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Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 3, Number 51. 23 December 1876 |
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TE WANANGA. HE PANUITANGA TENA KIA KITE KOUTOU. \_\_\_ "TIHE MAURI-ORA.' NAMA-—51. NEPIA, HATAREI, 23 TIHEMA. 1876. PUKAPUKA 3. PANUI MO TE WATI. ! Ki te mea ka rokohanga te tangata i te whenua mamao noa i atu. a ka taapu tana Wati. He mea ako atu tenei kia mohio ai taua tangata ki te whakahaere ano i tana Wati kia tika ai. Me titiro te tangata ki te wa e puta mai ai te ra. a e too ai te ra, kei reira te wa tika mo te taima mo te Wati :— HE PANUI KI NGA TANGATA KATOA, E TUKUA ATU ANA TE WANANGA KIA RATOU. Ma te tini e hoe te waka ka tere ai. ma te ahu whenua ki te ngaki kai. ka ranea ai he o ma te kai tahu kai, a e ora ai a tamaroto, whai hoki, ma te utu mai a nga kai tango i TE WANANGA nei, ka hua ai he moni hei utu mo te mahinga i tenei Nupepa mo te Maori. He mea atu tenei ki nga tangata e tukua atu ana TE WANANGA nei kia ratou, ara, ki te hunga ki ano i utu i a ratou utu tau mo TE WANANGA, kia tukua ruai a ratou utu. kia kaha ai TE WANANGA ki te ami rongo korero mo te iwi. He toetoe ano te toetoe, he raupo ano te raupo, he kakaho ano te kakaho, otiia ma te ringa tangata e raweke aua mea ka kiia ai he whare. He korero ano te korero, he minamina ano to te ngakau kia rongo i nga korero o nga mahi katoa a te iwi, otiia ma te moni ka noho ai aua rongo kororo ki TE WANANGA. Koia matou i mea at» ai, kaua e whaka- tikia TE WANANGA ki nga kai, ara. ki te utu tau mo taua Nupepa nei, kia kaha toua ai ki tana mahi mo te iwi. TENEI TE TINO KUPU KIA KOUTOU. KI NGA IWI MAORI KATOA O AOTEAROA. A TE marama o Tihema nei ka haere atu nga tangata • toko-rua o te Komiti o TE WANANGA ki nga kaainga katoa o Aotearoa nei. He rapu atu ta raua i te kupu kia wha- kaaetia e nga iwi Maori, kia hirihiria nga karakia, kia whakairoa te papa, a kia puhipuhia TE WANANGA o te iwi Maori, kia aranga ai nga tapu o tana atua nei. A kia taraia ano hoki nga hoe, kia aukahatia ano hoki te waka i noho ai tana WANANGA, e te iti, e te rahi, e te pio o te iwi, kia kaha ai, kia huhu ai reo o taua WANANGA, ki te iwi katoa, i te roa o te tau. HE TANGATA MATE. No TE 14 o Tihema i mate ai a Ahikowhai, he wahine rangatira no Ngatihamua i Kaitekateka, i Wairarapa. E rua ona tau i takoto turoro ai, a mate noa nei. MONI TUKU MAI KI TE WANANGA. Kua rae mai re Ł1 2 6, a te tahi tangata, he mea tuku mai i te kianga i Onepota i te 5 o Tihema. Ko the ingoa o te tangata kihai i tuhituhia ki te reta i aua moai. He mea atu tenei ki taua tangata nana i tuku mai aua moni, me tuhituhi mai era tana ingoa ki te WANANGA nei. Kia tika at te tuhi- tuhi e tona urunga i te WANANGA. ana tukua atu ki aia. Kua tae mai ano hoki te Ł1 O O a Ihakara Waitira, i tukua mai nei e Te Kotimana i Tahoraiti. ETITA WANANGA, NGA UTU MAKETE. AKARANA.—Mo te wuueru, te kau ma rima kapu me te hepene mo te pauna. Me te kau, Ł8. He mea ano Ł11 mo te kau whakatete. Mo te kau okiha tau rua. Ł5 7s 6d mo te kau kotahi. Mo nga kau, tau tahi, Ł3, he mea ana Ł3 5s mo te mea kotahi. Mo te Hipi 14 herini, he mea ano 15 hereni mo te mea katahi, mo te uha II hereni, he mea ano 12 hereni me te 10 kopa mo te mea kotahi. Mo te kuao Hipi 3 hereni, he mea ano 15 hereni mo te mea kotahi. Mo te Paraoa, Ł17 mo te tana. Mo te KATAPERE. Ł10 mo te taua, he mea ano Ł13 mo te tana. Paraoa papapa Ł8 10s mo te tana. Mo te kaanga, e 4 hereni, he mea ano e 4 hereni me te 3 kapa ino te puhera. Oti e 3 hereni, he mea ano e 3 hereni me te 3 kopa mo te puhera. Riwai hou, Ł6 he mea ano Ł7 mo te tana. Mo te Aniana te 1 kapa, he mea ano he hawhe kapa mo te pauna taimaha kotahi. Mo te Muka pai Ł22 mo te taua, mo te muka kino, Ł17 me te tana. Mo te Rakau Kaui. He Katirina 8 herini mo te 100 puutu mo te papa ano hoki a e tae ana ano ki te 13 hereni mo te 100 purutu. Mo te toe toe Kauri, e 9 hereni he mea ano 13 hereni mo te 1000. Mo te rera Manuka Ł3 mo te 100. Mo te pou Puriri Ł5 10s, he mea I ano Ł6 mo te 100. TANITANA.—Mo te Paraoa Ł16 mo te tana. Mo te Oti | e 2 hereni me te 2 kapa, he mea ano e 2 hereni, me te 3 • kapa, mo te puhera.
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TE WANANGA. Te Wananga, Kotahi Putanga i te Wiki HATAREI, 23 TIHEMA 1876 NGA KUPU POROPOROAKI A TA TANARA MAKARINI. Ta Tanara Makarini ki te reo Maori. He mea hoki ra kia tika ai te kupu onamata, " kai atu, kai mai, ka ngo- hengohe." Ahakoa kihai te Minita Maori o nehe, i tuku mai i ana kupu kia taia e matou, e kore matou e mauahara, a koia i taia ai aua korero ki te iwi Maori e matou. E hara nei ana kupu i te tikanga korero, kahore kau he pai, a kahore he kino o ana kupu e tau ki te aha, ki te aha. Koia matou i mea ai, maumau kau kia whiti te ra e kitea ai aua kupu e te iwi. E rua ano upoko kupu o aua korero, hei kiinga kupu ma matou. Te tuatahi, ko te kupu e ki nei. E kore e rere ke te tikanga mahi a te Kawanatanga i mahia e Ta Tanara Makarini. Mehemea koa he pono aua kupu nei, taukiri raia, e te kino mo te iwi. Otiia he tito kau, he wawata na te horihori. E mea ana hoki nga iwi o nga Motu nei, ka rere ke noa atu te tikanga o te Kawanatanga, a e tae ki te mutu te mahi o te Tari Maori. Te tua-rua o nga kupu, ko nga kupu e ki nei, kia ata whakahaerea e nga Maori nga tikanga mo nga mea e tautohetohe ana ki nga Pakeha. Na ra te ako kahore, mana rawa ano tenei tu ako, e ako mai, i te mea hoki, e takoto tata nei ano nga mea e tautohetohe ai te Maori kia Ta Tanara Makarini, mo ana whenua i hoko ai, i nga whenua e tata ana ki tana whenua i Maraekakaho. A ko te kupu e kiia nei, kia ata mahia ana he, he mea pea nana, kia utu aia i nga Maori tao aua tautohe, kia tae ki te hamanga kau o nga moni e tika hei utu mo aua whenna tautohe. " Whakane- wha mai koe i aku kanohi kia newha, e kere e newha." He mea hoki pea nana, kia aroha nga iwi Maori ki nga Pakeha hoko whenua, otiia, ko te tino nui o te aroha o te iwi Maori, me mahi ki aia, kia iti ai nga utu mo ana mea e tautetete nei te Maori ki aia. " NGA KUPU POROPOROAKI A TA TANARA MAKARINI KI NGA MAORI." E HOA MA :—Tena koutou. I te tunga o te Paremata o te tau nei, i mea ai a Meiha Atikina te Tumauaki o te Kawanatanga, ki te Paremata, kua tata nga ra oku e mutu, ai taku mahi Kawanatanga ; a he tuhituhi atu tenei naku kia rongo koutou, kua mana tana kupu i au. A ko nga mahi o mua i mahia e ahau, ka mahia e tetahi o aku hoa o te Kawanatanga. Ko te whitu tenei o nga tau, a nuku ake, oku i mahi ai i te mahi o to Minita Maori, a i aua tau, he nui te aro mai, me te mahi pai mai o nga rangatira Maori o nga iwi o nga Motu nei ki au. Koia ahau i mea atu ai i enei kupu whakapai atu aku kia koutou, a kia ratou ano hoki, ki nga rangatira o nga iwi Maori, i kaha nei ta ratou mahi tautoko i aku mahi, i nga tini mea katoa, a i nga mea tino pai, e noho marire ai te iwi i takiwa katoa o nga Mota nei. Na aua mahi i noho pai ai, a i tika ai te whakaaro o te iwi, i nga takiwa i noho whawhai i mua. A koia te whakaaro i mea ai, e minamina ana te hiahia o te ngakau, kia mau tonu taua noho marire a nga iwi Maori ki nga iwi Pakeha i aua takiwa, a ki nga wahi katoa ano hoki o nga Motu nei, a kia kaua taua noho pai e pokea e te kino a nga tau e haere ake nei. E kore e rere ke nga tikanga a te Kawanatanga ki nga Maori, a nga tau e haere ake ne, i nga tikanga i mahia e te Kawanatanga i nga tau kua pahure. A koia ahau i mea ai, e tino hiahia ana ahau kia mau tonu te mahi tautoko pai a nga Ranga- tira Maori i nga mahi a Te Kawanatanga, me nga Apiha ano hoki o te Kawanatanga, kia pera me a ratou tautoko i te pai mo nga iwi e rua o nga tau kua pahure nei. E mau tonu tuku titiro matatau ki nga mahi a nga iwi Maori: ki a ratou mahi ahewhenua ki te ngaki kai, me te ako a nga tamariki Maori ki te reo Pakeha kia mohiotia e ratou, kia kore ai e tupu ano nga he, i tupu mai, i te kore mohio o te Maori ki to te Pakeha reo. me te Pakeha ano toki i kuare ki to te Maori reo. He hiahia noku, kia mau tonu ta koutou mahi ata whakahaere merire, kia kaua e mahia wereweratia nga mahi tautohetohe : ahakoa he tautohe na koutou ano kia koutou tangara Maori: he tautohe ranei na koutou ko nga Pakeha : me ata mahi aua tautohe i te ngakau marire. Koia nei taku hiahia mo koutou, kia tupu haere koutou ki te pai nae te ora." Naku na to koutou noa pono na. TANARA MAKARINI. Nepia, Haku Pai, Tihema 1, 1S76. Te Wananga\_\_\_ Published every Saturday. