Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 2, Number 29. 20 November 1875

Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 2, Number 29. 20 November 1875

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           "TIHE   MAURI-ORA."
  NAMA 29.               NEPIA, HATAREI,   20 NOWEMA,   1875.             PUKAPUKA 2.

Ki Ngatikahungunu me nga  hapu e noho ana  i
         waho o te Porowini o Haku Pei.
                                                  —    ^  —

Kua  timata ki te whakahaere mahi toa hokohoko taonga i Nepia. 1 runga i tenei
mahi ka whakaatu  ia, ko nga mea o tana toa, he tera, Ue puutu, me era atu taonga
e paingia ana o nga tangata Maori. Ko tana tino kupu nui tenei kia koutou e kore
a ia e tono atu ki nga tangata Maori i tetahi utu rere ke i te utu e tonoa ana i te
Pakeha  mo ana taonga.  Ko ana  taonga e hoatu mo  te MONI,   koia te take i
whakangawari  i te utu. Heoi ano tana i tono ai inaianei, kia haere mai ki te whaka-
          matau  i te ngawari o te utu kia kite hoki i te pai o nga taonga.

                         KEI          NGARO                TAKU             INGOA:              —

         W.  H.  PINGIKI,.


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Te Wananga
                BE  TINO  HOIHO   REIHI.
                 KO TERENGA.

                  HE    uri tenei hoiho na Ririwata, ko te whaea ko Pipii,
                 (kei te pukapuka whakapaparanga hoiho o  Kui
                    Tireni te  tino korero  mo te hoiho nei.) He   hohio pai
                 rawa a TERENGA, 15 ringa me te 3 inihi te tiketike, a he
                 kuri kaha, he kuri pai te ahua.

                   Ko Waipukurau  a TERENGA tu ai i tenei tau. he pai nga
                  patiki hei nohoanga mo nga uha, a e kore e utu te nohoa-
                  nga o nga uha i reira. Otiia e kore ahau e mea kia utua
                  te mate aitua ki nga uha. Me  utu nga uha i te ra e riro
                  ai i tuatangata ua ratou aua uha.  A  maku e ki, kia
                  tikina mai £5  6s. 0d., mo te uha kotahi.

                                 RAWIRI PEREMANGA.
                                          POA  HIRA.

                          TAKIWA  Kl TE HAUAURU.
                 EHOA      tena koe, tenei te kupu ka tuka atu ki a koe kia
                        panuitia e koe ki nga takiwa katoa o te Motu nei, tenei
                   tetahi tangata ko Waata   Tipa te ingoa, he rangatira no
                  Ngatipaoa, he tamaiti hoki, na, Haora Tipa Koinaki, e mea
                   aua kia tu ai  hei Mema mo te Paremata, mo nga takiwa
                  katoa e tu nei a  Wi  Parata, ara hei whakahaere i nga
                   ritenga  o te Motu nei. Tenei etahi ritenga kei a ia. He
                  whakaatu tenei ki nga iwi katoa; i ta Hauraki tangata i
                   whiriwhiri  ai, mehemea tera ano te tangata a etahi iwi
                   e mea  nei ratou kia tu ko ta ratou, me whakaatu mai ki
                  nga iwi katoa, kei whakahe kau i nga tangata tokomaha,
                  a kino noa iho te tautotohe a te ra o te Pootitanga, kotahi
                  tonu hoki te tangata e whakaaetia  ana mo nga maori i
                    roto i te Paremata.
                                       WIREMU  PAITAKI.

                             HE PANUITANGA.
                       HE MEA ATU TENEI NA R. HENIHANA.

                 HE  kai mahi wati a ia, mo nga wati tini ahua katoa
                  Maana  e hanga, e whakapai, kei te Hekipia Roori, Nepia,

                 taua whare  mahi, i tawaahi ake o te whare Karakia.

                            HE  PANUITANGA.
                  KIA rongo nga Maori me kawe  mai  a ratou witi ki te
                    Mira i Waha Parata huri ai.  A  kia hoko ano hoki
                     te Maori i nga paraoa ma ratou i taua Mira.
                                                 NA HENARE TOMOANA,
                                                       Rangatira hautia ake taua
              Nepia, Nowema 18, 1875.

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                Te  Wananga.
                                                                                                                                                                           ..       .                                                                            o
  He mea  atu tenei naana, he nui aua mea penei, hei hoko

na te iwi, a nana ano i hanga. He iti te utu, kahore i
penei te pai o te utu i nga whare hoko katoa o Nepia. Mo

haere mai te iwi kia kite, koia nei te utu o etahi b aua
                                                        Ł   s.  d.
Tera tino pai, Tera taane   ...      ...       4  10  O

Tera Kiri poaka etahi waahi ...     ...      2  5  0
He Tera pikau taonga      ...      ...     3  10  O

Nga whakarawe  Kiki      ...     ...     8  0  0
Nga whakarawe Kiki ano   ...     ...     7  10  O

Piringa Kaata whakarawe   ...     ...     6  10  O
Whakarawe   Kaata  ...     ...     ...      4  10  0

Nga  nanawe hoiho  ...     ...     ...      2  12 O
Nga Kara kakii     ...      ...      ...      O  15  O

  A he iti ano hoki te utu mo nga mea katoa e hoko ana e
      Koia nei toku ingoa,

         J. PAUIHI.
  Kai hanga Tera, Kara, me tura whakarawe hoiho, kei
te taha o te Peeke o Nui Tireni, Nepia.
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 KUA hoki mai ano ki Nepia. A ka nohoia e ratou nga
 Toa hoko taonga i EMIHINA TIRITI.
   He mea  atu tenei na matou,  e kore e taea a matou
 taonga e nga tini Toa o te Taone nei, i te pai, i te iti ano
 hoki u te utu.

                     KOHEKEREWA     MA,  
   E Mihina Tiriti. Nepia.
  KO       KAIRAKA,

               TE TAKIWA E TU AI,
      KO  WAIPAOA.
KOIA    nei te korero o tenei Kuri, ara, mo te Momo i
      Puta ai. He mea whakatupu  tenei Hoiho e Te
Ropitini. He hoiho whero a pango a KAIRAKA : 16 ringa
te tiketike. He Kuri tino pono ana uri, ko te matua taane
ko Taratona, ko te whaea ko Kaipari. Ma Kaipari na
Tetitonga, ko te whaea ko KAIRAKA, a na Pipio-te-poai
aia, ko Karaura, na Pei Mititana, ko Papihi, na Rapitoke,
ko Etinga, na Rupene, ko Rama na Kohana, he tuahine
no Hehita, a na Ta Pita aia. Ko Wurupeka, ko Witipa-
raea, ko te whaea o Puhiti, ko Pipoteipoai, na Tanapiriti
aia, ko te Paranikina te whaea, na Orewa, na Tamapota,
na  Wihana, na  Maki, ko Tenipana,  na Tikianaru, ko
Horopaipa, na Tarapata, Runa,  Herora, tuahine a Ikinipi,
ko Tetitanga na Oraho, na Mihitikina, na Rokana, ko
Ereketa na  Porotakita, na Tamipata. Na Te  Ropitini i
uta mai ki Whakatu, ko Porotakita, na Orewa Korenewera.
A ko Tautona he hoiho whero a pango. He tuakana na
 Piia. Na S. Haka i whakatupu i te tau 1850. No Kere.
pana, ko Hinihira te whaea, a na Tatitone aia, i utaina mai
 ki tenei whenua i te tau 1858. He  mea uta  mai aia
 i Tawahi ki Merepana.  A e tino paingia ana aia o te iwi
 katoa o reira i te mea hoki e mea ana ratou. Koia te tino
 Hoiho  nani nga uri tino Reihi o reira. He teina a
Tautana  na  Piia, a koia te matua taane o Manukau.
 A koia te tino hoiho pai o te whenua nei. A ko KAIHAKA
te uri o te hoiho horo, me te Hoiho kaha, o ng Hoiho
tino momo o Ingarangi. A na Omene te Hoiho uha ; to
tamahine a Tautaua, i riro mana te Reihi i aia i te tau
 1867. A  ko te Hoiho  uha ko Kanariri na Tautana ano aia,
 he tino Hoiho Reihi kaha, rawa aia i nga hoiho katoa o
 Nui Tireni. A ko Atarata raua ko Ketetaramu, nga uri
ano o tenei Hoiho.
   Atarata raua ko Ketetaramu, he uri ano raua no Tautara,
 ko Arueka, ko te whaea o Tor tiika ko Titakata, me etahi
 atu he tamahine ano raua na Tanitana.  A ko Matarore,
 ko Ake, he uri ano enei no te taha ki te matua taane. A
 ko Minitiri, ko te Hoiho i a ia te tino utu mo te Reihi i
 Taranaki, no Tanitana ano a ia. Na Tautara a Mihiri no
 Wuruka.   He  tini noa atu nga uri o tenei Hoiho, ekore
 e taea te whakahua i te maha. Ko Tamariri nana te Reihi
 i Katapere, na Tautana a ia, me Mihipatini, me Rarapira.
 He uri ano raua ua Tautaua.
   E toru tau, a Te Rerewuru o Whakatu, i whakatupu uri ai a
   Ko nga Turei me nga Weneti a Tautana tu ai i Waipukurau,
 a ko etahi o nga ra o te wiki, ko Waipaoa aia tu ui,
   He patiki pai te wahi e tu ai nga uha.
   He nui te whakaaro tiaki mo nga uha, otiia kahore he he ki au
 mo te mate aitua ki nga uha.
   Ko  te utu mo Tautana mo  te uha kotahi e Ł5, 5, O, ki
 te mea  he tini ke nga uha a te tangata kotahi, ka hoki
 iho te utu.

