Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 2, Number 25. 23 October 1875 |
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Te Wananga. HE HOIHO TARIONA. HE Momo Karaitera, ko Poukawa tu ai. " I A N G A TAPIONA." HE hoiho kaha, he kuri kakama ki te haere. He mangu A whero. He mangu nga waewae, a kahoro he mate o ana waewae. He kuri atahua, kahore he riri ona, a, he hoiho kaha ki te mahi. I riro i aia te utu tuarua mo nga hoiho ahua pai i Karaitihata i te tan 1869. Nga utu, £3 10s. 0d, a e koro e utua te patiki e haere ai nga uha mo te marama kotahi ; a i muri iho o taua marama, ka utu te tangata nana te uha, e rua hereni me te hikipene mo te wiki. Ko aua utu nei, me utu i te ra e tikina mat ai nga uha. He tino pai te tiaki, otiia e kore ahau e pai kia utu ana mate tetahi uha e kawea mai aua ki taua Tariona. TE M. HAPIMANA. 92 HE HOIHO TINO REIHI KO KINGIPIHA, Me te tino Momo Arepa ko AREPA TAIRA. KO enei hoiho, e noho ana i Te Tukituki, a tenei tau. Ko te utu mo te hoiho uha, e ono pauna, e ono hereni, mo te uha kotahi, a ko aua moni me utu i te ra e tikina atu ai te uha. A ko te patiki e haere ai nga uha, kahore he utu mo te patiki e noho ai aua uha i te timatanga, kia tae ki nga ra e hoki ai ka utu. Ko nga uha i kore e hapu i a KINGIPIHA i tera tau, kahore he utu i tenei tau mo aua uha. A ki te kore e hapu tetahi uha i tenei tau i a AREPA TAIRA, penei, ko a tera tau e kore e utu ana kawea mai ano ki taua Tariona. Ko to utu mo AREPA TAIRA i tu ai aia i Wikitoria, tekau pauna mo te uha kotahi i utu ai nga Pakeha o reira. Ko nga uha me tuku mai kia Te Karaati i Hawheraka. Kahore he tikanga ki au o te aitua ki nga uha i nga ra e noho ai i au. Kia 50 tekau ano uha e tukua mai ki enei hoiho, ki tetahi, ki tetahi. ARENA MAKARINI. 95 Tukituki Teihana. P. MARUNI, TOA HOKO I NGA KAI KATOA, i Hehitinga Tiriti, i Nepia. MAANA e hoko ki nga Maori nga taonga pai, a ne iti te utu o aana taonga. E hoko ana aia i nga Kaanga, me te Hei a nga Maori, a he utu nui taaua ; Whaihoki he moni pakeke te utu. Na P. MARUNI. 12 KO KAIRAKA, TE TAKIWA E TU AI, KO WAIPAOA. KOIA nei te korero o tenei Kuri, ara, mo te Momo i Puta ai. He mea whakatupu tenei Hoiho e Te Ropitini. He hoiho whero a pango a KAIRAKA : 15 ringa te tiketike. He Kuri tino pono ana uri, ko te matua taane ko Taratona, ko te whaea ko Kaipari. Na Kaipari na Tetitonga, ko te whaea ko KAIRAKA, a na Pipio-te-poai aia, ko Karaura, na Pei Mititana, ko Papihi, na Rapitoke, ko Etinga, na Rupene, ko Rama na Kohana, he tuahine no Hehita, a ua Ta Pita aia. Ko Wurupeka, ko Witipa- raea, ko te whaea o Puhiti, ko Pipoteipoai, na Tanapiriti i aia, ko te Paranikina te whaea, na Orewa, na Tamapota, na Wihana, na Maki, ko Tenipana, na Tikianaru, ko Horopaipa, na Tarapata, Runa, Herora, tuahine a Ikinipi, ko Tetitanga na Orano, na Mihitikina, na Rokana, ko Ereketa na Porotakita, na Tamipata. Na Te Ropitini i ! uta mai ki Whakatu, ko Porotakita, na Orewa Korenewera. ! A ko Tautona he hoiho whero a pango. He tuakana na i Piia. Na S. Haka i whakatupu i te tau 1850. No Mere- 1 pana, ko Hinihira te whaea, a na Tatitone aia, i utaina mai ki tenei whenua i te tau 1858. He mea uta mai aia i Tawahi ki Merepana. A e tino paingia ana aia e te iwi katoa o reira, i te mea hoki e mea ana ratou. Koia te tino ! Hoiho nana nga uri tino Reihi o reira. He teina a Tautana na Piia, a koia te matua taane o Manukau. A koia te tino hoiho pai o te whenua nei. A ko KAIRAKA te uri o te hoiho horo, me te Hoiho kaha, o nga Hoiho tino inoino o Ingarangi. A na Omene te Hoiho uha ; te tamahine a Tautana, i riro mana te Reihi i aia i te tau 1867. A ko te Hoiho uha ko Kanariri na Tautana ano aia, he tino Hoiho Reihi kaha rawa aia i nga hoiho katoa o Nui Tireni. A ko Atarata raua ko Ketetaramu, nga uri ano o tenei Hoiho. Atarata raua ko Ketetaramu, he uri ano raua no Tautara, i ko Arueka, ko te whaea o Toratuka ko Titakata, me etahi i atu he tamahine ano raua na Tanitana. A ko Matarore, I ko Ake, he uri ano enei, no te taha ki te matua taane. A i ko Minitiri, ko te Hoiho i a ia te tino utu mo te Reihi i | Taranaki, no Tanitana ano a ia. Na Tautara a Mihiri no Wuruka. He tini noa atu nga uri o tenei Hoiho, ekore e taea te whakahua i te maha. Ko Tamariri nana te Reihi i Katapere, na Tautana a ia, me Mihipatini, me Rarapira. He uri ano raua na Tautana. E toru tau, a Te Rerewuru o Whakatu, i whakatupu uri ai a Tautaua. Ko nga Turei me nga Weneti a Tautaua tu ai i Waipukurau, a ko etahi o nga ra o te wiki, ko Waipaoa aia tu ai. He patiki pai te wahi e tu ai nga uha. He nui te whakaaro tiaki mo nga uha, otiia kahore he he ki au mo te mate aitua ki nga uha. Ko te utu mo Tautana mo te uha kotahi e £5, 5, O, ki te mea he tini ke nga uha a te tangata kotahi, ka hoki iho te utu. NA A. H. PARONA. 102 Kai Tiaki.
