Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 2, Number 13. 26 July 1875

Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 2, Number 13. 26 July 1875

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                         HE PANUITANGA  TENA  KIA KITE KOUTOU.

                                         " TIHE  MAURI-ORA."
  NAMA  13.               PAKOWHAI,     MANE,   26 HURAE,   1875.             PUKAPUKA 2.

Ki Ngatikahungunu me nga  hapu e noho ana i
         waho o te Porowini o Haku Pei.

Kua  timata ki te whakahaere mahi toa hokohoko taonga i Nepia. I runga i tenei
mahi ka whakaatu  ia, ko nga mea o tana toa, he tera, he puutu, me era atu taonga
e paingia ana e nga tangata Maori. Ko tana tino kupu nui tenei kia koutou e kore
a ia e tono atu ki nga tangata Maori i tetahi utu rere ke i te utu e tonoa ana i te
Pakeha  mo  ana taonga.  Ko  ana taonga e hoatu mo  te MONI,   koia te take i
whakangawari i te utu. Heoi ano tana i tono ai inaianei, kia haere mai ki te whaka-
          matau  i te ngawari o te utu kia kite hoki i te pai o nga taonga.

            KEI     NGARO      TAKU      INGOA:     —
         W.  H.  PINGIKI,


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                                                TE    WANANGA
    T. WIREMU,
   Kai hanga PUUTU,   me nga HU,
               I Hehitingi  Tiriti, Nepia.


            No AKARANA,
KUA  tu te whare hoko a ratou i Nepia,
      hei hoko i nga tini taonga.  Kei i
te taha o te whare o " Te Wananga" taua 
Toa  i Hehitingi  Tiriti. E  kore e  roa ta
ratou noho i taua Toa. A he mea tiki pu

 a ratou taonga i Ingarangi, koia i mea ai
 e hoki rawa iho ana nga utu o a ratou 
 taonga, i te hoko taonga, a nga tini Toa i 


       Ko   H.  TURI,
  Te kai hoko o nga TI me nga HUKA,
 a he iti te utu o ana taonga e hoko atu ai,
        . a he tino pai ana taonga.

 Ko  nga taonga e tonoa ana ki aia, e tukua
   atu ana eia ki te hunga hoko, ki nga
      whare Rerewei, a koia hei utu i
           te kawenga ki reira.
                             Kei  a

    Nataniora Hakopa
                    i Hehitingi   Tiriti,

TE  TUPEKA    pai,
             me nga TIKA,
                          me nga PAIPA   Mihini
       Me nga mea whakatangitangi Koriana,
               me nga Wai kakara,
            me nga  taonga tini noa atu.

 A he kotahi ano ana utu e tono ai ki te
          Pakeha  ki te Maori.
   Ki te mea ka hokona etahi o enei mea e nga kai
 tiaki Toa, penei e hoki iho te utu.

                KAI MAKETE.
 HE     MAKETE      hoiho aana, i nga Hatarei katoa,
       kei te whare teparanui i Nepia.

    Ko H. KATA, MA.
       KAI  HANGA    WHARE,  E  NOHO  ANA,
                     i Nepia nei,

 TENA     aia e pai ki te whakarite i nga mahi hanga
      whare ma  nga  tangata Maori o i te Porowini
 o Haku Pei.
                      Na H. KATA, MA.
 3                     \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_

   MEREPONA          KAPU,     l875.
       Ka Reihi a te 9 o Nowema.
  HE    whakamahinga kia 300 nga tangata, Ł1 mo te
        tangata whakatapoko.
                         KO NGA  HUA.
      Hoiho  Tuatahi .    ...    ...   ...    ...Ł125
       Hoiho Tuarua...      ...   ...    •••          50
       Hoiho Tuatoru  .    ...    ...    ...         25
      Mo  nga hoiho e reihi ana ...   ...        50
      Mo  nga hoiho kihai i reihi, otiia i mau
       ano te ingoa mo te reihi ...    ...         50

    Ko   te tangohanga o  nga tikiti kei te Mahoneke
  Hotera i Nepia a te Mane te 8 o Nowema i te 8 o nga
   haora.  Ka  utua  nga  tikiti a te taenga mai o te
  "Atareihana"  Nupepa otira ka tangohia te 5 paiheneti
  hei utu i te whaka-haerenga o taua mahi.
                      H. O. KOTANA,
     Mahoneke   Hotera.          Kai Tiaki i te Moni.
   Nepia.                                               16

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                            TE WANANGA.
  Patariki Kohikorewe,

Kai hanga Tera, me nga hanga katoa mo
       nga Kiiki, me nga Kaata,

                Kei  Hehitingi Tiriti, Nepia.
KEI     aia, i nga wa  katoa nga  Tera pai rawa,
       Hanihi, Wepu, Kipa, me era mea e kore e taea
te tatau.
  Ko  ta PATARIKI   KOHIKOREWE       te whare
ngawari rawa mo to Hanihi Paki, Kiki, Toki Kaata,
Piringi Kaata, Terei, Parau  hoki, Peke  Tera  hoki.
Ko  enei mea katoa e hanga ana i roto i taua toa : ko te
reta i tino pai rawa, e kore e kitea i roto i te motu nei,
he mea pai atu.
   Haere mai kia kite tonu a koutou kanohi a tera e
  Kia marama  ki te whare." Kote PATARIKI  KOHI-
KOREWE  whare, Tera, Hanihi, hanga Kara, i te taha
tonu o te Peke o Niu Tireni, Hehitingi Tiriti, Nepia.

     Hone Maki Pe,
Kai hanga Tera, me  nga mea  katoa mo
            nga Hoiho mahi,
 Kei tawahi ake o te Uniana Peeki tana Haapu i Nepia.

 KO    te tino Haapu iti te utu o Nepia mo nga mea
 \_\_\_                                           10

Panui ki nga Maori o Heretaunga.
           KEI  TE WHARE   HOKO  A
       Te Houra,

 NGA     Parau, Whakarawe  Hoiho to Kaata
      Me  nga mea mo nga Kiki
       Me nga Tera Pikau taonga
       Tera Taane
       Tera Wahine
   Me nga mea katoa mo tenei mea mo to Hoiho.
   He iti te utu mo aua mea nei

          Na TE HOURA,
 Nepia.                                            23
KI te puta he whakaaro kinga tangata

     e  korero ana i tenei Niupepa ka
whakamohiotia ratou ki nga mahi hanga

whare, ki nga mapi whakaahua whare, ki
nga tikanga hoki o te hanga whare i runga

i te tuhituhinga. Tenei  au hei whaka-
rongo ki nga hiahia o aua tangata, nui atu

hoki taku pai ki te whakaatu i nga tikanga
katoa o taua tu mahi, ana tonoa mai ki au.

            PENE   METE,
        Kai  whakahaere  whare,

         Tenehana Tiriti, Nepia.

 KUA     whiwhi ahau i te Tangata tino mohio ki ta-
       mahi i nga Pu pakaru, ki to mahi i nga mea
 katoa o te Pu. Ki te hanga Pu hou ano hoki, maana
 e mahi nga Pu katoa o nga Maori.

                     Na PAIRANGI,
   Nepia, Aperira 12, 1875.      Kai  hoko paura.

   NOTICE.—The   undersigned, having secured the service.
 of a first-rate gunsmith, is now prepared to mend, make,
 and repair all sorts of fire-arms.—M. BOYLAN, Licensed
 for the sale of ammunition Napier, April 12. 1875.

Whare hanga Kooti, Nepia.

 Kai hanga Kooti,  me te mahi Terei, kai
   rongoa Hoiho, me te mahi i nga rino
     katoa e mahi  ai te Parakimete,

                  Hehitingi  Tiriti, Nepia.
 HE     mea  mahi nga  Kooti me  nga Kareti, ki  te
       tikanga o nga tauira hou, o Tawahi o Merika,
 a he mea mahi pai te hanga o aua mea.
   He  mea peeita ano hoki eia, a he utu tika tana utu

 e tono ai mo ana mahi.

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                            TE  WANANGA.
   Ko  te mutunga tenei o nga Nupepa  Wananga  e
taia ki Pakowhai.  A enei ra e haere ake nei, ka taia
taua Wananga  ki te Taone i Nepia, a kotahi Nupepa
e puta i te wiki i te whare Ta Nupepa o te Wananga,
Nepia.  A  te putanga hou  o te Wananga   ka taia
katoatia nga korero katoa o to whakawa mo te whenua
mo  Omarunui, me  te reta ano hoki a Te E. Hemara,
mo  te mahi hoko whenua i Haku. Pei. Ko aua korero,
he mea  mahi ki te reo Pakeha, ki te reo Maori.

  He  nui rawa te matou mihi kia Hirini Taiwhanga mo
te matenga o tona Tamahine. Ko  tona Tupuna hoki te
 Maori tuatahi I whiwhi ki te iriiringa a nga ringaringa o
 nga Mihingare i Pewhairangi, koia, i tu tonu i mua ki te
 whai i nga  mahi pai a  te Pakeha a koia hoki to rat.ou
 tuara tuturu.
   Ko te Hui a Taiaroa kua tae ki tona mutunga, kua mea ,
 tuturu nga Maori kia rapua, a koia ranei he pono nga pu-
 kapuka  i meatia i te tau 1844-1848, me te 1853. Ko Ka-
 pene Haimona  e noho mai nei i Kaipara, koia te tangata i
 whakaritea e te Kawanatanga hei mahi i te mea tuatahi,
 ko H. T. Keepa e noho mai nei i Akarana, nana i whaka-
 rite te tuarua, a ko Te Matara  i te whare Ariki nana te
 hoko  o te tou 1853. I roto o te hoko tuatahi whai kereme
 ana  a Taiaroa me ona tangata i te wahi whaka-te-kau i
 roto o te poroka i Otakou ko te nui 600,000 eka. Hui atu
 ki Tanaitini me  te nuinga atu o etahi Taone kua kake
 haere  nei. Ko  te tuarua ko te tino whaka-maoritanga o
 o te kupu nei " Mahinga Kai'' me te mea atu mo etahi atu
 mo   etahi atu whenua Rahui i ko atu i enei i whakaritea
 nei  e te Matara, kia kotahi te kau ma ono eka tonu ma te
 tangata a he utu hoki ma te Kawanatanga mo te korenga
 kihai  i Mahia  e  ratou te Kura, Hohipera mo  Ngaitahu
 pera  ine nga  ritenga, kia rite ai ki nga  tikanga  o
 te  Kawenata,  i kiia i roto i te tino whakaaetanga a
  ratou.  Te  tuatoru o roto i te  hoko  a Matara  ko te
 kore o  nga whakaaetanga mo nga Kura me nga Hohi-
  pera kihai i rite.  He  tokomaha  nga  Maori  e tukua
  ana, kia haere ki tawahi ara ki Ingarangi, me tetahi
  Roia  hei hoa mo ratou, hei pitihana ki to Paremata o
  Ingarangi kia rapua nga he a kia whakaritea a ratou mate.
  E kohikohia ana  e nga Maori e £5000  pauna moni mo
  taua haere, a  ka kohi kohi ano ratou i etahi moni penei
  ano te nui me he mea e hiahiatia ana mo taua mahi. Ko te
  utu mo te haerenga o nga Maori me to  ratou Roia ka ta-
  ngohia i roto o enei moni. Ko nga moni ma te Maori i te
  ra e  mahi ana i tenei mahi i Nu Tireni nei £1 1s mo te
  ra a £2 2s i Ingarani, ta matou mahara tera pea te Pare-
  mata  o Nu Tireni e titiro ki te whakaaro o Taiaroa a ka
  rapu  i nga tikanga e rite ai te whakaaro a Ngaitahu: kua
   whakaae hoki te Minita, o te taha Maori he pono te take
   o te tohe a Taiaroa a no te ki mai ano te kupu ia tau ia
   tau. ina tohea atu. Te whakahoki mai ko te kupu kotahi
   nei " Taihoa " a koia ra anake te tino kupu o tana mahi
   ki nga Maori ko taua kupu ano o mua " Taihoa " nei ano
   kahore pea he  tangata e penei me Ta Tanara Makarini i
   tau take kore noa mai te rongo nui mona a kahore aua
   paku  utu mona  e kiia nei e umeretia nei e te iwi otiia ko
   ana tikanga e  rite ana ki ta matou titiro ki te tangata i
   kiia e te iwi he tino tangata, a hangu tonu iho, Ko te
   Pokiha  ko Ta Paranaihi Tiriona Pere me Matara ko ratou
   hoki i urutahi ki te hokonga o tera moutere, kua korerotia
   i ia tau i ia tau nga tikanga he, e mahia nei kia Taiaroa
   a ki ona tangata. No te wehinga o te Kawanatanga kei
   riro ke nga  pooti a nga mema  o te taha ki te tonga i
   etahi o nga tunga o te Paremata. Ka mea a Taiaroa kia
    mahia  taua mate  e tetahi komiti, otira i whakakahoretia
   ano tenei. Na  ka kotahi te whakatupuranga tangata i
    mahia  hetia ai te  tika o Ngaitahu  kua kore he mahi
    i te tika mo te mea kua mate era, waiho me tuku inaianei
    ki o ratou uri.
  This is the last number of the "Wananga" that will be
issued from  Pakowhai.   In the future it wiill be
published weekly in Napier at the "Wananga" Office.
The next  issue will contain a ver ba tim report of the
Omarunui   case and Mr. F. Hamlin's  letter concerning
land transactions in Hawkes Bay. The report and the
letter will be published iu both languages.
  We  deeply sympathize with Sydney Tawhinga  on the
death of his daughter. His grandfather was one of the
first Maoris who  received baptism at the hands of the
Missionaries in the Bay of Islands. He ever  stood fore-
 most to follow the good deeds of the Europeans, and was
throughout their firm supporter.
   The meeting called together at Otago,heads by Taiaroa,
 has come  to an end. The  natives determine to test the
 validity of the deeds executed in 1844. 1848, and 1853.
 Captain Symonds was the Government Agent employed in
 the first transaction, who lives at Kaipara ; Mr. H. T. Kemp
 resident in Auckland, negotiated the second ; and the Hon,
 Mr. Mantell, of the Upper House, the cession of 1853. In
 the first purchase, Tairoa and his people claim " tenths"
 in the Otago  block—some  600,000 acres in extent, which
 includes Dunedin and several other flourishing towns ; in
 the second, a liberal interpretation of the words " Mahinga
 Kai," as applying to further reserves than those laid off
 by Mr. Mantell, which amounted  only to 16 acres per soul ;
 and  compensation for the neglect of the Government ia
 not  providing schools and  hospitals for the use of the
 Ngaitahu, according to covenant. The  third claim in Mr.
  Mantell's purchase is for the unfulfilled promises concern-
  ing schools and hospitals alone. Several natives are to
  be sent home, accompanied by a lawyer, to petition the
  Imperial Parliament for a redress of their grievances. A
  sum  of £5000  is at once to be collected for this purpose,
  and  a further sura equal in amount, if found necessary.
  The  passages of the natives and their lawyer are to be
  paid  out of this fund. The natives are to-receive £1 1s.
  per clay while employed on this business in New Zealand,
  and  £2 2s. per day iu England. We consider it probable
  that  the New  Zealand  Parliament,  in view of the steps
   taken by Taiaroa, will come to some sort of an agreement
   with ihe Ngaitahu.   The Native  Minister has acknow-
   ledged the justness of their claim for compensation, year
   after year ; yet has always uttered, when pressed for an
   answer, that one  word—which    is his whole  policy—
   " Taihoa." Perhaps no one ever achieved a reputation in
   a simpler or cheaper manner  than Sir Donald M'Lean.
   His career reminds us of the mau who was accounted wise
   because  he was a mute.  The Hon. Mr. Fox, Sir Francis
   Dillon Bell, and the Hon Mr. Mantel], who  have all been
   mixed  up in the Middle Island laud purchases have pro-
   tested, year  after year, against the  injustice done to
   Taiaroa his people, without avail, the Government having
   been afraid of alienating the votes of the Southern mem-
   bers.  At  one session of Parliament, Taiaroa offered to
    leave bis claims to arbitration, but this, also, was refused.
   For a generation have the Ngaitahu been defrauded of their
    rights ; it is too late to do justice to the dead, let it now
    be given to their descendants.

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                         TE WANANGA.
     TE  TURANGA    O TE  PAREMATA,         

  No  Hurae te 20, i tu ai te rima o nga Hunanga o te
rima  o nga  Paremata  i Poneke, a ko te turanga 
mutunga  tenei o nga Runanga Paremata, kia Pootitia
ra ano nga mema mo te Paremata ka tu ai he runanga
a te tau 1876.
  Koia nei nga korero a Te Kawana  ki te Paremata.
  E  nga Kaunihera me nga Rangatira o te Runanga
Paremata.   E koa ana ahau, noku ka tu mataiti nei ki
te korero i aku kupu  ki te Paremata o Nui Tineni.
A  e hiahia ana  ahau, ko a koutou whakaaro nae a
koutou mahi e mahi ai i te Paremata, ma reira e puta i
he nui he ora, me te mahi Kawanatanga pai mo tenei 
Koroni.                                                  I
   Oku kua  tae mai nei hei Kawana  mo Nui Tireni, i
kua tae ahau ki nga wahi e wha o nga motu nei ki
nga wahi e tino nohoia ana e te tokomaha o te Pakeha,
a kua kite ano hoki ahau i etahi wahi o te uaua a te
iwi ki te mahi i nga nui o te whenua e puta ai he ora
ma  te iwi o tenei whenua. He nui te karanga umere a
te iwi ki au, noku e tu nei i te mana o Te Kuini, a e
mea ana ahau, e kore e roa ka hoki hoki ano ahau kia
kite i nga wahi katoa e nohoia ana e te iwi, kia kite
pu ai ahau i nga mea e matea ana e te iwi, a i nga nui
ano hoki e puta ana ma te iwi, i ta ratou ahuwhenua i
nga takiwa katoa.
  He  nui rawa atu taku hari noku e kite nei i te nui
o nga mahi e maina ana ma, te iwi e te Kawanatanga, a
na koutou na te Paremata  i inana ai aua mahi. A e
mea  ana ano ahau, e kore e roa, e tini nga tau, ka tino i
oti aua mahi, hei pai rawa ma te iwi. He nui ano ia 
nga moni  i namaa hoi mahi i nga Rerewei, Otiia ko
nga utu e puta mai ana i nga Rerewei kua mahia hei
uta uta i nga mea ; ma te iwi ano aua moai; e mea aua, |
he tika rawa ta koutou whakaaro mo aua Rerewei kia 
mahia.                                                   |
   Ko  nga whakaaro a  nga Maori,  i kore e tatatata
mai kia tatou i enei tan kua pahure nei, kua ahua pai 
i enei ra.
   A ko te kite kitenga o Tawhiao rana ko te Minita
mo  te taha Maori, a ko  Tawhiao  i mea kia kite kite
raua ia raua, a no taua kitenga o raua e mea ana, e
kore ano e roa, ka mutu te noho moke o nga Maori i
roa  nei ta ratou noho  maruao i a  tatou. A  ko  te i
hiahia  a nga  Maori kia akona  a ratou tamariki ki |
nga  kura, me te nui haere ano hoki o nga kura i i
nga  takiwa Maori me te nui ano hoki o te mahi kai
a te Maori, koia  i kiia ai he noho atahua tenei i roto
i te kino kore mo enei ra amua.  A kia puta ai ano
Koki  nga painga o te noho pai ki nga Maori ki nga [
Pakeha o te whenua katoa.
   Kua tae mai te korero he mea tuku mai i te waea, e
ki ana kua oti nga korero te whakarite mo etahi tima nui
hei kawe meera mai i Ingarangi ki Merika a ki konei.
Na  Ta Taniora Kupa, koia hoki te tangata i tonoa e te
Kawanatanga  o Poihakena, me Tamati Hata te tangata
i tonoa e te Kawanatanga o Nui Tireni, iaua korero i
mahi  mo aua Tima.    Otiia ki ano  i tino oti, ma nga
Paremata  o Poihakena o Nui Tinemi e tino whakaoti.
Ko  nga korero, me nga pukapuka katoa o aua korero
ka tukua mai ki tenei Paremata.
   Ka koa  ano hoki koutou  ana rongo kua oti nga
korero  te whakarite  e  Ta  Huria  Pokera,  mo  te
Kawanatanga   o Nui Tireni, kia, mahia he waea atu ano 

   The  fifth session of the fifth Parliament of New
 Zealand was opened ou Tuesday, the 20th, of July, by
 His   Excellency  the  Governor,  iu  the  following
 speech : —
    I have great pleasure in now, for the first time.
 meeting the Parliament of New  Zealand, and I trust
 your deliberations during the present session may tend
 to advance the well-being and good  Government  of
 the colony.
    Since my  assumption  of the  Government,  I have
 hud  the satisfaction of visiting the four great centres
 of population, and  becoming   personally acquainted
 with some  portions of the Middle  Island, and I must
 congratulate you upon  the great energy  which  has
 been evinced, and the  rapid  strides which have been
 made  towards the development  of this rich and fertile
 country.   The reception which I everywhere received.
 as Her  Majesty's representative, has been most cordial
 and  loyal, and it will, I can assure yon, be my anxious
| desire to extend my visits, with as little delay as pos-
i sible, to all portions of the Colony, in order that I may
 become  personally acquainted with  the resources and
 requirements,  and, as far as possible, with the  in-
 habitants  of the various districts.
    I observed with the utmost satisfaction the progress
 which  is being made in the construction of those great
 public works which have been undertaken by the Go-
 vernment  under your authority, and I trust the time is
 not far distant when  the industry of the colony will
  receive fresh impetus by their completion.  The  debt
  incurred in the formation of railways indeed has been
  large, but at the same timo the returns received from
  those sections already opened are most  encouraging,
  and tend greatly to prove the wisdom  of  the policy
 adopted by you.
    Our  relations with that section of the Native people
  of the colony which has been so long estranged from
  us, continue to improve.
    The recent meeting  of Tawhiao with  the Native
  Minister—a   meeting  sought for  and  arranged  by
  Tawhiao himself—gives  promise  that the isolation iu
 which  the immediate adherents of the  Maori  King
 gave  hitherto held themselves is about to terminate.
 The  renewed desire of the natives to provide an Eng-
 lish, education for their children, as shown by the large
  increase in the number  of schools in Native districts,
  and the general resumption of industrial pursuits, give
 an  assurance of the maintenance  of peace and  of a
 desire on their part to participate with the European
  Colonists in the general prosperity.
    A  communication   by telegraph has been  received
 intimating that a new contract for a mail steam service
 to  and from  San  Francisco has been made  by  Sir
 Daniel  Cooper, as representing the Government  of
  New  South Wales, and Mr  Russell, as representing the
  Government  of New Zealand, subject to ratification by
  the Legislatures of the respective colonies. The con-
  tract and papers will be laid before you when received.
    You   will be gratified to learn that a contract has
  been made  by Sir Julius  Vogel, acting on behalf of
  the Government, for the laying of the telegraph cable

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                             TE  WANANGA.
i konei tae noa  ki Poihakena.   Na koutou  na te
Paremata  nei i whakaae kia  mahia taua waea i te
moana, otiia he iti te utu ana i whakaae ai a i nui te
utu a koutou i mea ai e whakaaetia ai kia mahia taua
waea.  Kua whakaae te Kawanatanga o Poihakena kia
utu ratou i etahi o nga moni mo taua waea, a £2,500, a
ratou e utu ai, o nga utu tau mo taua waea.

  E  nga Rangatira o te whare Runanga a te iwi. E
hoatu ano nga puka-puka o nga korero o nga moni
kua pau i nga mahi o  tenei tau kua pahemo nei, me
nga korero ano hoki mo nga moni mo nga mahi o te
tau e haere ake nei. "Ko nga moni  ka tonoa nei mo
nga  mahi o tenei tau, he mea ata mahi marire ano, mo
te  whakaaro ki te nui o nga  mahi, a  kia rite ano
hoki nga utu e tika ana ki te mahi e maina ana, i nga
 takiwa katou o Te Kawanatanga.
   Ko nga moni e wha miriona, i kiia ra e koutou i tera
 Paremata, kia namaa,  kua  riro mai aua moni. Ka
tukua mai nga pukapuka o taua mahi kia kite koutou
   Tena a koutou whakaaro e whakapai ana rongo, ko
 nga moni kohi kohi a Te Kawanatanga o tenei tau kua
 pahure, i nui ke ake i nga moni i mea ai Te Kawana-
 hanga e puta mai kia ratou.
   E  nga Rangatira o te Kaunihera, me nga Rangatira
 o te Paremata.   Na te mea i kiia e te Paremata o tera
 iau, kia tu he tikanga e mutu ai nga Kawanatanga
 Perowini a kia mahia he tikanga o tino pai ai he mahi
 Kawanatanga,  ma te iwi i tenei motu, a ko ana tikanga
 kua  oti te tuhi tiihi a ka tukua mai kia kite koutou.
 E  puta ana te kupu tono i ta koutou whakaaro, kia
 ki mai koutou, mehema  ki ta koutou whakaaro  mo
 etahi o nga Porowini o te Waipounamu, me a ratou
 ahua  i enei ra, e kore ranei e tika kia pan katoa aua,
 Porowini ki roto ki te mahi e mahia ai mo nga Porowini
  o tenei motu.
    I te men e kiia ana enei mahi kia kore te Kawana-
  tanga Porowini. A  ko te mahi o te Paremata nei ka
  mutu, a ka Pootitia ano he Mema  hou mo  te Pare-
  mata, a kia, mahia ano ho lure hou mo nga tangata e
  tu hei tangata mo te iwi ki ngu Paremata.
    Koia  i tukua  mai  ai he Pira, hei titiro ma koutou
  kia rapua he tikanga hou mo nga take e pooti ai nga
  tangata o te iwi, a mo nga tangata e Pootitia ana ki
  nga Paremata.   He  Pira mo  nga mahi Taapi, me te
  Pira mo nga tangata, e kore nei e taea e ratou te utu
  a ratou nama.   Ka  tukua mai enei Pira hei mahi ma
    Ka  mea  otu nei ahau kia koutou mahia e koutou
  enei mahi  i roto i te hinengaro marama. Kia  tino
  akona  koutou e te mohiotanga tapu a Te Atua, kia
  tino puta ai aua mahi ki te nui me te pai.
    Ko nga utu mo nga whenua i riro i nga Rerewei o
  Nepia a tae noa ki Waipukurau. Ko nga utu mo aua
  whenua o mahia e etahi Pakeha nga utu e mohiotia e
  raua, koia ra te utu tika. Kotahi Pakeha hei tu mo
  te Kawanatanga, kotahi mo nga Maori.
     E korerotia ana i Akarana, e mahia ana tetahi Piti-
   hana, a ko te tino kupu o taua Pitihana he tono kia,
   kaua e pooti nga Maori, mo nga mema Pakeha. Otiia
  e kiia ana e te whakaaro, e kore rawa tenei tono e
between New  South Wales  and  New  Zealand, upon
terms more advantageous  than were believed to be at-
 tainable when the undertaking was  first authorised,
 and that the Government of New  South Wales  has
 become a party to the contract, and has agreed to con-
 tribute one third [£2,500] of the annual subsidy.

   Estimates  of expenditure for the current financial
 year will be laid before you. While providing for the
 requirements of the public  service, these Estimates
 have been, so framed as to secure the utmost, economy
 found to be consistent with, the complete efficiency of
 the several departments.
   The Immigration  and Public Works  Loan of four
 millions, authorised by Act  of last session, has been
 successfully negotiated. Papers  relating to the opera-
 tion will be laid before you without delay,
    It will afford you satisfaction to be informed that
 the public revenue continues to increase, an I that the
 actual receipts for the past financial year have been
 considerably in excess of official estimates.
    In accordance with resolutions adopted by the House
 of Representatives last session, the necessary measures
 for the abolition of the Provincial form of Government,
  and for the establishment of a more thorough form of
  local government in this North Island, have been pre-
  pared, and will be immediately laid before yon. Yon
  will be invited to decided whether, taking the circum-
  stances of the colony into consideration, as well as the
  present financial condition and  future prospects of
  some of the Provincial Governments  in the Middle
  Island, the operation of the proposed measures may
  not at once, with general advantage, be so extended as
  to include the whole of the Provinces.
    In view of the proposed constitutional changes, and
 i of the approaching termination of the existence of the
  present Parliament, and re-adjustment of the represen,-
 tation of the people, to meet the altered circumstances
  of the electoral divisions, has become necessary.
     Bills will accordingly be submitted  for your con-
  sideration for amending the law relative to the qualifi-
  cation of electors, and for re-adjustment of the repre-
  sentation.  A  Bill to consolidate and amend the laws
  relating to stamp duties, and a Bill to amend the laws
   relating to insolvency will also be laid before you.
     I confide to your earnest attention these and other
  measures  to be brought  before you, in the hope that
   Divine wisdom  will guide your efforts faithfully to dis-
   charge your onerous duties.
     The  value of the Native land taken  by the Go-
   vernment for the Napier and Waipukurau railway is
   to be decided by arbitration—one arbitrator to be ap-
   pointed by the Natives, another by the Government.

      It is asserted iu Auckland  that a petition is being
   prepared in favor of the abolition of the Native right
   to vote at the elections of European   representatives.
    Of course, such a petition will be of no avail.

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                            TE  WANANGA.
                          NGA  TANGATA       MATE.                              

   Opanga  Kaikohe, Rei-o- Whairangi, I te Ratapu,  te 30 o Mei te
Tamahine a, HIRINI KAWIRI TAIWHANGA, "ko ona tau e wha me nga Ma- 
rama e rua, ko taua, kupu tenei ki tona " Papa. e haere aua kio te Karaiti, a ]
Hiraani i Pakowhai,
Pene Te Uamairangi  Wikitoria Hineirangia, 
   Kataraina Kanoheka.
   Rangiriri,  Rev. H. H.
Herekau,  Oroua, 
    Kipihana, Otaki.
   Ruruhira,  Otaki. 
    Erihapeti,  Papawai.
Raukerangi  Papawai. 
    Miria  Harataunga, i Hauraki.
    TE  WANANGA.        |

  \_\_\_         MANE,  26 HURAE,   1875.             !
 E HAUA  i te korero tino tikanga nga korero, a nga
 Kawana ki.te Runga Paremata i te ra e timata ai te
 mahi o Te Paremata.   A ko te korero ka taia nei hoi
 titiro ma te iwi, tetahi o aua tu korero.  Heoi  ano
 nga ritenga o roto o  taua korero noi, ko te alma i
 hopohopo, mo te awangawanga o nga tikanga mahi a
 te Kawanatanga.   E ki ana te tini o te tangata. ko te
 korero a Te  Kawana  te ara mai nao nga tikanga e
 mahi  ai te Kawanatanga. Otira heoi ano nga mea i
 kiia i roto i tana korero nei, ko etahi Pira kia homai
 hei mahi ma to Paremata.  A mo  mahi nui ranei, me
 mahi ko  etahi wahi ranei etahi tikanga hei whakahou
 i nga tikanga o nga Ture mo te iwi, a kahore kau he
 tino kupu tuturu o aua korero o u ai te whakaaro a te
 tangata rapu i nga tikanga o taua korero. A koia noi
 nga tikanga o taua korero. "E mea ana matou to Kawa-
 natanga, kia mahia etahi mahi.  Otiia ki te whakahe-
 ngia aua mahi e te Paremata, heoi ra me whakaahua ke
 ana mahi e matou." Ko te tino korero e kiia nei e mato-
 u, koia ko nga korero i roto i te Upoko tuu-wha, me 
 te rima o aua korero, ho mea hoki e eke ana ana korero
 ki nga Maori, i] mea aua matou tenei ake ano nga ra
 e tae mai ai te korero a nga tangata o Mokau o te Kuiti
 o  Kawhia  kia taia ki tenei nupepa ki te Wananga,
 nga kupu  hei whakamarama  i ana kupu i kiia nei
 e  Te   Kawana.   Hei  reira tatou ka kite i te tika
 o  te kupu  mo  te  kitekitenga o te Minita  nao te
 taha  Maori, raua  ko  te  Taina a Potatau.  I mea
 hoki  taua kupu, na  Tawhiao pu  ano  te kupu
 -tono, kia kite aia i Te Minita mo te taha Maori.  A,
  mo te kupu i kiia noi e Te Kawana, mo te iwi i roa
  nei ta ratou noho ko ratou anake, ara o Ngatimania-
  poto o Waikato,  me etahi hapu ; E mea ana  matou,
 he kupu enei i akona ki te Kawana, a, kahore kau
  ana mohio, ana ake, i puta noa ai enei kupu i a ia,
  te ako e aua hoa, E nui rawa to matou koa ana haere
  mai aua tangata noho moko kia noho tahi i te iwi nui
  tonu.  A tenei ako nga ra e whakaatu ai matou i nga
  he rae nga kino o te noho moke, ine ona raru, e raru
  ai te noho moke, a me nga mea e mutu ai taua hiahia
  noho moke.  Ko nga kupu e kiia nei e Te Kawana,
  mo te hiahia o nga Maori kia akona a ratou tamariki
 ki te Kura.  E  ki ana, kua puta hou taua hiahia ki
  nga Maori,  ko matou  e  mea ana, e hara i te hiahia

   Opanga Kaikohe, Bay of Islands, on Sunday, 
 SYDNEY   DAVID TAIWHANGA,  aged 4 years and 2 months.

