki penei atu kia te Whare :—  
   He ritenga nui nga ritenga o tenei pukapuka-inoi he maha
aua ritenga e tau nui ana ki nga tikanga o te taha Maori, i
   E mea  ana te Komiti me ta tenei pukapuka-inoi me tuku
 tuku atu kia kite te katoa a e tono atu ana ratou kia tirohia 
 paitia e te Paremete te pukapuka-inoi.                    
                               (HOANI PAREIHA.)    
                               JOHN BRYCE.      
  Hepetema 7, 1876.                                   !


                                (HOANI PARAIHI)    
                               JOHN BRYCE.     
  Hepetema   12, 1S7G.                                      



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Oti pai   ai  tetahi  mea   e   hiahia  nuitia ana.   Ki    
tana mahara   roe whakapai ki te Kawanatanga, rao ta  v
ratou  homaitanga  i taua Pire, engari koa me   ki ano  
ia, ko enei Pire nunui e mahi nei i nga rawa nui noatu, 
me homai  wawe  kia whiriwhiria i te timatanga o te huihui u
o te Paremata, kia roa ai te whakaaro i aua Pire. Mehe-  
mea i penei te tikanga, e kore e nui te raruraru i muri atu 
 ki te whakatikatika i aua tu Ture. Kua tukua e ia he
 whakaatu  kia mahia i roto o te komiti, hei whakatika i  
 etahi wahi o taua Pire ahakoa te pai n lan Pire he he ano
 ona kua kitea e ia, a tona ano pua etahi kaore ano i kitea 
 •e ia kua perehitia aua whakatikatika ki runga o to Puka- 
 puka o nga mahi ma te Kaunihera, kia tino mohio ai ratou 
 katoa ki nga mea hei mahinga ma ratou. F. tino pakeke
 haere ana ki nga Maori te ahua o te Ture mo tenei mea. a
 ki tana whakaaro ko te take i penei ai, ko te ahua o te
 kawe mai i nga Pire Maori. Ki tana mahara ka taea te
 whakatika e tetahi o nga he o te " Ture. 1873." e te kupu
 whakatika tuatahi o tana tono. Ko te kupu whakatika
 tuarua e mea ana kia taea te whakatu he kaitiaki mo nga
 tamariki Maori e whai whenua  taonga ana. he mea tika
 tenei, notemea   inaianei kaore o  he kai tiaki i nga
 tamariki o te iwi Maori. Na konei kaore e nui haere nga
 rawa  o te tamariki Maori, penei me o te tamariki Pakeha,  
 kei te taenga  rano ki te kaumatuatanga ka  tahi ano. |
 Kaore i te pai kia whakamahaa ngakai mahi mo nga o Maori
 engari pea ko nga kaiwhakawa o nga takiwa e whakatu
 hei kaitiaki. Ko tana tono whakatikatika tuawha  e  mea
 ana ko nga pukapuka Riri me tuhituhi ki te aroaro o tetahi
 Roia o te Hupirimi Kooti, kaua i to naianei tikanga hei te
 aroaro o  tetahi kaiwhakawa, o tetahi kaiwhakawa o  te
 Kooti, Whenua  Maori, ranei. Tena  pea e whakahengia  
 tenei, engari me mahara, ko te Roia o te Hipirimi Kooti e
 taea ana te whakahara mo ana mahi, notemea e taea ana .
 ia te whakakore i runga o nga pukapuka o te Hupirimi
 Kooti, mehemea   ki te mahi he ia, ki te kore, kaore e tika
 tana whakahaere  i ana mahi.  Engari  mehemea  e kitea
 ana e tetahi nei he tikanga pai atu. ka whakaaetia ano e
 ia.  He mea mahara  nana he pai atu te Roia i te kaiwha-
 kawa, notemea  he nui rawa to he mona ki te he tana mahi
  ka tautoko ia kia tuaruatia te korerotanga  o te Pire, a ,
 kei roto o te komiti ka mea ai e ia ana kupu whakatikatika •
 i roto o tana tono.
    Kapene  Pereiha 

