Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 4, Number 29. 28 July 1877

Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 4, Number 29. 28 July 1877

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             "TIHE     MAURI-ORA."
  NAMA—29—3O.               NEPIA,  HATAREI,   HURAE    28. 1877           PUKAPUKA 4.


                 Kai hoko i nga mea rino              ;

 HE   tangata kua oti te RAIHANA  kia hoko  PU  PAURA


 I   HEHITINGA               TIRITI        I NEPIA.

                                                    A                                                    i

 Ko ratou e hoko ana ki te utu iti 
 rawa atu o nga Toa katoa i Nepia.
                PANUI  MO  TE  WATI.

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                         TE WANANGA.
Te Hiana

Te Wananga
Published every Saturday

Mr. Travers
Mr. Sheehan's


Te Erihana
Messrs Ellison
Te Paratiweti
Te Hemara

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Te Hiana 





Henare Matua

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                                TE  WANANGA.
nei aua mea. Ko te wahi hei taranga hei Heretaunga nei, 
ki Pakowhai, ki Omahu, ma nga  rangatira o aua wahi e 
whakarite, ko tehea o enei kaainga, rue ki e tenei hui kia 
mana  tenei rarangi, me  te pumau  tonu o te hui nui ki
  Te  Maera : Kua pan aku  whakaaro i nga  korero a
Henare.   Kotahi te mea i mahue, he he kei te rangatira.
he be kei ta tangata, engari me mahi enei mea e tatou.
  Takarangi  : Kua oti noa atu tenei te mahi, whiriwhiria
nga Koroiti mo nga wahi katoa, na Henare, na Tikawe-
nga Ťnei mea i mahi ki Whanganui,  ki Rangitikei, a ko
te whakataunga i te wahi mo te hui kaore au e korero mo,
tena, ma nga rangatira o konei e mahi tena. Ki taku, ki
konei tonu, kaua ki tahaki atu. e pai ana ki Porangahau,
 ki Wairarapa, ka tae au ki kona, kaore ki tahaki atu.
   Horima : Ka tua-rua aku turanga ake. ka riro i au tenei
kupu  hei kupu  tuturu tenei ma Ngapaerangi (he ingoa
tenei no te iwi o Horima ma), ka haria tenei kupu, ka
 panuitia ki roto o Ngapaerangi.
   Henare Matua  : He ritenga nunui noa atu kei roto o
 tenei patake, ka whiriwhiria hoki e tenei nga rangatira.
 kana e hoha ki te mahi i tenei putake, kaua hoki e mahara
 kei konei, kei tenei hui he korero, kaore kei nga Mema
 haere mai nga korero, titiro hoki ki te Paremata, kei nga
 Mema  nga mahi.  Na enei mea,  ara. te mea kei roto te
 Motu nei i tenei putake, me  te hoki  ki te karakia, me
 etahi atu putake, kei roto katoa i tenei take i ki ai an he
 putake nui noa atu tenei, na enei take i ora ai te Pakeha
  e haere topu, he whakaaro kotahi, ko tatou kei te kotititi
 haere. Kei a Ngatiporou ra ano he mutunga mai  mo te
 Komiti nei, me whakatika mai i nga wahi katoa.
   Hare Paraone : Ka whakaae tonu au ki to korero, he
 ora hoki tena mo  te iwi kei roto i te 12 e korero mai na
   Moroati : E pai ana to kupu, kei roto o te rarangi nei,
 ko matou kai te whakaae engari ko te mea i ngaro i a
 matou ko te Hahi, ko tenei kua marama mai ia koe.
   Wi Wanoa  : Ae na enei tikanga ka ora te Pakeha, koia
 nei i tika ai tenei rarangi, ka tika kia whiriwhiria he
 Komiti mo tatou, kia kimihia ai nga mea tika kia pangaa
 ata nga mea kino.
   Tukua ana te Rarangi ki te hui e te Tiamana, whakaae
 nuitia ana, a meatia ana me tuku ki te WANANGA tenei
 Rarangi. A  me tu tonu tenei hui ki Heretaunga i nga
 tau katoa.
   Panuitia ana te Rarangi 10 ki te hui o Te Tiamana.
 Henare  Matua : Ko  au ano  te tipuna o tenei Rarangi,
 ka tika tenei kupu kia kotahi te iwi o tenei motu me tau-
 ira tatou i te Pakeha, titiro he iwi nui rawa ia a e kotahi
 tona aua ratou, tena ko tatou e mohiotia nei to tatou maha.
 e 40,000 kei te korara noatu tatou. Ko te hoa te mea pai
