Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 2, Number 32: pp Abstract
pp Intro to Abstracts

p.413 [Advertisement]
From W.H.Binks, advising all Ngāti Kahungunu people living outside the Province of Hawke's Bay of his store in Napier. Sells saddles, boots and other quality goods at very reasonable prices, and invites people to come and inspect his merchandise.
p.412 [Advertisement]
From Rāpata Pāma, advising the stud fees for the horse, Papapa.
From W.Wika, advising that he wants to buy harness equipment.
From Rāwiri Peremanga, advising the stud fees for the horse, Terenga.
Notice to Maori voters in the Western Maori electorate
From Wiremu Paitaki, advising that Wāta Tīpa will be standing as a candidate in the next election.
From Hēnare Tōmoana, advising the services of a miller.
From Tāmati Tauni, advertising his services as a blacksmith.
p.413 [Advertisements]
From J.Pauihi. Contains list of saddles, harness equipment and prices.
From Kohekerewa and company, advising their return to trading in Napier.
From A.H.Parona, advising the stud fee, qualities and pedigree of the horse, Kairaka.
p.414 The Bank
Underwriters for houses and ships for a small fee. Signed by Rōpata Tapihau, Napier.
H.Tiri. They supply tea and sugar at reasonable prices and can arrange for goods to be freighted by rail if necessary.
From H.Kata. Builds houses.
From Te Houra. Sells plows, harness equipment and carts.
From G.Pākina. Manufacturer of carts and harness equipment, and is an ironmonger.
From Nataniora Hākopa. Sells tobacco, cigars and pipes.
From H.J.Hiki. Footwear manufacturer.
From Rati and Rauniri. Sell beds and similar goods.
p.415 Agents for Te Wananga
List of agents and their areas.
To correspondents
A disclaimer from Te Wananga that they are responsible for the opinions of their correspondents.
Instructions as to the layout of the articles and that all contributions must be addressed to the Editor of Te Wananga.
To advertisers
Information as to rates and conditions for various advertisements.
Cost [of subscription]
Contains rates for yearly subscription, and the price for single copies of Te Wananga.
From Henry Hill advising his printing services.
pp.415-416 [Editorial]
Comments on a recent article that appeared in the Hawke's Bay Herald concerning the Karaitiana v Sutton case in the Court of Appeal. Discusses the outcome of the case which concerns the repudiation of Maori land sales, and gives the
Court decision, which allowed for land that had been sold to be returned to the Maori owners. Comments that this is fraud as the land was sold legally, and states that it makes a mockery of the legislation that controls the sale of Maori land. Also suggests that another Land Act is introduced that allows for land to be sold without the majority of owners in agreement. Te Wananga advises that people read this article carefully and cautiously.
[English translation included.]
pp.416-422 The debate on the Hawke's Bay `Ring' land transaction
Report concerning the parliamentary debate on the `Ring' land transactions during which Sheehan produces further examples of the work of Mr Worgan, one of the four translators in the Hawke's Bay land transactions, who had been previously employed by the Government but had been dismissed for embezzlement of government money. Questions if this person should be holding his current position as a Resident Magistrate and Civil Commissioner, and quotes from Mr Fox, the late Premier, that Worgan was a man of the worst character who could not be trusted or believed. Contains further details concerning Worgan's character, and questions the validity of any of the transactions, considering the character and standards of the translators such as Worgan.
Also discusses the appointment of a Colonel Haultain who was sent to the Hawke's Bay area to enquire into the transactions against Maori owners but was unable to complete his work due to many complaints from Hawke's Bay Europeans concerning the validity of the enquiry. States that the work he completed did show defects, deficiencies and injustices in how land sales were carried out.
Other subjects covered by Sheehan in this part of the debate concern the Native Land Act, 1869, the Native Land Frauds Prevention Act, 1870 and the influence the Hawke's Bay European landowners had in the drafting of these Acts.
[English translation included.]
pp.422-423 Correspondence
From Hōri Hukahuka
Advises Maori not to vote for Maori candidates who have been paid off by the Government, and asks that Maori vote for Karaitiana Takamoana and Mita Hikairo and at the same time collect funds so that these men may remain in Parliament without being subsidised by the Government. States that this could taint their judgement against their Maori constituents.
[English translations included.]
From Aria Hikurangi
Refers to Sheehan's `Ring' debate, in particular, his reference to the ten-owner rule. Discusses a particular case in the Waikato area that concerns Hikurangi's tribe, Ngāti Tāhinga, and states that one of the ten names belongs to a member of the Ngāti Mahuta tribe, Hōnana Maihoa, whose tribe tribe has no claim to this land. Contains a whakataukī [saying].
[English translation included.]
From Arihi Te Nahu
Repeat of a letter in Vol.2, No.31:402.
From Heketa Te Awe
Has found a watch on the road between Pākōwhai and Teihana and asks that the owner contact him, and suggests a reward amount.
From Hoko Akihana [Auction House]
Lists of goods to be sold at auction on Tuesday 14 at two o'clock including boats and fishing nets and equipment.
pp.424 [Advertisements]
From the Kamatira Hotel. Advertisement for hotel accommodation. Lists prices for meals and accommodation.
Notice to registered voters in the Napier electorate
From Erumana Tuki, advising that he is standing as a candidate.
Advertising his services as surveyor and civil engineer.
[English translation included.]
Notice to registered voters in the Napier electorate
From Rōpata Tuati
Agrees with the abolition of the Provinces, and will encourage increased Government spending in the area. Also agrees with a land tax and the mail service between California and the East Coast of New Zealand.
From The Governor Brown Hotel. Advertising the fine hospitality and accommodation offered by the hotel. Also has good stabling for horses.
From A.Āperahama. Buys tobacco.
From Wiremu Ropitini, advising his services as a stock agent.
p.425 Horse racing at Pākōwhai
From Hēnare Hira, advising race meeting to be held Tuesday 28 December 1875.
From Rikihana's store at Waipāoa. Includes saddles, clothing, hats, women's dresses and that he has a seamstress available in-store.
From Hōne Ropitini. Advertisement from a watch and jewellery maker.
From J.Kirimiri. Advertisement from a clothing store, competitive prices.
From R.Mira. Advertisement from a stock agent. Lists the breeds of rams and advises that he also deals in sheep flocks, and buys sheep for butchering.
From Pene Mete. Advertisement for his services as a house builder and architect.
p.426 From N.P.Paranite. Advertising his goods for sale at the best prices in Napier.
From Pāteriki Kahikuru. Manufactures saddles, gigs and carts.
From Takena Mā. A clothing store advertising the best clothes in the Province.
Te Wananga office
Explains the location of the newspaper's office, and states that the printer is Hēnare Hira [Henry Hill] and publisher, Hēnare Tōmoana.