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Te Wananga. TE PEEKE UTU WHARE WERA KAIPUKE TAHURI O NUI TIRENI. Nga moni a nga kai tiaki o tena Peeke £1,000,000 (kotahi Miriona). E taunahatia ana e tenei Peeke nga Whare, rae nga Kai- puke. Kia wera, kia tahuri rawa ake ka utua e ratou. Her iti nei te utu ki tenei Peeke mo taua mahi a ratou. ROPATA TAPIHANA, 83 Kai tiaki, Nepia. PARANIHI PETARA, Kai hanga tera, me nga mea whakarawe katoa mo te Hoiho. HAWHERAKA. 77 HARE TAIHI, KAI TUI KAKAHU, HAWHERAKA. 78 HARE TEIRA, KAI HANGA PUUTU ME TE HU, HAWHERAKA 79 G. R. ROPITINI. KAI Ruuri whenua, me nga "Waapu, me nga Rori Maana e mahi nga Mapi ma nga Maori, mo nga Rori, Waapu, me nga mea pera. Mo tuku mai nga pukapuka ki aia, ki te Whare ta o " Te Wananga," Hehitinga Tiriti, Nepia C. R. ROPITINI, Hehitinga Tiriti, Nepia. 50 C. R. ROBINSON, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Surveys made, Bridge Plans prepared, and F mates given to any of the Natives of the North Island. Address—WANANGA Office Hastings-Street, Napier. 50 Whare hanga Kooti, Nepia. NA G. PAKINA, Eai hanga Kooti, me te mahi Terei, kai rongoa Hoiho, me te mahi i nga rino katoa e mahi ai te Parakimete, Hehitingi Tiriti, Nepia. HE mea mahi nga Kooti me nga Kareti, ki te tikanga o nga tauira hou, o Tawahi o Merika, a he mea, mahi pai to hanga o aua mea. He mea peeita ano hoki eia, a he utu tika tana utu i tono ai mo ana mahi. 21 Kei a Nataniora Hakopa i Hehitingi Tiriti, TE TUPEKA pai, me nga TIKA, mo nga PAIPA Me nga mea whakatangitangi Koriana, me nga Wai kakara, me nga taonga tini noa atu. A he kotahi ano ana utu e tono ai ki te Pakeha ki te Maori. Ki te mea ka hokona etahi o enei mea e nga kai tiaki Ton, penei e hoki iho te utu. 6 H. J. HIKI, KAI HANGA PUUTU ME TE HU, HAWHERAKA. 81 T. WIREMU, Kai hanga PUUTU, me nga HU, I Hehitingi Tiriti, Nepia. TAMATI WIREMU. i 11
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Te Wananga. He mea atu tenei kia rongo te iwi, ka taia ano e matou nga reta a Hunia Te Hakeke raua ko Renata Kawepo a tera taanga o te Wananga, kua mahia ano e matou i roto i tenei putanga. Otiia i raru raru nga kai mahi ki te mahi i nga Mihini o To Perehi, i kore ai he wa mahinga mo aua reta. TE WANANGA. KOTAHI PUTANGA I TE WIKI. HATAREI, 23 OKETOPA 1875. E MEA ana matou, e kore e tika kia korero a tepe- tepetia te korero o nga Mema o te Paremata mo te mahi i nga whenua Maori i Heretaunga. A ko te tu hoko i hokona ai nga whenua a te iwi nei a Ngati- kahungunu. A, kua oti aua tikanga te korero e Hone Hiana, te Mema Roia o te Paremata, a ko ana korero kia taia ki nga pukapuka, hei titiro ma nga uri i muri i a tatou. A e kitea aua korero e te Ao katoa. A hei koiero aua kupu a Te Hiana ma nga tangata, ma ratou e kauhau nga he i mahia ki nga Maori o Heretaunga i te wa i akona ai nga Maori ki te noho pai i nga Motu o Aotearoa, 14 nga Mema o te Pare- mata i korero i te korero i huraa e Hone Hiana mo nga mahi hoko he o nga whenua a nga Maori Heretaunga. A koia nei nga Mema i korero whakahe mo to korero a Te Hiima. A tokowha ano ratou o taua tekau ma wha, kotahi tekau Mema o taua tekau ma wha i whakaae ki nga kupu a Te Hiana. Nga Mema i whakahe, ko Te Makarini, ko Te Akihana, ko Te Omana, ko Makarahini. Otiia ko Te Omana raua ko Ta Tanara Makarini, nga Pakeha i whakapaea na raua tetahi waahi o taua mahi hoko whenua i Heretaunga. A ko te Atikihana i aro ano aana whakaaro kia puta he kupu whakaora aana nao Ta Tanara Makarini, a tapepa ana nga kupu a taua Pakeha nei mo tana Tumuaki. A ko Makarahini, e kiia ana he kai pinono korero aia, korero whakaae a nga Mema o te Paremata mo te Kawanatanga, i maia ano aia ki te ki kupu maana. Kihai a Te Hiana i mea, e, e whakaaetia taua korero ana i tono ai ki taua Paremata, ina hoki te ahua o aua korero aana. " E pouri ana tenei Paremata, no te mea kua rongo te Paremata nei, i nga mahi he, i nga mahi tahae a etahi o nga Pakeha o Haku Pei (Here- taunga) i a ratou hokonga i nga whenua a nga Maori o reira. A he mea ano hoki i aro atu ano te mahi a etahi o nga tino Apiha ki aua mahi. A e mea ana tenei Paremata he mahi tutara kino taua mahi mo te ingoa pai o tenei Koroni o Nui Tireni." Mei whaka- aetia aua kupu a Te Hiana i tono ai kia whakaaetia e te Paremata : penei, ka kiia, ne kupu whakahe rawa aua kupu mo te pono a To Omana. mo te Mema, me te Hupiritene o te Porowini o Haku Pei. A penei ano hoki, kua kiia raua ko Ta Tanara Makarini, kia