Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 3, Number 14. 29 April 1876

Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 3, Number 14. 29 April 1876

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                            TE  WANANGA.
Tukino Te Marae 


            (Na ta matou  Kai tuhi mai.)
                            AKARANA, Aperira 11.
Hutirini Korohi
Kooti Hupirimi
Himiona Te Rua
 Te Uru 
Ngati Hau a Te Marae

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                       TE WANANGA.
Te Urewera
Te Ranapia
Ta Tanara Makarini

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           (From our own Correspondent.)
                                                  April 11.
I TAKE  the opportunity  of transmitting by  steamer  ,
Southern Cross, some items of information which aro likely 
to be read with interest by your subscribers. On the 5th
instant, at the Supreme Court criminal sittings, Himiona 
Te Rua  was indicted for murder. The offender was repre- 
seated by a Solicitor, and pleaded not guilty. The  par-
ticulars of the case will be gathered from the following 
  A Maori named Te Ranapia, deposed he lived at Ranga- 
taira. He  remembered   the shooting of Te Marae.  He
was  working  at the the time with three other Maoris on a
 cultivation. All were working  in different parts of the
 ground.  While there, saw Himiona walking past, going
 towards Tukino Te Marae.  Himiona  was not living in
 the same settlement. He had in his hand what appeared
 to be a gun. Witness could not see Te Marae at the time
 as there was a bush between. Called out to Tukino. and
 on calling a third time the gun was discharged. Did not
 see Himiona fire it. Could see him at the time, or at least
 what he believed to be him. After the gun  was fired
 Himiona went back the same  way  he came.  When
 Himiona had  passed, witness went to the place where Te
 Marae was. Found  him wounded, but not dead. It was a I
 gunshot wound  in the left groin, caused by a bullet. The !
 ballet came out at the back of the right hip. Went for i
 the other men, and took Te Marae into a canoe. Did not 
 bear any words  spoken between  prisoner and deceased, i
 Could have heard them if any had been uttered. Took Te
 Marae to Pupuhinau.   He  lived some days afterwards.
 Himiona lived at Ahikeri at the time, and not at Waitapu, I
 where deceased lived. There is some  distance between
 the two settlements. Te Uru  was working as near to Te
 Marae  as witness.  Te  Uru  was in front.  Called out
 several times to Tukino to warn him because a letter had
 been received from  one Pairau, did  not call to warn Te
 Urn, but when witness  called to Tukino, Te Uru hoard.
 and also called to Tukino, called out specially to Tukino,.
 because he thought he, and not Te Uru, was in danger,
 consider Tukino in danger of being killed, on account of
 what had  been stated in the letter. The  letter was not i
 from Himiona.  The Ietter had been written on account
 of some persons having died through the witchcraft of Te
 Arae.  Considered Te Arae  an  adept in sorcery. The
 Maoris were very  strong in saying he was  so.  The
 persons who  had  been killed before he  died were  ten
 chiefs.  Witness belonged to the hapu  Hikukino.   Te
 Marae belonged to the Ngatihauas, and so did Himiona.
 Prisoner did not belong to the Uriwera, but did live there.
 When  the feast was made  a woman  took him into the
 Uriwera country.  Until the conclusion of the war with
 the Europeans the Uriwera kept themselves aloof from
 Other Maoris. When   witness went there it was during
 the war.
    Counsel for the Crown objected to this line of examina-
    Prisoner's Solicitor said his object was to show that in
  that part of the country, the Maoris having kept them-
  selves separate, were less civilised and unaware of Euro-
  pean  customs, and that therefore, prisoner was guided  by
    Maori ideas of a barbarous kind, and could hardly be re-
  sponsible for infringing European laws.
    Re-examined : This was about two years after Te Teko
  wa» taken, ia 1865.
    To His Honor:  Was  about the distance of the length
  of the Court room when Te Marae was  shot. Could not
  We how far Himiona was from Te Marae by reason of the
  tutu bush,
    After the address for the defence,
    His  Honor  shortly summed  up, pointing out that the
  evidence was very clear, and that the jury need have no
  difficulty in arriving at a verdict.
    The jury retired, and after a few minutes returned into
 Court  with  a verdict  of " Guilty," accompanied   by a
 recommendation   to mercy.
   His Honor  formally passed  sentence of death, with, an
 entematum, that he would communicate the recommenda-
 tion of the Jury to the proper quarter for favorable con-
 sideration.  The  Government,   it is expected, will deal
 leniently with the prisoner, taking into consideration the
 circumstances attendant upon the commission of the crime.
    Whilst, alluding to the trial itself, it may be as wel! to
 mention  an occurrence which  followed a similar murder
 some  time back.  The information  comes from a reliable
 source, and in my opinion deserves as wide a publication
  as possible.
    A Native, residing near Waiapu, believing that several
  of his nearest relations had died from Makutu,determined
  upon slaying the perpetrator, and for this purpose loaded
  a rifle, supplied by our paternal Government, mounted
  his horse, and rode straight to the hapu of  the witch.
  Without any  intimation he shot him : death immediately
  followed, and he rode quietly home, feeling perfectly sat-
  isfied he did a lawful and just act. A meeting of the
  chiefs afterwards took place, and it was unanimously
 agreed to. that in their opinion the act was justified, but
  that the actor had no right whatever to use a Government
  gun for the purpose, and as a  punishment, was ordered
 to pay the cost of the weapon, and at the same time, di
ricting that the rifle should ho destroyed, or broken. The
 rifle was destroyed, and shortly after, an Inspector under
| the Arms  Act paid a visit to the district, and was informed
I of the circumstance, 