    Te Rata Porena

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bringing it in, although he must  say, in regard to all  
these important Bills dealing with a very large amount of
private property, that it would be better if they were 
introduced at an early period of the session, so that full 
time might be given to consider them. If that were the r
case, they would not have so much trouble afterwards in 
reconsidering-amending  Acts of the kind.  He had given 
notice of certain amendments which he intended to move
in Committee, because, although the Bill was a very good
one, yet it had some little imperfections which  he had
discovered, and there might be others which had escaped
his notice. Those  amend ments  had been printed on the
Order  Paper, in order that honorable gentlemen might
have  full notice of what was intended to be  done by
them.  It was becoming a very difficult matter indeed for
the  Natives to  ascertain the real state of the law on this
subject, and be attributed that to the habit which  had
been  fallen into of bringing in Native Bills. He thought
he would  be able to remedy one of the defects of the Act
of 1873 by the first amendment which he would propose.
His  second amendment  would provide that trustees should
be appointed to hold the property of infant Maoris : and-
this would  be a  step in the right direction, because at 
present there was nobody to take charge of the estates of
 infants of the Native race. The consequence of this was
 that the property of an infant did not accumulate till it
 became of age, as was the case with Europeans.  It was
 not desirable to increase the number of officials in regard
 to Native matters, and the  Resident  Magistrates iu the
 various districts might be appointed to act as trustees.
 His further amendment was to the effect that a deed
 could be executed before a solicitor of the Supreme Court.
 instead of, as now, a Resident Magistrate or Judge of the
 Native Land  Court. Some  objection might be taken to
 this ; but it should be borne in mind that a solicitor of
 the Supreme  Court was Directly responsible for his actions,
 inasmuch as he was liable to be struck off the roll if he
 committed any fraud or was justly chargeable with any
 negligence which amounted  to a crime deserving of chas-
 tisement. He  would, however, be willing to modify that
 if any  honorable gentleman  could  suggest anything
 better. It occurred to him that a solicitor of the Supreme
 Court was a more responsible person than a Justice of the 
 Peace.  He  would support the second reading of the Bill, 
 and in Committee would move  the amendments which  he 
 had given notice of.                                    
   The  Hon. Captain Fraser intended to support the Bill, ;
 but was sorry he could not support the amendments of the 
 Hon. Colonel Whitmore,  with the exception of the last of i
 them.  He had endavoured to see his way through  the
 matter  : but it was one of those intricate Mauri difficulties :
 which  he  could not  wade  through  and  understand.
 Therefore he thought he would be justified in taking the
 opinion of a gentleman outside the Council on the amend-
 ments.   That gentleman's  opinion was to the effect that
 the clauses proposed to be added to the Intestate Native
 Succession Art  were irrelevant to the Bill, and that they
 also intermeddled  with three other Bills, with which  the
 Bill on the Order Paper had nothing to Jo.  He  would
 therefore vote for the last amendment,  but not  for the
    The Hon. Mr. Stokes would support the Bill. He would
 not have risen to speak on this subject but for the remarks
 the Hon.  Colonel Whitmore  had made  in speaking of the
 amendments  he intended to move. He  thought that the
  proper time to consider these clauses would be when the
  Bill was in  Committee.    He  agreed with  the opinion
  which  his honorable friend Captain  Fraser had  read —
  namely,  that the amendments    referred to  matters alto-
  gether foreign to the  Act.  He thought it would  be
  highly dangerous to introduce into one Act. by a sort of
  sidewind, clauses which  had reference to  another Act.
  Ue held, further, that  it would be exceedingly inconve-
  nient, at this late  period  of the  session, to enter into
matters of such importance.
  The  Hon. Dr. Pollen was glad to see that the Council
recognized the policy of reading the Bill a second time.
He  could not accept the Hon. Colonel Whitmore's amend-
ments, for this reason ; that they referred not to this Bill,
but to no less than three other Acts of the Legislature,
    by a side-wind, they proposed, be would not say to
  but to affect. The  amendments   affected the
 Native Lands Act, the Maori  Real Estate Management
 Act, and the Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act. Now,
 if any of those Acts required to be amended at all, it ought
 to be done  specifically. Hu did not understand  what
 relation the so-called amendments could be said to have
 to a Bill of this kind.
   Bill read a second time, considered in Committee,  re-
 ported with amendments, which  were agreed to, and Bill
 read a third time.

