Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 2, Number 29: pp Abstract
pp Intro to Abstracts

p.365 [Advertisement]
From W.H.Binks, advising all Ngāti Kahungunu people living outside the Province of Hawke's Bay of his store in Napier. Sells saddles, boots and other quality goods at very reasonable prices, and invites people to come and inspect his merchandise.
pp.366-368 [Advertisement]
From Rāpata Pāma, advising the stud fees for the horse, Papapa.
From M.Boylan, advertising his services as a gunsmith.
[English translation included.]
From Rāwiri Peremanga, advising the stud fees for the horse, Terenga.
Notice to Maori voters in the Western Maori electorate
From Wiremu Paitaki, advising that Wāta Tīpa will be standing as a candidate in the next election.
From R.Henihana, sells and repairs watches.
From Hēnare Tōmoana, advising the services of a millar.
p.367 [Advertisements]
From J.Pauihi. Contains list of saddles, harness equipment and prices.
From Kohekerewa and company, advising their return to trading in Napier.
p.368 [Advertisement]
From A.H.Parona, advising the stud fee, qualities and pedigree of the horse, Kairaka.
The Bank
Underwriters for houses and ships for a small fee. Signed by Rōpata Tapihau, Napier.
From Paranihi Petara. Manufacturer of saddles and other equipment for use with horses.
From Hare Taihi, a tailor.
From Hare Teira. Footwear manufacturer.
Advertising his services as surveyor and civil engineer.
[English translation included.]
From G.Pākina. Manufacturer of carts and harness equipment, and is an ironmonger.
From Nataniora Hākopa. Sells tobacco, cigars and pipes.
From H.J.Hiki. Footwear manufacturer.
From Rati and Rauniri. Sell beds and similar goods.
p.369 Cost [of subscription]
Contains rates for yearly subscription, and the price for single copies of Te Wananga.
Notice to correspondents
Advises that the recent lack of space in Te Wananga has meant that letters to the Editor could not be published. Acknowledges letters received from named individuals.
[English translation included.]
Wātene Tiwaewae, Horowhenua.
Hoani Wiremu Taitimu, Ōtaki.
Te Whēoro, Poroutāwhao.
Ātareta Mahauariki, a woman related to Ngāti Raukawa, Waikato and Taupō tribes.
Ariwia, daughter of Hēnare Paretia, Kaiapoi.
Ari Peretia, wife of Hēnare Peretia of Ngāti Māmoe, Canterbury.
Hēnare Kuki, Pākōwhai, the whāngai [adopted child] of Hēnare Tōmoana.
[English translation included.]
From Te Wananga advising that the coverage of parliamentary reports will resume in the next issue.
[English translation included.]
An election notice
From Te Koroneho [Colenso], a Pakeha notifying his intention to stand as parliamentary candidate for the Napier seat. He reminds Maori that his thoughts are for their well-being and to make sure that they speak of him to their relations, and advises them to be careful of the other Pakeha candidates as they may not have their best interests at heart.
pp.369-371 [Editorial]
Discussion concerning a series of articles that appeared in the Hawke's Bay Herald Tribune which were written to discredit Te Wananga's stand against the `Land Ring'. States that the Tribun' is a `hireling organ', which prints only items favourable to the continuation of the dubious land transactions and those who carry them out. Also states that some of those who have been taken to court have had to repay some of their ill-gotten money to Maori who were duped into selling or leasing their lands.
[English translation included.]
pp.371-374 [Brief news items]
Notice of a meeting to be held at Pākōwhai to determine the Eastern Maori candidate.
Notice of four electioneering notices received by Te Wananga from Robert Stuart, Mayor of Napier, Wāta Tīpa of Ngāti Pāoa who is contesting Western Maori, Mr E. Tuke and Mr Colenso.
Concerns a donation by Maihi Parāone Kawiti [Marsh Brown] towards the building of a new Town Hall at Kawakawa, and queries if Maori chiefs will also contribute.
A Te Wairoa correspondent advises a meeting on the 9th of the month at which a Native Assessor will obtain information from Tukurangi and other blocks.
Report of an Auckland boat loading Maori produce on the Mōkau river, states that if this is the case, then Aucklanders have beaten Taranakites to the trade with Maori in the Mōkau area.
Report from the Press agency stating that Sir George Grey will visit Tāwhiao to renew their friendship.
From the Wairoa correspondent concerning lands passed on by the Court through succession orders. Refers to various land blocks.
Report from the Bay of Plenty Times concerning some of the work being carried out by Ngāti Pōtiki in the Karekare area, where they have large areas under cultivation and a boat building business. Reports they have built two small yachts of about five tons each, to be used as traders between the Maori settlement and Tauranga, Whakatāne and Katikati. Whaleboats and gigs are also under construction and Ngāti Pōtiki are also considering entering their boats in various regattas held in the area.
Reports on the progress of the two Appeal Court cases, Mangateretere and Ōmarunui. In the first, the judgement has not yet been given and in the second, the case has been withdrawn and will now be taken to the Privy Council.
Reports on the proceedings of the Native Land Court in Auckland and Wellington during the past year, during which the total number of acres to which titles were awarded by the Court was 771,416 acres, all in the Auckland area except for 2,077, which is situated in Wellington. Contains information on the number of claims pending (874), new claims pending (474), and 172 claims that have proceeded through the various stages of Court proceedings.