Paul, of Orakei, near Auckland

 Judge Manning,  of Hokianga

  Sir George Grey 

Major Pitt 
Captain Read            Poverty Bay
East Coast 

Captain  Morris 
Mr. Kelly 

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         PEPUERE 28 ME  TE 29 o PEPUERE, 1876

(Ko TE  E. HENARE TE TUMUAKI i taua Hui.)    
   Hare Reweti
Te Mitara,  Te Mea,  Petera,   Te Puauatua
Rotohiko,  Haupapa,  Te Waiatua,  Eru Paimoe
Te Amohau,  Teni Tapehana  Henare Te Pukuatua


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                         TE  WANANGA.
   Koia nei nga kupu mo to hanga tokotoru i kiia nei, e, i
Mi  ratou ki te tohe o Te Kawanatanga mo taua whenua. 
 Te tuatahi. He Rangatira Kaumatua tetahi o aua tangata, <
 a e homai ana e Te Kawanatanga ki aia nga moni utu tau 
 mo taua noho mahi kore. Te tuarua. He  Ateha, e kai  i
 ana i te £50 i te tau, mo tana mahi, ara mo tana noho 
               .  He  mahi  hoki te a, kei rangona nga mate ia 
 wahi ia wahi.  Te tuatoru. He  Haihana  no  nga Piri-
 himana a e utua ana aia e Te Kawanatanga mo tana mahi.
   Koia na ananake nga tangata tokotoru o taua Hui nui,
 i putu ai he kupu ia ratou kei whakaao mo te mahi o Te
                          NAKU  NA TAI RAWHITI.

             KI TE ETITA o Te WANANGA.
   Tenakoe;—Ko   ahau tenei ko te kanohi kite ka tuhi
 «ta nei ki a koe, hei apiti mo te korero a Hone Kotuku, i
 ta-taku ai i te tino marama o taua korero, kua nui noa atu
 te tika me te pai o ana tataku, i a aku i mea ai hei tataku
 maku.  Ko  aku ka  tahi atu nei, hei apiti kau mo aua
 kauhau.  He  timatanga mo  taku ka korero nei, hei utu
 i te korero a Mohi  Turei,  hei tuatahi korero maku.  E
 Mohi Turei Tangaroa-peauke, na wai koe i whakaako ki
 to hori ? Na wai i ki, na to hoa i whakami nga Mema
 Maori ki te nohoanga o Te Kawanatanga hei Minita? e i
 har* koia ia Karaitiana i hapai i te Paremata, kia tu he
 Maori  hei Minita ? e hara koia ia Karaitiana i hapai kin uru
 ka Meina  Maori ki te Runanga Kaunihera, i uru nei hoki
 te kaumatua a  Te  Mokena  ki reira noho  ai hei ruruhi.
 kaua  nei ia e korero i nga mate o te iwi, i pera nei me
 nga Mema tokorua i noho nei i le nohoanga i whakahae-
Te Tapeta

Hone Kotuku 

 Te Makarini

  Te Rataporena  


 Hone               Waitara,


Aperahama Taonui


                           Na REIHANA Te AHU.

              KI TE ETITA o TE WANANGA.

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                              TE  WANANGA.

                          NA  RAIHA WHAKARONGOTAI.
     Kei  Taratu Hauraki.

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                              TE  WANANGA.
Wiremu Tuhiwai
Kawana Kerei

                         NA MORENA  HAWEA.
   Te Ranga a Taiana 10, Aperira 1876.

