Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 2, Number 20. 18 September 1875 |
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TE WANANGA. HE PANUITANGA TENA KIA KITE KOUTOU. "TIHE MAURI-ORA." NAMA 20. NEPIA, HATAREI, 18 HEPETEMA, l875 PUKAPUKA 2. PANUITANGA Ki Ngatikahungunu me nga hapu e noho ana i waho o te Porowini o Haku Pei. WINIHETI WHARE NEPIA Kua timata ki te whakahaere mahi toa hokohoko taonga i Nepia. I runga i tenei mahi ka whakaatu ia, ko nga mea o tana toa, he tera, he puutu, me era atu taonga e paingia ana e nga tangata Maori. Ko tana tino kupu nui tenei kia koutou e kore a ia e tono atu ki nga tangata Maori i tetahi utu rere ke i te utu e tonoa ana i te Pakeha mo ana taonga. Ko ana taonga e hoatu mo te MONI, koia te take i whakangawari i te utu. Heoi ano tana i tono ai inaianei, kia haere mai ki te whaka- matau i te ngawari o te utu Ha kite hoki i te pai o nga taonga. KEI NGARO TAKU INGOA: W. H. PINGIKI, WINIHETI WHARE, HEHITINGI TIRITI, NEPIA.
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Te Wananga. PANUITANGA. KUA whiwhi ahau i te Tangata tino mohio ki te mahi i nga Pu pakaru, ki te mahi i nga mea katoa o te Pu. Ki te hanga Pa hou ano hoki, maana e mahi nga Pu katoa o nga Maori. Na PAIRANGI, Nepia Aperira 12, 1875. Kai hoko paura. [TRANSLATION.] NOTICE.—The undersigned, having secured the services of a first-rate gunsmith, is now prepared to mend make, and repair all sorts of fire arms.—M. BOYLAN, Licensed for the sale of ammunition Napier, April 12, 1875 4 Whare hanga Kooti, Nepia. NA G. PAKINA, Kai hanga Kooti, me te mahi Terei, kai rongoa Hoiho, me te mahi i nga rino katoa e mahi ai te Parakimete, Hehitingi: tiriti, Nepia HE mea mahi nga Kooti me nga Kareti, ki te tikanga o nga tauira hou, o Tawahi o Merika, a he mea mahi pai te hanga o aua mea. He mea peeita ano hoki eia, a he utu tika tana utu i tono ai mo ana mahi. 21 : Kei a Nataniora Hakopa i Hehitingi Tiriti, TE TUPEKA pai, me nga TIKA, me nga PAIPA Mihini, Me nga mea whakatangitangi Koriana, me nga Wai kakara, me nga taonga tini noa. atu. A he kotahi ano ana utu e tono ai ki te Pakeha ki te Maori Ki te mea ka hokona etahi o enei mea e nga kai tiaki Toa, penei e hoki iho te utu. 6 NASH & DAVIES, PAINTERS, GRAINERS, SIGN WRITERS, AND HOUSE DECORATORS, WAIPUKURAU. White Lead, Oils, Glass, Paperhangings, &c., at the cheapest possible rates, always on sale. 45 NAHI RAUA KO REWETI He kai Peita whare, he kai mahi Karaihe ki nga Wini, He kai tuhituhi ingoa, he kai mahi Kia pai a roto o nga whare, KEI WAIPUKURAU. He Peita ma, He Hinu, he Pepa-whare, kei a raua mo te utu iti. 45 HE PANUITANGA. HE panuitanga tenei kia mohiotia ai; ka tu te Kooti Whakawa Whenua Maori i te Wairoa a te TAITE, te 28 o nga ra o Oketopa, 1875, me nga ra i muri iho o taua ra. NA TE ROKENA. Kai-whakawa o te Kooti Whenua Maori. Te Tari o te Kooti Whakawa Whenua Maori, i Nepia, Hepetema 13, 1875. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that a sitting of the Native Lands Court will be holden at Te Wairoa, East Coast, on THURSDAY, the 28th October proximo, and following days. J. ROGAN. Judge Native Lands Court. Native Lands Court Office, • Napier, 13th of September 1875. Na Hati Raua ko Rauniri. NGA Moenga, me nga tini tini o nga mea pera. Kei ta raua Toa, i te taha o te Haku Pei Karapu. 15 P. MARUNI, TOA HOKO I NGA KAI KATOA, i Hehitinga Tiriti, i Nepia. MAANA e hoko ki nga Maori nga taonga pai, a he iti te utu o aana taonga. E hoko ana aia i nga Kaanga, me te Hei a nga Maori, a he utu nui taana; Whaihoki he moni pakeke te Utu. Na P. MARUNI. 12
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Te Wananga. HE HOIHO T A R I O N A . * HE Momo Karaitera, ko Poukawa tu ai. "TANGA TAPIONA." HE hoiho kaha, he kuri kakama ki te haere. He mangu A whero. He mangu nga waewae, a kahore he mate o ana waewae. He kuri atahua, kahore he riri ona, a, he hoiho kaha ki te mahi. I riro i aia te utu tuarua mo nga hoiho ahua pai i Karaitihata i te tau 1869. Nga utu, 3 10s. 0d, a e kore e utua te patiki e haere ai nga uha tub te marama kotahi ; a i muri iho o taua marama, ka utu te tangata nana te uha, e rua hereni me te hikipene mo te wiki. Ko aua utu nei, me utu i te ra e tikina mai ai nga uha. He tino pai te tiaki, otiia e koro, ahau e pai kia utu ana mate tetahi uha e kawea mai aua ki taua Tariona. TE M. HAPIMANA. i 92 i \_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ H E H O I H O TINO REIHI KO KINGIPIHA, Me te tino Momo Arepa ko AREPA TAIRA. i KO enei hoiho, e noho ana i Te Tukituki, a tenei tau. Ko I te utu mu te hoiho uha, e ono pauna, e ono hereni, mo te uha kotahi, a ko aua moni me utu i te ra e tikina atu i ai te uha. A ko te patiki e haere ai nga uha, kahore he utu mo te patiki e noho ai aua uha i te timatanga, kia tae ki nga ra e hoki ai ka utu. Kb nga uha i kore e hapu i a ! KINGIPIHA i tera tau, kahore he utu i tenei tau mo aua uha. A ki te kore e hapu tetahi uha i tenei tau i a AREPA TAIEA, penei, ko a tera tau e kore e utu ana kawea mai ano ki taua Tariona. Ko te utu mo AREPA TAIRA i tu ai aia i Wikitoria, tekau pauna mo te uha kotahi i utu ai nga Pakeha o reira. Ko nga uha rae tuku mai kia Te Karaati i Hawheraka. Kahore he tikanga ki au o te aitua ki nga uha i nga ra e noho ai i au. Kia 50 tekau ano uha e tukua mai ki enei hoiho, ki tetahi ki tetahi. ARENA MAKARINI. 95 Tukituki Teihana. KUA HIRO IA WIREMU PIRIPI, TE ARIPIANA PIRIATA RUUMA, KOIA aia i mea ai, ma tana mahi atahua i nga tangata e haere ana ki reira, ka paingia ai a ia e nga M A ORI KA TO A. 60 HE HOIHO TARIONA. Ko Hawheraka, tu ai. Te tino Momo Reihi, o te uri o Ririrawata. "KO K A R A M I N U H I ." HE hoiho ma, he kopurepure te ma o Karaminuhi. He Teina no Teti Arira. A na te Hira o Poneke i whakatupu. Koia nei te tataku o nga korero mo tenei hoiho, ko aua korero nei kei roto i te pukapuka korero mo nga hoiho Reihi o Nui Tireni. Karaminuhi teina kia Teti Arira, ko Ririwata te matua taane, ko Anatia te whaea, na Moemiti, a ko Arihi Kerei te whaea, na Emikonaati, ko Kurunea te whaea, na Paionia a Emikonaati, ko Ringitera te whaea, na Puhata, ko Kurunea, ua Ianga Kohana, ko Utima te whaea, na Hamarika, ko Moenati, na Katona, ko Aratia he mea whakatupu na Te Makaata o Poihakena. He hoiho tino ahua pai -a Karaminuhi, a he kaha ki te mahi, ki to haere. A he uri aia no nga hoiho tino Momo Reihi nui o te ao katoa. Ko Ikiripi te hoiho, kihai rawa i taea e tetahi hoiho, a ko aana moni i riro ai i aia £35,000. A 334 o nana uri i puta hei tino hoiho Reihi. Ko te tupuna o Ekerihi, ko Kuati, a ko te tupuna o Kuati, ko Te Tani Arepia, ko te tino hoiho pai rawa o Arepia i kawea mai ki Ingarangi. Ko Kurunea, ko te tupuna o Aratia, ko te whaea o Karaminuhi na Ianga Kohena aia, a he mokopuna aia na Ikiripi. A ko tana whaea ko Utima, he mokopuna kahika na Ekinihi. He nui te ahua Arepa o Karaminuhi, he mea hold he tui aia na Te Tani Arihia, ko Ritiwata, ko te matua taane o Karaminuhi. Koia to hoiho tuarua i te Reihi o Tapii, a i aia to £2000, pauna i Ingarangi. Ko Aratia, ko te whaea o Karaminuhi hei tuahine ki nga whaea o Iatetana raua ko Paapa, ko raua nga hoiho pai rawa i Atareria, ko latatana, naana nga uri 62, i tino hoiho Reihi i tera tau. A e tino mohiotia ana, na Ritiwata nga uri hoiho tino pai rawa i whakatupuria i enei Motu. Ahakoa, hei hoiho ekeeke noa ma te tangata, hoiho too tarapu ranei. Koia nei etahi o nga uri o Ritiwata, Waratia, Harikena, Teti Eriara, Maraka, Tokinatora, Tana, Haira, Tiki Tapina, Airinana, Numa, latana, Paimarire, Maori Wini, a he nui atu ano etahi, e kore e taea te tatau. Na Te Hira o Poneke a Karaminuhi i whakatapu i Poneke. A ko te whaea 6 taua hoiho nei kei a Te Henopi i Puke- tapu. Koia nei i kiia ai he pono te kupu mo Karaminuhi, e hara aia i te hoiho noa, otiia he tino hoiho Momo Reihi. Ko te hoiho i aia te Reihi o Tapii i Ingarangi i tera taa, he uri ano aia na Ikiripi, DO te taha ki te mataa taane. A ko te matua taane o te hoiho nana i riro ai te Reihi o Tapii, kua 21 ona tau. A ku te utu mona e utu ai mo te hoiho uha kotahi £50. Ko nga utu £4, 10, O, mo te uha. Mo te kai tiaki e rima hereni. Ko aua utu me utu i mua atu o te ra tuatahi o Hanuere, 1876. Ka tiakina paitia nga uha, otiia, ki te mea ka mate kahore he he e tau ki a au. Ko te utu mo te haere o nga uha i roto i te patiki, kotahi hereni me te hikipene mo te wiki. A ko etahi atu korero kei a W. Arama. E mea ana te Nupepa o "Wairarapa Tanata." E koa ana matou kia ' Te Arama, mo te rironga i a ia o Karami- nuhi, no te mea, koia te tino hoiho momo Reihi i kawea mai ki tenei Porowini, a e rangona nuitia ana, ana uri i konei, a i te tai ki te Tuauru ano hoki. Otiia e pouri ana matou, no te mea, ka riro ke atu tenei momo hoiho pai i konei.
