Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 3, Number 19. 22 June 1876

Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 3, Number 19. 22 June 1876

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                                  •            .

             "TIHE     MAURI-ORA."
  NAMA  19.                NEPIA,  TAITE,  22 HUNE,   1876.                PUKAPUKA 3.
      Te Wananga.

  Kotahi Putanga i te Wiki.
            TAITE, 22 HUNE 1876.
HE mea ki mai kia taia e matou ki TE WANANGA nei, nga
korero o te Hui Rangatira Maori, i Hui ki Pakowhai, o nga
tini Iwi o nga motu nei. Koia nei aua korero.

        The Te Wananga.
            THURSDAY,   JUNE   22, 1876.
 BY request  we  publish a report of the proceedings of the
late meeting  at Pakowhai, of the representatives from the
 Maori  tribes of New  Zealand.

 —Kua   tae mai te rongo korero, kua whakaae a Hori Karaka
 Tawiti, mokopuna  a Te Wharepapa, o Te Ihutai i Hokia-
 nga, Mema   Maori ki te Paremata,  kia  mahi tahi aia hei
 Mema  mo  te Kawanatanga    a Te Makariri ma. E kiia
 ana no te haerenga a Te Kawana ma ki Tokerau, a Hori
 Karaka i ki kiia ai e Te Kawanatanga, a whakaae ana ai a
 hei boa  mo  ratou.  K kiia ana  no te haerenga mai o Hori
 Karaka  ki Akarana, i tana haere i haere mai ai i Ngapuhi,
 ki Poneke, he mea tiaki aia i Akarana o te Tari Maori,
 kei korerotia aia e ana hoa tawhito, u koi tahuri ano aia
 kei mahi mo tana iwi mo te Maori. E  mea ana tetahi
 Nupepa  o Te Waipounamu.   " Mehemea koa, e whakaturia
 ana nga Mema o Te  Kawanatanga ra kia tae ki nga ra e
 mahi ai aua Mema, a kitea ai te matau o ana Mema, penei
 e hara   te whakatu i a Hori  Hori  Karaka i te mea, he
 maminga kia kore  ai aia e Pooti mo taua  iwi Maori."
 Ahakoa enei korero a nga  Nupepa, ko matou  ko Te
 Wananga  o whakahawea   ana ki aua korero. E mohio
 ara matou   kia Hori Karaka, a e kore taua tangata  e
 ngakau rua.  Ko tana whakaaro e mau tonu aia hei tautoko
 mo tana iwi i te Maori, a ko te whakamoka a Te Kawana-
 tanga e kore rawa e mau i te mangai o taua Mema.
                                       Hune  2, 1876.
Ko  te ra tenei i noho ai te Komiti o Tamatea, me nga iwi
katoa i Hui mai nei ki Pakowhai, koia tenei aua a iwi.
  Ko Ngatikahungunu,  ki Te Wairoa : Ko Ngatikahun-
gunu, ki Turanga : Ko Ngatiporou ; Ko Te  Atiawa, ki •
Whakatane;   Ko Ngatituwharetoa, ki Whakatane: Ko Te
Arawa;    Ko Ngatimatawhaiti ; Ko Ngatituwharetoa,  ki
Taupo;   Ko  Ngatiapa : Ko Ngatimatepu ; Ko Ngaiteu-
pookoiri ; . Ko Ngatitama, ki Patea : Ko  Ngatihori ; Ko
Ngatikurukuru  : Ko  Te Whatiaapiti ; Ro Ngaitahu ; Ko
Ngatipakapaka ; Ko Ngatimutuahi; Ko Ngatikahungunu,
ki Wairarapa.   Me etahi atu iwi Hapu o Heretaunga ano.
  Heoi  ko nga iwi tenei me o ratau Hapu, me  o ratau
Rangatira i tae mai ki to Hui ki Pakowhai,   I te rua o
nga ra o Hune, tau kotahi mano waru rau o whitu te kau
ma  ono, o to tatou Ariki, no te 10 o nga Haora, ka tu te
korero ki roto ki te wharo  kura, o Pakowhai.
  Ka tu a HENARE MATUA, Timuaki o nga Komiti katoa o
taua whare, ka mea ki nga  iwi kua Hui mai  ki roto ki
taua whare.  Whakarongo  mai e nga  iwi. e nga Hapu, e
nga Rangatira, kua karangatia nei kia Hui mai tatau ki
konei.  Ko  nga take i panuitia ai ki te Motini hei take
korero ma taua ki roto ki tenei whare ka ata waiho e au
kia takoto ana, taihoa ra e panui atu. He kupu  iti nei
naku mo te tuatahi. K rua nga take ka whakamahara
atu au ki a tatau, ko aua, take he tako nunui anake. Ko
te tuatahi ko nga Ture o tenei ao. E he nei tatau, koia
tatau i karangatia ai kia Hui mai tatau ki te tirotiro i aua
mamae  e aue nei te motu nei me ona iwi me nga Hapu
me  nga Rangatira o te motu nei. Heoi ma ta tatau tiro-
tirohanga i nga he katoa e pa ana kia tatau o te motu
nei, ka kitea ai nga mea tika hei tuku atu ma tatau ki te
Paremata  Uia ata rapua mai he ara P ata takoto pai ai aua
mate  o te motu nei. Heoi tenei.  Ko te tuarua o au tako
e ki nei au e taumauitia ana e nga iwi o te motu nei. Ko
te tino mea nui tenei hei tohutohu ia tatau. Hei arahi
hoki ia tatau ki te ara marama e tika ai a tatau whaka-
haere katoa e wawata nei tatau. Ko te Whakapono, me
te wehi ki te atua, Ahakoa he nui nga maramatanga o
nga  iwi o te motu nei. E  pai ana, engari kia u ki te
Whakapono    ki te  atua, ka  rite i a  tatau tenei, ka
rite  hoki  a  tatou  wawata,   kati enei kupu   aku
i konei.  Heoi, ka  panuitia atu  e au  te motini  nei i
tuku  mai ki au hei panui  atu ki  wanganui  o tenei
whakaminenga   hei tirotiro ma te Hui.  Ko  nga mea.
e kite e koutou e tika ana hei tuku atu ki te Paremata ki
a whakamanaia mai hei ture mo tatau, ma to Pooti katoa