                          NA A. H. PARANA.
  102                                      Kai Tiaki.

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              Te Wananga.
          TE    PEEKE

             O NUI  TIRENI.
 Nga moni a nga kai tiaki o tena Peeke £1,000,000
                  (kotahi Miriona).

E taunahatia ana e tenei Peeke nga Whare, me nga Kai-
    puke.  Kia  wera, kia tahuri rawa ake ka utua e
         ratou. He iti nei te utu ki tenei Peeke
           mo taua mahi a ratou. 
                    ROPATA TAPIHANA,
83                             Kai tiaki, Nepia.

Kai hanga tera, me nga mea whakarawe katoa mo te
               HAWHERAKA.                  77

  HARE       TAIHI,
               KAITUI   KAKAHU,
           HAWHERAKA.                     78

             HAWHERAKA.            79

 KAI Ruuri whenua, me nga Waapu, me nga Rori
   Maana e mahi nga Mapi ma  nga Maori, mo nga Rori,
 Waapu, me nga mea pera. Me tuku mai nga pukapuka
 ki aia, ki te Whare ta o "Te Wananga," Hehitinga Tiriti,
                    U. R. ROPITINI,
                               Hehitinga  Tiriti, Nepia.

 Surveys made, Bridge Plans prepared, and Estimates given
         to any of the Natives of the North Island.

    Address—WANANGA   Office, Hastings-Street, Napier.
Whare hanga  Kooti, Nepia.

Eai hanga Kooti, me te mahi Terei, kai
  rongoa Hoiho, me te mahi i nga rino
    katoa e mahi  ai te Parakimete,

                 Hehitingi Tiriti, Nepia.
HE    mea  mahi nga Kooti me nga Kareti, ki te
      tikanga o nga tauira hoa, o Tawahi o Merika,
a he mea mahi pai te hanga o ana mea.
   He mea peeita ano hoki eia, a he uta tika tana utu

i tono ai mo ana mahi.

                   Kei a
   Nataniora Hakopa
                   i Hehitingi Tiriti,
TE  TUPEKA    poi,
 X             me nga 1 TIKA,
                         me nga PAIPA  Mihini,
       Me nga mea whakatangitangi Koriana,
               me nga Wai kakara,
            me  nga taonga tini noa ata.

 A he kotahi ano ana utu e tono ai ki te
          Pakeha  ki te Maori.
   Ki te mea ka hokona etahi o enei mea e nga kai
 tiaki Toa, penei e hoki iho te utu.

    H.  J.  HIKI,

    Na Rati Raua ko Rauniri.
  NGA Moenga, me nga tini tini o nga mea pera. Kei
     ta raua Toa, i te taha o te Haku Pei Karapu.

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              Te Wananga.
   E  taia ana Te WANANGA     Nupepa  i nga wiki
katoa, Ko  te utu mo te tau, kotahi pauna.  Otiia, ki te
tukua ma  te Meera, kotahi pauna, e rua hereni me te hiki-
pene mo  te. tau: . Mo te ; WANANGA    kotahi, ana tikina
atu i nga Toa takotoranga o taua Nupepa, he hikipene mo
 te Nupepa kotahi.

              KI NOA  KAI TUHI KORERO MAI.
He  nui nga reta a iwi e tae mai kia matou. A na te mea e kapi ana te
    Nupepa  nei i nga korero o te Paremata, koia i kore ai aua reta e taiia
    wewetia e matou. A kotahi nei te wa i kiia ai hei mahi mo ana reta,
    i te mea hoki e waiho ana nga korero o te Paremata, kia taia ai etahi o
     ana reta.                    
 Me tuku mai nga moni utu mo te Wananga, e Eparaima Mahauariki, ki ta
     Etita o te Wananga.
 Kua tae mai te reta a Te Watene Tukino.
 A e mea ano te reta a Paramena Matohi. He kino rawa te rori atu o Pata-
     ngata, ki Nepia.
 Me taku mat te tino ingoa o Pikirarunia ki taia ai tana reta e te Wananga.
 Kua tae mai nga reta a Mohi Moke Atarea, a Hori Te Huki, a Heta Tiki, a
    Hara Pine, a Waero Mapu.
 E ui ana a Huirama, mehemea o penei ana te whenua Karauna Karaati, me
    te whenua Karauna Karaati kora. Ko nga whenua kua puta nga Karauna
     Karaati he tika noa ata era ki hokona ki te tini o te Pakeha ki ta te
    Ture ahua. Otiia ko te whenua ki ano i pato be Karauna Karaati, e
    kore tera e tika kia hokona, i te mea hoki kahore i mana he Ture mona.

 We  have received many  letters of late from Natives of various parts of
     New Zealand, but the speeches we have quoted from the Parliamentary
     Papers, necessarily took all our available space, so that we were not
     able to notice them until now.
 Eparaima Nahauariki can send the subscription for the WANANGA to the
    Editor of TE WANANGA.
 Watene  Tekino's letter is received.
 Pareamene Katohu states the roads to and from Patangata to Napier and
     to Te Aute, are in such a state, that they are nearly impassable.
 Pikiraranga must send his Maori name ere we can publish his letter.
 We  have received the letters of Mohi Moke Atorea, of Hori Te Huki, and
     Heta Tiki, Haka Pine, and Waero Mapu.
 Huinama  asks if land for which a Crown Grant has deen issued, is in the
     same position as land for which a Crown Grant has not been issued ?
     Land  for which a Crown  Grant has been issued, can be dealt with
     validly by sale or lease to Europeans, while land which has not passed
     through the Native Lands Court can not legally be so dealt with.

                       NGA TANGATA     MATE.
    Kua mate tetahi wahine Rangatira nui ko Atarita Mahauariki te ingoa,
 he Upoko ia no Ngatiraukawa katoa. He nui taku pouri mo tenei wahine,
  ko te ra i mate ai, no to 24 Oketopa. Ko taua wahine he wahine pai, kaore
  ona reo kino ki te tangata. Ko ana tamariki kei te atawhaitia e matou.
   No te 15 o Nowema a Henare Kuki tama a Hamiora Huhu o Ngatiporou,
 i mate ia ki te Waipatu, i Pakowhai, Nepia, 14 ona tan. He tamaiti i akona
- ki te Kura i Poneke, a no te paanga e te mate turoro, i kawea mai ai e
  Henare Tomoana ki aia tiaki ai, me te utu ano a Henare Tomoana i te
  Takuta mo taua tamaiti.
   Ko Te Watene Tiwaewae, Kaharunga, I mate ki Horowhenua. i te ata po
  o te Rahoroi i te 11 o nga ra o Hepetema l875. He uri no te Whatanui, He
 tino tangata Rangatira, e manaakitia ana e toua Iwi e Ngatiraukawa, no to
  mea he uri ia no te. Whatanui, a koia o te Whatanui i ora. A i puta ake ano
 he kupa mana i tona tatanga ki to hemo kia mau ki te Whakapono i muri i au, e
  aku tamariki.
   ' Ko Hoani Wiremu Taitimu, te tamaiti a Hoani Taipua Te Punairangariri.
  I mate ki Otaki, i te ata po a te Katapu, i te 12 o Hepetema 1875, i te 2 o nga
  haora. He tamaiti e kawea ana e tona matua ki te Kura i Otaki, a nui atu
  te pouri o tona matua.
    Ko Te Wheoro,  he teina no te Taepa, kai ta moko, no te Arawa,  o
  Ngatiwhakaue, i mate ki Poroutawhao, ara, ki Wairarawa i te 18 o nga ra o
  Hepetema 1875.
    No te 27 o Oketopa i Kaiapoi, a Aniwia i mate ai. He tamahine na Henare
  Perita. No te 29 o Oketopa, a Ani Perita i mate ai. He wahine na Henare
  Perita no Ngatimamoe, i te Porowini o Katepere,

  On the 11th of September, Watene Tiwaewae, son of Te Whatanui, at Horo-
  On the 12th of September, Hoani Wiremu Taitimu, son of Hoani Taipua Te
      Punairangarirl at O aki.
  On the 18th September, Te Wheoro, brother of Taepa, of Te Arawa, at Po-
  On the 24th October, Atareta Mahauariki, a woman related to the Ngatirau-
      kawa. Waikato and  Taupo tribes.
  On  the 27th of October, Ariwia, daughter of Henare Pareita, at Kaiapoi.
  On  the 29th of October, Ari Pereita, wife of Henare Pereita, of the Ngati-
      manoe  tribe, in the Province of Canterbury.
  On the 10th of November, at Pakowhai, Henare Kuki, son of Hamiora Huhu,
      aged 14 years. He was of the Ngatiporou, but kindly kept and attended
      to by Henare Tomoana.    

    Kei tera wiki pea ka taia ano e matou te roanga o nga
  korero o te Paremata.
    Our  Parliamentary  reports will most  probably  be

  resumed next week.