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Te Wananga. TE PEEKE UTU WHARE WERA KAIPUKE TAHURI O NIU TIRENI Nga moni a Nga kai tiaki o tena Peeke £1,000,000 (kotahi Miriona). E taunahatia ana o tenei Peeke nga Whare, me nga Kai- puke. Kia wera, kia tahuri rawa ake ka utua e ratou. He iti nei te utu ki tenei Peeke mo taua mahi a ratou. KOPATA TAPIHANA, 183 Kai tiaki, Nepia. PARANIHI PETARA, Kai hanga tera, me nga mea whakarawe katoa mo te Hoiho. HAWHERAKA. 77 HARE TAIHI, KAI TUI KAKAHU, HAWHERAKA. 78 HARE TEIRA, KAI HANGA PUUTU ME TE HU, HAWHERAKA 79 C. R. ROPITINI. KAI Ruuri whenua, me nga Waapu, me nga Rori Maana e mahi nga Mapi ma nga Maori, mo nga Rori, Waapu, me nga mea pera. Me tuku mai nga pukapuka ki aia, ki te Whare ta o "Te Wananga," Hehitinga Tiriti, Nepia. C. R. ROPITINI, Hehitinga Tiriti, Nepia. 50 C. R. ROBINSON, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Surveys made, Bridge Plans prepared, and Estimates given to any of the Natives of the North Island. Address - WANANGA Office Hastings street, Napier. 50 TIME TABLE. C O B B AND C O.'s TELEGRAPH LINE OF ROYAL MAIL COACHES LEAVES Paki Paki TWICE DAILY for Te Aute, Ka kora, Waipawa, after the arrival of the 7.30 a.m and 12. o'clock Trains from Napier ; returning from Wai- pawa at 8.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. Leaves for Waipukurau daily after the arrival of the12 o'clock Train from Napier, returning from Waipukurau every morning at 8.30. Leaves for Wanganui. Wellington, and all intermediate places, EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING; returning every SATURDAY at 2.40 p.m. Passengers, unless booked at the office in Napier cannot depend upon obtaining a seat. All parcels must be booked in Napier, and carnage pre- paid. ANDREW PETERS, Proprietor. 49 NGA RA E HAERE AI. NGA PAHIHI KAWE MEERA O TE TEREKARAWHI A KAAPU ME ANA HOA E HAERE atu ana i Te Paki Paki i nga ra katoa o te Wiki ki Te Aute, Kaikoura, Waipaoa, i muri iho o te taenga atu o nga Tereina o Nepia i te 7.30 o te ata, me te 12 o te tina. A e hokimai ana aua Pahihi i Wai- paoa i te 8.30 i te ata, me te 1.30 o te tina. A i nga ra katoa b te Wiki e haere ana ki Waipukurau, i muri iho o te taenga atu o te Tereina o Nepia i te 12 o ! te tina, a e hokimai ana i te 8,30 i te ata. E haere ana ki Whanganui, ki Poneke, me nga wahi katoa i te ana atu ki aua whenua i nga ata tu o nga WENETI katoa, a e hoki mai ana i nga HATAREI katoa i te 2.40 i te tu a ahiahi. Ki te mea e kore e haere nga tangata e eke ana i aua Pahihi ki te whare i Nepia, ka tuhituhi ai i a ratou ingoa ki te pukapuka, penei o kore e tino mohiotia e ratou, e eke ratou i aua Pahihi. I Ko nga mea e tukua ana kia maua e nga kai whiu o aua Pahihi, me tuhituhi aua mea ki te pukapuka i Nepia ; a me utu era, i te wa e hoatu ai aua mea kia kawea e te Pahihi. ANARU PITA, Nana aua Pahihi. 49 H. J. HIKI KAI HANGA PUUTU ME TE HU, HAWHERAKA. 81 T, WIREMU, Kai hanga PUUTU, ine nga HU, I Hehitingi Tiriti, Nepia. TAMATI WIREMU. 11
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Te Wananga He pukapuka kohikohi moni tenei hei utu mo te Ruuritanga o te kaupapa whenua i waenga nui o Rangi- tikei raua ko Orona i te taha ki runga o te rohe ki Waitapu puta noa ki Kawatau. Na nga hapu o Ngatiapa e uru ana ki roto ki tenei whenua, koia tenei nga tangata £ s. d. Aperahama Tipae ... ... ... ... 20 0 0 Te Wunu Te Rangiwerohia ... ... 2 0 0 Te Ratana Ngahina ... ... ... ... 5 0 0 Reupena Kewetona ... ... ... ... 10 0 0 Panapa Hunu-te-Rangi Hamiora Te Hunga-o-te-Rangi Hunia Te Hakeke Hone Waitoro Hakaroia Te Rangipouri Paora Punuku Matene Te Matuku Hoani Ngaihi Tipene Waitoro Pirihira Wanoa ruruhira Tipae Ripeka Nati Pirihika Whatumaka Roa Hawhea Rahera Ko te huihuinga tenei o nga moni CORRESPONDENCE. Aperahama Tipae Wellington, July 17, 1875. HUNIA TE HAKEKE. TO THE EDITOR surveyed by Utiku Potaka Commencing at Waitapu on the Rangitikei river to Waitapu I also gave the bill of cost of survey to Renata, ...was the Manatu block, and Dr Featherston... KAWANA TE HUNIA Whangaehu, July 5, 1875. ...on the upper boundaries of Waitapu and (Kawatau???) (CHECK THIS WORD) ...people are of the Ngatiapa hapu.. Apeihama Tipae Te Wunu Te Rangiwarohia(???) Te Katana Ngahina Reupena Kawetone (???) Panapa Hunuterangi Hamiora Te Hunga-o-te-Rangi Hunia Te Hakeke Hone Waitoro Hakaraia Te Rangipouri Paora Punaku HE UTU KORERO MO TE RETA A APERAHAMA TIPAE ...ko Pirimona Te Urukahika (???) ko Utika Potaha, ... ...Aperahama... ...Te Waari Kai Whakairo, o Motene Taone Tutaenui, e £50 pauna moni, i te tau 1875. Tuarua ka hoatu e au kia Utiku Potaka, e £60(???) pauna... ...kia Pirimana, £170 pauna moni i te tau 1872. ...Aperahama ratou ko... ...taua Piro ko Hepetema 19, 1872. ...ko Noa Te Hianga. ...Munu raua ko Hunia... ...Te Makarini ki te 4s 5d... ...Te Kooti i te tau 1871, ...