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                   Maori, ma  te Paremata e turaki taua Kawanatanga.
                     Heoi  ano tenei,                                
                   Take 10. Me  tuhituhi, e matau tetahi Pitihana korero
                     pai ki to matau Kuini, tono kia ia, kia tukua mai te-
                     tahi tangata korero. pono, mahi tika. Hei kimi i o
                     matau mate.   Hei tuhituhi i a matau korero, kia kitea
                      e to matau Kuini.  Heoi ano tenei.
                  Take 11. E ki aua matau kia kaua e whakahengia e
                    turakina ranei te Pooti mo te Mema Maori o te takiwa
                   o te Tui Rawhiti, ko nga Apiha o te Kawanatanga
                  anake me  whakahe rae turaki, aua Apiha Kawana-
                    tanga anake. Heoi tenei.           
                  Heoi aho te panui o te motini, ko aua motini kaa oti
                 te tuba atu kia koutou, ko ena nga take korero ma tatau
                ki tenei whare. Heoi ko te mea tuatahi ka panuitia ki
                te aroaro o te Hui, ko nga panui mai a nga iwi nei o ratau
                mahara  ki tenei Hui. Ka tu.
                                               Ohinemutu, Mei 26, 1876.
                  Kia Henare  Tomoana, Renata Kawepo,  Henare Matua,
                 Paora Kaiwhata, Noa Te Hianga; Karaitiana Takamoana,—
                 E pa ma tena koutou, tenei nga pukapuka a o koutou Komiti
                 i whakaaro ai hei hurihuri ma tatau ki kona, kanui te marama.
                  B te Komiti o Heretaunga, kia kaha, kia maia, kia oti tetahi
                 o  enei putake ia koutou. Ahakoa kotahi i oti. Heoi ano.
                  Ko  toku take i noho ai. kihai nei i tae atu, i pa mai, he aitua
                 ki an.  A. kaore ano'kia-marama noa toku ngakau, e noho atu
                 nei, kei amuamu o koutou ngakau ki te korenga tangata e tae
                  atu ki tena Hui. E  koro ma  mahia  ki a oti he ingoa mo te
                 tangata e takoto mai ana i mua. A he oranga ia mo te iwi
                  nui tonu. Na to koutou hoa.                       . '
                                       Nu ROTOHIKO HAUPAPA.
                        He mea tuku mai NA PETERA PUKUATUA,
                                   Kia KARAITIANA. TAKAMOANA.
                    Heoi ano tenei.
                                       Parewanui, Rangitikei, Mei 23, 1876.
                  Kia Henare Tomoana, "Henare Matua, Noa Te .Hianga,
                 Paora Kaiwhata, Renata Kawepo, Karaitiana Takamoana,—
                 E hoa ma tena ra koutou te whakahaere mai na i te oranga
                  mo  tatau i runga i tenei motu. A, kua kitea nei e koutou
                 te mate mo tatau. Aera, whakahokia nga mea  a Hiha ki a
                 in, ko nga mea a te Atua ki a ia. He kupu tena mo te Poro-
                  wini e  takoto nei i waenganui ia tatau, ara, e kia nei ko
                  Tararua, te kai wahi i waenganui o tatau, ko tenei kia kotahi
                  Porowini mo  tatau huri atu huri mai. - He haka tena. Tui
                  atu tui mai o taua nei ringaring i te rori roa ki Nepia te mahia
                 rawa. E hoa ma  herea ki te tiini, ki a whaka Raiona Henare
                ki te iti makaa nawa. Heoi aha a marumaru me ona hoa, he
                 mea tuku atu i runga i te panui whakahaere i te karanga mo
                 te mota, me te hari atu i nga whakahaere a te iwi ara a nga
                 Komiti o Apa. Heoi ano tenei.

                                                      June  2, 1876.
                 THE Committee of Tamatea assembled this day with all
                 the representatives of the tribes at Pakowhai.
                  The following are the tribes who were represented:—
                Ngatikahungunu, from  Te Wairoa  and Turanga ; the
                 Ngatiporou ; the Atiawa, from Whakatane ; the Ngatitu-
                 wharetoa, from Whakatane ; the Arawa; the Ngatimata-
                 whaiti; the Ngatituwharetoa, from Taupo; the Ngatiapa;
                  the Ngatimatepu ; the Ngatiupokoiri ; the Ngatitama,
                 from  Patea; the Ngatihori ; the Ngatikurukuru ; the
                  Ngati whakapiti ; the Ngaitahu ; the Ngatipakapaka ; the
                  Ngatimutuahi;  the Ngatikahungunu,  from  Wairarapa ;
                 and may other tribes and sub-tribes from Hawke's. Bay.
                  The meeting was opened at 10 a.m. on the 2nd June,
                  in the school-house, at Pakowhai.
                   HENARE MATUA, Chairman of the meeting, rose and
                 said : O people and Chiefs of the tribes, the subjects which
                   we are to discuss, are to be put to this meeting by way
                   of motions. These  I will for the present pass by, and say
                  two words, which are words of importance. First : The
                 laws of the world we doing evil to us, and we have been