 ko te haere kotahi o tatou ko te haora wehe wehe ranei e
 mohiotia ana te ora o te Pakeha, ho kotahi nona. Kanui
 te pai o tenei rarangi kia huihui tatou, kia mangai kotahi
 kia kitea ai nga whakariro o ia iwi o ia iwi.
   Karauria : E whakaae ana hoki au ki te Rarangi nei kia
 hui hui nga tangata mohio, me nga Rangatira ki te wahi
 kotahi.  Ko au tetahi e penei ana me  ta Henare e korero
   Wi  Wanoa : E pena ana taku me ta Henare.  He mea 
 penei hoki te whakapono i tae ai ki te ao katoa a ka pai 
 tenei kia haere te rongopai.                           ;
   Heta Tiki : Ka whai tonu au ki nga kupu o te rarangi
 nei, kua korero tahi tatou kia n ho tahi.
   Karauria: E nui ana toku whakaaro kia haerea e tatou
 te motu  nei, e kore ratou e tae mai, ko tatou e haere ki te
 hunga  mate o te motu nei, a tera pea ratou e tahuri mai.
   Hori te Huki : Pai katoa nga korero nei tera ra te haere
 ki nga wahi  o te motu  nei a te haere mai hoki o nga
 tangata mohio.
    Kua mohiotia ko te Ture te eranga mo te motu nei a ka
 pai me  haere mai nga tangata mohio, kia mahia he Turo
 mo tatou kia rite ta tatou mahi ki te mahinga o te whaka-
 pono, ko tera mo te Wairua, ko tenei no te tinana, kaore ;
te mahinga, o te whakapono i oti i te ra kotahi a ko tenei
e kore e oti i te ra kotahi.
  Tikawenga  : E pai ana te rarangi noi me nga kupu a
enei e tutu ake nei, me te haere ki nga wahi o te motu he
pai. ki te kore e taea e nga wahi o te motu nei tenei kupu
kia ahatia, ka pai kia penei tatou me nga  tangata o te
whare  nei, kia huihui katoa mai ki te wahi kotahi  (he
haka), ko te mea hoki he kimi i te mea nui.
  Noa  Huke : E rua nga take o tenei rarangi, he take pai
anake, e whakaae anake ana au ki enei take e rua, ko te
haere he pai, engari ko te haere hohoro kaore  ano kia
marama  i au, engari pea a tera tau, ko te pai pea o te
haere, kia tae mai ai he tangata hou, ko enei tangata hoki
e noho nei, ko era ano i Pakowhai.
  Takarangi : Ka rua aku whakapai ki enei rarangi e rua,
 (a he waiata tenei naku). Ko au ko Takarangi, mo taku
 tekau-ma-rua, ka tae tonu mai ki te hui.
   Moroati : E whakaae ana au ki tenei take korere, taihoa
 te haere ki nga wahi o te Motu nei. kaore ano hoki kia
 poto mai nga  iwi o tenei pito o te Motu nei.
   Petera Hiroa : E whakaae ake ana  au ki ta Karauria,
 me kawe, ka maha nga tau o te kororo kia whaiti mai te
 tangatata, kua mahi ano te whanaunga, me te mahi ano
 ia. me haere hoki te Motu nei kia mohiotia ai nga whaka-
 aro o nga wahi katoa o te Motu nei.
   Horima : E pai ana tenei ki. he whakakotahi hoki i te
 iwi Maori, ma te WANANGA e kawe  atu tenei ki, ko te
 haere me haore, me penei nga tangata o te Motu nei, me
 maua ko Takarangi i haere mai nei i runga i te karanga a
   Takarangi : He waiata, he haka.
   Manaena  Tini : Ka whenei taku korero me ta Horima,
 engari ka whakaae au ki tenei rarangi, ko te WANANGA e
 haere ki te Motu nei. ko te haere raa tatou, taihoa, ma te
 WANANGA  e kawe atu nga  korero o te hui nei. A tena
 pea e haere mai. ka porangi haere tatou ana haere tatou
   Hori le Huki : E mea ana te rarangi nei. kia huihui mai
 nga iwi kia whakakotahitia, otiia, ki taku mahara, kua
 kotahi nga iwi o te Motu nei, (waiata, he topa), he mea
 hoki tenei kia haere mai tatou ki te korero i o tatou mate
 ko te mahi a te WANANGA he mea kia kotahi, a ka rua nga
 WANANGA e karanga ana kia huihui mai tatou ki te wahi
 kotahi, engari, ki taku, kia whai whakaatu kia haerea ai te
 Motu  nei.
   Tikawenga : He pai nga  korero a enei, kua noho iho
 :;ei. kua haere au ki nga wahi o te Motu nei. (he waiata).
 Ko te kupu nui tonu i haere ai au. ko te topa ra taku
 haerenga, kihai rawa au i kite i te matauranga, heoi taku i
 kite ai. he amuamu, a kaati, ma te WANANGA e kawe.
   Eparaima : Ko taku mo te tangata ko te WANANGA e
   Petera : 