   Kia  Henare  Matua, kia Henare Tomoana,  kia Henare
 Kaiwai ;—E  hoa ma tena kautou. Tenei nga kupu tawai
 a o  tatou hoa kua eke mai kai runga ia matou e tawai ha-
 ere ana.   Kati utaina atu hoki a matou kupu whakahoki
 mo  taua panui ki runga ki Te Wananga" koia tenei. Ko
 a  matou kupu whakahoki.  Ki nga Iwi, ki nga Hapu.
 me    nga  Rangatira,  tena  koutou.   He  kupu  atu
 tenei ki a  koutou, kana hei whakarongo   ki te Panui
 a  Kereketa   ma, nae  puru   o  koutou   taringa  me
 pena  me  te pangu o te Pounamu Pia e waeatia ana a
  waho kei puta ake te mamaoa : ara, koi rongo koutou ki
  nga kupu tawai a Kereketa ma. Na, e hoa wa, kia rongo
  mai koutou, e whakahae ana a Kereketa ma i a tatou koi
  a nga tatou ki te Pooti mo Karaitiana, e mea ana tauro,
  kia Pooti tatou ki raro ta te Hotene, kia ta ai hei kawe
  i te morehu o Hikurangi ki te Pakeha. Po! koi toenga
  koi  aha, koia  matou   i mea  ai me   Pooti matou   ki
  te tahi  tangata  ke ata  kia   toe ai  te  tahi wahi
  o  tatou, whenna  hei kai karaihe  mau   mo tera wiki.
  Na.  e hoa ma, kia koutou kaore he he o Te Makarini, kia
  matou kanoi te be o te Makarini, nana te hokonga o Wai-
  apu.  Koia  te take i Pooti ai matou kia Karaitiana raua
  ko Kawana  Kerei.  E ki ana koutou, he patipati te mahi
  • Henare Matua rana ko Henare Tomoana, kia rongo ko-
  utou, nai ata te patipati o koutou me te hae  ora ki te
  tangata. A be hang* whakama  te riro tonu koia hei tono
  i te tangata kia Pooti ki a ia, ara kia Te Hotene. E hoa
  mm  kia  rongo mai  koutou, e kore matou e Pooti kia Te
  Hotene, kore rawa kore rawa atu, kore ki manahuna. E
  hoa ma, me mutu ta koutou maining* ki te tangata, hoe
  atu  i tou Waka,   kia hoe ake hoki matou i ta matou nei
  Waka,  a  ko te mea  e puta ki maa ka tangi te umere.
  Hem  ano. Na o boa pono.
                         NA WIREMU WANOA,
                        . NA PEEHI HORUA.
           KI TE ETITA o TE WANANGA.
 E hoa tena koe,—He panui i kite ahau, i te 12 o nga ra
o Maehe, ko te tangata nana tau panui, ko Kereketa. Ti-
tiro ana ahau ki nga kupu o tana panui, kanui te kino, ka
;ahi toku ngakau koroheke ka mea, kua kaumatua rawa
ahau, kite rawa «no ahau i te he o ana korero. E hoa e
Kereketa Mohi Turei Tangaroapeau-nga-ma
tau, ka whitu tekau ma ono. kanui to u mohio ki te titiro,
tei te noho mate tatou. Ko te putake o te mate, koia tena ko
to panui e mahara na koe, he tika moa kei kona. K taina
te tamariki, kotahi ano te hereni rere noa ki te miti pere-
ti, ko tona Kawenata me tona Rawiri, waiho ana e Mohi
hei taora horoi pereti ma tera. Ina hoki kua mahue tana
mahi Minita, kua reremai ki te whakapai i nga mahi kino
o te ao nei, te kaati he Rangatiratanga mona ko tana Mi-
nitatanga, mo  tena ware,  katahi ka rere mai mana hoki
tenei mahi.   E  hoa ma, e nga tangata a tenei Porowini.
katahi ano te Minita porori, ko Mohi Turei Tangaroapeau-
ke nga mahara ki te whakahihi. kaore pea ia e mohio ana
ki te kupu nei, ko te tangata e whakanui ana i a ai, ka

Henare  Matua      Henare Tomoana   

                          NA WIREMU  KATIKA.
   Te Paoteriri, wahi o Heretaunga,
     Maehe 1S, 1876.