KI  nga Rangatira Maori e whai Pooti ana mo konei,
     ara mo te wahi e kita ana ko Nepia.—•
E koro ma, E hoa ma, tena koutou. Kia rongo mai
koutou ki taku korero. Tenei kua whakaae ahau kia
tu hei Mema mo Nepia nei ki to tatou Paremata hou:
a, ko ahau ano tetahi, ina hoki ka tokoroa nga Me-
ma Pakeha kua whakaritea mo Nepia nei.
  Koia ahau ka kii ata nei ki a koutou katoa, oku hoa
Maori  nei, kia mahara mai koutou ki tenei tangata
e  karanga  atu ana  ki a koutou, — Tena  pea, ki
etahi o koutou, ano mehemea he karanga whanau-
nga  taka karanga atu ki a koutou; aera, ano me
he reo tamariki piri poho e whai ana, e tangi ana,
ki toona koka;—Me  he tangata ranei e arohaina ana
e kimi ana i tetahi purapura maana i te wa rumaki
   Ae, tena pea koutou ei oho mai e whakao mai, pera
pa ano mo i mua i nga wa ora wa pai, e mea ana mai.
•' Tenei, e Neho e, tenei matou ka piri pa matou ki a
 koe; ae, ka Pooti ano matou mohou, kia haere utu
 koe ki te Paremata hei hoa mo matou.?
   E hoa ma, e kore ahau e whakanui inaianei i taku
 korero kia koutou ki te Nupepa nei, notemea e mo-
 hio ana koutou ki ahau. Aera, koutou e noho nei inai-
 anei, me era atu hoki o tatou kua riro atu, toona mano
 toona tini, kua mohio katoa koutou ki ahau, ki taku
 noho hoki, U taku mahi, ae, me aku kupu, me aku
 whakaaro hoki mo koutou mo nga Maori.—
   Engari pea kia tupato koutou ki nga korero a etahi
 Pakeha ki a koutou, kei mau ki te pou pai, he pou
 eketia e te  kiore, kei kai i te ketekete:—Kaati  ra
   Na,  tenei ano taku :—na, a tetahi atu rangi ka
 karangatia he hui mo tatou ki Pakowhai ; o ka haere
 atu ahau, ka ata  korero atu i aku whakaaro  ki a
 koutou. Kia tae mai te pukapuka whakamana pooti
 a te Kawanatanga, katahi ka whakaritea te ra hui ki
   Heoi  ano ka  mutu,—-Iti noa  ana he pito mata.
 Naku, Na to koutou hoa o mua iho.
                   NA TE KORONEHO.
   No Nepia, no te 18 o nga
     ra o Nowema, 1875.                  152


  HATAREI, 20 NOEMA, 1875.

HE nui ano nga korero a tetahi Nupepa a Te Haku
 Pei Herara, i tuhituhi ai, a kihai rawa matou i ahaaha
 atu ki aua korero kotete a taua Nupepa. Te take, he
 mea  na matou, he tino korero hau warea una kupu. Te-
 tahi take he mea na matou na nga tangata aua korero i
 tuhituhi, i kiia nei aua tangata na ratou nga he e amuamua
 nei e matou. He mea hoki i tuhituhia ai aua korero, kia
  kite nga Maori i aua korero, a ma reira pea e matu ai
 te tohe a nga Maori ki te whakawa i a ratou whenua
  i riro he nei i te Pakeha. Tetahi he mea na  aua
  Pakeha na ratou nei aua  korero i tuhituhia ki taua
  Nupepa, mehemea e rangona tikatia ana a ratou mahi
 nukarau i te Maori, penei e kore rawa ratou o tukua

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                Te Wananga.
  ki nga minenga Rangatira haere ai, i te mea hoki ko
 aua mahi a ratou he tino mahi nukarau tahae. A ko
 aua mahi  a ratou i he ai, i riro ai te whenua Maori
 kia kaua e rongona e te iwi.  Na aua mahi tahae a
 ana kai tuhi o taua Nupepa i oho ai te mauri o nga
 tangata whakaaro tika. He mea i puta ai enei kupu
 a matou, he kitenga na matou i tetahi korero hou a
 tana Nupepa a Te Herora. A i mea matou, me puta
 ano he kupu a matou mo aua korero, kei kite noa te
 iwi i ana kupu tito a taua Nupepa, a ka mea pea te
 iwi he pono aua kupu titotito. He nui noa atu nga
 kupu a tau Nupepa mo nga korero a tetahi o nga
 Mema  o te Paremata, mo nga kupu a taua Mema i
 korero ai mo nga korero whakapae mo—na i aua mahi
 maminga  i nga whenua a nga Maori. I penei hoki te
 kupu a taua Mema i roto i te Paremata. "E pai e ora
 mai nga Maori, a e puta mai ratou me a ratou kiri a
 ora ana. He mea atu tenei na matou ki taua Memea
 mehemea  ko te kiri kau anake o toe ki te. Maori, he
 pai rawa ata tenei, i te mate mo ratou mei noho
 tonu nga Maori kia atawhaitia ratou tahi ano ko nga
 hoa o taua Mema.   Mei  noho tonu  nga Maori i
 aua  Pakeha  hei atawhai i  aua Maori, penei ko
 nga whenua  a aua  Maori o  riro i taua Mema
 me ana  hoa, a ko aua Maori e  mate rawa  atu
 i te tino o te mate, ka takoto noa  iho i te huanui
 koropeke kau ai, a ki reira hemo ai i te kai, i te kore
 rawa. He mea   atu tenei na matou kia aua kai tuhituhi
 e kore rawa e puta he tikanga kia ratou mo aua
 tuhituhi e tohe nei ratou kia tuhituhi tonu. No te
mea  hoki e rongo ana ano nga Maori i ana korero
 whakapati.  A ma aua korero e tino kino rawa atu ai
te whakaaro  a nga  Maori ki ana ta tangata, no te
mea  hoki, na aua tangata i tahae nga whenua a nga
Maori, a ka anga nei ano aua Pakeha ka ako he i te
iwi, e hua e ngaro a ratou mahi kohuru i aua whenua,
i mahia ra e ratou i mua. I penei hoki te kupu a
tetahi o nga  Rangatira Maori.  He tino mahi he te
mahi a aua Pakaha, ina hoki, ka anga ka korero penei
ai ratou. E tika ana te kupu  a taua Nupepa  e ki
nei, ko totika e mahia ana i roto i nga Kooti Pakeha,
he tika i kitea ki te ahua o te mahi pono anake A
koia ra pea  te take i mea ai aua kai tuhituhi i aua
korero, kia kaua e tukua nga mahi a nga Maori ki
aua Kooti i Ingarangi kei kitea te he o nga mahi o
aua Pakeha, na ratou nei ana korero tito, me nga he
i mahia i mua. A ma aua whakawa i Ingarangi e
kitea ai nga he i mahia. A  ma aua Kooti  e tino
mahi aua mahi kia rawa ai ona he. He mea
pu  ano na matou, ki to mea  e kore e puta tetahi
whakawa ma te Maori i aua whakawa ka mahia nei
heoi ra, ma aua whakawa ka puta ai he utu tika mo
nga whenua  e mahia i enei ra a muri nei. A ko
etahi o  nga  tangata ua ratou  nei i tuhituhi nga
korero e taia ana e taua Nupepa  e Te Herara, ko
ratou nga Pakeho  kua  pau nei ano etahi o a ratou
moni hei utu mo nga whakawa i whakawakia ai ratou
e  nga  Maori.  A   na reira i tino tara ai ta  ratou
korero a muri nei, e kore matou e ki, ki ki nga kupu
wawata a tana Nupepa a To Haku Pei Herara, mo
waiho ma nga whakawa e ako ratou ki te mahi tika.
A  he  tino kupu na te tutua  ratou, koia matou i
mea  ai ekore ta te tutua reo e utua e matou, engari,
me noho hangai.
        SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1875.

 WE   have refrained from taking  notice of a series of
 articles written in a paper called the " Hawke's Bay
  Herald " for two reasons : in the first place, they were
too contemptible iu character, and secondly, because
  they are instigated by certain parties deeply interested
 in the matters on which this paper so freely comments.
 They  are written with, the hope of disheartening the
 the Maoris, and preventing them from proceeding with
 their causes of dispute in the  Courts of Justice, so
 that the dark deeds which have been perpetrated on
 their unfortunate victims—deeds  which,  if exposed,
 would  stamp their perpetrators as men unfit to hold
 a  position of honor  in any  class of society, com-
 mitted by the aid of gross fraud and corruption, and
 which they desire to be buried in oblivion—may  not
 be brought to light, making honest men shudder at
 at the idea that transactions of such  a description
 should have unconsciously been carried on almost at
 their very door-posts. Oar attention has been drawn
 to an article in a recent issue of the " Herald," which
 is calculated to mislead many who aro ignorant of the
 facts of the cases commented on, and who, on seeing
 no reply to these statements, imagine, perhaps, that
 there may be some small scintilla of truth in the as-
 sertions of our contemporary, and to undeceive those
 we now write.  A  great deal has been written by this
 paper of an observation made in the General Assembly
 by one  of the men  interested in these transactions
 when he attempted to defend himself from the accusa-
 tions laid to his charge. He said " The Natives would
 be lucky if they were left with their skins." We can
tell that gentleman and his associates that the Natives,
judging from  their past transactions with the " Ring,"
will be better off if they retain their skins than they
would have been, if left to the tender mercies of him-
self and his " confreres," as in that case they would
have  been denuded of all their lands, and deserted to
die iri beggary ou the  high roads of the Province.
Those  who instigate, and those who write the articles
in this hireling organ, may rest assured they obtain no
purpose by so doing, as their assertions are translated
to those interested—the effect being to make the Natives
more bitter against those who first robbed them, and
now  adopt such unworthy  means with the hope of
covering their iniquities. A well-known and highly
influential chief, after having had an  article of this
class read to him remarked " These people must have
a very bad case when, they resort to such moans  as
these to endeavor to gain their ends." The " Herald"
however  is correct, when it states that the "justice
which is obtained in a British Court of Law is only
justice according to Law and Equity," and it is doubt-
less from this that the instigators of the mendacious
articles it publishes from time to time are so anxious
that none of these cases should be heard in England,
knowing that many of the deeds committed by these
Provincial land sharks would be brought to the light,
and would not bo tolerated by the Law Courts of that
country.  We  assert positively that never if the Natives
stall not gain a single case in any court of law affect-

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                Te Wananga.
 ing their landed estate, that they will be the gainers
 by the action of those who are endeavoring to procure
 them  justice, as in many cases which have  already
 transpired, whore they have been duped of their lands,
 but the titles not found correct, the people who have
 taken advantage of their ignorance have been com-
 pelled to pay  a fair price or disgorge ; and  by this
 means, and with the  advice and assistance given the
 Natives in selling and leasing their lands, they have
 derived an increased revenue, and are already beginning
 to feel and acknowledge the benefits they have derived
 from the so-called " Repudiation Committee." Some of
 the instigators of the articles our contemporary delights
 to publish, have by this means been touched in their
 pockets, and forced to disgorge some of their ill-gotten
 gains, and it is this which makes them so bitter, re-
 gretting the  monetary  loss a great deal more, than
 attacks on their dubious  notoriety. For  the future,
 we shall make no remarks, or any false statements the
 " Herald"  may  make  on  matters that aro still sub
 judice, or take any notice of the low personalities in
 which it delights to indulge.

