Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 2, Number 31. 04 December 1875 |
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TE WANANGA. HE PANUITANGA TENA KIA KITE KOUTOU. " TIHE MAURI-ORA." NAMA 31. NEPIA, HATAREI, 4 TIEMA, 1875. PUKAPUKA 2. PANUITANGA Ki Ngatikahungunu me nga hapu e noho ana i waho o te Porowini o Haku Pei. ——^,—— WINEHETI WHARE HEHITINGI TIRITI NEPIA. Kua timata ki te whakahaere mahi toa hokohoko taonga i Nepia. 1 runga i tenei mahi ka whakaatu ia, ko nga mea o tana toa, he tera, he puutu, me era atu taonga e paingia ana e nga tangata Maori. Ko tana tino kupu nui tenei kia koutou e koro a ia e tono atu ki nga tangata Maori i tetahi utu rere ke i te utu e tonoa ana i to Pakeha mo ana taonga. Ko ana taonga e hoatu mo te MONI, koia te take i whakangawari i te utu. Heoi ano tana i tono ai inaianei, kia haere mai ki te whaka- matau i te ngawari o te utu kia kite hoki i te pai o nga taonga. KEI NGARO TAKU INGOA : — W. H. PINGIKI, WINIHETI WHARE, HEHITINGI TIRITI, NEPIA.
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Te Wananga. HE HOIHO TINO MOMO REIHI. KO PAPAPA. KO Rongorana tenei Hoiho tu ai a tenei tau. Ko Pa- papa, na Reriwata, ko te whaea ko Waimea, ko Waimea ano hoki te whaea o Manukau, o Toitoi, a ko nga uri o enei Hoiho i roto i nga tau kotahi tekau, e rima toa. e rima uha, a kahore kau he mate o enei kuri, i nga ra e mahia ana hei Reihi, ko to utu mo te uha kotahi o £6 6 0. - He Hoiho whero a mangu a Papapa, e rima ona tau 15 ringa me nga inihi e 3 te tike tike. A koia tetahi o nga Hoiho tino horo o tenei whenua. I te Rrihi i Karatihati, te tau 1873. Koia te Hoiho i muri o Raurina mo te Kapu o Katapere. A e rua maero me te hawhe te roa o te wa i omo ai aua Hoiho. A e wha meneti me nga hekena e waru, ona i haere ai i aua maero. E toru ano ona tau i aua ra, A e waru tone me te rua pauna aana i mau ai i tana tuara i taua Reihi. Ko Rauriri, e wha ona tau e waru tone e iwa pauna i a ai e mau ana. Ko Tamapuriri o iwa tone me te ono pauna ana i mau ai. Koia to tua toru i roto i te Reihi. Ko Maniwa, e waru tone e iwa pa- una i mau ai. A i a Papapa te Reihi o Karatihati. Ko Kaatawei tana hoa Reihi, a, i a Papapa te Reihi. E rua meneti me nga hekana e wha tekau ma ono, i haere ai taua Reihi. A ko Katawe, he tuakana aia no Temepetana raua ko Tereta. I Akarana, i a Papapa te Reihi mo te Kapu o te Reihi, a e whitu tone me te waru pauna ona i mau ai i tona tuara i taua Reihi. A e rua Maero te roa o te omanga. E toru meneti me nga hekana e whatekau ma rima i rere ai, ka puta aia, ko Tatarina he Hoiho kua kuiitia, a e whitu pauna me te tekau ma rua paana i mau ai, koia te tuarua i muri o Papapa, ko Parawhenua e wha ona tau, e whitu tone me te iwa pauna i mau ai, koia te tuatoru o nga Hoiho i muri i a Papapa, ko Hetirita, e waru tone, me te tekau pauna i mau ai, ko Paraki Ikara, kua kuiitia e whitu tone e rima paana i mau ai, kihai tenei i mahia. A ko Papapa anake te Hoiho i te Reihi mo te moni Rerewei, i aia ana moni. A ko te moni o te Reihi i Hauraki i aia ano, e whitu tone e rima pauna ona i mau ai, e rua maero te roa o te Reihi. E toru meneti me nga hekana e rima te kau ma rima ona i oma ai, ka puta, ko Hetanita te hoa Reihi a e iwa ona tone me nga pauna e whitu. He patiki pai nga patiki mo nga uha, ka tiakina paitia, otiia kahore he he ki au mo te mate aitua ki aua uha. Me utu nga uha i te ra e kawea ketia ai e nga tangata, na ratou aua uha, maku te kupu kia tikina mai aua uha. RAPATA PAAMA. Waitahora. 108. HE PANUITANGA. HE TAONGA E HOKONA ANA. 1 Hoiho too Kaata, (ko Kepene.) 1 Whakarawe hoiho too Kaata. 1 Whakarawe mo te hoiho arahi i mua o te Kaata. 1 Terei, me ona mea katoa, Kei a W. WIKA. Hehitinga, Nepia. 156 HE TINO HOIHO REIHI. KO TERENGA. HE uri tenei hoiho na Ririwata, ko to whaea ko Pipii, (kei te pukapuka whakapaparanga hoiho o Nui Tireni te tino korero mo te hoiho nei.) He hohio pai rawa a TERENGA, 15 ringa mo te 3 inihi te tiketike, a he kuri kaha, he kuri pai te ahua. Ko Waipukurau a TERENGA tu ai i tenei tau, he pai nga patiki hei nohoanga mo nga uha, a e kore e utu te nohoa- nga o nga uha i reira. Otiia e kore ahau e mea kia utua te mate aitua ki nga uha. Me utu nga uha i te ra e riro ai i nga tangata na ratou aua uha. A maku e ki, kia tikina mai. £5 5s. Od., mo te uha kotahi; RAWIRI PEREMANGA. POA HIRA. Waipukurau. 106 PANUITANGA KI NGA KAI POOTI MAORI O TE TAKIWA KI TE HAUAURU. EHOA tena koe, tenei te kupu ka tuka atu ki a koe kia panuitia e koe ki nga takiwa katoa o te Motu nei, tenei tetahi tangata ko Waata Tipa te ingoa, he rangatira no Ngatipaoa, he tamaiti hoki na Haora Tipa Koinaki, e mea aua kia tu ia hei Mema mo te Paremata, mo nga takiwa katoa e tu nei a Wi Parata, ara hei whakahaere i nga ritenga o te Motu nei. Tenei etahi ritenga kei a ia. Ho whakaatu tenei ki nga iwi katoa ; i ta Hauraki tangata i whiriwhiri ai, mehemea tera ano to tangata a etahi iwi i e mea nei ratou kia tu ko ta ratou, me whakaatu mai ki i nga iwi katoa, kei whakahe kau i nga tangata tokomaha, i a kino noa iho te tautotohe a te ra o te Pootitanga, kotahi tonu hoki te tangata e whakaaetia ana mo nga maori i roto i te Paremata. WIREMU PAITAKI. I HE PANUITANGA. I •———————— KIA rongo nga Maori; me kawe mai a ratou witi ki te Mira i Waha Parata huri ai. A kia hoko ano hoki ! te Maori i nga paraoa ma ratou i taua Mira. * NA HENARE TOMOANA, Rangatira naana ake taua Mira. Nepia, Nowema 18, 1875. HE PANUITANGA. ! ———— HE MEA atu tenei naku na TAMATI TAUNI ki nga tangata e noho tata ana i Hehitinga, kua timata i aia tana mahi Parakimete i Hehitinga, me tana mahi hu hoiho, me nga mahi Parakimete katoa. E oti ano i aia to hanga nga parau pakaru, me nga Mihini pakaru. ! NA TAMATI TAUNI. Hehitinga. 149
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Te Wananga. KOHEKEREWA MA, o AKARANA. KUA hoki mai ano ki Nepia. A ka nohoia o ratou nga Toa hoko taonga i EMIHINA TIRITI. He mea atu tenei na matou, e kore e taea a matou taonga e nga tini Toa o te Taone nei, i to pai, i te iti ano hoki o te utu. KOHEKEREWA MA, Emihina Tiriti, Nepia. 135 KO K AIR AKA, TE TAKIWA E TU AI, KO WAIPAOA. KOIA nei te korero o tenei Kuri, ara, mo te Momo i Puta ai. He mea whakatupu tenei Hoiho e Te Ropitini. He hoiho whero a pango a KAIRAKA : 15 ringa te tiketike. He Kuri tino pono ana uri, ko te matua taane ko Taratona, ko te whaea ko Kaipari. Na Kaipari na Tetitonga, ko te whaea ko KAIRAKA, a na Pipio-te-poai aia, ko Karaura, na Pei Mititana, ko Papihi, na Rapitoke, ko Etinga, ua Rupene, ko Rama na Kohana, he tuahine no Hehita, a na Ta Pita aia. Ko Wurupeka, ko Witipa- raea, ko te whaea o Puhiti, ko Pipoteipoai, na Tanapiriti aia, ko te Paranikina te whaea, na Orewa, na Tamapota, na Wihana, na Maki, ko Tenipana, na Tikianaru, ko Horopaipa, na Tarapata, Runa, Herora, tuahine a Ikinipi, i ko Tetitanga na Orano, na Mihitikina, na Rokana, ko Ereketa na Porotakita, na Tamipata. Na Te Ropitini i uta mai ki Whakatu, ko Porotakita, na Orewa Korenewera, A ko Tautona he hoiho whero a pango. He tuakana na Piia. No, S. Haka i whakatupu i te tau 1850. No Mere- pana, ko Hinihira te whaea, a na Tatitone aia, i utaina mai ki tenei whenua i te tau 1858. He mea uta mai aia I i Tawahi ki Merepana. A e tino paingia ana aia e te iwi i katoa o reira, i te mea hoki e mea ana ratou. Koia te tino Hoiho nana nga uri tino Reihi o reira. He teina a Tautana na Piia, a koia te matua taane o Manukau. A koia te tino hoiho pai o te whenua nei. A ko KAIRAKA te uri o te hoiho horo, me te Hoiho kaha, o nga Hoiho tino momo o Ingarangi. A na Omene te Hoiho uha ; te tamahine a Tautana, i riro mana te Reihi i aia i te tau 1867. A ko te Hoiho uha ko Kanariri na Tautana ano aia, he tino Hoiho Reihi kaha rawa aia i nga hoiho katoa o Nui Tireni. A ko Atarata raua ko Ketetaramu, nga uri ano o tenei Hoiho. Atarata raua ko Ketetaramu, he uri ano raua no Tautara, ko Arueka, ko to whaea o Toratuka ko Titakata, me etahi 1 atu he tamahine ano raua na Tanitana. A ko Matarere, ko Ake, he uri ano enei, no te taha ki te matua taane. A i ko Minitiri, ko te Hoiho i a ia te tino utu mo te Reihi i ! Taranaki, no Tanitana ano a ia. Na Tautara a Mihiri no Wuruka. He tini noa atu nga uri o tenei Hoiho, ekore e taea te whakahua i te maha. Ko Tamariri nana te Reihi i Katapere, na Tautana a ia, me Mihipatini, me Rarapira. Ho uri ano raua na Tautana. E toru tau, a Te Rerewuru o Whakatu, i whakatupu uri ai a Tautaua. Ko nga Turei me nga Weneti a, Tautaua tu ai i Waipukurau, a ko etahi o nga ra o te wiki, ko Waipaoa aia tu ai, He patiki pai te wahi e tu ai nga uha. He nui te whakaaro tiaki nao nga uha, otiia kahore he he ki au mo te mate aitua ki nga uha. Ko te utu mo Tautaua mo te uha kotahi e Ł5, 5, O, ki te mea he tini ke nga uha a te tangata kotahi, ka hoki iho te utu. NA A, H. PARONA. 102 Kai Tiaki.