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Te Wananga. Friends hearken my my ancestors were not idle in battle to keep possession of those places and I (their grandson) am telling you of the battles I fought for the same object. And those family tribes who did occupy those shacks left them quietly when Te Heuheu (my relative and I) made peace, and left me with the sole right to the land from that time to this. l ask, has he, (Aperahama) seen any notice or procla- mation; in which TVfl^rvlliinj the lands called Waitapu, Po- rororangi and Pakihikura. Friends, I have never amid these Karaitiana Takamoana Porowini Hupuritene Waipounamu
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Te Wananga SPEECH OF KARAITIANA TAKAMOANA ON THE ABOLITION BILL ON THE 18TH AUGUST, 1876 SIR, I have somewhat to say upon this subject which is now under discussion in this House. AIthough something I may have to say may be beyond the actual subject of the debate, I trust I may be allowed to say what I mean, even though not upon the point. It is only this House that knows the difference be- tween the General Government and the Provinces. : We do not understand the cause of the dispute be- tween the General Government and the Provinces. What is the cause of their anger against each other ? I want to know whether the Provinces are the younger and the General Government the elder brother because for many years they have lived very close together but now I find that the General Government and the Provinces are fighting against each other. The only person that I have heard accused of doing evil in this island was the General Government. It was the General Government who caused fighting amongst the Maori, against other Maoris. It was the . General Government who bought the land General Government who set up the Native Land Court. It is true that it was by the General Govern- ment that mortgage were introduced. It was the General Government who appointed Commissioners to go and purchase the land from the Maoris. I have heard of abolishing the Provinces in the North Island first, and afterwards the Superintendents. I will not say anything on this question of doing away with the Provinces. Perhaps it has something to do with Maoris. It; may have something to do with the Maoris, this doing away with the Provinces. I do not know that this has reference to us or not. Last year it was proposed to do away with the Provinces and Superintendents of this island alone. There was nothing said about the Provinces in the other island. Therefore, I said that it was something against the Maoris the doing away with the Provinces in this
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Te Wananga island alone. I said that last year, because I was not aware that we—the Maoris and the Europeans—are as one. If I saw a debate going on in this House with a view to make us one people—the Maoris and the Europeans - then I knew we should be able to discuss the matter together. I am a man well acquainted with Maori customs, but I am precluded from speaking much in this House, your language being different from mine. If my language were the same as yours I would not get up only once; I would get up a good may times. I should be able then to to object to a great many things that take place. Here I am in this House like a deaf and dumb mau. Therefore, I feel that I should consider Whether it is anything against the Maoris, or whether, if left to the General Government alone, things might be better. We did not know the difference of the two systems— the General Government and the Provinces - but now we find that the General Government is a different man from the Provinces. Therefore, I think that it is a wise proposition to leave the matter over for another year before abolishing the Provinces altogether, and let the new system be altogether introduced in the next House. Let the Maori representation be in- creased before this takes place. This is not a matter iu which the Provinces have any concern. The intro- duction of the Maori members is by the General Go- vernment alone: they have introduced four members. Perhaps Government have introduced