Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 3, Number 20. 29 June 1876

Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 3, Number 20. 29 June 1876

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              "TIHE      MAURI-ORA."
  NAMA                 NEPIA,  TAITE,  29 HUNE, 1876.                 PUKAPUKA 3.

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                            TE   WANANGA.
mea  mai aua a ia, e kore e puta nga mea ki te Maori i
a ia, ki te mea ka mau tonu nga Maori ki ta Henare Rata
ako.  Ka  mea taua Maori, kaua aia e he i te mea i haere
tahi mai  a Te Waiti   i aia, a  ki te  mea  he tika kia
tukua he Raihana inana i tana wa. he tika ano kia
 tukua i te wa i haere tahi mai  ai a Te  Waiti i aia.
Ka  mea mai a Te Omana, e pouri ana te Kawanatanga
 ki nga matu he a Henare Rata, me aua hoa Pakuha,
 a ka mea atu aia ki taua Maori, kia kaua aia e mau
 tonu kia Henare Rata ma.   Ano ka  kite taua Maori i
 nga tikanga a Te  Omana,  ka  mea  aia, ae.  he
 tika nga kupu a te Kawanatanga, a me homai he 
 paura maku, homai ana nga paura, nga hoota, me nga
 kiapa pu, homai ana ano hoki he moni (e kiia ana
 £17  aua, moni) a he mea namu ana moni, tuhituhi ai
 ano. ia te ingoa o taua. Maori ki te pukapuka kia tika ai
 te utu o ana moni ki te Kawanatanga a mua.   E ui
 ana matou, ka mahia  peheatia ra aua moni, ana tae
 nga  kauta  hei titiro ma  te Paremata.   A  he mea
 pakiki ano hoki tana Maori e Raka, kia korero tana 
 Maori i ana kupu mo etahi whenua e mahia whaka- 
 wakia ana, a mea, ana, a Raka e pehea ra nga tikanga
 e whakaae  ai nga Maori e oti pai ai ana whenua. He i
 tika rawa enei korero, a tena ano te ra e rongo ai ano 
  te iwi katoa i aua tikanga nei, no te mea ku kawea
 taua mea nei hei rapurapu ma te Paremata, i aia ano
  e noho Runanga mui  nei i Poneke. He tika anu ta-
  kupu a Te Omana i ki nei. " E pouri ana te Kawana-
  tanga" mo nga  mahi a Henare Rata. Mehemea  koa,
  ko Te Omana  raua ko Te  Makarini nga tangata, ko
  raua anake te tino o te Kawanatanga, penei, he pai
  rawa ano pea kia mahia e rana tetahi Ture kia kore
  ai e mahi tonu a Henare  Rata  i nga mate a te iwi
  Maori, a kia kore ai o puea ki to ao marama nga mano
  he i inaina nei ki nga Maori o konei e raua. Nei ra to
  hanga, kia mahia  i enei ra, i nga ra o te mohio nui a
  to ao katoa, kia mahi te Apiha me te Kai whakawa i
  a raua whakaaro manawapa ki te iwi hei whakakaitoa
  i te iwi, a ko to raua tunga maua i tu ai rana i te
  iwi, te ara ata o puta ai te hiahia whakainati.