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Te Wananga. TE PEEKE UTU WHARE WERA, KAIPUKE TAHURI O NUI TIRENI. Nga moni a nga kai tiaki o tena Peeke £1,000,000 (kotahi Miriona). E taunahatia ana e tenei Peeke nga Whare, me nga Kai- puke. Kia wera, kia tahuri rawa ake ka utua e ratou. He iti nei te utu ki tenei Peeke mo tana mahi a ratou. ROPATA TAPIHANA, 83 Kai tiaki, Nepia. PARANIHI PETARA, Kai hanga tera, mo nga mea whakarawe katoa mo te Hoiho. HAWHERAKA. 77 HARE TAIHI, KAI TUI KAKAHU, HAWHERAKA. 78 HARE TEIRA, KAI HANGA PUUTU ME TE HU, HAWHERAKA. 79 KO H. TIIRI Te kai hoko o nga TI me nga HUKA, a he iti te utu o ana taonga e hoko atu ai, a he tino pai ana taonga. Ko nga taonga e tonoa ana ki aia, e tukua atu ana eia ki te hunga hoko, ki nga whare Rerewei, a koia hei utu i te kawenga ki reira. \_\_;\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 7 Ko H. KATA, MA. KAI HANGA WHARE, E NOHO ANA, i Nepia nei, TERA aia e pai ki te whakarite i nga mahi hanga whare ma nga tangata Maori o i te Porowini o Haku Pei. Na H. KATA, MA. 3 • . Whare hanga Kooti, Nepia. NA a. PAKINA, Kai hanga Kooti, me te mahi Terei, kai rongoa Hoiho, me te mahi i nga rino katoa e mahi ai te Parakimete, Hehitingi Tiriti, Nepia. HE mea mahi nga Kooti me nga Kareti, ki te tikanga o nga tauira hou, o Tawahi o Merika, a he mea mahi pai te hanga o aua mea. He mea peeita ano hoki eia, a he utu tika tana utu i tino ai mo ana mahi. 21 Kei a Nataniora Hakopa i Hehitingi Tiriti, TE TUPEKA pai, me nga TIKA, me nga PAIPA Mihini, Me nga mea whakatangitangi Koriana, me nga Wai kakara, me nga taonga tini noa atu. A he kotahi ano ana utu e tono ai ki te Pakeha ki te Maori. Ki te mea ka hokona etahi o enei mea e nga kai tiaki Toa, penei e hoki iho te utu. 6 H, J. H I K I, KAI HANGA PUUTU ME TE HU, HAWHERAKA. 81 Na Hati Raua ko Rauniri. NGA Moenga, me nga tini tini o nga mea pera. Kei ta raua Toa, i te taha o te Haku Pei Karapu. 15
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Te Wananga. UTU. E taia ana Te WANANGA Nupepa i nga wiki katoa. Ko te utu mo te tau, kotahi pauna. Otiia, let te tukua ma te Meera, kotahi pauna, e rua hereni me te hiki- pene mo. te tau. . Mo te WANANGA kotahi, ana tikina atu i nga Toa takotoranga o taua Nupepa, he hikipene mo te Nupepa kotahi. HE TANGATA MATE. Kua mate i Akarana i te 27 o Nowema l875, a Te Waiti kaumatua, 84 ona tau. He tangata tino tautowhito aia no te whenua nei, I tae mai aia ki te whenua nei i te tau 1819. A naana i arahi nga Rangatira o Ngatiwhatua ki Waikato i muri iho o te whawhai a Hongi i reira. A naana i arahi mai i Waikato a Ngatitamaoho, me etahi Hapu, ki Orakei noho ai. He tangata mahi nui aia ki te hohou rongo i roto i nga whawhai o mua. A kahore be tangata nei rite i aia, ki to kaha ki te peehi i nga whawhai, o nga ra o nga tino tikanga Maori. • DEATHS. At Auckland, on the 27th November, William White, in his 84th year. He was one of the oldest European settlers, haying arrived in New Zealand about the year 1819. He was the first European who, after the invasion of Hongi, on the Waikato tribes, with a deputation of the Ngatiwhatua chiefs, passed the porage of Te Whau, at Auckland, going up the Waikato river, where; after negotiating the preliminaries of peace, he guided a party of the ex- pelled Natives from the Orakei district back to where the city of Auckland now stands, and was with them when they were re-instated in their claims to that district. We think we are correct in saying he has been instrumental in preventing more Maori wars, and ia making peace between more tribes of these the cannibal people, than any other man who has lived in New Zea- land. TE WANANGA. KOTAHI PUTANGA I TE WIKI HATAREI, 4 TIHEMA, 1875. KUA tu te hui a nga Hupiritene o Akarana, o Otakou. Ko Te Hupiritene ko Kawana Kerei, i korero ki te hui i Akarana, a kotahi mano (1000) tangata i taua hui, mene katoa nga rangatira Pakeha me nga ranga- tira Maori ki taua korero a Kawana Kerei. A ko nga korero a Te Hupiritene o Otakou he mea ta ki te pukapuka. Ehara te korero a aua Hupiritene i te kupu ki, ki etahi anake o te iwi e whai Pooti ana mo nga Mema Paremata. He kupu ki te iwi nui katoa o te whenua katoa nei. A me korero e matou e Te Wananga nga kano o te piihi o nga kupu o aua korero a Kawana Kerei ma ki te iwi. E mea ana te Huperitene o Otakou, ko nga moni o taua Porowini kua riro atu ma te Kawanatanga e mahi ; e rua miriona, a kahore nei he hikipene kotahi o aua moni i hoki ata ma taua Porowini o Otakou hei mahi i nga mahi ma te iwi. A e mea ana taua Hupiritene, he nui noa atu nga moni, me nga taonga o Otakou i te moni, me te taonga o te tini whenua o Ingarangi. E mea ana aia na nga mahi a te Kawanatanga i kore ai e nui haere he taonga mo o Otakou. A e mea ana aia, he mahi maumau moni nga mahi a te Kawanatanga. Tena ko te mahi Porowini, he naahi tika i te moni, no te mea e puta ana ho mahi mo nga moni e utu ai nga Poro- wini, ko te mahi .Kawanatanga he mahi kau, a kahore he painga, a he maumau kau i te moni. E mea ana aia, ko te utu mo nga Pakeha e utaina mai nei e te Kawanatanga ki te whenua nei, mai ano i tawahi, mo te tangata kotahi e £21, 10. Tena ko te utu e utu ai te Kawanatanga Porowini i utu ai mo a ratou Pakeha i utu ai i nga ra i mahi ai taua Kawanatanga i taua mahi, mo te Pakeha kotahi i utu ai ratou .£15,1. He kupa tino marama te kupu a taua Hupiritene, mo nga korero e kiia nei, e te Kawanatanga kia whakakahoretia nga Porowini. E mea ana aia, ki te mea ka whakamu- tua nga Porowini, ku nui te he ki Otaku. A e tino he te whenua katoa nei, mehemea ka whakaaetia tana whakaaro. E mea ana aia, te take i kiia, ai kia wha- kakahore tia nga Porowini, he mea pea kia riro nga whenua o nga Porowini i te Kawanatanga. A ko aua whenua e retia ana e te tini o te Pakeha hei haerenga Hipi, koia aua Paaeha i mea ai me mutu nga Porowini kia riro ai aua whenua i te Kawanatanga, a kia tae rawa ake ki nga tau e retia ai ano aua whenua, penei ka iti te utu o te reti ki te Kawanatanga; a ratou B utu ai. A e mea ana tana Hupitini, me wehe nga motu nei, me Kawanatanga ano mo te Waipounamu, me Kawanatanga ano mo Aotearoa. A me noho he Kawanatanga i Poneke, hei Kawanatanga whakahaere kau i nga tikanga o nga Meera, me nga mahi Katimauhe. A e mea. ana te Nupepa te Ta o Tanitana, ko tana whakaaro a te Hupiritene a Te Maki Anaru e tino painga ana e te iwi ma o te Waipounamu. A koia nei nga kapu a tana Nupepa. " He nui noaatu te tino mataa a to tatou Hupereteni a Te Maki Anaru, ki nga tikanga katoa, o nga mahi o mua, whai hoki, he mataa taana, ki nga tikanga pai mo tatou a enei tau e haere ake nei; A he tino kupu marama pa ano hoki a Kawana Kerei mo nga mahi e mahia ino te iwi kia puta ai he pai a mua, koia nei aana kupu. " E kore e tino pai kia kiia be mahi tuturu ma tatou i enei ra, no te mea, ko ft te ra mutunga o te Paremata hou e tu a te tau e haere ake nei, ka mutu ano hoki nga Porowini; Nakonei ahau i mea ai, taihoa ano e korero he mahi ma tatou, no te mea he nui nga mahi me nga whaka- aro hou e kitea i roto nga korero o te Paremata. E kore hoki tatou e mohio ki nga Pakeha me nga Maori e tu hei Mema mo te Paremata hou, whai hoki e kore ano tatou e mohio ki nga tangata e tu hei Minita mo te Kawanatanga hoa. A e kore ano hoki tatou e mohio e whakaaetia e te Paremata hou kia mata te mahi o nga Kawanatanga Porowini. A e ui ana ahau a Kawana Kerei ki te Kawanatanga. E mohio ana ranei ratou te Kawanatanga ki nga mahi ka mahia e te whakaaro a mua. E mea ana ahau, ma te Kawanatanga e mea, ara e ako mai nga tikanga o te Kawanatanga e mahia houtia e ratou. A ma ratou, a ratou tikanga e whaaki ki te iwi. Otiia e kore tatou e raru i te Paremata hou, i ahua rara tatou i nga mahi maminga a te Kawanata- nga i tera Paremata. Ko tenei kua mohio nei tatou ki ana nukurau, ka tupato tonu ake nei. A rae pehea he mahi ma tatou. E korero ata ana ahau ki te iwi naana nei ahau i tono ki te Paremata, ko te mahi ma tatou koia nei, a o hara i te mea he whakaaro tino ngaro tana kupu e rapua nei. E mea ana nga Ture o Ingarangi, ki te mea ka whakaae nga tangata o nga takiwa kia noho a Kawanatanga ratou hei Kawanatanga kotahi. A ki te mea ka tae ano ki etahi tau e wehe wehe ai ano aua takiwe ra aho, a ka mahi ke ratou, penei be tika pu ano, ma aia takiwa ma aia takiwa, o aua takiwa te wha- kaaro ki aia, ki aia, moona e pai ai ano kia noho huihui ano aia i etahi takiwa.- E kore e tika ma etahi o aua takiwa e too Maori tetahi takiwa kia whakaae ki nga tikanga e hengia ana e taua takiwa No te mea kua he ra hoki nga tikanga o nga korero I noho ai aua takiwa hei Kawanatanga kotahi i mua, whai hoki, ki te mea ka kiia he tikanga hou e noho huihui ai ano aua takiwa, ma aia takiwa e whakaae taua e pai ai, ma aia takiwa e whakaae tana e pai ai.