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                     TE WANANGA.
 asked to assemble here to discuss the various matters 
 which cause the people to moan; and let us endeavor to
 find out those things which bring evil on us, so that we
 may  find some mode  of dealing  with those evils, and
 thereby be able to recommend  some  line of action to be
 taken by the Parliament to aleviate those evils. Second: I
 say we are acting in a peaceable manner, and if we wish
 to arrive at any object for good, by which we may find
 the path of light, and by  which  our determination shall
 consummate  in obtaining that which we are now brooding
 over, in our minds. Such can  only be obtained by true
 worship and  obedience to God.  Though  the tribes of
 these Islands have been  scattered in various directions
 (in their behalf in God), we can not now obviate the past.
 But  I say, be steadfast in Christian worship  to God, so
 that we may  obtain the good we  seek, and our wishes
 shall be fulfilled. I will not speak longer on this subject,
 but will now read the motion put into my hands, which I
 am  to propose to this meeting.  Any   matter brought
 before this meeting  for discussion, being a matter which
 is to bo laid before the New Zealand Parliament, proposing 
 some subject on which pass an Act of Assembly, the votes
 must  be unanimous to authorise such proposal to he sent
 to our members.  Those subjects which  are not clear to
 yon, or the voice of this meeting in giving ; its vote, shall
 remain  for a  future  sitting of this  meeting.   I  will
 now  read the paper of motions  put into my hand, it is
 headed " Subjects to be discussed by the assembled tribes
 at Pakowhai on the 31st May, 1876."
   Subject 1. That  we  openly and steadfastly declare our
     obedience to the. Queen of England as our Queen and
      that we truthfully publish our determination to fulfil,
     and  submit to, and at all times to obey her laws.
   Subject 2.  We  think that the act of making the tribes
      of these Islands one, will be a just and good act. And
      that we  assemble, and see  each other, and that we
      discuss subjects relative to those matters of which we
      complain, and that we select and put into respectful
      language our wishes, to be laid before the Parliament
      of New  Zealand, for their favorable consideration.
    Subject 3. We  say that it is desirable that a meeting of
      Chiefs should  take place each year, to consider all
      subjects or matters in which  the Maori  race is con-
      cerned, and to consider the evils under which we now
      labor, and to put into respectful language all subjects 
       which   our members may  lay before the Parliament of
      New Zealand. The assembly of Chiefs each year, shall
      determine where the meeting shall be held each year
    Subject 4. We  will select those men who may be willing
      to act as a Committee  to carry out all those matters
      implied in subjects Nos. 2 and 3 above.
    Subject o. We   propose  to repeal the existing law re-
      specting Maori  members  of the New  Zealand  Parlia-
      ment,  viz., the law which  allows  few  members  into
      Parliament, for five years only. Let a new  law be
      passed, one that  shall be  permanent,  giving the
      Maori people the same number  of members in accord-
      ance with the number  of the population, as that given
      to the Europeans in proportion to the European popu-
      lation. And  that the present boundaries of the dis-
      tricts in which the Maori people vote, shall be done
      away with, anu that the  boundaries of the district
      dividing the people of the Generic tribes be given
    • instead, the boundaries  of the now  electoral dis-
    Subject G. We  are of the opinion that the manner of
      purchasing land ia accordance  with the regulation
      now  in force, is evil, and the cause of much confusion,
      and that all land purchasing under such regulations
      should cense. That  land should not be bought in
       unalienated districts. That  not till a majority of the
      Maori  people have consented, shall land be surveyed
      or put into the Native Lands Court. And  not till a.
     majority shall have given their consent shall land be
    surveyed, put into the Native Lands Court, or sold.
    And  in all districts where the consent has not been
     given to the land being sold, in no case shall money
     be paid in advance for land in such district, to those*
     Natives who  claim  the land  iu such district. That
     Government officers shall not. without authority,
     or invitation from the majority  of  Natives, go into
     Native  districts, and annoy by requesting the Natives
    to put their lands through the Native Lands Court,
     and to sell them. Let the Natives use their own dls-
     cretion as to the survey, or passing them through the
   Native Lands Court.
  Subject 7.   We  think  the law  which  enables  the
    Government   to withhold those Native lands, (being
     private property of the Maori people) from purchase
     by private Europeans, must be repealed.
   Subject 8. We think that the laws by which the Native
     Lands  Court was  instituted, and by which it now
     exercises its power, must be repealed, and that the
     Parliament of New Zealand enact a new law, oue
     which is not marred by ambiguity  or contradictions,
     and by which the  Maori lands ran be  fully investi-
     gated, and correctly settled. And that such new law
     shall empower the Adjudicators of the Native Lands
     Court to hold the same power as the Magistrate's of
     the other Courts. And  that the Government  shall
     not have any control over such Adjudicators of the
     Native Lands Court.
   Subject 9. We assert that the present Government, which
     was put into power in the year 1869, is a bad Govern-
     ment,  it does not do anything correctly. It has not
     done any good work for the Maori people. Let  the
     Parliament put this Government out of power.
   Subject 10. That we forward a respectful Petition to our
     Queen, asking her to send a truth-speaking mao, one
     who  acts with justice, who shall investigate the cause
     of our wrongs, and to take our evidence, and forward
      it to our Queen.
   Subject 11. We  say  that the election of the Maori
     member  for the East Coast Electoral District be not
     set aside, or acted on as illegal. Put let the Govern-
     ment  officers alone be condemned for this act, and
     put out of their offices.
   HENARE MATUA  continued : Those are all the subjects
 of motions  which  I have now read, and all those subjects
 have been sent in writing to you, and those arc the subjects*
 for us to discuss in this meeting. I will now   read the
 letters forwarded to this meeting by the tribes, so that you
 may  also see their thoughts on various matters. The first
 letter is as follows :—
                               Ohinemutu, May  26, 1876.
   To Henare  Tomoana,  Renata Kawepo.  Henare  Matua,
 Paora Kaiwhata, Noa Te Hianga, and Karaitiana Takamoana,
 —O   Fathers. salutations to you. the letters from your Com-
 mittee  have  been received, enclosing subjects for our con-
 sideration ; those subjects are very clear. O  Committee   of
i Heretaunga be strong, be brave, and carry to a good issue
! some of those subjects. Though one be gained, that will be
I worth the trouble of acting. I could not attend at our meeting
 on account of being detained by matters  here, over which I
 have no control, which matters I have  not yet been able to
 settle. Do not murmur on account of our not going to our
meeting. O Fathers work, so that man may have a name to
 live. The future will speak of the good of your acts, and you
 will be the cause of life to the public. From your friend
i      •                   ROTOHIKO HAUPAPA,
           Sent by the hand of PETERA PUKUATUA.
                        Letter No. 2.
                      Parewanui, Rangitikei, May 23, 1876.
   To  Henare   Tomoana, Henare  Matua,  Noa Te  Hianga,
  Paora Kaiwhata, Renata Kawepo, and Karaitiana Takamoana,
 —  Friends, salutations to you, who are conducting matters by
  which  we  shall obtain justice for all the people of these
  Islands, and you have also seen (or discerned) these things
  by which evil comes on us. Yes, give to Caesar those things

