Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 2, Number 8: pp Abstract
pp Intro to Abstracts

Notices and Answers to correspondents
List of names of subscribers and the subscription amounts they have paid.
From the Editor. Concerns contributors' opinions expressed in the newspaper.
pp.73-74 [News items]
From the Hawke's Bay Herald
Description of Tāwhiao's movements en route to a meeting at Te Kūiti.
Report of a Pakeha, Moffit, making claims to being the Queen's representative and offering cheques for large sums to Maori for their land. States that Rewi [Maniapoto?] has instigated an enquiry into Moffit's claims.
Notice of a meeting called by Hōri Kerei Taiaroa at Otago heads concerning compensation for unfulfilled promises madeby Kemp, Mantell and Wakefield to procure Maori land in the South Island. Notes the compensation figure being asked for is believed to be two million pounds sterling.
Reference to the Prime Minister Vogel's intention to leave for England in May, travelling via San Francisco.
[English translation included.]
p.74 [Letters to the Editor]
From Paramena Te Naonao-a-Tūterangi and three named others, Tamahere, Waikato
Concerns a claim to land in the form of whakapapa [genealogy]. Refers to Mangateweka, Pātea and Ōtara at Rangitīkei.
[English translation included.]
From Nireaha Tāmaki, Te Riuopuanga, Pātea
A claim to ancestral lands at Mangatainoka and Mongohao, Wairarapa, by Ngāti Te Wahineiti and two other tribal groups [named], who disapprove of the Native Land Court's decision to award the lands to others and ask for a second court hearing.
[English translation included.]
pp.74-76 From The whole of Ngāti Hauā, who made peace, sent by Tuhakaraina and Rāpata Tukere, Tamahere, Waikato
Expresses the desire for all Maori to unite. Mostly concerns the confiscation of Waikato lands by the government. The writer lists ten issues that illustrate the deceptions practised by the government: the wars with Ngā Puhi; the quarrel with Rangihaeata; the Taranaki wars; the Waikato wars; the quarrel over the King Movement; the government insisting that the Treaty of Waitangi was signed by all people; the lack of equal representation of Maori in Parliament; trampling on the words of Tāwhiao concerning the non-sale or lease of Maori lands; the actions of the Native Land Court declaring strangers to be owners of the land; unfair bias towards Pakeha in a Maori-Pakeha court case. Also mentions the unfair system surrounding the government's right to pre-emptive land sales and suggests that this encourages profiteering by the government.
[English translation included.]
pp.76-79 [Letters to the Editor]
From Matangi Te Rātūroa, Te Riuopuanga, Pātea
Contains a whakataukī [saying] to describe the actions of two chiefs who have been involved in land claims at Waihoanga, Wairarapa and Ōtaki. Asserts that the Native Land Court has assisted the stealing of the lands by naming the wrong people as owners.
From Paramena Te Naonao-a-Tūterangi, Pātea
Concerns land theft at Whanganui and boundaries wrongly defined, which the writer says will cause trouble in the future.
From D.T [D. Terakarawhi]
A report in the Cross of a speech by Sir George Grey described as having mesmerised the listeners and as that of a true politician. States that Grey is the most popular politician and many influential people support him.
[News item]
From The Echo. Concerns a Maori, Mohi from Whangapoua, taken from Manaia, believed to be dying.
[Partial English translation.]
pp.77-79 [Letter to the Editor]
From Wikirīwhi Te Matauru and 26 others, Horoera
Begins with a tauparapara [ritual chant] and outlines the whakapapa [genealogy] of the descendants of Porourangi, the people of Ngāti Porou. The main discussion concerns a meeting called by Wikirīwhi Te Matauru and the Hon. Mōkena Kōhere held at Horoera, East Coast, on 4 March, to discuss an end to the leasing and sale of land belonging to Ngāti Porou. Also lists the boundaries of lands that should not be disposed of.
Refers to leaders' speeches and references to their own land boundaries.
[English translation included.]
pp.79-80 [News items]
Report concerning a measles outbreak in Tauranga, affecting young people of 20 years and under.
From Te Waka Maori: About a measles epidemic in Fiji, 300 dead in the Ovalue area and several villages depopulated. States that people are afraid to touch the bodies of the dead and on the island of Anguhu many bodies lie unburied.
From Te Wananga: Issues a warning to Maori not to run into cold water, their normal practice when trying to gain relief from the hot measles fever.
Encounter with a shark from Te Waka Maori. Reports of a miraculous escape by a father, when his son was taken by a great white shark, who leapt into the water, battled with the shark, killing it, and bringing the carcass to shore. Reports the limbs and torso of the boy removed from the shark, none of them mutilated.
[English translation included.]
p.80 [Notice]
From Te Wananga. Concerns a cricket match played between the Foxtown club and Ōtaki. Notes that as a report of the match has already been printed, the second report received from Rāwiri Rota Te Tahiwi will not be printed.
[English translation included.]
From M.Boylan, advertising his services as a gunsmith.
[English translation included.]
Terms of subscriptions
Subscriptions to Te Wananga are ten shillings for one year.
[English translation included.]
Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Te Wananga is printed by Henry Hill and published by Hēnare Tōmoana.