heke to raua tupu, ki te tupu iti rawa iho, e rite ai to raua heke ki te kore noaiho, kia rite ki ta te tokomaha o te iwi i mea, ai mo raua i nga tini ra o enei tau kua pahure nei. Kihai rawa te korero a Te Hiana i eke i whakapae i te iwi nui o Heretaunga katoa. Otiia i kiia aua kupu a Te Hiana mo " Ngatihokohe i te whenua," a ko taua hapu, e rua pea e toru ranei te kau o ratou o taua Ngatihokohe. A i korero ano a Te Omana, a Ta Tanara Makarini, i a raua kupu utu mo nga korero whakapae a Te Hiana mo raua, i kaha ano raua ki te whakahoki kupu. Otiia ki te kaha ano ia o raua e kaha ngoikore noaiho ana. Ko nga kupu a Ta Tanara Makarini he kupu i whakahoki ai mo a Te Hiana he kupu porewarewa, a he kupu whakatarapi ano i aia. A ko nga kupu a Te Omana i puta hikaka, a i oho mauri tana kii nga whakahe mo nga kupu a Te Hiana, whai hoki i whakariroia ketia eia te tika hei he. A he mea mahe eia te kano i o ana korero kia eke kia Henare Rata, kia newha ai nga whakaaro a Te Paremata, ki nga tikanga o nga kupu whakahe a Te Hiana nao raua ko Te Omana. I mea hoki a Ta Tanara Makarini, he tangata utu tau a Te Hiana hei Roia mo nga Maori. A he tangata a Te Hiana e arataki ana i nga Maori kia whakakahore ratou i a ratou hoko tika nei he. Otiia ahakoa a raua kupu take kore, a raua tu a mauahara, kahore i he ia raua nga kupu nei e, " Kua hokona e Ta Tanara Makarini nga whenua, e rua te kau mano eka ( 20,000. A ko aua whenua kihai i tawhiti atu i te taone o Nepia te tino Taone o Heretaunga i nga maero te kau ma rima. A he whenua utu nui taua whenua, a ko taua rua te kau mano eka i taua wahi i pai ke ake i te rua rau mano eke (200,000) i nga wahi katoa o Aotearoa nei, ai rite te pai ki nga whenua i Taranaki." A he mea hoko taua whenua eia, ki te utu, kihai i rite ki tona utu tika. A he whenua, mei mahia ki te tika hei whenua me riro taua whenua i te kawanatanga, mo te Iwi. A ko te takiwa i hokona ai aua whenua ko nga ra ano a ta Tanara Makarini i noho ai hei Api- ha nao te kawanatanga. A kihai hoki a te Omana i ki, ehara aia i tetahi o te hanga na ratou nga mahi muru i te whenua i Heretaunga, a e hara ano hoki aia ' i te Pakeha tuatahi nana i mahi mokete te whenua a nga Maori i Heretaunga. A he roa noa atu nga korero a Te Omana, he mea hoki e kore nga tangata pera me ia, e mahi i nga mahi i whakapaea nei kia aia e Te Hiana mo Heretaunga. Ae kiia ana, pea nga kupu a Te Omana he tika, moi kore te korero e rangona nei, e kiia ana i roto i nga korero a te iwi e, e mahi tahae ana ano nga uri o nga nunui o te ao nei, a kihai i wa- iho aua mahi ware ma nga tutua anake e mahi. A i mea te tikanga o nga kupa a Te Omana raua ko Ta Tanara Makarini kia he nga whakapae a Te Hiana mo raua, no te mea he mea utu tau a Te Hiana, koia aia i kaha ai ki te korero whakapae mo raua. Otiia i ahua whakawa nga kupu a Te Hiana mo rana. A he ako ta Te Hiana i nga Maori ki aua mahi noi, kia puta ai he mea maana ma Te Hiana. A ko te korero a Karaitiana Takamoana ka taia e matou ki te Wananga nei a nga ra a muri ake nei, kei aua korero a Karaiti- ana Takamoana nga kupu whakahe mo nga korero a Te Omana ma. I puta ano te kupu kia rangona e nga Mema o Te Paremata, e, ka tino huia nga kahu a te Maori, a ka tu kirikau ratou i roto i te Kooti Hupirimi hei utu mo a ratou mahi whakawa mo nga whenua e tohe nei ratou. Ka mea a Te Atikihaua, ko etahi o nga korero a Te Hiana, he tataku i nga korero o tetahi mea kua mahia, a kua oti noa atu i nga tau ki tua te mahi e te Paremata. A no te mea, he tangata e utua aua a. Te Hiana e nga Maori i ana mahi ma ratou i nga Kooti Whakawa, koia i meinga ai, e kore e tika kia korero ano aia mo aua Maori ano ki te Paremata. Heinati te wawau o enei kupu a Te Atikihaua, ara, he tohu tenei mo tana tino kuaretanga. A he Minita hoki aia no te Kawanatanga. A, he tangata mauri oho rere. Otiia ko nga ra ona o Te Atikihana i mutu ai te
