Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 2, Number 34: pp Abstract
pp Intro to Abstracts

p.443 [Advertisements]
From Kohekerewa and company, advising their return to trading in Napier.
From H.Tiiri. Advertisement for tea and sugar.
From J.Pauihi. Advising the leather goods and carts that they supply.
From Rati and Rauniri. Sell beds and similar goods.
p.444 [Advertisement]
From Rāpata Pāma, advising the stud fees for the horse, Papapa.
From Eruni Ropini, advising that he is the chief mahi rohi [supplier of bread] for the Kuru Tepara and will buy good bread, two pounds in weight for three pence.
From Rāwiri Peremanga, advising the stud fees for the horse, Terenga.
From Hēnare Tōmoana, advising Maori to give their wheat to the millar to be ground into flour.
From Tāmati Tauni, advising his services as a blacksmith.
From A.Āperahama. Buys tobacco.
From Wiremu Ropitini, an auctioneer practising in Napier.
p.445 Cobb and Co
Timetable for daily services between Pakipaki and Waipawa, the daily times for the train to Waipukurau and the timetable for services to Wanganui and Wellington.
[English translation included.]
Advising that the election nominations will take place 4 January 1876.
[English translation included.]
From A.H.Parona, advising the stud fee, qualities and pedigree of the horse, Kairaka.
p.446 The Bank
Underwriters for houses and ships for a small fee. Signed by Rōpata Tapihau, Napier.
From H.Kata. Builds houses.
From Te Houra. Sells plows, harness equipment and carts.
From Hōne Peri, advertising goods at competitive prices.
From G.Pākina. Manufacturer of carts and harness equipment, and is an ironmonger.
From Nataniora Hākopa. Sells tobacco, pipes and cigars.
From H.J.Hiki. Footwear manufacturer.
From Rikihana, advertising his store that sells hats, shoes and women's clothing.
p.447 Answers to correspondents
R.R. Te Tahiwi. They are unable to publish his letter concerning the people who received confirmation in Ōtaki, but hope that soon all Maori will be following this religious path.
Kerei Tanguru, concerns an argument over sheep on [his?] land.
Arapata Maha. His letter concerns untrue statements in storekeepers' advertisements. Te Wananga are not responsible for these statements.
Urupene Pūhara, concerns banning alcohol from his district.
Heta Tiki. Cannot publish any remarks about cases still sub judice.
Kereta Muru. Have received his letter.
Īhaka Whānga at Nūhaka, Wairoa.
Roera Karauria, son of the late Karauria Pūpū.
[English translation included.]
pp.447-449 A Validation Act for the Naboth's vineyard of Hawke's Bay
Report and comments concerning the speech made by Sutton at a recent election meeting in Napier where he urged voters to vote for candidates who would support a Validation Act in Parliament. States that this Act would validate all land transactions that had recently occurred in the Hawke's Bay region. Te Wananga comments on the proposed Act being one to legalise swindling and cheating, and reminds of comments made by several people at the end of the meeting which linked Sutton with the others, namely McLean and Ormond. Also comments that these three are described as having recently swum pleasantly with the tide, but are now in slack water, which will soon turn against them.
[English translation included.]
p.449 Douglas v Pene Tipuna and others
Discusses a court case over trespass charges against Maori landowners, which were eventually dropped by the European lessee.
[English translation included.]
pp.449-453 The debate on the Hawke's Bay `Ring' land transactions
Report concerning the `Ring' transactions. Speakers are Mr Read and Mr Takamoana.
Read criticises the Speaker, Mr Russell, for accusing Mr Sheehan of being in the pay of Maori involved in the land transactions and because of the government members being implicated in the matter; suggests that the whole matter should be raised, as Sheehan has done, and that it be promptly dealt with.