  On the 17th July, at Pakowhai, Hiraani, daughter of Peni te Uamairangi
and Wikitoria Hineirangia, aged 18, deeply lamented. She was a good English
  On the 23rd July, Katarina Kanoheka.
  On the 10th May. H. L. Te Puna Rangiriri, wife of the Rev. H. H. Herekau.
Going  to a marriage at Oroua she fell from her horse, death resulting from
the fall.
  On  the 6th of June, Kipihana, at Otaki.
  Oa  the 27th June, Ruruhira, after a lingering illness, and much regretted
at Otaki.
  On  the 19th June, Meha Oterangi, at Papawai.
  On  the 20th June, Erihapati, at Papawai.
  On the 21st June, Autaku, at Papawai.
  On  the 25th June, Raukerangi. All those deaths occurred through, fever.
  On  the 29th May. at Harataunga, Kennedy's Bay, Miria Te Pareake, a
 woman of famous ancestry.
   On the 20th. June, Ana Kauke, much regretted by her people, aged 41.

             MONDAY,   26TH JULY, 1875.
 A GOVERNOR'S  address at the opening of Parliament
 is generally uninteresting. The one we print for our
 readers is unusually so. It enunciates nothing, save
 the timidity and the weakness of the present Ministry.
 A  Governor's speech by many  people is considered
 as a shadowing- forth of the policy intended to be
 pursued by the Government,  but beside the state-
 ment  that a few bills aro to be introduced, and that
 the Assembly  may  pass a whole or a partial measure
 for  constitutional changes —  it contains  nothing
 definite, and those who imagine  they would  glean
 from  its perusal any information, will conclude with.
 feelings not untinged with disappointment.. It means
 this, " We propose  doing certain things—if the As-
 sembly  however object to the course we  propose
 adopting, we will take some other." The paragraphs
 however  that most especially concern us are the fourth,
 and  the fifth, dealing as they do with the interests
 of  the native  race.   We   feel satisfied that the
  dwellers at Te Kuiti, the Mokau,   and Kawhia,   will
 give a very different version iu our columns, iu some
 future issue, as to the causes which led to the inter-
  view between  the Native Minister and the son of
  Potatau ; and that the statement that the meeting
  was " sought for and arranged by Tawhiao himself,"
  will not be allowed to go forth unchallenged. With
  regard to the assertion that the isolation iu which the
  Ngatimaniapoto, the Waikato, and other tribes " have
  hitherto held themselves is about to terminate;" we
  can only say that His Excellency the Governor has
  been caused to utter words of the truth of which he
  could possess no knowledge—words  that his advisers
  part, we shall be glad when such isolation terminates.
  It will be a benefit to both races. We  shall point
  out the disadvantages of this isolation another day,
  and note how  the difficulties it engenders can be over-
  come.  Tho " renewed" desire of the natives to have
  their children educated is commented upon—but we
  know of no such " renewal." The Natives always have
  been anxious to  have their children educated, and
  Schoolmasters were only sent away in times of strife
  for the preservation of  their lives. There  is one
  thing however that deserves comment, and that is

8 116

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                             TE  WANANGA.
hou, no  te mea hoki, i mau  tonu te hiahia o nga '
Maori kia akona a ratou tamariki ki nga Kura : a te
take i mutu ai nga Kura, he mea tono nga kai ako o
aua Kura kia haere ke, kei mate ratou i nga ra o te
whawhai.   E  mea ana matou,  kia puta he kupu ma
matou  mo  nga kai ako Kura mo  nga tamariki Maori.
He  iti no nga utu tau mo aua kai ako. Koia nga tino
tangata mohio  rawa te haere atu ai hei ako, a hei
tangata noho  tuturu iho  hei mahi i aua mahi nui,
i te ako tamariki : a, na reira i haere atu  ai nga
Pakeha, kuare, mohio kore hei ako. A e mea ana ano
nga tikanga, nae noho pai taua tu tangata te kai ako
Kura, kaua aia e mahi i nga korero ti kanga mo te iwi,
a me  mahi tahi aia i nga mahi o te Tari Maori. He
tika ano ia nei kia kiia, na Te Tari, Maori, i kere ai e
puta he tikanga e tino akona ai nga tamariki Maori i
 era tau. E mea atu ana matou ki nga Maori kia tukua
 a ratou tamariki kia akona ki nga Kura, kia pau ai nga
 tino mohiotanga a Te Pakeha i a ratou. I enei tau i te
 1875, he  tangata mate  te tangata kuare.  He iwi
 tino marama te Maori i nga iwi katoa, ki te rapurapu
 i nga tikanga nui o matauria ana e te whakaaro. A
 ma te Maori ano aia e ako, kia tae ai aia ki te tino nui
 o te ahuareka o nga pai o te mohiotanga. Ue mea
 tino tu ki te tino mahi e nga Pakeha i puta ai te mohi-
 otanga kia ratou. A e ki ana nga korero o mua, ki te
 mea, ka  tohe te iwi ki te nui mona, a ki te tino
 mohiotanga, me mahi tonu, kahore he iwi i penei me
 nga Maori  te hohoro, o ratou i mohio ai, kahore he
 kupu i kite ai matou i roto i nga kupu a Te Kawana
 ki te Paremata, i whakahua ki nga mahi  Maori kia
 mahia e Te Paremata.

           [Ki TE KAI TA o TE WANANGA.}
                          Pakowhai, Hurae 22, 1875.
   Kahore  au e mohio  ana ki nga kupu  i panuitia nei.
 Ko  taku moni ka mau tonu kia te " Wananga," me ahau
 ano, ko taku Timuakitanga i turakina e au, he koroheke
  noku, kia tu ko nga taitamariki mo taua Komiti.
                            I tuhia, i Hinatia,
                               NOA TE HIANGA.

    E  kiia ana e te korero, kua mutu te mahi a Te
  Parete o Taranaki ki te taha Maori, a kua tu a Para-
  one ki taua mahi. E  ki ana matou, he tangata pai a
  Paraone mo taua mahi, a katahi pea ka whakaaetia e
  Ngatiruanui kia tukua te waea  atu ano i te akau o
    I tetahi Paremata, ka kiia e taua Runanga  kia
  £750,000. moni hei hoko  whenua  i nga Maori o
  Ngapuhi, nae nga whenua o tenei motu katoa. A te
  wa e korero ai te Minita mo te taha Maori, i te takiwa
  1 hokona ai he whenua, me nga utu i tuhia ai mo aua
  whenua,  penei ka whaakina aua tini korero e matou
  ki te iwi.
    Kua  Kite matou e taia ana i roto i nga tini Nupepa o
  te whenua nga korero, e ki ana, ko te Kooti te tangata
  tino whai-mana taua kupu i Tawhiao. A ko Wetere
  raua ko Te Tapihana,  me etahi atu o nga rangatira
  Maori, e tatari ana kia Te Parete o Taranaki, kia haere
  atu  ki reira, kia  tae ki Mokau.   E  ui ana matou,
  kei te whakapono ranei nga Pakeha ki enei tito ?
the  character of the  Masters appointed  to native-
schools. The  salaries given are not sufficient to induce
good men to locate themselves, consequently an inferior
article is substituted. Hence  the position of a Native
Schoolmaster, is often filled by the Indigent, the Un-
trained, or the Half-Educated. Men take a Native school
until something better is offered them. A candidate
should  also have other  qualifications. He must be
harmless ; not be addicted to politics ; and be found
willing to pull in the large team the Native Office
finds obedient to drive. A  just cause of complaint
may  be  laid at the door of the Native Office, that
more  vigorous steps have not long since been taken
for the education of our aboriginal youth.  Let us
impress upon all our readers the necessity of having
their children taught all the  knowledge  of the
European.    In this century  ignorance  is death.
Tolerate no idea of mental  inferiority. The percep-
tive faculties of the Native race of these Islands are
perhaps more fully developed than those of any other
race on the face of the globe, and care and culture
alone are wanting to make  their owners possessors of
that knowledge which gives both power and pleasure ;
the mean  by  which  the Anglo-Saxon  race have
fought  and overcome.   History in all its records tells
no story where any people have advanced in know-
ledge and  the elements of civilisation, with such.rapid
 strides, as the Maoris of New  Zealand.   We   see
nothing in the Governor's speech of any new legis-
 lation iu regard to Native matters.

                            Pakowhai,  July 22, 1875.
   SIR,—I do not understand the meaning of the paragraph
 in the paper—(meaning the  " Hawke's Bay Herald.") I
 shall continue to pay my subscription to the " Wananga,"
 and shall give all my influence to the same. I withdrew
 from the Chairmanship of the Committee  of that paper,
 on account of my being aged, and to allow younger men
 to take an active part iu its management.
                             I am, &c.,
                                NOA TE HIANGA.

    Mr It. Parris, the Native Agent at Taranaki, has
 been superseded by Mr Charles Brown. A more fitting
  selection could not have been made. The Ngatiruanui
 will now doubtless allow the wire to run from Stoney
 Elver to Opunake.

    In a previous session of Parliament, £750,000 was voted
  for the purchase of land from the Maoris of the North
  Island. When the Native Minister informs Parliament the
  localities where the purchases are made, and the prices
  paid, we will give the information to our readers.

    A paragraph has been going round New Zealand to the
  effect that Te Kooti carries most influence with Tawhiao ;.
  and that Te Wetere, Tapihana and other chiefs anxiously
  are expecting the arrival of Mr. Parris, of Taranaki, at
  the Mokau,    Well, the Europeans  believe all these idle

9 117

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                                TE   WANANGA.
   H.      WIREMU,


KO  te whare  tino iti to utu o nga whare katoa i
te Porowini, mo nga mea rino katoa, mo nga mea  e

mahi  ai te kamura, me nga tangata mahi pera. No
Ingarangi ana mea katoa nei.

        Kamatira    Hoteera,

 KO     nga Maori  e haere  mai aua ki Ahuriri, ki te
       mea ka haere mai ratou ki to Kamatira Hoteera
penei.  Ka  atawhaitia paitia ratou e Hone langa o te
Kamatira  Hoteera.

        Kahore ana karaihe rere rua te ahua.
           Mo  te Kai, 1s. 6d. ; Moenga, 1s.
   Ko te Tiua kei to 12, a tae noa ki to 1 o to haora.

   E  mea ana  aia kia haere mai nga Maori  ki reira.

                KARAIWI   KUEA.
          Kei  tawahi ake o te Rerewei.
   He  Waina,  he  Waipiro, he Piia pai rawa aana.

            HAERE  MAI KIA  KITE.
                           E. AHITANA,
 38                                       Kai  tiaki.

 NGA     Whakaahua,  o Rotomahana, Ohinemutu, me
       Nepia, e hokona ana e W.  KORINI, Hehitingi
                     Tiriti, Nepia.

   Kotahi tekau o  aua ahua, a e rua Pauna te utu.
 He ahua ano e 4 hereni, he ahua ano e 5 hereni. Me

 tuku nga korero tono a te tangata nao aua mea nei,
ki a Kati raua ko aua teina.  Kai  tiaki Toa i Ohine-

mutu,  me te Tari o Te Taima, i Tauranga.

                       Waimarama,  July 1G, 1875.
 WE        demand  an increase in the  pay  for the
                Shearing of Sheep—

;       For Merinos   £1  10  O  per hundred
          .,  Leicester    200             ,,
         „  Lincoln     200

   The  people of Waimarama,   Kairakau,  and Pou-
 rerere—Forty Shearers in number, have come  to this

                  HE  PANUI.
                  No Waimarama,  Hurae  16, l875.
  TENEI  ki te ao katoa  mo tenei mahi  kino mo te
     katikati hipi, ho mea kia nukuhia te utu—

         Mo  te rau mo Te Manira  £1  10  O
                  ,,     Te Rahita    2   O  O
i                .,     Te Rikini    2  U   O

i                ——
    Na, ko nga kainga tenei nana i hapai tenei Ture mo
 tenei mahi kino, mo to  katikati hipi, ko Waimarama,
I Kai-Rakau, Pourerere.
I   Ko  nga tangata nana i hapai e wha-tekau, heoi.
 i                                                                     32

  E  HOKO   nui ana ratou i te Paraikete, i te Kakahu

  kua oti te hanga, Huka,  Pihikete, Waina,  Waipiro.
  \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_                                       31

   Ko nga Maori e haere ana ki Akarana, ki te mea
  ka haere ratou  ki te Kawana  Paraone  Hotera, ka

  whangainga  paitia; e ataahua te noho, a e pai nga kai,
  me nga moenga i reira—
                                             £   s.  d.
           Mo nga Kai i te Wiki O 15  O
          Mo  te Kai me te Noho
                 i te Wiki     ...   ...  1   O   O

  He Whare pai ano nga whare hei nohoanga mo nga

      Ko Tiningama  raua ko Kingi, nga kai tiaki.

10 118

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                         TE WANANGA.

KI    te mea he hiahia hoko, huka, ti, mau i te tura-
      nga  kaipuke  i  Ahuriri, rue haere  mai kia
Tamati Mihene, a maana e hoatu nga mea pai, a he
iti te utu. He Puutu  ano  hoki aana, me etahi atu
                   TAMATI   MIHENE.
35                                               Ahuriri.

     T  E   WARA  MA.,
   Kei tawahi ake o Te Tari o te " Wananga."

KO     ana Wati e hokona ana eia. He Wati  Hiriwa,
       he Wati  Ingirihi, Ł6  10s.  E  mahi  ana aia i
nga Wati, kaore e haere tika i a ratou te taima. 27

HE    kai hoko i nga mea rino katoa, me nga mea
       ngaki Paamu.  Ko  nga Maori e mea ana ki

etahi mea   ma  ratou, ki te mea  ka  haere mai  ki
an, ka  hoata e  au nga  mea e pai ana.  He mea

utu   mai  aku  mea  i  Ingarangi,  na  reira i kiia
ai, e kore  e nui te utu.  E  mohiotia ana  ahau  e

nga  Maori, a nae mutu i konei aku kupu  mo aku
taonga e hoko ai.

                Hehitinga Tiriti, Nepia.
    Na Rati Raua  ko Rauniri.

 NGA Moenga, me  nga tini tini o nga mea pera. Kei
     ta raua Toa, i te taha o te Haku Pei Karapu.
             P. MARUNI,

               i Hehitinga Tiriti, i Nepia.

  MAANA      e hoko ki nga Maori nga taonga pai, a he
         iti te utu o aana taonga.
    E hoko ana aia i nga Kaanga, me te Hei a nga
  Maori, a he utu nui taana; whaihoki he moni pakeke te
                            Na P. MARUNI.

               Hehitinga  Tiriti, Nepia.

KUA   tu taku Toa hoko  Kakahu i Waringipata

      (Onepoto.) A, ka hoko ahau i te taonga mo
te utu  iti.
                J. KIRIMIRI.
                      WARINGIPATA, (ONEPOTO.)
          Na TE MIRA,

TE   HOIHO   TARIONA,    he  kuao, he tu a
   whero.   E toru ona tau i Oketopa e haere ake
nei.  Hei  hoko  taua  hoiho  ma  te  tangata. Ko-
nga  tupana o taua hoiho. Koia nei. Ko  Hirimana
te matua taane, ko Miniria te whaea. Ko Miniria na
Ta  Hori, a ko te whaea ko Tiipi.

   Na Ta  TATANA  HAIKA, taua hoiho i whakatupu.
Ko  te whaea ko Taniora o Rooka.

   I tae ano tana hoiho ki te Reihi i Katapere i te tau
 1875.  Ma E.  Mira e korero nga kupu e mohiotia ai
 taua hoiho nei.

                            M. E. MIKA.
           M. R. MIRA,

                 a e hokona ana eia

 NGA     Rana Hipi, nae nga tini whenua. He Kaua
       ano he  Hipi kei reira. He Rana ano kahore
 i nga Porowini o Akarana, o Haku Pei, o Poneke.
    Kei tana tari i Paraunini Tiriti i Nepia nga tino
 korero mo aua whenua.

          HE  RAME  ANO  ANA   HEI  HOKO.
              He Rikona
               He Reeta
              He Kotiwera
                He Marino
  No nga kahui pai katoa ana Hipi.
    A he tini ano aua hipi hei mahi ma nga Piha patu
  Hipi ano hoki.

                          Na M. R. MIRA.

11 119

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                              TE  WANANGA.

      Ko  Utini Piiri,
Ka  mahi i nga mahi ahua reka ki te iwi, a te Mane
                  e haere ake nei

    Ki te Whare o te Orupera, Nepia.
  A   KO    TAKUTA         KAA

 kua whakaae  kia mahi tahi aia, i roto i aua mahi a |

 A ko etahi o nga tangata o Nepia nei ano, kua mea
 . kia mahi tahi ano ratou i aua purei, kia tino pai ai. i

   A he  nui noa atu nga mahi a Utini
 Piiri raua ko tana wahine hei titiro ma
 te iwi.

   E  mea  ana  a Utini  Piiri ki te mea ka haere mai
 nga Maori e noho tata ana ki Nepia, kia  kite i aua
mahi, penei ka tino koa rawa raua ko tana wahine

   He  nui rawa atu te pai o te waiata. He pai  ano
 hoki te Kani Kani me te mahi whakakata.

   Ko te haora e timata ai enei mahi whakaahuareka,
 ko te S o te haora o te ahiahi. Ko te utu he 3 hereni,
 he 2 hereni.

    Haere  mai   kia kite  i a Utini Piiri, i tana mahi
 whakamutunga i Nepia.
        Na  HOHEPA RIHARI, Hurae 14, 1875.
 KOTAHI       hoiho uha,he mangu a whero he mangu
        nga waewae, he mate  kei te taha katau o te
      kauae, he iti te wahi ma i te rae, kahore te parani
      e kitea, 14 ringa te tiketike.
 Kotahi uha whero a pango, he waewae mangu, he tiwha
      te rae, he tiwha te ihu, kahore he parani e kitea,
      13  ringa te tiketike, nga utu mo tana he 24
 Kotahi  kuao whero  a mangu,  he tariana, kahore e
      kitea he parani, 10 ringa te tiketike.
 Kotahi uha whero a mangu, he waewae mangu, kahore
      he  parani e kitea, 13½ ringa te tiketike.
    Ka hokona a te 20 Akuhata, 1875, ki te mea ia e
  kore e tikina mai.
                            T. PARI,
                                   Kai tiaki Pauna.
    Taratera, Hurae 19, 1875,                     26
 KUA    KAWEA      KI   TE   PAUNA     I  MARAE-
               Na TAMATI KAATI.
 HE    hoiho uha he tu a pango, ko te parani i penei
       te ahua WR,  (i apiti tonu aua whika) i te peke
     maui, a i te kuha  maui  te X , ko te tiketike 14
   Ka hokona tenei hoiho i nga \\viki e rua i te ata, ki
 te mea ia, e kore e tikina mai e  te tangata nana te
                    HEMI  KATIRANA,
                                Kai tiaki Pauna.
   Hurae 17, 1875.                           22
          E  HARE  HAMUTANA,  Hurae S.
 HE    hoiho whero a mangu.  He mea poka, he hu
       i nga waowao katoa, he mangu nga waewae,
     ko te waewae maui o te waewae o muri he ma,
      ko te peke katau i maakatia ki to reta H, ko te
      kuha katau i koki, te tiketike 14 ringa.
    Ki te mea e kore e tikina mai e te tangata nana, ka
 hokona i nga wiki e rua i muri iho o tenei.
i                     J. H. TARAKA,
                                  Kui tiaki Pauna.
    Panitana, Hurae 12, 1875.                    21
        Na  W.   ARAMA,  Hurae  14,  187").
  HE    Poni, he whero  tu a ma, 14 ringa te tiketike,
       i ahua H te maaki i te peke katau, ho mu te
      rae, nga utu mo te he o taua hoiho 10 hereni.
   Ka  hokona i roto i nga wiki e rua, i te taima waenga-
  nui o te ra, ki te mea ia u kore e tikina mai.
                          R. MOPITI.
                                     Kai tiaki Pauna.
    Nepia, Hurae 17, 1875.                       25

  Na HOPI  RAWE. o te teihana o KONANA raua ko HIRA.
  HE    hoiho uha i ahua mangu a kopurepure he ma
        te rae, ho parana te peke numi, i ahua penei 

      12 ringa te tiketike.
  Kotahi kuao uha, he ma te rae, ko te parani o te peke
      katau, he  RK, 13½ ringa te tiketike
  Kotahi uha kopurepure, kahore o mohiotia te parani,
      he  mate a te waewae  katau, 14 ringa te tiketike.
    Ka hokona a te 5 o Akuhata, 1875, ko te mea ia e
  kore e tikina mai.
                         W. KARUWINI,
                                 Kai tiaki Pauna.
    Hurae 22, l875.                            30

  Na TUARI MIRA, o Parakimia, i te Mane. Hurae 26.
  HE     hoiho a mangu  tu a whero, he tiwha te rae,
        kahore  e parani e kitea, te kau ma wha ringa
       te tiketike.
    Ka hokona a te Wenerei te 11 o Akuhata, 1875, ki
  mea  ia e kore e tikina mai e te tangata.
                      W. KURUWINI,
                                 Kai tiaki Pauna.
    Hurae 28, 1875.        -                    40

12 120

▲back to top
                          TE  WANANGA.
     Kia kite!   Kia kite!!   Kia kite!!!

       KAI        HOKO          TAONGA.,
                    HEHITINGA   TIRITI, NEPIA,
    E ki ana, mana rawa ano te hoko iti o te taonga o nga Toa katoa o Nepia.
                          E ki atu ana aia ki nga Maori.
 Kaua e whakarongo  ki ta te taringa e rongo ai, engari ano ki ta te kanohi e kite ai.

      N.  P. PARANITE.
            A  muri iho o te 28 Hurae,
   KEI        HEHITINGA                  TIRITI           I   NEPIA,
        i te Tari i taia ai te Haku Pei Taima.

          Ko te Kai hoko mo te Nupepa
     TE      WANANGA
             Ko KAKATI  ma,
       KAI    HOKO     PUKAPUKA,
               Hehitinga  Tiriti, Nepia.

NEPIA, Haku Pei Niu Tireni.—He mea ta e HENARE HIRA, a ho mea panui
    e HENARE   TOMOANA,    e te tangata nana tenei niupepa, i te whare ta
   o Te Wananga i Pakowhai, Nepia.
              MANE, 26 HURAE, 1875.
              will after this date be at
  where the Hawke's Bay  Times was  formerly

                Agents for Napier—
 COLLEDGE        & CO.,
              Hastings-street, Napier.

NAPIER, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand.—Printed by HENARE HIRA, and pub-
    lished by HENARE   TOMOANA.,    the proprietor of this newspaper, at
    the office of Te Wananga, Pakowhai, Napier.
             MONDAY, 26TH JULY, 1875.

13 s1

▲back to top
                 SUPPLEMENT     TO  THE   WANANGA.
that the transaction was strictly connected in terms 
with the laud in  the occupation oi Brathwaite,' and
that from the very commencement of the dealings with
this land to their close, it was never in any way con-
templated  by  the natives to relinquish, their title and
their settlement. [His Honor: I do not see how you
«an  go into the transaction between Brathwaite and
the natives to show the nature of a subsequent and
different agreement.]   [Mr.  Wilson: If  my  friend
merely  means  to show that the land now in dispute
was not in  Brathwaite's lease, we  admit the  fact.]
They  required more than this, as would be shown
when he came to point out the result of these dealings.
 [His Honor:  Have  you any  documentary evidence
of  their nature ? There was none  whatever;  but
 as bearing upon  this point he would quote the case
 of Powell, v. Smith Law. Rep, 24, Equity Cases, page
 85. The defendant was a  gentlemen possessed of
 considerable estate, and  in  all  leases granted  by
 Mm   it was customary  to  make  the lease termin-
 able  at  the  will of  the  lessor  only,  and  the
 plaintiff sought to Lave the lease made terminable
 at the will of the lessee. In this case it was shown
 by the introduction of other, leases executed to other
 parties that this was the rule, and also that the lessee
 was conversant with the fact,—and the Court admitted
 the evidence.  Similarly in this case he would show
 that Sutton was  well acquainted with the terms of
 Brathwaite's lease, and that all his transactions had
 special reference to  the land  actually occupied by
 Brathwaite.  It was with the object of proving that
 Sutton  must have  been aware  of this limitation, that
 he would bring evidence to show why the limitation
 was  made  in  Brathwaite's case. The result of ihe
 negotiations between Brathwaite and the natives was
 an application to the Native Lands Court to convert
 the  original native title into an individual title. Mr.
 Brathwaite's tenure at this time was that of a merely
 temporary  arrangement, not sanctioned by law; and
 must   so remain  until the original basis of title was
 altered.  Among    the proceedings necessary as a pre-
 liminary, was a survey of the land. He would show
  that the surveyor was  expressly instructed not to in-
 clude  anything more than the land leased by Brath-
  waite, and the boundary of Ngatahira was distinctly
 shown.  The survey was executed and paid for, and
  Ngatahira was afterwards included in the crown grant
  of the  block.  He   would  show  circumstances  in
  this relation which. were important  as  inevitably
  connecting the defendant with a knowledge of these
  particulars. And he would here state that the actual de-
  termination of this case might not rest here after all.
  It might be a question hereafter as to what the result
  of there finding might be, and the court would decide
  whether or not that finding entitled the plaintiffs to
  relief. He would show that all the proceedings he had
  described were taken by Brathwaite, with a view to the
  lease, and that immediately on the granting of the cer-
  tificate, the crown grant passed into the hands of that
  gentleman, and never left them till after the completion
  of the conveyance, when it passed to Sutton : never
  having been  in the hands of the natives at all, who
  thus had HO means of checking, the plan, and had pro-
  deeded throughout  on the  belief that Ngatahira .was
  never included :at all, and had occupied it from that
  «lay to this as a settlement and cultivation. Such, was
the state of things up to the time of the mortgage. It
would be found that the lease to Brathwaite included
only those parts of the land known   as Moteo and
Omaranui;  but it would  be found also that in the
crown. grant, for reasons not easy to explain, that the
whole block was  included.  In Brathwaite's lease the
plan snowed on the north-east corner a piece of land
outside the pink boundary, Between the block and the
river. No  name  was  given to it in the plan, but it
was marked  " native reserve. " The date of this deed
of lease was 28th July 1866—not an unimportant date-
in connection, with, other matters he, had to bring be-
fore them. They would notice that it was executed in
the same month, and year as the crown grant for the
block, which bore date 14th July 1866. They would.
find that Brathwaite, in the  matter of the lease, re-
spected the arrangement  between  himself and the
natives, and included no more land in ihe deed than
Moteo and  Omaranui.  They  would find also that ia
the description of the property contained in the lease-
reference was made to a fence dividing Moteo from the
native reserve—indicating  actual occupation, on  the
part of the natives themselves. This deed then, which.
was registered almost immediately after execution, con-
tained on its face and in the plan clear indications that
this part was treated as a native reserve, in actual oc-
cupation  for purposes of  cultivation and  residence.
Such, then, was the state of things when the defen-
dant appeared on the scene, shortly before the date of
the mortgage.  About this time, Paora Torotoro, who
had become indebted to the defendant for goods sup-
plied in the ordinary course of trade, became suddenly
alive to  the consideration that  the land  leased to
Brathwaite, and from, which, he was deriving an in-
come  of £300 per annum,  was a  sort of mine of
wealth,  from  which   he  might  draw  for supplies.
Throughout  his whole  conduct this old chief had dis-
 played a childish, and reckless extravagance, coupled
 with a remarkable susceptibility to imposition. They
 would have little difficulty in inferring that of the two
 men, Mr. Sutton was the most knowing, and that in
 the contest of  intellects the keen man   of business,.
 with a shrewd eye to a bargain, was not likely to come
 off second-best. No doubt they had  learned before
 this of the style in which.  Paora  made  use  of the
 credit accorded him—of  his fine new gig, in which, he
 drove with, the lamps burning in broad daylight—of
 his handsome house with it's furnishings, including the
 four cupboards,  filled with, spirits, and free to  all
 comers.   At  the time  of Sutton's first connection.
 with, this business, Paora was his debtor to an inde-
 finite extent, and was inclined to go further:  Mr.
 Sutton  knew  the uses of a mortgage.  He  therefore
 placed the matter before the native, something in this
 way :—" You owe nae £150, and you want a house
 built, which will cost about £350.  I have no  objec-
 tion, to advance the money for that purpose if you
 give me a mortgage." The  result was that a mortgage,
 with all the usual forms, was carried to Paora's house
 by Mr.  Sutton and a person called an. interpreter, and
 Paora, under  the impression. that his supplies were
 about-to be stopped, and under influences which he
 would bring to  their notice, was induced to sign the
 deed.  Paora  would swear—and other, matters which.
 would be brought before them would, enable them to
  decide whether  truly or otherwise—that   he had no

14 s2

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                 SUPPLEMENT     TO THE   WANANGA.
•conception at the time that the mortgage included the
land  now  the subject of dispute,—a block which had
been  occupied for years as a settlement by the natives,
and  over.which, according to native custom, he had no
-right of control whatever.   To his mind this view of
the case was perfectly clear, and he had no doubt of
establishing it to the satisfaction of the jury. In fact,
 it was not impossible that Mr. Sutton himself was at
 this time unaware of the fact, and that his explanation
 to Paora Torotoro corresponded with his own view of
 the land included. He would refer to another circum-
stance not without significance. In most native leases
 executed in the province there was included what was
"known  as an improvement clause, covering all the out-
 lay to which, the lessees might go in fencing, draining,
 and otherwise adding to the value of the land in their
-occupation.  Nothing of the kinei was to be found in
 Brathwaite's lease, though at the time of the execution
 of the mortgage he had spent some .£2,000 on improve-
 ments. Some  months afterwards, however, a document
 of doubtful validity was executed to supply this omis-
 sion.  There could be no  question that at this time
 Sutton had a good idea of the value of the land, and to
 what  extent it had  improved   under  Brathwaite's
 management.   The circumstances attending the execu-
 tion, of the mortgage deed would   be detailed in evi-
 dence, and the jury would have to decide whether or
 not a distinct pledge was given that it should include
 only the portion of land under  lease to Brathwaite.
 That something  of a loose kind took place regarding
 the division of the land would be proved, and Paora
 gathered that he was mortgaging, not the land described
 in the crown grant, which he had never seen, but that
 which. he had already leased to Brathwaite. Having
 now  secured the mortgage, Sutton felt safe in lengthen-
 ing Paora's credit tether. Paora found himself at this
 time considerably in debt, and possessed only of a pro-
 perty  over which, his creditor had an  inconvenient
 -charge. Having  tasted blood, however, and being told
 that  a nice margin  still remained, he shortened his
 tether with marvellous speed.  At length  he is told—
 we  think  we can accommodate   you a  little farther,
 but we shall require a conveyance. The deed was ready
 prepared, and the natives were taken as  before, " on
 the hop."  The mortgage bore date 5th October, 1868,
 -and the deed of conveyance 16th March, 1869, so that
 only the brief interval of five months elapsed between
 the two transactions. The mortgage, as the deed set
 forth, was to secure payment  of advances, past and
 future, the money to be payable in 1873, so that Mr.
 Sutton apparently had  not contemplated  the tether
 running  out so rapidly. The purchase money for the
  equity of redemption, as set forth in the deed of 16th.
 March,  1869, was £1300, which, added to Paora's debt
 of  £1200, made a total of £2500, subject to Brath-
  waite's lease. On  the same date as this deed of con-
  veyance was executed, Mr. Sutton executed a deed oi
  covenant.  The deed of conveyance set forth a consi-
 deration of £1300   then actually paid, though, as a
  matter of fact, the money was not paid at the time.
  Paora then signed a deed of conveyance, and in consi-
  deration accepted Mr.  Sutton's deed of covenant  for
  .£1300 ; £300 to be paid on the 16th April, 1869, or
  one month from date, and the balance of .£1000 to be
  paid on  the 16th March,  1870, with interest in the
  meantime at 10 per cent. Mr. Sutton also covenanted
 io supply the grantees with goods at fair market prices,
all goods thus taken and accepted by them or order, to
go in part payment of the .£1300. Thus the natives
were in effect told—You cannot have your  money
 before 1870, but you may have goods. Mr.  Sutton's
interests were thus secured with special care, while the
native extravagance was  not in  any way  checked.
Within  six or seven weeks after the execution of the
deeds of covenant, Mr. Sutton did a mean transaction.
 He found a purchaser in Mr. Brathwaite, the lessee, to
whom  he disposed of his interest in the land for .£3000.
Thus he cleared .£500 by the transaction, beside having
.£1800  in his pocket  in solid cash. Still, he was to
allow 10  per cent, interest on the balance, but there
could be  little doubt that the  goods supplied  fully
covered this ; it was not difficult to understand the
signification of the " fair market value." That  deed
of covenant, if registered, would have acted as a charge
on  the property, a blot on the title; but Mr. Sutton,
 though, he registered the conveyance promptly enough,
 kept his deed of covenant in his own pocket, and rea-
lised his cash immediately without any inconvenience.
In  the course of two or three years Mr. Brathwaite
sold his estate for £27,000. No doubt  he had spent
a good deal in improvements in the meantime, but
 still the price realised showed that there was some-
 thing in the property. It was hardly  necessary to
 add that at  the end  of the year Mr.  Sutton had
 nothing to pay of the .£1300—the amount had long
 been absorbed in the  goods supplied at fail* market
 rates. Not  only this, but Paora's credit had stopped 
 his cupboards were empty ; his gig gone ; his fine new
 house was burnt down; his fortunes had collapsed like
 a house of cards; and he sat lamenting. Rewi, the
 co-grantee, had made a little out of the bargain, having
 managed, with  some difficulty, to get goods to the
 amount of £359 out of the purchase money. Thus
 matters rested for some years, until the next phase of
 what was really a very interesting specimen of native
 transactions'. By the way, he had always admired the
 appearance of Mr. Sutton's name  in Maori—it  was
 so suggestive, being scarcely distinguishable from the
 equivalent for " Satan " in the same language. Some
 years then passed, when Mr. Sutton became suddenly-
 alive to the fact that he had a nice little piece of pro-
 perty.  One  day, therefore, Mr. Sutton, in imitation.
 of greater men,  issued a Proclamation, or Panni-
 tanga," and. popped it on the gatepost of a Pa; this
 document, bearing date 9th May, 1874, set forth that
 he had discovered that the land on which the settle-
 ment stood was his property, and that out the inhabi-
 tants must go.  This being the first intimation, these
 people had of any adverse claim to the land, one could
 imagine the delicious feeling of astonishment it would
 cause in the settlement. He  could fancy the whole
 settlement turning out in no time, as though to meet
 an unexpected  enemy.  A  day or  two after, Mr.
 Sutton went  in person, and laid claim to the houses,
 stacks, &c., on the ground. Some rather unpleasant
 discussion arose, and the natives then became aware
 for the first time of the nature and grounds of Sutton's
 claim.  On  this occasion he  merely made  a formal
 claim to the property—he made no attempt at eviction,
 as it would have led to a very unpleasant disturbance.
 The  matter had resulted in the present action; the
 natives feeling that Sutton's claim was altogether un-