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Te Wananga. He tino kupu rawa mo nga kupu a Kawana Kerei. Kawana Kerei Kawana Kerei Aotearoa Kawanatanga. Katimauhe Poneke o Poneke ki taua whakaaro. Kawana Kerei. Mehemea e pai ano ...iwi i tetahi whakaaro ke... hoki nga moni o tenei Motu o Aotearoa ki mahia hei pai mo te iwi ano o tenei Motu. A ki te mea ka whakaatia taana i korero nei, penei e rua nga mahi i Poneke, ma te iwi nui ...Ma reira ano hoki e mahi ai a Akarana i aana moni mo ana mahi i mohio ai hei pai ma te iwi. E pouri ...Kawana Kerei i te mea hoki ...he ara i nga whenua e tae ai nga mau A e penei pu ana te tini Pakeha me nga Maori e nehe haere ai me a ratou ...Kawana Kerei i mea ai, me ...nei, me Kawanatanga ano mo tetahi, Kawanatanga ano mo tetahi, "Kua rongo matou no te mutunga o te whai korero a Kawana Kerei ...Hupiritene nei. TE WANANGA. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1875. PUBLISHED EVER SATURDAY. THE Superintendents of Auckland and Otago have both addressed their constituents, the former at the Choral Hall in Auckland to an audience of a thousand people; composing nearly all the leading men of the City, and many Maori chiefs; and Mr. James Macandrew in a It is wrong however when speaking or writing of these gentlemen to say they are addres- sing their constituents, for as representative men they address and influence the political opinions of the whole of the electors. We shall best serve the interest of our re-dress by giving a digest of the views they Mr. Macandrew, after referring to Otago, says the Province has con- without obtaining a sixpence therefrom as compensa- tion, and states that the Province of Otago alone is superior in respect of the amount of its Revenue and the extent of its commerce to twenty-eight of Britains' other colonies. The control of the General Govern- ment he maintains has retarded the development of Otago, and asserts Provincial Government spend money more judiciously than the Colonial, giving an apt illustration in the conduct of immigration, from which it appears that immigrants cost us under Co- lonial control £21 10s. per head for importation, while the Provinces paid for many years only £15 10s. His Honor speaks strongly on the Abolition question, which we have striven to put plainly before our sub- scribers, and asserts that it will "be disastrous as to the interests of Otago" in particular, and the Colony generally. He says the doing away with the Pro- vincial Councils is "in a great measure supported by the pastoral interest, in the hope that it is likely to get a renewal of leases on better terms under Colonial administration ;" and evidently wishes to effect a separation between the islands with a federal Govern- ment existing at Wellington, confining itself " to those few subjects which concern New Zealand as a whole." Mr. Macandrew's programme will be treated with mark- ed attention through the whole of the South Island, for, as the Dunedin "Star" remarks, "no one of our leading has a better claim to a patient and attentive hearing on any point connected with our past history, present condition and future prospects." Sir George Grey has been, very frank and very ex- plicit with his utterances. With, regard to the future policy of the Opposition he thus speaks pertinently:— "At present it would be impolitic to attempt to sketch out any actual policy. The day after next session of Parliament closes, the Provinces will be abolished. Before then a great many contingencies may come into force. We do not quite know how the next Par- liament may be constituted, or who will be Ministers. We do not feel certain at all that abolition will take place; that is yet a question in the womb of time, and has ta be determined by the constituencies of New Zealand. But can the Government, if they remain in office, tell you What the future is to be. Strictly speaking, it is the Government who should tell what kind of Government they would set up. The Go- vernment should have gone to the country with that. But next session we are to be surprised with exactly what was attempted last session. Now, under such circumstances, what is our duty ? In my opinion, I speak to the electors of Auckland City West, and I say our duty ia very plain and very simple—our duty is this—the law of the Empire affirms that if the federation, is broken up without the consent of the different bodies comprising that federation, each, part of the confederation shall determine whether it will enter into a new federation or no, and upon what terms it will-do so." The importance of the latter part of the above quotation cannot well be over-estimated. Sir George Grey, like Mr. Macandrew with Otago, wishes Auckland made into a separate Colony, but failing the adoption of this course, says :—" I may tell you that some of the greatest minds in the last Assembly be- lieved that under existing circumstances,' and ia view of the.shock given to provincial institutions, that the best solution of the difficulty would be self-separation
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Te Wananga. of New Zealand into two states, and that each Island have in due subordination to Great Britain absolutely sovereign, powers within itself, and that it should yield up no portion of its powers except strictly federal ones to a small General Government sitting at Wel- lington, simply to regulate Customs duties, Post Office dues, and certain subjects of that kind, and that like states in America, each Island should be sovereign within its own limits, and that the General Assembly be the servant of two Islands, not able to take away any powers from them, but only receiving such powers as may by joint agreement be given them. with such a General Assembly and Government the members being small in number, and meeting but for short periods of time and dealing on these few points, there would be but little difficulty in carrying out such a plan. , Even some leading men at Wellington have signified entire acquiesence that in case of Auckland being made the capital of the Northern Island with a Federal Govern- ment, retaining its seat at Wellington, he would feel it his duty to accord with this if public sentiment were in that direction, although he would sacrifice something of his own feelings, he would see a chance of prosperity being restored to New Zealand, and the North, haying its own revenue spent among them. He thought that this was the scheme which people should bend their minds to. They would have two legislatures in the North Island, one at Wellington, and the other at Auckland, sitting under the direct eye of the public whose welfare their actions effected. They would see again Auckland able to spend her fair share of money, and able to avail herself of all advantages. It was a melancholy thing for him to see no road to the districts near his habitation, and to see residents like savages in canoes waiting at points on their journey to send produce to Auckland, therefore in all parts of the Province his heart yearned to have a different state of things. It was for this that he recommended the plan of separation." Three cheers for Sir George Grey and separation concluded the meeting. At the risk of being considered prolix, we have striven to put the views of both these gentlemen impartially before our readers, so that they can have a clear and unbiassed opinion of the. views of two statesmen of unquestionable ability and honesty. No te Weneti o tenei wiki i whakataua ai e nga Tiati o te Kooti Hupirimi nga kupu whakaotinga o. te whakawa o Te Pakiaka, ara, mo Mangateretere, koia nei nga kupu o te waea mai o Poneke ki te Nupepa ki te Terekarawhi o Nepia. "Kua whakataua e te Kooti Hupirimi nga kupu whakaotinga mo Mangateretere, mo te whakawa a Karai- tiana kia Tatana, kua riro i a Karaitiana, te papa o te whakawa. A i mea nga Tiati, ko te hoko i hoko aia Te Waaka Kawatini raua ko Tareha, he hoko tika era, (ara, ma te Pakeha a rana hea i hoko ai). A ko te kea a Karauna, ka hoki mai tera ki nga tamariki a Karauria, (engari e riro te wehenga tuaiwa i te Pakeha o ,ta Karauria). A ko nga hoko, nae nga Riihi, me. nga mahi- nga katoa i mahia ai taua whenua i muri mai o te tau 1899, kua he katoa, kahore he mana o era, ki te mea e hara i te mea whakaae e te tokomaha o te tangata o te Karauna Karaati (ara, he mahi kihai i mana i te Ture). Hei titiro tenei ma nga Maori, he tino rironga ki te Maori, • a e rua kooti Hupirimi i mahia ai, a koia nei te otinga. On Wednesday last, the Court of Appeal gave judgment in ihe case of Karaitiana v. Sutton. It was substantially in