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            whakaa o pai atu a te Iwi ki te ingoa Kiingi, a kua
            kore e iia nga kupu nei, e, e noho iwi ma ona enei,
            Motu.  A na te mea  e ahuareka ana Te Kawanatanga.
            kia   puhia  te  Tongo nui  o ratou, e nga  hau
             katoa o te ao, koia  i.rapu rapa  tona ai  ratou
             ki te mahi e rangona ai o ratou ingoa, tena ko te pai
            anake mo te iwi te mea i wareware ia ratou te whaka-
            haere. E rawa  i kiia ai ratou, he Kawanatanga he
             matua he kai tiaki, a ka kotipatipa ta ratou mahi toa
            piwakawa ki te nuku o te whenua, kia tirohia ratou
             e te iwi. Kia  umeretia ai a ratou korero take kore,
            tikanga kurupopo, me a ratou whakaae, nei ratou mo
            nga tini mea. mo te iwi, a ko te whakaae kau to mea
             e put»; ki te iwi.                  -

                    To THE EDITOR OF THE WANANGA.
                Friend.—This is an account of some sheep which we killed
              because of our fear of the scab. Friend do you print this in
               your paper at once, so that the eyes may see, and the ears of
               the Maoris may hear it. And also that the Europeans of
               all places of our land may know. Friend, the flock owners,
                friends, the Inspectors of sheep, and sellers of sheep. Friends,
               the sheep which were passed as sound by the Inspector at
               Whanganui to be brought to Murimotu. have all been killed
               by us on the 28th of April," 1876. These sheep numbered
               93, and with them came also sheep from Patea. 116, which
               made  a flock of 209. All these sheep we killed for fear of the
               foot-rot being given to our flocks. But we have given for the
               sheep we killed, that ia two sheep for each oue we have killed.
                We did not see that the sheep we killed had the disease. The
                eye did not detect the disease. The sheep looked very well,
               but the suspicious had thought that sickness was in them
               and  for this reason, these sheep came from a district which.
               was infected by toe foot-rot. We heard that such disease
               commenced at Whanganui, and on to Akitio it ends. Hence,
                our suspicion of the sheep- We, the Maori  people, cannot
               cope with the disease. This 5s a word to our friend Mr. Moor-
               house, and to Captain Birch, and Mr. Meane.  Now friends, do
               you repay us in sheep for some of the sheep we have given to
                prevent the disease from spreading in our district, on yours
               and our flocks Do you give 299 sheep to «s. This word is
               to the  sheep Inspector of Whanganui.  Friend, we do not
                wish to say. that you neglect your duty, but what we say is to
                caution yon, as you Europeans know all about this great
                work of attending to sheep. We  say to you  that we began.
                keeping sheep in the year 1859, and up to this year 1876,
                our flocks have not in that time had any disease. As we did
                not, nor will we allow sheep to be brought here after those
                sheep we have destroyed. To our  Maori  friepds at Whan-
                ganui, we congratulate you on your trying to keep flocks of
                 sheep on your Iand at Murimoni but be cautious, as Murimotu
                is near Patea, and also near Napier and Taupo, and sheep are
                sure to go to and fro. Friends, your land has not been trodden
                 by diseased sheep, and do you get only those sheep that are
               found, do not buy any from runs where there has been disease,
               do not look at the beauty of the sheep, but at the sheep which
                are not diseased.  The foot-rot is a very-great  disease. If
                diseased sheep travel over your land, the disease will remain
                in the soil  and all sheep will set it and you cannot get rid
               of that evil. Hence we say you must with us be cautious.
                 "We think that the Maiori people can, if they like, attend to
                flocks of sheep equally with the care taken by the European.
                 of their flocks. We have had seventeen years experience with.
               our sheep here, and there has not been any disease amongst
                  them all that time.  Now   friends, let us look well to this
                  matter in future, so that diseased sheep may not be brought
                from any place to  Murimotu. If any Europeans does sell
                sheep to a Maori of this place, which sheep, are not sound,
                the act will be that equal to murder, because the Europeans
                 know  the danger, and the evil which such, disease brings to
               flocks of sheep. We say. and our word is one of determina-
                tion. do not let .any sheep be brought here after these we have
                destroyed.  If you wish to have sheep, buy them from districts
                which are not affected with disease. Enough from us, the
                Komiti of Patea. Written by

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                         TE WANANGA.

  TE RUNANGA ARIKI. No  tenei ra no te 15 o Hune i
huihui ai nga Mema o taua Runanga i Poneke. Na te
Ritihana, na Te Rehimona, na Te Rata Porena ua Te
Haraa i taki nga korero mo taua hui kia maua ai ta ratou
korero Runanga.
  Ka mea a Te  Watarauihi, e kore e pai kia oatitia ano
nga Mema   o te Paremata Ariki i nga wa katoa e tu ai te
Paremata o nga Mema e tukua mai ana e te iwi.
  K» mea Te Tumuaki o te Runanga Ariki, ma nga Mema
o te Paremata Ariki te whakaaro.
  Na  te Tino Tiati, o te Kooti Hupirimi i oati nga Mema
o te Paremata, 65 nga Mema i oati.
  -K* mea a Te Pokera, ko Te  Pitihapeti te tangata pai
hei Tumuaki mo te Paremata.
  Ka  mea a Kawana  Kerei, e pai ana aia kia whakaaetia
te kupu mo Te Pitihapeti hei Tumuaki mo te Paremata.
  A  whakaaetia ana e te Paramata, ko Te Pitihapeti hei 
Tumuaki mo taua Paremata.
  A mutu ana te Paremata i taua ra, kiia ana, hei te 2 o
nga haora o te 16 o Hune, ka tu ai ano te korero o te i
Paremata.            .                                
              PARAIRE,   HUNE   1G.             |
  Ka  tu ano te Runanga  Paremata, korerotia ana nga 
korero mo nga Pitihana, mo Hauraki, mo te Tai Rawhiti, |
me  to Tai Rawhiti mo nga Pooti Maori, ara, ko te Pitihana
kia tu a Karaitiana hei Mema mo te Paremata.
  Korero ana a Kawana Kerei i ana kupu mo te whenua
i Piako i hokona e te Kawanatanga kia Tamati Rata o 
Akarana.  "A mea ana te Kawanatanga he tika kia hokona 
atu e ratou taua whenua ki taua Pakeha, ko Kawana Kerei 
i mea e he ana, a kiia ana e Kawana Kerei, me Pooti taua 
kupu, a Pootitia ana e te Paremata, 37 i whakaae ki ta
Kawana  Kerei, .28 i whakaae ki ta te Kawanatanga, a riro
ana i ta Kawana Kerei, ara, ko te Kawanatanga i he.
   Penei rawa ake a enei ra e takoto ake nei, ka kitea te
he o te tohe a te Kawanatanga  i ta ratou tohe, a ka riro
 ratou i te riro ki te mate a Potoru.