15 s3

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              SUPPLEMENT   TO  THE  WANANGA.
warranted, and wishing to have it put on a proper
footing.  If this was done Mr. Sutton  would  suffer
no  hardships. Seven  months   before the purchase
money  became due he had netted a profit on the transac-
 tion in hard cash; and during the rest of the time he had
 been supplying the natives with goods  out of their
 own money,  not even, handing over the .£1000 he
 owed for ihe land.  From  first to last he had the
 whole thing in his hands, and had made a handsome
 profit; and they had no occasion, to waste any sym-
 pathy upon him.  This was one of that class of cases
 in which, the Court could rectify mistakes, inasmuch
 as the original position of the parties need not be in
 anyway  modified.  The whole object of these deeds
 was professedly to secure payment for goods and ad-
 vances ; and this end had been fully secured, and more
 than  secured in the manner   already described. It
 would be for the Court to say whether any hardship
 would be entailed upon Mr. Sutton by the rectification
 sought.  It was not proposed to alter in any way the
 transactions in which Brathwaite was concerned ; but
 he asked that the natives in actual occupation should
 not  be made  to suffer, and that Sutton. should be
 merely  called upon to give up  this claim, which he
 had no right ever to make, and thus place the matter
 on  a proper footing. The  particular mode in which
 this might be carried out was immaterial.
      WILLIAM  ELLISON, examined by Mr. Izard, being
 sworn,  deposed:  I ata a licensed surveyor. I was
 employed; in 1865 by  Mr. Brathwaite to survey a
  piece of land at Omaranui. Mr. Braithwaite guaran-
  teed me payment.  The block was pointed out to me
  by Messrs Braithwaite, Locke, and  Tanner.  There
  was a small native settlement near the land, which
  was also pointed out. The land on which  the settle-
  ment  was  situated adjoined that surveyed  for Mr.
  Braithwaite.  There were some  natives present when
  I surveyed the land, but I cannot remember who they
  were. I included the native settlement in the survey,
  for this reason.—that there would be no extra expense
  in passing the land through the Court.  The natives
  assented to this being done.   I do not  understand
  Maori;  but  my  son, who assisted me in the survey
  does,  and conversed  with the natives.  Mr.  Braith-
  waite  paid for the survey. My  plan was supplied to
  the  Native Lands Court; the plan on the deed pro-
  duced is a copy on a reduced scale. The part marked
   " Section B " is where the native settlement stood, and
  a, line is shown dividing it from Braithwaite's portion,
   which, line forms the eastern boundary of the lease.
       By  Mr. Wilson :  I never at any tune had any
   conversation with, Mr. Sutton. about the matter.  It
   was only about twelve months ago that it came to my
   knowledge that Mr. Sutton had acquired the block.
       By the Court:  I know Paora; I do not think
   he was living on. the land at the time of the survey.
   There  was  nothing  secret about the  survey; the
   natives saw me go over the land and. take the boun-
   daries. There were some  eight or ten families at that
   time living on the land.  There were some  cultiva-
  • tions. I noticed one paddock fenced in and cultivated.
       By Mr.  Travers: I chained and pegged out the
   boundary between; the lease and the native settlement
   The  boundary was pointed out by Mr.  Brathwaite
   There were some natives present, and Mr. Brathwaite
   mainly arranged  the boundaries  with  tihe natives
The boundaries are those set forth in the lease. Mr.
Brathwaite saw them after they were laid down, and.
he afterwards put up a fence, leaving the native settle-
ment out.  I attended the Native Lands Court as sur-
veyor when the land passed through. I knew Paora
was a claimant, and I think I saw him once on the
land when  the survey took place. It was a voluntary-
act on my own  part to survey the reserve.
     By the Court:  I did not describe the settlement-
on the  plan in the crown  grant as a reserve. I  did.
not  peg the line along the river, as it was a natural
boundary.   At the time of the survey an actual ditch-
 and-bank fence existed between Braithwaite's lease and
the settlement. I commenced the survey in December,
 1865, and completed it in the month of January, 1866.
     Two  interpreters were then sworn—Mr.    John.
 White  on  the part of the  plaintiffs, and Mr. Henry
 Martyn  Hamlin  for the defendant.
     PAOKA TOROTORO sworn, examined by Mr. Travers.
 Mr.  White, interpreter : I am one  of the plaintiffs  I
 know  Rewi  Haokore, the other plaintiff, and Mr. V.
 Sutton, the defendant. Do yon know  the land called
 Omaranui  ?—Yes.  And  the land called Moteo ?—Yes.
 Do  they join, forming one piece 1—No; Omaranui is
 one, and Moteo is another. Are  they close together?
 —Yes.  Do you know  the land called Ngatahira?—-have
 not heard  that Europeans called it by that name in
 times past; but it has been called Ngatahira from the
 time of our ancestors. Is Moteo an ancient name ?—-
 Yes.  And  Omaranui  also ?—Yes.  When  the natives
 speak of Moteo and Omaranui, would these names in-
 clude Ngatahira ?—No.   Do  each of these names indi-
 cate a separate piece of ground?—Each name implies a
  distinct piece of land. Had you any interest in Moteo ?
  —Before  the crown, grant was issued Paora Kaiwhata
  lived there. Had  you  an interest in it when it wa»
  native land1?—I  had.    Had   you an   interest in
  Omaranui?—I   had.    Had  you, before the crown
  grant, any interest in Ngatahira?—Yes.   Were   any
  other natives interested ?—Paora Kaiwhata   and  his
  relatives. Who   occupied Ngatahira before the crown
  grant was issued ?—The sub-tribe called Ngatihinepari.
  [s that the home of Paora's people ?—It is. Who were
  in occupation before the crown grant ?—The Ngatihi-
  nepari. Are any natives in occupation, now ?—Yes ;
  Paora Kaiwhata and  his people. How many  people ?
  —Thirty-six.   Has  Ngatahira been  long occupied by
  the people as a settlement ?—Yes ; a long time. Have
  they cultivated that land for a long time ?—From the
  time of our ancestors. How   long has the Pa  been
  there?—Our  ancestors had a fortified Pa there ; but
  latterly it has only been a Rainga  or settlement; it
  has been continuously occupied. Was any of the land
  enclosed before the crown, grant ?—It was only fenced
  round the cultivations, not round the general boundary
  of the block. Did  you and Rewi  make  a lease to
   Brathwaite 1—Yes.   Did  Brathwaite occupy Motea
   and Omaranui  before the land passed into the Native
   Lands Court ?—Brathwaite occupied Moteo before the
   Native Lands Court.  Do you  know Ellison, the sur-
   veyor 1—Yes.   Did you see him making  a survey of
   any part of the land ?—T did not actually see him sur-
   vey it; I did not see hina on the land. Had you any
   conversation with Ellison about the boundaries of the
   land?—I had.  But, not on the land itself ?—It was.
   not. Did  you make  a mortgage to Sutton ?—I. did.

16 s4

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                SUPPLEMENT      TO  THE   WANANGA.
Before  you made  that mortgage, did you buy  goods
from Sutton ?—I  spoke to Sutton about the mortgage,
and then I did it. Did you owe Sutton, money before
making the mortgage ?—Yes, for sugar and runa. Who
spoke  first about the mortgage—you   or Sutton ?—
Sutton.   What  did Sutton say, and what took  place
about  the mortgage ?—I came  to Napier, and Sutton
said  to nae, "mortgage   Moteo."   I replied, "I  don't
understand  mortgaging."   Sutton said to nae, " a mort-
gage is a good thing ; if you mortgage the land for five
years, it will be .£500, and when we arrive at the fifth
 year the land will go back to you."  Was anything
 said about the rent ?—I spoke about it; I said, " I am
 not dear about the object [or purport] of this thing."
 Mr. Sutton. said, " It is quite clear—you  sign your
 same."  What   was said about Braithwaite's rent ?—I
 spoke of the years to come, saying, "Give me the £300."
 He  said, " You  and  I will settle that." Was there a
 deed ready for you to sign ?—No. "When did you first
 see the mortgage ?—I do not understand what a mort-
 gage is; in those days I did not understand. When
 did you first see the deed?—When Sutton came to my
 Rainga. Was  that  after the conversation about the
 mortgage in Napier ?—Yes.  Was any European  with
 Sutton when  he took the deed to your place ?—Yes 
 Martyn  Hamlin.  Who   had the crown grant of the
 land when Sutton and Hamlin came to your place ?—
 The European Brathwaite had it. Did you ever have
 ihe crown grant in your possession ?—I never had it.
 Sad  you ever seen it when the mortgage was brought
 to you  by Sutton 1—Brathwaite did not invite me to
 see it, but after Sutton and Hamlin came I called at
 the office where the deeds are kept, and saw it. Was
 that  after you had  signed the mortgage?—It   was.
 Sow   long after ?—Perhaps about three months. Do
 you remember  signing a deed of sale to Sutton after
 the  mortgage?—-Yes.    Was   it before or after the
 signing  of this second deed that you first saw the
 crown   grant ?—It was  between the signing of the
 mortgage  deed and  the sale that I saw it. Did you
 look  at the plan on the grant ?—I did.  When  you
  agreed with Sutton  to give him the mortgage, what
 land was to be put into that mortgage ?—Moteo. Did
  you agree to put into that mortgage any other land
  besides Moteo?—No;     I did not.   Did  Mr.  Sutton
 speak of what land was to be put into the mortgage ?—
  He did not mention any land except Moteo. Did he
  mention Moteo  ?—He  did.  Was   that the agreement,
  that you should mortgage Moteo to him?—Yes. Was
  tihe conversation between you and Sutton  regarding
  the mortgage in the  presence of the other natives ?—
  Yes, my  children [people]. Will yon name some of
  them ?—-Yes  ; Hare, Pititi, Marara, Raihania—they
  were all. Could they near what  took place ?—They
  heard from me.  Some  time  after Mr. Sutton and  I
  had been talking these natives came in.  Were  any
  natives present while you  and Sutton were  talking
  about the mortgage ?—Hare was there when they came
  in, and some considerable time after the others came
  in.  Had  you then signed your name ?—~No. Could
  Hare  and the  other people hear the talk about the
  mortgage  before you signed ?—Yes, they might.  Did
  Sutton or Hamlin tell you anything about the land in
  the mortgage ?—No.   At that time you had agreed to
  mortgage  Moteo?—Yes.   Did you  know  when  you
  signed that Ngatahira was included in the mortgage 1
—No.    Did  you see the deed at any time before it
was brought  into your place to be signed ?—No. Did
any lawyer or other European act for you in reference
to that mortgage ?—I  had  one.  Who   was it ?—Mr.
Sheehan.  But  before you signed the deed ?—I had no
European.  There was only myself when  they came.
Who  showed you the mortgage first?—Mr. Hamlin.
Where did he take it from. ?—From his coat. Before
you  signed the mortgage,  did Sutton say  anything
about the money you owed him?—Yes. What did he
say ?—Before  I signed it he mentioned my debts, which,
the mortgage  was partly to pay.  I  said, "I do not
know  that my  debt is very heavy." Did Sutton say
 anything about getting more money after the deed was
 signed 1—He said that portions of the £500 would be
 paid. I said " How much.?" and Sutton said he would
 give nae £300 in cash. How much did you owe Sutton.
 when the mortgage was signed ?—I told Sutton about
 £20. Did you know how much you did owe ?—About
 £20.  Why did you give a mortgage for £500 if you
 only owed £20 ?—I consented to the mortgage for two
 reasons—first, that I should have £500 ; and second,
 that at the end of five years I should have it back.
 Was  anything said about a house ?—Not at the time
 of the mortgage. When  was  the house spoken of ?—
 I went  to  Cashmore  for timber for the house; after
 that I spoke to Sutton. Did Sutton agree to pay for
 the house ?—I told Sutton that I had the timber ready,
 and he said that he would find the money to build it.
 This was not at the time of the mortgage ; it was after
 the land was sold. Did  yon, after the mortgage, sign.
 a deed conveying ihe land to Sutton ?—Yes. At what
 place did  you sign?—At   Sutton's house  in Napier.
 Who  was present besides Sutton ?—Martyn  Hamlin.
} Any one else ?—Hare.  Did you know that that deed
 included Ngatahira ?—No.    Did you speak to Paora
 Kaiwhata  about the mortgage or sale of this land ?—
 Before I signed for the mortgage or sale I told them.
 Did  you speak about mortgaging or selling Ngatahira ?
 —Yes   ; I told Paora and others that I was going to
  mortgage Ngatahira, but  they would  not  consent.
  When  was that ?—.After I signed the mortgage. [Mr.
  Hamlin:  He  has just said it was before he signed.
  Mr. Travers said that it did not  lie in the mouth of
  Mr. Hamlin, as au interpreter, to pass comments upon
  the statements of a witness.  The Chief Justice said
  that Mr. Hamlin was sworn merely to interpret, and
  had a right to check the interpretation of the evidence
  by the other interpreter ; but had no light to comment
  on the evidence.]  Was  it before or after signing the
  mortgage that you spoke to Paora Kaiwhata on  the
  subject?—After  I signed. Did yon  speak to him be-
  fore or after signing the second deed ?—After I had
  signed the conveyances. How   long after ?—I signed
  on Monday, and on Saturday I spoke. Did you ever
  tell Paora Kaiwhata that you were going to mortgage
  Ngatahira ?-—No.  Did they object to the mortgage of
  Moteo ?—Yes.   When  did you first know that Sutton,
  claimed Ngatahira?—In  the  year 1874.  How   did
  you hear that Sutton claimed Ngatahira ?—Pitit, and
  Raihania  told me.  Before that, did you not know
  that Sutton had  Ngatahira  in the deeds ?—I did not
  know.   When  you signed the conveyance, did you get
  any money from Sutton ?—No.   Did Sutton give you
  any  deed or paper to keep  for yourself when you
  signed the conveyance ?—No.   [Deed  of  covenant

17 s5

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Landed  to witness.] Did you ever have this deed in
your own possession ?—No. [Mr. Travers here put iu
the Crown Grant marked A, the mortgage marked B,
the conveyance marked C, and the convent marked
D,]  Did  any European, lawyer or otherwise, act for
you and advise you in regard to the conveyance?—I
mentioned  to  Mr.  Locke, R.M.,  that  Sutton was
pressing me  to sell Moteo.  Did  any person go over
the conveyance  with you to see that it was right,
before Sutton brought it for you to sign?—No. Did
you ever see the deed before signing?—No. Did you
know  before you came to Sutton's shop that the deed
was to be  ready for you to sign ?—£ did not know
 beforehand; I came to Napier  of my  own  accord.
 Was  that the first time that Sutton, spoke to you about
the sale ?-That was not the first time; he had spoken
before.  Had   you, before that time, agreed to sell ?—
 No.  Then was the sale all settled the day you came
 into Napier, when the deed was signed ?—When   I
 would not consent to sign, Sutton sent for Hamlin.
 Was  the thing all settled on that occasion before you
 patted 1—Yes  it was all done at once. The reason
 T consented was that Hamlin said if I did not do so
 Moteo  would be sold by auction. When   you agreed
 to sell Moteo, did you  speak of Ngatahira?—I   did
 not speak of Ngatahira.  Did they?—No.  Were  you
 aware that Ngatahira was included in  the deed of
 sale ?—I was not.
      Cross-examined by Mr. Wilson, Mr. Hamlin  in-
 terpreting: Are you the same Paora who was con-
 victed of  perjury  in this Court?  (Mr.  Travers:
 " Tried"  Mr. Wilson :  "Convicted" Mr.  Travers:—
 Then where is the conviction ? Paora was found guilty
 by a jury, and the conviction was afterwards quashed.
 We  do not deny that.) Do you remember being ex-
 amined by Judge Richmond  and Judge Manning-?—-
 Yea.  Do you remember saying: "I understood the
 deed  to include the whole block '"? I did not say so
 to ihe Commissioners—that would  never come from
 me.   I did not say that—how could I say it when. I
 said at the same time that it was separated. Do you
 state that the deed of mortgage was not read to you 1
 Mr. Hamlin  told me  he had  read the deed  over.
  Was  it not translated to you?-—I  have  said already
 that Hamlin,  interpreted. Was the deed of  convey-
  ance translated to you?—It was. [By the Court. Can,
 you  read ?--Yes, I can read writing. Do you under-
 stand English?—No.]   [Mr. Wilson here informed the
  Court that the witness, though able to read his own.
  language, could not do so without the aid of a power-
  ful glass.] Was   the  deed of  conveyance put  into
  your hands ?—You do not give us that kind of paper
  to hold. Did you see it ?—Yes,  Did you look at the
  map?—Hamlin    showed it to me; he explained the
  deed and showed the map.  [By the Court: Were
  the boundaries explained ?—Yes, and pointed out on
  plan.  The plan was on one side of the sheet, and the
  deed the other.]) Did you sign the application to bring
  ihe land under the Native Lands Act?—Yea, I my-
  self with others.  [A file of the Provincial Gazette for
  1866 was here put in; containing a notification, pub-
  lished in: January of that year, that Paora Torotoro,
  on behalf of himself and others, applied to have Moteo
  and Omaranui brought under the Native Lands Act.]
  Where  you present when the land was dealt with, by
  the Native  lands  Court?—Yes.   Did  you claim
Ngatahira ?—-I   said Ngatahira   belonged   to  those
people, as they held it. Did you know  it. was given
to yourself and Rewi by the Court ?-^—I knew Nga-
tahira was given to. us two by the Court. Did you.
know  it at that time ?—-Yes, at the time the decision.
was given: I do not know about Omarunui, but the
decision of the Court was given about Moteo.  Were
you not a grantee in Omaranui No. 2 ?—I was one of
the grantees.  Did you  sell that land to Neal ani
Close ?—It went  altogether. After  the sale did not
you  and others claim a piece called Kopuaroa ?—-A.
portion: of Kopuaroa was reserved on the lease, and. I
objected to its being surveyed.   Was  it not  all in-
cluded in the sale?—The   interpreter deceived  us
Who   has it now ?—Neal. Was  not an action brought
in the Supreme Court, resulting in the natives being
turned off?—No ; the natives were turned off by the
pakehas, not by the Court. After they bad been in
possession for a time, the pakehas threatened to  burn.
down  their houses. Did you never see or hear of a
Supreme  Court writ about Kopuaroa ?—No. Is your
son. Hare  interested in  Ngatahira?—Yes.     Also in.
Kopuaroa  ?—Yes.  Did you not tell your son. to break
down   the gate at Kopuaroa!—Yes.    Was   Hare
summoned    for breaking  the gate !—Yes.   Paora
 Kaiwhata was living on that land, but Grindell turned
him  off; he then went and lived at Moteo, Not at
Ngatahira, ?—No; above that. Do you remember the
 fight at Omaranui in 1866 ?—Yes. Who  were living
 at Ngatahira then ?—Paora Kaiwhata and others. Are
 they living there now ?—No  they were, turned off by
 Grindell. The same people lived there that are there
 now.  Paora  has shifted about from Moteo  to Nga-
 tahira and back.
     Re-examined  by Mr. Travers:  When, the land
 was before the Court, did not the people go outside
 to elect some one to represent them ?—'Ihe, boundaries
 were all settled before the land was surveyed. We
 did go outside, and it was decided that Rewi and I
 should be in, the crown, grant for Moteo. And who
 was decided to be in the crown grant for Ngatahira
 —We    did not appoint any one; we did not  know
 Ngatahira was  in the Court.  Did  you apply  for a
 grant  of  Ngatahira ?—No  ;  Moteo   only.   When.
 Hamlin  explained the deed, did he explain that the
 boundaries included Ngatihira ?—He  pointed out the
 line, and ran along it to the end. Did you understand
 that the boundary  included Ngatahira ?—No.   Did
 you understand that, when you made the deed of sale
     By  the Court: Did Hamlin pretend to show tihe
 boundaries on the deed?—He   appeared to read what
 was  in the deed. Did he read anything about the
 Tutaekuri river ?—Yes.  Did he read anything about
 the native reserve as a boundary ?—He did when ho
 showed  me the map.  What  did he say?—"This  ia
  the main line ; from there to Tutaekuri belongs to your
  and the natives." Did Hamlin then say that the piece
  for the natives was outside the land mortgaged ?—Mr.
  Hamlin  said : " This is the line; the part beyond
  Ngatahira belongs to you and the natives." Do you.
  know that a Maori translation is annexed to the deed?
  —Yes.   And that you have signed both ?—Yes. Did
  you read it ?—No;  I only signed it. You remember
  going to the Crown. Lands Office, and seeing the crown-
  grant ?—Yes; but I do  not remember the month.

18 s6

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               SUPPLEMENT   TO THE  WANANGA.
What did you  go for?—To  see the plan of Moteo.
Were  you alone ?—Yes.    No interpreter with you ?—
     HENARE  TOMOANA,  sworn, examined by Mr.
 lizard, Mr. Hamlin  interpreting: I am  a  younger
 brother of Karaitiana, and  a relative of Paora Toro-
toro. I live at Moteo,  and  know  Omaranui   and
 Ngatahira.  Who  now   live at Ngatahira ?—Paora
 Kaiwhata   is the principal man;  Hare  and several
 others there related to him. Have  they  lived there
 long?—Yes.    Before the lease was made  to Braith-
 waite 1—Long before.  Do they cultivate the place ?—
 Yes.  Are they in the habit of moving about and re-
 turning ?—No.   Is  there a  permanent  settlement
 there Yes; in former times, when the tribes were
 at  war, the people of a settlement were often taken
 prisoners; it is the descendants of such as these who
. travel from place to place, not those who have never
 been conquered. So far as I have known, people have
 always lived there. Do you remember the application
 to bring Moteo tinder the Native Lands Act ?—Yes.
 Was Omaranui  passed through at the same time as
 Moteo ?—I was not at the Court when the boundaries
 were defined, and did not know them. I knew of the
 natives coming out of the Court to select the grantees;
 Rewi and Paora  were  chosen.   Who   selected the
 grantees ?—All the natives interested. Do you know
 whether Ngatahira was included in the application ?—
 No.  When   did you  first hear that Sutton claimed
 Ngatahira?—Last  year.  Was  that the first time?—
 Yes.  From  whom did you hear it?—From   Sutton.
 Where  did you see Sutton about it ?—At  Ngatahira.
 Was he alone ?—Josiah Hamlin was with him; they
 went to turn the natives off the land. How many
 were there with him ?—Five.   When  you  met, who
 spoke   first?—Sutton. What   did he say?—He   said
 the natives must be off-—that the land belonged to
 him.  Did you reply ?—I did not speak ; it was Paora
 Kaiwhata who answered • he said " We will not leave
 it; the land has not gone to you."  Mr. Sutton said :
 " This land is mine." It was then that I spoke, and
 said:  "This  land is not  yours."  Sutton said  "I
 have bought  the land." I asked •« When ?' He said :
 "When    Paora  sold the land, I bought it of him."
 Sutton  took  from  his pocket a  paper, which  was
 opened  by Hamlin, who  said that Moteo, 'Omaranui,
 and  Ngatahira were all included in that paper. I do
 not know  whether the plan was attached or not. The
 boundaries of the land were explained by Mr. Hamlin.
  Pointing  to the paper,  I asked:  " What is this V
  He  said, " This is a peg ;" and pointed to place on the
 plan.   I pointed to another place, and asked, " What
  is this V  He  replied, " That is another peg;  it's all
  sight." I said : " It's not right; if Ngatahira had been
  surveyed there would have been pegs here." I then
  said to Sutton: " This land has not been taken by the
  survey."  Hamlin   said : " Ngatahira is all included
  in Moteo ; and it has been explained in Maori that
  Omaranui  and  Moteo  are one." ' I said : ** If it had
 been surveyed, the pegs would be shown. I know it
  was all surveyed by one man;  I went round with
  him; and if he had  surveyed  Ngatahira the  pegs
  would have been put  down, there."  Sutton  said:
  "The native wheat is not to be thrashed ; you are for-
  bidden to plough ; and the gates must not be closed."
 Karaihana said : " It is not good for you to have the
wheat ; you must first destroy the natives." Did you
get any notice in the paper ?—-No; but it was through.
that notice that we knew it was intended to turn the
natives off Is Moteo distant from Omaranui ?—No   :
it is one block. Was one part known as Moteo and
another as  Omaranui?—Yes.     Are  not the  three,
Omaranui,  Moteo, and Ngatahira, known   as separate
places?—No;    as one  block. But   they  are three
separate parts?—Yes.
     Cross-examined by Mr. Wilson : Have you never
sold lands over which you have been elected a grantee ?
—No;   not where I  have been chosen, but where I
have a claim of my own.  Do  you remember Here-
taunga ?—Yes.   Did you not sell that ?—It was not
my  desire to sell that land, as I explained before the
Commission.   Did  you  do it?—I signed my  name
when  pressed by the  purchasers. Were   you selected
by the people ?—No.
     Court adjourned at 6.30 p.m.
                         TUESDAY, 8th June.
     His Honor  took his seat at 10 a.m.
     KARAITIANA TAKAMOANA, sworn, examined by
 Mr. Travers, Mr. Hamlin, interpreting : I am a native
 chief, and Member of the House  of Representatives.
 Do you know Paora Torotoro and Rewi Haokore, the
 plaintiffs in the  present proceedings?—I    do.  Do
 you know that they held a crown grant of Omaranui,
 Moteo, and  Ngatahira?—Yes.   You   know  Braith-
 waite ?—Yes. Did  he occupy the land known  as
 Moteo,  and  Omaranui ?—He   occupied  Moteo.  Do
 you know when  that land was surveyed?—I do not
 know ', but I remember it was leased to Brathwaite
 before the survey. Did  you  see any survey being
 made ?—I heard of it being made. When Brathwaite
 was about to occupy the land, did you point out the
 boundaries?—Yes  Do  you know  Ngatahira !—Yes.
 Has the land long gone by that name ?—Always in
 former years. In speaking of Moteo would Ngatahira
 be included ?—No.  At the time of the lease to Brath-
 waite was  Ngatahira  occupied. by any persons ?—It
 had been lived on before and at that time, and was
 therefore exempted from the lease ?—Do you know of
 any part being mortgaged to Mr. Sutton ?—I heard so :
 but had no personal knowledge of it. Do you rem-
 ember  Moteo  passing through  the Native  Lands
 Court ?-—Yes.  Were  you present ?—Yes.  Did  you
 take part in the proceedings of the applicants connected
 with that lands?—It  was  outside the Court that I
 spoke.  I said. " Let Rewi and Paora be the grantees."
 Paora  did not consent.  Were  Paora  and  Rewi
 chosen  as grantees?—Yes;  a great number.    Were
 the same people interested in Moteo as in Ngatahira ?
 Yes ; they are one tribe. Are  the same individuals
 interested ?—These  people  constitute a  large tribe,
 divided into hapus (sections.) What   particular hapus
 were interested in Ngatahira ?—Ngatimaua  and Ngati-
 pohua, and  several other hapus, all belonging to the
 Ngatihinipari tribe. Do you know  Paora Kaiwhata  ?
 —Yes.    Are  he and  his people interested in Ngata-
 hira ?—He  is the chief; he and Paora Torotoro are the
 principal men. Are  you acquainted with the  native
 custom? in dealing with, land under crown, grants—
 [Mr: Wilson objected to the question; The custom of

19 s7

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 Josiah Hamlin.   
 Henare Tomoana

      Cross-examined by Mr. Cornford: You say that
 Paora and Rewi were chosen as trustees ?—'Yea. How
 often have  you been, selected as a grantee?—Many
 times. . For what blocks?—All  the lands for which.
 my  name appears—both Mangatereteres. How  many
 of those blocks have you sold ?—^-Not any. If I had
 soldi  should have said so; the people to whom I owed
 money forced me ; it was not my own free will. Were
 you  forced into selling Pakowhai?—No; it was my
 own wish to sell it. How many acres did you sell?—
 Four  hundred. At what rate ? -£10 per acre. 

  Mr Travers
  —Henare's and Manaena's

    REWI  HAOKORE,      Mr Isard
Mr.  Hamlin

—At Tareha's Pa, Waiohiki—Hamlin   and  Sutton


20 s8

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 Mr Wilson 
 Mr. Travers:
 Paora Kaiwhata's 
Paora Torotoro. 
 Mr. Izard, Mr. Hamlin 

21 s9

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Mr. Cornford 
 Paora Kaiwhata.            Moteo


Moteo  and  Ngatahira 

  Mr. Sutton in November, 1873?