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23. 1876. SIR DONALD McLEAN'S ADDRESS. WE publish below in Maori the text of Sir Donald's genuine address to the Maoris. We do this as a mat- ter of fair play—although the Ex-Minister had not the courtesy or good sense to send us a copy for pub- lication. The address is on the whole a chip in porridge. It will do neither good nor harm, and might just as well have never seen daylight. There are but two statements in it calling for even passing notice. The first is the assertion that Native policy of the existing Government will not differ from that of Sir Donald's Government. This would indeed be bad news if authentic—but, thank heaven, it is not the fact. The country hopes for and expects very considerable alterations in the " policy"—involving almost the total abolition of the Department. The second matter to which we call attention is the hope expressed in the concluding paragraph, that the Natives will be guided by moderation in the settle- ment of their differences with Europeans. This is rather rich in its way, when one takes into account the fact that Sir Donald has some little differences of his own with Natives from whom he claims to have
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TE WANANGA. purchased blocks of land adjoining his Maraekakaho run. Being guided by moderation in those cases, we presume, will mean letting him have the outstanding interests for about half their value. Really, Sir Donald is very artful, for in delivering himself of such, a paternal platitude he evidently means to score one for the public and two for himself. KUA tata nga ra o te Kirihimete, me te Tauhou. A ka tu ano pea nga hui a nga iwi Maori. me nga Hakari kai mo aua ra. A ka korero ano pea nga iwi Maori i nga whakaaro o a ratou mohiotanga i kite ai ki aua Huihui. Koia matou i mea ai me puta ano ia matou etahi take korero e kitea ana e matou mo aua hui hui. Na te hinengaro i hoake nga mahara i mahi ai te tinana o te tangata. A ko te hinengaro te mea. o te tangata i tu a rite ki te Atua nana nei tatou i hanga. Koia matou i mea ai waiho ma te hinengaro ma te mea e rite ana ki te Atua e hoake ana i nga korero, hei tikanga mo nga mahi, me nga mea katoa o aua hui hui. He tangata ano me tana mohio nui. He tangata ano me tana mohio iti, a he mea no te kore e rite te mohio o nga tangata katoa. Koia i rere ke ai nga whakaaro. He punguru no nga whakaaro a etahi. he marama no nga whakaaro a etahi, koia i rere ke ai te titiro a te iwi i nga tikanga o nga Ture hei ako i te iwi nao nga mahi katoa. Otiia ko nga tikanga kua tau tini noa atu nga paparanga tangata na ratou aua tikanga i mahi, ko aua tikanga nga mea kua kiia e te wkakaaro e tino tika ana era. i te mea hoki, i mahia aua mea e nga Kahika o mua, a tukua iho ana kia tatou ki nga uri o muri nei, hei mahi oha ma tatou ki nga mohio- tanga n nga tupuna. Koia matou i mea ai Tena koa rapu rapua e nga iwi Maori nga tikanga o te noho, o te mahi kai. o te mahi hoko hoko taonga a te Pakeha, rae kore e kitea i reira, he tikanga e mohio nui ai te Maori, e rite tahi ai te Maori ki to te Pakeha nui. me to te Pakeha mana, rae to te Pakeha mohio. He mea hoki na matou, kahore ho mohio o te Pakeha e ngaro i te Maori, mehemea e aro ana te Maori ki te ako i aua mea ma ratou ma te Maori. K mea ana matou, ko to mana a to Pakeha e mahi no: ratou i nga mahi pai mo te iwi, ko nga inana o nga mohiotanga e kitea nei e te Pakeha, a ko to maua o nga mahi atawhai a nga iwi nui o te ao nei kia ratou ki nga iwi o te ao nei. ho mea ako aua mahara mana pai. o Te Atua nana nei to kupu, o manaakitia nei. a e Karakia nei nga iwi mohio o to ao nei kia aia. K mea ata ana matou, kaua nga Maori e aro atu ki nga mahi pohehe e kiia nei e nga tangata rapu rongo nui mona, hei Karakia ma nga Maori. Otiia tahuri atu nga whaka- aro a nga iwi Maori ki to pukapuka nana nga korero tapu e manaakitia nei. e mihia nei, e nga iwi tino mohio katoa o te ao. Ki te mea ka ki to Maori ko te kupu a Te Atua ta ratou e mea ai hei tikanga arahi ia ratou, penei ma reira ka timata ai re mahi e kiia nei, kia iwi kotahi te Pakeha me te Maori. CHRISTMAS and New Year's Days will soon be here, and the gatherings of the Tribes no doubt will take place as usual to partake of the feasts given at these reasons of the year and to discuss these matters which have occupied the minds of the chiefs and the people. We would suggest certain subjects which we recom- mend for the consideration of the Maori people. The mind prompts the body to action, and as the mind i» that part of man, which is of the same never-dying essence as the God who made us ; therefore, let that godlike part of man be that, which shall prompt with. aspirations of justice, all action, and sway all discus- sions, at your Christinas and New Year's feasts. Man is so constituted, that each member of a tribe or community, has his own individual light by which he beholds the action of his fellowman. The minds of men are so varied in power, that we do not each grasp or understand the rules and regulations, by which our life is to be guided, with the same truth or knowledge : hence there must be points on which. men differ. But that which, has been tried and proved for generations, must be admitted by all, to have the first, and superior claim to our respect and imitation, before that which untaught minds can sug- gest. Hence we say to all the tribes of our Maori people in New Zealand, discuss those subjects, which would lead the Maori people to see how far the Euro- pean customs of living, commerce, and agriculture, | can be followed by the tribes, to lift them from that ! lower position which they now hold, to a higher and more equal place with the more enlightened European ! race : with whose intellectual powers the Maori can | bear a fair comparison. All that influences • for good, all that knowledge to aleviate sorrow and pain, all those acts of kindness which have been i shewn by Nation to Nation, come from that God who is worshipped by. and whose word, all great Nations rev. ro and obey. We also say." do not follow the forms of worship in- I vented by those who wish, to gain a name amongst the Maori people, but accept the teaching of that book, which is the sacred record of the word of God to men of all ages, and all nations. If you take the word of God as your guide, such, will be the first step towards the Maori and the European becoming one people. HE HUI TIKANGA NUI, NA TE MAORI I OMAHU. Na Konata Kawepo i karanga te hui e hui nei te Maori Omahu, kua tae mai nga Rangatira oia wahi oia wahi o Te Porowini nei. He ui ui ta taua Hui nei, kua pehea: nga kupu o te hui i tu i Pakowhai i tera Mei, i tukua nei nga korero o taua Hui ki te Paremata. A kia rapu rapua ano e tenei hui nga tikanga hei korero ma te hui ka tu ano a Mei o te tau 1877. Tena e koa nga Maori ana kite ratou, i te atawhakahaere pai a te Paremata mo etahi o ft ratou kupu i tuku ai ki te Paremata o te Hui i Pakowhai. A kuia i kiia ai te kupu, kapai ano kia ata whakahaere tonu te Maori i a ratou moa i whakahe ai, a kia waiho ma nga Ture e whakatikatika aua he. kaua i ta te uaua e kawe a;. IMPORTANT NATIVE MEETING AT OMAHU. A VERY large and important Native meeting, called by Renata Kawepo, is now being held at Omahu. Represen- tative chiefs from all parts of the province are present. The principal business is to ascertain to what extent Par- liament has given effect to the recommendations made to it by the meeting of the tribes at Pakowhai in May last, and to consider what subjects should be discussed at the • next meeting to be held about May of next year. The