   E hoa tena koe.—Tenei aku kupu, mau e tuku atu ki te
 ao katoa, kia kite nga Kawana kua tae mai  noi ki Niu
 Tireni, me era e haere mai a muri ake nei, n, kia kite ano
 hoki nga iwi e noho ana i te pito whakararo o te Poro-
 wini o Akarana, waiho  to Motu  katoa hei whakarongo
 mai  i te reka  ranei, i te kawa   ra nei. E  hoa ma, he
 whakamarama   taku i nga kupu me nga tikanga o  nga
 Hari  Maori, e kiia nei i te reo Ingirihi.   Ko  te Waara
 Tanihi (war dance) kotahi patake o te korero, e wha ona
   1. Ki nga Kawana kua tae mai ki Nui Tireni.
   2. Ki nga Kawana   e haere mai a muri ake nei.
!  3. Ki Ngapuhi.
   4. Ki nga Minita o te Haahi.  Na. me  timata inaianei
 te korero ki te pekanga tuatahi. E nga Kawana kua tae
 mai nei ki Niu Tireui :—Tena koutou : He whakaatu tena
 naku  ki a koutou i te kino o nga Hari Maori, i mahia nei e
  nga Maori ki o koutou aroaro i runga i to koutou hiahia
  kia kite- i aua mea. kino  rawa  atu, no roto tonu i nga
! whakatakere i takoto ai tenei mea te kino. E hara ia i te
 mea e puta mai he mate mo  te tinana i roto i aua mea, he
i raruraru ranei ki runga ki to tatou Motu, kahore, engari,
i ko etahi enei o nga mea i korerotia e Paora te Apotoro,
 ara, ko nga mahi a te Rewera. Tena iana kia haria ake
! tetahi o nga hari e haria atu nei e nga Maori ki a koutou.
A. wekuweku,   wekuweku mai te hiore! E ! Ko roto ko
  taku puta ! A 1 he puta aha te puta ! A ! He puta tohu
  te puta ! A '. K rua nei ko te puta! E! Ka mutu.  Ko
  tenei hari. na tetahi wahine pouaru i titotito. Kei mea
  ra koutou,  he hiore kuri ranei, he puta  rakau ranei.
  Kahore, engari, ko nga wehi ngaro o te taane raua ko te
  wahine.  Ka mutu.   Pekanga tuarua, e nga  Kawana  e
  haere mai ana ki Niu Tireni, ku mohio ra  koutou ki tu
  kino o ena mea nei? Kei haere mai ra koutou, a. ka tohe
  ano kia mahia nua mea, engari me mutu.
     Pekanga tautoru — o Ngatiwhatua, e Ngapuhi,  e te
  Rarawa,  whakarongo mai, kana rawa e mahia enei moa  a
  nga ra katoa o haere ake nei. kei mea koutou he pai no
 . aua mea, he whai tikanga ranei i hiahia ni aua Kawana
  kia mahia  aua mea. engari kia kito ratou i to tatou kuare
  ki te mahi i aua mea. a kia waiho ui hei kata ma ratou. E
  hoa ma kati te whakahoki i a tatou ki tu tatou timatanga
  mai.  Ka  mutu.
    Pekanga tuawha—

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Kia wehi i a ia e kana ana ki te whakamate i te wairua,
 me te tinana ki te Reinga. Heoi ra, e hoa ma, rae mutu
 i konei. Na to koutou hoa.
   Ohaeawai, Pewhairangi.