 Wi  Wanoa  : 

 Karauria  : Henare                         Ngatiporou

Noa  Huke  :

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Heta Tiki
Te Muera
Urupeni Puhara
Hori te Huki
Wi Wanoa
Reihata Ikatahi
Peni te Ua
Wiremu Wanoa

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            nei taihoa e whakaoti kia ata whiriwhiria  tenei rae tera
            rarangi i mua ake nei.
              Karaitiana : He roa noa  atu  tana korero mo te kino o
             te kai waipiro.
              Paora Kaiwhata : I kino rawa ai ki te kai waipiro.
             Ka  mutu te korero i tenei ra, a me tu ano a te 10 o nga
            haora apopo.
                                         (MAEHE  15, 1877.)
             I huihui te hui i te 10 o nga haora.
              HENARE TOMOANA, (Tiamana.)
             Tukua  ana te rarangi tekau-ma-iwa ki te hui e te
             Hinga  ana te ki kia kaua e haerea tenei Motu i tenei
              Engari, whakapangia ana nga tikanga o tenei rarangi.
             Tukua  ana te rarangi rua-tekau ki te hui e te Timana.
              Kiia ana e te hui, me tuku tenei rarangi ki te hui. A
            ko nga  tangata haurangi, me   nga  hara waipiro me
              Ko nga rarangi tua-tahi, rue te rarangi tua-rua i whaka-
            paingia e te hui.
              A korero ana te Tiamana ki te hui, a whakapai atu ana
            aia ki te ata whiriwhiri a taua hui i nga mea  i mahia e
            ratou. A whakapai ana aia ki te hunga i haere mai i nga
            kaainga tawhiti. A korero ana aia i te pai e puta i taua
            mahi a taua hui. Otiia, i mea aia, ma te iwi nui tonu e
            mahi e tino mana ai, a e puta ai he pai i nga mahi i mahia
            nei e tenei hui.

                    [CONTINUED FROM 13TH MARCH, 1877.]
              Hori te Huki said : My word is that that land Ngata-
            hira must not go to the European.  I say this, because if
            that land did belong to the Europeans, they would not
             have offered to give (to the Maori) the money which it is
            said the European has offered to give. This subject (the
            one under discussion) is clear. That land is even like the
            Kakirawa  block, which was land that was being lost (to
            us), but the European saw (the wrong ia that case), and
            they give £17.500. Now. I say hold that land (Ngata-
              Takarangi said : Do not let the Supreme Court take
            that land, because of the money offered by the Govern-
            ment.  Though  they may  offer much money, the land is
             greater (is of more worth to us to live on) than  monies'
             worth.  Therefore, hold the land.
               Moroati said : I shall not say many words.  I support
             the proposition before the meeting.  The  land  (Ngata-
             hira) is yours  (this I infer from the fact) that the Go-
             vernment  have offered to give money  to you  (to settle
             your claim).
              Maika Iwikatea said : Though you may have ever so
             much money  offered (to give up your claim ou the Ngata-
             hira), do nut let the land go from you. Because the act
             of the European is aa act of spoilation.
               Tuwhawhahia   te Rangi  said : I fully agree with ai:
             those who have spoken before mo.  I say it is not right
             that we  should sell land which we have obtained  from
             those who have so long held it wrongfully.
               Pirimona  said : The money now  offered by the Euro-
             peans is poison, and that poison  offered for Ngatahira,
              will, if you take, kill us all.
               The proposition which was before the meeting was now
             put and passed without a dissentent vote.
            (  The Chairman  then read proposition 16, and put it be-
              fore the meeting for discussion.
                The meeting fully agreed with the object of the propo-
             sition 16, and the meeting added  these words :—"  That
              the  Chairman  forward  a letter from this meeting  to Sir
             George Grey, expressing the unabated confidence of the
              meeting and of the people represented thereat in his dis-
              interested exertions ou behalf of the Maori people, and
             hoping that his health may be speedily restored"