   E taku Kamatua tangohanga, kua tu i a koe nga poutauhu o
 te whare, me te poutokomanawa o waenga, kua oti te whare.
 tenei nga taonga mo roto, whaona atu kia kii. Kei ngaruru
 koe i nga tini korero roa a to hoa mokai, ahakoa kapi te wha-
 ro i a era atu taonga, whaona atu enei ki roto i te whare i te .
 whaoanga  kotahi, kia kotahi whaoanga. kia kotahi wetitanga
 kia mahia toputia ai nga taimaha te tikanga ia kia kotahi
 ano panuitanga o enei korero roa.
   Na e ako hoa tuku korero ki te Nupepa. E matapouri ana
 ahau kia koutou tini whakamoemiti mo ta Hori Kerei raua ko
 Ta Tanara Makarini, me nga korero whakahe mo aua kauma-
 tua tokorua, e whakatikatika ia nei.
   Taku  mo aua tokorua, he wa ano ka ahua waimarie he wa
 ano ka  ahua aitua ta raua whakatikatika, kaati enei.
   I te Kawanatanga tuatahi o Ta Hori Kerei ki enei motu
 1846. i waimarie naana i pehi te whawhai a Hone Koke raua
 ko  Kawana Pitirei ka maa te rongo, kei Poneke, naana i
 hurihuri  te whawhai a te Rangi ko Kawana Pitiipi
 me   Kawana Retimana a ata  wehea ana mai e Ta
 Hori  Kerei  a Te Rauparaha ki runga tima te take, kei waiho
 a Te  Rauparaha hei tuara mo te Rangihaeata, ki nga iwi o te
 motu, a, ata okioki ana a   i taua wa. Kaati enei.
   A  naana pu i ata whakahoki etahi whenua o Hauraki o
 Ngati Paoa, o  Ngati Timaru, i hetia e te  Pepeue
 Mihitiare, era atu kai hoko o te Kawanatanga, me etahi wahi
 o Waitemata o Taranaki. naana hoki i whakahoki a Wi Kingi
 Te Rangitake  ki Waitara.
   Nanna  etahi o nga Mira Maori o te motu nei i whakahaere
 me  etahi o nga whare manuhiri, me etahi o nga Ateha Maori,
 a naana pu i whakatu nga Huperetene me te Paremata nui o
 Nui Tireni, hoki atu aua in ki Ingarangi. Kaaii enei.
   Ko Kanara Winiata te riiwhi, me Kawana Paraone, ka he
 haere nga whaka tikatika mo te motu. ka tu ake ko Potatau
hei Rangatira mo etahi iwi o te mota nei, kaitara te kino U
Waitara, ka uru etahi hapu o te mota ki taua mahi, na Kawa-
na Paraone raua ko taana Apiha ko te Makarini taua mahi ki
Waitara, ka haere Tara Pipipi Te Waharoa  ki te pehi i taua
kino, ka mau te rongo.
  Ka tu te Tiriti ki Kohimarama i te tau 1860, ka huihui nga 
Rangatira Maori  o te motu  ki reira, ka whakaaetia e aua
Rangatira te he o te tunga o Potatau hei Rangatira mo te
motu, i runga ranei i te mohio, i te ngakau hae ranei o au»
Rangatira, tawaria  ai.
  Kaore  au  i uru ki taua hui i te mate au, a ka tirohia i
konei te urunga koretanga o etahi hapu o te motu ki te tautoko
ia Potatau, ka ki kiia i Konei te whakaeke mo Waikato te riri.
  Karangatia ana e nga Kaumatua o te Hahi o Nui Tireni a
Ta Hori Kerei kia hoki mai hei ata hurihuri mo tana whakaeke
ki Waikato, i uru au ki te Komiti o te Hahi, ka hoki mai aia i
Te Keepa o Kuruhopa e Kawana ana, ka ura ona Kawanatanga
ki Nui  Tireni.               .
  Ka tino whakaturia e ia nga Ateha Maori, nga Penihana
Koroheke  nga Kaunihera  Maori, nga Tumuaki  Maori, nga
Komihana  Pakeha, mo nga takiwa Maori, me nga rori o te
rohe a te Arawa kia mahia, marama tonu taua Koroheke ki
enei whakataki. Taihoa e whakamarama nga he ki muri nei.
  Ata whakaaro  aro i enei tatau tahi ki enei Kaumatua teko-
 rua e whakatikatika ia nei e nga panuitanga a oku hoa.
   E aku tuakana kei pohehe tatou ki a na Maia, kei pohehe
 ano ki nga mahi o te Paremata, ahakoa kaore au i uru ki tana
 whare, kua kite an i te kauhuri mo te motu, me te whakahae-
 re kotahi o ratou i nga Ture mo nga iwi e rua. Kaati enei.
   Kiu iti aku wahi e ata whakaatuatu ki te marama o te haere
 a Ta Tanara Makarini.
     1. Ko te kohuru o Manukau kai rori i Pirongia.
     2. Ko te kohuru a Wiremu Maihi te Rangikaheke, raua
 ko Kanara Hone ia Tipene o te Urewera i Ohiwa, i kohurutia
 i runga i nga maungarongo, ka toru ki taua iwi te maungarongo
 Rapata Wahawaha.   A  Wepiha   Apanui, a  Meita Keepa
     3. Ko te kohuru a Purukutu i Maungatautari.
     4. Kohuru Tauaro Te Mataa i Oropi Tauranga,
     5. Kohuru a Tamaikoha i a Pene Waiti i a Wi Popata,
 i kotikotia, i taona, i kainga, pau ake, ki te puku.
     6. Kohuru a te Whakatohea i a te Wakana Minita.
     7.  Kohuru  a te Waru i a Karaitiana, i te Wairoa.
     8.  Ko te Kohuru o te Waitere, i kohurutia i Kawhia.
     9. Ko  tana whakahokinga atu i etahi whenua i riro mai
 i te rau o te patu a hoatu ana kiia hapu kiia hapa hau hau,
 kiia hapu hau hau, ki te tangata kotahi e noho nei i te takiwa
 o te Tai Rawhiti me te ra too. me te Tuaraki. me te Taitonga.
   I ata whakahokia atu ana hapa ki o ratou waahi tuturu ake
 na e waru kohuru, me nga whenua i ata whakahokia atu ki
 nga hau hau. kua horoia atu te ngakau Rino ki te wai mara-
 ma a te Kawanatanga o tona Minita tanga, kua mau te rongo
 kua iri nga. patu me nga whitiki ki te whare, ka pai Makarini
 mo  enei.
   E  rua nga mea kaore i horoia e taua Minitatanga.
      1. Ko  nga hara a te Kooti Rikirangi.
     2. Ko  nga hara a Kereopa, Tuahangata.
   Me ata whakamarama e au, nga take i kore ai e taea te
 horoi nga hara o aua koroke.
!  Kereopa mehemea ko tana whakahaunga anake kia patua
 a te Wakana a mutu ake, kua taea te hurihuri. Tena, he
  maha nga take kino a Kereopa.
     1.  Ko te whakahaunga kia patua.
      2. Ko tana hoatutanga i nga toto o te Wakana kia inu-
 mia e nga wahine, e nga taane, e nga tamariki o te Whakato-
     3. Ko taua otanga i nga karu, a pau ake ki tona puku.
     4. Ko tana whakahaunga kia tapahia te upoko hei kawe
  kawe haere maana ki nga takutai o te Rawhiti, ara hei mahi
  whakataratara i ona Hapu kuare poauau, kia ora katoa ki te-
     5.  Ko tana whakaurunga i a ia me ona Hapu hei tuara
  mo te Kooti Rikirangi i Patetere.
      6. Ko tana kainga i nga tangata tokotoru o te Arawa i
  to Tapiri, i kohurutia e ia ki te hangi, no Ngati Rangitini no 
  Ngati Manawa aua tangata, pauake ki tona puku.
    Otira ko te tino tuatahi o ana kohuru, ko nga Pakeha toko-
  rua i kohurutia e ia i Patea Taranaki, i waiho tetahi hei
  herehere, i patua tetahi, ko te pane i kawea haeretia e ia hei
  whakatara mana i nga Kapu kuare o te Tai Rawhiti, toi» i
  mate ai a te Wakana.