            KI TE ETITA o TE WANANGA.
   E  hoa tena koe, te tangata kua motuhia mo  te toa i
 runga i te ngakau manawanui, i runga i nga ngaru tuatea
 o te moana, i nga maunga tiketike o te Motu, e hapai nei
 i nga mahi a te iwi ki runga ki nga iwi e rua o to tatou
 Motu o Aotearoa.  E hoa, kai hoha koe ki te nui o enei
 taonga, ki te roa ranei o nga korero ka hoatu nei ki roto
 ki to tatou whare WANANGA, te tikanga i roa ai te korero
 a enei, ka hoaina atu te tapuae mo te taonga mania, pakeke
 haere i te ana o Tuna te Ruamumura, totoro kai roko-
 hanga mai koe  e nga hau  o te Rangi. Te toru, kua
 whakatatu nga hapua o te Rangi, he ma, he pango, te
 wha ko te Ao whero kai te arai i te ra. Te ritenga o ena
 kupu, he whakaatu, kaua enei taonga e waiho roa i roto
 i to tatou whare WANANGA, kai pirau, tukua i rote i nga
 mahi nui o te Paremata o te Koroni o Aotearoa, nga take
 ka tuhia nei ki raro nei.  E hoa ma, e nga iwi Maori,
 Pakeha i te Ao, te take o tenei panui, he whakaatu kia
 mohio ai nga iwi e rua o Aotearoa. Ko te Whanganui
 kai runga, kai o matou takiwa whenua, e mahi kino ana,
 e whakatupu ana i te raruraru, koia matou i whakaaro ai,
 me whakaatu nga mahi kino a taua iwi ki runga o matou
 takiwa, no te mea, ehara i te mea Katahi ka whakama-
 haratia nga take a o matou tupuna e mau nei te inana i
 runga i a matou, tae atu ki runga ki o matou  takiwa
whenua, kahore, no mua tonu tenei whakaatu ki nga iwi
 Maori, kia mohio ai, na matou aua takiwa, i tu hoki he
 hui ki Kokako, i te 22 o nga ra, o Maehe, i te tau 1860.
 Ka kiia i kona te kupu nui. ko te rohe kia rere mai ki
 Tongariro, tae mai ki Makahikatoa, rere mai Whangaehu, 
 rere mai Waitangi, ki te rererere mai te hiwi a Tamako-  
 piri, rere mai Waiouru, rere noa nga Waiataketake, rere
 mai  te pou  a Tamuringa,  rere noa Opeketa, rere noa
 Otahupitara, rere noa te awa Otamaranginui te Kaitaha-
 a-te-Moko te Waotapu, te Tuna-a-Rua-hakua,  te Puhi-a-
te-Hau  Hihitahi o Moti.  Ka  rere i roto i te Niho-o-hine
Tokakaroro  Puponga i roto o Hautapu ana te Matamata,
Waitohinga,  Kumeterua.  te Whakamanga   Oraki, Motu-
kawa,   te Rereuapiko,  Hokio. Pohekeheke, Paengaroa,
Mangarau,   Tawhiri, Pukerimu.  Maungawhitau.   Pukema-
pou, Tauwhare,  Owaika,  ka re-re i roto i tu Awa o Mako-
hine, Hautapurua,  te Pa o Takoe,  Harurunui, te Ahi Kiwi,
Pawerawera,   Rangitikei te Kiekie, ka mutu tenei.   Ka
timata i te Kiekie tenei rohe te Kiekie, Mangaonoho te
Karangi, Pourewa.  Pirirau. Turakina, ka whati ki te taha
Rawhiti  te puau o Mangapapa, haere atu i roto i te awa
te puau o Mangaone, haere i roto i to awa, ka kati atu ki 
  E  hoa ma, e hara i te mea whakaaturia ki te kotahi, ki