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                   TE WANANGA.
Hori te Huki
Horima Katene
Reihana Ikatahi
Hori Tokotoko
Henare Matua
 Wi Wanoa

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                      TE WANANGA.
Petera Hiroa
Hori te Huke
Wi Wanoa
Noa Huke
Mete Kingi 
Heta Tiki


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                     TE WANANGA,
Ruhara Ikatahi
Te Arawa
Pene te Ua
Wiremu te Oti
Mete Kingi
Henare Matua
Noa Huke
Sir George Grey

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                      KI  TE ETITA O TE WANANGA.
               E hoa tena koe i roto i te tau o to tatou Ariki, 1877. E
             hoa tukua atu e koe kia te WANANGA, kia haria atu ki era
             wahi hei titiro iho ma o taua hoa i nga mea o nga Ture
            hou mo nga whenua Maori, i tukua mai e te Kawanatanga
             ki enei iwi o to tatou Motu, i whakahekia e matou, e te
             Komiti  Maori o enei iwi e toru, o Ngatitoa, o Ngatiawa, o
             Ngatiraukawa,   hei titiro iho hoki  ma  era atu  iwi, te
            peheatanga ki  ta ratou i whakaaro ai. Tena hoki kua
            tukua atu te Pitihana a enei iwi ki te Kawanatanga, hei
            whakahe i nga rarangi o aua Ture, ka tukua atu na kia
             taia e koe kia te WANANGA.  E hoa kia  tere to ta i ena
             korero katoa, tukua e koe ki nga reo e rua. E hoa hei
             kona ra. Na  to hoa.
                        NA HOANI TAIPUA TE PUNA I RANGIRIRI.
                Matenga  Tiriti, Otaki, Hurae 18, 1877.

                    To THE EDITOR OF THE WANANGA.
               Friend, salutations to you. in the year of our Lord. 1877.
             Friend, insert this in TE WANANGA, to be taken to other
             parts, so that our friends may see (what we think of) the
             new Bill for the Native Lands, a copy of which was sent
             by the Government to these tribes of this island, and we
              (the Maori Committee) of these three tribes—the Ngatitoa,
             Ngatiawa, and Ngati-Raukawa have condemed  the Bill
             We  now publish our thoughts so that the other tribes may
             see how tar our thoughts of that Bill accord with their
             thoughts respecting it. We send herewith the petition of
             those three tribes, which has been sent to the Government,
             in which petition we  condemn  the clauses of that Bill.
             This petition we send to you, so that you may print it in
           TE WANANGA.
               Friend, print it at once, and print all the words of the
             the petition in the two languages. Friend, remain at
             your place. From  your friend,
                           HOANI TAIPUA TE PUNA I RANGIRIRI.
                Marton-street, Otaki, July 18, 1877.

        Kia te Rata Porana, Minita,
         mo   te taha Maori, e koro
         tena koe.

                Tenei kua tae mai ki enei iwi e toru, kia Ngatitoa, kia
              Ngatiawa,  kia Ngatiraukawa   to Ture hou mo te Kooti
             Whakawa  Whenua  Maori, mo te tau 1877.
                 Kua  ata  tirotirohia o te Kemiti   nga rarangi katoa o
             tenei Ture, a kua kitea e matou  nga  rarangi e ahei ana
             kia whakahengia i mua o tu tunga o to Paremata. Tenei
             ka tukua atu kia kite Koutou.
               Rarangi 4.  Kaore matou  i kito i to take e whakakorea
             ai te Ture o te tau 1873, mo mau  tonu te Ture o te tau
             1873, kaore hoki matou  i kite i nga Ture o te tau 1869, e
              ahei ai i a matou te titiro te rarangi 12. 14.
                Rarangi 11.  E koro o pai kia whai hiiri nga Tiati o te
             Kooti, engari, me waiho ma te tino Tumuaki ano o nga
               Tiati e hiiri, katahi ka pai.
                Rarangi 12. E  kore e pai kia whai mana te Kooti, i te
             mea e kore  nga Ateha e whakaae,  engari, kia ma ratou
             tahi e whakaae, ka mana, ka pai hoki.
                Rarangi  35.  Kaore matou  e pai kia peneitia te wawahi
             i o matou whenua, engari, mo waiho ano i to to tau 1873.
                Tetahi  wahi  41.  K kore  matou e pai kia  araia e te
             Kooti, e tona mana, o matou whanaunga  kihai uru ki te
             Tiwhikete i to whakawakanga tuatahi, engari, me waiho

