Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 2, Number 30: pp Abstract
pp Intro to Abstracts

p.381 [Advertisement]
From W.H.Binks, advising all Ngāti Kahungunu people living outside the Province of Hawke's Bay of his store in Napier. Sells saddles, boots and other quality goods at very reasonable prices, and invites people to come and inspect his merchandise.
pp.382-384 [Advertisement]
From Rāpata Pāma, advising the stud fees for the horse, Papapa.
From W.Wika, advising that he wants to buy harness equipment.
From Rāwiri Peremanga, advising the stud fees for the horse, Terenga.
Notice to Maori voters in the Western Maori electorate
From Wiremu Paitaki, advising that Wāta Tīpa will be standing as a candidate in the next election.
From Hēnare Tōmoana, advising the services of a millar.
From Tāmati Tauni, advertising his services as a blacksmith.
From J.Pauihi. Contains list of saddles, harness equipment and prices.
From Kohekerewa and company, advising their return to trading in Napier.
From A.H.Parona, advising the stud fee, qualities and pedigree of the horse, Kairaka.
The Bank
Underwriters for houses and ships for a small fee. Signed by Rōpata Tapihau, Napier.
From Paranihi Petara. Manufacturer of saddles and other equipment for use with horses.
From Hare Taihi, a tailor.
From Hare Teira. Footwear manufacturer.
Advertising his services as surveyor and civil engineer.
[English translation included.]
From G.Pākina. Manufacturer of carts and harness equipment, and is an ironmonger.
From Nataniora Hākopa. Sells tobacco, cigars and pipes.
From H.J.Hiki. Footwear manufacturer.
From Rati and Rauniri. Sell beds and similar goods.
p.385 Notice to correspondents
Te Wananga thanks the correspondents who sent written evidence presented in the recent court case involving the stolen whale [refer to vol. 2, No.28:354], but the newspaper has no space in which to print it.
[English translation included.]
An election notice
From Te Koroneho [Colenso], a Pakeha notifying his intention to stand as parliamentary candidate for the Napier seat. He reminds Maori that his thoughts are for their well-being and to make sure that they speak of him to their relations, and advises them to be careful of the other candidates as they may not have their best interests at heart.
Advises the intention of Hikawera and his people to fully support Karaitiana Takamoana as Eastern Maori candidate in the next election.
pp.385-386 [Editorial]
Concerns a recent banquet held in Dunedin to honour Mr McAndrew during which the abolition of the provincial governments was discussed and the effect this will have on revenue. Discusses the source of revenue for the provinces and how the abolition of provinces will offer a central dispersion of funds, to the advantage of the South Island. Describes the three factions who will force this issue at the hustings: the centralists, who believe in one common colonial fund and central government; the followers of the present ministry, and the `place hunters' who adhere to the current system of provinces.
[English translation included.]
p. 387 [Brief news items]
Concerns a body found at Cape Kidnappers believed to be that of the Maori, Pura, a relative of Hāpuku, who disappeared while attempting to ford the Ngaruroro river.
An article from the Wellington Evening Post discussing Maori dissatisfaction over the government decision not to allow an increase in Maori representation in Parliament. States that if separate representation is to be allowed at all, then it should not be seen as a sham. Discusses the request for a separate Waikato Maori seat, considered more relevant than any of the proposed new European seats.
[English translation included.]
pp.387-388 Correspondence
From Ēnoka Te Wano, Ōtaki
Comments on an unsigned letter that appeared in Te Waka Maori that states that Maori and European are one people and therefore Maori should stop complaining about the government. States that he is yet to be shown any proof of one people and that it is government laws that are depriving Maori of their lands and forcing inequality.
Also comments on the activities of the Native Land Court in enforcing the land laws, and on the 10-owner rule for Maori land, noting that it is an evil ruling and deprives owners of their lands.
[English translation included.]
From Hēmi, Tauwhare, district of Tamahere, Waikato
Forwarded by Karaitiana Takamoana, concerning the awarding of land to Wiremu Tāmihana at Tauwhare. Discusses how the land was then removed from Maori ownership. States that those who refused to take the money offered by the Government are now being forced from their cultivations. Contains metaphoric language.
[Partial English translation]
From Tāmati
Refers to the discovery of a man's body at Cape Kidnappers and names the women who discovered the body and the men responsible for burying the body.
[English translation included.]
pp.388-392 The debate on the Hawke's Bay `Ring' land transactions
Report on the debate concerning the land `Ring' stating that a letter has been produced, written in 1869, that further accuses the translator, Worgan, as being party to dubious land dealings, and describes the actions he took to accomplish the land sales. States that the example used in the debate described the way the translators and confidants to Maori were acting for the other party, and did not have Maori interests in mind.
[English translation included.]
pp.393-395 [Advertisements]
From Pāteriki Kahikuru. Manufactures saddles, gigs and carts.
From Te Houra. Advertisement for plows, saddles, leather ware and other items for use with horses and carts.
From Nash and Davies. Painters, decorators and sign writers.
[English translation included.]
From Takena Mā. A clothing store advertising the best clothes in the Province.
From Tātana. Sells goods such as wine and rum.
From H.Kata. House builder's advertisement for work in the Province of Hawke's Bay.
From H. Wiremu. Sells saddles, iron goods and goods made by carpenters. All goods from England.
p.394 Notices
From A.Kirikoa, advising that animals held at the pound will be sold if not collected within two weeks. Contains description of the animals.
From Hōne Rikihana, advising that animals held at the pound will be sold if not collected within two weeks. Contains description of the animals.
From Hēnare J.Peka, advising that animals held at the pound will be sold if not collected within two weeks. Contains description of the animals.
From the Kamatira Hotel. Advertisement for hotel accommodation. Lists prices for meals and accommodation.
From E.Ahitana. The proprietor of the Provincial Hotel advertising the alcohol available at his hotel.
From H.Tiiri. Advertisement for tea and sugar.
From Te Pairini. Advertising services as an ironmonger.
From The Governor Brown Hotel. Advertising the fine hospitality and accommodation offered by the hotel. Also has good stabling for horses.
From A.Āperahama. Buys tobacco.
From Wiremu Ropitini, advising his services as a stock agent.
p.395 Horse races at Pākōwhai
Provides the results of the racing and includes information on each event.
Notice to registered voters in the Napier electorate
From Erumana Tuki, advising that he is standing as a candidate.
From Hōne Ropitini. Advertisement from a watch and jewellery maker.
From J.Kirimiri. Advertisement from a clothing store, competitive prices.
From R.Mira. Advertisement from a stock agent. Lists the breeds of rams and advises that he also deals in sheep flocks, and buys sheep for butchering.
From Pene Mete. Advertisement for his services as a house builder and architect.
From N.P.Paranite. Advertising his goods for sale at the best prices in Napier.
Te Wananga office
Explains the location of the newspaper's office, and states that the printer is Hēnare Hira [Henry Hill] and publisher, Hēnare Tōmoana.