   E kiia ana, kua karangatia te Hui mo nga tangata katoa
 o te takiwa Pooti Mema Maori kia hui ki Pakawhai a te 22
 o Tihema.  He  hui kia kiia he Mema Maori mo te Pare-
 mata hou.
   We  learn that a  meeting is called of all the chiefs of
 the tribes resident in the Eastern Maori Electoral District
 at Pakowhai, commencing; on the 22nd proximo, to con-
 sider who shall be returned as member under the Maori
 Representation Act for the ensuing Parliament.
   E  panui kei roto i te Wananga  nei. Na  To  Tuati
 Pakeha  totahi, a ko Waati Tipa tetahi, te tama o Koinaki,
 o Ngatipaoa, na To Tuuki tetahi, na Te Koroneho tetahi.
 Ho  mea   na  ratou kia  Pootitia ratou  e te Iwi  hei
 Mema  mo  te Paremata, ko Waata Tipa, o mea  ana
 koia ki te turanga a Wi Parata.
  We   have" four electioneering advertisements in our
 present issue, one from Robert Stuart, Esq., the Mayor of
 Napier, and  the other from  Waata   Tipa, the son  of
 Koinaki, of the Ngatipaoa, of the Thames, who intends
 contesting the Western  Maori  District, now represented
 by Wi Parata one from Mr. E. Tuke  and another from
 Mr. Colenso.
   He  rongo na Maihi Paraone Kawiti, ki te korero, e hanga
 ana te tahi wharo runanga Pakeha i te Kawakawa i To-
 korau.  A e kiia ana, ko te utu mo taua whare £400. A
 kia 300 rau he moni ma te iwi e kohi kohi, koia aia i mea
 ai, maana e hoatu te Rau kotahi. Ahea ra te penei ai te
 whakaaro  a e tahi Rangatira Maori, kia puta nui ai he mahi
 i mohio ai te iwi ki te akoranga o tupu ai ki te no marama
 nga whakaaro.
   Marsh Brown, knowing a new Town  Hall was to be
 built by subscription at Kawa Kawa, at a cost of £400,
 three fourths of which was to be raised by contribution,
 headed  the subscribers' list with a donation of £100.
 When   will all chiefs help civilisation in a similar manner
 we wonder ?
   He  kupu enei i tukua mai e te kai tuhituhi korero mai
 ki te Wananga :—" Ki te pai te ra apopo, te 9 o Nowema
 ka haere tetahi o nga Ateha  o te Kooti, me etahi atu
 tangata ki Waikare  ki te titiro i nga rohe, me etahi atu
 tikanga kei runga i aua whenua i whakapuakina mai ki
 te Kooti e nga kai korero, ara, ko nga ingoa o aua whenua
 ko Tukurangi, Ruakituri, Waiau, Taramarama."
   From  our correspondent at To Wairoa, wo learn " that
 on the 9th of this month, ono of the Native Assessors of
 the Native Lands Court was to proceed to the blocks of
manama,  where certain information would be given, and
other matters  discussed respecting, those blocks for the
information of the Court."
  E  mea  ana te Nupepa  Te Pahiti o Taranaki, ko te
Kaipuke  i kiia nei, i rere, a i tapoko ki Mokau, he kaipuke
na tetahi Pakeha o Akarana, he haere ki te hoko poaka,
kau, me te hakeke porotawa, me te kaanga, he mea hoki
o  paingia ana o nga Maori kia haere aua Pakeha ki reira
hoko  ai i a ratou mea.  A  kua mea aua Pakeha, ka
hokihoki ano ratou ki Mokau i roto i nga wiki e rua, i ia
 marama i ia marama o te tau. He  mea ko a tenei, e,
kua riro i nga Pakeha o Akarana to mahi hoko i nga mea
a nga  Maori o Mokau.  A  ekoro e riro i nga Pakeha o
Taranaki te mahi hoko o tana takiwa.
  The " Taranaki Budget" says :—" The craft, which was
seen entering Mokau lately is reported to be owned by an
Auckland  firm, who bought pigs, cattle, fungus, and corn
from the Natives, and have arranged to run a boat once
a fortnight into the Mokau.   If this report is strictly true,
it shows that Aucklanders have headed Taranakites in the
matter opening trade with Mokau."               . ,
  E mea ana to kai tuku waea ki nga Nupepa. " Areka
Nowema  17. E meinga ana e haere ana a Ta Hori Kerei
kia kite ia Tawhiao i Hikuranga. A he nui noa atu to
mahi kai a to Maori mo Kawana Kerei ka haere nei kia
kite i nga Rangatira o Waikato. E mea ana nga Maori,
he haere Ta Kawana Kerei kia kite i una hoa o mua. A
tera ano a mawhete te here o te putea korero a Matutaera
ki te aro aro a Kawana Kerei.
  The  Press Agency  has the following :—" Alexandra,
November  17,—Sir George  Grey ia expected here next
week,  en route to Hikurangi, to meet Tawhiao.  Great
preparations are going  on hero for his reception. Tho
Natives say he  is only coming to see his old friends, and
also that Tawhaio will freely open his budget of griev-
  Nei nga  kupu a ta matou kai tuhituhi korero mai ki te
Wananga:—"   Wairoa, Mane, 8, Nowema, 1875, i te puare-
tanga o to Kooti i tenei ra i te tekau o te haora, i tu mai
nga tangata i tone kia riro kia ratou nga whenua o to
hunga kua mate, a i whakarangona e te Kooti a ratou take
me ta ratou paanga ki te hunga mate, a whakataua ana
kia ratou aua whenua  Ki Herewini a Taupata, rae Nu-
kutarua : Hirini Maru, a Nukutaurua, me Moutere No 1.
Mihiterina, me etahi atu, Taupata No. 2 : Mihiterina, mo
etahi atu, Moutere No. 1. A ko te tono a Ihaka Whanga,
a Waaka  Matangihia, a Hirini te Riti, a Komene te Rito,
mo Taraketemau, kihai i oti, kua tukua mo tetahi takiwa
atu ."
  We  have received the following from our Wairoa cor-
respondent :—" Monday, 8th November, 1875. The fol-
lowing  claims to succession were heard and given, as
Herewini for Taupata block, land for Kakutaurua block ;
Hirini  Manu,  for Nukutaurua,  also Hirini Manu  for
Moutere No. 1;  Mihiterina, and others, for TauPata No,
2., the same for Moutere No. 1. And the claim of Waka
Matangihia,  Hirini Te   Hiti, Komene  Te  Rito, for
Taraketemau  block, was adjourned for a future sitting of
the Court."                                      

  E mea ana te Nupepa o Tauranga. He nui noa atu nga
mahi o  mahia aua i konei, ko nga korero hou  mai i
Karekare he kainga e tata ana ki Mangatawa e nohoia
ana e  Ngati- potiki, e mahi nui  ana taua hapu i nga
mahi  nui, e kiia ana kei Ohuki  te tino kainga o taua
hapu  nei, a ko Wi  Parera to tino Kaumatua  o ratou.
He nui noa atu te whenua i Ohuki i te takiwa i Matapihi
kua ngaki a e taua hapu. Otiia ko te tino mahi o manaakitia
ana e taua hunga he hanga Poti ka tataka oti ia ratou
nga poti e rua e rima tana o tetahi o tetahi. A he pai no
ta ratou mahi i ki ai ahau, e kore ano e pai ke ake ta te
Pakeha hanga poti i te mahi a aua Maori. He mea mahi
mai nga rakau mo  aua poti i te ngahere ano i reira.  A
ko aua poti i mahia ai, hei poti uta uta taonga mai i Tuura-