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TE WANANGA. Ta Tanara Makarini Te Rata Porena : Donald McLean Doctor Pollen NGA RONGO KORERO. i Ko tera wiki, i kawea ai nga Hamana ( Iki Pakeha) ki ! te awa o Ngaruroro. He mea hoki, kia Whakaahuru Mft ika i reira, kia tupu tini ai, hei kai ma te iwi a nga taa e haere ake nei. He mea kowe atu i Nepia, i Ahuriri aua ika. Kua tae mai a Karaitiana Takamoana ki te Tari o Te Wanga, nei a e ki ana aia e hara i aia etatahi o nga korero e kiia nei nana aua kupu i korero ki te Paremata, i K mea ana a Karaitina, he kupu ke ano ana i ki ai ki te Paramata he kupu he etahi i taia ki nga pukapuka o te Paremata. A ko te take i ki ai aia e he ana etahi o ana kupu i te " Haniata" (pukapuka korero Paremata) i nga tau o era Paremata i kawea mai nga korero ana i korero ai ki te Paremata kia Whakatikatikaina eia : i tenei tau, kihai i kawera mai kia Whakatikaina ana korero. Kia tika pu ai ki ana tino kupa i Whakapuaki ai ki te Pare- mata, he wawata kau etahi kupu e kiia nei nana. ; E ki ana te korero mai o Kihipene, na te ua i he ai nga ! witi me nga mea katoa o te maara, a e kore rawa e whai kai nga tangata o reira i te tau nei. "E ki ana te Nupepa o Rangitiki no te S o nga ra o Nowema i kitea ai e te Pakeha i te whenua i Parekaretu, he manu nui. E kiia ana e wha pea putu te tiketike o taua manu, he iti nga parirau a kihai i kaha te rere, ko te ngutu i roa, a i piko a penei rae to te kaka ngutu. He mea ara e aua Pakeha, a kihai i mau, ko te ahua o nga waewae i mau ai i te paruparu ona i takahi ai. e kiia ana I i ahua penei me to te parera, a kotahi putu te roa o aua ahu o nga waewae. E mea ana aua Pakeha he pi Moa pea taua manu. TE PAREMATA WHARE PAREMATA. TUREI, OKETOPA 17, 1876. KA korero aia a Te Hiana i nga korero mo Omarunui. I mea a Te Omana, kia rongo te Paremata nei i ana tu korero i a Te Omana mo Omarunui, a ka mea atu aia a Te Hiana, kia rongo ano hoki ratou te Komiti ki ana korero ki a Te Hiana mo Omarunui ano hoki. E kore e roa tana korero ki te Komiti, otiia, he pai ano ana korero e rongo ai te Komiti, e hara i te pai korero ana ake a Te Hiana, otiia, he rawe no nga tikanga mahi o taua mea o Omarunui, e whakarongo ahuareka ai te Komiti ki ana korero. A ma ana korero ano hoki e kite ai te Komiti i te mahi he o te Tari Maori. A i te he ano hoki o te mahi Ture a te Paremata nei, a i te tikanga pai kore o nga mahi e mahia ana mo te iwi Maori. He mea hoki, ko nga tangata i kiia ma ratou pu ano e tiaki nga iwi Maori, kei murua, kei pahuatia noatia a ratou mea : Kihai aua tangata i maia ki te whakaora i nga iwi Maori, no te mea, ka whakaora ratou i te Maori, a ka whakahe ratou i nga mahi he a etahi Pakeha penei, a ka kiia mai e aua Pakeha. "I mahi na hoki koutou i aua mahi, e whakahe na ano koutou." Ko te whenua i Omarunui, e toru mano ona eka. A tekau-ma- toru ranei, tekau-ma-wha ranei maero te matara o taua whenua i te Taone o Nepia. A e ki ana nga pukapuka o te Kooti Whakawa Whenua Maori. E rua tekau-ma-rima ranei, e toru tekau ranei nga tangata na ratou taua whenua. A i taua wahi te kaainga a nga Maori, kotahi rau e rima- tekau eka o taua kaainga Maori. A he kaainga nohoanga taua wahi na aua Maori, me a ratou tupuna, mai ano i nga paparanga tangata tekau-ma-rua, a moroki noa nei. A i enei ra, he whare Maori kei taua wahi, me nga ngakinga kai a aua Maori. E mohio ana aia ki te tikanga o te kupu a Karaitiana Takamoana i ki nei ki te Paremata, he mea pai ko taua wahi i nohoia nei e te Maori, a ko te wahi o ratou i tupu ai, o te whanautanga mai ra ano, ko taua wahi ; hei urupa ano hoki mo ratou, mo te hunga na ratou taua whenua. A e kore hoki e pai nga Maori kia riro he taua wahi. A i nga ra i mahia ai taua whenua a Omarunui ki te Kooti Whakawa Whenua Maori, i mea nga Maori, ko taua kaainga nohoanga a ratou, ko te kotahi rau e rima- tekau eka, me wehe ke i te whenua nui, a me mea taua kotahi rau e rima-tekau eka hei whenua tapu, ara, me Rahui, kia kaua e riro i te hoko ki te Pakeha. A ko te Kooti, e kiia nei, ma taua Kooti e mahi he tikanga e tino mau tika ai te whenua a te Maori, ki nga Maori. A. ko te mahi ma taua Kooti, he ako i te Maori kia wehe ke he Karauna Karaati rao taua kotahi rau e rima-tekau eka, kaua e huia tahitia ki te Karauna Karaati mo te toru mano eka. Otiia, kihai te Kooti i ako i aua Maori, i mea taua Kooti, me kotahi ano Karaati mo te whenua katoa, a taihoa ano e wehe ke, hei tapu taua kotahi rau e rima-tekau eka. A i muri tata iho, he mea Riihi taua , whenua a Omarunui e nga Maori. Ko te toru mano eka te mea i Riihitia e te Maori, ko te kotahi rau e rima-tekau . eka i toe. kihai tera i tukua ki te Riihi e nga Maori. A • he mea titiro e nga Pakeha ki te Karauna Karaati, ai kite ratou, ko taua kotahi rau e rima-tekau eka kei roto i te Karauna Karaati o te whenua nui, a no te mea e kitea taua mea nei, i mea ai tetahi Pakeha Kai-tiaki Toa o . Nepia, kia tuku taonga, rama aia ki nga tangata tokorua, no raua anake nga ingoa i tuhia e te Kooti Whakawa ; Whenua Maori ki te Karauna Karaati mo Omarunui katoa. A hoatu aua e taua Pakeha he taonga, he rama ki aua ; Maori. E hara i te mea he mea tono o aua Maori kia raua, I nana ano i tuku noa aua taonga kia raua. A no te roa o te tau o raua, o aua Maori i nama ai ki taua Pakeha, i mea atu ai taua. Kai-tiaki Toa kia raua. He nui a korua nama, me Mokete ta korua whenua ki au. Ano ka ahua | wehi aua Maori, ka mea atu raua ki taua Kai-tiaki Toa. Me Mokete e maua te whenua e Riihitia ana e te Pakeha i Omarunui. Otiia, kahore te kotahi rau e rima-tekau eka i riro i te Riihi o taua Pakeha i Riihi nei i Omarunui. A i te ra i Mokete ai taua Kai-tiaki Ton. kihai aia i mohio, i riro i aia, i tana Mokete te kotahi rau te rima-tekau eka i . kiia ra hei Rahui ma nga Maori. Ano ka tino nui rawa nga nama a aua Maori ki tana Kai-tiaki Toa. ka mea atu ano taua Pakeha ki aua Maori. Me utu e korua nga moni o te Mokete, a ki te kore tena e taea e korua te mahi, me hoko e korua te whenua hei utu mo nga moni o te Mokete. A he raru no raua, i riro ai te whenua, ara, i hokona ai o I raua taua whenua, a ka kite ano aia, na taua mokete i hau I katoa ano hoki te wahi whenua e nohoia ana e nga Maori
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TE WANANGA. Ngatahira ki roto ki taua mokete. A kihai aia, i korero ti aua Maori, otiia, he mea hoku eia taua whenua, me nga . ngakinga, me nga tangata e rua-tekau-ma-rima, ropu ; tangata i riro i aia te hoko mea ratou whanau, a ko aua i tangata i noho i taua wahi i nga paparanga tekau-ma-rua. A. ko taua mea nei i whakawakia e te Kooti. He Pakeha nga tangata na ratou i whakawa, a ko nga kupu o te whakawha, i mahia, i akona e To Kirihi, kua noho nei. hei Tiati mo te Kooti Hupirimi i Akarana. He mea whakawa taua whakawa i Nepia, a ko te whakawa he mea whiri- whiri i te iwi. A o te rima-tekau-ma-toru o te iwi i whiriwhiria ai te tekau-ma-rua, ma ratou e whakawa taua whakawa, he nui o aua Pakeha i pa ki to mahi hoko whenua, i nga Maori. A o te tekau-ma-rua i tu hei whakawa mo taua whenua nei. tokowhitu o taua hunga i i hoko whenua i te Maori. A kotahi o taua tekau-ma-rua he tangata i mokete aia ki aia ki te Pakeha mona nei taua whakawa. Te Hiana Poneke Heretaunga Ahuriri Tareha. Omarunui Renata Kawepo Te Makarini Nepia Te Omana Mangate Mangateretere Heretaunga, Tatana