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                         TE  WANANGA.
ki nga tangata ano i roto i te Tiwhikete te ritenga.  
  Rarangi 43. Me  waiho ki nga tangara ake o te whenua i
te ritenga mo te here i o matou whenna.               
  Rarangi 47.  Kaore  matou e whakaae ki tenei rarangi
katoa o te Ture, engari, me waiho ano i to mua ritenga.
  Rarangi  50, 51, 52. 53, 54. E  whakahengia  ana e
matou nga  ritenga o enei rarangi katoa.              i
  Rarangi 68, 69, 70, 71, 72. E he katoa ana ano hoki 
nga ritenga o te ahua o enei rarangi katoa.         i
  Rarangi 78. Me waiho tenei i te ritenga o mua, kia tae i
ano nga taua o nga tamariki ki te 21, ka whakamana ia
tana hoko, reti ranei.                                  i
  Rarangi 80, 81.                                   
  Rarangi 82. E he ana ano te ahua o nga ritenga o enei }
rarangi.                                              i
  Rarangi 83. E kore e pai kia tangohia noatia te 5 eka, i
engari me ata tono marie ki nga tangata i roto i te Kara-
una Karaati, me ata whakarite ano i runga i te ritenga
  Rarangi 84, 85.
Rarangi 86. E he katoa ana  ano nga tikanga o  enei
  Rarangi 95, 96, 97.
  Rarangi 98. E he katoa ana ano te whakaaturanga i nga
ritenga o enei rarangi.
  Rarangi 110. E kore e pai kia whakamanaia te wahine
marena, ina tuhituhi ki te pukapuka hoko, reti ranei.
  Rarangi 115. E he ana ano te ritenga o tenei rarangi.
  Rarangi Ture Whenua   Maeri o te tau 1867 rarangi 17.
  E  kore e pai kia whakakorea tenei rarangi 17 o te tau
1867, e tenei Ture hou.
  Rarangi 120. E he ana ano nga ritenga katoa o tenei
  Koi  nei a matou  i kite i te he o  te Ture hou nei. I
tukua mai  nei kia kite te iwi Maori kia whakapaingia kia
whakahengia ranei i mua o te tunga o te Paremata.
  Tenei  ka tukua kia kite atu  nga  hoa Maori, i ta te
Komiti o enei iwi e toru, i whakahe ai.