Takamoana supports Mr Sheehan and raises questions concerning some of the transactions and says that the charges have not been brought by Mr Sheehan but by Maori themselves. States that Mr Sheehan has simply brought these to the attention of the House because of the involvement of the Native Minister and Mr Ormond, the Superintendent of Hawke's Bay. Also details his involvement in the Heretaunga purchase and states that he will not let the matter rest but will take the dispute to England if necessary. Criticises the newspaper, Te Waka Maori, which did not explain the Native Land Laws clearly to Maori.
pp.453 Correspondence
From Karaitiana Takamoana, Pākōwhai
Asking that a letter he has received be published in Te Wananga. The letter follows:
From Arama Karaka Haututū, Parama Ngātahi and all the Ngāti Whātua tribe, Ōtamatea, to Karaitiana Takamoana
Supports the speech in the House given by Takamoana concerning the land laws in the colony, and agrees with his description of the Maori members as tame parrots, and that it is the Maori land laws that are the downfall of Maori. Also supports his call for increased Maori representation in Parliament.
[English translation included.]
From Pāora Te Whatuiwaho, Kohupātiki
Criticising a report of the Mangateretere case in which it was stated that he and others were drunk for two weeks. Also states that the report is untrue as Maori are not stupid enough to celebrate that which they do not yet hold in their hands.
[English translation included.]
pp.453-454 From Mita Karaka, Rakarana
Reply to a report in Te Wananga [20 October, page 318] which originally appeared in the Daily Southern Cross and wrongly attributes drunkenness to the Maori of Whāingaroa. Suggests that the writer was probably short of material and invented the report, and that perhaps the writer should himself stay clear of drinking as it causes him to invent things.
[English translation included.]
p.454 From A contributor
Report of a great flood on 6 December at Foxton during which the river was in danger of overflowing and crops, animals and people were in danger. States that several hundred sheep belonging to Europeans and Maori were drowned, and that parts of Ōtaki township were submerged in eight feet of water. Also states that the sun now ruins crops that escaped the flood.
Notes that Kiuwe Roera Huki of Ōtaki, married Keriata Hūnia on the 20 November, and that Wī Perahama, a chief of Ngāti Awa, died on 28 November at Ōtaki.
[English translation included.]
p.455 [Advertisement]
From Makiria, describing her store and the goods she has for sale.
From Eruera Kotimana, advising that animals held at the pound will be sold if not collected within two weeks. Contains description of the animals.
From Hēma Karaina, advising that animals held at the pound will be sold if not collected within two weeks. Contains description of the animals.
Lists the places where polling booths will be stationed and gives instructions as to who is eligible to vote and how to register a special vote. Also explains how to vote on the actual election day.
Cost [of subscription]
Contains rates for yearly subscription, and the price for single copies of Te Wananga.
From Wiremu Takuru, advising that animals held at the pound will be sold if not collected within two weeks. Contains description of the animals.
From Tāmati Renao, advising that animals held at the pound will be sold if not collected within two weeks. Contains description of the animals.
p.456 [Advertisements]
From the Kamatira Hotel. Advertisement for hotel accommodation. Lists prices for meals and accommodation
From C.R.Robinson, advertising his services as surveyor and civil engineer.
[English translation included.]
From The Governor Brown Hotel. Advertising the fine hospitality and accommodation offered by the hotel. Also has good stabling for horses.
Notice to registered voters in the Napier electorate
From Rōpata Tuati
Agrees with the abolition of the Provinces, and will encourage increased Government spending in the area. Also agrees with a land tax and the mail service between California and the East Coast of New Zealand.
From Arihi Te Nahu
Repeat of a letter in Vol.2, No.31:402.
p.457 Horse races at Pākōwhai
From Henry Hira [Hill] advising the outcome of the recent races. Contains details of each race.
From Hōne Ropitini. Advertisement from a watch and jewellery maker.
From J.Kirimiri. Advertisement from a clothing store, competitive prices.
From R.Mira. Advertisement from a stock agent. Lists the breeds of rams and advises that he also deals in sheep flocks, and buys sheep for butchering.
From Pene Mete. Advertisement for his services as a house builder and architect.
p.457 [485] [Advertisement]
From N.P.Paranite. Advertising his goods for sale at the best prices in Napier.
Te Wananga office
Explains the location of the newspaper's office, and states that the printer is Hēnare Hira [Henry Hill] and publisher, Hēnare Tōmoana.