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Te Wananga.
                e 771416. A ko enei no te Porowini o Akarana. 2077 nga
                 eka o aua eka nei no te Porowini o Poneke. 296 nga
                 tangata i tono kia tu ratou ki nga whenua a nga tangata mate
                 A 63 nga tono i mana, i te Kooti. 73 nga whenua i kiia
                 e nga whenua i nga Maori, kia wehe wehea nga Kara-
                 una Karaati ki nga tangata, a 6 rawa ano i mahia e te Ko-
                  oti i roto i tenei tau." A 13 nga kai whakamaori kua tu i
                 i tana tau nei. A 12 o aua kai whakamaori kei te Porowi-
                  ni o Akarana.  A, kotahi kei te Porowini o Haku Pei. E
                  tora ano whenua i tuaruatia te whakawakanga i te tau nei.
                Ko nga utu mo nga mahi whakawa o taua tau £431  £24
                 kua tae ki te Kooti toe atu nga moni kihai i utua mai
                 £407. Kahore he tino kaha o te Kooti ki te mahi iana
                  moni kia utua ki te Kooti. Mehe ea pea, ko etahi mahi
                 a te Kawanatanga ka hohoro te mahi kohikohi i ana moni
                 nei ra ko tana Kooti he kore ona kaha ki te mahi i ana moni
                 E mea ana te ahua o te korero ko Akarana te whenua i
                 nui ona kai whakinaori: me nga tini Pakeha mahi i nga
                  mea Maori.  A e hara i te mea he nui noa no te pera i
                 Akarana. Otiia he nui ano nga mahi Maori i mahia i Akara-
                  The proceeding of the Native Lands Courts during the
                  past financial year have been limited to the Provinces of
                   Wellington and  Auckland as far as the ordering of titles
                  is concerned. The claims to land pending last year were
                   874, extending over all the Provinces. 474  new claims
                  are still pending, and 172 claims have been advanced
                   various stages. The total number of acres to which titles
                    have been ordered by the Court is 771,416, all of which,
                    with the exception of 2,077 acres in Wellington, is in the
                  Province of Auckland.  296 testamentary  orders have
                   been applied for, and 63 issued.  Orders for subdivision
                   have been applied for in 73 cases, but only 6 have been
                  issued during the period.  13 interpreter's licenses have
                   been granted, 12  of which are in Auckland, and one in
                  Hawke's Bay.  There have  been only three re-hearings
                  during the year. The feed do not amount to much. £431
                   has been applied for, but only £24 was paid, leaving a
                  balance outstanding of £407. There  appears to he too
                    little care exercised in the collection of these fees. While
                   in other branches of the Service rules are strictly adhered
                   to, there appears to be no  guiding principle at all here.
                  It would  appear from  the return that Auckland is pre-
                   eminently the place for interpreters and others interested
                  in Native matters. Not only are they most numerous
                   there, but the most work has been  carried on in that
                  E mea ana te Nupepa a  Te Whanganui Herora.
                "Ko   te kupu a Taiaroa i mea atu ai ki te Paremata,
                 kia nui he Mema  Maori  mo  te Paremata, ara, ko te
               tokowha, me  mea hei tokowhitu, ko taua kupu a
                 Taiaroa  i he i te Paremata.  E kore te tini e oho i
                tana kupu whakakahore mo te tono a Taiaroa. Me-
                 hemea kahore  he pooti a te Maori mo  nga Mema
                 Pakeha, penei he tika kia tu te tokowhitu Maori hei
               . Mema mo nga Maori.  Nei ra e pooti ana etahi o nga
                Maori mo nga  Mema  Maori, a ko etahi ano o aua
                  Maori e whai Karauria  Kararti ana, e pooti ana ano
               mo nga  Mema  Pakeha, ka rua ai mana pooti a nga
                 Maiori. A he kotahi ano mana pooti a te Pakeha. Te
                 mea i kiia ai nga tikanga mo te Maori, he mea kia rite
                 ai ratou ki te Pakeha. A ko tenei, mehemea e kiia
                ana kia nui he Mema Maori mo te Paremata, penei he
                 hoki komuri taua tu mahi, ma reira e roa ai nga Maori
                e kawe ana i te ako moona e tae ai ki to te Pakeha
                nui.  He nai nga mahi i kiia mu te Maori, e kore nei
                e tukua ma te Pakeha ana tu mahi. Ina hoki, e rua
                 mana  pooti a te Maori, a kotahi tahi ano a te Pakeha.
                 A  e kore e tika te kupu a te Maori moona e pooti nei,
                 ma  reira e tika ai ta matou ki, kati ano te waahi hei
                 pai e whakaae ai te Maori. Na reira ano hoki i kore
                ai e whakaaetia te Mema Maori hoa mo to Paramata,

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              Te Wananga.
mo  Waikato   Na Taiaroa ano hoki te tono mo taua
Mema  Maori mo Waikato.  He  mea  hoki pea na te
Paremata kia kaua e whakaaetia etahi Mema  Maori
hou  mo te Paremata."  He  mea i taia ai enei korero
e Te  Wananga,   hei titiro ma te Maori, kia kite ai ratou
i nga whakaaro a nga Nupepa Pakaha o Aotearoa nei,
mo  te kupu e kiia nei, Uia nui he Mema Maori mo te
Paremata.   Hei nga ra a muri nei, ka tino korero te
Wananga  mo ana tu whakaaro a ana Nupepa. A Ua
tino whaaki te Wananga  i aana tikanga mo ana kupu.
  The following is taken from the " Wanganui Herald":—
"Mr.  Taiaroa's attempt to increase the number of Maori
representatives in the House from four to seven has foiled,
and  the result can surprise nobody. Were Maoris confined
to voting only for their own representatives, seven would
not be such an unfair number;   but at present a large
number  enjoy a double franchise. They can vote at the
ordinary elections the same as any  European, provided
they have been placed on the Electoral Roll for the dis-
trict, and in addition to this, at the election of members
for their special benefit. In this respect they therefore
exercise a right which is denied to the white population
As  the tendency of the policy pursued towards the Maori
is calculated by degrees to diminish  all distinctions be-
tween the  two races, a consent to such an increase in
Maori  representation would  be a  backward step which
would   greatly delay  the consummation we at present
looked forward to. The  Maori  has at present a number
of rights that are denied to the European, and the dual
representation is one of them. He cannot complain of
being  unfairly treated in this respect, and ought therefore
to be content with the present state of things. For the
same  reason, a subsequent attempt to get another member
for the Waikato,   also made  by Taiaroa, failed, the House
having  evidently made up its mind to countenance no
further increase;." The above paragraph is quoted to show
our readers what  the opinions of a section of the New
Zealand Press  hold on this matter of Maori representation.
We   shall deal with this matter at a future period, and
 speak with no uncertain voice.
   He  korero enei, i kiia o Te  Poihipi Tukairangi kia
matou  kia taia ki tetahi o nga Nupepa Pakeha.  A koia
i taia ai ki te Nupepa te Terekarawhe o Nepia. He mea
hoki i tukua mai te waea i Taupo na tetahi pea o te Tari
wawau   Maori.  Otiia ko nga korero tika kei nga kupu i
tukua  e matou ma te Poihipi ki te Nupepa Pakeha.  A
koia nei nga kupu a matou i tuku ai ki taua Nupepa. He
 mea enei kupu mo nga korero o te waea i taia e matou i
 nanahi, a ka korero nei matou i nga tino korero tika. He
 mea hoki, i kiia etahi o nga tangata o Waikato, kia haere
 ki Tokaanu ki te korero mo nga Urupa, i kiia i rahua e
nga  tangata o Taupo. He  tika ano i haere nga tangata
 o Waikato, a e ahu ana te haere ko Taupo. A i te ara ka
 rongo aua Waikato i te korero mo ana Urupa.  Otiia be
 tito kau aua kupu mo aua Urupa.  Ko  aua Urupa, he
 takotoranga mo nga Ranatira o Waikato i mate i Orakau
 A no te tunga o te Kooti Whakawa Whenua Maori i Taupo
 i mahia   ai tetahi whenua.  A  ko  aua  tupapaku  a
 Waikato   i te taha o te  rohe o  taua  whenua,  otiia i
 waho o te rohe. A ko etahi o nga tupapaku na Waika-
 to, ko era i roto i te rohe e nehu aua, ko nga tupapaku a
 Taupo  nga tupapaku i hahua ano e nga Rangatira i
 Taupo, n he mea nehu ki waho ano o te rohe o te whenua
 i Kootitia ra. A kihai rawa i raima nga Urupa o Waika-
 to. Heoi  ra, e tae ano a Waikato ki Taupo, a ko nga
 kupu e puta, a e mutu i te kupu kau.
   The following which we were requested to have inserted
 in some  English journal, by  Pohipa  Tukairangi, has al-
 ready appeared in the columns of the Napier " Daily Tele-
 graph.  The  meaning  of the original telegram, sent pro-
 bably by some  minion  of  the Native  office to the Press
 Agency   in Wellington  will be found in the first paragraph
 of our quotation :—"In  reference to a telegram of the 17th
 instant that reported Native excitement at Tokano caused by
the threatened visit of one hundred Waikatos to revenge the
desecration of the graves of their chiefs, we are enabled
to  throw some light on the  subject. In the first place,
certain Waikato were on their way to Tokano to pay their
annual visit to their eel-fishing ground.  When on the
 road they heard reports concerning the exhumation  of
 certain chiefs during the late war. The reports however,
 were not true. The fact of the matter is, that at the last
 sitting of the Native Lands Court at Taupo, a large block
 of land at Tokano was passed through the Court. Imme-
 diately outside the boundary of this block there are buried
 ten Waikato  chiefs who were  mortally wounded  at the
 siege of Orakau, and fleeing to Tokano were there in-
 terred   A short distance from this burial place, but within
 the boundary  of the surveyed, block there is another
 cemetery in which are buried certain Taupo Natives mur-
 dered by Te Kooti. It was with the object of preventing
 the possible desecration of the graves of these latter, that
  Pohioi Tukairangi, Heu-Heu, and Kingi Herekiekie, or-
 dered the exhumation of the bodies, and their removal to
 the cemetery where were buried the Waikato  chiefs. It
 will therefore be seen that the graves of the Waikatos
 have not been  desecrated, and the excitement, if there
 ever was much, will cool down at the feast which is sure
 to be held to seal the amity of all parties. There is not
 the slightest necessity for any alarm, nor for the interven-
 tion of the Native Office."