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TE WANANGA. teretere i mahia ki te pukapuka i te 1 o Hepetema, a no te 3 o taua Hepetema ra ano i mana ai te Ture whaka- kahore i te hoko a te tangata hotahi. He tini atu ano i enei etahi mahi penei ano. E hara i te mea pai ki aia kia Te Hiana, kia korero aia i aua mea nei. A te take a Te Hiana i korero ai i aua mea nei, he mea na etahi tangata ki te korero nui i nga kupu whakapai take kore mo Te Makarini, i te mea hoki, kahore kau he mahi nui a Te Makarini mo nga Motu nei, i nga mahi a etahi Pakeha. A ka tatari aia a Te Hiana kia utua enei korero ana, a ka korero ano aia i etahi atu mea ano, e tino kite pu ai te Paremata nei i te tika o ana mea e whakapae nei. A ko ana mahi e whakahe nei aia a Te Hiana, he mahi i mahia e nga Apiha, o te Kawanatanga, me te Kawanatanga o te Porowini o Ahuriri. E mea ana aia a Te Hiana, e he ana kia mahi penei nga Apiha o te Kawanatanga, no te mea e takahi ana ratou i te mana o te ingoa tiaki o te iwi. a ko aua Pakeha i kiia hei tiaki i te Maori, kei he i te hoko he a te iwi Pakeha, a i he ai ta ratou mahi i a ratou ano, i hoko ano ratou i te whenua a te Moori. A he tini noa atu nga whenua i riro o te Maori, he mea hoko e nga kai-tiaki Toa, me nga kai-hoko waipiro, a he mea utu aua Pakeha nei e nga Pakeha ma ratou aua whenua. E mea ana te kupu a tetahi Mema, ki ano i hoko whenua Rahui nga Apiha o te Kawanatanga, A i mea a Te Omana, kahore a Te Makarini i hoko whenna Rahui o te Maori. He tika ano tetahi wahi o taua kupu, otiia, i kaiponuhia te tino o te kupu pono. Mei mea a Te Omana, kahore a Te Makarini i hoko i nga whenua Rahui, i Rahuitia e te Kooti, penei, e tika tana kupu. Otiia, i | nga ra i hokona ai nga whenua nui mo te Kawanatanga, na nga Maori ratou ko Kawana Kerei, i mea kia tapu etahi whenna, kia kana e riro i te hoko, a he wahi aua whenua no etahi o nga whenua i hokona ki te Kawana- tanga. A ko ana whenua i kiia ra e te Maori ratou ko I Kawana Kerei, hei whenua tapu nga whenua i hokona e Te Makarini. A i enei ra e 9,000. he 10,000. ranei nga eka o ana wahi kei a Te Makarini o aua whenua Rahui ma te Maori. A ko nga take e kiia ai enei mahi hoko a Te Makarini e he ana, he mea i hokona eia i nga ra ona e Mema ana aia i te Kawanatanga, a e Hupiritene ana i Ahuriri, a he tino Apiha ano mo te Kawanatanga i Ahuriri. He tangata aia i aua ra, e kiia ai e te mahara a te Maori, koia rawa te tangata hei tiaki i a ratou i nga iwi Maori. E mea ana aia a Te Hiana, na ana mahi a Te Manarini, i kiia ai te tupu o te Te Makarini, kua heke ki te kore. E kiia ana ano hoki i te tau 1871, i maa a Te Makarini, i hoko he a Tatana, me etahi atu i te whenua a te Maori, a me mutu tana tu mahi. Otiia, na nga tikanga o aua mea. i kiia ai. ko aua Pakeha ra ano nga kai-mahi. a e puta be koha o ana mahi kia Te Makarini. A ko to tino mea e mihia e te whakaaro, ko to kitenga o te Pare- mata nei, i te po inanahi, e arahina ana a Tatana e Te Makarini, ki te nohoanga i muri i te nohoanga a te Tumuaki o te Paremata nei noho ai. A koia na te ahua o te mahi e mahia ana e te Tari Maori, a koia aia a Te Hiana i mea ai. Mehemea e rapurapua ana aua tini mea i nei e to Pakeha whakaaro marama, penei, e kitea te tika ! kia puta he utu ma nga iwi Maori, mo aua mahi he nei. i mahia ki aua iwi Maori. E hara i te mea na te Paremata I nei te he, no te mea hoki, ko nga mahi a te Paremata nei | he mea ako nga take e le Kawanatanga, i mahi ai te Paremata. I era tau, kahore rawa nei he wahi e puta ai he kupu ma nga Mema o te Paremata nei mo nga mahi Maori, i a Te Makarini te whakararuraru. E hara i te i mea i whaaki a Te Makarini i nga take o tana mahara i mahi ai, he tohutohu kau tana, ki te Kawanatanga, a rongo noa te Kawanatanga ki tana i ako ai. A i nga, ra e korero ai te Paremata nei, e nui ana ano nga Mema o te Paremata e mahi korero ana, ano ka tae ki te wa e Pooti ai te Paremata. Ka haere mai nga Mema, i ngaro noa atu ki te kaewa haere, a pooti ana aua Mema ki te taha kia Te Makarini, pooti kuare ai aua Meina, kihai nei ratou i Tonga ki nga take e nga korero i Pooti kopare ai ratou. E ahua whakahe ana ana whakaaro a Te Hiana ki ana koriro e korero nei. Otiia, na nga tangata mea, he nui te pai me te tika o nga maki, i mahia e Te Tari Maori, a kahore he taihoa i nga wa e mahia ai he ora, he pai ma te iwi Maori, na reira aia a Te Hiana i korero ai i aua tini mea e korero nei aia, a e pona ana aana kupa, no te mea kei te pukapuka o te Paremata nei aua tini mea. He tika ano pea, he mea pai taua Tari Maori rao nga Maori o era tau, otiia kua kore he pai o ona mahi o taua Tari i enei ra mo te Maori. He mea pea no te mea, kahore he mohio o te Maori ki te neo Pakeha. Koia taua Tari i kiia ai i era tau, hei arai taua Tari i nga he o te Pakeha kei uta ki te Maori. Otiia e kiia ana e te whakaaro, he mea pai ano mei waiho te Maori kia mahi tahi i te Pakeha. Kia kite ai te Maori i nga tini mea o te hoko o te nui mohio o nga iwi ke, a kaua e tiakina e Te Tari Maori. E ki. he hoa pai, he tiaki taua Tari mo nga iwi Maori, na ra te tiaki, ko te raru rawa ata o te Maori, ko taua ahua tiaki a taua Tari. E kore aia a Te Hiana e mea, kia tino tohea tana kupu e ki nei kia £10,000 moni e kaiponuhea e Te Paremata mo taua Tari. A e mea ana aia kia £5.000 ano pea. kaua e houtu mo taua Tari i te tau nei, a me whakahokihoki iho nga utu tau ki taua Tari, ia tau ia tau a kia tae ki te iti o nga moni e pau i te tau hei utu mo nga mahi o taua Tari. A ko nga moni e kiia nei kia kaua e hoatu mo taua Tari Maori, me hoatu hei mahi kia kaha ai nga Kura ako i nga tamariki Maori. He mea hoki, ma aua Kura Maori e tino rite ai te Maori ki ro Pakeha, a ma reira e mohio ai te Maori ki nga tini tikanga o nga Ture, a ka mahi marama ai te Maori i nga mea katea a te Pakeha e rite pu ai te Maori ki te Pake! a He mohia nona, e enei tau, kua nui haere te mohio o te Maori ki te reo Pakeha, a e kore e roa, ka tino mohio te iwi Maori ki te reo Pakeha. A i aia ia Te Hiana e mahi nei i tenei tunga o te Paremata i tae mai ai te tahi pukapuka a tetahi Maori, he pukapuka whakahou taua pukapuka mo etahi o nga upoko korero o te Ture mo nga Kura Maori. A he mea tuhituhi taua pukapuka e tana Maori ki te reo Paaeha. a ahakoa kihai i tino hangai ki to te Pakeha tuhituhi i te reo Pakeha, he tino pai ano ia te reo Pakeha o taua pukapuka. A koia nei to tahi take e kite ai he iwi te Maori e kake haere ana ki te mohio. A e mea ana aia a Te Hiana, ki te mea ka paingia te Maori e te Pakeha, mo te mea he whenua a te Maori, ano ka pau aua whenua i te Pakeha, a ka whakarerea te Maori e te Pakeha, e kore rawa te Maori e tae ki nga painga, ki nga mohiotanga, e ki nei te Pakeha, kia ako te Maori i aua mohio ma ratou. E mea ana aia a Te Hiana, me waiho to Maori, kia mahi i nga mahi, a kia pera, te rapurapu a te Maori i nga tikanga katoa o nga mea katoa, mo te Pakeha e mahi nei, kia matau ai te iwi Maori, ki nga mahi o mahi ai ratou mo nga Ture, me tikanga katoa o te iwi Pakeha e mahi nei. Otiia, e- mea aua aia a Te Hiana, ma te- iwi Pakeha pu ano e ako te iwi Maori ki nga mea katoa o nga Ture, kia rite tahi ai taua iwi ki nga tikanga, me nga mana o nga moa katoa e mahia ana e te iwi Pakeha. A kia mahi tahi ano hoki te iwi Maori i nga mahi nui o te Kawanatanga. Kanui te tika, me te pai o to mahi o nga Mema Maori o te Paremata nei. He nui hoki no te mohio o aua Meina Maori, a na aua Mema Maori i mohio ai te Paremata nei ki te whakahaere i nga mea mo to iwi Maori, i koro ai e tupu he kino ki ngu iwi Maori. A he mea hoki, e kororo ana aua Mema Maori i nga kupu a te iwi Maori ki te Paremata nei. i ahua pai ai nga iwi o Waikato. Me korero eia e Te Hiana tetahi mea i mahia i a Te Makarini, i tae hou kia kite i a Tawhiao. E ki ana ai» a To Hiana, kua takea rawatia aua haere a Te Makarini ia tan. ia tau, hei whai korero ma Te Makarini ki te Paremata nei. A i nga ra ka tata to tu o te Paremata, haere ana a To Makarini, ia tau. ia tau, ki Waikato, haere ake ano aia rae ana kai tuhituhi, me ana Komihana, ano ka oti nga kupu poroporoaki ana kia Tawhiao. Otiia, titiro mamao noa atu a Tawhiao i a ratou. A i reira ano nga kai tuhituhi korero
