Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 2, Number 2: pp Abstract
pp Intro to Abstracts

p.9 Notices and Answers to correspondents
List of names of subscribers and the subscription amounts they have paid.
[English translation included.]
From the Editor. Concerns contributors' opinions expressed in the newspaper.
[English translation included.]
[Letters to the Editor]
From Pēhimana Hōrua
Metaphoric language used to refer to Te Wananga as the canoe bailer, come to bail the canoes [tribal groups] that have become swamped with water [the European government and its Maori land laws].
[English translation included.]
pp.9-10 Editor replies that Te Wananga is just one of many bailers given to Maori and it is up to them which they choose.
[English translation included.]
pp.10-11 From Matiu Rangiheuea and twelve others, Pārekarangi
A letter received from the Tūhourangi tribe. Concerns the way in which their possessions are administered and governed, and discusses the work of a committee that administers the lands with representatives from each land area. Remarks that when the Maori land laws were passed, the ownership of land changed, and the writers are now advising lands that they wish to retain in customary ownership, and which will be administered by a Pūtāiki [a committee likened to a small wicker basket in which all reserved lands will be kept]. Observes that land is the only wealth Maori have, and the only wealth that can be passed on to future generations. Warns Europeans not to go to the district of the Pūtāiki as there is no land to lease or buy.
Lists by name the geographical boundaries of the Pūtāiki.
Names of the committee members are listed.
[English translation included.]
p.12 From Tāmati Reina
A welcome to Te Wananga. Contains metaphoric language, talks of Te Wananga saving the people that descend from the Aotea canoe.
Editor informs the writer that his land will be safe from the law providing he has not had it confiscated or sold.
[English translation included.]
Tīhorewaru, died on 12 December 1874 while carrying out work with his bullock team. There is a short obituary naming his father, Rāharuhi Hikitoetoe, and describing Tīhorewaru's great strength and skill with horses and bullock teams.
[English translation included.]
pp.12-13 From Paramena Te Naonao-a-Tūterangi
A letter containing whakapapa [genealogy] to establish a claim to land at Pātea, and stating that the descendants of Whitikaupeka are those who hold the land at Pātea and remain living in the area.
[English translation included.]
pp.13-14 Robert the Bruce and the bloodhound
The story of how Robert the Bruce of Scotland was nearly killed because of the devotion of his pet bloodhound. Tells how while escaping from a battlefield, Bruce and his foster-brother were pursued by the British, who noticed the bloodhound tracking its missing master and followed it, and that Bruce and his foster-brother managed to elude the hound and the British were forced to give up the chase.
[English translation included.]
pp.14-15 [Brief news items]
Concerns a British ship, carrying 400 immigrants, totally destroyed at the Cape of Good Hope, with 30 people found in one lifeboat, with only 3 still alive.
Announces the arrival of a British immigrant ship at Napier, with 326 passengers who came to New Zealand under the free emigration system.
Announces the Napier horse races to be held on 18 and 19 March, with large prizes and a Maori-owned horse, `Maori Weed', named a favourite to win.
Notice advising that all the Maori in the district are busy with their corn harvests, that Europeans have been offered ten shillings a day to work, and that because of the amount of work available labourers are hard to get.
Discussion of a petition to the Superintendent from both Maori and European, asking for a train station at Pākōwhai, in which the writer suggests that as Maori favour train travel they would appreciate the increased value of their lands that would result from the railway.
[English translation included.]
From the Editor of Te Wananga
Advising that Te Wananga is now entering the New Year and asking if Pakeha would like to send their thoughts concerning the newspaper. Adds that they welcome any contributions from Pakeha.
[English translation included.]
pp.15-16 [Letters to the Editor]
From Rei Parewhanake
Outlines Maori grievances over Maori land sales. Contains metaphoric language in speaking of the North Island as the fish and of the land as the Earth Mother.
The writer refers to Pakeha as having `only the lips that embrace, but the heart is grasping at the land'. Expresses fears that the loss of land will mean death for the Maori race, and criticises the laws made by Parliament suggesting that they have brought nothing but harm to Maori. Urges Maori to hold fast to their remaining land.
[English translation included.]
pp.16-17 From Te Wharewera Rangitūkehu, Webster Apanui, Samuel Tūpaea and all the tribe
A letter from northern tribes concerning a meeting to be held at Whakatāne, 28 March 1875. Names those attending the meeting: Sir Donald McLean, Te Whiti, Te Tohu, Hēnare Matua, Manuhiri and Manga [Rewi Maniapoto?]. Contains a whakataukī [saying] from the Mātaatua tribes' ancestor, Wairaka.
Asks tribes to assemble from the 10 to 20 March, and advises alcohol will not be permitted.
[English translation included.]
pp.17-18 From Tāmati Ranapīri
Reply to a report published in Te Waka Maori concerning his previous letter [ Te Wananga, Vol.1, 25 September 1874]. Denies that he named the government agents `Satan', but says he used this word for those Pakeha who beguile Maori. Also denies stating that his tribe went to Wellington to ask for money in exchange for land, and that he demanded land returned. Advises caution in all matters in the future.
[English translation included.]
p.18 [Notice]
From Te Wananga concerning the outcome of the recent horse races at Napier. [Page 19 has the list of results in Maori text only.]
p.18 Deaths
Diamond, at Matahiwi, son of Diamond Te Urututu who died in 1874.
Tamahou, aged 17 years. Died at Karamū.
Two children of Peni Te Uamairangi, Mackay and Victoria Hineirangia.
p.20 [Notices]
From Knight Brothers: Requests orders for their grass cutting and wheat harvesting equipment as soon as possible.
To hop growers: Notifies the writer's experience in cultivating hops. Offers his expertise in this area and asks interested people to contact him through the office of Te Wananga.
[English translation included.]
Terms of subscriptions
Subscriptions to Te Wananga are ten shillings for one year.
[English translation included.]
Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Te Wananga is printed by Henry Hill and published by Hēnare Tōmoana.