To  the Hon. Dr. Pollen.  Native

                                 Otaki, July 7th, 1877.
   Sir,—Salutations  to you.    We,  these  three tribes,
Ngatitoa, Ngatiawa, and Ngati-Raukawa,  have received a
copy  of the new Bill for the Native Lands Court, for the
year  1877, and the (Maori)  Committee   have  carefully
studied the clauses of that Bill, and we have discovered
those clauses of that Bill which we can condemn before
the Parliament opens.
  The  following are the clauses we refer to :—
    Clause 4. We can not see any cause to condemn the
       law for the year. 1873. Let the law for 1873 still
       continue. We  have not yet seen the laws for 1869.
       and  are not therefore enabled to consider clauses
      12 and 14.
     Clause 11. It is not right that the Judges of the
       Court should each have a seal of the Court, but
       rather let the chief Judge of the Court seal (all
       documents  requiring the seal of the Court). This
       would be  right
     Clause 12. It will not be right for the Judges to have
       power to act, if the Native Assessor do not concur
       with the (presiding) Judge. But rather let it be
       that they  (the Assessors) and the Judges have
       equal voice to give  a decision.  This would  be
     Clause 35. We do not agree that our lands should be
       divided in this manner.  But rather let it be done
       in accordance with the law of the year 1873.
     One  part of clause 41. We will not allow the Court
       by  its own power to exclude our relations, who aro
       not named iu a certificate issued from a first hear-
       ing.  But rather let the right for such relatives be
      with those, whose names are in the certificate.
    Clause 43. Let the owners of the land have the sole
      power  to say if their land is to be inalienable or
    Clause 47. We  do not agree  with any  part of this
      clause, but rather that the old laws be acted on.
    Clause 50 to clause 54. We condemn All these clauses.
    Clause 68 to clause 72. Also, we condemn all these
    Clause 79. Let this matter remain as of old. and when
      a youth has attained the age of 21, then ne can sell
      on lease.
    Clause 80 to clause 82. All these clauses are wrong.
    Clause 83. It is not right to take 5 acres, but rather
      let the owners whose names are in the Crown Grant
      be applied to, and let them agree for some price.
    Clause 84 to clause 86. These clauses are all wrong.
    Clause 95 to clause 98. The purport of these clauses
       are not clearly given.
    Clause 110. It will not he right for a married woman
      to have the power to sign a document of sale or
    Clause 115. This clause is wrong.
  Clause of Native Lands Act for the year 1867, clause 17.
    It will not be right for the clause 17 of the Act for
      the year 1867 to be condemned by this new Bill.
    Clause 120. All this clause is wrong.
  Those are the matters which we have seen to be worthy
of our condemnation in the new Bill, the copy of which
was sent to us for our approval or otherwise, previous to
the opening of the session of Parliament, which we now
send to let our Maori friends look at, and to see what
the Committee of these three tribes condemn (of that
  Friend, salutations to you. Do you insert this latter in
Te WANANGA,  so that it may be taken to all the public
places in the world to which Te WANANGA nay go, so that
the ears of those (mea) of knowledge may hear it, and
that all the learned of the world may hear my words of
condemnation of the Native Lands Court. Though this
(my letter) may be long, do not become weary in printing
it all.
  I have been many years looking at the work  of that
Court and its laws, and the policy of all matters connected
with  it. Also, I have taken  notice of the work of the
Judges,  the Assessors, and  Interpreters of that Court.
And  I have seen what the work of that Court ia, even
from the first to this day. Also, I have seen the object for
which  the Europeans  instituted that Court, and all, its
officers. And I see that that Court ia verily the monster
who swallows the most land in this world, and by which
the Maori people will be most certainly, impoverished.
  1. All laws have been passed (or made) in accordance
with the desire of the European alone, and by which, (be,
the European) knew that he could obtain most of the
good, which  could be derived  from  the Maori lands, or
by which they (the Europeans) could obtain the real body
of the land for the Government or the land swallowing
Europeans.  Not one  law has been passed by which the
land or the Maori people of these Islands could be saved.
If any European or Maori, should say, there are laws by
which  the Maori and  their land can be saved, I would
answer, such, then, is your assertion, O Judas Iscariot the
second, by which you would  entice the Maori and his
lands to be lost for ever.
  2, My  word is, the European law is not a valuable pro-
perty for you, O Maori. And the European people were
not the people who conversed face to face with your an-
cestor. And  the European is not related to you. (If he
had been related to you) he might have had some mis-
givings or doubts (in his mind) when he passed laws by
which  you (the Maori) were  made poor,  Hence, the

12 312

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                               TE  WANANGA.
North Island


13 313

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                           TE  WANANGA.
Te Uru o Kakite
Te Manihera
Ripeka Matiri
Te Watarauihi
H. Epanaia



Nui Tireni


New Zealand


14 314

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          HE     Panui tenei kia rongo nga  Maori me nga Pakeha,
               kaati te haere a te tangata ki aku kainga katoa, me aku
          moana. i Poukawa, i Te Roto-a-Kiwa, pupuhi ai te Parera, i te
          Pukeko, i te Waana, me etahi atu o nga manu ke atu. Naku
          te ngahere i Raukawa me  nga maau  katoa, ki te tohe te
          tangata, ka whakawakia aia ki te tikanga o te Ture.
                                             TE HAPUKU.
            Te Hauke. Hune  20. 1S77.                           25

                 Notice to Poachers.
           I  HEREBY     caution  all Maoris   and  Europeans,  not to
            TRESPASS   on my lands in Te Aute and Raukawa dis-
           tricts, nor to shoot birds of any kind or sort thereon. I also
          caution them not to shoot ducks, pukeko swan, or any birds
         on the Lakes Poukawa and Rotoakiwa. Any one found on
          my  land or lakes will be prosecuted according to law.
           Poukawa, June 26, 1S77.

         HE     mea atu tenei, he whakatupoto ki te iwi Maeri,
                Kia Kaua  ratou e purei Kaari, a mahi  purei
         ranei i etahi atu mahi purei ana eke ratou i te Rere-
         wai, no te mea e he ana taua mahi te purei ki o te
         Rerewei tikanga, ara ki te Ture e 31.
                                  Na te MIRA,

                                 Tumuaki tiaki Rerewei.

        !  Nei taua ture—" 31. Ki te mea  ka  kitea tetahi
         tangata i runga i tetahi o nga kareti, i te teihana
         ranei, e haurangi ana e takaro ana ranei ki nga mahi
          kaari, ara ki te " hipi" me era atu tu takaro,  ki te
         mea  ka whakararuraru ka aha ranei mo te moni, ki te
         mea  ranei e whakararuraru ana  ia i tetahi tangata
         haere o runga i te Rerewe, ka tika kia tonoa ki a ia
         kia utu ia i te moni kaua e nukuake i te rima patina
        i ka pana hoki ia i taua kareti, taua teihana ranei."