6 238

▲back to top
  1. Ki te pakaru ia ta Hori Kerei, nga tikanga o te Parema-
ta, a whakatuheratia ana tana whare ki toona iwi Maori, ae
ka taea e ia te ruihitanga o nga hapu Maori o tona
Kawanatanga.  Me etahi atu Kawanatanga i mai atu ia ia.
  2. A ka taea e ia te weet tuarua nga taimaha o te poaka
i waetitoputia i mua te Poaka, nga huruhuru nga paru, kawe-
eti ai eia te poaka anake.                       
  8. Ka taea hoki e ia to ruku te haika kua motu atu kite
riro o nga wai hohonu. Ki te taea e ia enei putake e toru te
hurihuri, a e kore au e mea ra e na atu tangata e ki ata hei
Minita i» mote whare, kao, engari hei Kawana tuturu ia ake
ake mote motu.  Ehara taku i te whakatikatika ia te Maka-
rini, ia ta Hori Kerei ranei, kaore e rite tahi ana to raua ma-
rama i tetahi wa to raua matapouri i tetahi wa. Titiro ia
nei kite motu, kua rakaunui nga mahinga a nga koroheke e
whakaaturia nei e nga panuitanga, me tenei hoki kaata wha-
whakaataata nei. Kihai hoki aua koroheke i ata mohio ki
te kupu o te tiriti o Waitangi i kii nei; ka tohungia e te Ku-
ini ki nga Maori, to ratou whenua to ratou mana o ratou motu
nehenehe, o ratou moana  ika ki o ratu uri me o ratou
whakatipuranga.  Na,  e aku  hoa whakaatu  kapa, kaa
whatiia ianei te tiriti o Waitangi e ta Hori Kerei a  kei
whea  ia nei te  tatanga  atu ki  te tahi ki tetahi a  te
wehenga  ki  tetahi ki tetahi o  nga  koroheke nei kaati
enei. I tuku pitihana ahau i ngara o Akuhata l875 a tae atu ki
te ringa o ta Hori Kerei i panuitia e ia i te aroaro o te Pare-
mata e ai tana whakaatu mai kia matou nga putake o taua
Pitihana he tono kia 26 nga Mema Maori, e whakaae e ta
whare kia pootia e nga Maori 1876 ka pahu  e ake, a i 1877
ranei, kia whita kai whaka maori mo aua Mema, a, ki te kore
enei putake e topu ki te tono tahi i te motu kia tono kia whakaetia
e te whare, a kaati, titiro ki nga kupu a Karaitiana Takamoana, i
korero poouri ai i roto i te Paremata. Me whakauru atu he
Mema kia nui. 
  1. Me whakauru, atu he Mema kia nui.
  2. Me whakaara  he Paremata e te Maori mo te mota.
  3. Me puta atu nga Mema Maoriki waho i tenei whare, waiho
te whare nei mo nga Pakeha anake. Ko au ianei e whaka-
ae aua ki nga kupu e toru a Karaitiana, hei tikanga tuturu
ma  ia iwi maia iwi o te motu. No te mea kua tuturu nga ku-
 pu o tana whare.
   1. kia tokowha tonu nga Mema Maori e tu ki te Paremata.
  2. Ka tino whakamutua te whakauru Mema  Maori, a 1877
 e haere ake nei. Koi nei an i whakaae tuturu ake ai ki nga
 kupu a Karaitiana, me Paremata ke mo  nga  Maori otira me
 tono katoa te motu ki te Kuini Wikitoria kia whaarahia  ake
 be Paremata Maori mo te motu, kia ko tahi ano mana e tono
 ai, kia kotahi ano whaaonga, weetitanga, kia toopu ai nga ta-
 imaha, otiia, kia kotahi ano panuitanga o enei korero, ahakoa
 e korero roa. Kaati au i konei tatari atu ai. Na too koutou
 hoa mokai koreroroa.
   Puhirua, kei Rotorua, Pepuere 28 1876.