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Te Wananga. akona ona i nga Kura, ko nga ra ano ona ki ano i kaumatua i nga ra ano ona e tamariki ana. Koia aia i ware ai ki te hapai tikanga. A, e ui ana a Te Rira te Mema mo Taiari me ui pea nga Mema i tenei patai. "He noho aha; ta tatou ta te Runanga Paremata nei i konei." A ko te utu ano mo tana patai kei aia ano, kei nga kupu ano a taua Te Rira. " He noho ta tatou i konei, kia rapurapua e tatou nga mea e amuamua ana e te iwi i waho o te Whare Paremata nei." I ahua ngahau ano te korero o taua tautohe a Te Omana ma, i te mea hoki he nui nga titotito, he nui nga kupu tika i korerotia. A ko Te Omana te tangata i nui ana . korero purakau. A taihoa ano ka taia e matou ana korero i korero ai ki Te Wananga nei. A ka kiia ano e matou a matou kupu whakahe, mo ana korero a aua ra e taia ai e matou. Otiia kua taia ano aua korero a Te Omana i roto i te nupepa riri poroni, a he Nupepa e utua ana e nga tangata e kiia paitia ana e taua Nupepa, ara, e te Haku Pei Herara. E penei aha nga kupu a Te Hupiritene o Poneke, a Te Pitihapeti, " No Pepuere o tera tau, a e hara anei enei i te wa noa atu, no enei ra tata nei ano, a Te Hiana i tutaki ai i a Tanara. He korero ta Te Hiana kia Tanara mo nga kai hoko o Heretaunga, mo te hea a Ariki. A, i muri iho, ka huihui aua kai hoko, i runanga ratou i Heretaunga ano. He mea naku, me whaaki pu ano e au nga ingoa o nga tangata, me ingoa o nga kainga. A tukua mai ana te waea a Tanara kia Te Hiana, he mea na aua kai hoko o Heretaunga, kua whakaae ratou kia utua e ratou nga moni e toru mano, (£50003 ki nga Maori. A kia utua ano hoki e aua kai hoko ano ma Te Hiana, kia kotahi mano, (1000) moni maana ake ano ma Te Hiana, kia whakaaetia e Te Hiana taua mahi mo Heretaunga. Ha poho enei kupu mo Tanara. A ko te utu pea mo te mahi a Te Hiana mo tana mahi i taua mea, e tae ki to kotahi rau pauna, (£100) a ko te iwa rau pauna (£900) he moni whakapati era moona. A utua ana taua kupu mo aua moni o Te Hiana, he mea tuhituhi eia ki te reta mea atu ana aia, "kahore, horerawa. Ki te mea ka kiia kia kite koutou i taua reta a Te Hiana me te waea a Tanara e pai ana tenei aua puka- puka." Tenei ano etahi o a matou kupu mo Te Omana raua ko Ta Tanara Makarini. He patai tenei He tika ano ranei, kia mahia nga matauranga nga tangata Kawanatanga, hei whakaranea moni ma ratou, i nga ra e iti ana nga moni utu tau a Te Kawanatanga ma ratou ; a i kore ai ratou e mina mina tahae! Na Te Omana raua ko Ta Tanara Makarini ano taua patai. Otiia tenei a raua kupu i puta ai tana ui. I mea a Te Omana. "E ui ana ahau ki tenei Paremata. Oti ranei ki te mea ka mahi te tangata i te mahi Kawanatanga, a kaua aia e hoko whenua." Me utu o matou taua patai; Kahore. Otiia i puta tika ano hoki taua patai ia Te Tamihana " Mema o Te Paremata koia nei tana ui ki Te Paremata. Ki te mea ka mahi katoa nga Apiha o nga Porowini i te mahi hoko ma ratou, a ko te matauranga i matau ai ratou ki nga mea e hoko nei ratou, he mea i kitea e ratou i roto i nga mahia ratou e utua ana ratou e Te Porowini, kei hea ra te mutunga o nga he mehemea e peneitia te ahua mahi ! A mehemea koa i penei ratou me nga korero e kiia nei mo enei Apiha nunui. No era ra i whakamutua ai te mahi a tetahi Apiha o te Kawanatanga Porowini Otaki o taua tu mahi nei ano. THE debate on the management of Native lands in the Province of Hawke's Bay demands more than a cursory . notice. The manner in which lands have been ac- quired from the Ngatikahungunu has been placed by Mr. Sheehan's speech on the permanent records of '. the colony ; will be known wherever our Colonial " Hansard" is read ; and will form a contribution of a valuable character to those on whom may devolve the task of writing the story of the colonisation of these islands. Fourteen members of the House of Repre- sentatives took part in the debate on the resolution— the Native Minister, the Colonial Treasurer, the member for Clive, and Mr. Edward M'Glashan, only speaking against its adoption. Now the Native Minister; and the member for Clive were two of the parties implicated. Major Atkinson proved his fealty to Sir Donald M'Lean by blundering, while the Go- vernment whip of course must have something to say. Mr. Sheehan never expected his resolution to be carried, as a glance at its diction will show :— "That this House"regrets to hear of the scandalous and dishonest dealings of certain Europeans in the acquisition of Native lands in. the Province of Hawke's Bay, and of the fact that high officers of the Government have been either connected therewith, or were cognizant thereof ; and considers such transactions are a stain upon the good name of the Colony." The carrying of such a resolution would have been simply au impeachment of the honesty of the member and the Superintendent of Hawke's Bay, and would have consigned them to that political ignominny and disgrace that—well, what many colonists consider they have long since merited. Mr. Sheehan was careful not to