Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 2, Number 14: pp Abstract
pp Intro to Abstracts

p.121 [Advertisement]
From W.H.Binks, advising all Ngāti Kahungunu people living outside the Province of Hawke's Bay of his store in Napier. He sells saddles, boots and other quality goods at very reasonable prices, and invites people to come and inspect his merchandise.
pp.122-123 [Advertisements]
T.Wiremu. A boot and shoemaker.
Kohikerewe and colleagues. Import many quality goods from England and invite people to come and inspect at their store.
H.Tiri. Supplies tea and sugar at reasonable prices and can arrange for goods to be freighted by rail if necessary.
Nataniora Hākopa. Specialises in tobacco, cigars and pipes. Advertises that he has one price for both Maori and Pakeha.
Wiremu Mākarini. Advertising his services as a horse trader.
H.Kata and colleagues. Advertising services as house builders.
H.O.Kotana. Advertising entries for a sweepstake on the Melbourne Cup. He will be at the Masonic Hotel in Napier to collect entries.
Pāteriki Kohikorewe. Advertising goods such as saddles, carts, gigs, ploughs and saddle bags.
Honi Maki Pe. Deals in saddles and other items for use with horses.
Te Houra. Advertising all equipment used with horses such as saddles, bridles and harness equipment for gigs and carts.
Pene Mete. Prepares house plans and can organise building permits and other things to do with the building of houses.
p.124 To the readers of this newspaper
Advises that the newspaper is happy to receive contributions from all tribal groups, particularly those concerning Maori land issues, and that objectionable material will be omitted or modified. Notes that Te Wananga has contact with other newspapers both within New Zealand and overseas, and that therefore the thoughts from Maori people will be widely read. Also welcomes contributions from European readers, and invites advertising and contributions from South Island readers.
[English translation included.]
To our readers
Encourages current subscribers to help increase the newspaper's revenue by recruiting more subscribers from amongst friends and families.
[English only.]
[News items]
Appointment of Mr Halse, the Assistant Native Secretary, as Judge of the Native Land Court.
From the Auckland Herald. A report on the murder of a Maori woman by her husband in the Rangiriri area.
Offer from Ngāti Kahungunu people to inform people about mortgages, with a request that interested people write to them, enclosing postage stamps for a reply.
[English translation included.]
p.125 [News item]
A list of the many newspapers from New Zealand and throughout the world, that have been sent to Te Wananga.
To correspondents.
A disclaimer from Te Wananga concerning the opinions expressed in correspondents' letters and articles.
A notice that the remainder of the Ōmarunui case will appear in a later edition.
[English translation included.]
Maori letters received
From Hāmiora Mangakāhia, Whangapoua, Hauraki
From Wiremu Āperahama, Kaipara
From Rāwiri Rota Te Tahiwi, Ōtaki
From Paratene, Paetau, Te Angaanga
To advertisers
Advises the charges per inch for each insertion in the newspaper. Reminds readers to be brief when describing land boundaries or they may be dissatisfied with the cost.
[English translation included.]
[Death notice]
Hārata, daughter of Puru Te Kawehi and Maraka Rangiwaka, at Mōhaka, aged 12 years and 7 months.
pp.125-126 [Editorial]
A commentary about the Ōmaranui land case brought before the Supreme Court, before his Honour the Chief Justice, on 7,8 and 9 of June.
Reports Pāora Torotoro and Hewi Haukore as plaintiffs, and Frederick Sutton as defendant, and plaintiffs' bid to have their ownership to their Maori land reinstated. States that it was the first legal case of its type brought in New Zealand and the outcome could have consequences on future similar cases.
Criticises the fact that there were no Maori sitting on the jury, especially since the law suit was concerned largely with Maori interests and as British subjects Maori have every right to be considered equally along with Pakeha as jurors. Describes some of the evidence given, and determines that the fault, in this case, lay firmly at the door of the Native Office.
[English translation included.]
p.127 [News item]
From this year's [1875] Parliamentary papers (G-1): Mr S. Locke, of Napier to the Native Minister
Covers the address from Mr Sutton concerning the introduction of a bill that places a legal age limit upon Maori for purposes of land ownership, allows appointing of guardians to under-age children and appointing of a Pakeha husband as the guardian of a Maori wife's property.