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                             TE   WANANGA.
introduced has tended to create dissatisfaction amongst
the Maoris, and has opened the door to endless litigation.
A more iniquitous measure than that which tied up tribal
lands in the hands of a few irresponsible grantees could
not be  conceived.  But it suited the  exigencies of the
hour  and the bitter harvest is now being reaped. Fortu-
nately, perhaps,  in one sense  for the Colony, drunken
orgies have usually drowned the indignation of a people
ruthlessly  despoiled  of  their lands by a  few  legalised
robbers.   Under this system  pome  enormous   tracts of
country  have  been alienated from the Natives, surrounded
as it has been by all kinds of encumbrances.  which, while
affording no guarantee  of title to the purchasers, have
served  only to irritate the Maoris. Regarding, as we do
the occupation of lands by Europeans as a positive benefit
both  to the country and to the Maoris, we,  as colonists,
should have  no fault to find with a system that gave every
encouragement to freetrade in Native land dealings.  The
machinery   required for such an object should then be of
the  simplest possible description, that would protect the
 Natives from fraudulent  transactions, and, give an indis-
 putable title to the buyer. But the  object that the Go-
 vernment  appear to have in view is the reverse of this.
 To hamper as much as possible all private dealings and
 to force the Maoris to sell only to the Government, has for
 some time been past the policy of the Native Department.
 That  the existing system under which Native land trans-
 actions have now to be conducted enquiries to be largely
 altered no one will deny for a minute. To alter it, how-
 ever in such a way as to increase the difficulties of private
 dealings will be merely to make a retrograde movement
 that cannot but end in disaster. It would, indeed, be an
 acknowledgement of the fact, which is well known, of
 the disinclinanation of the Natives to deal with the Go-
vernment.    It would  be  tantamount   to the Government
 saying, " As we cannot  compete with  private dealers we
 shall put down all competion. and conned the Natives to
 sell only to us."  If such is the intention of  the 
 plated measure, then we  have no hesitation in saying that
 should it unfortunately become law, it will in as many
 weeks undo  the work  which has taken  years to bring
 about. All confidence between the Government and the
 Natives  will be at an end, and a state of things will be
 inaugurated similar  to that which created the 
 and produced  the Taranaki  war in 1862.—Napier Daily
                 PARAIRE, HUNE 2, 1876.
                             Parewanui.  Rangiteki.
                                                23, Mei, 1876.
   Kia Henare  Tomoana,   kia Henare Matua kia Noa Te
 Hianga,  kia Paora   Kaiwhata, kia Renata Kawepo, kia
 Kara tiana Takamoana :—E hoa  ma, tena, koutou katoa i
 runga i o koutou whakahaere katoa i raro i te maru o to
 tatau Ariki o Ihu Karaiti.  Heoi te mihi.
   Kua tae mai ta koutou panui o te 4 e Mei 1876, mo nga
 Ture e waru,  kia tirohia  te tika, te he, a kitea iho ana e
 nga Komiti nga mea i tika.
   Take 1. Me tu te Paremata Maori, ae, me tu.
   Take 2. Me  kotahi nga iwi katoa o te Motu nei, ae, 
     kotahi te Motu  nei.
   Take-3. Me mutu nga tau mo nga Mema ki te Paremata,
      ae, me mutu.
   Take  4. Me mutu te Kooti, te Ruuri, te Hoko, ae, me
   Take 5.  Ko te  Paremata  kei te hanga  mate mo tatau,
      ae, me mutu.
   Take  6. Ko te tono mo Te  Kuini, ae, me tono tenei e