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Te Wananga, rawa kitea e tahi Pakeha hei Huuri i Nepia, o nga Pake- ha ki ano i noni a ratou whakaaro i te mahinga ki te hoko whenua i nga Maori, a e kore ai e tika ta ratou mahi i te rapu rapu tikanga tika mo aua tu whakawa whenua. A ko te whakawa e korero nei ahau, Ahakoa i tino rapua e matou ko aku hoa Roia, kia kana te tahi Pakeha i pa ki te hoko raru i nga whenua a te Maori hei Huuri, Ahakoa te kau ma rua ano Pakeha i kiia hei Huuri. Otiia i roto i taua tekau ma rua, e rima o taua te kau ma rua i pa ki taua hoko rara i te whenua, a kotahi o ratou i nama moni ata kia Tatana, a he kai Mokete aia na Tatana. Me korero e ahau e tahi o nga kupu i whakataua e te Huuri mo taua whakawa. He whenua hoki tana whenua i whakawakia ko tetahi waahi i waiho ma nga Maori. A no muri iho o taua korero hoko i kitea ai, e, kua pau katoa ano hoki te waahi i kiia ra ma nga Maori, ki roto i te whenua i tukua ra ki te Pakeha. A i te ra i kitea ai taua mohiotanga e Tatana, kihai i whaakina eia ki nga Maori. A no muri iho i hokona ai e nga Maori te whenua i mohio ai ratou kua oti ano ia ratou te Riihi. A i pau he ano hoki te whenua i nohoia ra e aua Maori ki roto ki taua whenua i hokona nei. Ko tetahi patai tenei i uia ki te Huuri. " 2. I nga ra i whakaritea ai taua mokete, ki te tikanga o tana pukapuka, mo taua tono mo tenei whakawa i tukua mai nei ki tenei Kooti. I whakaaetia a kupu kau, e Tatana, e Paora ma, ko te whenua katoa i roto i te Karauna Karaati, e kiia nei e taua pukapuka i tukua ki te Kooti, mo taua whakawa nei, kia pau katoa taua whenua ki roto ki te mokete." " Ae, ki te tikanga kia Paora. Otira kahore kia Reewi Haukore." "4. He hoa Roia ano to Paora ma, i mua atu ranei, i nga ra ano ranei i mahia ai te pukapuka o te mokete.—Kahore." " A ko tetahi o raua o aua Maori i kiia e te Huuri, kihai aia i mohio. A koia nei te patai. " 5. I mohio ano ranei a Paora raua ko Reewi, a ko tehea o raua i matau, i pau katoa te whenua i kiia i roto i te Karaati, i pau ki roto i te korero o te mokete." "Ae. ko Paora Torotoro anake (i mohio)." " 5A. I korerotia ano ranei, a i whakamaoritia ranei, kia Paora raua ko Reewi i raua atu o te wa i tuhituhia ai e raua o raua ingoa ki taua Riiri. A i mohio pu ano raua ki te ritenga, ma nga tikanga katoa o taua mokete." " Ae, i korerotia ano, i whakamaoritia ano. I whakama- ramatia ano. Otiia kahore he korero e mohiotia ai. I mata- una (taua mokete) e Reewi Haukore." A e mohio mai ana koutou ki te tikanga o aua kupu a te Huuri, ara, e penei mai ana. Ahakoa i mohio ono a Paora Torotoro ki te tikanga o tana mahi i mahi ai, kihai a Reewi Haukore i mohio. A koia nei tetahi patai ki te Huuri. " 7. He hoa Roia ano ranei ta Paora noa hei ako i a raua mo taua Riiri hoko i te wa i tuhituhia ai nga ingoa ki te Riiri hoko o te whenua.—Kahore." "8. I mohio ano ranei ia Paora ma, i te ra i tuhituhia ai o rana ingoa ki taua Riiri o te hoko o taua whenua. A ko tehea o raua i mohio ; i pau katoa ki roto ki taua Riiri hoko, te whenua i kiia i roto i te Karauna Karaati." " Ae, ko Paora Torotoro." E mea ana te ritenga o enei kupu, he pono kihai a Reewi Haukore i. mohio. A koia nei te patai mo te Riiri hoko o taua whenua. " 8A. A ko taua Riiri o te hoko o taua whenua, i korerotia ano kia Paora ma, i whakamaoritia ano, i whakamaramatia ano, i mua atu o te wa i tuhituhia ai e rana o raua ingoa ki taua Ruri. A i mohio pu ano raua ki te tikanga, me nga ritenga o taua Riiri ?" "Ae, I korerotia ano. I whakamaramatia ano kia raua ngatahi. Otiia kahore he korero e mohiotia ai, i matauria taua Riiri e Reewi Haukore. I matauria ano ia, e Paora." A koia na nga kupu i whakataua e "te Huuri mo taua. whakawa, kia mohio mai koutou, kaua e kiia, e whakahe ano ahau i nga kupu a Te Tiati, i taua whakawa nei. Otiia ko taku mea e mea atu nei kia koutou ki te Paremata nei, he mea kia mohio ai koutou, i te tika kia mahia ko nga Pakeha reo Maori hei kai whakamaori, hoi te Pakeha tino mohio, kia tika ai ta ratou whakaatu i nga tikanga o nga mea ki nga Maori, o nga Riiri e tuhituhi ai nga Maori. A kia kaua e waiho ma te Huuri e rapu i roto i nga tikanga o Te Ture kia kitea ai, mehemea i mohio ranei nga Maori ki nga tikanga o nga Riiri i tuhituhia ai
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Te Wananga. e aua Maori a ratou ingoa. He mea ata rapu rapu e au nga tikanga o nga mahi hoko i hokona ai, a i riro ai a Heretaunga. He mea hoki naku, ko taua whenua i rito ona tikanga ki nga tikanga raru o te tini noa atu o nga whenua o Ahuriri. A he mea pono atu tenei naku i aku kupu ki te Paremata nei, koia na te whenua kotahi i raru. A he tini noa atu ano nga whenua penei, a ko aua tini whenua, a nga ra e mahia ai, penei ka kitea nga mahi i mahia hetia i te hokonga, e raru ai nga Pakeha na ratou i hoko aua whenua. He nui noa atu ano hoki nga wahine marena i meinga e aua Pakeha kia tuhituhi aua wahine i a ratou ingoa i nga ra ki ano nga taane o aua wahine i whakaae kia tuhituhi nua wahine. A he nui ano hoki nga mahi i kiia e nga Pakeha kia tuhituhi nga tamariki popoki i a ratou ingoa ki nga Riiri hoko whenua. A he Riiri nui noa atu te mano tini o nga utu o nga whenua i aua Riiri. I kite ahau i tetahi Riiri, ko nga eka o te whenua i kiiia i roto i taua Riiri, he mano tini ! A he nui rawa nga tikanga o nga kupu i tuhituhia ki roto ki taua Riiri. A e mau ana i tetahi taha o taua Riiri, nga korero, e, i whakamaoritia taua Riiri, ki tetahi tamaiti iti rawa, a i tono mohio pu taua tamaiti iti ki nga tikanga katoa o taua Riiri. A ka mea atu ahau ki nga tino tangata Mena mohio o tenei Paremata, kia ki mai ratou, he pehea ranei ta ratou e titiro ai, ki te mohio e mohio ai te tamaiti ki ana tikanga, a he tino kupu tika ranei nga kupu o te tu tuhituhi pera. A e mea atu ana ahau ki te Paremata nei, ma ratou e kii he kupu hei whakapuaki i ta ratou whakaaro i kite ai mo ana mahi e korero nei ahau. A he nui noa atu nga Riiri i tuhituhia e nga tino koroheke. He mea hoki ko aua tu koroheke i takoto, a he tino turoro aua tangata ; whai hoki kihai nua koroheke Maori i tata mai ki te tangata hei ako tika i a ratou, e matau ai ratou ki te tikanga o te mahi e mahi ai ratou. A kihai ano hoki aua koroheke i mohio ki te tikanga o nga kupu o aua Riiri. A na te mea kua ruhi nga tinana, kia pouri nga whakaaro, kihai ana koroheke i mohio ki te tikanga o nga mahi i mahi ai ratou. He mea ki tika enei kupu e au. A ki te mea ka ki te Paremata nei kia whakawakia aua kupu aku, e pai ana ahau, kia rapurapua mai e koutou e te Paremata nei nga take i kiia ai aua kupu nei e au, a maku e whaaki nga take i kitea ai aua kupu e au. Me korero ano ahau i te tahi tangata kai whakamaori ko J. P. Hemara he kai whakamaori ano aia i Ahuriri. Ko enei kupu aku he mea korero e ahau, kia korero mai ai ano hoki a Ta Ta- nara Makaringi ki nua kupu aku. He mea hoki ko taua tangata J. P. Hemara, he mea whakamutu tana mahi Kawa- natanga e te Rata Porena, mo te mahi he a te Hemara. I tukua mai ano e Te Hemara tana Pitihana ki te Paremata nei, a mahia aua nga korero o tana Pitihana e te Komiti rapu rapu he, a te Paremata nei.' A ko nga kupu a tana Komiti i mea, ko te Hemara i he. Ki ta taku whakaaro i mohio ai ki te tikanga o nga kupu a tana Komiti mo te Hemara he mea kia te Hemara. " Kaitoa ano kia he." Otiia, kihai i roa tana nohonga mahi kore i te Kawanatanga, he mea whakamahi ano aia ki nga. mahi Kawanatanga i Ta Tanara Makarini, kihai i titiro a Ta Tanara Makarini, e, he mea whakamutu te mahi a te Hemara e te Aihana o te tino Kawanatanga e Rata Porena, mo te mahi he a te Hemara. A ko taua tangata, i enei ra ano, kei te mahi hoko whenua aia mo te Kawanatanga. A he nui hoki nga moni a te Kawanatanga kei a ia e takoto ana hei utu whenua. Ma te Paremata nei e titiro to tika e aua mahi, he nui noa atu taaku ui ui i Ahuriri, mo nga tikanga mahi, ma te alma o aua kai whakamaori e kiia nei e au. A i penei taku mohio, ko te mahi aruaru i nga Maori kia tuhituhi ratou i a ratou ingoa ki nga Riiri hoko whenua, i ahua rite ki te aruaru kuri koraha i Ingarangi ; ara, i penei me to tangata e whiu ana i nga kau makaa, kia haere ki to kainga, ranei me te tangata e whiu ana i aua Hipi kia noho kahui kotahi, a kia whiri whiria etahi o aua hipi, i etahi. Nei te ahua o taua mahi, ka eke te kai whakamaori i to Hoiho i Nepia, me nga Riiri hoko whenua i roto i aia e kohi ana ; ko aua Riiri i tuhi tuhia, a ko te wahi mo nga ingoa a nga Maori i waiho kia maavvhe noa, A ki te mea o kore e man a D. i aia, heoi ra ki te mau a F. a e