four Maori members to treat them like tame kakas. The tame kaka decoys the rest of the flock, and when he gets them near ho turns away and leaves them to be caught. Therefore, I say to this House, it may be a good thing to do away with the Provinces, but let us see one united people. There are many tribes of people in this island with their chiefs and people of knowledge. Let the chiefs, of the different tribes come into this House and say what they have to say. If they are wrong, they only express the views oi the people who sent them here. Do not let them be sent here to represent the opinions of other tribes. If the Pro- vinces are to be done away with, let the Government put an end to the purchasing of Native lands. Let this Parliament turn its attention to that; that is the cause of trouble to us. I think that the mischievous man in this island is the Government. I approve of the words of the honorable member for Auckland City West where he say that great trouble may arise after the Provinces are abolished. I approve of his words The General. Government have the management of the purchasing and leasing of Native Lands. There are a great many lands in dispute in this island in the name of the Government. Therefore, I think that the Government is the bigger man of the two; the Provinces are not quite so big. No petitions are sent to the Provinces; they are sent to the Government. If the Government do not approve of my proposal, and cease their purchasing of Native land, I will send in a petition asking that that system should be done away with. I was asked, at. the time that I was elected, to state to the electors what 1 was going to say in Parliament. . I. said: I do not know yet what I shall say. When I came here I saw that your House was a good House. The only fault was the deafness and dumbness of the Maoris. Another objection is the Government appointing; an interpreter. They did not say, Let: the House appoint an inter-, preter. The other fault is the fewness of the people- the small number of Maori Members. The Govern- ment never agreed to my former proposal to increase the number of Maori Members. This is not a matter that will tend to our union. Now at this time the Superintendent of Auckland is in this House and takes part in its debates. He was Governor of New Zealand during two wars which took place in this island; and he killed the Maoris and took the land. He is a Superintendent now, and takes part in an able manner in the debates of this House. Now I wish him to be Chief over the Maoris. What 1 say will be approved of by the other tribes in the island. In a former session of Parliament the honorable member for Timaru proposed a motion of want of confidence in the Government. I took part with him because I thought that honorable gentleman was a man of knowledge and a great man, and would do some good, and correct the wrongs affecting the Maoris. It was not from any personal enmities against my friends that went over to him; I went over for the sake of the island. I did not do so for anything personal to myself. I have no wish to take any active part in this dispute which appears to exist among yourselves, because we know the difference between the General Government and the Provinces. I have told yon thai I am deaf and dumb; but it is not that I am afraid of you. I say nothing against this House when I have to talk to my Maori friends ; I tell them that this is a good House. The fault that I find is what I have told you already —that I do not like the Government to appoint the Interpreter. Let the Interpreter be appointed by this House. If the representation in the next Parliament is to be the same as in this as far as the Maoris are concerned, I shall go to my people and urge them not to return any member to this House. If there are to be only four members in this Parliament I shall say, " Do not send anybody else there ; leave the House to the Europeans." I shall then ask Parliament to have a different law for the Maoris, and another for the Europeans, so that you can discuss in your own House matters relating to your own disputes. It is not well that there should be only four Maori members . here taking part in the debates about the laws of New Zealand. We do not know in what respect they are united in the things that go on. The laws you are making are dangerous to the Natives. Things im- properly done under the laws of this House have not been corrected by you, although asked for. There- fore, I say I shall