   Koia nei nga korero a te Nupepa a Te Ta o Akarana.
 " He  kupu  tautoko mo nga korero a  Te Hiana  i
 whakapae  ai ki nga  Pakeha hoko he i nga whenua
 i Ahuriri.  " He kupu  enei  no te reta i tukua  mai
 e  tetahi Pakeha rangatira.  He   tangata   aia i mahi
 i roto i nga Peeke  tiaki moni. A ahakoa  i rongo ano
 te Kawanatanga i  nga mahi kino e  mahia  aua e tahi
 Pakeha kihai rawa taua Kawanatanga i aha aha kia mutu
 aua kino ia ratou te peehi, kua kite matou i te tino puka
 puka  i tukua mai e taua rangatira Pakeha. A he tauira
 pono  te tauira o nana kupu ka taia nei e matou, koia nei
 tana.  Reta " Nepia Hurae  14, 1871  kia Te  Pooki, i
 Poneke.    E  Hoa. He  rongo  noku, he tangata kaha
 koe  ki  te  whakahe   i nga  mahi  kai  waipiro   a
 te Pakeha,  koia ahau i mea atu ai tena ano pen, e puta
 he whakaaro mau mo nga Maori o  Nepia nei e inu, kino
 nei i nga waipiro anu anu whakamate   ia ratou, e huatu
 nei e nga kai hoko waipiro.  I mea ahau, e mea ana te
 Ture, kaua te waipiro e hoatu ki te Maori a kua kite ahau
 i te mana o taua  Ture i etahi takiwa ano o te whenua
 nei.  Otiia i kino he nui noa atu, te hoko waipiro o konei
 ki nga  Matiri. Kua kite ahau i nga wahine, me nga kotiro
 e inu nua i te Parani mangu, a tino haurangi ana, i te mea
 kihai ratou i kaha  te haere, he mea hiki e te tangata ki
 roto ki te Kaata i tae ai aua haurangi ki o ratou kainga.
  Mehemea   koa, he hiahia ta koutou kia kai waipiro te Maori
 heoi ra me whakaae kia kai i te pin pai. No te mea kaho-
  re kau he mea  tika kia inu te Maori i te waipiro e mate
  rawa ai tono tinana kite po. Heoi naku na  to hoa. Na...
  K hoa tenei ano tenei kupu.  He taina ahau ua te tahi
 Mininita o te Haahi, i noho i Ponoke i mua. E Hoa, he
  nui noa atu nga mahi mea a te Pakeha, kia tuhi tuhi nga
 Maori i nga Riiri hoko whenua i te wa e haragi ana nga
 Maori  i te waipiro.  He nui noa atu aku tangata i kite e
 peratia ana e aua Pakeha hoko he nei i te whenua. A ku-
 a tino kino to nuinga o Kerei Pakeha ki taua iwi Pakeha
 Koko  tahau i te whenua. A  ma aua hoko tahae i kiia ni
  tenei whenua, he iwi kino tana te Pakeha, i te mea hoki,
  ko a ratou mahi tahae hoko whenua i ka whakapaea na
  tatou katoa na te iwi Pakeha taua mahi.
    The Auckland " Evening Star" publishes the following
 confirmatory of the allegations made by Mr. Sheehan in
 Parliament against the Hawkes Bay Land " Ring" :—
  " The following letter, which we have received from   a
 gentleman who  occupied a leading position at the time
 in one of our principal banking institutions, will establish
 beyond doubt that although the General Government of
I the day was made acquainted with the disreputable action

10 374

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               Te  Wananga.
carried on, they do not appear to have taken any steps
Whatever  in stopping the evil. We have perused the
original communication, and can state that the copy is an
extract one; here it is: 'Napier, July, 14, 1871. WILLIAM
 Fox, Esq., Wellington. Dear Sir,—As  you are a powerful
 advocate for the propogation of abstinence among Eng-
 lishmen, I am satisfied that you will not blame me for
 asking you to do something for the Natives in this district
 to prevent them killing themselves as they are now doing
 by the consumption of the filth supplied them by the
 publicans. I was  under the impression that publicans
 were prohibited by law  from selling spirits to the poor
 fellows, and in other parts of the colony I have seen such
 a law enforced; but here it is more ' honored in ' the breach
 than the observance,' if such a law exists. I have seen
 women  and girls of say fifteen years of age supplied with
 dark brandy (?) until they were in such a state as to make
 it necessary to be lifted into a trap or cart to remove them
 to their homes. If, for the sake of peace and so on, it is
 necessary to let the Maoris have drink, let good beer or
 any other mild stimulant be saleable by publicans ; but I
 do think they have no right to be poisoned wholesale, as
 they undoubtedly  are at the present time in Napier.—
 Yours faithfally,——"  P.S.—I don't know whether you
 remember me. I am a son of the Reverend-——  lately
 resident at Wellington. That advantage was taken of the
 Natives to sign deeds and  other papers' to their future
 detriment at such times is beyond doubt, and indeed the
 subscriber could adduce numerous instances where such
 means  were repeated, until steadily and satisfactorily to
 themselves the action of the "Ring" brought its actors
 before the public in such a manner as not  only to give
  them a very unenviable notoriety, but made their joint
 purchases be looked upon as more than suspicions to the
  discredit not only of themselves, but to the discredit of
  the colony by the people outside its shores.

   E  mea ana te Patea Meera o te 6 o Nowema.
  " He nui noa ata te pai a nga Maori i tae mai Tei te
 Taone nei.  A i kapi katoa nga waahi o tana Taone
 nei i te tioi o ratou. I kiki katoa nga Toa, nga Pa-
 parakauhe, nga Kori katoa o te Taone, i te wahine i
 te tamariki. I haere mai hoki ki te Kooti Whakawa
  Whenua  Maori, ko te Toa nui i tu i mua hei takoto-
  ranga mo nga kai a nga Hoia, i tukua ma aua tini
  Maori nei.   He  nai ano hoki i haere ki te waahi
  raorao noho ai. He tini no taua iwi nei, i pau ai nga
 kai.  E  kore pea e oti wawe te mahi a Te Kooti.
  Otiia kanui ano te noho pai o ana tini Maori, kahore
  hoki he kapa a etahi Pakeha mo ratou. Ahakoa te
  turituri a te ngatu, ko te kino a te whakaaro i kore.
  He pai ano ia mei mohio taua tini iwi ki te kino o te
  inu waipiro.  A  kia hoki taua iwi Maori, ka noho
  kai kore nga Pakeha o te Taone nei, a kia tae mai
  ra ano he kaipuke uta Ti, Huka, Paraoa mai, ka kite
  ai ano konei i te kai.
    The  "Patea Mail"  says of the 6th instant:—" Since
  Wednesday  last, the Maoris may be said to have occupied
  this township, and, as far as can be judged from outward
  appearances, seem to be enjoying their visit amazingly.
  The  streets, public-houses, and stores, are crowded with
  Natives of both sexes and all ages who have come in con-
  nection with the Native Lands Court business. The large
  store in the Resipend Magistrate's Reserve, formerly used
  for commissariat purposes, was placed at the disposal of
  these visitors by Major Turner, and a large number of
   them availed themselves of its shelter. Others were hos-
   pitably welcomed at Poverty Flat, and the whole have
  found stowage somewhere  or other. The result of such
   an invasion, in our small township, has been alarming to
   housekeepers, bread, meat, &c., having sallen short, the
   demand for such articles having been almost more than
   the possible supply. The Native Loads Court business is
likely to last some days, and the state of siege, in which
we  are at present living, will not be raised till then. It
is only fair to the Natives to say that so far they have
conducted themselves well, and that beyond a little noise,
having  its foundation  in anti-teetotal principles, they
have given no cause whatever  for complaint to the most
nervous inhabitant."

        RETA  I TUKUA    MAI.
            KI TE KAI TA o TE WANANGA.
  Mau  e tukua atu ki te Wananga nga mea i kitea ite
huinga o nga Maori ki te Kooti, ko nga Iwi i hui Ko
te Urewera ko Rongowhakaata ko Ngatikahungunu, hui
katoa e 450 a tino pai ana aua Iwi kia tukua o ratou whe-
nua ma Karaitiana Takamoana e whakahaere i runga i te
mahi  hoko he a etahi o aua Iwi, heoi ano e tino pai ana a
te Urewera kia tukua, kia Karaitiana Takamoana te mana
 whakahaere i o ratou takiwa. Heoi ano.
                             Na Heketa te Awe.
       Wairoa  Oketopa 29,1875.

   Do you give insertion to the following in your paper
 The tribes who assembled  at the sitting of the Native
 Land Court at the Wairoa were the Urewera, Rongowhaka-
 ata, and Ngatikahungunu, in all about 450. And all these
 people have made Karaimiana Takamoana  their agent to
 let or sell all these lands, because of the nefarious act of
 selling land by some of these tribes. And Te Urewera
 have made  Karaitiana Takamoana  Bole agent for their
                             HEKETA TE AWE.
   Wairoa, October 29, 1875.
               KORERO  MAI.