Report from the Whanganui Herald, concerning the attempt by Taiaroa to have the number of Maori seats increased from four to seven. States that the attempt failed because the policy of the government is to close the gap between Maori and Pakeha and this type of separatism is only a backward step.
Also discusses the unfair advantage that Maori have over Pakeha in some being able to have two votes, a right denied to Pakeha. Suggests that Maori have a number of rights denied to Pakeha and should not complain but be content with the present state of things.
An article which was requested by Poihipi Tūkairangi and also appeared in the Napier Daily Telegraph concerning a false report of Waikato Maori advancing to seek revenge on Maori at Tokanau for desecration of grave sites. States that the situation concerns the removal and reinterment of several chiefs to a Waikato cemetery outside of a newly surveyed area of land at Tokanau.
Concerns a letter published in the Auckland Evening Star that confirmed Sheehan's allegations regarding the `Ring', discusses the sale of alcohol to Maori, especially women and young girls, and how this is used as a means to gain Maori signatures to land sales.
Report from the Pātea Mail concerning Maori who have come into the township to attend the sitting of the Native Land Court, the town appearing to be in a state of siege as supplies of foodstuffs and other commodities run short. Also states that Maori have conducted themselves very well and give no cause for complaint even from the most nervous resident.
[English translation included.]
pp.374-375 Correspondence
From Heketa Te Awe, Wairoa
Advising the appointment of Karaitiana Takamoana as land sales agent for the Urewera tribes, Ngāti Kahungunu and Rongowhakaata tribes.
Letter to all correspondents
Reports that Toha Rahurahu has asked that the Land Court sitting scheduled for 27 October, be moved to 1 November because some of the lands have not yet had surveys completed. Contains a list of the lands in question.
Also discusses ancestral lands at Rotokakaranga; notes that the survey map has been completed and lies before the Court and owners are asked to verify the boundaries on the map.
From 4 to 6 November, the Urewera people were before the Court but the survey map was not complete, and the Court was adjourned.
From Wī Pere
Praising the skills of the teacher at Te Aute school, the Rev. Williams and his wife, both of whom are said to treat the children as if they were family. Also states that it is important that the children learn as much as they can because their parents have no land left by which they can gain a livelihood.
[English translation included.]
From Rāwiri Rota Te Tahiwi, Ōtaki
Praises Te Wananga and says that the subscription price is well worth paying because of the useful information contained within the pages.
Also discusses the prices listed for land, cattle, horses, sheep and produce and says that by knowing these, Maori will be able to compete with Europeans in agricultural pursuits. States that it is through agriculture that Europeans have become rich and Maori will now be able to do the same.
[English translation included.]
Notice to registered voters in the Napier electorate
From Erumana Tuki, advising that he is standing as a candidate.
p.376 Notices
From J.Hēnare Taraka, advising that animals held in the pound will be sold if not collected within two weeks. Contains description of the animals.
From Himiona Niuora, advising that animals held in the pound will be sold if not collected within two weeks. Contains description of the animals.
From Tāmati Renora, advising that animals held in the pound will be sold if not collected within two weeks. Contains description of theanimals.
From Tāmati Tauni, advising his business as a blacksmith.
From Wiremu Tewi, advising that a stray horse that has been running in his paddocks at Puketapu, Rotowhenua, for the past six weeks. Describes the horse and the brand markings.
[English translation included.]
To the electors of the electoral district of Napier
From Robert Stuart, advising that he will be standing as candidate; outlines his polices if re-elected.
[English translation included.]
pp.377-380 [Advertisements]
From Pāteriki Kahikuru. Manufactures saddles, gigs and carts.
From Te Houra. Advertisement for plows, saddles, leather ware and other items for use with horses and carts.
From Nash and Davies. Painters, decorators and signwriters.
[English translation included.]
From Takena Mā. A clothing store advertising the best clothes in the Province.
From Tātana. Sells goods such as wine and rum.
From H.Kata. House builder's advertisement for work in the Province of Hawke's Bay.
From H. Wiremu. Sells saddles, iron goods and goods made by carpenters. All goods from England.
From the Kamatira Hotel. Advertisement for hotel accommodation. Lists prices for meals and accommodation.
From E.Ahitana. The proprietor of the Provincial Hotel advertising the alcohol available at his hotel.
From H.Tiiri. Advertisement for tea and sugar.
From Te Pairini. Advertising services as an ironmonger.
From The Governor Brown Hotel. Advertising the fine hospitality and accommodation offered by the hotel. Also has good stabling for horses.
From A.Āperahama. Buys tobacco.
From Tavistock Store. Advertisement for a merchant selling goods such as clothing, shoes and boots, household goods and general groceries. Also is an agent for Te Wananga, the Daily Telegraph and The New Zealand Insurance Company.
[English translation included.]
From Hōne Ropitini. Advertisement from a watch and jewellery maker.
From J.Kirimiri. Advertisement from a clothing store, competitive prices.
From R.Mira. Advertisement from a stock agent. Lists the breeds of rams and advises that he also deals in sheep flocks, and buys sheep for butchering.
From Pene Mete. Advertisement for his services as a house builder and architect.
From N.P.Paranite. Advertising his goods for sale at the best prices in Napier.
Te Wananga office
Explains the location of the newspaper's office, and states that the printer is Hēnare Hira [Henry Hill] and publisher, Hēnare Tōmoana.