            KI TE ETITA o TE WANANGA.
   Kia Te Waiti,— E hoa, he panui tena na matou, he whaka-
 puaki ia matou mahara kia te Wananga.  Kia nia mai i haere
 mai koe ki te aha? mau e ki atu, ki te homai ia matou kupu kia
 utaina ki runga ki te Waka kia te Wananga, ki te Topa i kiia
 ai mo te ao katoa, koia taku haramai. He kapu  kaa  oti ia
 matou mo te Rerewea, ina tae ki to matou whenua, te haere-
 nga o te Rerewea.   He ki na matou,  me  reti te haere o te
 Rerewea i aunga i o matou whenua,  me reti i roto i te taa.
 Ue  ki tuturu taua ki, a  matou, ki te koro e aetia taua ki a
 matou, ko reira ano kitea ai tetahi mahara. Ki te whakari-
 tea ki to Ingarangi kaore e tika, ta te mea. ko etahi a Te
 Kawanatanga  Ture no Tawaahi mai, ko etahi o nga Ture no
 konei ano.  Koia matou  i ki ai. kia Riihia taua haerenga i
 ronga i o matou whenua ina tae te Rerewea ki reira. He 4
 kapa  mo  te putu kotahi i roto i nga maero 12 ma rua, tera
  atu ranei, hoki mai ranei, ara ata ranei. Kia Te Waiti,e ho»
 maa  e tuka atu tenei panai kia te "Wananga" kia kite nga.
  Pakeha, me nga Maori o te ao. Me whakaatu mai te* atu o
 te Nupepa i te tau.
                                     HETA  TIKI.
    He mans ma te iwi nui katoa te Rerewei, e kore te utu taa
  ki te tangata e kiia e te Ture. Me haere pai te Rerewei i te
  nuku o te whenna. A ma Te Ture te tikanga mo nga whenua
  e riro ana mo te Rerewei.
                              ETITA WANANGA.

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                         KI TE ETITA O TE WANANGA.

                            NA ARAMA KARAKA HAUTUTU.

                     KI TE ETITA o TE WANANGA.

                                             NA TE KIWI.

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                    TE WANANGA

Henare Tomoana,  Henare Matua.
                             NA  PAORA TAIHAKI.  



            KI TE ETITA o TE WANANGA.




Wainuioru, Wairarapa

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                               TE   WANANGA.

          A.  KIRIKOA.

                                     J.  HENARE TARAKA.

                                  J. H. TARAKA.         


               HE  PANUITANGA.

                          NA TAMATI   TAUNI.

                                  NA PAIRANI.



                   KAI  HOKO.

HE   mea na  KEMARA    MA  kua riro nga taonga a TE
 PINGIKI  ia ratou, koia i kiia ai ta ratou kupu kia rangona
 e nga Maori.  A he  nui no a ratou taonga i utaina mai i



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                      TE WANANGA.
   MANAIA,                HE       TIMA,

E    RERE   tona  aua tenei Tima, atu  ano i Nepia ki te
      Wairoa, kia paki te rangi te rere ai. He tima  tenei i
e eke ai te Maori, kei te kapene i te Tima, kei Te Taranapira i
Te Peti te korero. Te utu i te kapene mo te tangata eke £1 i te
tireti. £01? O i Nepia ki te Wairoa, i te Wairoa, ki Nepia ko tane
atu ano.  Mo te tana utanga £1 10 ki te ritenga o te ruuri, a
£1 mo te taua wahie, me nga mea pera.
  Ki te mea ka kiia e te tangata ana kupu mo ana mea ka
mahia  he tikanga ratou e ko te kapene, mo era.      203

       Kamatira  Hoteera,
KO     nga  Maori  e haere mai ana ki Ahuriri. ki te
       mea  ka haere mai ratou ki te Kamatira Hoteera
penei.  Ka  atawhaitia paitia ratou e Hone Ianga o te
Kamatira  Hoteera.

        Kahore ana karaihe rere ma te ahua.
          Mo  te Kai, 1s. 6d.; Moenga,  1s.
   Ko te Tina kei te 12, a tae noa ki te 1 o te haora
   E «ea  ana aia kia haere mai nga Maori ki reira.

                T  E     PEEKE
             O NUI  TIRENI.
   Nga moni a nga kai tiaki o tena Peeke £1,000,000
                  (kotahi Miriona).

 E taunahatia ana e tenei Peeke nga Whare, me nga Kai
     puke.  Kia  wera, kia tahuri rawa ake ka utua e
         ratou.  He  iti nei te utu ki tenei Peeke
                  mo taua mahi a ratou.
                       ROPATA   TAPIHANA,
 83                                      Kai  tiaki, Nepia.

                HE  PANUITANGA.
 HE    mea atu tenei naku, e mea ana ahau kia Riihi ahau
       i te whenua Maori hei haerenga  HIHI   ranei, hei
 haerenga KAU  ranei. Tukua  mai te pukapuka utu mo
 tenei patai aku ki "Te Wananga," Nepia.

 192                       NA  ERIMANA   TUKI.
             HATAREI,  29 APERIRA,  1876.
 TAKENA           MA.,

                   ME     NGA       MEA       PERA

            He  mea uta hou mai aua mea
     A   HE     MEA TINO PAI

            Kahore he taonga i pai ke ake
I    TE        P   O   K  O   W    I  N   I    NEI

              Ue  iti te utu mehemea he
MONI           PAKETE
                               NA  HOURA.

KUA   tu taku Toa  hoko Kakahu  i Waringipata

      (Onepoto.)  A. ka hoko ahau i te taonga mo
te utu  iti.
                J. KIRIMIRI.


    KO H. TIIRI"