      Mr.  Travers

22 s10

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                 SUPPLEMENT      TO  THE   WANANGA.
Mr. Travers: 
Mr.Cornford    Paka-
koreroa Kopuaroa
Pakakoreroa; at Te Aopawa 

Ngatarihi        Moteo 
Kopuaroa to Pakakoreroa.
     Mr Wilson 
examined by  Mr. Travers: I am  manager  of the
Napier  branch, of the  Union Bank  of  Australia.
I  have a  packet of deeds in my  possession, but do
not know  whether the lease • in. question is among
them.   I will cause search to be made for it.
   Mr. Travers then put  in the application by Mr,
Sutton  under the  Land  Transfer Act, dated  15th.
January, 1874; wherein  the property was described
as being 163 acres in extent; value, £1200..and no
more, at present occupied by Hohaia and other natives,
names unknown,  as tenants at will, the said land being
included in conveyance to the applicant. He also put
in the application under the same Act by Mr, Brath-
waite, relating to the rest of the block, and bearing
date August, 1873.                   
     Mr.  Travers said he  should now  ask  for; Mr.
.Sutton's books of account to be put in; he had served
the other side with notice for their production.
     Mr. Wilson objected to the shortness of the notice,
which  had only been given that morning, when the
Court  opened.  His client lived eight miles from town
     Mr; Travers said that if the books were riot pro-
 duced he should have to tender evidence of their con,-
tents.  He would call Mr. Sheehan, who in his capacity
 of counsel for Paora Torotoro had gone through the
whole or the books tor the information of the Land.
 Alienation Commission. An analysis of the accounts,
 the result of this examination, had been printed in
 the Parliamentary Papers. He had a right  to ask for
 these accounts in any case, as the transactions between
 the parties would  necessarily come in evidence
     Mr.  Wilson  said he must claim reasonable time.
 It would have been impossible to have produced ihe
 books on so short a notice. He did not understand
 why  they were  called for there being no allegations
 about the account, in this declaration..   
     His Honor said the only course appeared, to be
 to allow Mr. Sutton. an adjournment of sufficient
 tune to enable him to produce his books.
     Mr.  Sutton said he lived seven miles  out of
 town.  He  had not been any great length of time in
 his present residence, and in the present state of bis
 arrangements it would take him at least a whole day
 to find the books and papers called for.   
      Mr. Travers: If Mr. Sutton, will accept the cor-
 rectness of the printed analysis, we will waive our appli-
 cation, for the books.                        
     Mr. Wilson: Accept Mr. Sheehan's presentment I
     Mr. Travers:  No   the. analysis is drawn up by
 Mr Witty, appointed for that purpose by the Com-
 sioners, as an entirely; independent accountant.
     Mr.  Wilson:  Our  objection to the published
 analysis is that it deals with BO many matters besides
 the one in hand.
     . Mr. Travers: If ihe other side object to it we
 must  analyse the books, that is all We only want
 the books produced in order to close our case.
      His Honor: I see no other course but to adjourn.

23 s11

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24 s12

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25 s13

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26 s14

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                SUPPLEMENT     TO  THE  WANANGA.
persons in Napier not to move off, and that* they would
 resist my claim. They talked of the original owner
 of the land—Hamahona, I  believe—and  Hohaia
 claimed as his descendant This was  the reason they
 pretended to give for the land not being in the grant.
 I  heard Paora  Torotoro's evidence, that I  said a
 mortgage was good, that he would have £500, and
 that at the end of five years the land would come
 back.  It  is untrue—I said nothing of the land; nor
 anything that could be so construed. ' When. Paora
 Torotoro spoke of the land, he would generally call it
 Moteo; and so would any  native. It  is not correct
 that the first conversation, about Paora's house took
 place after the land was sold  it was a few days
 before the  mortgage. Hare was not present when
 Paora signed the deed of conveyance—only a small
 boy.  It 1* not true that the died was signed on the
 firm day that the mortgage was spoken of; the nego-
 ciations extended over eight or ten days.  I  was
 present at the sitting of the Native Lands Alienation
 Commission and heard Paora Torotoro swear that he
 understood the conveyance included the whole block.
 [Mr Travers: He question is: What was the block
 spoken of before the Commission?]  When   Hamlin
 read the deed of mortgage to Paora, he certainly did
 not say that the reserve was the boundary, and that
 the land beyond was reserved for the natives. I knew
 that Kopuaroa was native land, but I certainly did
 not tell them that the part marked as section B was
 a reserve for them. I was not aware of such a
 division existing, and Hamlin certainly did not say
 anything about it. I was with Hamlin all the time,
 and he did not in my hearing say that the mortgage
 was to take care of the land. It is not true that he
 only read half through: the deed; it was fully read and
 explained: It was not night when  Rewi was asked
 to sign.  The deed was read  and explained.   I
 have several times offered Rewi to make up his
 amount;  but  he -would never take  one.   He
 has looked over my  ledger, and checked the entries.
 I never said that if he did not sign, I would sell the
 land by auction;- such a conversation never took
 place.  The hill Te Mini extended two or three chains
 along the line: from  Kopuaroa  to the Tutaekuri.
 There is up natural Boundary except for these two or
  three claims in fact it is quite the reverse, as a
 swamp  extends on both sides of the line.
   .Cross-examined by Mr. Travers: You say you
 had no  knowledge of Ngatahira at the time of the
 mortgage did you not believe it was all in Brath-
 waite's piece?—No;   I did not  inquire before the
 mortgage was executed what  portion, it included.
. Then when Paora spoke of the block by three names,
 what did yon understand by that?—I Knew he meant
 the same: thing—I knew I was to get the whenua
 Braithwaite. When  did  you first visit the land your-
  self Very shortly after the natives disputed my
  claim  I believe my first intimation that the crown
  grant included a separate piece was when I saw the
  deeds in the Registry Office. How was it that you
  never took steps to assert your claim till you wrote to
  Hohaia ?—The possession passed under the mortgage.
  I have  twenty or thirty sections lying about  the
  country under somewhat similar conditions, and some
  of them I have never seen. Did you not have an
  offer for the land about twelve months before your
application under the Land Transfer Act)—I had an
offer of £18 per acre for the land about a month ago,
From Mr.  Bennett the owner of Omaranui
No. 2. Had   you never had  an offer for the land
before ?—No  but Bennett had been talking about it
for months  past.  For  twelve  months   past ?—-
About   three  months,  not twelve.  Was   it not
about   the  time  you   wrote  to   Hohaia ?-~-It
was   three or four months after I. wrote to  Ho-
haia.  I had an idea previously that the land was a
swamp.   It was not so valuable then as it has recently
become.  Have  you had many  dealings with land?—
Yes?  It was a few weeks after execution of the mort-
gage that you discovered that you had more land than
was  included in the lease ?—Yes. You  had asked
Paora if Brathwaite or any one else had any security
over the land?—^Yes.  When  you discovered that cer-
tain additional land was included in your mortgage,
you did not mention, it to the natives ?—I saw no ne-
 cessity for doing so.  I never  negotiated for the se-
 curity of Brathwaite's lease; I did not know whether
 it included more or less than Brathwaite's land; and
 it would have been a very unusual thing to do to have
 mentioned it when I found it out. Toa   had the
 mortgage deed prepared the next day after your inter-
 view with Paora ?-I do not believe it was the next
 day; it was probably the same day aa the interview
 that I gave Lee instructions to prepare the mortgage
 deed. You  put into that deed the sum of £600 as
 owing to you—why    did you do that when, that
 amount was not owing ? Because I was responsible for
 that amount. The  solicitor did not put the £500 in
 the mortgage; it was entered afterwards. How soon
 after the mortgage was prepared did you get it signed?
 —Probably   the following day.  When, did  you be-
 come responsible for the £500?—At   the .interview
 when  the mortgage-was signed: at that time I gave
 Paora an understanding to erect a building at an ex-
 pense of £350. You took a mortgage for £600, and
 gave a piece of paper undertaking to spend £350 ?
 Yes.  And  you charged interest in the mortgage ?—
 I did not in account. You took a mortgage for £500,
 in consideration of a debt of £150, and £350 to be
 advanced for a house—Yes. And  the mortgage -was
 also security for farther advances?—Yes. You  gave
 an undertaking to  put up a house—had that docu-
 ment any stamps?—I  do not remember—it  is not
 likely. Was it in English?—I  believe so; but am
 noi quite sure it at I gave him a written undertaking.
 Then between the tame of your interview with Paora
 and  tihe time yon obtained his signature, you never
 saw him?—-No.   You say you  understand Maori;
 will you translate a passage from this Maori Testa-
 ment?—I   do  not think I could translate a passage
 from  a Maori book;  I do not profess to be a Maori
 scholar.  It is probable that I made the explanation
 to Paora  which. I. have detailed in my evidence; it
 would  not require one to be highly educated in Maori
 to do so. Paora, you say, asked if you had brought
 ihe document.- You  had  not previously mentioned
 the document; how,  then, did he know of it?—He
 asked for information, I suppose. You say it was
 produced, explained, and  interpreted; can you give
 an explanation how this was done?—Did Hamlin not
 simply read the paper down?—I have never seen
 Hamlin  content with merely reading a paper down,-

27 s15

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28 s16

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 Mr.  Wilson,

29 s17

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30 s18

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31 s19

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32 s20

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33 s21

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34 s22

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35 s23

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36 s24

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                SUPPLEMENT      TO  THE WANANGA.
Rewi Haokore.                        ..
    Yes; by Paora Torotoro.
     8A. Was   the said conveyance  read over, inter-
 preted, and explained  to the  plaintiffs before the
 execution thereof by them, and did they understand
 the nature and effect thereof ?
     Yes;  read over, interpreted, and explained  to
 both; but no  evidence that it was  understood by
 Rewi ; but it was understood by Paora.
      9. Did the plaintiffs previously to the execution
 of the mortgage  to the defendant agree to mortgage
 to the defendant the said 163 acres?
     Yes, by Paora Torotoro only, inasmuch as it was
 included in the crown grant.
      9A. Did  the plaintiffs, previously to the execution
 of the conveyance to the defendant, agree to sell to the
 defendant the said 163 acres?
      Yes, by Paora  Torotoro, inasmuch as the land
 was included in the crown grant.
      10. Was the execution of the said deed of con-
 veyance  fraudulently obtained by the defendant by
 reason  of his knowing   that the  plaintiffs did not
 intend to include therein the said 163 acres ?
      11. Were  the plaintiffs in occupation of the said
  163 acres at or for some time prior to the 5th clay of
  October, 1868, and have  they  been in occupation
  thereof ever since ?
       12. Was  any claim for possession of the said 163
  acres made upon the plaintiffs by or on behalf of the
  defendant before the month of May, 1874, and if so,
  when first?
      Yes ; on or about the 11th December, 1873.
       13. Were the plaintiffs or either of them aware
  before the month  of May, 1874,  that the said deeds
  of mortgage and  conveyance, or either of them pur-
  posed to affect their title to the said 163 acres, and if
  so, when .first?
      Yes  ; by Paora Torotoro upon execution of the
  deed, and by Rewi on or about 11th December, 1873.
       14. Did the defendant, at the time of making his
  application for the certificate, know that he was not
  rightfully entitled to the said land ?
       15. Were  the plaintiffs, Hohaia, and other native
  persons,  in possession  adversely  to the defendant
  before and at the date of the issue of the certificate,
and were they, or any of them, rightfully entitled to
such land?
     Yes;  in possession adversely, and not entitled,
as the grantees had signed the deed of conveyance.
     His Honor  then, at 9.35 p.m., discharged the

     The  following is a copy; of the letter referred to
by  Mr.   Travers in  his cross-examination  of Mr.
                   NAPIER, 20th Sept., 1869,
      Secretary to the General Government Agent.
     Before  entering on the subject I am  about to
 write upon, I would express that I feel a great deli-
 cacy in the matter, and would have felt it a great  relief
 had Kome other person taken the task in hand. But
 as delays are dangerous, as is inevitable in the present
 case, I feel it my duty to bring the subject to your
 notice, hoping at the same  time that no reflections' will
 be cast upon me for so doing.
     I have  now  the honor respectfully to bring to
 your notice the wholesale manner in which lands are
 being alienated from the natives, under the deceptive
 cloak of mortgage.  Mortgages some time past were
 entered into for the sake of the protection of merchants
 for outstanding  debts; but a later date, and up  to
 the present time, it has been carried on with, a view
 indirectly to disinherit the natives of their possessions,
 and  also to deprive them of the yearly rents, which.
 they have heretofore been in the habit of receiving.
      I must not omit to state that this scheme is not
 a  general thing, but is carried on by one person in
  particular (Mr Sutton), who is assisted in so doing by
  Mr. G. B. Worgan—every    one  else having set their
  faces against it. I may add that the barefaced manner
  in which the trade is carried on is beyond credence.
  Several natives have come into the town without the
  slightest idea of treating with their lands ; they have
  been watched in the street by Mr. Sutton (who I need
  not say had Mr Worgan  within call) the natives de-
  coyed away, introduced, as a rule, first to a glass or two
  of spirits, then into his shop, where he or she is in-
  vited to take an unlimited quantity of goods, at the
  same time the deed is introduced and requested to be
  signed, which, considering the state they are in, is not
  generally refused.  I must not forget here to add that-
  some of the most foolish and delusive ideas are put
  into the natives' heads—some of them have the idea
  that by  forfeiting their respective shares of rent for
  three years, everything they draw in the shape of goods
  (for they seldom see money,  thus giving about  ten
  shillings in the pound in reality) will be paid off and
  be ready  to re-mortgage ; others hold the idea that
  they will still receive their yearly share of rents, and,
  by some  unaccountable device, their respective debts
  will be paid off in the space of three years. In some
  instances some of them do not really know what they
  have signed away.                               
       To, such a pitch has the traffic been carried on
  that in one instance I could relate where a native had
   secured his creditor by mortgaging to him his interests
  in a certain block of land, and the deed registered

37 s25

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                SUPPLEMENT  TO THE  WANANGA.
Mr. Worgan,
Mr.  Sutton.

consequences  will be infinitely worse—viz., bloodshed,
&c.  I  perceive by a late Act of the Native Lands
Act that some  alteration, has been made with respect
to individual  grantees dealing with  their respective
interests, but I fear that, while such an unprincipled
mode  of dealing has already exhibited itself, a majority
of grantees will be easily overcome.
     The power given to licensed interpreters to act in
such  cases is unlimited; unless his own  conscience
prompts  him, he is acting in such a way  as will bet
injurious to the  colony.  I allude to the wholesale
manner  in which it has been, and still is carried on.
To my  certain, knowledge deeds are at -the present time
in  the course  of preparation for  the further trans-
actions of the above nefarious traffic. I would, there-
fore, bring to your notice the  necessity of revoking
the license as native interpreter issued to that gentle-
man, Mr.  Worgan, at all events for a time, pending
your pleasure to again re-grant it at some future period.
If this is not at once  done, I fear there .will be no
redress, or redress will be too late.

                       I have, &c.,
           (Signed)             F. E. HAMLIN.
     The Hon.  the Native Minister,

38 s26

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       "TE    WANANGA."
                            PAKOWHAI,   HURAE,  1875.

He whakawa na Paora Torotoro raua ko Rewi Haukore
                  ia Pererika Tatana.

          TE MANE,  TE 7 O HUNE,  1875.

    Ko  nga Roia mo Paora ma, ko Te Tapata, ko te Ihata. Ko
to raua kai whakaako ko Te Hini Roia, Ko nga-Roia mo Tatana
ko  te Wirihana,  ko te  Konipata.
     Koia  nei nga ingoa  o  nga tangata  i kiia hei Huuri.
 Hone  Temipata.  (Koia  te tumuaki  o te Huri)  C. J. Kuri
 Eruera  Moa,  H.  C. Wirihana,  W.  U. Puka,  Hori Wirihi,
 Hone  Ropitone, Mohi  Hutihana, C. V. Winita, Eruera Puri-
 pota,  G. H.  Norihi, W.  Putiriti.
     Ka mea  a te Tapata, taria e whakawa, kia whakahoutia
 etahi o nga kupu o nga pukapuka o te whakawa, kia tino tika
 ai etahi o nga upoko, o te korero mo taua whakawa. Ka mea
 a te Wirihana,  e kore e tika, no te mea, e marama ana nga
 kupu o nga upoko o aua korero. Ka mea te Tiati, e pai ana
 kia mahia  houtia etahi o nga kupu, o aua upoko korero, kia
 tino marama ai nga take o taua whakawa.
     Ka mea  a te Tapata, he whakawa tenei na Paora Torotoroť
 raua ko Reewi, kia whakatikaia nga mea i he ia raua i a Tatanať
 he mea hoki taua tono nei, i rito ki te whakawa a te Pakeha,
 mo  nga mea e riro pohehe ana i te tangata, he mea hoki kia
 whakahoutia nga kupu o tetahi Riiri, i tuhituhia e Paora raua
 ko Reewi, mo te Whenua  kia Tatana, i mua noa atu. A ko
 te take i tono ai raua kia Tatana, koia nei te tuatahi, he rironga
 pohehetanga no  etahi waahi Whenua  ki roto ki taua Riihi,
 e hara hoki nga kupu a Paora ratou ko Tatana i te mea i
 Whakaae  ratou kia riro taua Whenua i a Tatana. Te take tua-
 rua, he mea mahi nukarau e Tatana taua Whenua ki roto ki te
 Riihi, me te mohio ano aia, kahore kau he whakaae a Paora ma
 kia riro taua Whenua, ai mahi  ho aia ki te tikanga o ta ratou
 korero ko Paora mai whakatakoto ai mo taua Whenua, Koia
 i kiia ai he whakawa tenei, i rite ki te Kooti Whakawa mo
 nga mea takoto pohehe, a he tono ano hoki ki te mana o Te
  Kooti Hupirimi, kia whakahoutia, te Riiri o taua Whenua,
  no te mea, i mahia pohehetia, a i mahia tinihangatia taua Riiri.
  Ka meť a te Tanata, ekore e tino tatakuna e ahau kia koutou
 e te Huuri nga korero katoa o te whakawa nei, otua me korero
kau e ahau ko  nga tino kupa anake, a ma nga korero a te
hunga kai whaaki korero ki te whakawa nei, e ata korero nga
korero katoa e kapea ana e ahau, a ma nga korero a taua hunga
ka rongo ai koutou i nga mahi i mahia e Paora ma kia Tatana,
i mea a Paora ma kia haere mai raua kia mahi i tenei whakawa.
E  mohio  ana hoki koutou e to Huuri, i nga ra i mua atu o
te tau 1865, kiano i tu noa te Kooti Whakawa Whenua Maori,
a kahore  kau he  mea o  aua ra, kia kiia te mana o tetahi
Whenua kia tau ki te tangata Maori kotahi, a i aua ra kahora
kau  he naana a nga Maori kia mahi  hoko  ratou i o ratou
Whenua,   ki o te Ture tikanga.  I muri tata iho, ka mea a
 Te Paratiweti, kia Reti a ia i te whenua o Paora ratou ko etahi
 Maori, a i taua wa e nohoia ana taua Whenua e Paratiweti
 hei haerenga Hipi maana. Ko  taua Whenua  nei, me ata ki
 marire e ahau  tona tikanga, kei pohehe-tatou ki taua waahi i
 roto i te Whenua i kiia e te Kooti Whakawa Whenua  Maori.
 Ko te mea he ingoa ano tona, to taua waahi. Ko te Whenua
 nui, ara ko te waahi ki te Hauraro,  ko Moteo  tona ingoa.
 A ko te waahi ki te tonga ko Omarunui tona ingoa. Nga eka
 o tenei Whenua  katoa, 3410, otiia ko tetahi waahi Whenua
 a e tata pu ana taua waahi ki Moteo, he Whenua  ano, ona
 eka 163, a e nohoia ana taua waahi Whenua e te tini noa iho o
 nga Maori, a i noho ano ratou ki reira tae noa mai ki tenei ra.
 E tino mohiotia ana taua waahi, i te Whenua motuhake mai,
 a kihai i kiia, ko taua waahi, no Moteo ranei, no Omarunui
 ranei. A ko tona tino ingoa, i mohiotia ai taua Whenua ko
 Ngatahira.  A i roto i nga korero a Paratiweti ratou ko nga
 tangata Maori, kahore rawarawa  he kupu i whakaritea, kia
 riro a Ngatahira  ki roto ki te Riihi  a Paratiweti. Otiia ko
 nga korero a  nga Maori  kia Paratiweti he kupu anake mo
 Moteo,  mo  Omarunui.

     Ka  mea, a Te  Wirihana,  e he  aua i a ia nga mahi
 a Paratiweti, kia kiia i roto i tenei whakawa.

     Ka  ki atu a Te Tapata, kei a ia nga kupu e tino marama
 ai tenei ki. Ko aua mahi i eke ano ki te mea a Paratiweti
 ara ki te whenua i nohoia  e Paratiweti. A i te timatanga
 mai ano o nga korero, me nga mahi, hore rawa rawa he ki
 ranei he whakaaro  ranei a nga  Maori, kia tukua ta ratou
 whenua i noho ai a Ngatahira ki te Pakeha.

     Ka mea  Te Tiati, kahore i ata kitea atu e au te take, i
 kiia ai nga mahi a Paratiweti, ki nga Maori, hei titiro i nga
 tikanga o tetahi aronga korero i muri mai 6 te mahi a Parati--
 weti. Ka mea a Te Wirihana, mehemea e ki ana taku hoa
 Roia, kihai te whenua e tautohea nei ara a Ngatahira, i tukua
 ki roto i te Riihi kia Paratiweti, ka whakaae atu ahau ki tena.
 Ka mea a Te Tapata kahore, no te mea, ten atu ano te mea e
 tohe nei ratou, kia korerotia te mahinga o nga mea o aua ra, te
 kitea ai. Ka mea Te Tiati, me pukapuka rapea mana e kitea ai
 ena mea, ka moa  atu a Te Tapata; kahore kau. Otiia, tenei
 tetahi whakawa, i whakawakia ki tawahi, a e rite ana te ahua

39 s27

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                              TE WANANGA.
  o taua whakawa ki tenei. Ko te Pakeha nana taua whakawa,
  he tangata whai whenua, a ko aana Rihi, whenua, i kiia e i» i
  roto i ana Riihi, maana te whakaaro kia mutu te Riihi ka mutu,
  a whakawakia ana taua kupu. He mea hoki na te tangata i
  aia e Riihi ana te whenua, maana te whakaaro e mutu ai, kia
  mutu taua Riihi, ka mutu.  A na  nga kupu  o etahi Riihi, i
  whakaaturia ki tana whakawa koia i kiia ai, me waiho ma te
  tangata i aia e Riihi ana te whenua e karanga te ra e mutu ai te
  Riihi no te mea i mohio taua tangata nana i Riihi, i noho te
  mea a Te Tapata, i mohio pu ano a Tatana ki nga kupu whaka-
  ritenga o te Riihi a Paratiweti, a ko ana mahi ko a Tatana, i
  mahia e ia ki tana mohiotanga mo te whenua anake i a Paratiwe-
  ti. A ko nga korero ka korerotia ki tenei whakawa, i tonoa ai
  aia e Te Tapata kia korerotia aua kupu, he mea kia tino mara
  ma ai tana mea, i mohio pu ano* a Tatana ki nga wahi i kapea
  ki waho o tana whenua, a me te take ano hoki i kapea ai aua
  waahi i te wa i Riihitia. ai te whenua kia Paratiweti. Ko
  te mutunga  iho o nga korero a Paratiweti ratou ko nga Maori
  he tono na ratou ki te Kooti Whakawa Whenua Maori, kia ma-
  hia te mana Maori, o taua whenua, kia tukua ki etahi tangata
  o ratou o nga Maori. I taua wa, he Riihi noa iho ta Paratiweti

  ano tona tikanga o taua Riihi, kia mahia ra ano te whenua
  e te Kooti Whakawa Whenua Maori. Ko  te mahi tuatahi mo
  Te Tapata nga korero e marama ai, i kiia ano nga kupu ako ki
  whenua  anake i Riihitia e Paratiweti, a i reira ano te tohutohu-
 nga o nga rohe o Ngatahira.- He mea Ruri te whenua, a utua
 • ana taua Ruri a no muri iho ko mahia a Ngatahira ki roto ki te
  Karauna Karaati o taua whenua, a maana ma Te Tapata o
  whakaatu nga tikanga, e kitea ai, i mohio pu ano a Tatana ki
  ana mahi. ' Ka mea atu ano a Te Tapata ki te Huuri, hei konei
 •ka puta atu ai i au taku kupu. He mea nana, e kore pea tenei
  mahi mo te whenua nei e mutu i tenei Kooti tera pea e rapua
  ano nga tikanga 6 nga kupu o te mutunga,« whakataua ana e
  taua Huri, a ma te Kooti e mea, mehemea ranei, e kitea ana e
  te Kooti i aua kupu a Te Huri i nga take e puta ai he wahi ora
  kia Paora ma, maana ma Te Tapata e whakamarama tenei ku-
  pu, ko nga mahi katoa i tatakuna, nei e ia, he mahi na Paratiwe-
  ti, kia riro ai he Riihi i aia. A no te putanga o te Tiwhiketi a
  te Kooti Whakawa Whenua Maori, i riro ai te Karauna Karaati
  kia Paratiweti. A kihai taua Karauna Karaati i riro ke atu i
  aia, kia oti ra ano te pukapuka o te Riihi i aid, a riro aha i a
  Tatana i muri iho, kihai rawa i tae ki nga ringaringa o nga
  Maori, kia ai he titiro ma ratou i te ahua o te mapi i runga i
  taua Karauna Karaati, na reira i mea tonu ai nga Maori kihai
  rawa a Ngatahira i pau ki roto i te whenua, o te Karauna Kara-
  ati, a i noho tonu nga Maori i taua wahi i Ngatahira o aua ra
  ano o mua moroki noa nei, hei kainga nohoanga, a hei ngakinga
  kai, Koia na nga mea o nga rai i te mea ki ano i moketetia te
  Whenua, ko  nga whenua i te Riihi a Paratiweti ko Moteo ko
  Omarunui anake. Otiia ko te Karauna Karaati e mea ana, i
  pau katoa te whenua ki roto i te Karauna Karaati, kahore i
  marama   enei tikanga. Ko te mapi i tuhituhia ki te Riihi a
  Paratiweti, ki te pito ki te Hauraro tua marangai o toua mapi,
  te wahi whenua, i waho o te rohe o taua Riihi, i te wahi i tuhi-
  tuhi ki te peita whero, i te takiwa o te rohe o te whenua i Riihitia
  e Paratiweti te awa wai Maori, kahore, kau he ingoa o taua wa-
  hi whenua i tuhituhia ki taua mapi. Otiia i penei nga kupu i
  tuhia ki runga o taua wahi,i taua mapi "Whenua rahui ma
  nga Maori."     
      Ko  te ira i tuhituhia ai taua Riihi, ko te 28 o Hurae 1866,
  a tenei ake ano hoki etahi mahi nui ano o taua ra, mana e
  whaaki ki te Huuri. Ko te tau me te marama o taua Riihi,
  koia ra no, ko te tan me te marama i tuhituhia ai ano te
 Karauna* Karaati, a tena ratou e marama ki te mahi a Para-

 pu ano e nohoia ana, a e ngakia ana e nga Maori taua waahi
' whenua. Koia ra nga tikanga o nga mahi, i te wa i pa ai
 te kupu  a Tatana ki taua whenua,  i mua tata atu o te ra i
 mahia  ai te mokete. A,  i tenei takiwa, ara i aua ra, kua ta»
 ngo taonga a Paora Torotoro i a Tatana. Otiia i oho tata to
 mohio o Paora, he whenua tenei e puta nui tonu mai ana kia
 Paora nga moni mahamaha noa atu, mei reira i aua ra ano e
 riro ana i a Paora Torotoro te £800 pauna mo taua whenua i
 te tau kotahi. Ko te mahi a tenei rangatira kaumatua, ara a
 Paora Torotoro, i mahi a tamariki te ngahau o tana whakaaro
 ki te whakapau kino i ana moni, a he kaumatua ano a ia e
 kore e kite i te mahi nukarau a te tangata ki a ia. E kore te
 Huuri e tino roa, ka kite ratou i te mea, ko Tatana o raua ko
 Paora ; te tangata tino marama ona whakaaro, a ma reira e
 kiia ai, ko Paora o raua te mea e raru i roto i a raua mahi
 hoko.  Kua rongo ano pea te Huuri i nga tikanga o te mahi
 a Paora, i nga ra ona e tuku nui ana te Pakeha i te taonga i to
 tao,nga..nama kia Paora. O te kiki o Paora i eke ai a ia, ai to
 ra ano awhiti ana, A ka ano nga ahi kanara o taua kii, kia
 marama ai te ara o te hoiho e to ai i taua kiki, me te whare
. nui i hanga e Paora, .me nga kapata e whao taua whare, i ki
 tonu a roto o aua kapata i te waipiro, hei kai ma te tangata
 haere noa  atu ki reira. I te takiwa i timata ai te mahi a
 Tatana kia Paora. He  nama  taonga ta Paora i a Tatana
 otiia kihai i mohiotia nga moai o taua nama. A i ahua pai
 ano a Paora i reira ka nama ano aia i etahi taonga atu ano
 i a Tatana. I mohio a Tatana ki nga painga ki a ia kia Tatana
 o tenei aea o te mokete. A koia nei te mahi, i whakaatu ai a
 Tatana i ana whakaaro  ki nga Maori.  Kei pea te tu ahua
 o ana kupu. He nama ta koutou i au a £150 o taua nama, a
 e mea ana Koutou kia hanga ho whare ma koutou, a ko te uta
 o taua whare £350 pea ona pauna, e pai ana ahau kia hoatu
 aua moni, mehemea e whakaae ana koutou ki te mokete. A,
 kawea ana to pukapuka mokete ki te whare o Paora e Tatana,
 me te kai whakamaori. A  he mahara na Paora, ka mutu pea
 te homai nama maana, me etahi whakaaro ke atu ano e akona
 atu ai a Paora. Koia ra nga  tikanga i whakaae ai a Paora
 kia tuhituhia tona ingoa, ki te pukapuka o te mokete. A ka
 korero a Paora, i ana korero, ka Oati a ia i aua kupu, ka mea.
 I te wa i mahia ai e ia taua whenua, kahore rawa nei ana
 mahara,  ana whakaaro ranei kia tukua taua whenua a Ngata-
 hira.  A  ma nga  mahi ka korerotia ki te Huuri, te mohiotia
 ai te pono ranei te he ranei o te Oati a Paora. A ko taua
 whenua  ko Ngatahira, i nohoia e te Maori o mua iho ano. A
 ki nga tikanga Maori, kaore kau he take o Paora ki taua waahi,
 kia tukua e ia ki te tangata. Ka mea a te Tapata, e mea ana
 a ia he pono aua korero nei, a ki tana whakaaro he marama
 rawa aua korero. Ka kiia ano hoki e te Huuri, e whakapono
 ana ano hoki ratou ki aua kupu. A i mea ano a te Tapata
 i aua ra, i mohio ano pea a Tatana, ko Ngatahira kei waho o
 te mahi i mahia nei e ratou Na  reira i kiia ai nga kupa A
 Tatana kia Paora Torotoro i ta raua kupu mo te nui o taua
 whenua.' Tenei ano hoki tenei ahua tikanga hei kupu maana
 ki te Huuri. I roto i nga Riihi whenua katua o tenei Porowini»
 e mau tonu ana nga kupu i aua Riihi, kia utua nga mahi naana
 i pai ai nga whenua Riihi i nga ra e mutu ai nga tau o te
 Riihi, ara, mo nga taiepa, mo nga  awakeri, me nga whare.
 A kahore kau he kupu  penei i roto i te Riihi a Paratiweti, otiia
 i nga ra i tuhituhia ai te pukapuka o te mokete, kua mahi noa
 atu a Paratiweti i taua whenua, a ko ana moni i pau i taua
 mahi, £2000  pauna.  A  i muri tata iho, kihai i maha nga
 marama,  i tuhituhia ai tetahi pukapuka hei korero i taua mahi
 utu taiepa, otiia he pukapuka tikanga kore pea taua pukapuka,
 A. kahore kau he hopohopo o te whakaaro, i mohio pu ano a
 Tatana i aua ra, kua tino kake te utu mo taua whenua i te
 mahi  i mahia ai e Paratiweti i reira. Ko nga mahi, i mahia ai te
 tuhituhinga o nga ingoa ki taua mokete, ma nga kai whaaki
 korero era e korero. A ma to Huuri to kupa e ki, mehemea
 i tiho puta te kupu whakaae, kia kaua e tapoko he whenua
 ki taua mokete, engari ko  to whenua   anake i  Riihitia e
 Paratiweti. A tenei ano hoki tenei kupu, i ahua mahi pohehe
 te mahi o nga korero o te whakatakotoranga -o nga rohe o
 taua whenua, ina hoki, aianei ka kite koutou e te Huri, ko
 te whakaaro a Paora, i mea, ko te whenua  e moketetia-nei
 eia e hara i te whenua katoa i korerotia e te Karauna Karaati
 engari ko 'te whenua anake i Riihitia, kia Paratiweti, i te mea
 hoki kahore ano a Paora i kite noa i taua Karauna Karaati i
 aua ra, e tika ai te ki, e mohio ana aia ki nga whenua I kore-
 rotia ki roto ki taua Karauna Karaati. A no te mea ka*
 tuhituhia hei e Paora tona ingoa ki te pukapuka  mokete