ahua haurangi Waipiro ana aia, penei ka haere tonu aia kia G. raua ko H. a ko raua nga tangata e tuhi tuhi i a raua ingoa. A e hara i te haere kau te haere a taua kai whaka- maori. A koia nei te tahi tino mea, e mea atu ai ahau ki te Paremata kia maharatia e tenei Paremata. He mea naku, ko nga tangata Maori no ratou nga ingoa i tuhi tu- hia ki te Riiri hoko whenua (ara i roto i nga Karauna Karaati ) he mea ano kotahi te kau, he mea ano tokowaru. A ko taua te kau ranei ko taua tokowaru ranei, nga kai tiaki mo nga tangata o te iwi, a ko te iwi i tae ki te wha tu kau, ki te rima te kau, he mea ano he rau, heoi ra, i nga wa e tautohetia ana te hoko a te Pakeha mo aua whenua i nga Kooti whakawa, he kotahi tahi anake Maori e mohio ana Ui aua mahi, e kaha ai tana whaaki kupu mo te taha ki nga Maori. A ki te taha tautohe ki nga Pakeha, he tini a ratou tangata tautoko i a ratou korero. He kai whakamaori etahi me etahi Pakeha. Mehemea i mahia maramatia aua hoko whenua, penei ma te tika, ma te pono, e ako aua Pakeha ; ki te mea ka aro o ratou whakaaro ki te hoko whenua, penei me whakamine nga Maori katoa, kia rongo katoa ai ratou to tokomaha i nga korero mo te hoko o nga whenua. Otiia, he mea korero komuhumuhu te mahi, kotahi tangata i korerotia e ratou, na reira i he ai te taha Maori, no te mea hoki, kihai te tokomaha i rongo i nga korero : i kiia hoki ki te tangata kotahi, ano ka taoki te ra o te whakawa, ko taua tangata kotahi anake, te tangata hei korero mo te Maori, a he tini nga Pakeha hui whakateka i te kupu a taua Maori kotahi. Ta te Maori korero i he ai, i te kore, kahore he tautoko mo a ratou kupu e korero ai. Mei mahiatikatia nga mahi hoko whenua i te Maori, penei ko te taha Maori ano te iwi e nui nga tangata hei whaaki i nga korero e he ai aua hoko. A totahi take ano hoki e kiia ai, he tika kia tirohia e tatou e te Paremata nei, a kia ata rapurapu tatou i te kupu, ka kiia nei e au. Ki te mea ka ata whakaaro tatou nga Mema o te Paremata. He iwi kuare nga Maori ki nga ritenga o a te Pakeha hoko, a he iwi mohio te Pakeha, whai hoki, he kai whakamaori ona, he Roia ona. A he mea utu e ana Pakeha aua kai whakamaori, me aua Roia, a me ui, ko wai ia nei, maana te nui o nga mahi. He mea utu aua Kai Whakamaori, hei hoko i aua whenua kia riro ai i ana Pakeha. A ahakoa kiia na te Pakeha i utu aua kai mahi, ho hori, na nga Maori ano nga moni i utua ai aua kai mahi a aua Pakeha. He mea atu tenei naku ki te Paremata nei, a he kupu pono aku kupu. He mea kua kitea o nga Roia o Tawahi, he mea mahi tetahi whenua e o reira Pakeha, a kahore he Roia hei ako i tetahi o ana Pakeha e hoko ra i te whenua, ka he taua hoko i te Ture, no te mea kihai tetahi o aua Pakeha i akona e te Roia kia mohio ai aia, taua Pakeha ki te tino tikanga o aua mahi i mahi hoko ai. A ko aua hoko whenua e kiia nei e au a nga Maori, kahore rawa he Roia i ako i aua Maori, a kahoro ano hoki he Pakeha noa iho nei hei ako i aua Maori. Mo hoki ano ahau ki tetahi kupu aku, i wareware i au, i taku korerotanga i te mahi hoko mo Heretaunga, kua mea ahau, kahore he Roia a nga Maori hei ako ia ratou. Otii i te hokonga o Heretaunga e noho ana tetahi Pakeha i roto i nga Maori. He Minita Hahi aia i mua, a no te mea i nui he moni maana mo tana mahi hanga Pu, koia aia i noho ai i nga Maori ko Ohika Piaia te ingoa to taua Pakeha i aua Maori ; koia i kiia ai e te whakaaro, tena pea ka ako aia i nga Maori. A no te tunga o te whakawa ki te . aroaro o nga Komi- hana puta ana nga korero i reira, he mea haere na tu tahi o nga kai hoko o Heretaunga ki taua Pakeha mea atu ana, me utu tana Pakeha a Piaia ki te moni ki te mea ka kiia e Piaia Ida tuhituhi te tahi o nga Maori i te Riiri hoko mo Heretaunga. E mea ana etahi o nga Pakeha na ratou i hoko a Heretaunga, e hara ia ratou to kupu utu moni ki te Pakeha kia Piaia; na to tahi Pakeha noa ake ano taua kupu utu. Otiia ko taua Pakeha naana te kupu utu kia Piaia, naana na taua Pakeha nga moni i utua ai tana whenua a Heretaunga. A ma te Paremata nei e mea mehemea, i mohio ano ranei aua Pakeha kai hoko o
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Te Wananga. Heretaunga, ki taua kupu utu ia Piaia. A ko nga tangata tino mohio hei ako tika i nga Maori ko taua tangata te mea e utua e aua Pakeha kai hoko o Heretaunga kia kaua aia e ako ko i nga Maori, kei kore aua Maori e hoko i te whenua Ka korero ano ahau, i te kupu, ra, e, kahore he Roia hei ako i te Maori. He mea hoki naku kia tino whakapaua e au nga hua o te korero o taua kupu. E mea atu ana ahua ki nga Mema o te Paremata nei, ahakoa, he iwi mohio koutou, ahakoa, he nui noa atu a koutou mea i kite ai i roto i nga pukapuka, ahakoa, e mea ana koutou koa tino moni koutou ki nga tikanga katoa a te Pakeha a tatou tupuna, a ka tae ki nga ra e puta ai he whakaaro ma koutou ki te mahi i tetahi mahi nui ahakoa, ta koutou rnohio ake a koutou ka haere ano koutou kia akona koutou e te Roia, mehemea he £50. ranei He £500 ranei pauna a koutou e mahi hokohoko, ka haere tawa ano koutou ki te Roia. A i roto i enei mahi katoa, kahore rawa pei he Roia a nga Maori hei ako i a ratou. A kahore i tukua he kai mahi ma ratou e nga Pakeha, no te mea hoki i riro katoa nga Roia o Nepia i Ahuriri i nga Pakeha hoko whenua anake. A na te Maori noa ano aia i mahi poauau i aua mahi hou, Kua korero ano ahau i aku kupu mea ki te kai waipiro a te Maori i aua ra e hoko nei te Pakeha i nga whenua a te Maori E kore e taea e au te korero te ahua o te mahi haurangi a ana. Maori, i te mea hoki he haurangi i te roa o te tau, a e rua e toru noa atu nga tau i haurangi ai. Kai te taane, kai te wahine, kai te tamaiti i te wapiro. A ia ratou e noho penei, ana ara e parangia ana e te wawau- tanga a te waipiro, koia ra nga ra i hokona ai a ratou whe- nua, a aua Maori e te. Pakeha. E mea ana ahau, me hae- re tonu aku kapa a kia tae ra ano ki te mutunga. He mea mahi enei mahi whangai i te waipiro e te Pakeha ki te Maori, me te titiro iho ano te Kawanatanga ki tana wha- kainu waipiro a te Pakeha ki te Maori. A he Ture ano to te waipiro kia kaua e tukua ki te Maori. A kahore he whare Paparakauhe o Nepia, i kore e he te Ture waipiro i aia. I ki te ano nga Pirihimana i kite ano nga Apiha o Te Porowini. I kite ano. te Hupiritene. I kite ano te Apiha o te tino Kawanatanga. A kahore he kupu kotahi a taua tini Pakeha Kawanatanga nei hei whakahe i taua mahi kohuru i te Maori ki te whakainu ki te waipiro, Tena kia kite tatou i nga he i puta i taua mahi whakahaurangi i aua Maori. E hara taku tu e tu atu nei, i te tu take ko- re. E kore ahau e korero whakapaae take kore i te tangata. He mea mahi marire te mahanga mo te Maori, a mau ana i taua rore. A kua pa te mate ki aua Maori mo ta ratou kuaretanga. Otiia e mea atu ana ahau ki te Paremata nei. He Pakeha ahua pehea, nga Pekeha na ratou nei enei mahi kohura, i mahi mo nga Maori. Kua korero ahau, i aku kupu mo taaku whakaaro mo nga kai whakamaori. A maku e korero, e rongo ai te Paremata aua nei ki nga mahi i tukua hei mahi ma aua kaiwha-kamaori i enei ra. Ano kua riro nga whenua i nga Pakeha, a kei te noho kai momona aua Pakeha i nga mea o aua whenua. A kei te hua nui mai he moni maho mano ki aua Pakeha i aua whenua, o nga wuuru, roe nga hipi e noho ana i.aua whenua, kua whakanohoia ana kai whaka-maori i mahi nei mo aua Pakeha, ki nga taranga pai, e noho ora ai ano hoki ratou. He mea hoki i tirohia paitia e te whakaaro a Te Hamara, a whakaturia ana aia nei kai whakawa i Maketu.. A ko Te Karini i waiho hei kai whaka-maori mo Te Waka Maori. A ko tetahi Hemara i whaka-turia hei kai whaka-maori mo te Apiha o te Kawanatanga i Ahuriri. A ko tetahi i whaka- turia hei Komihana, a hei kai whakamaori ki te tai Tuauru. E kore ahau e tino korero whakapae kia Te Hemara ma. E ngari ma te Paremata nei e titiro te tikanga o aku kupu mo raua, i roto i a raua mahi hoko mo Heretaunga, he mea hoki i kiia e raua kia mahi raua mo etahi Pakeha hei hoko i taua whenua, a mahi ke ana raua ki etahi Pakeha. E kore ahau e tino korero mo raua, me penei kau aku kupu, e hara raua i te tangata i tino akona ki te mohiotanga. A ahakoa he mohio raua ki te reo Maori, kahore a rana mohiotanga ki o te Pakeha tikanga, e marama ai ta raua whakamaori i nga Riiri hoki ki nga tangata Maori. . [Nei ake te roanga.] THE DEBATE ON THE HAWKE'S BAY "RING" LAND TRANSACTIONS. (Continued Mr. SHEEHAN'S speech.) I now wish the House to follow me, while I will shortly explain what became of these four interpreters. One of these was at that time the Government Interpreter in Hawke's Bay ; and another, who was his brother, was carrying on private business in partnership with him ; and it is, to say the least of it, a very curious thing that a Government official should be carrying on private business in partnership with another person. The third was Mr. Grindell; and the fourth was this Mr. Worgan. All these schemes had ripened and matured, and it came to pass that Mr. F. Hamlin was appointed Resident Magistrate, and sent to Maketu with a large salary ; and his brother was taken into the vacant office as Government Inter- preter ; Mr. Grindell was sent down to Wellington, and took up the position of Editor of the " Waka Maori; and last, but not least, Mr. Worgan was sent to the West Coast as Resident Magistrate and Civil Commissioner, or in some such position. Sir D. M'Lean.