assoil even by implication, the people of the Province as a whole, but confined his castigation to the " Ring," numbering some twenty-five or thirty individuals. Of course, the Native Minister, and Mr. Ormond, defended themselves to the best of their ability, the former by the utterances of solemn pati- tudes; and the Iatter by manifestations of spleen and abuse, a wilful and deliberate distortion of facts, and an attempt to draw members away from the question, by vilifying Mr. Russell, and characterising Mr. Sheehan as a paid special pleader, and a stirrer up of repudiation ;—but all the empty verbiage of the one, and the malevolence of the other, could not do away with the facts that the Native Minister had, roughly speaking, acquired 20,000 acres of land within twelve or fifteen miles of the capital of Hawke's Bay, land ' of such value, that 20,000 acres would be as valuable as 200,000 in any other part of the North Island, except, on the west coast of Taranaki," by a devious process, at considerably below its actual value; land that should have been, reserved for the purposes of the public welfare, while he was a Government servant:— nor a disclaimer from Mr. Ormond that he was not interested in the Heretaunga spoliation, nor that he was not one of the earliest—if not the first—settler in Hawke's Bay who obtained a mortgage over Native lands. The ex-Minister for Public Works declaimed at some length on the improbability of such men as him- self and others who wero interested in Heretaunga hav- ing dragged themselves through the filth so graphically described by the member for Rodney, their land hunger, and the declamation may have carried weight, had not history told us that cadets of even noble houses ; when sent from home to better their fortunes, have been as
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Te Wananga. prone to lie and thieve as any of the ill-bred, or the unwashed. A point was sought to be made by the parties arraigned,—for there is no disputing the fact, that the Minister and the Member were virtually placed on their trial before the country—was that Mr. Sheehan had instigated the Natives to stir up these proceedings for his own ulterior benefit. The speech of Karaitiana Takamoana, which will be printed in a future issue sufficiently rebuts such a presump- tion. The House was informed that the Natives would be stripped to their skins by interested parties; Ka- raitiana says in reply, the Natives will leave even their skins in the Supreme Court, to obtain the restitution of their rights. The Colonial Treasurer complained that the member for Rodney brought before the House a, case which had been disposed of years ago, and that because Mr. Sheehan happened to be the paid legal advisers of the complainants iu the Courts of the colony, that he was thereby debarred from advocating their interests in Parliament. It is amusing to hear such a naive confession, involving such ignorance, from a Minister of the Crown ; but an irritable man is often indiscreet, and Harry Albert Atkinson left school at a pre-adolescent age. In the words of the member for the Taieri (Mr. Reid), were such a theory true, members may ask " What are we here for," and say as he did, " we are here to draw attention to the grievances of people outside." The debate was en- livened both by the narration of fiction and fact. The member for Clive was the gentleman who drew from his imagination. In another issue we will pub lish what he said, and give it the plain contradiction it merits. It has already been published in the irate and subsidised columns of the " Hawke's Bay Herald." The Superintendent of Wellington (the Hon. W. Fitz- herbert, doles out the following :—He says : " In February last year—that is not so long ago—Mr. Sheehan came into contact with Mr. Tanner, on behalf of the purchases of the Heretaunga block, concerning propssals for the settlement of Alice's claim. Subse-- quently, a meeting of the purchasers was held at Hastings : I am particular in giving places and dates. IVlr. Tanner telegraphed to Mr. Sheehan, that they had agreed to offer the Natives £3000, and to give Mr. Sheehan £1000 "for a settlement. Mr. Tanner did this. Mr. Sheehan's actual professional fees in connection with this work would not have exceeded £100. The rest was a bribe. Mr. Sheehan refused point blank by letter. The letter can be produced, and if necessary, the telegram." There