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TE WANANGA. ma nga Nupepa, a tuhituhi purakau ai aua kai-tuhituhi i nga kupu o taua haere, a panuitia ana aua korero tara ki nga Nupepa. A ko nga waea o aua korero he mea tuku ki nga tini Nupepa o nga Motu nei, a koia nei te kupu o aua waea. ." Kua mariri te ahua o Waikato, kua pai a Tawhiao kia kite i a Te Makarini.'' He tini noa atu nga putanga o aua kupu, a e rongo ana ratou i pai a Tawhiao kia kite i a Te Makarini, otiia, ko te hoki mai o To Makarini te pai, e pai ai a Tawhiao. A no te haerenga mutunga o Te Makarini kia kite i a Tawhiao, tukua mai ana e Tawhiao te karere ui i a Te Makarini, he aha te take i kitea ai a Te Makarini ki reira. A no muri iho, kawea mai ana e taua karere a Tawhiao te poaka ma Te Makarini. E mea ana aia a Te Hiana. e he ana te haere a Te Makarini ki Waikato, no te mea, kei reira te tangata | nana te he i mahi i Akarana. Otiia, no te mea i haere | aia a Te Makarini ki reira, koia aia i mea ai, me puta he kupu mana, e kiia ai koia ra te take ona i haere ai ki reira. a koia aia i tono ai, kia tukua mai te mea kino, ara te- tangata kohuru. Ano ka hoki te karene a Tawhiao ka rapu ratou ki te tikanga o te mea kino, a na tetahi kaumatua Maori i kite, i mea hoki aia. i mohio ki te kupu o Te Karaipiture e mea ana. He poaka te moa kino, a ca reira i tukua atu ai te poaka kia te Makarini. E mea ana aia a Te Hiana, ka pai ano kia tino kore rawa atu ho Tari Maori. A e mea ana etahi Mema, me mutu taua Tari i enei ra. Koia ko Te Hiana e mea ana. taihoa ano e tino mutu taua Tari, me ata whakamutu e tino mutu ai. He Iwi mahi pai ano te Maori i nia e mahi aua mona ano. otiia i nga ra e ako ako ana te Tari Maori, a e tautoko ana Te Tari Maeri ia ratou i te iwi Maori, i nui haere te kino me te mate, me te tutu a te Maori, a na te main a Te Ka wanatanga i ahua he ai nga Maori, i nga mahi atawhai he a Te Kawanatanga i te iwi Maori. PARLIAMENTARY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WELLINGTON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1876. SUPPLY.
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TE WANANGA. not settle, he went to his solicitor and asked his assis- tance. Were the Natives to be denied the same right ? Were they not rather doubly entitled to such assistance, because Europeans, having some knowledge of the law, might be supposed to know how to manage their affairs, but these ignorant and foolish people could not be sup- posed to be able to do so ? Were those who took up their cases to be told that they were fomenting disturbances ? He might say now that, if it had not been for the assur- rances he held out to these people of the lawful settle- ment of their cases, the European population of Hawke's Bay would not have been able to hold that province. When this case was settled, be was in Wellington attend- ing the session, and honorable members would recollect that he left for ten or twelve days on private business. He then went to Hawke's Bay, and on arrival there he was waited on by Tareha, a man of considerable standing1 there, and a Native Assessor in the district, who asked him what was the result of the trial by the Supreme Court of the case of Omarunui. He told Tareha that the decision of the Court was against the Natives, and that the Court held that they were not entitled to retain pos- session of the land. Tareha then asked him what he would advise him to do. His reply was, " You must abide by the decision, and put up with the consequences." Tareha then said, " I will not. We have tried European law ; bat we are satisfied that we are right. I will go on to that land and will hold possession of it :'' and he re- mained on it until a few days ago. In mentioning Tareha's name, he was mentioning: the name of a Native who was on the Government side, and he might also mention Renata, who was likewise in favor of the Govern- ment. These were the people who were holding posses- sion of the land, and if it had not been for these people he was sure the Government would have tried to put them off some time ago. He would just mention another case that occurred in connection with these Native lauds in Hawke's Bay. He wanted to show that after all every- thing was not as pleasant and cheerful as it looked, and that, while a great deal of noise was made about what a man had done for the country, they should not lose sight of what he had done for himself. There was a block of land called Mangateretere, about eight miles outside of Napier. When he brought this Hawke's Bay business be- fore the House last year he was told by the honorable i member for Clive that he (Mr. Sheehan) had never won a case in connection with these transactions, and never would win one. The echo of those words was hardly out of the building when he pot a judgment of a most impor- tant character, which unhinged the titles of four-fifths of - the Europeans in Hawke's Bay. In the case of this block of land the Court gave to all the Natives concerned, ex- cept three, their original interest in the land, and said that the grant and conveyance they had made were con- trary to law. There were three instances in which it was held that the conveyance was good. Tho first of those was Te Waka Kawatini who became possessed of the land with other grantees, and at one time held 40.000 acres of the host land in Hawke's Bay. He would like to show the Committee a page from the registry of title of this Mangateretere Block. It was simply black with the differ- ent kinds of instruments that this old Native had signed. The first was a deed to create a rent-charge, and he would defy any one, whether Native or European, to make any person understand what the rent-charge was. This man was one of the oldest Natives in the province ; a real tupuna—old and broken down, who could no more under- stand the meaning of this rent-charge than the man in ; the moon. It was not to be wondered at that he still sat by the fire of bis whare, and talked of owning the pro- perty, for he did not know what he had done with it. In the case of Tareha, the Court of Appeal held that his share had gone. There were nine grantees in the block, and some of the Europeans in Hawke's Bay, notably the store- ' keeper Sutton, offered to pay £500 a share for this land ; but Sir Donald McLean bought for £300 the share of Tareha and another person, when, according to the mar- ket price, he should have given at least £1,000. He would state another circumstance of a most singular character in connection with this case. This took place in 1869, a month or two before the Act passed to prevent all sales by single grantees. Grants used to be issued to a large number of people, and until 1S69 any single grantee could sell his own share ; but by the Act passed in that year it was necessary that a majority of the grantees should con- sent to the sale. Sir Donald McLean's agreement for the sale to him of Tareha's share in the Mangateretere Block went on the registry on the 1st September, and the Act came into force on the 3rd September. These were only two of a very large number of cases. It was no pleasure to him to refer to these cases. If he had bis choice, he would have his paths paths of pleasentness and his ways ways of peace ; but when honorable members were called upon to subscribe to the most fulsome praise of a person who had done no more than anybody else for the country, he felt called upon to state facts which would cause the couleur de rose with which that person's actions were sur- rounded to disappear. He would wait to hear the reply that might be made to him, and then he would be pre- pared to debate the matter further, and show forth even grosser cases than those he had put before the Committee. He could show that in nearly every case the persons con- cerned were persons holding confidential positions either under the Provincial or the General Government, residing iu Hawke's Bay. He contended that it was essentially a breach of trust that public officers should use their posi- tions and take advantage of them to engage in transac- tions of this kind. Those persons were appointed to pro- tect the Maoris, and to stand between them and the ordi- nary European purchasers ; but they could not do so, be- cause in many instances they were buying for themselves. In many instances the titles had been obtained by the present European holders through storekeepers and pub- licans who went up amongst the Natives and received large bonuses for carrying out the purchases. Some re- marks were made on the previous evsning' as to whether reserves had been purchased by Government officers, and it was stated by the honorable member for Clive that Sir I Donald McLean had not purchased any Native reserves. There was something of the about that ! statement. If the honorable member