—He was sent as surveyor and inter- preter. Mr. Sheehan.—I am in a position to say that he was sent to the West Coast in a capacity other than that of an interpreter and -surveyor—namely, as a sort of Commis- sioner, having to perform judicial functions and settle disputes between the Natives and Europeans ; and in cor- roboration of this statement I refer to honorable members of this House who have knowledge that such is the fact, from having to decide on Mr. Worgan's acts in that ca- pacity. I have referred to the quality of the evidence given by some of the Natives, and I may now say that a great deal of the evidence upon which I have drawn to- night for some most salient features of my statements was given by a Native chief of great standing in Hawke's Bay, a minister of the Church of England, and a man of the most irreproachable character, named Noa Huke. When he was giving evidence in the Court, something led to his leaving it, and to the recall of the Rev. Mr. Williams. I asked that gentleman if he knew Noa Huke, and what he knew of him, and whether he was likely to tell the truth ; and his answer to me, in the box, on oath, was that he would take Noa Huke's word against that of any other person. In giving an account of the suc- cessful hunt and capture of the grantees of the Heretaunga block, 1 might refer to one case which might have relieved the monotony of the proceedings. It is that of a grantee named Manaena, who is possibly the largest man one would meet iu the course of many years. Several unsuccessful attempts had been made to get his signature. On one oc- casion he took refuge in a willow tree, on another occa- sion in the magazine-house of the pa, but on the third oc- casion be was "boned," as it may be termed. The cir- cumstances of his capture were these : The fact of the difficulty of getting his signature had become known to Mr. Sutton, and that consequently the matter was in a fix to a considerable, extent. A festive gathering was held in Mr. Sutton's house to celebrate the departure of some com- mercial traveller, and the entertainment was kept up Until daybreak. It then came into Sutton's head, that it would be a good idea to adopt the Native tactics in laying siege to a pa, and attack Manaena at early morning. He went off in a carriage armed with two or three bottles of cham- pagne, which proved, unfortunately for Manaena, to be a very potent weapon. He was found in bed, and after drinking some of the champagne, and being greatly pressed, he capitulated, and signed the deed. I wish to point out another element in the purchase, which will throw a light on the extraordinary efforts made to secure
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Te Wananga. this property. Its position is such as to make it the key of the whole plain of Hawke's Bay. It occupies the most central position, and is traversed by the Napier and Wai- pukurau Railway, and upon it is situated the township of Hastings, which, to the exclusion of bona fide Government townships situated on Government land, possesses the railway station, the telegraph station, and other public buildings. To give an idea of the value of this property, the township of Hastings was sold at an average of £80 or £90 an acre for 70 or 80 acres, and I believe the sum obtained for that township was nearly as much as was paid to the Natives.for the whole block of 17,000 acres. Sir, I dwelt upon the ignorance of the Natives of the laws . of real property, and the ignorance of the Native Land Court upon the very same question, and the neglect of the Native Land Court to fulfil its proper function of ascer- taining the Native owners, instead of leaving it to the Natives to determine who the owners were. I cited the case of the Omarunui block, which came before the Su- preme Court at Hawke's Bay shortly before the session commenced, and I wish to point out to the House what were certain findings of the jury—findings which have not sufficed to secure for the plaintiffs in the action a verdict. First of all, I may mention that, although I have been for some two years engaged off and on in the conduct of business in Hawke's Bay, I found myself for the first time in the presence of a Napier grand jury and a Napier special jury. The plaintiffs were granted certain blocks of land, part of which they disputed as being entered in the lease wrongfully. I went into the Court, and found that out of the grand jury no less than seventeen out of the twenty-three were persons against whom similar cases were pending, or who were interested in cases pending, by Natives in that Province. I had occasion to strike a special jury upon this case, and I found that, but of a special jury of fifty-three, no less than thirty-three were also similarly implicated. The inference I wish the House to draw is that it is almost impossible to obtain a jury on either a civil case or a criminal charge in Hawke's Bay connected with these matters that would not include a proportion of persons whose interest was not to listen to the story of the Natives. In the case to which I am about to refer, "after the utmost care was exercised by myself and the other professional gentlemen engaged in the case, and we tried our utmost in every way to get a jury free from this influence, out of twelve people.no less than five were interested in these matters, and one was the mort- gagee of the defendant in the action, Sutton. I will read two or three of the findings of the jury in this case, which was one in which a lease had been given of certain lands, leaving out certain portions occupied by the Natives, but it was subsequently found that the lease included lands on which were the settlements ; and although the fact became known to the defendant in the action, he kept it to nim- self.. Subsequently they sold the land that was believed to be comprised in the lease, although it really included laud occupied by the settlements. One question put to jury was this :— " 2. On the treaty for the mortgage in the declaration men- tioned, was it mutually agreed by word of mouth between the plaintiffs and the defendant that the whole of the land in- cluded in the Crown grant mentioned in the declaration should be included in the mortgage ?—Yes : as far as Paora Toro- toro, but not Rewi Haokore. " 4. Had the plaintiffs, before or at the time of the execution of the said mortgage, any independent legal advice iu refer- ence to the said mortgage ?—No." The other man was declared by the finding of the jury not to have known. And the issue was— " 5. Did the plaintiffs or either of them know, and, if so, which, that the said mortgage comprised all the land included in the said grant ?—Yes, as regards Paora Torotoro only. " 5A. Was the said mortgage deed read over, interpreted, and explained to the plaintiffs before the execution thereof by them and did they understand the nature and effect thereof ?—Yes ; read over, interpreted, and explained ; but there is no evidence that it was understood by Rewi Hao- kore." You see the meaning of the finding is that, although it was understood by Paora Torotoro, it was not understood by the other plaintiff. Now here is another issue : " 7. Had the plaintiffs before or at the time of the execution of the said conveyance any independent legal advice in rela- tion to the said conveyance ?—No. " 8. Did the plaintiffs or either of them, and, if so, which, know at the time of the execution of the said conveyance that the said conveyance comprised all the land included in the said grant ?