represent to the people not to allow only four members' to come here. You are treating us like decoy kakas that bring iu the rest of the flock to be killed. Better kill them outside; do not bring them in here and kill them. Let your plans be laid here, but kill them outside. I hope that the Govern- ment will carefully consider this question of represen- tation, and propose an increase of Maori members. If not, your House will be your own next year. Let other stupid tribes send their representatives here; they will be just the same as we are here; they will do no good by coming. Let the Parliament appoint its own Interpreters, and consent to allow an increased number of representatives. It will be only right, in my opinion that we should get a representative for each tribe. I can only know a small portion of what
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Te Wananga. you say, and I am in great distress. Some of the members speak well of the Maoris and others speak badly. Those who speak badly of the Maori are those who take part in framing laws for their destruc- tion. I have been five years a member of this Par- liament, and I have not yet found out that we are one in body. We are only one by the words of your lips. You frame laws which have evil effects towards the Maoris. Therefore, I say, if you will only allow us to have four members, next session you can keep the House to yourselves. HE HOIHO TINO MOMO TO KAATA NO TE MOMO KARAITERA KO TIUKA, Kei Maraekakaho te waahi e tu ai tenei Hoiho. He patiki pai te wahi e noho ai nga uha e kawea mai ana ki a ia. He Hoiho a TlUKA kua riro i a ia nga moni whaka- kitekite mo nga Hoiho tino pai o tenei Porowini, mo nga tau e rua, koia te tatakuna ai tona kawei matua. E kore e tino nui nga uha e tukna ki a ia, i e 30 ano pea te kau— Ko te utu e Ł4, O, O, mo te uha kotahi, a ki te mea e rua uha a te tangata kotahi ; penei e Ł3 10 0 i te mea kotahi. E kore ahau e pai kia he ko ahau ana pa he aitua ki nga uha e kawea mai ana kia TIUKA. He nui te pai o te kai i nga patiki i Maraekakaho. TAMATI KANE, Maraekakaho, Hepetema 3, 1875. 97 KUA PAUNATIA, IHERETAUNGA. NA RAWIRI HAERA, HepeteMa 13. He Hoiho poka, he pango, ko te parani i penei, KPO i te peke maui, 15 ringa te tiketike. Ha Hoiho poka, he kohinahina, he parani M i to peke katau, he toti te waewae maui o mua, 14 ringa te tiketike. Ka hokona i roto i nga wiki e rua, ki te mea ia e kore e tikina mai. WIREMU KURUWINI Kai tiaki Pauna. Hepetema 15, l875. 96 KUA PAUNATIA I PANIANA. Hepetema 9. NA A.TANIWA. He Hoiho uha, he mangu apango, he mangu nga waewae. He tiwah ina raro o te takotoranga o te tera. He parani penei - i te peke maui 14 ringa te tiketike. Ka hokona i roto i nga wiki e rua, ki te mea ia e kore tikina mai. HENARE TARAKA, Kai tiaki Pauna, Panitana, Hepetema IO, l875. TE WAIROA, Na WAATA KAREHUHU He hoiho uha, He Hiua, kahore he parani e kitea, 12 ringa te tiketike. He hoiho uira, he mangu ko te parani he E i te peke matau, 14 ringa te tiketike. He hoiho hina, he uha me te kuwao mango, ko te parani he 4 i te peke matau, 13 ringa te tiketike. He hoiho uha, me te kuwao pango ko te parani A i te peke matau. He hoiho poka, 2 tau, kahore he parani e kitea. Ka hokona i roto i nga wiki e rua, ki te mea e kore e tikina mai. WIREMU MARONI, Kai tiaki Pauna. Hepetema 17 1865. 99 PEKE PEKA, I Hepetema 13 na G. T. HlRI. He kau puuru, he kopurepure, he ma te upoko, 10 pea ona mairaina. I Hepetema 14, na HONE KUPA. He hoiho poka, he hina,15 ringa te tiketike, ko te parani he TRI i te huha katau. He hoiho poka, he tu a whero, 13 ringa te tiketike, kahore he parani e kitea, ko te utu e rua te kau ma rima hereni Ka hokona i roto i nga wiki e rua, ki te mea e kore e tikina mai. T. F. HEERA, Kai tIaki Pauna. Hepetema 17, 1875. 98 PANUITANGA TUATAHI. KO TE HOIHO TINO REIHI KO KAIRAKA. KA tu i te takiwa ki Wairarapa a tenei tau. Koia nei te tataku o nga tupuna o tenei Hoiho. Na Te Ropitini i whakatupu tenei Hoiho. He mangu a whero, he mangu nga waewae, 15 ringa te tiketike, he Hoiho tino pai te ahua, a e pono pu aua nga uri ona. Na Nutaere a ia, ko te whaea ko Kaipate, na Tetitana a ia. Ko Kakaka na Pipiotepoai, ua Karauna, a ko Pei Mititana a ia. Na Taaretana a ko Mititana, ko te whaea ko Kirihira na Tatitana a ia. Ko te roanga kei roto i te pukapuka o nga korero o nga Hoiho Reihi. Ma enei korero ka kitea ai ko Tautona, ko te matua taane o.Kairaka, he teina a ia no Makuihi, a koia na Kiritona tona whaea, ko Makuihi i a ia nga moni e Ł2,000 pauna, i te Reihi i te Taapi te tau 1862, i a ia hoki te tino Reihi o taua tau. He mea uta mai a ia i Tawahi, a koia te matua o nga Hoiho tino Reihi o Poihakena katoa. He teina a Tautini no Piia, nana a Manukau, a koia ko Manukau te tino Hoiho pai o Nui Tireni nei. A ko Waihineti ko te tuahine o Nutone raua ko Piia, i a ia te tino moni nui o te Reihi o Te Oka. Na konei i kiia ai, kei a Kairaka te tino o nga momo Reihi o Tawahi katoa, o o reira Hoiho Reihi. Ko te utu mo te uha kotahi e Ł5, 5 0, ki te mea he tini ke nga uha a te tangata kotahi, ka hoki iho nga utu. NA A. H. PARONA. 100 Kai Tiaki»