had said that Sir Donald McLean had not purchased an inch of legally constituted Native reserves, it would have been correct ; but when the province was acquired from the Natives, the Natives, partly of their own motion and partly by the action of Sir George Grey, made reserves out of the blocks of land they sold, and Sir Donald McLean had bought and was iu occupation of a very large area of these reserves at the present time—some 9,000 or 10.000 acres. To under- stand the full effect of these things, it must be borne in mind that all this was happening while Sir Donald Mc- Lean was a member of the Government, was Superinten- dent of Hawke's Bay, and was General Government Agent. Ue was especially occupying that position which entitled the Native population of the province to look up to him to protect and defend them. He contended that i Sir Donald McLean deliberately deprived himself of that power and position. They found that in 1871 Sir Donald McLean himself admitted that Sutton and others were i people who had acquired Native titles in a most improper manner, and that such practices should nut be allowed ; but Sir Donald McLean was compelled to allow those peo- ple to do his business for him, and to profit by their speculation. And the crowning act of all this was wit- nessed a few nights ago, when they saw the Native Minister leading Mr. Sutton into a scat behind the '. Speaker's chair. These were examples of the work done by the Native Department : and he submitted, with all
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TE WANANGA. confidence, that if those questions were taken up in a spirit of fairness by any impartial persons—if they were to look at the legislation of the House and the administration of the Government in reference to Native matters, and see the injustice they had worked—it would be impossible to deny that\_ the Native people had a claim for compensation which no just tribunal could pos- sibly ignore or put aside. It was not so much the Assembly that was to blame, because the Assembly was guided in its legislation by the representations of the Go- vernment. Four or five years ago, it was impossible to get in a word edgeways in Native matters against the opinion of the Native Minister. He seldom condescended to argument, and it was only necessary for him to indicate into what lobby the Government would go. While a i debate was going on there might be thirty members in the House listening to the arguments. Two-thirds of that number would vote with the party endeavoring to get an alteration of the law ; but when the division-bell rang, from a certain establishment not far off would pour in a pleasant crowd who would vote with the Native Minister, although they scarcely knew what was the question under discussion. He was uu willing to make attacks of this kind ; but when he heard statements that the Native De- partment had done so exceedingly well—that there was no waste, no injustice, no delay, no sacrifice of the interests of the Native people—he felt bound to mention these things, which he maintained were facts, and could be proved from the Blue Books. It might be that this par- ticular department had been necessary for the Native people—it might be that, the Natives not knowing our laws or language, it was necessary to keep up some sort of barrier between them and the English people ; but it was a moot question now whether it would not be better if the Natives had been left free to the operations of the English colonists rather than that they should be subjected to the surveillance of such a department as the Native Depart- ment. Talk about the Native Department being the friend of the Natives ! He could only exclaim. " Save me from such friends." He did not intend to press his amendment, for striking off £10,000 from this vote. Possibly it was well not to go too far ia one year. A reduction of £5.000 would perhaps be as much as they could make with safety, and without putting too great a strain on Ministers during the recess But he did not think they should stop there : he thought they should go on gradually each year reducing the expenditure. civilization, and to make them as nearly as possible equal to themselves in performing the functions of citizens, and taking part in the government of the country. An experiment which had been made in that House had proved highly satisfactory. No one could deny that the Native members had been of considerable use in the House, and he believed their presence had been very useful in maintaining peace between the Natives and Europeans. The fact of their being here, and being able to urge their claims, had a good effect even in the Native King country. He would just mention one circumstance which had occurred, he believed, not very long ago, when the Native Minister had paid his last visit there. He might remark, by the way, that those visits to the King country had become a settled institution. Just before the session there was an irruption of the Native De- partment in the Waikato. The Native Minister went there surrounded by Native orderlies and Commissioners, and, after performing the necessary ceremonies, an audience was granted the Minister by the King, whom they saw a long way off. Reporters were present to write high-flown accounts of what took place, which were duly published, and the usual telegrams were sent throughout the colony, " The pacification of the King country is about to take place. Tawhiao has consented to see McLean.'' They had heard that on several occasions ; but he always appeared gia tod see McLean going away again. On the last trip, the King sent a deputation to the Native Min- ister to ascertain what brought him into the King coun- try ; and that deputation afterwards presented him with a pig . He contended that the Native Minister should not have gone to the King country and given the sanction of his presence to a district which a few days before was made a sanctuary for a murderer of the lowest possible type. But having gone there, it was necessary to give a color to his visit : and one of his officers informed the deputation that the " object of Sir Donald McLean was to demand the " unclean thing,'' meaning the murderer. When the deputation returned, the Natives discussed the question, what was the unclean thing ? Finally, an old gentleman, who. although he had been i Hau-hau for several years, still remembered his Bible-reading, said that the unclean thing was a pig. Accordingly this his- torical pig was sent to the Native Minister. He thought it would be a very good thing indeed when they would be able to dispense with the Native department altogether. There were some who said they would like to dispense with It altogether at present : but he was inclined to listen to more moderate counsels, and to say that it might be dispensed with gradually. Where the Natives were left to their own devices, they generally managed to get along very well : but their evil habits, their misfortunes, and their trials seemed to be doubled and intensified in proportion to the amount of Government care and pro- tection they had received. RETA I TUKUA MAL KI TE KAI TUHI O TE WANANGA. Hoani Taiaroa Karaitiana Hori Tawiti,