           ALL     persons found removing, taking, carrying away, or
                using any timber whatsoever at Tamaki : and. also, all
          persons found shooting game, pigeons. or other birds ia the
           above  locality will be prosecuted.
                                KARAITIANA   TAKAMOANA,
                                IHAIA TE  NGARARA,
         i                       HEKETA    TE AWE.
               I               \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_

           KI    te mea ka kitea te tangata, e mahi ana ranei, e tapahi
               ana ranei, e kawea ketia ana ranei, nga rakau, aha ranei
          aha ranei, o Tamaki, a e pupuhi manu ana ranei, ahokoa he
         i kukupa ranei he manu aha ke noa atu ranei, i Tamaki. Ka
         i tino whakawakia ki te tikanga o te Ture.
        i                       KARAITIANA   TAKAMOANA.
        i                       IHAIA TE NGARARA,
                        HEKETE  TE AWE.

15 315

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                   TE WANANGA.
   M   A   N   A   I A    H   E    TIMA,
E    REKE    tonu ana tenei Tima, atu ano i Nepia  ki te 
      Wairoa,  ka paki te rangi te rere  ai. He   tima  tenei
e eke ai te Maori. kei te kapene i to Tima, kei Te Taranapira i
Te Peti te korero>. Te utu i te kapene mo te tangata eke Ł1 i te
tireti. Ł0 150 i Nepia ki ro Wairoa, i te Wairoa, ki Nepia ko taua
utu ano.  Ho te taua utanga Ł1 10 ki te ritenga o te ruuri, a
Ł1 rao te tana wahie, me nga mea pera.
  Ki te mea ka kiia e te tangata ana kupu mo ana moa ka
mahia  he tikanga e ratou ko te kapene, mo era.       203


                             NA  TIPENE MATUA.
  Hune  2, 1877.                                       16

 I  HEREBY    Caution the Public not  to Trespass or Shoot
     Birds of any kind or sort on my land, on the west side of
the Porangahau (River).  Anyone  found  so acting will be
 prosecuted according to law.
                              TIPENE  MATUA.
   June 2, 1877.                                     16

   Niho !  Niho !
            O TE HUNGA  NIHO  TUNGA.
 KI    nga Maori o Haaku Pei. 

                                TE  WIRIHANA.
                                                         Kai  mahi niho.
   Tenehana  Tiriti. Nepia.                             1"


                           NA  HONE RAUTAHI.

Panuitanga ki nga Maori, o Te Waiohiki, o Ngata
            hira, o Te Pawhakairo.

KA   haere atu ahau i nga Mane, me nga Weneti, me nga
     Paraire oia wiki, oia wiki, kia koutou, ki te   hoko  i a
koutou kaanga.   A e tatari ahau i reira i. te Tepara hou a

                HENARE    ROPITIHA.

I   HEREBY    give  notice that I will put into the Public
     Pound all Cattle and Horses found STRAYING da my
Paddock, in the MATAHIWI   District. That is, the cattle and
horses belonging to Europeans.
21                      NIKERA   WHITINGARA.

               HE  TARO   MA  TE  IWI.

                           KA TE KARUTA,
 3O                             Peka Rohi o Waipawa.


                              NA HEMI   ROPI.

                  HE    PANUITANGA.

                                         J. A. METE

        Panuitanga ki nga Pakeha.

                         IHAKA KAAPO,
                                        OTENE   POMARE.

            NOTICE   TO EUROPEANS.

               IHAKA  KAAPO,
                             OTENE  POMARE.

16 316

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                    TE WANANGA.
                        HE  PANUI.


                      NA RATIMA TE WHIRI.
                      NA AHIPENE TE WHIRI.
                      NA HEMI  TE WHIRI.
                     NA ROTA POREHUA.

          NOTICE.—LAND    TO LEASE.

Te Kena

                             RATIMA   TE WHIRI.
                           AHIPENE   TE WHIRI,
                           HEMI  TE WHIRI,
                         ROTA POREHUA.
  Pakipaki, 2nd July, 1877.                            2S

                        HE     PANUI.

      Te  Waiongakohanga

                        NA RATIMA TE WHIRL
                       NA AHIPENE  TE WHIRI.
                       NA HEMI TE WHIRI,
                        NA ROTA POREHUA.
  O  tira na matou katoa.

          NOTICE.—LAND    TO LEASE.