            KI TE ETITA o TE WANANGA.
   He panui atu tenei naku ki nga tangata tiki hipi i nga
 pama  hipi o te Porowini o Haku Pei, kia kaua ratou e
 hari hipi ake ki taku kaainga ki Putauaki, me ona rohe
 katoa.  He whakaatu  tenei naku, e nui ana te raruraru o
 taua whenua, ki te haria ake he hipi ki taua wahi, he wehi
 noku kei moumou noa iho nga hipi a te tangata ki te mate
 mate ki taua wahi i au, koia au i whakaata wawe ai, heoi
                       NA PENETITO HAWEA.

7 239

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                      TE  WANANGA.
            KI TE ETITA o TE WANANGA.          
   E hoa e te Etita o te Wananga, tukua atu e koe tenei
 reta ki te Wahanga, mau e hari ki nga marae katoa o te .
 Motu nei, hei whakaatu ki nga iwi me nga hapu, ko nga
 tangata tenei i Pootitia e nga iwi katoa o Wairarapa puta
 noa i roto i te takutai o matou moana, puta noa i roto i
 Ruamahanga  i te ngutu awa, tae noa atu ki te kauru o to
 matou awa, hei tino tumuaki mo to matou takiwa katoa,
 hei whakahaere i nga kupu katoa e ora ai a Tamatea katoa,
 hei noho hoki mo te Whare Paremata Maori o nga iwi o
 te Motu nei. Koia  tenei aua tangata kaa  oti nei te
 whakamana e nga iwi hei upoko mo ratou, o to matou
 takiwa :—
           Ko Mikahere Te Tau,
           Ko Te Manihera Rangitakaiwaho,
           Ko Hinawera Mahupuku,
             Ko Piripi Te Maari-o-te-rangi,
           Ko Hoani Turi Te Whatahoro,
           Ko  Ihaia Whakamaiuru,
            Ko  Te Whatakorari,
           Ko Te Huki Hori Te Hunga,
            Ko  Raniera Te Iho-o-te-rangi:—
   Heoi he tangata ena na matou katoa i whakapumau hei
  whakahaere i a matou, me o matou takiwa katoa, ia tau,
  ia tau e tu ai te Paremata Maori, me te Paremata Pakeha
- hoki, e kore rawa ata matou enei wahi o nga iwi o Tamatea
  e whakarongo ki nga kapu katoa a te tangata, a etahi iwi,
  hapu ranei e tono ai ki a matou, ki te kore aua tangata
  kua oti nei te mea hei Tumuaki mo matou e whakaae: ki
  te whakaae ana tangata ki nga whakaaro a nga  iwi
  Maori, Pakeha ranei, ka whakaae hoki matou o ratou iwi,
  hapu hoki, heoi ano, na te Komiti o Wairarapa.
    Papawai, Hune 19,1876.

             KI TE ETITA o TE WANANGA.
    E hoa tena koe, mau e tuku ata enei kapu ki te Wananga
  inana e hari atu ki nga marae, hei matakitaki ma te katoa,
  ki te nui o toku whakamoemiti ki te tunga o tetahi hoi
  nui i karangatia ai matou nga iwi o te Motu nei kia tae ki
  Pakowhai, wahi o Heretaunga, e tino Komiti nui o nga
  rangatira o Tamatea ki Heretaunga  tae noa  atu  ki
  Wairarapa.  E hoa ma kia rongo mai koutou nga mea
  kaore i tae ki taua hai, ko taui hui rupeke he rangatira
  kaa  te tangata, tae pea ki te kotahi rau, tino rangatira
  anake, tino tangata mataa anake, he tino tangata na nga
  iwi katoa ano i ata whiriwhiri mo taua hui, hei kawe i a
  ratou kupu ki taua hui, nga ritenga mo te Motu nei, hei
  tuku ki te Paremata o te Koroni  o Nui  Tireni. Kaore
  ahau  i kite hai o te Motu nei kia penei te pai me taua hui
   o toku itinga mai, a tae noa mai ki naianei te pai o nga
  ritenga katoa, me te wehi o te tangata. I te mutunga o
  tana hui, ka tu te tino tina pai rawa atu, hei whakahonore
  mo  te mutunga o taua hui, nga kai o taua tina, ko nga kai
  katoa a te Pakeha ; e rua nga ra i tu ai taua tina. E hoa
  man  e tuku ake ki au tetahi panui o Te Wananga ki Te
   Teko o Te Putauaki, maku ano e tuku mai te utu ki a koe,
   heoi ano na to hoa aroha,
                           NA PENETITO HAWEA.
    Te Teko, Hune 15 1876.
              KI TE ETITA o TE WANANGA-
     E hoa tena ra koe, huri te mihi, ka tu te kupu;—Mahau
   e tuku atu ki te Wananga kia kite nga Maori me nga
   Pakeha katoa, e tiaki Hipi ana. E hoa  e te Paki; kua
   whakaae matou ki to Panui mo nga Hipi mate, i te mate
   ngerengere, ko te Ture mo taua mate ngerengere, e rua
   ona Tare, he utu tetahi he hoki tetahi ki tona kainga i
   haramai ai, e boa ma, kia mohio ki taua mate, ko taua
   mate ka pa ki nga Kau, ki nga Hoiho, ki nga mea katea.
                        MA PORIKAPA. TAMAIHOTUA.
    Waipawa  16, Hune 1876.
            KI TE ETITA, o TE WANANGA.
  Kia Henare Hira,—E hoa tena ra korua ko to Wananga.
Kotahi te kaainga  kino te whenua  ke waenganui o
Mataikona, raua ko Akitio, ko nga tangata i rite tonu ki
te Poti e piki nei i ranga rakau te kaha ki te mahi Kau,
e kore rawa nga tangata Maori o kona e kaha ki taua tu
mahi.  E hoa e Henare  Hira, me tuku atu. e koe taku reta
kia rongo mai o tana hoa Maori.  Pakaha hoki, ma nga
Pakeha e mahi Kau ana e tuku, he panui mo a ratou na
Kau kia mahia e aua tu tangata, na nga tangata mahi Kau
o Marainanga, o Ananga.