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TE WANANGA. Tawiti Hirini Poneke Ngapuhi NA TE MATENGA. TAIWHANGA. Ki TE ETITA o TE WANANGA. Waikato Te Muera Te Amohau Kiharoa Te Uremutu Raukawa Whakaue Maihi Tupuna ki te Pukeroa i Rotorua. Ngati Whakaue Ohinemutu Pukeroa te kai- Henare Te Pukuatua. Pirimi Te Pono. Taupua Te Whanoa. Hamuera Ngawene. Pererika Ngahuruhuru. Petera Te Pukuatua. Ropata Korokai. Niramona Te Korekore. Hemi Tokoaitua. Okiwi Te Konui. Taekata Te Ngahae, Patanui Poihipi. Ngapera Te Ranginohoora. Te Umanui. Pera Te Umanui. Pahiriko Toma. Poni le Kaingama. Moke Aterea. Toma Mataiawhea. Peiwiki Te Wharekiri. Ohinemutu. KI Ta ETITA o TE WANANGA. E hoa tena koe :—Kua tae mai te panui o TE WANANGA. Ki an, e pai ana. Heoi tena. Tenei ano tetahi kupu hei tuku atu ki TE WANANGA hei tuku ki nga iwi e rua o te motu, hei titiro maratou, e whaka- pai ana ahau ki nga kupu o te panui a Hoani Nahe, tae ana mai tetahi wahi marama ki au. E hoa ma, katahi te tangata i aroha ki te motu, mehemea pea i tapiri atu he tokorua. He tokotoru ranei, ka mahea te kohu i tenei motu Heoi tena. He kupu ke tenei, he wahine, ko Mihihi Tuate, e mahi taka ta ana ia mo nga turoro o Whakataane, ko te Kata a te Kawanatanga, kaore e kaha ki te tirotiro i nga turoro, tena ko taua wahine, nui atu taana kaha ki te kawe rongoa mo nga turoro ; tana noni e pau aua i te hoko rongoa e £2 Otiia tae atu ki te £5 i roto i te marama kotahi me te hawhe. He Hurihuri na aku, kia whai whakaaro te Kawanatanga ki tenei wahine ; ko te take. He rua no una mahi, mahi kura, mahi takuta, erua ia. Heoi tena. He kupu ke tenei ko nga wahine o Whakataane, ta ratou mahi, he raranga potae kiekie, he kimi oranga mo ratou, nui atute pai o ta ratou mahi, ko nga Pakeha me nga Maori e hoko ana ; ko te uta a tetahi wahine mo te potae Pingao 10s, he potae Kiekie 4 hereni, he mea ano 3 hereni, he mea ano 2 hereni, he mea ano 1 6 kotahi hereni me te ono kapa. Heoi nga kupu kia koe. Na to hoa aroha. Na KARANEMA TAWHIO. Whakataane. KI TE ETITA o TE WANANGA. E hoa tena koe, he whaka utu naku i te panui a Tamati, Hapimana, tona kainga ko Ohiwa Opotiki, i tuhia e ia ki Te Waka Maori, nama 21. Ko Akuhata te marama 19 1876. tona kupu tuatahi he ui nana Ki nga tangata o te Motu nei, i mo te hui i tu nei ki Pakohai, i te Maehe kua hori ake nei, mo te kiinga he Paremata mo te motu nei, ki ana aia, te pai ranei, he kino ranei he tika ranei, he raru raru ranei, ka utua e ahau. E hoa kaua koe hei ui ki taua mahi a Kahungunu, e kimi ana hoki, kei whea ra te tika, kei whea ra te he, koia tena mahi i ara ai i nga tangata mate o enei whenua, o Heretau- nga o Wairarapa, haunga hoki koe, he tangata ora koe, e ai ana hoki ou whakatauki, ko te Arawa mangai nui ko Hihana, kaua koe hei whakahe i te mahi a enei iwi, mau ano e kimi tetahi mahi man, ka tika tau mahi koia tena na tatau tahi, kaore hoki au i te ki atu kia kore koe e tae mai ki taua mahi a matou, ma tatou Katoa hoki taua mahi, me haere mai koe ki konei whaka he ai Korero ai i aua mahara. Te tuarua ona kupu. He whaka tauaki na ona Kahika tenei, ki te akina te waiu, ka puta mai he pata, ki te akina te ihu, ka puta mai he toto, ki te akina te riri ka puta mai he whawhai. Ka utua e ahau. E hoa e Tamati, engari ou tupuna i kite wawe i te ai waiu, i te pata, me to mohio hoki ki tena whaka tauaki, mo te toto, mo te whawhai kei tawhiti noa atu ena mea i a matou, i enei iwi, e kore matou e tae wawe atu ki ena mea. me te mea nei kei raro koe kei te reinga e korero ana i enei kupu. Katahi ano pea koe ka ako ki te korero, i pohehe ai koe ki te whaka- puta i enei kupu e toru, kaore pea ia koe i rongo i taku wha- ka tauaki, e waiatati ana. I te whakairo ra aa hau o Kahu- ngunu. E tae ko koe anake te tangata i mahi i tena mahi i te patu Pakeha kainga ana e koe nga kanohi o te Wakana, kainga ana e koe nga kanohi o Hohepa i te Tapiri. Kei whe- a taku mahinga pena i mohio ai koe ki o whaka tauaki moku, e ware e ware. Te tua toru ona kupu. Kei whea ra he moni a tenei iwi a te Maori e huihui ai ki te wahi kotahi, whakahaere ai i tona Motu. Me lu whaka- hihi ranei tatou ki te Kawanatanga, ka he tenei. E hoa, me whakaatu mai e koe. Mehemea, pena ai au hui i toa kainga, ka kite koe i te moni kakaranga hui koe mau, e pai ana kia tika ai hoki tau korero, ko taku karanga hui maku ne pouri te take, e hara i te mea he moni te take, kaore, he pouri tonu ki nga mani a te Pakeha, ara a te Kawanatanga, e ki nei koe he whakahihi ta tatou ki te Kawanatanga. E hoa. e mahara ana ahau he mahi Pakeha, korero atu ana, korero ana mai, he mangai, he mangai, katahi ka kiia, e koe, he whakahihi, kaore ano matou i mohio ki tena mahi ki te whakahihi. Engari ko a matou mahi e mahi nei, e mahi ana i runga i te Ture, kaore i te whakahi, ko koe pea te tangata mohio ki tena mahi ki te whakahi. Te tua wha ona kupa. Engari me tono e tatou ki te Kawanatanga kia homai ko te Porowini o te takiwa ki te tangata Maori, katahi ka tika, ka utua e ahau. E hoa. koia na hoki taku mea i kiia e ahau i runga ake nei, e mahi koe i tau i kite ai, kaati to mahi wha- ka he. tahuri mahia ta to ngakau i kite ai, kia tu pono koe ki te tika, kei kona e takoto ana. mau ka tika, hapainga mai ki runga. Te tua rima ona kupu. Ko tenei taonga ko te hoko whenua, ko te reti whenua, e kore e mutu, kua oti hoki te tuhi tuhi, ko te aroha ki te moni te pu take o nga kino katoa. Ka utua e ahau. Ka rua hoki nga arero o tangata nui, naana hoki i kii. kei whea ra nga moni a tenei iwi a te Maori, e hui hui nei ki te korero mo tona Motu. ka tahi ka hoki. Ko te motu te putake o te kino : e tama te waha, i raro iho i te ihu hupe. I a koe anake au mahi e Tamati Hapimana, ka rua ho ingoa iriiri anake. E mohio aua pea aku hoa ki te tikanga o te i tono a Ngati-kahungunu, ki a Te Kuini, kia tirohia mai u tatou mate, ko ahau kei te pohehe, te take. na tatou ano te he, e hara i te Kawanatanga raana i tango i tatou whenua, engari na tatou ano i tuku atu i riro ai. he hiahia ki te moai. Ka utua e ahau ? E hara koa e taku hoa. he putanga mamaoa ki waho, ko rawa hoki i kiia ai hei matua kia tatou Te Kuini, hei tamariki tatou maana. Me pehea ru e koe enei kupu, ko matou anake pea i rongo i enei kupu, na konei hoki pohehe noa ake nei ki te tangi atu ki te matua. Ka tahi na ano ki a koe me Kuini noa atu i konei, hua atu me mahi pea e kitea ai ena mea katoa, kaore matou e tono ana mo nga whenua i ata hoatu kia Te Kuini, kei te takoto tika tonu nga whenua i hoatu ki aia i mua. ko nga whenua i riro pohehe i naianei. ta matou e mahi nei. Ko te tua whitu ona kupu He aha koia te pai o te Maori ki te haere ki roto i te Pare- mata noho ai, mehemea ko nga timutimu o Takana kaore nei e mohio ki te reo Pakeha, ka tika kia mutu te Maori te haere ki te Paremata me hoki mai tatou ki waho nei mahi atu ai Ka utua e ahau.
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TE WANANGA. E hoa, kaati te korero mai i tawhiti, mau tonu e haere ki o ratou taha ki atu ai e ta. mo mutu to mahi Paremata, ka mutu ki tena, ka haere ki tetahi o ratou, kia pan katoa ia koe te haere. a, whiti atu ana koe ki te ra Motu. Kai reira to taina hei kawe atu i o mahara ki te Paremata, e ki ana hoki koe, me mahi atu i waho kaati, kakawe ai kite Paremata, ma to moko-puna e kawe ma tau kaki. E hoa. engari nga timu- timu o tou kainga korero Pakeha mai ai kia koe, no muri pea i to haerenga mai nei ki te Pooti mo Mita Hikairo, i mohio ai koe, he kino te Paremata, ina hoki ka tahi ano koe ka kite i te he. E tama te pura, ka tahi ano ahau ka kite i te ao marama, ko tahi hoki to konei tangata ko Parirekena te ingoa, he tangata mohio ki te apu kai maana, ko tou tu hoki tena ko te ware, he aha koa he Rangatira koe, na to mahi taunu koe i ware ai, e ware, katahi ano ki a koe whanau tonu atu te tangata. Mahi tonu atu whaka to tonu atu i te rakau. kai tonu atu i nga hua, i a koe anake. heoi. NA MANAENA TINIKIRUNGA. Pakowhai Ahuriri. KI TE ETITA o TE WANANGA. E hoa tenei koe, kua tae mai te panui o te WANANGA, heoi tena. E hoa. utaina aru taku reta ki te WANANGA hei hari atu ki nga wahi katoa o te mutu, hei titiro ma nga hoa Maori Pakeha hoki. Tenei te take o taku reta ka tukua atu nei. he whakapai naku ki te panui a Hoani Nahe i tuku mai nei ki nga wahi katoa, o te motu : e ki ana taua panui, e hiahia tonu ana a te Kawana kia ki to ia Tawhiao. Ko Te kupu tenei a Hoani Nahe. mehemea ka whakahokia nga whenua i riro i runga i te rau patu kia Tawhiao, ka kite Kawana ia Tawhiao, heoi tena. Tenei te kupu a aku hoa. mo te tikanga o taua panui. Kei runga ko Akima Tekepa ae. e whakaae ana ahau ki te panui a Hoani Nahe i tuku mai nei ki nga wahi katoa o te mutu, no reira ka rere taku kupu kia ora koe mo te motu nei ma te Atua taua e tiaki. Kei runga ka Haora Timutara. e whakaae ana anau ki te panui a Hoani Nahe i tuku mai nei ko nga wahi katoa o te mota e ki nei taua panui, ko nga whenua i riro nei i runga i te rau patu me whaka