te tokorua ranei o te tangata tenei  rohe, e mea  ai te
ngakau  whakahe, ka he tenei rohe kahore, ko tenei rohe
he mea whakaatu nui tonu ki nga iwi o Kahungunu,  o
Tuharetoa,  o Ngatiraukawa, Whanganui   taua rohe. Tua-
 rua whakaaturanga   i Turangarere i te 6  o nga ra o
Pepuere, i te tau 1871. Ko nua iwi ano i reira, otiia, ho 
 nui atu ta matou panuitanga  i taua rohe i enei ra, kua uru
 mai nei taua iwi kai roto i ta matou rohe, e whakakino
ana i a matou whenua  i te Horoomoepau,  Turangarere,
Wharepapa,  Motukawa, Paengaroa, Pukewera,  te Wha- 
kauae, me etahi atu o a matou whenua i roto i to matou i
rohe.  Ko  ta ratou mahi he  Kuri, he turaki i a  matou  !
rakau i runga i o matou whenua e Wea ana, e Tini ana. 
e Ko  ana, e Taiepa ana, e mau Pa ana. E hoa ma. kahore i
kau he take o aua tangata ki runga ki to matou whenua !
i mua. e kai ana te tangata i te tangata, e noho ana he iwi |
i tono wahi, i tono wahi, i tenei ra, ka puta te Ture, ka I
haere mai aua iwi ki runga ki o matou takiwa haereere i
ai, ka kite i te pai o matou whenua, ko to ratou whenua
hoki, he whenua kino, ko a ratou mahinga kai, kai runga '
 i nga wahi kohatu kai nga tahuna wai. Ko  o ratou
 nohoanga, me o ratou whare, kai runga kai nga pari o to
  i ratou Awa wai o Whanganui, a i enei ra pea kua pau atu
  • i a ratou te Hoko ki tetahi hereni mo tona pakete, kua
   horoa ranei e te wai, kua riro ranei i te waipuke, ko te
   ahua o tenei iwi, rite tonu ki nga heke o te Kawitini e
   whakahekea  mai  nei e te Kawanatanga  ki  runga ki
i  Aotearoa, kai te mahara matou, he mea pera  hoki matou
  na  to ratou rangatira, na Meiha  Keepa  tenei mahi  e
i  whakaheke  nei ki runga ki o matou takiwa, koia nei pea
  te whakahaere a taua tangata i hoatu nei e  tona hoa
i  rangatira e Renata Kawepo.  Koia  hei whakahaere  rao
  nga raruraru ki runga ki te tangata, me te whenua. Ki
  ta matou whakaaro, tena e he tenei whakahaere, Ae, tera
  e he, he kupu apiti ano mo nga kupu i runga ra. Taku
   pu maurikurai te tara o Manini hau e, kia horo mai  ra
  nga toa ka pukea au e te wai maua ko te aroha i roto o e,
                           Na Wineti te Tau
)                          Na  Mokokore  te Arawhaiti,
                             Me etahi atu o Ngatiwaewae.
                         Na te Marangataua
                          Na Kingi Topia
                            Na te Oti Rikirau
i                       Na Rihimona Te Rango
                           Na Ihakara te Raro
                         Na Horima te Ahunga
                         Na Pirimona te Urukahika
                          Na Paramena te Naonao,
   Me  etahi aru o enei hapu o Ngatitama,   o Ngatiwhiti,  o
     Te Roupuanga. Patea.

