Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 2, Number 3: pp Abstract
pp Intro to Abstracts

p.21 Notices and Answers to correspondents
List of names of subscribers and the subscription amounts they have paid.
From the Editor. Concerns contributors' opinions expressed in the newspaper.
[English translation included.]
Discusses a law change that protects Maori from either being thrown in jail or having their land seized for non-payment of debts. Refers to the dubious land purchase methods used by some Pakeha and their interpreters.
[English translation included.]
pp.21-22 [News items]
Concerns the opening of a carved house at Ōhiwa, named Muriwai. States that the opening ceremonies were performed by Te Arawa and contains a description of events.
Also discusses the death of Ema Āporo, wife of Āporo Te Tipitipi at Ōhiwa. Gives details of her tangihanga [mourning ceremony] that lasted for four to five days, at which chiefs of Urewera, Ngāti Pūkeko and Ngāti Rangiwewehi were present.
[English translation included.]
p.22 From the Taranaki News
Notifying people of the autumn race meeting to be held at Kaiapoi, Christchurch, 23 and 24 of April. Lists the events and the prize purses.
[English translation included.]
From the Coromandel News
An article discussing a sample of cotton from a native bush plant in the Coromandel/ Whangapoua area. Reports that a sample has been sent for assessment.
[English translation included.]
pp.23-26 [Letter to the Editor]
From Hirini Rāwiri Taiwhanga [Ngā Puhi]
Covers many issues concerning Maori grievances. Begins with a welcome to Te Wananga but warns that they will need to explain their motives clearly if Maori are going to come on board. Expresses the hope that Te Wananga will accomplish two things: penetrating the minds of Maori with their message, and enlightenment over issues concerning Maori.
Suggests that it is easy to ridicule the old people who sold land for fish hooks and iron hoops, but even with their Pakeha knowledge Maori continue to squander land for money, and they have not benefited from the new knowledge.
Claims that money causes a block to people's memories and they forget the benefit of land to the whole tribe, and that the longer the Pakeha government rules, the blinder Maori will become to the harm this is causing. Adds that Te Wananga is seen as being the one to bring enlightenment.
The writer quotes an English proverb `Killing two birds with one stone', and suggests that the government purchases of Maori land to on-sell to British settlers is covering two objectives of the government with one act, it encourages new immigrants and discourages Maori growth.
Refers to a third `bird' as the death of Maori knowledge, and prophesies that it could be two or three hundred years before Maori children benefit from Pakeha knowledge, and that all they will possess is ignorance.
Criticises the Native Land Act of 1873 and says that because of this Act much land has been lost. Likens the Government to someone scattering a bag of corn in front of Ngā Puhi, who run about pecking at it.
[English translation included.]
pp.26-29 [News item]
Concerns a meeting at Ōpape, Whakatāne, to celebrate the opening of the ancestral house, Muriwai.
Reports that the visitors were groups from Te Arawa and they were welcomed by Whakatōhea, the tribal group of the Ōpape area. A series of speeches given at the meeting held at Whakatāne is recorded.
The first by Ranapia Te Waihau, Pāora Taia, Te Teira and Hoani Te Waihaku of Whakatōhea, who referred to the battles between their people and the Crown which resulted in many dead and lands confiscated, reported that two of their principal chiefs, Ikituoterangi and Hākaraia, remain prisoners on the Chatham Islands, claimed that their mana [power, authority] remained hidden in the tribal survivors, and announced their awaiting word from the Government as to when they will be returned to Ōpōtiki.
Reference also made to the number of roads being built through their lands, and the problem of land that has been twice taken by the Government, first confiscated and then leased or purchased, and to Te Arawa as the mediator between the tribes and the Government.
[English translation included.]
Reply from W. Marsh Te Rangikāheke, states that Te Arawa has no power to preside over the problems of Whakatōhea or any of the other tribal groups outside of Te Arawa, discusses the other two issues concerning the two chiefs living on the Chatham Islands and the number of roads that have been built through Whakatōhea lands, and comments on the amount of money paid for the land taken for roading.