is one aspect of the conduct of Sir Donald M'Lean, and that of John Davies Ormond, Esq,, ex-Minister of Public Works, and Superinten- dent of Hawke's Bay which deserves comment. Have the civil servants of the colony a right to profit by their acquisition of knowledge when their salaries are not sufficiently ample to keep them honest? The member for Clive, and the Native Minister asked this question in another form. The member said " I ask this House whether, because a man chooses to take a part in public life he is to be debarred from the pur- chase of land." " The answer is plain—certainly not —but the plain Puritanic member for Clutha put the question in another light, and asked where would the evil end if each petty Provincial officer utilised the knowledge he possessed in the same manner, and for the same ulterior benefit as those two notable examples have done. A petty officer of the Provincial Govern- ment of Otago was a few years since discharged for a similar malversation. E meinga ana ko nga mohi i pan mo nga Pirihimana mau pu, o te tau 1869; a tae noa mai ki tenei tau £500,000 (E rima rau mano}. The Armed Constabulary have cost the colony since 1869, over half a million sterling. Kua whakamutua te mahi o te Paremata a kua meinga kia mutu ana mahi e Te Kawana i te 3 te taima i te Taite kua pahure ake nei i te 21 o Oketopa. Parliament was prorogued on Thursday, at 3 p.m., on the 21st instant, by His Excellency the Governor; He mea atu tenei na Te Panata, ki nga Maori e haere ana ki te Kooti whakawa whenua Maori i te Wairoa. He toa hoko taonga taria kei Te Wairoa. Mr. Plante, who advertises in our columns, wishes to remind the visitants to the Native Land Court at Waitoa, that he has a place of business there. E mea ana nga Nupepa o Akarana, he tau nui tenei mo te mahi Tohora, Pakake i reira. No te me he nui nga ika kua kitea ki te pito ki te hauraro o te Motu nei. An Auckland paper remarks that the prospects of a good whaling season are evident, whales in the North being reported as very plentiful. E meinga ana, ko nga ra mutunga o tenei tau o te 1875, ka mutu ano hoki te mona e kii ai nga moni kapa hei moni utu ki te Kawanatanga. Kiu tae ki te tahi o Hanueri 1876 ka kiia aua moni kapa kia kawea ki nga Peeke a e kore e paingia aua tu moni kia hoko hokona ano hei moni. Tena pea ka kiia nga Pane Kuini Poohi hei utu mo taua tu moni mo te kapa. After the thirty-first of January next, the cooper coinage now current in the colony will be called in, after which date it is asserted no copper, money of Imperial or other minting will be received in payment of Crown revenues, stamps positively taking the place of odd monies. E mea ana te Nupepa te Waikato Taima, ko nga Hapi i mahia, ara i ngakia e nga Maori o Te Kaiti. " He Ha- pi pai rawa atu i nga Hapi e utaina mai ana i tawahi no te mea e hou apa. Otiia ki ano i mohiotia e te Maori te mahi e tika ai te peehi i aua mea, ara te mahi whakahaere i taua tu mea i te Hapi." The " Waikato Times" when commenting on the pur- chase of some Te Kuiti grown hops says they are "much superior to the. imported article on account of their fresh- ness, though, as remarked on a former occasion, the Natives have not yet attained a perfect method of pressing them." E mae ana te Nupepa Te Patea Meera. He nui te mate o nga tangata o Peihaka i te Mitara; A e nui haere ana i te mea hoki kua tae taua mate ki te Pa i Oeo. A e mate mate ana nga tangata ia ra ia ra i taua mate. No tera mane a Te Rata Waaki haere atu ai i Karaera, a e ahu ana aia ko Parihaka, hei mahi i nga turoro o reira kia ora ai. " The "Patea Mail" says that the measles; which broke out at Parihaka among the Natives, appear to be spread- ing, as we hear that the disease has reached the Oeo pah, and that victims to this malady are dying every day at both quarters; Dr. Walker left Carlyle on Monday last for Parihaka, for the purpose of attending to the affected Natives." X. He mea atu tenei ki nga tangata, e kite ana i nga kore- ro o nga Mema Maori e taia ana e matou ki te Wananga i nga kupu a aua Mema i korero ai i te Paremata. He me a whakamaori e matou aua korero o aua Mema Maori. Otiia, ko nga korero a matou i mahia ai aua korero Maori