—Yes ; by Paora Torotoro." Thereby establishing the fact that the other plaintiff did not know. And the issue as to the conveyance was,— " 8A. was the said conveyance read over, interpreted, and explained to the plaintiffs before the execution thereof by them, and did they understand the nature and effect thereof ? —Yes ; read over, interpreted, and explained to both ; but no evidence that it was understood by Rewi; but it was un- derstood by Paora." . These are findings of the jury. I wish it to be under- stood I am not challenging the correctness of propriety of the decision of the Chief Justice on this question ; but I wish the House to see to the utmost the importance that should be attached to the employment of proper persons as interpreters, whose duty it should be to make the Natives really understand the deeds signed by them, and not leave for a jury to decide by operation of law whether a deed was understood by one of the parties signing it. I went at some length into the case of Heretaunga, as typical of many transactions in the Province of Hawke's Bay ; and I pledge my word to this House that is only one of a number of cases, every one of which upon inves- tigation will be found to be quite as damaging to the parties concerned. There are numerous cases of obtaining the\_signatures of married women without the consent of their husbands ; and there are cases of obtaining the sig- natures of persons of tender years to deeds of the most elaborate character. I saw a mortgage of a large block containing thousands of acres, which contained most elaborate covenants, and on the back of it there was a declaration that it had been interpreted and explained to a child, who fully understood the purport and effect of the deed. I will leave it to men of business in this House to say what would be the value of a declaration of that kind, and I leave it to honorable members to express their opinions of such transactions. And again, there are cases without number of signatures to deeds obtained from people who, from old age and being bed-ridden, have been absolutely shut out from all civilisation, and knew nothing whatever of the nature and effect of the documents they signed, and in many cases they were incapacitated by their advanced years or infirmities from knowing what they were doing. I make these statements, and I am quite willing to submit to any inquiry the House may direct for the purpose of making these statements good. I would like to point out the fact that there is another interpreter, J. P. Hamlin, who has been carrying on business in Hawke's Bay—and I make this statement with the view of enabling the Native Minister to reply to it— who was dismissed by the present Premier, the Hon. Dr.. Pollen, for improper practices. He sent a petition to this House, which came before the Public Petitions Committee, and they reported against him : BO far as I can understand, it amounted to a verdict of " Served him right;" but he hardly been dismissed when he was taken on again by the Native Minister and reinstated, although the General Government Agent in Auckland had found it necessary to dismiss him for improper practices ; and that same in- terpreter is in an official position, in charge of large ne gotiations for the acquisition of Native lands. The House must draw its own inference from these circumstances. I made a considerable amount of inquiry in Hawke's Bay with the view of ascertaining the manners and customs of the interpreters to whom I have referred, and I found that the task of getting signatures to a deed was some-
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Te Wananga. Napier Heretaunga Oscar Beyer, German F. Hamlin, Hawke's Bay RETA I TUKUA MAI. KI TE ETITA o TE WANANGA. Ki te Wananga, ki te kai tuhi panui mo nga whenua e hiahiatia ana kia herea hei whenua here, hei whenua mau tonu. E ki ana ahau a te Watene Taione ko te waahi i toe a Waikawa, hei whenua tonu ake tena mo matou, ko oku whanaunga katoa me here ki te here o Omatukutangotango, ara, ki te here a te Ture mau tonu e kore nei e taea te wewete. Heoi nga kupu. He Panuitanga mahau NA TE WATENE Waiwhara, 22, o Nowema, 1875. CORRESPONDENCE. To THE EDITOR OF THE WANANGA. To the power which gives notice of lands which are. or are to be made inalienable. I Te Watene Taione say that that portion of Waikawa which has not been sold, is to be kept inalienable for myself and all my relatives for ever, and let it be inalien- able even as the land of Omatukutongotongo, that is ia ac- cordance with the law ; in such a perfect way, that it can not in any future time alienated. Enough are the words for this notice to you. Tis WATENE. Waiwhara, November 22, 1875.
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Te Wananga. KI TE KAI TA o TE WANANGA. No te wa o nga ra o Oketopa 1875 ka hui hui Ngatikahungu- nu ki te Waihirere i te Wairoa. Nga take o taua hui. 1. Ko nga taonga o te tupapaku o Paora, me te whakatu i tona tamaiti hei tango i aua taonga ; tekau ma rua tangata nana i whakarite ana taonga, mete tuku ki tona Iramutu, ko taua tekau ma rua, ko nga Rangatira tonu o Ngatikahu- ngunu, te Tumuaki o ratau. Ko Ihaka Whaanga, ko Toha, ko Hamana Tiakiwai, ko Hotene, ko Kerei T. Ota, ko Maraki Kohea, ko Hapimana, ko Tiopira Kaukau, ko Tamihana Huata, ko Epiniha Taura ko Ahipene Kuru, ko Hone Wainohu, 2. Ko te mau waipiro ki roto ki te pa Maori, ki ana taua tekau marua me mutu te mau i tenei kai kino ki roto i o tatou pa. 3. ko tetahi tangata minita o te Hahi kia noho ki taua waahi i hui nei taua tekau ma rua whakaaetia ana e ratou me te oranga mo taua Minita. 4. Ko nga tohunga titiro i te mate o tetahi tangata, ka ki atu taua tohunga he mea makutu, ki ana taua tekau marua mo aua tu tangata kia mutu ta ratou mahi, ki te tohe tonu aua tu tangata, ka tukua ki te ringa o te Kawanatanga, no te mea he hara nui tenei he whaka kino i te iwi. he mea kia kohurutia nga tangata e whakapae ana, no te mea hoki kei konei taua mahi e nui ana a i ahu mai i aua tangata te putake o aua mahi, ko te mahi tenei o aua tangata. Ka mate te tangata ka haere aua tu tangata nei. ki te mahi kia ora te tupapaku, no te nuinga o te mate kaore e ora i a ratou katuhi ano ka ki atu ki te tupa- paku ki te iwi hoki he mea makutu, hei reira ka whakahuatia to ingoa o te tangata nana i makutu ka raru ko tera tangata i te mahi o aua nanakia nei. E toru kei konei, kotahi he wahine kua mate kaore ona, atua i tae mai ki te whakaora i a ia, he atua hoki o ratou, ki ta ratou korero, e tata ana te raru raru o tenei kainga i runga i taua mahi. NA TOHA RAHURAHU. To THE EDITOR OF THE WANANGA. On the 4th of October, a meeting of the Ngatikahungunu took place at Waiherere, in the Wairoa district. The meeting was convened to take into consideration the following subjects:— 1. The property left by Paora Te Apatu, and to empower his child to take that property. Twelve men, (chiefs,) gave authority to his nephew to take the property, and these twelve men were the chiefs of the Ngatikahungunu. The chairman of the meeting was Ihaka Wnanga, being one of the twelve, with the following chiefs :—Toha, Hamana Tiakiwai, Hotene, Kerei Te Ota, Manaki Kohea, Hapimana, Tiopira Kaukau, Tamihana Huata, Epiniha Taura, Ahipene Kuru, and Hone Te Wainohu. 2. In respect to taking spirituous liquors into the Maori pas : these twelve say this evil drink must not be taken into our Pas. 3. That a Minister of the Church should reside in the district in which this meeting has takea place, was unanimously agreed to by the meeting, as also was an agreement to find funds for his yearly, salary. 4. In respect to those men who call themselves learned in the art of discovering the cause of those diseases which inflict pain on the human body, these twelve have determined that the work of such men shall at once cease, and if after this notice they still persist in their stupid acts, they shall be given to the hands of the Government, and charged with committing a great evil against, the people. Also they shall be charged as having incited the people to murder certain persons charged by them these tohungas with witchcraft, which practice is very rife in this district now. as all these evil deeds have been engendered in the minds of the people by those so-called Maori. Doctors. Tho following is the practice of those men when any one is ill, these tohungas go to them and attempt to cure them, but when the invalid gets worse under their treatment, and there is no appearance of recovery, these so-called Priests.; Doctors tell the invalid and people that they have been bewitched, and also they .even go so far as to name the person who has bewitched the sick man, woman, or child, and of course the accused person is placed in a most critical po- sition in respect to the relations of the sick person. There are three cases here ; one is that of a woman who has died, her Gods would not come to assist in her cnre. These fellows, their Priest, say they nave Gods who do their bidding. This district is iu a very unsettled state