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Te Wananga. Patariki Kohikorewe, Kai hanga Tera, ma nga hanga katoa mo nga Kiiki, me nga Kaata, Kei Hehitingi Tiriti, Nepia. KEI aia, i nga wa katoa nga Tera pai rawa, Hanihi, Wepu, Kipa, rae era mea e kore e taea te tatau. Ko ta PATARIKI KOHIKOREWE te whare ngawari rawa mo to Hanihi Paki, Kiki, Toki Kaata, Piringi Kaata, Terei, Parau hoki, Peke Tera hoki. Ko enei mea katoa e hanga ana i roto i taua toa ; ko te reta i tino pai rawa, e kore e kitea i roto i te motu nei, he mea pai atu. Haere mai kia kite tonu a koutou kanohi a tera e paingia. Kia marama ki te whare. Ko te PATARIKI KOHI- KOREWE whare, Tera, Hanihi, hanga Kara, i te taha tonu o te Peke o Niu Tireni, Hehitingi Tiriti, Nepia. 17 Hone Maki Pe, Kai hanga Tera, me nga mea katoa mo nga Hoiho mahi, Kei tawahi ake o te Uniana Peeki tana Haapu i Nepia. KO te tino Haapu iti te utu o Nepia mo nga mea penei. 19 Panui ki nga Maori o Heretaunga. KEÎ TE WHARE HOKO A Te Houra, I TAWAHI AKE O TE POTAWHE I NEPIA. NGA Parau, Whakarawe Hoiho to Kaata Me nga mea mo nga Kiki Me nga Tera Pikau taonga Tera Taane Tera Wahine Paraire Wepu Me nga mea katoa mo tenei mea mo te Hoiho. He iti te utu mo aua mea nei Na TE HOURA, Nepia. 23 TAKENA MA., WAIPAOA, HE NUI NOA ATU A RATOU TINI KAKAHU ME NGA MEA PERA He mea uta hou mai aua mea A HE MEA TINO PAI Kahore he taonga i pai ke ake I TE POKOWINI NEI He iti te utu mehemea he MONI PAKETE Ta te tangata e haere mai ai ki te hoko. 67 I TE TOA TAWHITO A TATANA I NEPIA. HE mea, kua tae a A. MANOE ki nga waahi katoa o te whenua nei, a kua kohia eia nga tini taonga katoa. ME nga WAINA, me nga RAMA tino pai ; a he iti te utu. 57 Ko H. KATA, MA. KAI HANGA WHARE, E NOHO ANA, i Nepia nei, TERA aia e pai ki te whakarite i nga mahi hanga whare ma nga tangata Maori o i te Porowini o Haku Pei. Na H. KATA, MA. 3
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Te Wananga H. WIREMU, NNA. TE WHARE ITI NGA UTU MO NGA TERA HOIHO, I HEHITINGA TIRITI. Ko te whare tino iti te utu o nga whare katoa i te Porowini, mo nga mea rino katoa, mo nga mea e mahi ai te kamura, me nga tangata mahi pera. No Ingarangi aua mea katoa nei. 2 Kamatira Hoteera, . TURANGA KAIPUKE I AHURIRI. KO nga Maori e haere mai ana ki Ahuriri, ki te mea ka haere mai ratou ki te Kamatira Hoteera penei. Ka atawhaitia paitia ratou e Hone langa o te Kamatira Hoteera. Kahore ana karaihe rere rua te ahua. Mo te Kai, Is. 6d.; Moenga, Is. Ko te Tina kei te 12, a tae noa ki te 1 o te haora; E mea ana aia kia haere mai nga Maori ki reira. 34 POROWINI HOTEERA, KARAIWI KUEA. Kei tawahi ake o te Rerewei He Waina, he Waipiro, he Piia pai rawa aana. HAERE MAI KIA KITE. E. AHITANA, 88 Kai tiaki. KO H. TIIRI, Te kai hoko o nga TI me nga HUKA, a he iti te utu o ana taonga e hoko atu ai, a he tino pai ana taonga. Ko nga taonga e tonoa ana ki aia, e tukua atu ana eia ki te hunga hoko, ki nga whare Rerewei a koia hei utu i te kawenga ki reira. 7 TE PAIRINI HE kai hoko i nga mea rino katoa. Me nga mea ngaki Paamu. KO NGA MAORI e mea ana ki etahi mea ma ratou, ki te mea ka haere mai ki Eka hoatu e au nga mea e pai ana. tau, e mea uta mai aku mea i INGARA- NGI, na reira i kiia ai, e kore e nui te utu. EI mohiotia ana ahau e nga MAORI, me mutu i konei aku kupu mo aku taonga e hoko ai. PAIRINI, Hehitinga Tiriti, Nepia. 36 KO nga Maori e haere ana ki Akarana, ki te mea ka haere ratou ki te Kawana Paraone Hotera, ka whangainga paitia; e ataahua te noho, a e pai nga kai, me nga moenga i reira— £ s. d. Mo nga Kai i te Wiki O 15 o Mo te Kai me te Noho i te Wiki 1 0 0 He Whare pai ano nga whare hei nohoanga mo nga Hoiho, Ko Tiningama raua ko Kingi, nga kai tiaki. : 18 PANUITANGA. KI te mea he hiahia hoko, huka, ti, mau i te tura- nga kaipuke i Ahuriri, me haere mai kia Tamati Mihene, a maana e hoatu nga mea pai, a he iti te uta. He Puutu ano hoki aana, me etahi atu mea. TAMATI MIHENE. 35 Ahuriri.