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                         TE  WANANGA.
kahore kau  he hopohopo  o te ngakau o Tatana ki te tuku
taonga kia namaa e Paora. A i taua wa, kua nui rawa te nama
a Paora, a ko te mana o te whenua kua riro i a Tatana, ko
te ata anake  o taua whenua i toe kia Paora. ' Otiia, kua tino
kai nei a Paara i nga taonga nama, a kua rongo aia i te reka
o  te nama, a kua  kiia atu ki a ia kia Paora, he pai ano kia
nama  tonu aia, i reira tata ano, ka whakamutu te tuku nama
a Tatana  kia Paora.  I muri  tata iho ka kiia ano te kupu a
Tatana  kia Paora, e pai ana ano kia nama ano koe, otira rae
mahi  tatou i te pukapuka tino hoko mo te whenua, ka nama
ai ano  koe, a i te ra ano o aua kupu i kiia ai, kua oti rawa •
ano  taua pukapuka hoko mo te whenua te tuhituhi e Tatana,
 a ko nga  Maori i mahia  kaikatia ki te tuhituhi i taua puka-
puka.  Ko  te ra i tuhituhia ai to pukapuka mo te mokete,
 ko te 5 o Oketopa 1868, a ko to ra i tuhituhia ai te pukapuka
 o te tino hoko o te whenua, ko te 16 o Maehe 1869, a e rima
 ano marama  o te takiwa o te tuhituhinga o te mokete, ka tae
 ki te ra i tuhituhia ai te hoko. E ki ana te Riiri o te mokete,
 i tuhituhia ai taua Riiri he mea kia tika ai te utu mo nga
nama  kua oti te nama, a mo nga nama ano hoki e nama a
 muri atu o te tuhituhinga o taua Riiri. A ko nga moni i kiia
 i roto i taua mokete, me  utu era i te tau, 1873, na konei i
 kiia ai, kahore he mea a Tatana, e penei pu to nui tonu o te
 mahi nama  a nga Maori  ki a ia. Eo  nga moni  e utu ai te
 Maori kia hoki ai ano taua whenua kia ratou, e ki ana to Riiri
 o te  16 o  Maehe,  1869 ; ko aua moni   £1300.  A  ki
 te mea ka  huihuia enei ki  te  nama  a Paora, penei ka
 tae aua  moni  katoa  ki  to  £2500   pauna,  ko   enei
 moni  kei  roto ' i nga  tikanga  o  to Riihi s  Paratiweti.
 A i te ra ano i tuhituhia ai taua Riiri hoko mo te whenua,
 mahia ana ano hoki e Tatana totahi Riiri hoko whenua, a ko
 taua Riiri hoko ana e mea ana, ko nga moni tuturu kua riro i a
 Paora, koia nei, £1300.  Otiia, kahore he moni  i utua  e
 Tatana kia Paora i taua ra. A tuhituhi ana a Paora i tana
 ingoa ki te Riiri hoko mo taua whenua, a ko te mea i homai
 kia Paora, ko to pukapuka a Tatana, i mea nga kupu o taua
 pukapuka, kia £300 nga moni ma Paora o aua moni. A  kia
 £300 pauna e hoatu kia Paora i te 16 o Aperira 1869, ara kia
 kotahi marama i muri iho o te tuhituhinga a Paora i taua Riiri
 hoko kia Tatana, a ko te toenga o aua moni, ara te £1000
 me utu e Tatana kia Paora i te 16 o Maehe 1870, otiia me utu
 aua moni e Tatana  ki te itareti kia kotahi te kau itareti. A i
 mea ano hoki nga kapu  i whakaaetia e Tatana, kia hoatu
 taonga a ia ki nga Maori na ratou te whenua, ki to tikanga utu
 pai o te hokohoko a nga Pakeha. Otiia ko aua taonga, mo mea
 o ratou utu hei kai i te £1300 i kiia ra hei utu mo te whenua.
 Î penei te tikanga o enei kupu mo aua  taonga. 1 mea a
 Tatana, ko nga moni nei, ma koutou ma nga Maori e kai enei,
 kia tae rawa ake ki te tau 1870 kua pau i a koutou nga moni
 £1300 te nama  hei taonga. Nakonei i tika ai te mea, ko te
 taha kia Tatana i tiakina maramatia tera, otiia ko te taha ki
 nga Maori, kahore kau he kupu ako atu i te kino o ta ratou mau-
 mau kino i a ratou moni.  1 muri tata iho o te tuhituhinga o
Paora i te Riiri hoko mo te whenua, ara e ono wiki, ka mahi a
 Tatana i te mahi tutua, ara i hokona e ia taua whenua kia
 Paratiweti, mo nga moni £3000, a e £500 pauna i hua nua mai
 kia ia i taua mahi hoko ana, mei reira ano hoki, ko nga moni
 i noho huna i s ia i roto ano i tona ringa £1800. A i ki ano a
 aia kia 10 paiheneti aana e hoatu ai ki nga Maori. Otira, ko
 nga taonga e hoatu nei e ia ki nga Maori, e hoki atu i nga utu
 o aua taonga taua 10 paiheneti ki a ia ki Tatana. A kahore
 he rapurapu b te whakaaro ki te ritenga o taua kupu i penei,
 e me utu nga taonga i nama e te Maori kia Tatana, ki te utu
 tika o te makete. Mehemea i tuhituhia taua Riiri o nga tikanga
 o te hoko mo taua whenua, ki te whare takotoranga Riri a te Ka
 wanatanga, penei, ka ahua he te noho o nga mahi hoko mo
 taua whenua. Ahakoa i kawea ano te Riri hoko o taua whe-
 nua e Tatana kia tuhituhia ki te whare takotoranga Riri a te
 Kawanatanga.  Otiia ko te pukapuka o nga tikanga o te hoko,
 i kohia eia e Tatana tena ki roto ki te pakete o tana koti, a
 kahore he roanga riro mai ana i a ia nga moni mo taua whenua.
 I muri tata iho o enei mahi, a e rua pea, e toru ranei nga tau,
 hokona ana e Paratiweti taua waahi o taua whenua mo nga
 moni £27,000.  A i pau nui ano pea etahi o aua moni i tana
 mahinga i taua whenua, otira ko te utu i riro mai nei i a ia, he
 tohu tena no te pai me te utu nui o taua whenua, A te wa i
 pau ai nga ro o te tau kotahi, kahore kau be utu e utu ai a
 Tatana ki nga Maori, i te mea hoki kua pau noa atu aua moni
 te nama e nga Maori ki te taonga, ki to ritenga o te kupu, me
utu ki te utu tika o te makete. A kua tae tenei ki nga ra i
 mutu  ai te tuku nama kia Paora, a ko ana kapata i takoto ai
 ana waipiro, kua takoto kau era, kahore kau he kai o roto, ko
 tana kiki kua riro tera te tango, ko tana whare nui kaa wera i te
 ahi, a ko tana waahi whenua i ki ai hei homai moni maana kaa
 tino kore rawa atu tera, a he tangi ko tana, te tukunga iho.
 He waahi  iti nei ano hoki te waahi ia Reewi, he mea mahi e
 Reewi i puta ai ki a ia nga nama taonga, ko aua taonga i tae
 ki te £359 pauna, o roto i nga utu mo te whenua. A i roto i
 nga tau o muri iho o enei mahi, ka tau kau noa iho aua mahi,
 a tae hoa mai ki nga mea o a te Maori ritenga mo taua tu mahi.
 A i ahua mea ano a Paora ki te ingoa o Tatana, ki tana ki i ta
 a rite ki tenei ingoa kia Hatana,  i roto ano i te reo Maori, i
 ta te Maori whakahua i taua ingoa. Takoto nei a, pau noa nga
 tini tau, katahi ano a Tatana ki oho mauri, a ka ki tana wha-
 kaaro he whenua ano taku. A ka tae ki taua ra, ki tuhituhi a
 Tatana i tana panui he mea hoki nana kia tauiratia taua mahi
 ki nga mahi  a nga  tangata nunui o te ao nei, a whakapirihia
 ana e ia  taua panui ki te pou o te kuaha o te taiepa o te pa
 o taua whenua, ko te ra i tuhituhia ai taua pukapuka, ko te
 9 o Mei  1874, i ki nga kupu o taua panui, kua kite a Tatana,
 nana taua waahi* whenua e nohoia ana e nga Maori, a me haere
 ka ratou.  Katahi nei ano aua Maori  ka rongo, e, e kiia ana
 taua whenua,  kua riro i te Pakeha.  A koia nei te  rongo
 tua-tahi i rongo ai nga Maori, mo taua whenua kua  riro i te
 Pakeha.  Ma  koutou  e whakaaro te mahara  o nga tangata 9
 taua kainga, i te mea hoki e oho katoa ratou ki te whakarongo
 i nga  kupu  o te karere o to ratou hoa riri. I muri tata iho,
 e rua  pea e toro ranei nga  ra, haere atu ana a Tatana ki
 reira, he haere tana kia tino riro pu ai taua whenua ki tona
 ringa. I  mea  ia, nana nga whare, me nga taake witi, me nga
 mea  katoa o taua whenua, a i whawhai a kupu ratou, na aua
 kupu  i tino rongo ai nga Maori, ki te take o te tohe a Tatana,
 naana taua whenua, i taua ra. He kupu ki anake ta Tatana,
 naana  te whenua, kahoro  aia i pei i rua Maori kia haere ka
 ratou, mei poia aua  Maori e ia, tera pea o tae ki te kino. Na
 ana mahi, koia tenei whakawa i tu ai. He mea hoki na nga
 Maori,  kia  tino  rapua  te take  o  enei he, kia  wawe
 te   mohiotia    ona   ritenga,   a  kia   whakaotia   tenei
 tautohe mo   taua  whenua,  mehemea  ia  e  whakaotia,
. ana tenei tautohe, e kore ano a Tatana e tika te ki, i mate aia
 i roto i aua mahi, no te mea, i nga ra o te hoki i kiia ai kia
 utu aia ki nga Maori, a i nga ra ano o taua hoko, kiano i tae
 ki te ra e utu ai a Tatana i ngu moni ki nga Maori, kua kai
 rawa ano aia i nga moni nui o roto i taua mahi hoki, a i taua
 ra ano, ko nga. taonga, a namaa ana e nga Maori kia ia, be nama
 era na nga ;Maori mo a ratou moni e toe atu ana i a Tatana,
 a kahore hoki a Tatana i utu i te £1000 ki nga Maori mo taua
 whenua.   I a ia anake  nga tikanga o taua mahi a ko ia te
 tangata o ratou katoa e tino whiwhi ki te utu mo taua whenua,
 nakonei i tika ai te ki, kahore kau he take e aroha nou ai te
 Huuri  kia Tatana. He whakawa  tenei, e tiki pu ana ma te
 Kooti e whakatika nga he i mahia hetia i roto i to hoko o taua
 whenua,  otira kahore kau aana mea, kia mahia houtia nga mahi,
 engari ko te mea i riro he kia hokia mai, no te mea ko aua Riiri
 i tuhituhi nei ho mea pu aua Riiri, kia muna ai te utu mo nga
 taonga i nama e nga Maori kia Tatana. A ko aua taonga kua
  tino oti te mahi mo era. A ma te Kooti e mea, ki te mahia pera-
 tia nga mahi ka tau te raru kia Tatana kahore he ki atu kia
 whakawakia  nga mea i mahia e Paratiweti, otiia ko taua i mea
 atu ai, kia kaua e pa te mate ki nga tangata o noho ana i ranga i
 Ngatahira, a kia puta te kupu a te Kooti, kia mutu te tohe a
 Tatara, ki Ngatahira, no te mea kahore kau he take ona e mea
 ai naana taua whenua, ma konei ka tika ai ma te Kooti to wha-
 kaaro e mahi atu kia Tatana, kia mutu tana tohe ki Ngatahira.
     Ka uia nga kupu  a Wiremu  Erihana.  Na Te Ihata i ui,
 Oatitia ana aia, ka mea. He Kai-ruri whenua ahau. Kei au te
 pukapuka a te Kawanatanga maku e mana ai taku mahi Ruri
 whenua.  Na  Te Paratiweti, ahau i mea kia mahi i te tau
 1865, kia ruri ahau i tetahi wahi whenua i Omarunui. Na te
 Paratiweti te ki mai kia au, maana ahau e tiaki kia puta ai nga
 utu o taku mahi ruri ki au. Na Paratiweti ko Raka, na Tana i
 tohutohu nga robe o to whenua ki au. He kainga Maori ano i
 reira, i tata atu taua kainga ki te whenua i Riiritia nei e au, a he
 mea tohutohu ano taua kainga Maori ki au, ko te whenua i ta
 ai taua kainga Maori, i tata ki te whenua i ruritia mo Parati-
 weti.  He  Maori ano i reira i au e Ruri ana i te whenua. Otira
 kahore aku mahara ki aua tangata Maori. I pau te whenua a
 Ngatahira ki roto ki te whenua i Ruritia e ahau, te take, e kore
 hoki e kake ke atu nga utu, mo te whakawakanga o taua whe-
 nua e te Kooti Whakawa Whenua  Maori, mehemea i kapea

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                        TE WANANGA.
 Te  Erihana   Wirihana  .

     Ka  uia a Te Erihana e Te Tiati. Kahore ahau i mahi i taua
  whenua rahui mo nga Maori i runga i te mapi i tuhituhia ki te
 Karauna  Karaati, kahore i poupoua e ahau te taha ki te awa,
 no te mea, be robe marama noaatu, taua rohe. I te takiwa o te
  ruri, kua oti noa atu te awa keri i runga i te rohe tauwehe o te
 whenua  kia Paratiweti o te whenua i rahuitia ma nga Maori. No
 Tihema  1865, i timata ai taku Ruri i taua whenua, a no te
  marama  o Hanueri 1866. i mutu ai taku Ruri,

     Oatitia ana nga kai whakamaori mo taua whakawa. Ko
 Te Waiti ma Paora ma. Ko Te Hemara  ma Tatana.

     . Oatitia ana a Paora Torotoro. Uia ana e Te Tapata, e te
 Roia a Paora, a na Te Waiti i whakamaori, ka mea a Paora ko
  ahau tetahi o nga tangata nana i tono tenei whakawa. E mo-
  hio ana ahau kia Reewi Haukore,  koia tetahi o nga tangata
  • nana i tono tenei whakawa. Ł mohio ana ahau kia Tatana,
 te tangata maana tenei whakawa. E mohio ana koe ki te whenua
  nona tenei ingoa a Omarunui, ka mea a Paora ae, me  te whenu-
  • me Moteo, ae. E  tu hono ana aua whenua, a e Kotahi ana
 raua takotoranga? kahore, ko Omarunui  ano Omarunui, ko
  Moteo ano a Moteo. E  tata pu ana aua whenua tetahi ki tetahi ?
  ae, E mohio ana koe ki tera whenua ki Ngatahira ? kahore ahau i
  rongo e kiia ana taua whenua e te Pakeha ko Ngatahira i enei
 ra kua pahure, engari ko Ngatahira tona ingoa o mua mai o
 o matou tupuna. He ingoa tawhito a Moteo ? ae, me Omarun-
  ui ? ae, ka whakahua koutou nga Maori i enei ingoa i Moteo i
  Omarunui  ki ta koutou mohio ko Ngatahira tetahi wahi o te
  whenua e kiia ana ki aua ingoa ? kahore, He whenna ano ko
  tona ingoa, he whenua  ano o tona ingoa. I pa ano koe ki
  tera whenua ki Moteo? I te mea ki ano te Karauna Karaati i
  puta?  Ko  Paora Kaiwhata i noho i reira. I pa ano koe
  ki Omarunui  i te mea ki ano  i puta te Karauna Kara-
  ati? ae, I pa  ano  ahau  ki taua  whenua, I  te  mea
  ki ano i puta  te Karauna Karaati? I pa ano koe ki Nga-
  tahira? ae, I pa  ano etahi Maori  ki taua whenua ? ae, ko
  Paora Kaiwhata ma ratou ko ana whanaunga  i pa ano ratou.
  i te  wa ki  ano i puta  te Karauna  Karaati ? Koia i noho i
  Ngatahira i te wa ki ano te Karauna  Karaati i puta, Ko te
kapu ko Ngatihenepare.  Koia ra te tino kainga o ratou ko tan».
hapu? Koia ra? Kowai ma i noho i tans kainga i te wa kahore
ano he Karauna Karaati i puta mo taua whenna? ko Ngati-
henepare. He  tangata Maori ano kei reira e noho ana i enei
ra? ae.  Ko Paora.Kaiwhata ratou ko ana tangata. Tokohia
ratou? E toru tekau ma ono.  Kua roa noa atu te nohoanga
o ratou ki Ngatahira ? ae, ho roa noa atu. Kua roa noa atu
ta ratou ngakinga i taua whenua? Ko te wa ano o ratou
tipuna. Nonahea te Pa i tu ai i reira ? He Fa ano ta o matou
tipuna i reira ai i enei wa he kainga nohoanga anake kei reira,
a e nohoia tonutia ana taua  kainga.  I taiepatia ano tetahi
wahi o taua whenua i te wa ki ano i puta te Karauna Karaati ?
 he mea  taiepa ko te wahi i, ngakia, kahore te tino rohe o
waho  a te whenua nui tonu i taiepatia. I mahi Riihi korua
ko  Reewi  kia Paratiweti ? ae, I noho ano  a Paratiweti
i Moteo  i Omarunui, i te wa  kiano i mahia aua whenna
e te Kooti Whakawa    Whenua   Maori? I noho  a Parati-
weti i Moteo i te wa kahore ano ho Kooti Whakawa Whenua
Maori.  E mohio ana koe kia Erihana te kai Ruri whenua?
ae.  I kite ano koe i a ia e Kuri ana i tetahi wahi o te whenua ?
Kahore  ahau i tino kite i a ia e mahi ana, kahore ahau i kite
i a ia i runga i te whenua. I korero ano korua ko Erihana
 mo nga rohe o te whenua ? ae i korero ano maua i runga i te
 whenua? kihai ta maua korero i korerotia i runga i te whenua.
 I mahi mokete koe kia Tatana? ae, I te mea,ki ano koe i tuhi-
 tuhi i to ingoa ki taua pukapuka mokete, kua tango taonga
 nama koe i a Tatana ? I korero ahau kia Tatana mo te mokete
 a no muri ahau i nama taonga ai i a ia. He nama ano tau
 i a Tatana i te mea ki ano taua mokete i mahia ? ae, mo nga
 huka, mo nga paraoa waipiro. Na wai te kupu tuatahi mo te
 mokete. Nau  ranei, na Tatana ranei ? Na Tatana. I pehea
 nga kupu a Tatana, a he aha a korua mahi i mahi ai ? I haere
 mai ahau ki Nepia nei, ka mea mai a Tatana ki au. "Moke-
 tetia a Moteo," ka mea atu ahau, kahore kau aku mohiotanga
 ta. tenei mea ki te mokete. Ka mea mai a Tatana ki au. He
 mea pai te mokete ki te mea ka mokete koe i te whenua mo
 nga tau e rima, penei ka puta te Ł500 ki a koe, a ka tae ki
 te rima o nga tau, ka hoki ano te whenua ki a koe. I korerotia
 ano nga kupu mo nga utu Reti mo te tau ? Naku te kupu mo
 tena, ka mea atu ahau kia Tatana, kahore ahau e marama ki.
 nga tikanga o tenei mea o te mokete. Ka mea mai a Tatana,
 ka  nui te  marama,  tuhituhia  e koe  to  ingoa  ki  te
 mokete.  I pehea  nga  kupu  mo  nga  utu tau a  Parati-
 weti? I  me   atu ahau  mo   nga tau  amua.   Homai
 nga moni  Ł300, ka mea  mai  a Tatana, ma taua tena e
 whakarite, i taua ra. Kua  oti te pukapuka  i tuhituhia ai
 e koe i to ingo», ki taua pukapuka? kahore. No nahea to
 kitenga tuatahi i te pukapuka o te mokete? i te ra i tae
 mai  ai a Tatana ki taku  kainga. No  muri ra pea  tena i
  te ra i korero ai korua mo te mokete  i Nepia P ae, be hoa
 ano to Tatana i haere atu ai i te ra i maua atu ai te pukapuka
 o te mokete ki to kainga? ae, ko Matene Hemara,  i awai
 e  takoto ana te Karauna   Karaati, i ta ra i haere atu ai a
 Tatana raua ko Te Hemara  ki to kainga ? I te Pakeha ia
 Paratiweti.  I a koe ranei taua Karauna   Karaati e takoto
 ana?  Hore rawa,  Kua kite atu ranei koe i taua Karauna
 Karaati i nga ra i mua atu o te ra i maua  mai  ai te puka»
 puka mokete e Tatana ki a koe ? Kahore a Paratiweti i ki
 mai ki au, kia haere ahau kia kite i taua Karauna Karaati.
  Otiia, no muri i a Tatana raua ko Te Hemara i haere mai ai
  ki au. Haere ana ahau  ki te Tari takotoranga Mapi, a i kitea
  e ahau i reira. No muri iho tena o te ra i tuhituhi ai koe i to
  ingoa ki te pukapuka o te mokete P ae, He pehea to takiwa i
  muri iho P E toru pea marama. E mahara  ana  koe, i tuhi-
  tuhia e koe to ingoa ki tetahi pukapuka tino hoko mo taua
  whenua kia Tatana i muri iho o te ra i tuhituhia ai koe i to
  ingoa ki  te  pukapuka o  te mokete P ae, no nawhea to
  kitenga tuatahi  i te  Karauna   Karaati.  No   mua   atu
  ranei, no  muri  iho ranei  o te ra i tuhituhi ai koe  i to
  ingoa ki te pukapuka o to tino hoko mo taua whenua? No
  te takiwa oku kua tuhituhi i taku ingoa ki te mokete, a i te
  mea kahore ano ahau i tuhituhi i taku ingoa ki te pukapuka
  o te hoko, i kite ai ahau i te Karauna Karaati.  I titiro, koe
  ki te mapi o te whenua, i tuhituhia ki taua Karaati ? ae. I te
  wa i whakaae ai koe kia mokete whenua koe kia Tatana. Ko
  ehea whenua, nga whenua mo taua mokete ? ko Moteo.  I
  whakaae kou ki etahi whenua ka, kia tapoko ki taua mokete ?
  kahore, hore rawa. I korero ano a Tatana ki nga whenua mo
  roto i taua mokete ? Ko taua whenua i whakahua ai ko Moteo.
  I whakahua  ano aia i te ingoa o Moteo P ae. A koia na ta

42 s30

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43 s31

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                    TE WANANGA.
Te Wirihana  Te Tiati,  Paora 
 Te Hemara 
 Haaku Pei
 Paora Kaiwhata 
 Moteo ki Ngatahira.

      Ka uia ano a Paora e Te Tapata. I te ra e whakawa ana
 te Kooti i ana Whenua, kihai ranei te iwi i haere ki waho o te
  Kooti, ki te whiriwhiri i etahi tangata mo ratou ki roto ki te
 Karauna Karaati P Ko nga rohe o te whenua kua oti noa atu
  te whakatakoto a taihoa ano te Ruri i te whenua. I haere
 ano matou ki waho o te Kooti Whakawa Whenua  Maori, a kiia
.ana, ko o mana ko Reewi nga ingoa hei roto i te Karauna
 Karaati  mo  Moteo   A ko wai i kiia nga ingoa ki 'roto, ki te
 Karauna  Karaati, o Ngatahira? Kahore  i kiia he tangata e ma-
 tou mo  tena, no te mea, kahore matou i matau e mahia ana a
 Ngatahira e te Kooti. I mea atu ano ranei koutou kia homai
 he Karauna   Karaati mo  Ngatahira e te Kooti ? kahore. Mo
 Moteo  anake.  I te ra i whakamaoritia ai e Te Hemara nga
 rohe.  I korerotia ano ranei e ia, kua pau a Ngatahira ki roto
 ki ana rohe? I tohutohu aho aia i te raina, a haere tonu taua
 tohutohu a tae noa ki te pito. I mohio ano koe, kei roto a Nga-
 tahira i taua robe? kahore. I mohio ano ranei koa kua pau
 Ngatahira  ki roto i tana rohe, i te ra i tuhituhi ai koe i to
 ingoa ki te pukapuka o te boko ? kahore.
    Ka  uia e Te Tiati, ka mea. I tohutohu hianga ranei a Te
Hemara  i nga rohe i te Riiri? Ki to titiro atu, he mea korero
eia nga  kupu  o taua Riiri. I korerotia ano e ia etahi kupu
whakahua ki te awa o Tutaekuri ? Kahore. I korero ano ranei
eia etahi kupu mo te whenua i kapea mo nga Maori a ko taua
whenua  te rohe, o te whenua e tukua ana ? A, i te wa i tohu-
tohu ai aia i te mapi kia au. I pehea ana kupu ? "Koia nei te-
tino raina, ko te waahi atu ano i taua raina tae noa ki te awa o-
Tutaekuri, ma koutou tena ma  nga Maori."  I mea  a Te
Hemara   i reira, ko te waahi ma nga Maori, kei waho o to
Mokete. ?  I mea a Te Hemara koia nei te raina, ko te waahi I
tua atu o Ngatahira, ma koutou tena ma nga Maori. E mohio
ana koe, he mea whakamaori nga kupu o tana Riiri, a e mau
tahi ana ana pukapuka? ae. A, kua tuhituhi koe i to ingoa
ki  tetahi ki tetahi? ae. I korerotia ranei e koe taua Riiri?
Kahore.  He  mea tuhituhi kau e au taka ingoa ki tana Riiri.
E  mahara ana koe i to haerenga ki te Tari takotoranga Karau-
na Karaati a i kite koe i te Karauna Karaati i reira ? ae. Otiia,
kahore aku mahara ki taua marama.  He  haere aha tau
ki reira ? Kia kite ahau i te mapi o Moteo. Ko koe anake i
haere ? ae. Kahore he kai whakamaori i haere tahi i a koe?
    Oati ana a Henare Tomoana, uia ana e Te Ihata. Ka Ta
Hemara  i whakamaori. He teina ahau no Karaitiana, a he
whanaunga  ahau no  Paora Torotoro. E noho ana ahau i
Moteo, a e matau ana ahau ki Omarunui, me Ngatahira. Ko»
wai kei Ngatahira e noho ana i enei ra ? Eo Paora Kaiwhata
to ratou tino tangata, a nano etahi kei reira, ko ana whanaunga.
Kua  roa noa ata ta ratou nohoanga  i reira ? ae. I mua atu o-
te Riihi i tukua ai te whenua kia. Paratiweti ? No mua noa ata.
E ngaki ana  ratou i reira ? ae. E haere ke ana ano ratou i
reira, a e hokihoki mai ana ano  ki reira ? kahore. Ho tino
kainga noho pumau kei reira ? ae. I nga ra o mua, i nga ra e
whawhai ana te iwi, he mea ano ka riro herehere nga tangata
o nga kainga, a ko nga tamariki o enei tu tangata, nga mea e
kopikopi haere ano, he ra ano be kainga, he ra ano he kainga,
e hara i nga uri o te hunga kiano i riro herehere i o ratou hoa
riri? Ki taaku mohio i matau ai ahau, e noho tonu ananga
tangata ki taua waahi. E mahara ana koe ki te tono kia mahia
a Moteo e te Ture Whakawa   Whenua  Maori ? ae. Î  te ra i
mahia ai a Moteo e te Kooti i mahia ano  hoki a Omarunui  ?
I te wa i whakatakotoria ai nga rohe, kahore ahau i tae ki te
Kooti, a kahore ahau i matau ki aua rohe. E mohio ana ahau
i puta mai ano nga Maori i te Kooti, ki te whiriwhiri tangata o
ratou mo te Karauna Karaati, ako Paora, ko Reewi nga tangata
i whiriwhiria. Nawai  i whiriwhiri nga tangata mo roto i te
Karauna  Karaati ? Na nga tangata katoa no ratou te whenua.
E mohio  ana ranei koe i pau te whenua o Ngatahira ki roto ki
te tono a nga Maori kia whakawakia te whenua ? kahore. No-
nahea to rongonga tuatahi e ki ana a Tatana naana a Ngatahira ?
No te tau kua pahure nei, a koia na te tuatahi ou i rongo ai ?
ae. Nawai  koe i rongo ai ? Na Tatana. I rongo koe kia Tatana
i hea? I  Ngatahira.  Ko  Tatana anake  tau i kite ai? Ko
Hohaia Hemara  tana hoa.  1 haere raua ki te pei i nga tangata
Maori kia haere ke atu ratou i Ngatahira. Tokohia aana hoa ?
Tokorima.   I te wa i tutaki ai koutou kia Tatana, nawai te
kupu tuatahi ? Na Tatana. I pehea aia ? I mea aia me haere
nga Maori, a naana te whenua. A i utua e koe aana kupu ?
Kahore aku kupu, na Paora Kaiwhata te korero, ki mea aia.
E kore matou e haere ka, kahore ano te whenua i riro i a koe..
Ka  mea a Tatana, naaku te whenua. Katahi ahau ka korero,
ka mea, e hara tenei whenua i a koe, ka mea a Tatana, kua
utua e ahau te whenua. Ka mea atu ahau, nonahea, ka mea
aia, i te wa i hokona ai e Paora te whenua, i hokona ai e au ki
aia. Katahi ka  maunu  i a Tatana te pukapuka i roto i te
pakete o tana koto, ka mawhera taua pukapuka i a Te Hemara,.
a ka mea a Te Hemara. Ko Moteo, ko Omarunui, ko Ngata»
hira kai roto katoa i taua pukapuka.- Kahore aku mohio be
mapi ano ranei i taua pukapuka. Ko nga rohe o te whenua i
whakamaoritia e Te Hemara, ki tohutohu ahau, ki taua puka-
puka   Ka  ui atu ahau, he aha tenei? Ka mea  aia he peeki,
a tohutohu ana aia ki tetahi waahi o taua mapi. Ka tohutohu
ano ahau ki tetahi waahi o taua mapi, ka ui ano ahau, heaha
tenei. Ka  mea mai aia he peeke ano, e tika ana, ka mea ata
ahau kahore, he tiki mei Ruritia a Ngatahira, penei he peeke
ano e kitea i konei. Ka mea atu  ahau kia Tatana, kiano tenei
whenua i riro i te Ruri. Ka mea a Te Hemara, kua pau katoa
a Ngatahira ki roto ki te ingoa o Moteo, a kua oti te whaka-
maori, ko Omarunui, ko  Moteo he whenua  katahi.  Ka  mea
atu ahau, mehemea kua Ruritia a Ngatahira, penei e kitea nga

44 s32

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                        TE WANANGA.
peeke. E mohio ana ahau, kotahi ano tangata naana i Itari te
whenua nei a i haere tahi ahau i aia awhio noa to whenua,
• mehemea  i nuitia eia a Ngatahira, penei kua poua nga peeke
ki reira. Ka mea a Tatana, ko nga witi a nga Maori kaua e
patua, a kana koutou nga Maori e parau i te whenua, a ko te
keeti me  mahi kia kapi.   Ka  mea a Karaitiana, e kore e pai
Ma   riro maau  nga witi, engari ko nga  tangata kia mate
katoa  i a koe.  A i tae atu ano te panuitanga kia koutou i
taua  pukapuka? kahore.   Otiia i maharatia, he tono taua
panui i nga tangata  kia haere. E  motu ke ana  a Moteo i
Omarunui?  kahore. He  whenua  kotahi e rangona ana; ko
tetahi waahi o taua whenua ano ko Moteo, ko Omarunui ? ae.
Ranei  ko  nga ingoa e  tora nei, o Omarunui, o Moteo, o
Ngatahira, he  whenua  ano  tetahi, he whenua ano tetahi?
kahore he whenua nui tonu. Kotahi ano o ratou takotoranga
 tatatanga. Otiia he waahi ano a Moteo, he waahi ano Omaru-
 nui, he waahi ano a Ngatahira o tana whenua kotahi ? ae.

     He mea ui a Henare Tomoana e Te Wirihana, Ea mea,
• kahore ano koe i hoko noa i te whenua, i kiia ai koe e te iwi
 ko koe hei kai-tiaki ? Kahore ahau i hoko whenua o nga waahi
 i kiia ai ahua e te iwi, engari i nga waahi i au ake ano. E
 mahara ana koe ki Heretaunga ? ae. Kahore koe i hoko  i
 tera ? B hara i au te hiahia hoko mo taua whenua, i penei ano
 hoki aka kupu ki nga Komihana. I hoko ano koe ? I tuhituhi
 ano ahau i taaku ingoa, he mea tino toho ahau e nga tangata
 mo ratou te whenua i hokona ai. He mea whiriwhiri koe e te
 Iwi mo taua whenua ? kahore. Ka mutu te mahi a Te Kooti,
 a te 6 me te hawhe i te ahiahi.
             TUREI  TE 8 O HUNE   1875.