                                RATIMA  WHIRI,
                              AHIPENE  WHIRI,
                               HEMI  WHIRI.
                                 ROTA  POREHUA.
  Pakipaki, 2nd July. 1877.\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_29

HE    mea atu tenei na Te Huta o Hawheraka, kua iu
     tana Toa i Nepia, ki te taha ki Puku-mokimoki
A  mana e mahi nga mea whakananawe  Hoiho too
kaata, me nga takai waewae mo te tangata.
  Kai tawahi tata o te Paparakauhe a Tenui i Nepia
11  \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_NA         Te HUTA.

               HE        PANUITANGA.

HE tinitini noa atu aku mea hou i taku Toa i TARATERA
          A maku e hanga hou nga mea pakarau.

    HE  PARAIRE,               HE MATINIKERA.
    HE  KOROPA,                HE WEPU.
    HE PA,                   HE KAHU  HOIHO.

    Ko  nga mea  pai katoa a te Pakeha mo te Hoiho,
               E hara i te utu nui aku mea
         He  tini, a e rite ana  ki o Tawahi te pai.
             Kei au nga mea mo te MAORI,
                Kahore  he take e haere ai
                       Te MAORI,
                  Ki Nepia hoko mea ai.
                            NA PATARIRA.

Rakarana & Waikato Maori Kamupene

       AKE   NEI  NGA   INGOA  I RARO   NEI  :—Aihe
 Mokomoko.   Epiha Waitere,  Henare—Ngatai.  Hone   Kuruki,
 Hone  Te One. Hami  Whakatari. Henare  Akuhata. Henare
 Ngataumata,  Kipi Whatarauihi. Kewene Te Haho.  Mita K.
 Ngatipare, Wetini  Mahikai,  Wairama    Kiwi,  Heta  Te More.
 Kupenga  Te  Hou, Matena  Tuheka, Maihi Kereopa. Naue
 Tangirau.  Erina   Tuaiwa  Ngatipare. Penehawini   Kiwi,
 Terupapere Ngawhitu,  Wetini Te Okioki. Teira Huia. Wirihana
 T. Teaooterangi. Kaweahau. Pinikera. Taueti Pouwhareumu,
 Tainui Te Para, Harini Tikapa. Karepa Te Whetu.
     I roto i te Kamupene e mau iho ra ; ki taua Kamupene
 ano, mo nga moni kotahi rau e rua-tekau-ma-ono pauna £126.
 A kua mutu te whai-manatanga o nga tangata e mau i runga
 ake nei ki roto i taua Kamupene    i to 10 o nga ra o Aperira
                           HUIRAMA   RIUTOTO.
   Rakarana, Mei 5 1S77.                Manager.        3

 Notice to all the People of the Tribes of
            New  Zealand.

      PANY   (LIMITED),  wish ro inform those whose names
 are hereinafter written, that their shares in said Raglan and
 Waikato  Maori Store Company (Limited) have been sold for
| the sum of £126, and said parties whose names appear below
 have ceased to hold shares in the said Company from  the
 Tenth, day of April. 1S77.
  Aihe  Mokomoko.   Epiha   Waitere. Henare  Ngatai.  Hone
! Kuruki, Hone Te One. Hami  Whakatari. Henare  Akuhata.
 Henare  Ngataumata, Kipi  Waatarauihi. Kewene Te Haho.
 Mita  K. Ngatipare, Wetini Mahikai. Wairama   Kiwi. Heta  Te
 More,  Kupenga  Te Hou.  Matena  Tuheka, Maihi  Kereopa,
 Naue  Tangirau. Erina Tuaiwa Ngatipare. Penehawini Kiwi,
 Terupapere Ngawhitu, Wetini Te Okioki. Teira Huia. Wiri-
hana T. Tearoterangi, Kaweahau and Pinikera, Taneti Pou-
 whareumu.  Tainui  Te Para.  Hairini  Tikapa,  Karepa  Te
                      (Signed) HUIRAMA    RUITOTO.
   Raglan. 10th April. IS77.

                          HE        PANUITANGA.
 TE    WAKA,   kai mahi  Wari, kei tawahi  ake o TE TARI o
      TE  WARENGA    i Nepia, taku whare  mahi Wati:.
    He mea  atu naku ki ngu  Maori kia kawea mai a ratou Wati:
. ki au. a maku e mahi.  A he tini noa atu aku Wati hou. me
 nga heitiki, me nga kurukuru, me nga Wati, ahua maha noa
i atu.
 21                                   NA TE WARA.




  NAPIER,   Hawke's  Bay. New  Zealand.—

               SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1877.