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Te Wananga. court, conclusive upon oath and legal arrangements, who was right or who was wrong. The statement occupied over an hour, and was of a very exhaustive character, but it is impossible to give any precis of the details referred to by the speaker." KOIA NEI NGA KORERO I KOREROTIA I TE PAREMATA, MO NGA MAHI HOKO WHENUA A TE HUNGA NANA I NUKARAU NGA MAHI I HERETAUNGA. (Ka mahia katoatia e matou ana tini korero nei, i ia putanga i ia putanga o Te Wananga, a pau noa ana korero katoa.) Ka mea a Te Hiana. Taihoa e korero nga korero mo nga moni tuku tau ki Te Kawanatanga, no te mea e mahara ana koutou, i tetahi ra, i mea atu ahau kia koutou ki te Paremata, ka korero ahau kia koutou ki te Paremata mo nga mahi i mahia mo nga whenua Maori i Haku Pei. A kia mutu aku korero kia koutou, ko reira ahau mea atu ai kia koutou ki te Paremata kia whakaaetia mai e koutou enei kupu aku, ara "E pouri ana tenei Paremata, no te mea kua rongo to Paremata nei i nga mahi he i nga mahi ta- hae a etahi o nga Pakeha o Haku Pei (Heretaunga) i a ratou hokonga i nga whenua o nga Maori o reira. A he ano hoki, i aro atu ano te mahi a etahi o nga tino Apiha o te Kawanatanga ki aua mahi, a i rongo aua Apiha ki aua mahi. A e mea ana tenei Paremata, he mahi tutara kino taua mahi mo te ingoa pai o tenei Koroni o Nui Tireni. " E hara tenei mahi i te mea rapu e au, e matau ana ratou, e hara ahau i te tangata whawhai ki aku hoa noho. A e kore ahau e korero i enei kupu ka korero nei ahau, mei kore tuku whakaaro, e, ki te mea ka noho kupu ahau, penei he kohuru taku i aku hoa. No te mea, he tino tikanga nui te tikanga ka korero nei ahau ki tenei Paremata. Kua rangona te he o nga hoko whenua i Heretaunga e te ao katoa. A kua kiia ano hoki ana mahi i roto i tenei Whare Paremata, kua korerotia ki nga Kooti, kua mahia e nga Nupepa. Na ano koutou te Paremata nei e ma- hara ana, na te Paremata nei te Pira i mahi, i whakaae, i whakaturia ai tetahi Komihana hei uiui i nga tika- nga o aua mahi hoko whenua i Heretaunga. Na Te Tapeta taua Pira i tuku mai ki te Paremata nei kia mahia hei Ture, i te wa i noho ai ratou ko ona hoa hei Kawanatanga i te tau 18T2. Ano ka mutu te mahi a taua Kawanatanga. Na Te Kawanatanga hou i mea taua Pira, a tu ana hei Ture. A no te marama o Pepuere 1873 i kiia ai taua Komihana mo Heretau- nga. I te wa i mahia ai taua Pira, he Mema ano ahau no te Paremata nei, u i korero ano ahau mo taua Pira. A kihai ahau i mea i aua ra, e kiia taua mahi o Heretaunga hei mahi Roia maku, i mea hoki ahau, ko taku rongo kau ki aua mahi e kiia ana i te Pare- mata nei, a kati ra i ana rongo taku paanga ki aua mahi. Otiia i te wa kua tata te mahi o taua Komihana, i kiia ahau e nga Maori, kia haere ahau hei Roia mo ratou i taua Komihana. A haere ana ahau. A ko te pukapuka a aua Komihana, he mea tuku mai ki te Paremata nei i te tau 1873. No te wa ka tata te mu- tu o te Paremata o taua tau, i tae mai ai taua puka- puka a aua Komihana. A i mea hoki ahau, e mahia taua korero e Te Kawanatanga ki te Paremata, ko te mea hoki, he tikanga nui nga mea o taua mahi. Otiia kihai rawa i puta he kupu a Te Kawanatanga mo taua
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Te Wananga. word or two to say with reference to what fell from the honorable member for, the Eastern Maori District. He said that the faults of the Native Lands Act were to be attributed to the General Government. I do not agree with that. The fault is the fault of all the members of this House. The Act was passed by the whole of the members, and; after the House rises the Government have the administration of all the laws. He also said that it would.be well to do away with the Maori representatives in the House. I say that is a matter for the House to deal with. I shall not detain the House much longer, but I wish to said something more about the Superintendent of Auckland. I heard during the course of the debate that it was he who originated the provinces. I wonder if he considers now, that the provinces are decreasing in strength and I think if I were the member for Auckland City West, and had originated these things, it would be well for me myself to bury my now head. The honorable member is absent from the House now— gone away, perhaps, on his now business—and there- fore I do not like to say much ; for the Maoris only approve of speaking to a man's face. One word now for those who are united in doing away, with the provinces, and. also for those who are suporting the provinces. We are now disputing in this House ; let us carry on this discussion fairly, so that either we. i may gain the day or you may. Do not let, us make any mistake about the matter; let us fight it out fairly, that we may know which side wins. I do not approve of sending this matter back to the people. What is the use of that ? I am glad that it is being settled now, and that it will be done in this session as a final act, by this Parliament. Then the people will know that a very important subject has been decided in this last session. HE PANUITANGA. KO nga kau a Rahiporo e haere ana i o matou whenua i Waipaoa, ki te mea kore e tikina ma eia, ka Paunatia matou a te 30, o te marama nei. NA PORIKAPA TAMAIHOTUA. Waipaoa, Oketopa, 16, 1875. 