     Ka  noho te Tiati i tana nohoanga i te 10 o nga haora i
 te ata, ka tu a  Karaitiana Takamoana,  oatitia ana aia. Ka
 uia aia e Te Tapata, ko Te Hemara te kai whakamaori. He
 Rangatira Maori  ahau  he Mema    ahau  no te Paremata.
 E mohio ana koe kia Paora Torotoro raua ko Reewi Haukore,
 nga kai tono o tenei whakawa ? ae. E mohio ana ahau kia raua.
 E mohio ana koe ia raua te Karauna Karaati mo Omarunui,
 mo  Moteo, mo  Ngatahira ? ae.  E mohio  ana koe  kia Parati-
 weti ? ae. I noho aia i te whenua i Omarunui, i Moteo ? I
 noho aia i Moteo. I mohio ano koe ki to wa i Ruuritia ai taua
 whenua ? kahore ahau e mohio. Engari, e mohio ana ahau i
 Retia taua whenua e Paratiweti i te wa kiano i Ruuritia taua
 whenua.  I kite koe e Ruutia ana taua whenua ? I rongo ahau
 e Ruuritia ana. I te takiwa ka  tata te noho o Paratiweti ki
 taua whenua, i tohutohu ano koe i nga rohe ? ae. "E mohio
 ana koe ki Ngatahira ? ae. No namata  noa atu taua ingoa
 i whakahuatia ai ki taua whenua ? ae. I nga tau o mua,
 ki te mea ka whakahuatia te ingoa o Moteo, penei ka mohiotia
 kei roto a Ngatahira i taua ingoa? kahore.  I te takiwa  i
 Riihitia ai te whenua kia Paratiweti, i nohoia ano a Ngatahira
 e  te  tangata ? 1 nohoia ano i  mua  atu, a i  taua wa
 ano, a  na reira i kapea ai i te Riihi. I mohio ano  koe i
 moketetia tetahi waahi  kia  Tatana ? I rongo  ano  ahau.
 Otiia kahore  ahau  i kite pu.   E  mahara   ana  koe  ki
 te wa i whakawakia ai a Moteo ki te Kooti Whakawa Whenua
 Maori ? ae.  I uru tahi ano koe, ki nga korero a nga tangata
 na ratou te tono kia whakawakia taua Whenua ? Ko taku kupu
 i kiia i waho o te whare whakawa. Î mea ahau ko Reewi ko
 Paora nga ingoa ki te Karaati, kahore s Paora i whakaae. He
 mea whiriwhiri a Paora raua ko Reewi e te iwi ? ae. He tini
 ke atu ano ranei nga Maori i pa ki taua whenua. Ko raua
 anake  ranei? Ae he tini noa atu, ko nga Maori na ratou a
 Moteo, s na ratou ano hoki a Ngatahira ? Ae, he hapu kotahi,
 ko nga tangata na ratou tetahi o aua whenua, na aua tangata
 ano tetahi ano o aua whenua ? He iwi nui tonu taua iwi nei.
 Otiia he tini nga Hapu o roto i te iwi. Na tehea Hapu o taua
 iwi a Ngatahira?  Na  Ngatimahu,  na Ngatipohua, me etahi atu
 hapu.  He  iwi kotahi no te hapu o Ngatihinehore. E mohio
 ana  koe kia Paora Kaiwhata ? ae. E pa ana ratou ko tona
 hapu ki Ngatahira? Koia te rangatira kaumatua, ko raua ko
 Paora  Torotoro nga tino tangata. E mohio  ana koe, ki nga
 tikanga a te Maori, e mahia ai e ratou nga  whenua mo  nga
 Karauna   Karaati? Ka  mea a Te Wirihana,  kahore aia e pai
 kia uia tena patai e Te Tapata, no te mea he hoko tonu ta te
 Maori  mahi i nga whenua kua oti te Karauna Karaati, a kia
 kaiponuhia nga utu o aua whenua kia ratou. E whakahe ana
 aia ki taua patai a Te Tapata no te- mea, kahore i tatata mai
 taua patai, ki nga tikanga o te mahi e whakawakia nei. Ka
mea a  Karaitiana, ko taka tikanga e matau nei au, i te wa e
pata ai he Karauna Karaati ki nga Maori, ka haere tona nga
Pakeha ki te hoko i tana Whenua i nga Maori. I ninia ano
nga whakaaro o te iwi mo te Huhi a Paratiweti ? ae. Koia ra
hoki te tikanga mo te whenua Riihi. I nia ano te kupu e nga
tangata katoa, a i whakaae katoa ratou ? I nia ano a ratou kupu
mo  te mokete ? Kahore ahau i mohio i korerotia nga korero
mo  tens kia ratou! I uia ano a ratou kupu mo te hoko o te
whenua ? Kahore kau he kupu i kiia kia ratou mo te hoko, a
kahore kau ano hoki ahau i rongo. Nonahea koe i rongo tua-
tahi ai kua hokona a Ngatahira ? I rongo ahau ki te pukapuka
a Paora i te tau kua pahure nei, e kiia ana e haere atu ana a
Tatana ki te tango i Ngatahira. I te wa kiano ahau i haere ki
Ngatahira, i rongo ahau kua puta te panui a.Tatana ki nga
 tangata kia haere be ata ratou i Ngatahira. No muri tenei o
 te ra i piri: ai, te pukapuka a Tatana ki te keeti o Ngatahira.
 (Hoatu ana tana panui kia Kanaiti, ka mea aia koia na te panui.)
 I kite koe i s Tatana i Ngatahira ? I kite ahau i aia i reira, ko
 raua ko tana tamaiti, me Hohaia Tatana. I korero ano korua
 ko Tatana ? I mea atu ahau kia Tatana, haere e hoki, e kore
 rawa tenei whenua e tukua ki a koe, kua mutu taku wehi i to
 kanohi. I reira ano a Henare  Tomoana?  Ko  Henare, ko
 Manaena i reira, me te tini o te tangata. E maharo ana koe
 ki te moketetanga a Paora i te whenua ? Kahore ahau i mohio
 i te wa i mokete ai. Nonahea koe i rongo tuatahi ai ki taua
 mokete ? Kahore aku mahara. E mahara ana koe ki te wa i
 hanga ai te whare hou a Paora ? ae. No reira ahau i rongo
 tuatahi ai ki te mokete a Paora, a i kite ahau i a Tatana e mau
 mea ana ki roto ki taua whare. He nui ranei nga moni a Paora
 e pau ana mo te rama waipiro, i ki katoa tona whare i te waipi-
 ro. E  hono tonu ana tau kitekite i a Paora i aua ra ? Kahore
 he  hoariri aia ki au i aua ra. I riri hoki ahau ki aia, no te
 mea kua he i aia te whenua o tetahi Karauna Karaati. I kite
 ranei koe i a Paora e eke haere ana i roto i te kiki ? ae. A e
 nui ana tana ngaki whenua i aua ra ? He nui, Nana ranei te
 mahi ngaki, na aana tangata ranei? He mea ngaki katoa aua
 whenua i aua ra. I ahu whenua a Paora ki ana mahi i aua ra ?
 Kahore aku matau ki tena.
     Ka uia a Karaitiana e Te Konipata. I mea koe he mea
 whiriwhiri a Paora raua ko Reewi  e te iwi, hei tangata mo
 raua nga ingoa ki te Karauna Karaati? ae. Ka hia ou whiri-
 whiringa e  te iwi hei tangata, ko  to ingoa hei roto i te
 Karauna Karaati ? He tini noa atu. Mo ehea whenua  ? mo
 nga whenua  katoa i noho ai taku ingoa, mo nga Manga-
 teretere e rua. E hia  o aua whenua  kua  hokona e koe ?
 kahore kau. Mehemea  i hoko ahau, penei kua kiia atu e au.
 Na nga tangata i au nga nama, ahau i akiaki i hoko ai ahau.
 E hara i te mea naku ake te whakaaro. He mea akiaki koe i
 hoko ai i Pakowhai ? Kahore naku ake te whakaaro hoko. E
 hia eka i hokoa e koe ? E wha rau. He aha to utu ? Tekau
 pauna mo te eka. Nau  anake te ingoa i roto i te Karauna
 Karaati ? ko ahau anake. He mea whiriwhiri to ingoa e te iwi
 mo taua Karauna Karaati ? ae. I pau nga moni ki te aha I a
 matou taua moni.  He  aha te tikanga o to kupu i a matou ?
 (Ka mea a Te Tapata kahore he hiahia ona Kia whakararua te
 patai a Te Konipata. Otiia he ui tana, mehemea  e ahua rite
 ana aua patai ki to tikanga o te mahi i kiia ai tenei whakawa.
 Ka mea  Te Tiati, kahoro ano hoki i marama nga patai a Te
 Konipata kia Karaitiana mo te whakawa, e mahia nei e te Kooti ;
 otiia e pai ana ano aia kia uia taua patai.) Ka mea a Karaitiana
 e kore e korerotia e au nga ingoa no te mea kahore he whakahe
 mai a ratou. Kahore ranei i pau te nuinga o ana moni i a koe ?
 Kahore aku matau mo te patai. I whakaaetia ano tau hoko e
 etahi o nga tangata ? I marama taku hoko. Kowai i whakaae
 ki te hoko ? Ko Henare, ko Manaena. E  mahara  ana koe i te
 hokonga o Omarunui, Nama 2? kahore. Kahore koe e mohio
 i ahatia taua whenua ? kahore. E  mohio  ana koe ki tenei
 whenua ki Kopuaroa ? ae. Nawai a Kopuaroa i enei ra ? Na
 te Pakeha pea, kahore ahau e mohio. E ki ana ranei a Niira
 raua ko Korohi, na raua taua whenua ? kahore ahau e mohio.
 Heoi ano taku e matau nei i peia atu a Paora Kaiwhata i taua
 whenua.  Kahore  ranei a Paora Kaiwhata ratou ko ana tangata
 i mea, na ratou taua whenua, i muri iho o te ki a Niira raua ko
 Korohi na raua taua whenua ? I rongo pena ano ahau ; otiia e
 kore ahau e mohio.  E hara ranei au kupu i puta ke mai i te
 ki nei, e he kainga tawhito taua waahi, a e kore o pai kia peia
 nga tangata Maori i reira ? (Ka mea a Te Tapata. Taihoa tena
 patai e ui, kia mohiotia ra ano mehemea i tao a Karaitiana ki
 taua korero, a mehemea e matau ana aia ki nga tikanga.)

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                         TE WANANGA.
     Kť oatitia a Reewi Haukore, a uia ana e Te Ihata. Ko
 Te Hemara te kai-whakamaori, ko au tetahi o nga tangata naana
 i tono tenei whakawa. E mahara ana koe ki te mokete kia
 Tatana* ae.  I kiia ano  te kupu kia koe, kia tuhituhi koe
 i to ingoa-ki taua mokete? ae.  I hea  koe ka  puta taua.
 ui ki a koe ? I te pa o Tareha i te Waiohiki. Nawai te tono ki
 a koe? Ka Te Hemara raua ko Tatana. I haere atu raua ki te
 aba ? I haere mai raua, a ka maunu te pukapuka i a Te Hemara,
 a ka mea  aia, tuhituhia e koe to ingoa ki tenei pukapuka.
 I mohio atu ano koe i etahi ra e haere mai ana raua ko reira ?
 Kahore.  I mua atu o tenei, i puta ranei he tono a Tatana kia
 koe mo taua  mea ? Kahore.  I toia i tae mai ai raua kia koe,
 he hoa ano ou i reira ? Ae ko Paora ko Whatu. 1 kiia ano e
 rana nga take i tono ai raua kia tuhituhia o koe ta ingoa ki
 taua pukapuka? I ui atu ano ahau. Hei aha tenei pukapuka ?
 Ka ki mai a Te Hemara, hei tiaki i te whenua. I korero ano
 raua, he mokete taua, pukapuka? Kahore raua i whakahua ki
 te mokete. I mohio ano koe he mokete taua pukapuka ? No
 muri iho ahau i mohio ai ? I mohio koe i taua ra he mokete ?
 I to ra i haere mai ai raua kahore ahau i mohio, a tuhituhia
 ana e ahau toku ingoa ki te pukapuka. . I te wa i tuhituhi ai
 kee i to ingoa i ahua tautohea Paraone raua ko Whatu?
 Kahore he korero, i tuhituhi katoa matou tokotoru. I kite ano .
' koe i te ingoa o Paora e mau ana i taua pukapuka, i te wa i !
 tuhituhi ai koe i tou ingoa? ae. A i tuhituhi ahau i toku ingoa 
 i raro o tona. I korerotia ano nga kapu o taua pukapuka ? I |
 korerotia ano e Te  Hemara.  Otiia kihai i pau nga  kupu i
 ka tuhituhi matou i o matou ingoa. Ko tetahi wahi anake tana
 i tuhituhi ai ? ae. Ko waenganui anake, a kopakia ana e ia te
 pukapuka.  I tuhituhi koe i to ingoa i mua atu o te wa i kopa-
 kia ai te pukapuka ? No mua taku tuhituhinga i taku ingoa no
 muri  ahau i ui ai .heaha nga korero o roto o te pukapuka.
 A korerotia ana e Te Hemara ko tetahi waahi anake, a kopa-
 kia ana te pukapuka. 1 korerotia ano ki a koe, nga whenua i
 mahia e taua pukapuka ? ae. Nawai nga kupu ki a koe, na i
 Tatana ranei, na Te Hemara ranei ? na Te Hemara. I mea aia 
 ko Moteo te whenua, a ma Tatana e tiaki taua whenua. He aha
 te ingoa o taua pukapuka i whakahua ai a Te Hemara ? He
 pukapuka tiaki mo Moteo.  E pau ana te whenua e kiia nei ko
 Ngatahira ki roto i te whenua e whakahuatia nei ko Moteo ?
 He  waahi ano a Ngatahira no Moteo, kahore kau he kupu i kiia
 mo  Ngatahira, he whenua  tena i waiho mo  nga  Maori, hei
 nohoanga  mo  ratou.  He reo aha  te reo i korerotia ai taua
 pukapuka  e Te Hemara, he reo Maori ranei he reo Pakeha ? I
  korero Maori aia, kahore i korerotia eia nga rohe P kahore. I
 riro atu he moni i a koe ? kahore. I korerotia ano he korero
 whakahua  ki te moni? ae. ma Tatana e homai ki au kia Ł300.
 A  i homai taua Ł300 ki a koe? Kahore ano kia riro mai i au o
 taua ra, a tae noa mai ki tenei ra. 1 tango taonga koe i a
 Tatana?  ae. No te mea kahore e homai moni, i tango ahau i
 te taonga. E hoa  Pakeha ano tau hei ako i a koe ? kahore.
  Kahore aku Roia mo nga tikanga o te mokete. I mohio ano
  koe ki te Riiri o te hoko o Moteo? ae. Nawai to kupu tua-
  tahi ki a koe nao tera ? Na Te Hemara. 1 hea? I te Waiohiki,
  i taua waahi ano, otiia he haerenga ketanga mai tera no raua.
  î mohio ano koe, e haere mai ana raua ki reira ? ae. I mohio
  ano ahau e kawea mai ana e raua te pukapuka kia tuhituhia e
  au toku ingoa. Nawai koe i rongo ai, e haere mai ana raua ki
  a koe ? He kupu pohehe tena naaku, kahore i mohio e haere
  mai ana raua ; na raua ano raua i haere noa mai. I maua mai
  e raua te Riiri? ae. 1 kiia ano koe kia tuhituhi koe i to ingoa
  ki taua Riiri ? ae. He roa ta matou  tautohe, a i te mutunga,
  tuhituhia ana e au taku ingoa ki taua Riiri. He Maori ano i
  reira, ko  koe  anake ranei  i reira ? He tini. Korerotia  mai
  te ingoa o etahi ? Te Taka, Tame Tuki, ma etahi wahine, mo
  etahi tamariki.  Heoi  ano, kahore  atu ? I reira a Hare.   Î
  korero ano etahi o ratou ? kahore. Kahore hoki a ratou kupu.
  Ko taua koiero, na maua ko Te Hemara.   I korerotia te korero
  i roto i te Riiri ? Kahore i korerotia e Te Hemara ki ou, no te
  po ahau i kiia ai kia tuhituhi ' i taku ingoa ki taua Riiri ?
  I korerotia ranei tetahi waahi o taua Riiri ? kahore. Heoi
  ano nga kupu i kiia mai, ko nga kupu whakamarama mai, he
 hoko ite whenua.   No reira te tautohe a matou, kahore hoki
  ahau i pai kia hokona te whenua. A i te timatanga kihai koe
  i pai kia tuhituhia e koe to ingoa ki taua Riiri ? ae. He roa
  noa atu ta matou  korerotanga mo  tana Riiri.  A he  aha te
  mea i tuhi ai koe i to ingoa i te mutunga ? No te mea kua
  tuhituhia e ahau taku ingoa ki te Riiri tuatahi, a he tino kaha
  no ta raua tohe ki tuhituhi ano hoki ahau i toku ingoa ki tenei.
 I korero ano ranei raua i te whenua e kiia ana i roto i taua .
 Riiri?, ae. I pehea a raua kupu? I ki raua ko Moteo te waahi
 o hokona ana. I riro mai ano  he moni  ki a koe ? kahore
 Kahore  he  moni  i  au i  taua  ra, a  moroki   noa  nei
 he taonga anake  nga mea  i au.  A  i taua wa  i tuhi-
 tuhia- ano  ranei e  koe  to  ingoa ki  tetahi atu Riiri?
 I tuhituhi ahau i nga pukapuka i maua  mai e raua kia au.
 (I hoatu ano te pukapuka o taua hoko kia kite a Reewi,)' koia
 nate ingoa i tuhituhia e koe ki tena Riiri? ae. I tuhituhia
 ano e koe to ingoa ki tena i taua ra ano ? ae. A i tuhituhia
 au o e koe to ingoa ki tetahi Riiri, a ko taua Riiri nga korero
 o te tikanga e utu ai a Tatana i nga moni mo te whenua?
 kahore. I whakamaramatia ano o Te Hemara  ki a koe nga
 tikanga o  taua Riiri? kahore  i whakamaramatia e ia I te
 wa i whakaae ai ahau kia tuhituhi ahau i taku ingoa, homai
 ana e ia tetahi pukapuka, a ki mai ana, ko koe ihe tuhituhi i
 konei, a i mea atu aia ki tetahi o maua,  me  tuhituhi koe i
 kona.  I mohio  ano koe, kua  pau  a Ngatahira ki roto i nga
 korero o  taua Riiri ? kahore ahau i mohio. I  kapea taua
 whenua  ma  nga  Maori.  1 penatia te whakamarama   o nga
 korero ki a koe?  ae. I, pena ano.  E motu ke ana a Ngata-.
 hira i Moteo.   Ka  mea  a  Te Wirihana  kaua   e uia e koe,
 kia whakahe ano te tangata na, i etahi ano o ana kupu, kua oti
 nei ano  te korero e ia.  Kua  mea  pu  ano aia, kahore a
 Ngatahira i motu ke i Moteo.  Ka  mea  Te Tiati, e mea ana
 ahau, he patai ako tena patai. [Engari me ui e koe, mehemea i.
 matauria  e ia taau patai o mua, i utua mai ra hoki e is. Uia
 o koe, ko ehea nga rohe  o Moteo?  uia ana a Reewi. Ko
 ehea nga  rohe o  Moteo ? ka ui a  Reewi, kia Ihata. E ui
 mai  ana koe i te rohe tauwehe o Ngatahira o Moteo ? ka ki
 atu a Te  Ihata, ao. He  rohe tauwehe ano kai\_ waenganui o
 Ngatahira o Moteo ? ka ki atu a Reewi ? ae.   Ko  te taiepa a
 Paratiweti, to rohe wehe o Ngatahira o Moteo.

     Ka  uia a Reewi e Te Wirihana. E mohio  ana koe ki te
 reo Pakeha ? kahore. No  nahea  i kitea ai e koe nga tikanga
 o te mokete ? no muri  iho o te hokinga o Tatana raua ko Te
 Hemara,  ka ki mai nga tangata e matau ana ki taua mea, kua
 tuhituhi ahau i taku ingoa ki  to pukapuka mokete.  Oti o
 mea  mai  ana  ano koe.  kihai i whakamaoritia te Riiri e Te
 Hemara  ? I mutu taana korero i to wa i pau ai i a ia te korero
 ko totahi waahi anake. A i to tuarua o aua hokinga mat, kihai .
 rawa i korero aia i te pukapuka, he mea whakamarama kau e ia.
 He  moni  ano aau kei a Tatana ? kahore. Kua mea atu ahau
 ki a ia, a e mea mai ana aia. kua pau aua moni, a kua mutu
 taku tono  ki a ia. E mahara  ana  koe ki te Komihana  i
 whakawa  i nga whenua  o konei ? ae. I korero ano. koe mo
 Ngatahira ? kahore.  Kahore  ahau i uia, ki to mohio he pehea
 to waahi o  Moteo i a koe ake P kotahi mano eka. He pehea
 te rahi o nga moni o te Reti i a koe ? i a au tetahi o te moni
 Reti o te tau mutunga  e Ł50 i a au. I a Paora nga moni, a
 i pau i a ia, kahore ranei koe i ki ki te Komihana, he kotahi
 ano tekau pauna moni i homai e Paora ki a koe ? he tika tena.
 no mua  tena.                                     '

     Ka uia ano a Reewi e Te Tapata. I ki koe kahore he kupu
 a Te  Komihana   mo Ngatahira ? Kahore kau a ratou kupu.
 I mohio ano koe, e ki aua a Tatana nana a Ngatahira P Kahore
 a Tatana kupu i reira, kaua taua waahi. Kahore ana ki mai
  kia aa. A no muri o te mahi o Te Komihana i mohio ai koe, e .
 mea  ana a Tatana nana a Ngatahira ? Kahore kau ana kupu ki
 au mo taua waahi. I tango taonga ano koe i a Tatana i muri iho
  ote  ra i tuhituhia ai e koe to ingoa ki te Riiri? ae. Otira
  kahore he moni  i au. E  hia nga utu o nga taonga i a koe?
  Kahore ano he Pire i homai o ia ki au. ' I hoatu Pire ano ranei
  aia ki a koe mo o nama i aia ? Mehemea i homai Pire ai ki au,
| penei e mohio ana ahau. Otira i ki ano aia ki a koe kahore he
  moni i toe mau ? I ki mai aia ki au, kahore he mea i toe hei
 homaitanga  ki au.  (Ka  whakaaturia te  pukapuka  o nga
  tikanga o te hoko kia Reewi? I takoto ranei tenei Riiri ia koe,
 tiaki ai ? Kahore. I maua ano e Tatana raua ko Te Hemara,
 nga pukapuka i tuhituhi ai koe i to ingoa, kia raua ano takoto ai ?

      Ka  uia a Reewi e Te Tiati. 1 te mea kiano a Paratiweti
  i Riihi i te whenua nei, a i te mea kiano i Ruuritia e te kai
  Ruuri, na wai  i noho taua whenua  katoa, a Omarunui,  a
  Moteo,  a Ngatahira ? Na  Ngatihinepare,  na  Ngatinaho.   He
  whenua  papa tonu  ara he raorao taua, whenua ? He waahi
 ke ano a Omarunui, he waahi ke ano a Moteo, ko  te kainga
 nohoanga  tangata i Moteo, kei waho tera o te Karauna Karaati ?

46 s34

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                         TE  WANANGA.
ae ? Ko te kainga a Paora Kaiwhata. E mohio  ana  koe ki te i
whenua  i Riihitia kia Paraiweti? ae.  He  whenua  ano na
Paora Kaiwhata, a ko Moteo  tona ingoa, me ter.a ano i roto i
te Riihi a Paratiweti? Kote rohe o te whenua, kei roto i te
awa, a koia ra te tauarai o te whenua a Paora Kaiwhata o to
whenua  a Te Paratiweti. I mua o te ra i Riihitia ai te whenua,
a whakahua  ai koutou ki Moteo, kei hea ona rohe? Kei te
awa wai-maori tetahi rohe, a ko nga puke i tetahi taha : a ko
nga puke i tend taha te waahi e kiia ana ko Moteo. I nga ra
kiano i tao mai to Pakeha, ko te hea te waahi i kiia ko Omaru-
nui ? He whenua ano a Omarunui e wehe ke ana, a kei a Nira
raua ko Korohi tera. Koia  ra te waahi i turia ai te whawhai,
o ko tona ingoa o mua ko Omarunui i te wa kiano i tae mai he
Pakeha.   Ho tino rohe marama rawa ano ranei te tauarai o te
papaku o Moteo, i te papaku o Omarunui ? He rohe whakahua 
noa na te tangata, kahore be awa wai, kahore he rohe tino
marama, penei mo te puke  ranei, me te Kaweka  ranei.  Na
Paora Kaiwhata  a Omarunui? Na  Paora Kaiwhata, na Paora i
Torotoro. E  mohio ana  ranei koe i te tuke i kiia ai i roto i te
Karauna  Karaati ko Omarunui te ingoa o taua whenua katoa ?
Kahore  ranei he kainga e tata ana ki Kopuaroa noona taua
ingoa ? He kainga ano  kei reira, koia na te ingoa. E  hara
ranei a Ngatahira i te ingoa kainga, pera me  Omarunui,  mo
Takekoreroa.  He  waahi no Nga tahira, ko te waahi papaku o
Moteo.   Koia  ra to waahi e kiia ana ko  Ngatahira ? Koia ra
tetahi waahi o Moteo.

   Ko Haro  Ngawhakakapinga, oatitia ana, a uia ana e Te Ihata,
ko Te Hemara   te kai-whakamaori. He tamaiti ahau na Paora
Torotoro.  I noho ano koe i aia i te wa. e hanga ana te whare
moana?   ae. A  i mua atu, a muri iho ? ae. He nui nga moni
e pau ana i a Paora te mahi i aua ra ? kahore. E nui ana tuna
nama  taonga i aua ra ? kahore ahau i kite. E mohio ana ranei
koe, i tango nui aia i te taonga i a Tatana ? kahore ahau i kite.
I kite ranei koe, he nui te rama waipiro me etahi atu mea i roto
i te whare a Paora ? kahore ahau i kite. He kiki ano ranei ta
Paora?  ne.  I hono tonu tana eke i taua kiki, haereere ai? ae.
I hoatu  ki aia hei pera maana. He r.ui tana kai i te waipiro ?
 Kahore ahau i mohio ki taua haurangi waipiro i to wai riro ai te
kiki i aia I etahi atu ra ranei ? Kua kite ahau i aia i runga i
te kiki e haurangi ana. E mohio  ana  koe ki  to kainga, ki
Kohupatiki?  Naku  tena kainga. E  mahara  ana koe ki ta
haerenga atu o Tatana raua ko Te Hemara  ki reira ? ae. Ka-
hore he korero mo  tetahi pukapuka mokete? ae. Kowai  atu
ano  etahi tangata i reira ? Ho tini, ko Marara, ko Raihania, ko
Pititi, i reira. He nui nga korero mo  taua mokete  ? ae. I te
wa  i noho ai a Tatana  i reira ? ao. I korero ano a Paora
Torotoro mo  taua mokete i a Tatana i reira ? ae. I korero ano
aia i te tikanga o taua mahi ? ao. I mea ano ranei aia i te mea
ka  moketetia nei eia ? ae. He uha tana, ka, mokete ? ko Moteo.
 (Ka hoatu te Riiri o taua mokete kia kite a Hare.) 1 tuhituhi
ano koe i to ingoa ki tena pukapuka, a he kai-titiro koe no taua
pukapuka  ? ae. Ko taku ingoa tena. I rongo ano ranei koe
i nga kupu o taua Riiri, i korerotia kia rongo koe ? kahore. 1
korero ano ranei a Te Hemara   i tetahi pukapuka ki te reo
Maori ? Kahore  ahau i rongo atu ki aia e korero reo Maori ana
aia i tetahi pukapuka. I korerotia ano ranei nga rohe i roto i
te mokete, a i whakamaramatia  kia Paora i taua takiwa?  ae.
I rongo koe i te korerotanga, me te whakamaramatanga o nga
robe '! kahore. He aha oti koe i mohio ai i whakamaramatia
kia Paora  ? Kahore ahau i mohio i whakamaramatia  ki aia. I
mea  koe i whakamaramatia kia Paora : I mohio koe, ko tehea
whenua  i korerotia e taua Riiri? ae, ko tehea? ko Moteo. I
rongo  ano ranei toe, i korerotia nga rohe, i te wa i tuhituhia ai
nga ingoa o nga tangata ki toua Riiri? Kahore ahau i mohio, i
 whakahuatia nga  rohe, heoi ano taku i rongo ai ko Moteo te
whenua.   Kowiti i Iaua whenua o noho ana i aua ra ! Ko te
Pakeha  ko Paratiweti. I te wa i rongo ai koe ka moketetia a
Moteo.   Ko  tehea whenua  taau i matau ai ka moketetia? ko
 Moteo.   E mohio  aua  koe  ki Ngatahira ? ae.  I mohio ano
ranei koe ko Ngatahira tetahi waahi o Moteo ku mokete! ia nei ?
     Ka  uia e Te  Konipata.  He  tangata ano  e noho ana
 i Moteo i te ra i moketetia ai taua whenua? Ko   Paora Kai-
 whata.  I tehea waahi o Moteo aia e noho ana .' I waenganui
o te waahi papaku.  He ingoa ano to taua waahi ? Ko te ingoa,
nui ko Moteo, kahore ahau e mohio ki nga ingoa nonohi. Ko
 Ngatahira ranei ? kahore. He waahi ke ano tera. 1 roto ranei
 i te Riihi a Paratiweti? kahore i waho. He tangata ke atu
 ano ranei i reira e noho ana ? ko Paora anake. E mohio ana
koe ki Kopuaroa ? ae. I whakatete ano  ranei koutou i tetahi
waahi o taua whenua kia Niira ? ne. Kahore ranei i wahia te
keete e koutou ? ae. A i tamanatia koe ? kahore.  Kahore he
Riti i tukua ki a toe ? Kahore ahau e mohio. Kahore ranei
he  warati i tukua moou ? Kahore ahau e mohio ki ena mea.
Kahore he pukapuka i tukua ki a koe kia haere mai koe ki te
Kooti ? I au tena Riti mo taku wahinga i te keeti. E mohio
ana koe ki te wa i hokona oi a Moteo e Paora kia Tatana r
kahore.  Kahoro koe i kite i te Riiri hokonga o taua whenua 
kahore.  A kahore o mohio  i tuhituhia ranei e koe tou ingoa
ki taua Riiri ? kahore. Heoi ano taku e mohio ai, ko nga mea
i korerotia mai e  Paora  Torotoro  ki au mo  to mokete. E
mahara ana koe i haere korua ko Paora Torotoro ki te whare o
Tatana i etahi marama i muri iho o te tuhituhinga o ngu ingoa
ki te pukapuka o te mokete ? kahore. Term ka oati koe, kahore
koe i reira i to tuhituhinga o Paora i tana ingoa ki te pukapuka
hoko o taua whenua ? Kahore oku  mohio i haere ahau ki te
whare o Tatana. A i" tukua ano e koutou Te Kopuaroa, ahakoa
i whakatetea taua whenua e koutou, ia mi? Ko tetahi waahi
anake.  Kowai  kei reira e noho ana i enei ra .Ko Peneti, he
Pakeha.   A he Maori  ano koi reira ? kahore.
     Ka uia ano e To  Tapata.   Ho  tini ranei  nga tangata
Maori  o noho  ana i Ngatahira i nga ra o te mokete he tini.
E hia ? Ekore ahau  o  mohio, kihai i tauria.  Ho  tini kei
reira, i enei ra ? ae.  He  tini nga taane nga
tamariki.  O  te wa ano o te mokete ue. A  i mua   noa atu
ano hoki he tino kainga nohoanga kei reira.