   I timata te noho o te Kooti i te ra i panuitia mo te 27 o
 Oketopa  a i tu mai a Toha Rahurahu i tono kia nekehia
 hei te mane te 1 o Noema a whakaaetia ana, i te tahi o nga
 ra o Noema ka tu te Kooti a, i tu mai a Petera Honotapu i
 tono ki te Kooti mo nga whenua kahore ano i oti te ruri
 Ara, mo te Whakaongaonga, Mangaopuraka, Waimaha te
 Papuni, Tuahu, Hangaroa, Matawai, Tauwharetoi, i tono ia
 me tuku ki Turanga whakawa  ai a whakaaetia ana taua
 tono. - A i whaka haerea te whakawa mo te tono a e tahi
 tangata kia riro ia ratou nga wahi whenua a te hunga ku-
 a mate, a ko te nuinga o nga tangata i aua tono i ngaro
 Atu a ko te hunga i tu mai i taki i o ratou pangaa ki te
  hunga kua mate, Orangititirohia, i whakataua kia Ahipene,
 Unipine Timo, Orangitirohia : Tika Otene, Moutere No. 2 :
 Te  Kune, Tutuotekaha : Auru Mangemange, Mahanga
 No 1: Auru Mangemange : Mahanga No 2 : Kaiha Kopu,
 me  etahi atu, Hinewhaki: Wikitoria Kanu, Moutere No 1 :
 Unupine Timo, Tuke Mokihi : Hira Kopu, me etahi atu
 Tekihana No. 402, 404 : Kauhouroa i whakataua, kia Hiria
 Kopu,  me etahi atu, Kiingi, Rotoatara No 3 : Hiria Kopu,
 me etahi atu, Whakapau : Hiria Kopu, me tahi atu Tau-
 mata-o-te-o : Wikitoria Kanu, Taupata No 1.
   I whakataua e te Kooti e nei whenua ki nga tangata e
 mau  nei o ratou Ingoa, no te 2 o nga ra i te Turei i oti ai
 te whaka haere o nei whenua a timata tonu atu ki nga
 whenua papa tupu ki Rotokakarangu ko te mapi whakaa-
 hua kau  o taua whenua i takoto ki te aroaro o te Kooti
 kahore  he mapi ruri a i whakarangona o ratou take o te
 hunga  i tu mai a i kitea e te Kooti he tika na ratou taua
  whenua, a kia oti ra ano te mapi o te Ruri ko reira whaka-
 putaina ai te kupu whakatau a te Kooti.  I te Taite 4 o
 nga ra ka timata ki nga whenua i tonoa e te Urewera kia
 whakawakia  a tao noa mai ki te 6 o nga ra ka mutu to

11 375

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              Te Wananga.
whaka haere o to whakawa o aua wahi he mapi whakaa-
hua  kau  i takoto ki te Kooti, kahore e mapi ruri, ko te
wahi e toe aua o te mahi a te Kooti ko te haere ki runga
ki te whenua.
           KI TE KAI TA o TE WANANGA.
  Tukua  atu aku kupu mihi nao te Mahita o te Kura i te
Aute kia kite nga hoa Pakeha e hiahia ana hei Mahita mo
nga  tamariki Maori. E hoa ma, kua kite ahau i nga
 Mahita i etahi Kura tamariki Maori, kahore toku ngakau
 i koakoa ake, na i taku taenga mai ki Te Aute kia kite i
 taua Kura, nui atu taku miharo ki te Mahita o taua Kura,
 ara kia Mita Renata raua ko tona hoa ko Mihi Renata, ki
 te pai o ta raua ako i nga tamariki, me te nui o to raua
atawhai, me te nui o to raua aroha, ki nga tamariki, ano,
 he tino tamariki na raua, ano nga tamariki he tuakana he
teina na te whaea kotahi, a kahore au i kito i tetahi wahi-
ne penei me tana wahine te atawhai, a he whakaaro Ra-
 ngatira i roto i a ia ; ara he aroha, he atawhai, he tiaki pai
 i nga tamariki. Ki te penei tonu ta raua mahi me te tuturu
 o to noho o nga tamariki^ ko tenei te Kura e puta tika nga
 tamariki, kia kaha ki ta koutou Kura hei oranga mo kou-
 tou a enei ra e haere ake nei, no te mea kei te maumauria
 e o koutou matua te oranga mo koutou, ara nga whenua i
 te mea kahore ana matou i matau ki te whakahaere i nga
 moni utu whenua,  a  e piki haere ai aua moni, e ora ai
 koutou me matou hoki, ko te pai ia ma koutou e hoko nga
 whenua a te wa e matau ai koutou. Ka huri.
                                 NA WI PERE

   Allow a place in your paper for a few remarks 1 wish
 to make of my appreciation of the very  perfect manner
 in which the teacher of the Te Aute school teaches the
 children of that school. I have seen  children who are
 taught in other schools, but it was only on seeing these, I
 fully appreciated the kindness evinced in teaching chil-
 dren. The Rev. Mr. Williams and his good lady pleased
 me very much  by  the kind way   in which they rule the
 children by love. They treat the children as if they were
 their own, and Mrs. Williams is truly as a mother to them,
 I have not seen any other lady act in this kind way but
 Mrs. Williams,  and  if this spirit is continued as that
 which is to rule the teachers, this school will be that from
 which will come competent  scholars. I would  advise the
 children to learn as much as they can, so that they may
 may  bo able to gain their own livelihood, as there is not
 not much prospect of their parents retaining any land by
 which  they can  in future derive any benefit. If there
 parents would hold the land, and when the children have
 become learned, and allow them to mako use of it, they
 might be benefited, but the parents are acting in a foolish
 way with it in these days.
                                     WI PERE.

             KI TE ETITA o TE WANANGA.
   Tenei aku kupu ki nga iwi Maori o Aotearoa. E mea
 ana te Wananga ko to utu mo te Wananga Nupepa i te
 tau kotahi ; kotahi pauna, e rua herengi me te hikipene.
   E whakapai ana au ki tenei whakaaro. Kia rongo tonu
 ai tatou i nga korero o ia whenua, o ia whenua, o to tatou
 Ao ! kia rongo ai hoki i nga utu o nga whenua, o nga kau,
 o nga hoiho, o nga hipi, o nga kai katoa e mahia aua e te
 tangata i runga i te whenua, kia pera ai me te Pakeha. Ko
 tenei mahi pea a te Pakeha, e rite i a tatou, ua reira hoki
 etehi Pakeha i Rangatira ai, he mea titiro ki nga korero o
 nga Nupepa, ka mohiotia nga mea pai, nga mea kino, mo
 te nui haere tonu o a te Pakeha Nupepa.  Koia  toku
 whakaaro  i mea ai, kia pena tatou, ara, kia nui te manaaki
 i ta tatou Nupepa i a te Wananga. Katia e taunu, e whaka-
 pehapeha, ara, e penei na, Ha !  Hei aha  maku  tena
 Wananga,  mo  wai  tona painga.  E hoa e te tangata o
 penei aua o whakaaro, kaua e pena, e hara hold i te tika,
 rno te Wananga anake, engari mo tatou tahi, ma tatou a
to Wananga, a ko tatou ma te Wananga,   kia rite ai i a
tatou te tuhituhinga e mea nei, kia whaka turia te rama ki
runga i te turanga.
  E hoa ma  kua pai rawa atu au kia te Wananga  hei
Nupepa  mo  te iwi Maori. No te mea  he nui atu nga
tangata o konei e ui mai  ana he  aha ana  korero o te
Wananga  ? Koia au i mea ai me utu tena tangata, tena
tangata kia te Wananga kia rongo ai ia i nga korero kei
waiho ma etahi e utu, a ko etahi hei ui mai. Engari ano
ma  ia tangata, ma ia tangata.
  E  te Iwi Maori  kia watea, kaua o ngoikore.  Otira
ki te rite tonu i te iwi Maori, ka penei ai te tuku korero,
me nga Nupepa i nga Wiki katoa o te tau. .He kaumatua
koe, e mohio ana ki nga mahi  nui, iti. Heoi ano aku i
kite ai inaianei.
                      NA  RAWIRI ROTA TE TAHIWI.
   Otaki, Oketopa, 28, 1875.

  To the Natives of all New Zealand : The WANANGA says
that for one copy of that paper per annum is charged £1
 2s. 6d. I fully agree to this price, that by it we may hear
the news  of all the world, the price of land, cattle, horses,
 sheep, and articles of food whatsoever, which are cultivated
 by man, so that we may try and compete with the Euro-
 peans iu agriculture. It is from such  pursuits as these
 Europeans become rich, and it is by the help of news-
 papers they learn what, and where prices rule the highest.
 Hence I say let us follow their example, and support our
Maori paper.  Do not make light of the WANANGA, or say
 " What good can I get from that newspaper." Those of
you who  may say this, do not recollect that the WANANGA is
the medium  by which we shall gain knowledge, and it will
be by the knowledge we gain from it, that we as a people
 shall rise in wisdom  As TE  WANANGA  is as a light
put  up  to  illuminate our  darkness. Friends, I  fully
 approve of TE WANANGA, as that which shall guide us the
 Maori people. Many  people of my  place, ask what TE
 WANANGA   says, hence I say let such people take that
 paper, and they will be able to see for themselves. It is
 not just that some pay for the paper, and others gain the
 knowledge  conveyed   by  it for nothing. O  Maori
 people uphold the paper, and then you will have the news
every week.
                        KAWIRI ROTA TE TAHIWI.
   Otaki, October 28, 1875.

                  I NEPIA.
E    Hoa ma :—He mea atu tenei naku kia koutou, e pai
      aua ahau kia tu hei Mema ma koutou mo te Takiwa
i Nepia nei, ki te Paremata. E  whakaae ana ahau kia
whakamutua  nga Kawana  Porowini. E pai ana ahau
kia utu tau nga tangata whai whenua. A e he ana ia au
kia tu he Kawanatanga  mo  tenei Motu, me tetahi ano
hoki mo Te Waipounamu, he mea naku kua  roa noa atu
taku nohoanga i konei, o te tau 1853 ra ano, koia ahau 
mea ai ko tatou tatou, a e rite tahi ana aku mahara ki
te pai mo tatou ki a koutou mahara.

                Naku na to koutou hoa,
                   NA ERUMANA TUKI.