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Te Wananga. TAVISTOCK STORE, WAIPUKURAU. JUST RECEIVED A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF ENGLISH AND COLONIAL MANUFAC- TURES AND PRODUCE. COMPRISING 10 Cases Clothing- Gentlemen's and Youths' Tweed Suits (very superior), Pilot and Witney Overcoats, Macintoshes, Shawls, &c. 6 Trunks Boots— Watertights, Elastic-sides, and Shooting Boots, es- pecially made to suit district. First-Class assortment of English and Colonial Made Saddlery, Whips, Spurs, Valises, &c., &c., 6 Crates Eorthenware, Assorted. A Large Assortment of Ironmongery, imported direct from English Manufacturers. 10 Cases Cheese. 40 1/2 Chests Extra Choice Tea. 6 Tons Sugar, and A Large and Varied Stock of Groceries. A choice Assortment of cut Tobacco, Cigars, &c., and a Large Variety of Meerschaum and other Pipes, Fancy Goods, &c. Agents for the " Wananga," the " Daily Telegraph," and New Zealand Insurance Company. SMITH & Co., 44 WAIPUKURAU. T A W I T O K A TOA, WA I P U K U R A U. KUA TAE HOU MAI NGA MEA KATOA I Ingarangi, me nga Mea o enei Motu 10 Pouaka Kakahu— He Kakahu Tangata, he Kakahu Tamariki, he Koti he Makitohi, he Horo. 6 Pouaka Puutu— He Watataiti, me nga tini puutu katoa He tino pai rawa Nga Tera Hoiho, nga Wepu, nga Pa nga Peeke Kakahu hei mau i runga i te Hoiho. 6 Kete Kapu, me nga mea pera He nui noa atu nga mea rino, he mea uta mai enei i Ingarangi. 10 Pouaka Tihi; 40 Pouaka Ti; 6 Tana Huka. A he nui noa atu nga mea penei i taua Toa. He Tupeka par, he mea tupahi, ho Tikaa, he nui noa atu nga Paipa ahua ke, me nga tini taonga i to Toa. A ko rana ano hoki te kai hoko i nga Nupepa, Te " Wa- nanga," me Te " Terekarawhi." A he kai mahi ano raua mo te mahi Inihua mo Niu Tireni Kamupene. TE METE MA ME ANA HOA., WAIPUKURAU. 44 HONE ROPITINI, KAI HANGA WATI, ME NGA HEI KOURA, Hehitinga Tiriti, Nepia. 20 PANUITANGA. KUA tu taku Toa hoko kakahu i Waringipata (Ohepoto.) A, ka hoko ahau i te taonga mo te utu iti. J. KIRIMIRI. WARINGIPATA, (ONEPOTO.) 37 M. R. MIRA, HE KAI HOKO KAU, ME NGA PAAMU, a e hokona ana eia NGA Karia Hipi, me nga tini whenua. He Rana ano he Hipi kei reira. He Hana ano kahore i nga Porowini o Akarana, o Haku Pei, o Poneke. Kei tana tari i Paraunini Tiriti i Nepia nga tino korero mo aua whenua. HE RAME ANO ANA HEI HOKO. He Rikona He Reeta He Kotiwera He Marino No nga kahui pai katoa ana Hipi. A he tini ano ana hipi hei mahi ma nga Piha pata Hipi ano hoki. Na M. R. MIRA. 14 KI te puta he whakaaro ki nga tangata e korero ana i tenei Niupepa ka whakamohiotia ratou ki nga mahi hanga whare, ki nga mapi whakaahua whare, ki nga tikanga hoki o te hanga whare i runga i te tuhituhinga. Tenei au hei whaka- rongo ki nga hiahia o aua tangata, nui atu hoki taku pai ki te whakaatu i nga tikanga katoa o taua tu mahi, ana tonoa mai ki au. PENE METE, Kai whakahaere whare, Tenehana Tiriti, Nepia. 8
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232 Te Wananga. Ki kite! Kia kite!! Kia kite!!! KAI HOKO TAONGA., HEHITINGA TIRITI, NEPIA, B ki ana, mana rawa ano te hoko iti o te taonga o nga Toa katoa o Nepia. E ki atu ana aia ki nga Maori. Kaua e whakarongo Ki ta te taringa e rongo ai, engari ano ki ta te kanohi e kite ai. 28 N. P. PARANITE TE TARI O TE WANANGA. A muri iho o te 28 Hurae, KEI HEHITINGA TIRITI I NEPIA, i te Tari i taia ai te Haku Pei Taima. Ko te Kai hoko mo te Nupepa TE WANANGA Ko KARATI ma, KAI HOKO PUKAPUKA, Hehitinga.Tiriti, Nepia. NEPIA, Haku Pei Niu Tireni.—He mea ta e HENARE HIRA, a he mea panui e HENARE TOMOANA, e te tangata nana tenei niupepa, i te whare ta o Te Wananga, i Nepia. HATAREI. 18 HEPETEMA. 1875. * ' THE WANANGA OFFICE will after this date be at HASTINGS-STREET, NAPIER, where the Hawke's Bay Times was formerly published. Agents for Napier— COLLEDGE & CO., STATIONERS, Hastings-street, Napier. NAPIER, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.-Printed by HENARE HIRA, and pub- lished by HENARE TOMOANA, the proprietor of this newspaper, at the office of Te Wananga, Napier. SATURDAY, 18TH SEPTEMBER 1875.