47 s35

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                          TE  WANANGA.
    Ka  mea a To Tapata, e he  ana enei patai, no te mea,
kahore nga Roia a  Tatana i whakaatu ki nga Roia a Paora
ma,  o penei te patai a ratou ki nga Maori. A no te roanga o
to tautohe o nga Roia.  Ka mea  a Te Tapata, e pai ana kia
uia aua patai. Otira he tikanga he taua tikanga ki tana mohio.
     Ka  uia ano a  Hohaia  e Te Konipata.  He  pehea nga
kupu i roto i taua reta? kua wareware i a au nga korero o
taua  reta. I whakahua  ano ranei ki Ngatahira ? ki taku
mohio i whakahua ano. I whakaaturia ano e koe taua reta
ki te tangata? ae. Kia Hoera,  ki tetahi atu. E mahara  ana
ranei koe ki nga kupu i whakahua ki Ngatahira? kahore.
Otira i taku haerenga mai ki te taone nei. I ki a kupu mai a
Tatana  kia au, naana a Ngatahira.  No nahea rawa tena no
nahea  te reta i tae atu ai ki koe?  e rua pea marau* a I
pena  ano te roa ? kihai koe i haere mai ki te taone nei. He
mea  naau no te taenga atu .o taua reta ki a koe ? kahore. I
haere noa mai  ahau. Kahore  koe e mahara,  i kite koe i a
Tatana  mo taua reta, i muri tata iho o te taenga atu o taua
reta ki a koe? kahore ahau e mohio i te roa i muri iho.  15
 mahara  ana  koe i te katikatinga hipi i te Poraiti mo Peneti i
 te tau 1873, ae, kihai ranei koe i kite i a Tatana i taua wa i
 roto i tana Toa i Nepia ? a i mea atu koe. I haere mai koe
 kia korero korua mo  taua reta? Naana  aua kupu ki au i
 taku haerenga mai ki te taone, i mea a Tatana, e mea ana ahau
 kia whiua aku kau ki Ngatahira, ka mea  atu ahau, kahore
 ahau e mohio naau a Ngatahira. (Ka ui to Tiuti, no mua atu
 tena  o te ra  i whakapiritia ai te panui ki te keeti ? ae.) A i
 pehea atu koe ? I mea atu ahau, e kore ahau o whakaae kia
 'haere o kau ki Ngatahira. Ka mea mai a Tatami, naaku tena
 whenua, ka mea atu ahau, kahore, ehara i a koe. (Ka ui ano
 te Tiati. I mea atu ano a Tatana i te take i riro ai te whenua
 i aia ? no muri iho. I pouri ahau mo taua korero.) No muri
 iho tenei i te ra i piri ai to panui ki te pou o te keeti ? ae. No
 te ra i haere  mai  ai a Tatana ki Ngatahira, no reira matou
 katoa i rongo ai i to take oona i ki ai naana a Ngatahira.)
 Kihai koe i haere i taua ra, korua ko Tatana, ki to Tari tiaki.
 Karauna  Karaati ? ae. I whakaaturia  o Tatana  te Karauna
 Karaati  kia au  i reira. A i whakaatu  ano aia i tetahi mea a
 Paora  Torotoro? I whakaatu  ano aia i tetahi mea a raua ko
 Paora  Torotoro. I moa  atu ahau kahore aku matau  ki tena.
    Ka mea  a, Te Wirihana, e he ana i aia taua tono.
    Ka  mea  atu a Te Tapata.  E ki ana Te  Ture mo  nga
Karauna  Karaati ki to mea, e kore e taea te tino Karauna
Karaati, e pai ana kia tikina ko tetahi kape tauira o taua puka-
puka, a he tika kia tirohia nga kupu o taua tauira hei mahi
te whakawa.  A  ko Tatana to tino tangata tika, kia ia taua
Ruri takoto ai.
    Ka mea  Te  Tiati, kahore kau he take e tohea ai taua Riihi,
no te mea kua pono noa atu nga kupu o taua Riihi.
    Ka mea  a Te Tapata, ka tono a ai te kape tauira o te puka-
puka a Tatana i tuhituhi ai kia mahia taua whenua, e Te Ture
tuku i taua whenua.
    Ka mea  Te Tiati, mehemea kua taa te pukapuka tono a
Tatana mo  taua whenua, tena pea, kei reira tahi ano taua Riiri
kei to Tari Tiaki Karauna Karaati.

     Ko Eruera  Moa  ( ko tetahi o Te Huuri Oatitia ana, ka
pataia e Te Tapata  Ko  ahau te Tumuaki o to Peeke Tinana
o Atareria i Nepia. Kei au etahi pukapuka e tiaki ana. Otiia,
 kahore aku mohio kei roto i aua pukapuka te Riihi kia Parati-
 weti. Otira, ki rapua e ahau a ki te mea ka kitea, ka maua mai
 e ahau. Ka hoatu e Te Tapata ki te Kooti te tauira o te pukapuka
 a Tatana, kia mahia taua whenua, e Te Ture tuku whenua, o te
 15. Hanueri 1874. A  i roto i taua pukapuka , e ki ana, 163
 eka o taua whenua, ko to utu mo taua wahi, £ 1200, pauna
 moni, a heoi ra ano ona utu. A e mohio ana e Hohaia mo etahi
 atu tangata Maori- Ko o ratou ingoa kahore  e mohiotia. Otiia
 ho noho noa iho ta ratou i reira, a ko taua whenua kei roto i
 te pukapuka o te hoko u Tatana taua whenua. A hoatu ana
 ano e To Tapata te pukapuka a Te Paratiweti ki taua Ture tu-
 ku whenua, mo to toenga ano o taua whenua, ko te marama o
 Akuhata tenei, me te tau 1873.

     Ka mea a Tapata, ka tono aia kia homai nga pukapuka
 kauta a Tatana kia kite aia ; kua tae huki tana tono kia Tatana
 kia homai aua pukapuka.
     Ka mea  a Te Wirihana.  E he ana  i aia taua tono, no te
 mea, kihai i putu taua tono i etahi atu ra, kia noho mohio ai
 ratou, i to mea hoki no taua ra noi ano no to ata taua tono
 tonoa ai, i te wa i puare ai te Kooti. A e waru nga maero te
 matara o Tatana i noho ai i to Taone o Nepia.

     Ka mea a Te Tapata, ki te mea o kore aua pukapuka o
 nga kauta e homai  penei, maana e ki nga korero, e puta ai
 nga kupu  i tuhituhia o aua kauta i roto i aua pukapuka. E
 Hone-Hini,  Te Roia a
 Paora Torotoro,
 Te Komihana    Nepia 
      Te Wirihana.  
      Ka   mea  Te Tiati, ki taana  titiro, mo whakaae  pea  he
  ra kia Tatana, kia taea mai ai aua pukapuka.

      Ka mea a Tatana, o whitu maero ona e noho ai i te Taone
  o Nepia, a katahi ano ata ka noho i roto i te whare e noho nei
  aia, kahore ano i utu takoto tika ana tapu tapu i roto i taua wha-

       Ka mea  a Te Tapatu, ki te mea, e pai ana a Tatana ki te
  tika o nga korero o nga tino take o roto i taua pukapuka kauta,
  kua taia ki nga korero o Te Paremata, penei e kore ahau e tohe
  tonu kia tikina aua pukapuka.

       Ka mea a Te Wirihana, mo whakaae nga korero a Te Hiana.
  Ka  mea a Te Tapeta, kahore, ko nga kupu o roto o nga korero
  o to pukupuku a Tatana, he mea mahi aua kupu o To Wati, a
   ko Te Wati i kiia e nga Komihana kia mahia o ia aua korero, a
  he tangata ke noa atu uia a To Wati.

48 s36

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                         TE  WANANGA.
    Ka  mea  a Wirihana, te take i whakahe ai matou ki taua
pukapuka   i mahia o Te Wati, be tini no nga korero kihai i 
mutu  nga korero e rapua e tenei whakawa.
    Ka  mea a Te Tapata, mehemea e whakahe ana te taha kia i
Tatana ki nga korero o te pukapuka i mahia e Te Wati, heoi i
ra me  tiki i nga pukapuka a Tatana. Heoi ana ta matou  e i
rapu nei ko aua pukapuka kia kitea mai ki tenei whakawa, ma
reira e oti ai a matou kupu e whakatakoto ai ki te aroaro o Te
 Kooti  nei.
     Ka mea Te Tiati, ki tuku mohio me mutu pea te whakawa,
kia tikina ai nga pukapuka a Tatana ka whakawa ai ano tatou.
 I mea ano ahau e tae mai aua pukapuka, ki konei.
     Ka mea  a Te Wirihana,  kahore kau  he kupu mo aua  
 kauta, i roto i nga kupu i takea ai tenei whakawa.      |
     Ka mea a Te Tapata, he pukapuka korero i nga take o te
 hoko whenua, ko  taua Hiiri kihai i tuhituhia ki roto ki nga !
 pukapuka tiaki i nga korero Karauna Karaati a Te Kawanata-
 nga, u ko taua Riiri, kahore e homai e Tatana, ki te hunga, tika
 hei tiaki mo taua tu pukapuka. A e ki ana etahi o nga kupu o
 taua Riiri kia puta he utu, otiia ko nua utu kahore rawa nei i
 i puta a moni. A meinga ana ko nua utu, i kiia ai i roto i taua
pukapuka, he mea utu ki to taonga, a koia ko Te Tapata, e rapu
 aua i nga kupu o marama  ai te korero mo aua taonga, ara,
 i peheatia to utu. A kahore ano nga kupu o taua Riiri i wha-
 kahengia, a ki te mea ka whakaae a Tatana, ki te taka  o te
 pukapuka i mahia e Ta  Wati, penei e mutu  tata, to rapurapu, 
 me te hoha ki te tika i nga pukapuka o nga kauta a Tatana.
 Mehemea  e ki ana a Tatana, kahore i tika te pukapuka a To
 Wati i mahi ai, i hea aia te pena ai i nga ra i whakawa ai Te

     Ka  mea  a Te Wirihana, e whakaae ana aia kia tukua, mai 
 te pukapuka  a To Wati  i mahi ai, kia mahia am kupu  e te
 whakawa  nei.  Otiia mo whakaae ano hoki a Te Tatana kia
 korero u Tatana mo aua korero i mahia e Te Wati, kia tino ma-
 rama ai.  Ka kawea nani taua pukapuka a Te Wati koia ko te
 pukapuka  5, he pukapuka apiti ki nga korero o te whakawa o 
 Te  Komihana, mo  nga whenua Maori i mahia i te tau 1873.
 i Nepia.


49 s37

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50 s38

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                      TE  WANANGA.
             (He roanga enei no te Whakawa o Omarunui.)

Noa  atu te utu mo taua whenua. I reira, ano a Te Hemara, me
te Pakeha a Hati taku kai-tiaki Toa. He mea whakamaori nga
kupu o taua Riiri, a he mea tuhituhi ki te pukapuka, a o mau "
tahi  ana taua, whakamaori ki te Riiri reo Pakeha, i te wa i 
 tuhituhia ai nga ingoa ki taua Riiri. Ko nga korero o te puka- 
 puka reo Maori o taua Riiri i korerotia kia Paora, a ko te mapi
 e mau ana i te Riiri reo Pakeha te mea i tohutohungia, a i 
 whakamaramatia  kia Paora, i te wa kiano aia i tuhituhi noa i
 tana ingoa ki taua Riiri. Na Te Hemara i korero nga kupu
 katoa o taua Riiri i te mea kiano i tuhituhia te ingoa o Paora ki
 taua Riiri, ko tana korero me te tuhituhinga o nga ingoa ki taua
 Riiri, i mahia i te ata. Kahore kau he kupu patai a Paora i
 roto i a matou korero maha noa iho. Kahore he kupu i taua
 wa mo tetahi waahi whenua kia kapea ki waho o taua whenua,
 kia toe ranei tetahi Waahi o taua whenua kia Paora. I pau
 katoa to whenua o te Karauna Karaati ki roto ki taua puka-
 puka hoko, a kahore kau he waahi i toe kia Paora. I muri iho
 o te tuhituhinga o nga ingoa ki taua Riiri o te hoko, haere ana
 maua ko Te. Hemara kia kite i a Reewi. Ano tetahi; haerenga
 ano a maua, ki te toru o te taima maua ko Te Hemara i tae atu 
 ki te Waiohiki, rokohanga atu a Reewi i.reira, kahore o maua hoa
 i haere ai ki reira, ko etahi o nga koroheke i reira, ko Paraone
 Kuare, me etahi atu i reira. E mea ana ahau he tika te wha-
 kahua o nga ingoa o taua hunga e Reewi. I kiia atu e maua,
 kaa whakaae a Paora kia hokoa a Omarunui, a he haere mai ta
 maua  kia Reewi.  I korero matou  i nga meneti kotahi pea
 tekau, he  kotahi ranei  tekau-ma-rima meneti, a  ki ana  a
 Reewi ka whakaae aia, ki te mea ka hoatu te £300 pauna ki
 aia, He mea  korero a reo Maori mai  pea aia kia maua, a ua Te-
 Hemara  i whakapakeha mai ki au. I mea atu ahau e kore taua
 tono e taea e ahau te whakaae atu. Otira ma raua ko Paora
 Torotoro taua kupu o whakarite. I mea a Reewi e whakaae
  aia, ki te mea ka utu ahau i taua £300 rau ki aia, a me whakaae
  ano hoki a Paora. Ka  mea atu ahau ki aia, e kore e tino kiia
  atu. e au, ka hoatu aua moni e au ki aia, otira ki te mea ka ki a
  Paora kia hoatu e au taua £300 pauna ki aia ki a Reewi, penei
  ka hoatu e au. A whakaae ana a Reewi ki taua korero, a tuhi-
  tuhia ana eia tana ingoa ki te Riiri o te hoko. He mea panui
  nga korero o taua Riiri e Te Hemara i te aroaro o nga Maori
  katoa i reira, a kotahi pea tekau o ratou. Ka mutu te korero
  panui o taua Riiri i a Te Hemara, hoatu ana eia kia Paraone,
  a korerotia ana e Paraone. Kahore he kupu a Reewi mo tetahi
  waahi whenua kia kapea ki waho o taua hoko, a kahore he
  waahi o te whenua kia toe kia ratou, kahore he korero mo taua
  Riiri, he tiaki taua Riiri mo te whenua. Kahore aku mohio ki
  nga nama a Reewi i mua atu o te mahinga o te mokete. He
  tini aku meatanga atu kia Reewi raua ko Paora, kia haere tahi
  mai raua, kia tirohia aku kauta e ratou. I mea a Reewi e hara
  raua ko Paora i te hoa kia raua, a e kore e pai kia haere tahi
  raua i a raua. E mea aua ahau koia ra ano te wa i taku tuhi-
  tuhinga i te pukapuka o nga tikanga o nga moni e utua ai aua
  moni.  A  ki te tikanga o nga korero o taua pukapuka, ko nga
  moni  o utua mo taua whenua, koia nei kia £1300. A kua utua
  aua  moni.  He taonga  etahi, be moni etahi.  Otiia e korero
   taea e au te ki ko nga moni ranei i maha, ko nga taonga ranei
  maha   o  aua  utunga,  (hoatu aua   tetahi pukapuka, he
   mea ta  ki te  perehi ta pukapuka,) ka  mea  a Tatana, a
  koia  nei te pukapuka   a te Wati  i mahi  ai  i a maua
   kauta  ko  Paora.  A ki  taku mohio  e  tika ana.  I tino
  rapurapua aua kauta, i te whakawa o Te Komihana, kahore
   ahau i mohio ki nga ra, e hia ranei i mahia ai aua kauta. A i
   tino mahia nga mahi mo Moteo i taua wa, otiia kahore kau he
   kupu mo  aua eka 163, a tae noa ki te marama o Aperira, o Mei
   1874.  Kahore  ahau i rongo  ki tenei ingoa ki Ngatahira.
   I nga  marama  o  Akuhata.  Ko  Hepetema  1S?3, ahau i
   rongo ai e nohoia ana, taua waahi e nga  Maori.  I korero
   ahau  kia Tareha, i mea   atu ahau, kia  korero aia ki aua
   Maori, e noho ana ratou i runga i taku whenua. No  ruuri
   ahau i matau ai kahore aia a Tareha i korero ki aua tangata na
   reira ahau i tuhituhi ai kia Hohaia, kia Hoera me etahi atu i te
   11 o Noema.   I kite ahau i a Hohaia me etahi atu. I haere
   tahi mai ratou, u i ki ta ratou kupu, i miharo ratou ki tuku
   kupu  i ki nei naku te whenua. I mea atu ahau kia ratou, kia
   hokona taua whenua ki au, a mea atu ana ahau kia ratou kia
   haere matou  ki te Tari Tiaki Karauna Karaati, kia kite ai ratou
   i to pono o aku kupu.  I haere matou ki reira, a tirohia ana e
   matou  nga tauira o nga Karauna Karaati, me te mokete, me te
   Riiri o te hoko. Ka mea ratou, e ahua rite ana te ahau o te
   mapi.   Otiia e kore matou e whakaae atu nau te whenua. I
mea nga korero o taku reta, kia huihui nga tangata Ida korero
matou no te men, he whakaaro naku ho pohehe to take i taie-
patia ai e ratou te whenua.  Kahore  pea he  taiepa o taua
whenua, i te wa i hokona ai e au te whenua. Otira e kore
ahau e tino mohio, kahore aku kupu i roto i taku reta mo te
taiepa. I puta mo he kupu i au, kia huihui nga tangata kia 
korerotia he kupu kia haere ke nga Maori, i muri iho o nga ra
e hauhakea ai a ratou kai. Kahore hoki* aka whakaaro kite
ati ati ia ratou i nga ra e tupu ana a ratou kai. Ko te puka-
puka e mau nei i taku ringa ko te pukapuka i hoatu e au kia
Hohaia Hemara, kia whakamaoritia eia. (Hoatu ana taua
reta kite Kooti: a korerotia ana e Te Konipata)  I mea a
Hohaia, maana e korero te hui, kia mutu te kotikoti Hipi a
Peneti;  a maana  e korero mai ki au, kahore aia i tae mai ki
au.  A no taku kitenga e aia. i te Taone nei, i amu-amu ahau
ki aia, mona kahore hei i korero mai ki au. Ko aua ra, ko te
timatanga o te tau 1874. . A i muri iho ka kite ano ahau i»
Hohaia-i Nepia nei, i nga marama o Pepueri.ranei o-Maehe
ranei. Kahore aku mahara.  Ko Hoera  tana hoa i taua ra,
otira e hono tonu ana to raua haere tahi. I tutaki ahau ki»
raua i roro i taka Toa. E rua-pea wiki i muri iho o taku
haerenga ki Ngatahira i tuhi tuhia ai e au te reta. I haere ano
ahau ki reira ano, ko Hohaia Hemara taku hoa, a i kite maua,
ia Hohaia ia Reewi, me etahi.atu. Te take o maua i haere ai
be  mea kia mohio  ai ahau ki nga tikanga moku. I mea s
Hohaia, kahore ano te whenua i ruritia. I whakaaturia e au
 nga tauira o nga korero o te Karauna Karaati, me te Riiri o te
hoko, a i tino ki atu ahau noku to whenua. I mea tonu nga
 Maori e kore ratou e whakaae ki taua kupu aku. I mea ratou,
 he moa ako ratou e etahi tangata i Nepia, kia kaua ratou e
 haere ke atu i taua whenua, a e koro rawa ratou e whakaae ki
 taku kupu mo taua whenua. I whakahua ratou i te tangata
 nona te whenua i mua, ko Hamahona pea te ingoa i whakahua
 ai ratou, u i mea a Hohaia koia te uri o Hamahona a nona te
 whenua.  A  koia ra te take i ki ai ratou, i kore ai e noho nga
 korero mo taua whenua i roto i nga kupu o Te Karauna
 Karaati. I rongo ano ahau i nga kupu a Paora Torotoro i mea
 ai; ko aku kupu ki aia, i mea ahau he mea pai te mokete, a e
 riro i aia te £500, a kia mutu nga tau e rima ka hoki ano te
 whenua  ki aia. E  hara aua kupu i te kupu pono. Kahore
 rawa, nei uku kupu pera a kahoro aku kupu i ahua rite ki aua
 kupu.  Ki te mea, ka whakahua a Paora i te ingoa o taua
 whenua, ko tana ingoa e ki ai ko Moteo,  a e pera ano hoki
 etahi -Maori. K  hara i te kupu  tika e kiia nei, ko te korero
 tuatahi mo te whare o Paora,  i korerotia i muri iho o te ho-
 konga o  te whenua, engari no mua  tata taua korero o te
 mahinga  i te mokete. Kahore  a Hare i reira i te tuhi tuhinga
 o te Riiri o :e hoko o te whenua, engari he tamaiti noki noki i
 ki i te korero tika e kiia nei i tuhi tuhia
 Paora Torotoro

   [Ka  ui a Te Tapata tenei hoki tenei patai: ko tohea whenua,
 te whenua i korerotia ki to aro aro o taua Komihana.]

    Ka korero ano a Tatana, ka mea.   I te ra i korerotia ai e
 Te Hemara   te Riiri o te mokete kia Paora kahore aia i mea, ko
  to whenua i kapea ki waho ma nga Maori, a koia ra te rohe, a
  ko te whenua i waho atu o tera, koia ra te wahi i tapu ma nga
  Maori. I mohio ano ahau ko to Kopuaroa he whenua tera na
  nga Maori.  Otira kihai,ahau i mea atu ki  nga Maori, ko te
  wahi i tuhia ki te reta B. hei whenua ma ratou. Kahore ahau
  i mohio ki aua robe wehenga i reira, a kahore rawa he kupa a
  Te Hemara mo  taua wahi. 1 haere tahi ahau ia Te Hemara,
  kahore aku ngaronga i aia, a kahore ano kupu i rongo atu ai
  ahau, i ki aia, ko te mokete hei tiaki i te whenua. E hara i te
  wa o te po, te wa i kiia ai a Reewi kia tuhituhi aia i tana ingoa.
  He mea panui taua Kuri, a be mea korero ano hoki kia marama
  ai. He  tini aku meatanga atu kia Reewi, kia mahia e ahau tana
  kauta, a kahore una haere mai. Kua   kito ano aia i tetahi o
  aku pukapuka  kaute, a kua tirohia eia nga tuhituhi o nga
  taonga i tuhia ki reira. Kahore ahau i mea, ki te mea e kore
  aia e tuhituhi i tana ingoa, ka maketetia e au te whenua.
  Kahore he korero pena, i korerotia. Ko a puka ko Te Mimi,
  e maro atu ana tena i Kopuaroa e rua pea, e toru pea tiini ki
  Tutaekuri. Kahore he tino rohe marama, ko aua tiini anake,
  otiia he repo i tetahi taha o te raina i te tahi taha.

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                          TE WANANGA.
  Tatana e TeTapata
Maori, a ko aku kupu kia Paora, i korerotia nei e au, e hara i
ua te tino mohio ki te reo Maori aua kupu i korero. I penei to
kupu.  I ui mai a Paora ki a koe, mehemea kua kawea mai te
pukapuka e koe, a i mua atu o aua kupu a Paora, kahore kau au
whakahua ki te pukapuka. I pehea i mohio ai a Paora ki tana
pukapuka ?  He ui pea kia whakina he matauranga ki aia. A e
mea ana koe, i horahia taua pukapuka, a i whakamaoritia, a i
tino whakamaramatia taua pukapuka. Tena, koa whakina mai
te tikanga o te mahi i mahia ai taua mahi ? Kahore ano ahau i
kite noa. Kia korero kaika a Te Hemara i ana pukapuka e
korero ai. A i mohio pu ano koe ki te tikanga o nga kupu o
te whakamaoritanga a Te Hemara?  Ki taku mohio ki te reo
Maori, he mohio e taea ai e au te mahi nga kupu a Te Hemara
mehemea,  e kotiti ke ana, aana kupu i nga tikanga o te mahi i
 kiia ai kia mahia eia. He  tini au mahinga hoko  whenua
Maori ?  E  waru pea, kotahi ranei te kau. Kahore ranei, koe
e hoatu taonga ki nga Maori a ka mahi ai e koe aua taonga ki
te mokote P Kahore ano ahau i mahi mokete, i nga tangata
Maori nama kore ki au. I te mahi a Korimana, i hoko whenua
ano koe i nga Maori ? E hara taku i te hoko whenua he hoko
taku i nga hea a nga Maori. I mahi hoko ranei koe, mokete
 ranei i te whenua e kiia nei ko Heretaunga tona ingoa P . Ki
 taku whakaaro, kahore kau. I riro atu ranei he moni mau mo
 to mahi hoko o taua whenua ? kahore.  Otira nau i mahi, i
 tuhituhia ai etahi o nga Maori i o ratou ingoa ki te pukapuka
 o te hoko ? ae. He mokete au i reira ? ae. A he whenua ano
 i riro i a koe i reira ? ae. A i riro ai aua wahi whenua i a koe,
 he mokete te timatanga ? I etahi-anake. I roto i Peka Peka ?
 ae. I Raukawa ? ae. Kahore  ranei koe i ui uia e te Komiti o
 te Runanga o Te Paremata? I uia ano. He nui nga moni, o te
 utu reti i riro i a koe mo Raukawa ? kahore. Kahore ranei
 koe i tango i  aua utu reti ia Te Makarini ma?   kahore.
 A kahore ano ahau i mea noa i tango ahau i nga moni utu reti
 ia ratou. Tena mo te Kaokaoroa,  he mokete tau i reira ? ae.
 A i riro tetahi wahi o taua whenua i a koe ? ae. Me Te Ma-
 hanga ano hoki ? ae. Me Ngawhakatatara ano hoki ? ae. He
 mokete ano tau i reira ano hoki ? ae. Me Tautitaha ano hoki ?
 ae. Me  Hangaroa ano hoki ? ae. I pa  ano he mahi mau ki
 Mangatarata P  E mahara ana ahau, i mahia tena e Te Kooti
 Huperimi.  Otira kahore aku  moni i eke ki tana whenua.
 Tena mo  Mangateretere. Kahore  ranei i riro i a koe nga utu
 tau mo te reti o-reira, a na nga Maori aua moni? Kahore aku
 mohio i riro mai he moni pena i au.  I tau ki au  te tika o
 te whakawa o Te Kooti Hupirimi. A i riro i a koe etahi o nga
 hea o taua whenua, a nau i whakawa nga moni utu reti mo te
 tau kia riro ai aua moni i a koe ? ae. Ai riro mai  aua moni
 i au. A kahore ano i wehea etahi o aua moni e koe ma nga
 Maori?  ae. ra hoki, no te mea naku te whakawa.   E hia
 pauna o aua moni ? e £700, pea e £800 ranei. Otira e kore
 ahau  e tino mohio, ekore e taea e au te ki atu. A ko etahi o
 nga hea o Mangateretere i hokona e koe ? E ono, i utua pe-
 heatia e koe aua hea P He  moni  etahi, he taonga etahi. He
 mokete rapea te timatanga o aua hoko P ae. I etahi o aua hea,
 he mokete te timatanga. Tena mo  Petane?  Heoi  ano taku
 naahi i mahi ai mo reira. Ko  te rangatira i roto ite tunga o
 nga kai whaaki korero ki te Kooti nei, i te ata nei, ara, a Paora
 Torotoro.  Nana  i hoko  a Petane ki au, a i aia nga moni, a
 kihai i pahure te haora kotahi hokona ana ano taua whenua ki
  tetahi tangata. Tena mo te Wairoa ?  He  tini aku tekihaua i
  reira. Ko aua tini mahi e korero nei koe, no mua at u rapea i
 te wa i whakatakotoria ai te Ture mo nga whenua hoko Tahae ?
  Aua, e kore e taea te ki e au kia matua whakaaro ahau ka mohio
  ai. Otia kahore i tini o aua hoko whenua i mahia i muri o
  tana Ture kua kiia hei Ture. E raru rapea te tangata i taua
  Ture P He  ture kino ki etahi tangata. I mea koe, i pau katoa
  nga kupu o te whakamaoritanga o te Riiri mokete te korero e .
  Te Hemara.  Î pehea i mohio ai koe ? Ki te mea ka korero koe
  i nga kupu o te tahi pukapuka, a ka tutahi taua, me titiro e au,
  a maku e mohio mehemea e pau ana i a koe te korero nga kupu
  katoa. E  mea ana oti koe, i penatia e koe, i te wa i korero ai
  a Te Hemara  i taua Riiri P I titiro haere ano ahau i te Riiri,
  i te mea e panuitia ana e Te Hemara. A i mea koe, i tino
  whakaae a Paora*  Otiia kahore ranei koe, i ki, ki te komihana,
  i puta apo be kupu whakahe a Paora, mo etahi o nga tikanga
  o te Riiri mokete P Ho kupu ano pea tana otiia he kupu noa
  ano. I penei nga kupu a Paora i te wa i whakamaramatia ai
  taua Riiri ki aia, koia na taku i hiahia ai. A ko ana kupu a
  Paora no mua atu o te ra i tuhituhia oi nga ingoa ki taua Riiri
  o te mokete ? ae. I mea atu koe ki te komihana, i mea a Paora
  kia tuhituhia eia tana ingoa i te mea ki ano nga kupu o to-

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                          TE WANANGA.
 pukapuka  o te mokete i korerotia ki aia, a i te aroaro o te
 Kooti, i mea koe na Reewi taua whakaaro. Kei te mohio pu
 ranei koe, kahore kau he kupu whakahe a Paora mo taua Riiri ?
 Hoiano taua tikanga i whakahe ai, ko nga korero mo te hoko o
 tana whenua. I ui aia ki te mea ka hokona taua whenua, rae
 boko rapea ki nga ritenga o te hoko teera. A no te kianga atu
 e maua ko Te Hemara, e penatia te hoko, ka mutu tana wha-
 kahe. A  rapea i te tuatahi i whakahe ano a Paora ? ae. A ko
 aku kupu whaaki ki tenei whakawa me waiho i taua kupu te
 tikanga. I patai ano ranei a Paora mo nga rohe, i te wa i
 korerotia ai te nga kupu o te whakamaoritanga o te Riiri ? Ki
 taku mahara, kahore. I korero ano raua ko Te Hemara i nga
 rohe whakaaturia ana ki aia te mapi. Kahore ranei i te puka-
 puka o te Riihi, tetahi raina, e tohutohu ana i te rohe, tauarai
 o Moteo o Ngatahira? ae.  A ko taua raina pu ano e mau ana
 ano te tohu i te Karauna Karaati ? ae. Kahore o whakaaro i
 tino tau ki a Reewi ? Ko Paora te tino tangata. Otiia i rite
 tahi ano raua ko Paora mo taua mahi? ae. I whakaaturia ano
 ranei e koe ki a Reewi e rite tahi ana to raua mana ko Paora ?
. X whakamaramatia ano ki aia. I mahia ano e koe tetahi Riiri
 hoko i taua whenua, a i kawea e koe ki to Tari tiaki Karauna
 Karaati, a tuhituhia ana nga kupu o taua Riiri ki reira, a kiia
 ana i reira, kua pau katoa nga utu i kiia ai mo taua whenua to
 utu ki nga tangata na ratou i hoko taua whenua ? ae. He aha
 i tiakina ai ki a koe mau ai te Ruri o nga tikanga o te hoko mo
 taua whenua ?  No te mea, ko ahau o matou, te tangata tino
 tiaki pai i taua Hiiri. A ko nga moni utu mo te whenua, i kiia
 i roto i taua Riiri, he mea utu rapea aua moni ki te taonga a
 kua pau noa atu rapea aua moni to mahi tango i te taonga, i
 mua atu o te ra i kiia ai kia utua aua moni ? ae pau katoa. A
 kihai i roa, ka kiia e tetahi Pakeha kia hokona eia taua whenua
 maana?    E rua pea ra i muri iho o te ra i hokona ai taua
  Whenua e au i haere mai ai a Paratiweti ki au ka tono kia hoko-
  na maana taua whenua, i mea aia, ki te mea ka homai moni
  pakeke aia ki au penei me hoki iho nga moni  utu mo taua
  whenua, a e ono pea a maua wiki i korero ai mo te hoko o taua
  whenua.  I i mea koe he tangata hoko rawa ano aia i taua
  whenua ? ae. Ai  riro mai ki akoe, nga moni Ł3000, i roto i
  nga wiki e rima ranei e ONO ranei ? ae. Kahore i tini nga wiki.
  A i roto i aua ra i hokona e koe te whenua, a ko nga moni
  tarewa noa i puta mai ki a koe, e Ł500, a ko to Ł1300 i a koe
  ano e mau ana? ae. Kahore ano ranei koe i korero kia Meene
  i roto i enei ra tata nei mo Ngatahira ? Kahore i roto i nga
  marama  kotahi te kau ma rua, kahore aku mahara i haere mai
  aia kia korero maua  mo  taua whenua.  Otira i korero ano
  maua  mo taua whenua i tena tau. A ehara ranei i te mea, no
  muri iho o taua korero a korua ko Meene, i timata ai to mahi
  kia .riro ai taua whenua a Ngatahira i a koe ? E hara ia Meene,
  ahau i rongo ai ki te utu mo taua whenua maku ano ahau i
  matau ai. I rongo ahau, he whenua pai taua whenua, a e no-
  hoia ana e nga Maori. I hiahia ano a Paratiweti, kia hokona
  eia taua whenua, i te wa i hokona, ai te whenua i riro i aia, a
  ko ana moni i utu ai, he mea pupuri era eia, no te mea i ki
  tana whakaaro, i pau katoa te whenua i aia, a i tautohe maua
  ko Paratiweti. Na  Paratiweti te ako he i taua Roia, kia whaka-
  paua te whenua katoa ki te Riiri o taua hoko. A naku taua
  kupu  i whakahe, na reira i mahia ai ano he Ruri hou. He
  nama  ano ta Reewi ki a koe i te wa i tuhituhia ai nga ingoa ki
  te mokete ? Kahore kau ana nama i au a koia na taku ma-
  haratanga.  Otira e ki ana to kupu, i nga moni i nama e Paora
  raua ko Reewi. E hia moni o nga nama a Reewi i te wa i
   tuhituhia ai nga ingoa ki te Riiri hoko mo te whenua ? Kahore
   Tawa ahau e mohio. I hoatu ano ranei e koe tetahi kauta, a i
  tuhituhia taua kauta ki te pukapuka ? Kahore aku mahara.
  I nama moni ranei koe mo tenei whenua i te Peeke o Niu Tireni ?
  kahore.  O te Peeke Koroniara ranei? kahore. Kahore ahau
  i nama moni o tetahi o nga Peeke mo taua whenua. I nama
   moni ranei koe i tetahi tangata mo taua whenua ? kahore.
   He aha nga taonga i tango ai a Paora i a koe ? Koia na nga
   taonga e noho na nga ingoa o aua taonga i te pukapuka," be
   kakahu, he waiua, he waipiro, he pia. He  moni ano  ranei i
   hoatu ? He  moni ano etahi, no te mea, naku i utu ki te moni
   nga taonga i nama ki etahi Toa, a ko tetahi he moni kia Meere
   mo nga pou Ł164 pauna. I hoki mai rapea etahi o aua moni
   ki a koe, mo te hoatutanga i to moni pakeke ki aua Pakeha ?
   Hove rawa nei tetahi moni i homai ki au. Ko nga moni taku
   i hoatu ai, a hoiano. I te 15 o Maehe, kua tae nga nama ki te
   Ł1,280 pauna a nga moni i toe. Ł1,250 ranei Ł1,300 ranei.
   A  mukua ana te Ł1,200. Kia toe iho ko te Ł1,300 me utu ki
   te tikanga o nga korero o te pukapuka o te hoko, a o aua moni
e Ł900, i utua e ahau ki te moni pakeke. I roto i nga marama
kotahi te kau ma whitu kua taonga nama a Paora ki te Ł2,800.
Nawai i taonga nga moni utu tau a Paratiweti? He mea tono
e au, a homai ana ki au, ko ahau hoki te tangata nona te mo-
kete o taua whenua. Kahore ranei koe i. mea atu ki te komi-
hana i ki atu koe kia Paora, ki te mea ka mahi koe i taua mahi
Ka  tono koe i tetahi mea hei tiaki tika, kia utua ai an moni a
ona ra e tae ai ki te ra i kiia ai kia utua aua moni, a ui aha
koe kia Paora, ko ehea whenua aua whenua e boko ai ? He
mea korero mai e Paora, e hara i te mea ui e au. I whakahua
ano aia i etahi whenua, a ko Moteo tetahi. Ko Petane te tahi,
ko  Ohikakarewa  tetahi. He  aha koe i pai ai, ko Moteo te
whenua  hei mokete mau ? No te mea, he mahinga iti nga mahi
me  tera, a e nohia ana taua whenua e tetahi Pakeha tiaki pai i.
taua whenua,, a kua mahia taua whenua kia pai. I ahua pai a
korua whakaaro  ko Paratiweti kia korua ? ae. Otiia, i ahua
tautohe ano maua i aua ra. A i pai ai koe ki Moteo, he mea
nau  he mahinga iti to tera, a ho whenua pai e tau tika ai tau
nama  ki reira, whai hoki, he whenua e puta ai he moni mau i
 reira? ae:

   Ka ui uia ano a Tatana e Te Wirihana. Ka mea a Tatana
ki aku whakaaro he whenua pai ano a Moteo hei nama mo aku.
 taonga ia Paora. Na ko nga korero mo Petene. Kotahi hea a
 Paora i hokona e ahau, a erua pea hea o ana whanaunga, a he
 mea, tono e Paora etahi moni a aua tangata maana. A kihai i
 pau te haora o te wati. Ka rongo ahau, kua hokona aua hea
 e Paora kia Meene. Otira i hoki mai ano ki au aku moni e
 Ł10 ranei e Ł50 ranei a riria ana Paora e ahau, ka mea aia,
 kahore he, he, no te mea he nui nga moni e hoko hokona ana.