on account of the acts of these Maori Priests, TOHA RAHURAHU, HE PANUITANGA. Mo nga piihi whenua i te Wairoa. Ka tangohia ki waho i te whenua i hokoa ki te Kawanatanga, na te mea ko nga uri o Te Koari kihai i kai i te moni, i pau huhua kore nga moni i etahi tangata, kaore e nui ana te paanga ki te whenua inahoki, koi etahi o nga tangata e nui ana te paanga, kua kai i te moni, na konei au i mea ai, me Karauna Karaati taua whenua kia kitea ai te mea iti, me te mea nui, kia hoko ai te tangata i tona waahi iti, me riro tika i a ia te utu o tana, waahi. Ko ahau, he uri ahau na nga tangata e nui ana o ratou paanga ki te whenua, no te Kapua Matotoru, tae iho ana kia Te Hoari, ko ahau to ratou putanga ki te ao matau. Ko oku matua, me oku tipuna, kaore i kai i nga moni o aua piihi whenua i te Wairoa. Kia mohio koutou ka tino pupuri ahau i taua whenua, e kore rawa ahau e pai kia riro hei utu mo nga moni i etahi atu tangata e mohio ana hoki a Te Makarini kia Te Koari, ko te tangata hoki tena nana i mau a Te Makarini ki te Wairoa. E nga tangata i a ratou nei nga moni a te Kawanatanga, maua atu a koutou moni ki o koutou piihi. Waiho nga piihi o oku tipuna, maku ono e tango te moni. E te tangata me tango koe i te moni mo te waahi i a koe, kei heke kau toa werawera mo tou tango he i nga utu oku kainga. E te tangata tuku moni, kia marama hoki tau titiro, kaua e titiro ki mua anake, engari ki mua ki muri. Kaua ano hoki e titiro ki waenganui anake, engari me titiro ano ki nga taha, kaore te whare i tau i te tahuhu anake, na nga heke me nga kaho, me nga tara, katahi ka tau, me te tangata kaore i tau i te aroaro anake. na te whai tuaratanga ano i pai ai. Mo nga Apiha a te Kawanatanga tenei, kaore nei i titiro ki te tangata nona te whenua. NA ARIHI TE NAHU. Pakowhai, Nowema 24, 1875. 161 KUA PAUNATIA I NEPIA. NA HEMI KEREI, Nowema 26, 1875. He hoiho uha, he mangu, 16 ringa te tiketike, he mea parani ki te O i te kaki. He pahore te tuara, he mea haeana nga waewae. Te utu 5 hereni. Ka hokona i te makete Akihana i roto i nga wiki e rua ki te mea ia e kore e tikina mai. ROPATA MAWHITI. Kai tiaki Pauna. Nepia, Nowema 27, 1875. 160 Panui ki nga Maori o Heretaunga. KEI TE WHARE HOKO A Te Houra, I TAWAHI AKE O TE POTAWHE I NEPIA. \_\_\_\_ NGA Parau, Whakarawe Hoiho to Kaata Me nga mea mo nga Kiki Me nga Tera Pikau taonga Tera Taane Tera Wahine Paraire Wepu Mo nga mea katoa mo tenei mea mo te Hoiho. He iti te utu mo aua mea nei Na TE HOURA, Nepia. 23
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Te Wananga. Kamatira Hoteera, TURANGA KAIPUKE I AHURIRI. KO nga Maori e haere mai ana ki Ahuriri, ki te mea ka haere mai ratou ki te Kamatira Hoteera penei. Ka atawhaitia paitia ratou e Hone Ianga o te Kamatira Hoteera. Kahore ana karaihe rere rua te ahua. Mo te Kai, 1s. 6d.; Moenga, 1s. Ko te Tiua kei te 12, a tae noa ki te 1 o te haora, E mea ana aia kia haere mai nga Maori ki reira. 34 KI NGA TANGATA POOTI MO TE TAKIWA POOTI I NEPIA. E Hoa ma ::—He mea atu tenei naka kia koutou, e pai ana ahau kia tu hei Meina ma koutou mo te Takiwa i Nepia nei, ki te Paremata. E whakaae ana ahau kia whakamutua nga Kawana Porowini. E pai ana ahau kia utu tau nga tangata whai whenua. A e he ana ia au kia tu he Kawanatanga mo tenei Motu, me tetahi ano hoki mo Te Waipounamu, he mea naku kua roa noa atu taku nohoanga i konei, o te tau 1853 ra ano, koia ahau mea ai ko tatou tatou, a e rite tahi ana aku mahara kei te pai mo tatou ki a koutou mahara. Naku na to koutou hoa, NA ERUMANA TUKI. 50 C. B. ROPITINI. KAI Ruuri whenua, me nga Waapu, me nga Rori Maana e mahi nga Mapi ma nga Maori, mo nga Rori, Waapu, me nga mea pera. Me tuku mai nga pukapuka ki aia, ki te Whare ta o " Te Wananga," Hehitinga Tiriti, Nepia U. R. ROPITINI, Hehitinga Tiriti, Nepia. 50 C. R. ROBINSON, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Surveys made, Bridge Plans prepared, and Estimates given to any of the Natives of the North Island. Address—WANANGA Office, Hastings-Street, Napier. 50 KI NGA TANGATA POOTI I TE TAKIWA POOTI I NEPIA E hoa ma :—He mea na etahi o nga tangata whai Pooti i roto i a koutou, no te mea he roa ke nga ra, ka puta ai nga pukapuka karanga i te Iwi kia Pooti i nga Mema mo Te Paremata, me ki e ahau te tikanga o aku whakaaro o te aronga o aku whakatu korero i roto i te Paremata. 1. Mo te kupu e kiia nei me mutu nga Porowi. E pai ana ahau kia mutu nga Kawanatanga Porowini. Otiia ki te mea ka mutu era, me mahi ano hoki tetahi ahua Kawanatanga mo aua takiwa, ako taua ahua Kawanatanga hou, me riro ia ratou nga moni Kawanatanga o aua takiwa, hei mahi ano mo nga mahi mo te iwi i aua takiwa. 2.He mea pai ki au, kia utu te iwi i nga utu o aana mea hei moni mahi mo nga wahi katoa i kohia ai aua moni. A ko te utu tika me utu tau te tangata i ana whenua. I penei ai ahau, ma reira e utu ai te tangata whai whenua, a ma reira ano hoki e utu ai nga tangata i whai whenua i nga motu nei, a i haere ki tawahi noho mai ai, ma reira e puta tika ai he moni utu i nga mahi i kiia mo te iwi. 3. E pai ana ahau kia mahia te Meera kawe Poohi mai i Kareponia, ki konei. 4. E mea ana ahau, me whakaiti iho nga utu e utua nei e te Kawanatanga, mo etahi mahi e mahia ana e nga tini o te Kawanatanga. Ko etahi kupu ano aku, taihoa ano e ata korero kia tao ki nga ra e korero ai ahau ki te iwi. Heoi ano naaku na Ta koutou hoa NA ROPATA TUATI. Nepia, Nowema 15. 1875. 146 KO nga Maori e haere aua ki Akarana, hi te mea ka haere ratou ki te Kawana Paraone Hotera, ka whangainga paitia; e ataahua te noho, a e pai nga kai, me nga moenga i reira— £ s. d. Mo nga Kai i te Wiki O 15 O Mo te Kai me te Noho i te Wiki ... ... 1 O O He Whare pai ano nga whare hei nohoanga mo nga Hoiho. Ko Tiningama raua ko Kingi, nga kai tiaki. 18 A. APERAHAMA. KAI HOKO TUPEKA. HEHITINGA TIKITI, NEPIA. HE utu pai tana Tupeka mo nga moni mo aua Tupeka i Nepia. 128 HE PANUITANGA. NA WIREMU ROPITINI. KAI HOKO AKIHANA. Mo nga kau, hoiho, me nga whenua noho o nga hipi. NEPIA. Ko tana Tari kei tawahi ake o te Peeke, Koroniara. 153
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Te Wananga. REIHI HOIHO KI PAKOWHAI, A TE TUREI, TIHEMA 1875. REIHI PEKE TAIEPA :— REIHI METINI PERETI :— HENARE HIRA. 158 Kai tiaki Moni. HONE ROPITINI, KAI HANGA WATI, ME NGA HEI KOURA, Hehitinga Tiriti, Nepia. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 20 PANUITANGA. KUA tu taku Toa hoko Kakahu i Waringipata (Onepoto.) A, ka hoko ahau i te taonga mo te utu iti. J. KIRIMIRI. WARINGIPATA, (ONEPOTO.) 37 M. R. MIRA, HE KAI HOKO KAU, ME NGA PAAMU, a e hokona ana eia NGA Rana Hipi, me nga tini whenua. He Rana ano he Hipi kei reira. He E ana ano kahore i nga Porowini o Akarana, o Haku Pei, o Poneke. Kei tana tari i Paraunini Tiriti i Nepia nga tino korero mo aua whenua. HE RAME ANO ANA HEI HOKO. He Rikona He Reeta He Kotiwera ! He Marino No nga kahui pai katoa aua Hipi. A he tini ano aua hipi hei mahi ma nga Piha patu Hipi ano hoki. Na M. R, MIRA. 14 I ————————————————————————————————— KI te puta he whakaaro ki nga tangata e kororo ana i tenei Niupepa ka whakamohiotia ratou ki nga mahi hanga | whare, ki nga mapi whakaahua whare, ki ! nga tikanga hoki o te hanga whare i runga i te tuhituhinga. Tenei au hei whaka- rongo ki nga hiahia o aua tangata, nui atu hoki taku pai ki te whakaatu i nga tikanga katoa o taua tu mahi, ana tonoa mai ki au. PENE METE, • Kai whakahaere whare, I Tenehana Tiriti. Nepia. i . s
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Kia kite! Kia kite!! Kia kite!!! KAI HOKO TAONGA, HEHITINGA TIRITI, NEPIA, E ki ana, mana rawa ano te hoko iti o te taonga o nga Toa katoa o Nepia. E ki atu ana aia ki nga Maori. Kaua e whakarongo Ki ta te taringa e rongo ai, engari ano ki ta te kanohi e kite ai. 28 N. P. PARANITE. Pateriki Kahikuru, Kai hanga Tera, me nga hanga katoa mo nga Kiiki, me nga Kaata, Kei Taipo, (Taratera.) KEI aia, i nga wa katoa nga Tera pai rawa, Hanihi, Wepu, Kipa, me era mea o kore e taea te tatau. Ko ta PATERIKI KAHIKURU te whare ngawari rawa rao te Hanihi Paki, Kiki, Toki Kaata, Piringi Kaata, Terei, Parau hoki, Peke Tera hoki. Ko enei mea katoa e hanga aua i roto i taua toa ; ko te reta i tino pai rawa, e kore e kitea i roto i te motu nei, he mea pai atu. Haere mai kia kite tonu a koutou kanohi a tera e paingia. Kia marama ki te whare. Ko te PATERIKI KAHI- KURU whare, Tera, Hauihi, hanga Kara, kei Taipo, (Taratera.) 17 TAKENA MA. WAIPAOA, HE NUI NOA ATU A RATOU TINI KAKAHU ME NGA MEA PERA He mea uta hou mai aua mea A HE MEA TINO PAI I Kahore he taonga i pai ke ake I TE POROWINI NEI ! i \_\_\_\_\_\_ i i | He iti te utu mehemea he MONI PAKETE Ta te tangata e haere mai ai ki te hoko. 67