            KI TE ETITA o TE WANANGA.
 E hoa tena koe. tukua atu enei korero, ki Te WANANGA
  ka tukua atu ki nga pito e wha o te motu nei. Maaku e utu
 I te Nupepa o Te WANANGA e weni ana au ki te tuku atu ki te
   meera, engari maaku e haere atu ki Poneke, i nga ra mutu-
   nga o tenei marama, ki te kite au i a Henare Tomoana,  ia
   Henare Matua, i a Karaitiana Takamoana, ka tukua atu e au.
  kia ratou te moni utu Nupepa.  £1  s2 d6 nei te  tuhi o te
   Kopaki, o waho, kia Hoani Maaka, kei Matatera Whangaehu

7 87

▲back to top
                       TE WANANGA.
Hoani Maaka
Matatera Whangaehu
Hunia Teiki
Kerei Hemoata
Karena Te Mana
Kawana Ropiha
Wiremu Tauwiro
Hoani Tikuku


Kahukura Takapau

                                                                        *  V

8 88

▲back to top
                         TE  WANANGA.

HE     mea atu tenei, he whakatokoto ki te iwi Maori,
      Kia Kaua  ratou e purei Kaari, a mahi  purei
ranei i etahi atu mahi purei ana eke ratou i te Rere-
wei, no te mea e he ana taua mahi te purei ki o te
Rerewei tikanga, ara ki te Ture e 31.
                         . Na te MIRA,
                         Tumuaki  tiaki Rerewei.

  Nei taua ture—"  31. Ki te  mea  ka kitea tetahi
tangata i runga i tetahi o nga kareti, i te teihana
ranei, e haurangi ana e takaro ana ranei ki nga mahi
kaari, ara ki te " hipi" me era atu tu  takaro, ki te
mea  ka whakararuraru ka aha ranei mo te moni, ki te
mea  ranei e whakararuraru ana ia i tetahi tangata
haere o runga i te Rerewe, ka tika kia tonoa ki H ia
kia utu ia i te moni kaua e nukuake i te rima pauna,
ka pana  hoki ia i taua kareti, taua teihana ranei."

                                                AT      THE
       CHEAPEST                      RATES


KIA     rongo mai  koutou e nga iwi katoa o te Tai Rawhiti.
      me  te Tai Tuauru. Nga iwi katoa o  te tua-whenua.
tenei kei Nepia nei te tangata tino mohio ki te haehae Pouna-
mu,  hei Mere, hei Heitiki, hei Kurukuru, hei Mako ma le iwi.
Tukua mai a koutou Pounamu  ki te Tari o TE WANANGA
                                         NA HEMI     ROPI.


                                    MANIHERA     TOTI.
   Mataweka  19th January. 1877.                       

HE     mea atu tenei na Te Huta o Hawheraka, kua tu
      tana Toa i Nepia, ki te taha ki Puku-mokimoki
A  mana e mahi nga mea  whakananawe  Hoiho  too
kaata, me nga takai waewae mo te tangata.
  Kai tawahi tata o te Paparakauhe a Tenui i Nepia.
                          NA  Te HUTA.
                          HE        PANUITANGA.

 HE     kupu  tono tenei na te Komiti o te Hohipera o Haku
        Pei, kia aro mai, a kia mahi tahi nga iwi Maori ki te
 mahi  mo  te Hohipera mo  nga  Pakeha, me  nga  Maori o
   He mea   pai kia homai  moni, a he mea pai kia homai he
 whenua  mo  taua Hohipera.  A ko nga tino korero katoa e
 mohio  ai te iwi ki nga tikanga mo taua Hohipera, me uiui ki
 te Komiti, a ki te Tari o TE WANANGA ano hoki.
                                         J. A. METE

                HE       PANUITANGA.
 HE   tinitini noa atu aku mea hou i taku Toa i TARATERA ,

          A maku e hanga hou nga mea pakarau.
   HE KOROPA.          HE WEPU,
   HE PA.             HE KAHU HOIHO.

    Ko  nga mea pai katoa a te Pakeha mo te Hoiho,
                E hara i te utu nui aku mea
          He  tini, a e  rite ana ki o Tawahi  te pai.
              Kei au nga mea mo te MAORI.
i                Kahore he take e haere ai
                        Te MAORI,
i                  Ki Nepia hoko mea ai.

         NA  PARATARI.
                          H   E     P  A   N   U   I  T  A   N  G  A   .

i  21                              NA TE  WAEA.
    MANAIA,                  HE       TIMA,

  NEPIA. Haku Pei Kia Tireni.—He mea ta e HENARE HIRA, a he mea panu
      e HENARE    TOMOANA,  e te tangata, nana tenei niupepa, i te whare ta
      o Te Wananga, i Nepia.
                 HATAREI, MAEHE  3, 1877.