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                            TE  WANANGA.
trIcts, in accordance with the sixth subject submitted to
this meeting.  If the sixth subject is carried out as it now
stands, we shall not be able to cope with the subtlety of 
the Europeans.                                     
  MARUMARU, of  the Ngatiapa, said: I see that the thoughts
of our people  which I brought to this meeting are not 
correct.  I and my  people  thought that the eight subjects
for consideration sent to us were those which I hear spoken
of in this meeting.   I say let the law in regard to the sale
of land, and passing it through the Native Lands Court
cease for ever, and not till a new Government shall be put
into power by the Parliament shall our lands be dealt with |
by a Native Lands Court.
  WI  PERE  said : Let the selling of land by the Maori
cease for ever, as we have  already sold three quarters of
our Island to the European, and if we sell the one quarter
we  now  hold, death to us will follow. I say let us keep
what we have  for our children, and if our grand-children
like to squander  that which  we  shall leave to them, let
them  do it in the great knowledge they may attain to. I
say let us be as one man to keep our land.
   MARUMARU   said : I have done all to make the action of
the Native Lands  Court to cease in the Tauia Te Kapua
 (Rotorua district), in accordance with the motion  now
before the meeting.
   PARAMENA,  of the Ngatiupokoiri, Heretaunga, said : Mr.
 Chairman  and meeting.  I think that not till evil has come
 over all the people of these Islands, shall we be called one
 people.  Let not this meeting take any notice of the motion
 proposed by Marumaru   in regard to  the district of Ta 
 Te Kapua.   Let his word be left out of any action to be
 taken by this meeting.
   KARENA,  of Ngatiapa, of Parewanui, said : Let a Maori
 Parliament be proposed for us.
   HENARE  MATUA. (Chairman), said : Do not speak on any
 subject, save those matters  laid before this meeting   as
 matters to be discussed by us.
   HIKAWERA   HAHUPUKU, of Wairarapa, said : O people be
 strong to consider those matters by which we may obtain
 much  good, do not he weary or lazy, but act like men do
 not fear the taunt that may be used to us, that we are
 ignorant men, as we have sent our children to the school?
 to seek knowledge for us in the future. I am delighted
 that we, the tribes of these Islands, have been called to-
 gether here, that we may discuss matters for our welfare.
 I will now tell our thoughts in respect to the motion now
 before this meeting,  and  at the  close I will hand in the
 paper containing  those thoughts of the people of Wairarapa
 to the Chairman
   PETERA  KAHUROA,  of the Ngatihineuru, of Tarawera.
 said:  I wish to speak  about the Parliament. But Petera
 did not give his written  words to the Chairman.
   HATARAKA,   of Ngatiawa, of Whakatane, said: I will
 speak  to the motion   now   before this meeting. And be
 laid before the  Chairman a document containing the ideas
 of his people ou that subject.
    The  Chairman said the meeting would now adjourn, and
 meet again tomorrow  at 10 a.m., 3rd June, 1876.
                      (To  be Continued.)
   E hoa tena koe. koutou katoa, ma koutou e tuku atu aku
 korero  ki Te Wananga,  kia  rongo te taha Pakeha, me te
 taha Maori. Kua  tae mai a Te Kawana, me Te Makarini,
 ki Pewhairangi, kua tae  nga rangatira katoa o Ngapuhi
 ki  te  hui  kia  whakaarahia   te  Tiriti  o Waitangi, kia
 whakaarahia  te kara i Maiki. Kua pai Te Kawana kia
 whakaarahia ko ahau, kihia ahau i tae me, tae ahau ki
 reira, ka korero ahau i nga mahi a Ngapuhi, ko Ngapuhi te
 ingoa nui whakaharahara i mua, pakaru katoa te rangi.
ko Hongi Hika te tangata i runga. Ka mate Hongi Hika.
ka ora ko Titore,
      Ko Manu,            Ko Taoha,
       Ko Wai,               Ko  Te Pakira.
       Ko Kaiteke,         Ko Hone  Heke.
       Ko  Te Kainga   Mata.
   Ko  te tini o nga rangatira o Ngapuhi, katahi kamau
ki te whakapono, ka mau ki to Ture o  Te Kuini, katahi
ka whakaarahia a te Tiriti o Waitangi. Owati rawa, muri
iho. ko te kohuru a Maketu ki roto o Ngapuhi, ka riro ki
te whare-herehere, mate  atu muri  iho kei roto a Hono
Heke,  kei roto a Kawiti, ka mate Kororareka, ka hinga te
Kara  i Maiki,  ka  taritaria e Tamati Waaka, kahore  he
rangatira hei whakaara, ka mahue Ngapuhi nui i aia, ka
peke iu ki te taha iti, katahi ia ka ki. kia whawhaitia a
Ngapuhi, ka mate  ka ara mau, te rongo na i muri iho.
Kei roto a Hirini no Ngapuhi, ko taua kohuru, ka kawe
te Ture, kihai i taea, utua iho, ka mutu, kei roto Tarawau.
ko tana kohuru  ka kawe te Ture, kihai i taea, kei roto a
Ngapuhi,  ka utua ka mutu,  kei roto a Hare Hikairo ku
tana kohuru, ka  kawe te Ture, kihai i taea, ko enei i
kohurutia  nei hei whanaunga ki au. Ko  nga kai patu no
Ngapuhi, muri iho ko ta Papu kohuru  mate  rawa  ko
Timoti,  ka oho Ngapuhi,  ka oho te Ture kia whawhaitia.
ahau, kihai ahau i pai, katahi ka tukua e ahau  ma  te
mana o Tamati Waaka, e tuku ki te Ture, nana te mate,
nana  te ora, ka ora inaianei. Koia ahau e rapu nei ki te
mahi  a Ngapuhi,  kia whakaarahia  te Tiriti ki Waitangi,
kia whakaarahia te Kara i Maiki. Koia taku  whakaaro  e
Te Kawana,   e Te  Makarini,  e nga   rangatira o Ngapuhi
hoki, e he ana  tenei mahi, engari kia au, tenei te mahi
tika ko To Kawana  te kai hanga i te rua. ko nga iwi katoa
e pai ana ki te Ture hei kai tari i nga kai mo te rua. kia
tao ra ano ki te ra e komiria  ai. motu  ke te mea  pirau,
 motu ke te mea ora, he kupu whakaritenga. tenei te tino
kupu  e nai ai te Ture. Ko nga tangata kohuru, ko nga
tahae i roto i tenei Porowini, me tuku ki te. Ture, ka pai.
 Ko te whakaara   noa a Ngapuhi  i te Tiriti i Maiki, e kore
te Ture e pai ki tenei, ko Te Kawana  e pai ana, ko Te
Makarini e pai ana  no te mea  he tamariki  raua, me nga
 rangatira katoa,  he tamariki  kai  u.   Ko  te Ture   he
kaumatua  ia. e kure ia e pai ki nga mea hanga reka, heoi
 ano, ka mutu.
                             NA  TANIORA ARAPATA.