Contains a list of groups who performed at the opening of the house, Muriwai: Ngāti Pūkeko, Urewera, Tamatea and Te Arawa.
Also contains a list of the people who conducted the welcome from the house: Te Whānau-a-Apanui, Ngāi Tai and Whakatōhea.
Reply from William King Tūtahurangi, asks that Te Arawa return the Whakatōhea land given to them by the Government, in payment for policing the area and clearing out the Hauhau practitioners.
Reply from Te Rangikāheke, rejects his claim.
Reports that the Te Arawa people returned to Ōhiwa, but when they arrived Te Rangikāheke's wife, Repora, became ill and nearly died, that the Pakeha doctor sent for refused to attend, saying that the Government does not pay him to attend to Maori patients, and the Maori doctor saved her life.
[English translation included.]
p.29 [Letter to the Editor]
From Tāmihana Te Waitātakina, Māhia
Advises the abundance of whales this season.
[English translation included.]
[Brief news items]
From the Taranaki News
A notice approving the government decision not to grant clemency to one Alexander McDonald.
Mr Charles Nairn of Pourerere has made an endowment of £10,000 to the Church of England.
Sir Donald McLean has promised that a gunboat will be made available to the Thames Naval Brigade.
The New Zealand Times denies that the Government offered a political bribe to Mr Gillies in the form of a judgeship. States that he was offered the position because of his skill as a member of the Bar.
[English translations included.]
pp.29-30 [Brief news items]
From the Hawke's Bay Herald
Reports Sir Donald McLean's return from the Bay of Islands and near departure for Thames, both journeys to settle Maori disputes.
Concerns a rumour that Sir George Grey will stand for the seat of Auckland City West, and that if this is the case, Mr Featherstone will seek a seat in the House of Representatives, possibly as successor to Mr Fox.
[English translations included.]
p.30 [Letters to the Editor]
From Rōpiha Te Niu
Concerns the illegal claim by Tūhourangi to his lands at Matahiwi, his claim being upheld by the Court, and his advice to Tūhourangi to leave.
[English translation included.]
From the Hawke's Bay Herald
Report of a successful government land acquisition in the Kāingaroa area, the terms of the lease unknown but understood to be favourable to the Government.
Mentions negotiation for a block in the Urewera lands, claims that the negotiations are peaceful and orderly and not marked in any way by violence or bloodshed. Expresses the hope that it will not be long before the Maori King gives up his lands in the Waikato, and adds that the success of the negotiations is credited to Sir Donald McLean, the Native Minister.
[English translation included.]
p.31 [Letter to the Editor]
From `One Who Heard'
Discusses a request by J. Mackay, the Government Land Purchase Officer at Ōhinemuri, to the Ngāti Tamaterā people to give their land to repay a debt, incurred through his generosity in providing rations, food, clothes and alcohol. The accumulated debt was £26,000.
States that when offered 44,000 acres at Waikawau, Mackay refused saying that this was not enough, and that the debt could only be settled by giving him land stretching from Moehau at Cape Colville right through to Ōhinemuri. Refers to a smaller block of 30,000 acres also offered but again refused by Mackay. Advises that the matter is not yet settled, and that the Ngāti Tamaterā are divided in their decision to give Ōhinemuri to Mackay, with the chief, Te Hira Tuiri, not agreeing to relinquish the land.
States that Sir Donald McLean will mediate discussions between the parties upon his return from the Bay of Islands.
[English translation included.]
p.32 [Notice]
From the Editor of Te Wananga
Advising that Te Wananga is now entering the New Year and asking if Pakeha would like to send their thoughts concerning the newspaper. Adds that they welcome any contributions from Pakeha.
[English translation included.]
From Knight Brothers: Requests orders for their grass cutting and wheat harvesting equipment as soon as possible.
To hop growers: Notifies the writer's experience in cultivating hops. Offers his expertise in this area and asks interested people to contact him through the office of Te Wananga.
[English translation included.]
Terms of subscriptions
Subscriptions to Te Wananga are ten shillings for one year.
[English translation included.]
Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Te Wananga is printed by Henry Hill and published by Hēnare Tōmoana.