Gives Mr Locke's reply that the priority is to have legal means established to facilitate the completion of transactions in property.
The newspaper questions if it is the duty of the government to interfere in the recognised rights of married Maori women and Maori children, and questions what would happen to blocks of land held in common title when Maori wives and Maori children were among the owners.
[English translation included.]
pp.127-128 [News item]
Reports a petition lodged with the Court of Appeal by Karaitiana Takamoana, concerning Maori land at Mangateretere. The article contains details of the five parts to the petition: that the Maori owners be correctly ascertained for the Crown Grant; that Frederick Sutton be required to repay any lease monies to the plaintiffs; that Sutton make restitution to the Maori owners for any timber he has cut and sold; that Sutton be further prevented by the Court from carrying out any further removing of timber; that the plaintiff receive any further relief that the Court may seem fit to award.
[English translation included.]
p.128 [Obituary]
Announcing the death of Captain Beckham, the Superintendent of Auckland, a fair and just man, well liked by both Maori and Pakeha.
[English translation included.]
p.129 [News items]
An article concerning the proposed work by John White to explain native title to Maori lands. The newspaper states that although many have attempted to do this work in the past, the results have been misleading and inaccurate.
Te Wananga criticises the unsatisfactory nature of the annual government report of the Native Schools. Questions the sincerity of the report writer and asks if another way should be found to educate Maori children, and advises the matter will be referred to again in another issue.
Te Wananga advises that there has still been no news as to the Supreme Court's judgement on the Ōmarunui case.
From the Hawke's Bay Herald. King George is building a palace at Tongatapu that will cost £8,000.
Comments on Mr Locke's suggestion, when speaking about the leasing of Maori land for the Ōmahu Native School, that there are many benefits to Maori arising from leasing their land.
Praise from Te Wananga for the Maori woman actor, wife of Eugene Beda, for her performances on the stage.
[English translation included.]
p.130 [Letter to the Editor]
From John White, Napier
Outlining his proposal to describe the system of native land title to Maori land.
Gives a summary, naming North Island tribal groups examined in order to avoid any future criticism.
Also lists nine key issues he will discuss, such as land discovery, food obtained from the land, how disputes arose from occupation of the land and the right to land within the boundaries of other tribes.
[English translation included.]
[News item]
Concerning Sir George Grey leading the Opposition party in the House of Representatives. Te Wananga suggests that because of his deserved reputation as a statesman, Grey will be formidable, and that the government benches will be missing the experience and guidance of their leader, Julius Vogel, who remains in London due to illness.
[English translation included.]
C.R.Robinson. Advertising his services as a civil engineer and surveyor.
[English translation included.]
pp. 131-132 Notice by Maihi Kawiti to all people
Advises the boundaries of Maori-owned land in the Northland area that will not be sold. Also gives the names of the guardians of various boundaries listed, and the total numbers of owners.
[English translation included.]
p.132 [Animal pound notices]
From A.Kirimekua, Waipukurau and T.Peri, Taratera [Taradale]
Lists descriptions of the animals held at the pound and states that if not collected within two weeks, the animals will be sold.
Advertisement from Hēnare Tōmoana, asking for someone with the skills required to train race horses.
[English only.]
Advertisement from Te Pairini for the sale of iron goods. His goods are from England and are high quality at reasonable prices.
pp.133-136 [Advertisements]
Tāmati Mihene. Advertising his goods for sale direct from the wharf. Sells sugar and tea at competitive prices.
Te Wara and collegues. Sell and repair watches.
Rati and Rauniri. Sell beds and similar goods.
P. Maruni. Offers the best prices to Maori for their corn and hay.
Hōne Ropitini. Makes watches and jewellery.
J. Kirimiri. Has a clothing store at Onepoto.
Te Mira. Advertising a three-year-old mare for sale. Lists the pedigree of the horse and its racing history.
M.R.Mira. Deals in livestock such as sheep and cattle and also sells farms. Lists the sheep breeds for sale.
Utini Pīri and his wife. Entertainers, performing their dancing, singing and comedy routine next Monday in Napier. Admission prices are three shillings and two shillings.