12 376

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                 Te  W^iwaiiga.
           NA TE TAWA 15 Nowema.
He Kau uha, ko te parani he H, B, i te huha maui, a ko
  te parani ti te huha katau i penei me te 11.
He kau poka, he kopurepure whero he parani i te huha ma
   ui, kahore e ata kitea.
 Ka hokona i roto i nga wiki e rua ki te mea in, e kore o
tikina mai.
                         J. HENARE    TARAKA.
                                 Kai Tiaki Pauna.
  Nowema 16,1875.                          142
            NA TE RORI POOTI, Nowema  11.
Ho  hoiho poka he  whero  a pango, 13 ringa te tiketike,
    kahore  he parani e kitea.
He  hoiho poka, he whero a pango, he tiwha te rae, 14
    ringa te tiketike, kahore he parani e kitea.
  Ka  hokona i roto i nga wiki e rua, ki te mea ia e kore e
tikina mai.
                   HIMIONA  NIU PORA.
                                 Kai tiaki Pauna.
  Nowema 15, 1875.                         143
                NA TE RORI POOTI.
He  hoiho uha, 15 ringa te tiketike, ko te parani i penei me
    to OG  i te peke katau, he tiwha te rae, hu haeana to
    nga wauwau katoa.
  Ka hokona i roto i nga wiki e rua, ki te mea ia, e kore e
tikina mai.
                      TAMATI RENORA.
                                   Kai tiaki Pauna.
  Nowema 12 1875.                           144

              UE  PANUITANGA.
HE   MEA  atu tenei naku na TAMATI TAUNI ki nga

tangata e noho tata ana i Hehitinga, kua timata i aia
tana mahi  Parakimete i Hehitinga, me  tana mahi  hu
hoiho, me nga mahi Parakimete katoa. E oti ano i aia te

hanga nga parau pakaru, me nga Mihini pakaru.
                      NA TAMATI  TAUNI.

                                Hehitinga.         149

HE    Hoiho, he poka, he whero a mangu, he mangu nga
      waewae,  he tiwha te rae, he parani 1) i te peke maui,
me te D i te kaokao maui. He  mea haeana nga waewae
katoa, he mate te kaki i te hakukunga e  te kara. He
roa noa  atu te haerenga i taku patiki i te Puketapu i
Rotowhenua,  ka ono wiki. Me utu ahau mo taana noho-
anga  i reira, me te utu mo enei panui.

147             "               WIREMU    TEWI.

ALIGHT      BAY  HORSE,   with dark points, and star on
      forehead, branded D  on near shoulder, also like D
on the near side, shod all round, collar marked, has been
running in my paddock at Puketapu, Rorowhenua, for the
last six weeks. The owner can have the same by paying
the cost of keep and advertising.

148                        WIREMU  TEWI.

   E hoa ma :—He mea na etahi o nga tangata whai Pooti i
 roto i a koutou, no te mea he roa ke nga ra, ka puta ai
 nga pukapuka karanga i te Iwi kia Pooti i nga Mema mo
 Te Paremata, me ki e ahau te tikanga o aku whakaaro o
 te aronga o aku whakatu korero i roto i te Paremata.
   1. Mo  te kupu e kiia nei me mutu nga Porowi. E  pai
 ana ahau kia mutu nga Kawanatanga Porowini. Otiia ki
 te mea  ka  mutu  era, me mahi  ano  hoki tetahi ahua
 Kawanatanga mo aua takiwa, a ko taua ahua Kawanatanga
 hou, me riro ia ratou nga moni Kawanatanga o aua takiwa,
 hei mahi ano mo nga mahi mo te iwi i aua takiwa.
   2.He mea pai ki au, kia utu te iwi i nga utu o aana mea
 hei moni mahi mo nga wahi katoa  i kohia ai ana numi.
 A ko te utu tika me utu tau te tangata i aua whenua.
 I penei ai ahau, ma reira e utu ai te tangata whai whenua,
 a ma reira ano hoki e utu ai nga tangata i whai whenua
 i nga motu nei, a i haere ki tawahi noho mai ai, ma reira
 e puta tika ai he moni utu i nga mahi i kiia mo te iwi.
   3. E pai ana ahau kia mahia te Meera kawe Poohi mai
 i Kareponia, ki konei.
   4. "E mea ana ahau, me whakaiti iho nga utu e utua nei
 e te Kawanatanga, mo etahi mahi e mahia aua e nga tini
 o te Kawanatanga. Ko  etahi kupu ano aku, taihoa ano e
 ata korero kia tae ki nga ra e korero ai ahau ki te iwi.
          Heoi ano naaku na
                  Ta koutou hoa
                        KA ROPATA  TUATI.
   Nepia, Nowema 15,1875.                     146

                 OF  NAPIER.
 GENTLEMEN,—It    has been suggested to me by some
    of the Electors, that as some time may elapse before
 the writs for the General Election are issued, I should,
 give you a short outline of the policy which I would follow
 if had the honor to be returned to the House of Repre-
 sentatives as the now member for Napier at the ensuing
   1. In reference to the much-vexed question of Abolition
 of Provinces, I may briefly state I am strongly in favor
 of them being done away  with, and would support, in
 their place, any system of Government   whereby the
 revenues of each district would be expended locally.
   2. Should it be found necessary to bring the question of
 further taxation before the House, I would prefer to see
 it take the form of a Land Tax, as, by this means, those
 who  are deriving large incomes from the possession of
 vast areas of land (and who are, iu many instances, ab-
 sentees), would   contribute their proportionate share
 towards the revenue of the colony, and enable the Go-
 vernment  to carry on public works  of a re productive
 character, without burdening the  colony with a greater
 incubus of debt than it already bears.
   3. I am also in favor of the San Francisco mail service
 being carried out  as originally intended, viz., with a
 coastal service. I look upon this as of the greatest im-
 portance to the East Coast of New Zealand.
  4. I would advocate further economy in the Civil Service
i of the colony, but this, I anticipate, would take place with
 the Centralisation of Government.
!   In reference to other matters  of local importance, I
 shall have an opportunity of discussing them with you
 when  I address you personally.
             I have the honor to be,
                      Your  obedient servant,
                        ROBERT STUART.
    Napier, November 15,1875.                  149

13 377

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              Te Wananga.
   Pateriki Kahikuru,
Kai hanga Tera, me nga hanga katoa mo
       nga Kiiki, me nga Kaata,
                 Kei Taipo, (Taratera.)
KEI     aia, i nga wa  katoa nga Tera  pai rawa,
        Hanihi,  Wepu,  Kipa,  me era moa e  kore e taea
te tatau.
  Ko   ta PATERIKI     KAHIKURU       te whare
ngawari rawa mo te Hanihi Paki, Kiki, Toki Kaata,
 Piringi Kaata, Terei, Parau  hoki, Pel e Tera  hoki.
 Ko enei mea katoa e hanga ana i roto i taua toa ; ko te
 reta i tino pai rawa, e kore e kitea i roto i te motu nei,
 he mea pai atu.
   Haere mai kia kite tonu a koutou kanohi a tera e
   Kia marama ki te whare. Ko te PATERIKI KAHI-
 KURU whare,  Tera, Hanihi, hanga Kura, kei Taipo,

 Panui ki nga Maori o Heretaunga.
            KEI TE  WHARE   HOKO  A

        Te Houra,
 NGA   Parau, Whakarawe Hoiho to Kaata
    Me nga mea mo nga Kiki
        Me nga Tera Pikau taonga
        Tera Taane
        Tera Wahine
    Ho nga mea katoa mo tenei mea mo te Hoiho.
    He iti te utu mo aua mea ne?
          Na TE HOURA,
  Nepia.                                            23

       NASH    &  DAVIES,
     White Lead, Oils, Glass, Paperhangings, &c., at the
           cheapest possible rates, always on sale.    45
          NAHI  RAUA  KO REWETI.
      He  kai Peita whare, be kai mahi Karaihe ki nga
          Wini,  He kai tuhituhi ingoa, he kai mahi
                Kia  pai a roto o nga whare,
               KEI  WAIPUKURAU.
  He  Peita ma, He Hinu, he Pepa-whare, kei a raua mo te
                              utu iti.                       45
 T  A   K   E   N   A     MA.


                   ME     NGA       MEA      PERA
            He mea uta hou mai aua mea

        A     HE        MEA           TINO             PAI
            Kahore he taonga i pai ke ake

I     TE        POROWINI                        NEI
              He  iti te utu mehemea he

 MONI          PAKETE
         Ta te tangata o haere mai ai ki te hoko.

             I NEPIA.
 HE mea, kua tae a A. MANOE ki nga
       waahi katoa o  te whenua  nei, a
 kua kohia eia nga tini taonga katoa.
   ME ng  WAINA, me nga PAMA  ti o
 pai ; a he iti te utu.

    Ko H. KATA, MA.
                     i Nepia nei,
  TERA  aia e pai ki te whakarite i nga mahi hanga
     whare ma  nga  tangata Maori o i te Porowini
  o Haku Pei.
                      Na H. KATA, MA.

14 378

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15 380

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380            Te Wananga.

     Kia kite!   Kia  kite!!  Kia  kite!!!
        KAI       HOKO          TAONGA.,
                    HEHITINGA   TIRITI, NEPIA,
     E ki ana, mana rawa ano te hoko iti o te taonga o nga Toa katoa o Nepia.
                           E ki atu ana aia ki nga Maori.
 Kaua  e whakarongo Ki ta te taringa e rongo ai, engari ano ki ta te kanohi e kite ai.
       N. P. PARANITE.
            A  muri iho o te 2S Hurae,
    KEI       HEHITINGA                 TIRITI          I  NEPIA
        i te Tari i taia ai te Haku Pei Taima.

          Ko te Kai Koko mo te Nupepa
     TE      WANANGA
             Ko KARATI ma,
        KAI    HOKO     PUKAPUKA,
              Hehitinga  Tiriti, Nepia.
            will after this date be at
where the Hawke's Bay Times was  formerly

             Agents for Napier—
            Hastings-street, Napier.