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                   KO     H.    TURI
          Te kai hoko o nga TI me nga HUKA,
          a he iti te utu o ana taonga e hoko atu ai,
                 a he tino pai ana taonga.

          Ko nga taonga e tonoa ana ki aia, e tukua
           atu ana eia ki te hunga hoko, ki nga
              whare Rerewei, a koia hei utu i
                    te kawenga ki reira.

             KUA    tu taku Toa hoko  Kakahu  i Waringipata

                  (Onepoto.)  A, ka hoko ahau i te taonga mo
               te utu iti.
                           J. KIRIMIRI.
                                   WARINGIPATA.  (ONEPOTO.)
                                            o  —
                                            O   i

                               HE   PANUITANGA.
                   HE  mea atu tenei kia  matau ai nga iwi Maori. Kei te
                Toa a HONE PERI  i Tarawera, te mahi hoko utu iti. mo nga
                taonga, he iti rawa atu nga utu o taua Toa. i nga Toa katoa o
                 taua takiwa : mo te moni pakeke.
                                                     HONE    PERI.

          Pateriki Kahikuru,
           Kai  hanga Tera, me nga hanga katoa mo
                  nga  Kiiki, me nga Kaata,
                                   Ko: Taipo, (Taratera.)
              KEI     aia i nga wa katoa  nga Tera  pai rawa,
                      Hanihi, Wepu, Kipa, mo era mea  e kore e taea
               te tatau.
                Ko  ta  PATERIKI   KAHIKURU   te  whare
              ngawari rawa mo te Hanihi Paki, Kiki, Tuki Kaata.
               Piringi Kaata, Terei, Parau  hoki, Peke   Tera hoki.
              Ko enei mua katoa o hanga ana i roto i taua toa : ko to
               rota i tino pai rawa, o kore e kitea i roto i te motu nei,
               he mea pai atu.
                 Haere mai  kia kite tonu a koutou kanohi a tera e
                Kia  marama ki to whare.  Ko te PATERIKI  KAHI-
               KURU whare,  Tera, Hanihi, hanga  Kara, kei Taipo,

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                              TE  WANANGA.
KEMARA         MA    NGA
                  KAI  HOKO.

HE      mea  na  KEMARA       MA   kua  riro nga taonga a TE
 PINGIKI   ia ratou, koia i kiia a ta ratou kupu kia rangona
 e nga Maori.  A  he nui no  a ratou taonga i utaina mai i
 tawahi, ma reira e kore ai e nui rawa te utu

 A  e mea  ana  ratou,  na ratou nga taonga i tino iti te utu o nga
        toa  katoa  o te  POROWINI  nei.  A he kupu
           ahua whakahawea a ratou ki nga tangata
                    haere  ki  te hoko i ta ratou Toa.

                                  KO      TE     TOA      A
                 KEI  TAWAHI     AKE

         He mea  na KEMARA     MA  : he mea hoko a ratou
               taonga  i nga tua utu iti o te taenga.
                 Koia i tika ai ano kia pera ano
                    te ahua hoko o a ratou

          TE POTAWHE    HOU,
                   I NEPIA.