MO     TE  HOIHO    uha, be whero he hiore poto, i
       ngaro atu i Te Paki Paki i te 19 o MEI, ko te

Parani he R i te peke mam.
221                     HOHEPA    PURA.

          ONE  POUND  REWARD.
 LOST—From     Te Paki Paki,  on MAY   19, A
      CHESTNUT  MARE,  Branded B on near shoulder,
 short tail.
 221                     HOHEPA    PURA.

 KI    te mea ka haerea te whenua i Tamumu, a i Turanga-te-aki
      e te tangata, a e kore ratou e tika tonui te tino huanui, ka
 whakawakia ratou.
                           HIRINI HONITANA,
 220                        HETA  TIPENE.

 PERSONS       crossing the Tamumu or Elmshill properties,
       otherwise than by the High Road, will be prosecuted.

                         SYDNEY  JOHNSTON,
 220                         H. J. TIFFEN.

 HE    kore utu mai na te Pakeha, me te Maori, i aka mea i

 namaa  e ratou, i mea ai ahau me hoko taku toa me aku
 taonga. He mea atu tenei kia hohoro te uto mai a te Maori

  i nga nama, kia hei ai taku utu i nga mea a te Pakeha i au.
                                  NA  PAIRANI.
  202\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_      \_\_    \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
               HE  PANUITANGA.

  HE   MEA  atu tenei naku na TAMATI TAUNI  ki nga
  tangata e noho tata ana i Hehitinga, kua timata i aia

  tana mahi Parakimete  i Hehitinga, me tana  mahi hu
  hoiho, me nga mahi Parakimete katoa. E oti ano i aia te
  hanga nga parau pakara, me nga Mihini pakaru.

                      NA TAMATI  TAUNI.
                                 Hehitinga.       149

8 240

▲back to top
                          TE WANANGA.



   HE     mea na KEMARA MA  kua riro nga taonga A TE
   PINGIKI ia ratou, koia i kiia a ta ratou kupu kia rangona

   e nga Maori.  A he nui no a ratou taonga i utaina mai i
   tawahi, ma reira e kore ai e nui rawa te utu


    A e mea mai ratou, na ratou nga taonga i tino iti te utu o nga
  toa katoa o te POROWINI nei. A be kore kupu

          ahua whakahawea a ratou ki nga tangata
                                                                                                    .    -
                   haere ki te hoko i ta Tatou Toa.

                KO TE TOA A

                KEI TAWAHI   AKE   

         He mea na KEMARA MA; he mea hoko a ratou
               taonga i nga toa utu iti o to taonga.
                  Koia i tika ai ano kia pera ano
                     te ahua noko o a ratou



         TE POTAWHE HOU,
                    I NEPIA.

    MANAIA,                HE       TIMA,

 E RERE tonu ana tenei Tima, atu ano i Nepia ki te
 Wairoa, ka paki te rangi te rere ai.  He tima tenei
 e eke ai te Maori kei te kapene i te Tima, kei Te Taranapira i
  Te Peti te korero.  Te utu i te kapene mo te tangata eke, £1 i te
 tireti, £0 1 0 i Nepia i te Wairoa, i te Wairoa, ki Nepia ko taua
  utu ano. Mo te tana utanga £1 10 ki te ritenga o te ruuri, a
 £1 mo te tana wahie, me nga mea pero.
   Ki te mea ka kiia e te tangata aua kupa mo ana mea ka
  mahia he tikanga e ratou ko te kapene, mo era.     203

         TE  PEEKE

               O NUI TIRENI.
    Nga moni a nga kai tiaki o tena Peeke £1,000,000
                  (kotahi Miriona).

  E taunahatia ana e tenei Peeke nga Whare, me nga Kai
      puke.  Kia wera, kia tahuri rawa ake ka utua e
          ratou.  H« iti nei te uta ki tenei Peeke
                   mo taua mahi a ratou.
                      ROPATA  TAPIHANA,
  83                            - " -• Kai tiaki, Nepia.

       Kamatara Hoteera,
  KO    nga  Maori e haere mai ana ki Ahuriri, ki te
        mea ka haere mai ratou ki te Kamatira Hoteera
 penei.  Ka atawhaitia paitia ratou e Hone langa o te
  Kamatira Hoteera.

         Kahore  ana karaihe rere rua te ahua.
                                   •                \_\_                                   
           Mo  te Kai, 1s. 6d.; Moenga, 1s.

    Ko te Tina kei te 12, a tae noa ki te 1 o te haora.
    E mea  ana aia kia haere mai nga Maori ki reira.

                HE  PANUITANGA.
  HE    mea atu tenei naku, e mea ana ahau kia Riihi ahau
        i te whenua Maori hei haerenga  HIHI ranei, hei
  haerenga KAU  ranei Tukua  mai te pukapuka utu mo
  tenei patai aku ki " Te Wananga," Nepia.
  192   -                NA  ERIMANA  TUKI.

  NEPIA, Haku Pei Niu Tireni.—HE mea ta e HENARE HIRA, a he mea panui
       e HENARE TOMOANA, e te tangata nana tenei niupepa, i te whare ta
     Te Wananga, i Nepia.

                 TAITE, 22 HUNE,  1876.
   NAPIER, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.—Printed by HENARE HIRA, and pub-
        lished by HENARE TOMOANA,   the proprietor of this newspaper

             THURSDAY, 22ND JUNE, 1876