124 NOTICE. THE cattle running on our lands at Waipaoa belonging to Mr. Rathbone of Waipaoa if not removed before the 30th inst., will be impounded PORIKAPA TAMAIHOTUA. Waipaoa, October, I6th 1875. 124 KUA PAUNATIA I KARAERA I TE WAIROA . NA HOHEPA KARAURINA, i te 10 Oketopa. He Hoiho uha, he ma, he tiwha te rae, ko te Parani ho A W, i te huha maui, he MI i te huha katau, 14 ringa te tiketike. He Hoiho uha, be hina, he tiwha to rae, ko te Parani he KU i te huha maui, 14 ringa te tiketike. Ka hokona i roto i nga ra 14, ki te mea ia e kore e tikina mai. WIREMU MORONI, Kai tiaki Pauna. Oketopa 19,1875. \_\_ 122 HE PANUITANGA HE moa atu tenei, ko nga nama a te iwi katoa kia maua, me utu mai o te hunga i a ratou aua nama, i roto i nga wiki e rua, i muri iho o te panuita- nga o tenei panui. Ki te kore e utua i roto i aua ra, ka tamanatia ki te Kooti Whakawa. MAKEREHI RAUA KO HANATI. Mira hui paraoa, i Karaiwa ki te Hau-auru. Hepetema 30, 1875. 110 NOTICE. ALL accounts owing to the undersigned, which are overdue, must be paid within fourteen days from this date, otherwise legal proceedings will be taken for their recovery. MACKENZIE & SUNDERS, West Clive Steam Flour Mill. September 30, 1875. 120 J. PAUIHI. (KAI MAHI NA P. KOHEKERIWI I MUA.) He mea utu tenei naana, he nui ana mea penei, hei hoko ma te iwi, a nana ano i hanga. He iti te utu, kahore i penei te nui o te utu i nga whare hoko katoa o Nepia. Mo haere mai te iwi kia kite, koia noi te utu o etahi o aua mea, £ s. d. Tera tino pai, Tera taane ... ... 4 10 O Tera Kiri poaka etahi waahi ... ... 2 5 0 He Tera pikau taonga ... ... 3 10 O Nga whakarawe Kiki ... ... 8 0 0 Nga whakarawe Kiki ano ... ... 7 10 0 Piringa Kaata whakarawe ... ... 6 10 0 Whakarawe Kauta ... ... ... 4 10 0 Nga nanawe hoiho ... ... ... 2 12 0 Nga Kara kakii ... ... ... 0 15 0 A he iti ono hoki te utu mo nga mea katoa e hoko ana e ahau. Koia nei toku ingoa, J. PAUIHI. Kai hanga Tera, Koia nei nga whakarawe hoiho, kei te taha o te Peeke o Kui Tireni, Nepia. 117
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Te Wananga. Pateriki Kahikuru, Kai hanga Tera, me nga hanga katoa mo nga Kiiki, me nga Kaata, Kei Taipo, (Taratera.) KEI aia, i * nga wa katoa nga Tera pai rawa, Hanihi, Wepu, Kipa, me era mea e kore e taea te tatau. Ko ta PATERIKI KAHIKURU te whare ngawari rawa mo te Hanihi Paki, Kiki, Toki Kaata, Piringi Kaata, Terei, Parau hoki, Peke Tera hoki. Ko enei mea katoa e hanga ana i roto i taua toa ; ko te reta i tino pai rawa, e koro e kitea i roto i te motu nei, he mea pai atu. Haere mai kia kite tonu a koutou kanohi a tera e paingia. Kia marama ki te whare. Ko te PATERIKI KAHI- KURU whare, Tera, Hanihi, hanga Kura, kei Taipo, (Taratara.) 17 Hone Maki Pe, Kai hanga Tera, me nga mea katoa mo nga Hoiho mahi, Kei tawahi ake o te Uniana Peeki tana Haapu i Nepia. KO te tino Haapu iti te utu o Nepia mo nga mea penei. 19 Panui ki ngu Maori o Heretaunga. KEI TE WHARE HOKO A Te Houra, I TAWAHI AKE O TE POTAWHE I NEPIA. NGA Parau, Whakarawe Hoiho to Kaata Me nga mea mo nga Kiki Me nga Tera Pikau taonga Tera Taane Tera Wahine Paraire Wepu Mo nga mea katoa mo tenei mea mo te Hoiho. He iti to utu mo ana mea nei Na TE HOURA, Nepia. 23 TAKENA MA. WAIPAOA, HE NUI NOA ATU A RATOU TINI KAKAHU ME NGA MEA PERA He mea uta hou mai aua mea A HE MEA TINO PAI Kahore he taonga i pai ke ake I TE POROWINI NEI He iti te utu mehemea he MONI PAKETE Ta te tangata e haere mai ai ki te hoko. 67 i TE TOA TAWHITO A TATANA I NEPIA. HE mea, kua tae a A. MANOE ki nga waahi katoa o te whenua nei, a kua kohia eia nga tini taonga katoa ME nga WAINA, me nga RAMA tino pai ; a he iti te utu. 57 Ko H. KATA, MA. KAI HANGA WHARE, E NOHO ANA, i Nepia nei, TERA aia e pai ki te whakarite i nga mahi hanga whare ma nga tangata Maori o i te Porowini o Haku Pei. Na H. KATA, MA.