Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 2, Number 5: pp Abstract
pp Intro to Abstracts

p.41 Notices and Answers to correspondents
List of names of subscribers and the subscription amounts they have paid.
pp.41-42 [News items]
From the Otago Daily Times
An article describing the increase in monetary value to land once roads can access it. States that without roads land is worthless because regardless of how many crops are grown, there is no way of getting them to markets. Continues that Maori land is worthless because of lack of roading. Describes how Maori landowners could become the landed gentry of the North Island if they took advantage of road making in their territories.
[English translation included.]
p.42 From the Press Telegram Agency
A report from Whanganui describing how Parihaka Maori prevented two Pakeha, Broadbent and Diggs from Ōpunake, from running their cattle on Maori land, and some of the cattle were slain and sheep were driven away. Suggests that the troubles coming from Parihaka Maori are due to the work of the Native Commissioner, W. Parris.
[English translation included.]
From The Echo
Reports on a pigeon message from Ōhinemuri concerning the steady arrival of men on every steamer into Thames, and that two policemen have been assigned to the area.
[English translation included.]
pp.42-43 From Te Waka Maori
Wī Pohopohe of Waikato reports that Maori in his area are determined to build a church and to raise money to support it, and comments on the importance of schools and Pakeha education for Maori children.
p.43 From the Hawke's Bay Herald
An article concerning the increasing trade in black girls as servants in England, purchased by English families who make special trips to the Mediterranean area and bring the girls home. States that this practice is encouraging the traffic in slaves.
Article encouraging people into fruit growing. States that very little land is needed and the returns from a well-managed orchard are increasing every year, along with the increase in the settler population.
From Te Waka Maori
A report of the devastation in Kansas, America caused by drought conditions and a plague of grasshoppers, resulting in famine in an area measuring 158,000 acres, affecting up to 20,000 - 25,000 people.
pp.43-44 Good Templars
An item concerning the election of officers and establishment of several committees at a meeting held in the Grand Lodge of the North Island. Members were present from lodges in New Plymouth, Waitara, Bay of Islands, Waiapu, Tauranga, Poverty Bay and several other places.
[English translation included.]
pp.44-45 [Letters to the Editor]
From Nikora Rotohiko
Using metaphoric language the writer discusses the problems of the Maori. He addresses the ignorant descendants of Tawhata, talks of continuous lamenting and suggests that Maori were hooked like a fish [by Pakeha]. Complains that they are starving and generally living in poor condition despite the promise of a better lifestyle from the money they received for their lands, and that they cannot become like their Pakeha friends.
[Partial English translation.]
pp.45-46 From I.Hūtana
Discusses following the law of God and how this law should not be associated with the law of the government, which has confused life for Maori. The writer says that government land laws are to blame for Maori deprivation, not the adoption of Christianity, and that Te Wananga is demonstrating how Maori have been duped by the land laws and will enlighten Maori further in the problems affecting them. Outlines several examples of how Maori were beguiled into thinking that the Pakeha way was better and therefore lost their lands or are no longer capable of sustaining the tribes. States Maori are encouraged to seek solace in God, whose Son died to save them.
[English translation included.]
pp.47-49 [News items]
From the Taranaki News
Report of a meeting between King Tāwhiao and the Native Minister on 31 January 1875, held at Whātonga, about half way between the European boundary and Tāwhiao's main settlement at Te Kūiti, which lasted until February. Pakeha present were the Native Minister, Sir Donald McLean and Messrs Kemp, Mair, Bush and Davies.
Mentions Tāwhiao's speech about the return of confiscated lands, and the Native Minister's reply that the restoration of Waikato lands was not possible because the laws that had been passed in respect to those lands must be upheld. Also that the Government was agreeable for Tāwhiao to maintain law and order within his district and deal with any crime that occurred within the King country boundaries.
Reference to a wager to ride a horse from Vienna to Paris in fifteen days, which was accomplished with a horse of half English bloodline.
[English translation included.]
p.49 Native Land Court
A report of the Native Land Court sitting at Palmerston that closed on 20 February. The Native landowners and their land are not identified, but it is reported that they left dissatisfied with the Court's decision.
[English translation included.]
[News items]
From The Echo
Reports that Tāwhiao and his family have left for Kāwhia, and that he intends to establish his family there in the future.
[English translation included.]
From the Hawke's Bay Herald
Concerns a serious house fire reported in the Poverty Bay area of Muriwai, with the wife and two children of the hotel proprietor, Mr Libbal, burned to death.
[English translation included.]
About a funeral procession for the Auckland Superintendent, Mr Williamson, with sixty carriages spread one mile, and the funeral, attended by thousands of mourners including Sir Donald McLean and Dr Pollen.
[English translation included.]
From the Hawke's Bay Herald
Mentions the hanging of a Maori, Nutene, who confessed his guilt to Pomake, the Maori minister.
p.50 [News item]
From the Pourere district
Concerns an unusual stone found by a Maori out fishing. Discusses the way mankind discovered how to shape stone from a teacher living in the sea, and suggests that his discovery rivals the work of God.
[English translation included.]
Paneta, son of Henry and Agnes Tōmoana of Pākōwhai, 12 years of age and given a traditional tangihanga [funeral].
Hare Tīpene Te Paku at Waimārama, aged between 60 and 70.
Neta Tipena, at Takapau, aged 7 years and 2 months.
Te Mānihera Te Perohuka at Tāmaki, Takapau, aged 78.
pp.50-51 [News item]
Discusses the tangihanga [funeral] for Henry Tōmoana's son at Pākōwhai attended by Karaitiana Takamoana and Maori from the Manawatū and surrounding districts of the Hawke's Bay.
[English translation included.]
p.51 From the Taranaki News
A report of a meeting held at Tongapōrutu, the home of Tāmati Makikuruti [Thomas McClutchy], to celebrate the permission given by Ngāti Maniapoto for McClutchy to return to the lands of his fathers. Maori from the Chatham Islands also attended.
[English translation included.]
[News item]
From a missionary describing his visit to Parihaka where he had an audience with Te Whiti. Contains reference to Te Whiti's whakataukī [saying] that clay will not stick to iron [that Maori and Pakeha will never be alike]. The missionary also records his interpretation of several of Te Whiti's scriptures, such as Maori being the Israelites and the British Government likened to the Pharaoh and the Egyptians who forced slavery upon the Israelites.
[English translation included.]
From the Hawke's Bay Herald
Reports Maori have been congregating at Tauranga while awaiting passage on the steamer, Luna, to Whakatāne, where they will be attending the opening of a large carved house, which Sir Donald McLean will also be attending.
[English translation included.]
Reporting the arrival in Wellington of the Good Templar movement.
[English translation included.]
p.52 Discusses Julius Vogel's success in obtaining a loan of £4,000,000.
[English translation included.]
Advises Maori to take more interest in politics; reminds that each man has a vote, not just for the four Maori candidates but also for the electorate in which they live. Notes that a criterion for eligibility to vote is having freehold title to land to the value of £50. Says that if Maori exercise their vote, they will have a say in legislation and prevent a continuance of past legislation which has been blind to Maori needs.
Adds that voting will give Maori political power.
[English translation included.]
Terms of subscriptions
Subscriptions to Te Wananga are ten shillings for one year.
[English translation included.]
Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Te Wananga is printed by Henry Hill and published by Hēnare Tōmoana.