hoki mai kia Tawhiao, no reira ahau ka ki. kia ora koe e Hoani Nahe ma te Atua taua e tiaki. Kei runga ko Hoari Kerei, e whakaae ana ahau ki te korero a Hoani Nahe e kei nei me whakahokia nga whenua i riri i te rau o te patu kia Tawhiao ara ki nga iwi nona nga whenua i riro nei. i te rau patu, kaore hoki he tikanga i riro ai aua whenua. E mahara ana poa te Kawana mo te whawhai mo te kohuru ranei i riro aua whenua. Taku kupu. kua riro te whawhai ki te whawhai kua rita te kohuru ki nga tangata nana i hohoru, ko te whenua kua takoto noa iho. heoi ka nui taku whakapai mo re korero a Hoani Nahe. E hoa ma. e nga Mema Maori e noho nei i te Paremata, ko te tu korero tenei ma kotou, kei u Hoani Nahe heoi tena. E mea ana ahau. mo te korero a Hoani Nahe kia kaha tana hapa i tana korero mo nga tau e haere ake nei. kia tae ki te pono. Heoi ano te korero a aku hoa. Heoi ano a kupu kupu kia koe. kia ara koe. ma te Atua taua e tiaki. Na to hoa aroha Na TIPENE HOTENE. No Whakataane. M A N A I A, H E TIMA, TE HUIHUINGA TUATAHI O TE RUNANGA KEIHI O PORANGAHAU, TUREI. TIHEMA 26, 1876. KO TE KANANA TE TINO TUMUAKI O TAUA PUREI. TUMUAKI TITIRO TE KOROHI NGA TUARI : TE KURUMA. TE HIRIWERA. P. ROPIHA. T. PUURU. T. MATUA. TE TIATI O TE REIHI KO TAKUTA TENETI. KAI TUKU I NGA HOIHO KEIHI. TE HEPERI. REIHI PEKEPEKE : E nga moni mo nga Hoiho ki ano i riro i aia nga moni Ł10. E whitu taiepa e peke ai. e rua maero e haere ai, nga taimaha ki te Hoiho 11 tone, e 6 pauna. Utu mo te Hoiho e Reihi ai Łl 10. METIN1 PERETI : Ł20 (pauna) mo nga Hoiho o te Takiwa o Porangahau anake, o nga Hoiho ki ano i riro noa i aia be Keihi i panuitia ki te Nupepa. Kotahi maero me te hawhe e Reihi ai. Ko te taimaha, kia rite ki te katoa- tanga o te Hoiho. E Ł2 mo te Hoiho e Reihi ai. PORANGAHAU TEIKA : Ł25 moni, mo nga Hoiho katoa, ki ano i riro ia ratou nga moni e Ł20 mo te Reihi panui ki te Nupepa. E rua maero e Reihi ai. Te taimaha mo te Hoiho e pikau ai 10 tone. E Ł2 e tapoko ai te Hoiho ki te Reihi." KEIHI PONI : Mo nga mon: e mo nga Hoiho katoa e tae ana ki te 14 ringa, a mo nga Hoiho iti iho i te 14 ringa. Korahi maero e Reihi ai. He kati waiti te taimaha e pikau ai. To Hoiho te kau ma rima hereni e reihi ai te Hoiho. HAKA REIHA : Mo nga moni pauna. He pohi etarana e Reihi ai tenei Reihi. KEIHI MO NGA HOIHO KIHAI I WINI: Ho nga moni e nga Hoiho katoa kihai i Wini o nga Reihi nei. Ko- tahi maero e Keihi ai. Te kau ma rima hereni e tapoko ai to Hoiho. NGA TURE. Me utu e te tangata nana te Hoiho e Reihi ana. kia Ł1 ki nga moni mo te Reihi. Ki te whakahe te tangata i te Reihi, kia kotahi haora o muri o to Reihi o tika ai tana kupu. Ki te mea ka pahure i te haora kotahi i mur: o te Reihi ka ki aia i tana kupu whakahe, e kore tana kupu e whakarangona. Ko te whakataunga a nga Tuari to mea e kore e rire ke. Ko nga. Hoiho Hekana o nga Reihi (aua ia i te Poni Reihi. i te Haka Reihi, i te Reihi mo nga Hoiho Wini kore) kaua a ratou moni whakatapoko e riro mo te Reihi. Ko nga korero whakatapoko me te utu tapoko, mo nga Reihi Pekepeke, mo to Porangahau Teika, me te Metini Keihi. me te ahua, o nga ka: eke, me nga tau o nga Hoiho, me te ahua o nga Hoiho me tuku ki te pukapuka, & ka tuku ai ki te Hekaritari i mua atu o te 21 o nga ra o TIHEMA. 1876. 82
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TE WANANGA. PANUITANGA [KI TE ETITA O TE WANANGA.] MAU e tuku atu enei kupu torutoru, kia panuitia G te WANANGA. He Panuitanga tenei, kia mohio nga Pakeha, me nga tangata Maori, e noho nei i Wairarapa. Ki te Pokanoa, te tahi Pakeha, Maori ranei, ki te kari i te ngutu «wa o Wairarapa, i te wa e tu taki ana ; ka tamanatia ki te Kooti Whakawa; mo nga moni, £100 rau pauna. Ki te Hopukia te tahi tangata, e kari ana : Panuitia. Ko te moni ma taua tangata e hopu tika ana, e panui tika ana, te kau (£10) pauna. Kia hoatu taua moai, akakoa Pakeha, Maori ranei. E hoa ma : E nga Pakeha, e mea nei, mo a koutou whenua, e ngaro nei i te wai, i na puni te awa o Wairarapa : Kaore ano i hokona, e nga Maori kia koutou, ki te Kawana- tanga ranei. E pohehe ana ta koutou ki, no koutou era wahi, kahore : kai nga Maori tonu ena whenua, tae noa ki tenei ra. Kia ata whakamaramatia e au kia koutou : kai te mu- tunga o te Awapuni, hoki mai ki uta ; ko te wahi tena i ho- kona tikatia, e nga Maori ki te Kawanatanga. 1 te mutunga atu o te wai, hoki atu ki te moana ; i nga Maori katoa ena whenna, me ena moana. E he ana ta koutou hoko, ki te Ka- wanatanga, i en* whenua, me ena moana. Mehemea ia i hoko e koutou, ki te Kawanatanga. Heoi ano. NA PIRIPI TE MAARI, Piringa, Wairarapa. Noema 1S, 1876. 3O NOTICE. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE WANANGA] Print the following few words in the WANANGA :— THlS is to give notice to all Europeans and Maoris residing in the Wairarapa District, that if any person. European or Maori, ig found digging a trench at the Mouth of the Wai- rarapa River, at the time when the Mouth of that River has been closed up, any person so acting will be summoned to the Resident Magistrate's Court, for £100 damages. Any person, European or Maori, who may see such act done by anyone to the dam at the Wairararapa, on giving information which will lead to the conviction of the offender, will be paid the gum of £ 10. Friends, the Europeans who say your land is flooded by the dam being put up at the Mouth of the Wairarapa River, be it known to you, that those lands which, are covered by the i water, driven back by the erection of the dam, have not been sold by the Maori to you. or to the Government. You are mistaken when you claim those lands : they still belong to the New Zealander. Let me teach you : From the end of Te i Awapuni, and inland, that land was truly sold by the Maori | to the Government, but from the water line, and out into the | lake, all such belong to the Maori, the land and the water. And you have done wrong in buying it from, the Government, that is, if you have bought these lands from the Government. Enough from me PIRIPI TE MAAKI, Piringa, Wairarapa. November 18, 1876. PANUITANGA. RAUA nga tangata haere i Te Rakautatahi i te Takapau e mau i te kuri peropero, no te mea ka kitea te kuri i reira ka patua kia mate. HORI TAWAI, 29 NEPE APATU. NOTICE. ANY one going over the land known as Rakautatahi, at Takapau, are cautioned not to take dogs with them, as all dogs found on said land will be killed. HORI TAWAI, NEPA APATU, HE PANUITANGA. HE KUPU TENEI KI TE IWI KATOA. | 1 E tinitini noa atu aku mea hou i taku Toa i TARATERA, A maku e hanga hou nga mea pakarau. HE TERA WAHINE, HE TERA TAANE, HE PARAIRE, HE MATINIKERA. HE KOROPA, HE WEPU, HE PA, HE KAHU HOIHO. Ko nga mea pai katoa a te Pakeha mo te Hoiho, KEI TAKU WHARE HOKO I TARATERA. E hara i te utu nui aku mea He tini, a e rite ana ki o Tawahi te pai. Kei au nga mea mo te MAOBI, Kahore he take e haere ai Te MAORI, Ki Nepia hoko mea ai. 22 NA PARATARI. KOTAHI PAUNA UTU. HE Hoiho Poni, he mangu, i ngaro atu i Te Wai- pukurau i tera marama. He ma te rae. he ma nga waewae o te taha maui, he mate tawhito nga waewae me to te hope, ko te Parani he P. E. i te peke maui, me waiho i Wai-pukurau, ka utua ai taua pauna. Ki te pupuri te tangata i te Hoiho nei, ka whakawakia aia. 2S EREATARA KURU. ONE POUND REWARD. LOST, from Waipukurau, one month, since—A Black Pony Horse, white star on forehead, rore and hind feet on near side white, old scars on feet and off side, branded PR on near shoulder.—If left at Waipukurau, the above reward will be paid to the finder. If found ia the possession and kept by anyone after this notice, proceedings at law will be taken. 2S EREATARA KURU. HE P A N U I T A N G A . TE WARA. kai mahi Wati, kei tawahi ake o TE TARI o TE WARENGA i Nepia, taku whare mahi Wati. He mea atu naku ki nga Maori kia, kawea ruai a ratou Wati ki au, a maku e mahi. A he tini noa atu aku Wati hou. me nga heitiki, me nga kurukuru, me nga Wati. ahua, maha noa atu. 21 NA TE WAKA. NEPIA. Haku Pei Niu Tireni.—He mea ta e HENARE HIRA, a ho mea e HENARE TOMOANA, e te tangata, nana tenei niupepa, i te whare ta o Te Wananga, i Nepia. HATAREI,