     Ka  Oatitia a Henare Matini Hemara.   Ka  ui uia e Te
 Wirihana, ka toru tau oku i mutu ai taku tu hei kai whakama
 ori raihana a i enei ra he kai whakamaori ahau no te tina
 Kawanatanga.  Ka rua te kau oku tau i noho ai i Haku Pei,
 a he nui taku mahinga ki te whakamaori Riiri boko whenua.
 E mohio  ana ahau kia Tatana, a o mahara ana ahau ki taua
 haerenga mai  ki au i te tau 1863, a i mea uia kia mahia e ahau
 tetahi Ruri mokete mo Omarunui, Hoatu  ana taua Hiiri kia Te
 Hemara, ka mea aia koiti na taua Riiri ( ko te whakamaorita-
 nga o taua Riiri, e mau tahi na i taua Riiri, naku tena i tuhitu-
 hi, a e tika ana taua whakamaoritanga. E mahara ana ahau, i
 haere tahi maua ko Tatana ki Te Kohupatiki me taua Riiri ano
 hoki, a i kite maua i a Paora Torotoro i te rua o te taima o te
 tina.  I reira ano hoki a Hare Ngawhakakapinga, me etahi atu
 Maori  ano i reira. Î mua atu o taua ra, ka korero ano maua
 ko Paora i roto i te Toa a Tatana, e rua pea a maua korero-
 tanga i taua Toa o toru ranei Te korero tuatahi a maua ko Paora
 he korero mo nga moni kia utua o Tatana mo te hanganga ote
 whare  ma Paora.  I mea a Paora, e hiahia ana aia kia hanga he
 whare  maana  a ma Tatana e utu te kamura, e hanga ai taua
 whare.  A mea atu ana a Tatana kia Paora taihoa kia whakaaro
 ahaau.  I tetahi hokinga mai ano o Paora kia Tatana ka mea
 atu aia kia Tatana kua whakaaro koe mo toku whare, kua
  pahure te wiki kotahi i muri mai o te korero tua tahi ka mea
  atu a Tatana, ki te mea ka whakaae ahau, me nama e koe etahi
 whenua  ki au mo aku moni. A  he roa te korerotanga, katahi
  a Paora ka mea, me tuku a Omarunui, ara a Moteo, hei nama
 mo  aua moni.  Te kupu  i kiia e Paora koia nei Te whenua
  a Omarunui.

     Ka  uia a Te Hemara e Te Tiati, ki taku mahara, ko te ingoa
 i whakahuatia e Paora, ko Omarunui. Ki ta taku mohio i ma-
  tau ai he kotahi ano Omarunui i aua ra. A whakaae ana a
  Tatana, a mahia ana te Riiri o Moteo, maua ana e maua kia
  Paora, ko te korero tuatoru he korero mo te whare ma Paora, a
  oti ana tera ma Tatana e utu te kamura mahi o taua whare. A
  ma Tatana e utu kia Paora nga moni e Ł 500, i aua ra he nama
  taonga ano a Paora ia Tatana, a ko taua mokete a Paora kia
  Tatana hei tiaki ano hoki mo taua nama, a nga moni o taua
  nama Ł150 ranei, e Ł200 ranei nga Pauna. Ko nga moni
  utu tenei o taua whare, hei utu mo nga moni a Tatana e utu ai
  mo te hanganga o te whare ma Paora mei whakaaetia e maua
  i hiahia a Paora kia tuhituhia tona ingoa ki te Riiri mokete, i
  mua  atu o te wa i korerotia ai nga kupu o taua Riiri. I korero-
  tia e ahau nga korero o taua Riiri, a i whakamaramatia e ahau
  kia Paora, ki taku mahara, kahore ana kupu whakahe mo, taua
  Riiri. I ui mai a Paora ki au, ki te mea e koro aua moni e
  utua, ka peheatia taua whenua, ka mea atu ahau, ki te mea, e
  kore aua moni e taea e ia te utu penei ka hokona akihanatia
  taua whenua. A  tuhituhia ana e Paora tona ingoa ki te Ruri,

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                          TE WANANGA.
a maua  ko  Hare  i tuhituhi o maua ki taua Riiri ano.
  He  mapi ano i tuhituhia ki  taua Riiri, i whakatakotorai
. taua mapi  ki  te aroaro o Paora,  a naku  i  korero nga
. kupu whakamarama, mo  taua mapi kia Paora, he mea
 tuhituhi ano e au  nga rohe i tuhituhia ki taua mapi.  I
korerotia ano e au to pukapuka o nga rohe ki aia. A kahore he
  kupu a Paora mo aua rohe, ka haere atu maua i reira, ki to Pa
 Tareha  kia kite maua i a Reewi Haukore, korero ana maua ki
  i a, & kiia atu ana e maua te take i haere atu ai maua ki aia.
 i korerotia ano nga kupu whakamarama mo taua Riiri mokete
  ki a Reewi, a mea mai ana aia, e pai ana, a tuhituhia ana eia
  tona ingoa ki taua Riiri,\_'kahore he kupu whakahe ana mo nga
  korero noko i roto i taua Riiri mo taua whenua. I whakaaturia
  ano te mapi ahua o taua whenua kia Reewi, kahore aku mahara,
- i korero ano ranei maua ki aia mo nga rohe o te whenua He
 kotahi pou haora te roa o ta matou korero. No te Hawhe ki te
 rima o te haora o te ahiahi, maua i hoki mai ai i te Pa o Tareha
  a e marama ana ano i taua haora. Kahore he mea mahia i aua
  rai a tao noa ki te marama b Maehe, a i taua marama, naku i
  whakamaori te Riiri hoko mo taua whenua (Hoatu ana taua
 Riiri kia Te Hemara, ka mea aia, koia na taua Ruri) Ko te
 korero whakamaori o taua Riiri, a e mau tahi na ano i taua Riiri
  naka taua pukapuka i tuhituhi, a e tika ana, Haere ana ahau
' ki te Toa o Tatana, a i reira a Paora, a e mea ana ano taku
  whakaaro, i reira ano hoki a Hare. I korero ano a Tatana raua
  ko Paora, mo taua whenua kia hokona. He  hiahia ta Paora,
  kia hokona taua whenua, a ko tana utu i karanga, ia i ta tuata-
  hi e £ 4000 Pauna moni, ka mea atu a Tatana e kore rawa e
  hokona .te whenua e ia, ( Hoatu ana te Riiri, o nga korero o nga
  tikanga hoko mo taua whenua, a mea ana a Te Hemara e mohio
  ana aia ki taua Riiri.) A i taua ra, kua tae nga nama a Paora
  ia Tatana ki te £1200 pauna moni. A ki te otinga o a raua
 korero, ko te whenua kia hokona, a oti ana, ki te hoko. Ko
  nga moni e utu hoa ai ano a Tatana mo taua whenua, kia £ 1300,
  haunga ano nga nama a Paora, ki ea ano ena i te hokonga o te
  whenua.  A  me utu e Tatana kia Paora i roto i to marama
 Kotahi, i muri  iho o te tuhituhinga o te Riiri hoko o taua
  whenua  kia £ 300 kia Paora. A  ko  nga moni  i toe, ko te
  £1000, kia kotahi tau ka utu ai era. A ko aua moni, he mea
  tuhituhi ano ki te Riiri, kia pono ai te utu o aua moni a ko to
  pukapuka  kua homai nei e te Kooti nei kia kite ahau, koia ra
  aua pukapuka.  I tuhituhia ano taku ingoa e an ki taua Riiri,
  be kitenga noku i te tuhituhinga o nga ingoa o nga kaiwhakaae
  ki nga tikanga i tuhituhia ki taua Riiri, koia taku ingoa i tuhi-
  tuhia ai ki reira, a ko te Pakeha ko To Heti tetahi o nga kai
  titiro o tana Riiri, kua oti noa atu taua Riiri te whakamaori,
  me te whakamarama e au, a he mapi ahua o te whenua e mau
  ana ano te tuhituhi ki taua Riiri i taua wa ano, a i whakaaturia
  taua mapi  kia Paora, kahore ahau i mea atu .kia Paora, ki te
  men  e kore aia e tuhituhi i tana ingoa ki taua Hiiri hoko, ka
  maketetia taua whenua, a ka hokona, kahoro ho korero i taua
  wa mo Ngatahira, kahore ano ahau i rongo noa ki taua wahi
  whenua  i taua wa, a kia roa noa atu nga ra i muri iho ahau i
  Tongo ai, Taku rongo tuatahi ki Ngatahira ko nga ra i tu ai te
  Komihana i te marama o Maoho 1873. Ka Paora ahau i rongo
  ai ki taua wahi, a na nga Maori taua wahi ara na te hunga e
  noho ana i reira, kahore aku mahara, i korero ano ranei ahau
  i aku kupu mo taua wahi. Ano ka rongo ahau i te wahi o taua
  whenua i roto i te whenua nui, ka mea atu ahau, kau hokona
  taua wahi kia Tatana.
      Ka uia a Te Hemara e te Kooti, ka mea aia. E mea ana
 * ahau ko ana korero aaku, no muri iho o te Komihana i tu ai ki
  Nepia  nei. - Ano ka oti te tuhituhi te ingoa o Paora ki te Riiri,
  ka haere mana ko Tatana ki te Waiohiki. A ka kite maua i
  a Reewi  Haukore i reira, whaakina ana e ahau te take i haere
 - ata ai maua ki reira. A i te tua-tahi, i whakahe a Reewi, kihai
  aia i pai kia tuhituhia eia tona ingoa ki te Riiri, he mea hoki
  naana, e pau katoa ana nga moni utu o te whenua i a Paora.
 . I reira ano a te Whata me etahi utu Maori. Ea ui mai a Reewi
  e kore, ranei e tika kia riro i a ia nga moni e 300, korero ana
 -maua ko Tatana, a ka mea ata ahau kia Reewi, kahore aku
  whakahe  ki taana tono, mehemea, ka haere tahi mai raua ko
  Paora ki te Taone o Nepia, kia whakaritea, a kia whakaaetia
 ' ana moni i reira. A mea ana  a Reewi e pai ana, a tuhituhia
 ana ei» tona ingo» ki te Riiri. Naaku i whakamaori, a i
 whakamarama   ano hoki nga korero o te Riiri, o nga tikanga
  o te hoko me te Riiri ano hoki o te tukunga o taua whenua
  ki *  Reewi, i te wa kiano aia i tuhituhi noa i tona ingoa ki
  ana Riiri. E hara tana takiwa i te po. A i mea aia, i mohiotia
   e ia taku whakamaramatanga i aua Riiri ki a ia, kahore rawa
he pono o nga kupu a Paora i ki nei. He mea korero ano e au
nga  rohe o tetahi waahi whenua, kia kapea mo  nga Maori.
A kahore ano hoki he  pono o nga kupu a Reewi i ki nei. I
mea  ahau ko  taua Riiri hei tiaki i te whenua, kahore kau he
kupu  a Tatana i ki ai, kahore ahau i rongo, e kiia ana e ia, he
mea  pai te mokete, a e hoki mai te whenua i nga tau e rima.
He  teka te kupu e kiia nei ko etahi anake o nga kupu o te Riiri
i korerotia e au, kopekopea ana taua Riiri e au. Ehara ano
hoki i te korero pono e kiia nei, te take i tuhituhi-ai s Reewi i
toona ingoa ki taua Riiri. He mea, he kaha no ta mana tono
ki a ia.  Kua  roa noa atu taku mohio ki tena whenua  ki
Ngatahira.   I tua atu i nga tau kotahi tekau ma wha kua
 pahure ake nei, kotahi rau o aku kau e haere ana i ronga i
Ngatahira.   A kahore  lie Maori i noho  i Ngatahira  i reira
Taku  kite tu a-tuhi i te kainga Maori i reira ka rima pea tau,
ka ono ranei. Kua  haere tuta ano ahau i taua waahi, otiia kia
no  pea ahau i kite noa i taua waahi i roto i nga tau tekau
marima, a kahore he whare, kahore be ngakinga i reira i aua ra,
kahore ano hoki he ahua ngakinga i reira i aua ra. He papaka
taua waahi.  Ekore ahau e pai kia whakahua ahau i taaku
mahara, mo  te utu o te eka o taua waahi. I tua atu o nga
tau e ono kua pahure nei, e pai ana ano ahau i reira kia hoatu
nga pauna e £3, mo te eka o taua whenua.
    Ka  ui uia e Te Tapata, ka mea. A  he aha te utu mo te
 eka e pai ai kia utua e koe i taua takiwa mo etahi atu o taua
whenua  ? kia tekau hereni pea mo te eka. E hia aau korero-
tanga kia Paora mo te mahi mokete, a taihoa ano aia e whakaae
 kia tuhituhi aia i toona ingoa ki taua Riiri mokete ? erua pea.
E  toru ranei, mehemea i ki a Tatana, be kotahi ano korerotanga
penei he pono taana kupu ? ki taku mohio e rua aua korero-
tanga.  I te whare o Tatana, haunga ano te korerotanga i te
ra i tuhituhia ai nga ingoa ki te pukapuka o te mokete. He
mea whakangau  ke ra pea etahi kupu Pakeha, kia ahua Maori
ai aua kupu, i roto i nga mahi whakamaori ina hoki ko to kupa
Riihi he kupu pera ra pea tenei 1 ae. Tena, ki te mea ka hono
 tonu te whakahuahua i taua kupu, tera ranei e mohio nga Maori
ki te roa o to wa e korerotia ana i roto i te whakamaoritanga.
Me  ako, a me whakamarama,  e mohio ai. He whenua Maori
 a Omarunui Nama 2 i aua ra ? ae. Ehara ranei taau i tohutohu
 ai, ko Omarunui Nama 2 a koia te whenua, i kapea ai tetahi
 waahi mo nga Maori ? ki te mea ka korerotia e au nga robe. Ka
 kiia ano e au ko te whenua i waho, he whenua Maori. Tena, e
 tino ki ponoana koe, ko nga kupu o tau whakamaramatanga i nga
 korero o nga rohe : horerawa ranei, he waahi iti nei o aua kupu,
 e kore ai ano be tautohe a mua mo te whenua i pau ki roto i aua
 robe ? Horerawa aku hopohopo kia ki atu au. E mea pu ana
 ahau, i matau a Paora raua ko Reewi kua hokona taua wahi.
 He aha to tako i koro ai e korerotia e koe kia Tatana, i te ra i
 rongo ai koe, o ki ana nga Maori ki ano taua wahi i hokona ?
 I korero ano pea ahau. 1 mea koe  no te marama o Aperira
 koe i .rongo ai, .1 e mea ana a Tatana No Nowema aia i rongo
 ai ? E kore ahau e tino ki atu, i kiia ano e au taua rongo kia
 Tatana, he nui noa atu aku mea e rongo ai, a kahore ahau e
 korero. He pukapuka  ke ano  nga pukapuka i tuhituhia ai
 nga korero o te whakamaoritanga o nga Riiri, a he mea apiti
 aua pukapuka ki nga Riiri ? ae. 1 korerotia e koe te pukapu-
 ka o te reo Maori kia Reewi ? ae. Koia  ra pea te tikanga o
 tana kupu i mea ai, ko tetahi wahi anake o te Riiri e korerotia
 e koe 1 E  kore ahau e matau  ki ana whakaaro, ' ko taku e
 titiro ai ko ana kupu.  Ko  te hea ingoa te ingoa e kiia ana
 mo taua whenua ? E mea pu ana ahau ko te kupu i korerotia
 ko Omarunui-  A  ki te mea ka Ki a Tatana ko Moteo, penei e
 he ana aia ? E kore ahau e pens, no te mea e whakahua pea
 i nga ingoa o rua. I rongo ano koe i te whakahuatanga o nga
 kupu nei, te whenua a Paratiweti i kiia mo te whenua I  pe-
 na ano pea ratou. E mohio ana ahau ia Paratiweti te whenua,
 otira kahore ahau i . mohio i a ia te whenua katoa, ko tetahi
 waahi anake ranei. Ekore o taea e au te ki atu oku whakaaro
 mo tena. Nawai   i ki te kupu kia mahia nga tuhituhi mo te.
 Riiri o te mokete ? Na Tatana. Heoi ano taku ko te whakama»
 ori anake. Na wai i tuhituhi te mapi whakaahua o te whenua
 ki te Riiri ? Na te Koki pea.  He  aba te. take i kiia ai i roto
 i te Riiri, te maha o nga moni o te nama. Ina hoki i ki ano
 taua Riiri, he pai ano kia nama nga Maori i muri iho o to tuhi-
 tuhinga o nga ingoa ki taua Riiri ? He mea pea kia nama atu
' ano. Ara pea) e korero teka ana taua Riiri, a ki te tikanga ano
 o au kupu, na Tatana koe i ki atu kia tuhituhia e koe aua
 moni  ki roto ki taua Riiri. (Nei ake ano te roanga.)

54 s42

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                         TE WANANGA.
            (He roanga end no te Whakawa o Omarunui.)
A i tino marama ranei ia koe te korero kia Paora, ko taua £500.
he moni tuturu era no  aua nama   i taua ra ? ae.  Rapea,
i ahua  whakaaro  tamariki a Paora?  E mea  ana ahau,  e
kore  taua ta whakaaro e kitea, e koe ia Paora, me ho mea
be mahi  tau ki aia. E mea ana ahau, e koro a  Paora e raru
tata.  Otira i tuhi tuhia eia nga korero i ki, £500 pauna o
taua nama otiia, ko te pono o taua nama e £150 pauna tika o
ana nama?   He whakapono  pea nana ki nga tikanga a Tatana.
E  mohio ana ranei koe ki te Riiri o nga tikanga o te hoko o
 taua whenua ? Ae, i whakamaramatia ki nga Maori. A keihea
 taua Riiri? Aua  hoki. E mahara  ana koe ki te hokonga o te
 whenua kia Paratiweti? Kahore  ahau i pa  ki taua mea a
 kahore aku  mohio  i naianei. I mahi  tahi ano  ranei koe ia
 Tatana i etahi hoko? I pa ano pea ahau ki te mahi i 
 roa i te Kaokaoroa. E mohio ana koe ki te Ture mo nga whenua
 hoki tahae ? Ae.  He mea  rapea i tino kiia taua Ture mo nga
 hoko whenua  i Haku Pei P  Ae pea, he tika I tuhi tuhi ano
 ranei koe ti te Kawanatanga, mo taua tu atahi hoko whenua ?
 Kahore.  I tuhituhi ranei to tuakana, a to E. Hemara? E kore
 e tika kia kiia mai nga hara e taku tuakana ki au. 1 rongo
 ano ranei koe ki tetahi reta pena ? K kore e taea a au te ki
 ata.  Kahore  aku mohio.
                WENETI TE  9 O HUNE.
       No  te 10 o nga haora o  te ata i tao mai ai te Tiati ki te
        Hori  Waaka   Te Konipata 
  Hepara  ahau,  Te Mahia
  Nui Tireni,  Ahuriri 

  Te Konipata.
     Te Wirihana 

55 s43

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56 s44

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57 s45

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58 s46

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59 s47

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                             TE  WANANGA.
tautoko korero a tetahi taha ko Tatana, ko Te Hemara. A i
tetahi taha, ko nga kupu  a nga  Maori.   A  mehemea  e
whakaponohia ana e ratou e te Huuri nga kupu a Te Hemara
e ki nei, i tino whakamaramatia eia nga korero mo nga rohe o
tawhenua, a kohore kua he mahi o kiia ai i pohehe. A kua
rongo ano ratou te Huuri i nga take i mahi ai a Te Hemara
kia  Te Tatana.  Koia  aia Te Tiate i mea ai, ma ratou i rapu
rapu aua tikanga. Kua tino tika ranei te whakapae a Paora
ma  mo taua whenua?  A  koia na te tino kupu e uia i roto i
tana whakawa, no te mea, ma Paora ma pu ano e tohu tohu te
tika o ta ratou whakapae.  A  ma  te Huuri e ata titiro nga
korero o tetahi taha o tetahi taha, e tou ai te mutunga mo taua
whakawa.. A  ki te mea e kore e taea e ratou te ki ma Paora ma te
mutunga ,o taua whakawa, me penei me mahara ratou te Huuri ki
tenei kupu aana a Te Tiati. Ma Paora ma pu ano te kaha e
kiia a i pono te ratou whakapae, i takea ai taua whakawa.
Heoi  pea tana ako i te Huuri. No temea  kua ki ano tana
kupu; he tika ano etahi, o nga korero o taua whakawa, koia i
 kua ai ma te Huuri  e rapa rapu nga tikanga o te mea e
 whakawakia nei.
     No  te 4 me te hawhe ki te 5 o nga haora o te ahi ahi i
 haere ai te Huuri ki te whakatakoto kupu mo taua whakawa
 ano ka tata ki te 6 ka hokimai ano ratou, ka moa ki te Tiati
 E kore rawa e tau a ratou whakaaro, he mea hoki e rere ke
 una etahi whakaaro i a etahi. Ka  mea  atu te Tiati kia ratou
 ki ano koutou i roa noa to koutou ngaronga utu i au e pena a
 ta koutou kupu.  No te mea  kia 6 haora o ratou e whiri
 whiri ai i te korero, a hei reira aha o ka utu ai i ena korero ai
 koutou.  Ka  mea  atu te Huri  ki To Tiati. E kore  ranei e
 pai kia wehe wehea nga kupu o nga take o te whakawa, no te
 mea ko etahi o aua kupu e taea ana era e matou te utu. K*
 mea atu te Tiati, ue no te mea o ki ona nga Ture o te Kooti, he
 pai ano kiu utua, aia patai ki aia aro, aia patai ki aia ano o
 roto i aua kupu i takea ai te whakawa. Kahoki ano to Huuri |
 ki te whiri whiri i nga kupu utu a ratou mo nga take o taua 


60 s48

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                         TE  WANANGA.
KOIA nei nga korero o te Reta i whakahua ai e Te

Tapata i roto i tana ui uinga ia Te Hemara :—
                                      20 Hepetema, 1869.
Kia Eruera Kirimi,
         Hekeretari ki te tino Kawanatanga.
    E HOA,—I  te mea ki ano ahau i whaaki i aku kupu ka
korero nei, me penei atu ahau e ahua tupato ana ahau ki au,
a he tino pai ki au, mei mahia aua korero e tetahi atu tangata.
No  te mea he raru kei roto i te awangawanga, a he tino pono
aua kupu mo  tenei mahi ka kiia nei e au na reira ahau i mea
ai, he tino mahi i kiia moku, kia rongo koe i aua kupu. Otiia
kaua ahau e kua kinotia, mo taku mahi whaaki.
     A he mea atu tenei kia rongo koe, i nga tikanga nukarau
 e riro nei nga whenua a nga Maori, i te mahi e kiia nei be
Mokete.   I  enei ra kua pahure tata, he mea mahi te Mokete
 Kia tika ai te atu mo nga taonga a nga kai tiaki toa i tuku
 ai ki nga Maori. Otira i enei ra a tae noa mai ki te ra nei,
 he mea mahi te Mokete, kia tino riro rawa ai nga whenua a
 nga Maori ; kia riro ke ai ano hoki nga mono tau, e tukua nei
 mo a ratou whenua Reti.
     He tika ano kia kiia atu e au, e hara taua mahi Mokete i
 te mahi na te tokomaha,  Otiia he tino mahi na  te tangata
 kotahi (Na Tatana) a ko tana hea mahi ko G B. Wokina ho
 mea hoki e kino katoa ana etahi tangata ki taua mahi, kahore
 he whakama a te hunga na rotou i mahi taua mahi, a tena pea
 e kiia he wawata naku. He tini nga Maori e haere mai  ana
 ki te taone (i Nepia) a kahore kau he whakaaro a ratou ki te
 boko whenua, a he mea mahi tutei e Tatana nua tangata (a
 hei aha ra i kiia ai e ahau, i reira tata ano. a To Wokina).
 So mea  patipati nga Maori kia haere ratou, ki te kai karaehe
 (waipiro), a muri iho (ka tenoa) ki roto ki te toa. taonga, ka
 mea atu kia nama taonga nui noa atu maratou. Mei reira ano
 ka  whakaaturia te (puka puka) Riiri kia tuhi tuhia to ingoa
 ki taua Riiri. A no te mea kua ahua ke nga whakaaro (i te
 waipiro) he ou ou nei nga tangata e kore e tuhi tuhi (i te Riiri.)
 Hei konei ano hoki ahau ka ki atu, he nui noa atu nga whaka-
 aro hori hori, me nga whakaaro  pohehe e akona ana ki nga
 Maori.  E mea ana hoki nga whakaaro o etahi Maori; ki te
 mea ka whakaao nga Maori kia kore ha moni utu tau e tango-
 hia e ratou mo a ratou whenua  reti, penei ma reira a ratou
 taonga e nama nei ka ea ai. (He taonga, anake a ratou e tango
 ai. Kahore kau he moni pakeke e riro ano ia ratou. A ko te
 pauna kotahi o te taonga, i rite ki te tekau hereni moni.) A ka
 tika ano kia nama hou ano ratou A  ko etahi Maori ano e
 whakaaro ana, ka tango tonu ano ratou i nga utu tau o a ratou
 whenua  i reti ai, a ma te mahu Otiia he mahi aha ranei tana
 mahi, he mea ki ano i mohiotia e ratou) maana ma taua mahi
 ka ea ai nga mama, i roto i nga tau e toru. A ki etahi Maori,
hore rawa rawa nei he mohio a ratou ki nga tikanga o nga
pukapuka i tuhi tuhia ai a ratou ingoa.   
    He tino nui noa uta taua tu mahi nei. Kotahi Maori e
mohiotia ana e au tona mahi. Kua oti ano ana nama a taua
Maori, te tuhi tuhi eia aua nama ki te Mokete kia tika ai te ata
ma te pakeha nana aua taonga. A kua oti rawa te Riiri o te
Mokete te tuhi tuhi te tauira o aua korero ki te whare o te Ka-
wanatanga i Nepia. A mea atu ana a te Wokena.  Kia  tuhi
tuhia ano  e taua  Maori  tana ingoa ki  tetahi Riiri ano kia
Tatana.  Ka  pai ano kia kiia he Maori tika taua Maori no te
mea i ki atu aia kia Te Wokena e kore e taea tana ringa ringa
te wahi kia rua kua tuhi tuhi aia i te Riiri tuatahi, a ka mahi
he aia ki te mea ka tuhi tuhi ano aia i te tahi Riiri ano mo
taua whenua ano, a mo te mokete ano hoki. Ka mea Ata a Te
Wokena  ki aia. I ahua tawai te kupu atu a To Wokena be
mea  hoki mo tetahi kai whakamaori nana i mahi te mokete
tuatahi: " Ho rangatira rawa te tangata no hou, ina hoki. Ka
tino mau rawa i a koe ana kupu." He tino ako tenei i te Maori
kia mahi he.
     Heoi ra ka nui ano te tika o te mahi a nga Maori, a tae
noa ki enei ra.
     Tenei ake ano nga raru, o tenei mahi tino kino rawa te
kitea ai i tenei Porowini. A e kore ano pea e he taku kopu
mehemea  ki ki ahau ko taua raru e uta ki enei motu katoa.
He  mea hoki ka noho rawa kore te Maori. A ka mahi tahae
ratou ka mahi muru i nga huanui, me nga mahi kino katoa;
a e mea ana ano ahau tena pea o tae ki te tino kino rawa atu
ara ki te whakaheke i te toto.
    Kua  kite ahau, kua mahia houtia te tahi wahi o " Te Ture
Whakawa  Whenua  Maori;"  a kua tu te kupu mo nga mahi
a, etahi o nga tangata no ratou nga ingoa i roto i te Karauna
Karaati.  Otiia e mea ana ahau, no te mea kua timata nei te
naahi hoko nukarau penei. Ko te tino o nga tangata no ratou
nga ingoa kei roto kei te Karauna Karaati, e whakaae pea te
 nuinga o enei ki taua tu hoko nei.
     Ko te mana a nga Kai Whakamaori mo a  ratou unahi ; i
 nui rawa ata taua inana. A ki te mea e kore e hoake o tana
 hinengaro te ako tika, penei ka be te whenua nei i aua mahi.
 He mea  naku ki te mahi o mahia whakaoro koretia nei. A e
 mohio ana ahau, nei ano i enei ra ano, e mahia ana ano
 etahi Riiri, o taua tu hoko he nei ano. Koia ahau i mea atu
 ai kia rongo koe ; me whakakahore rawa te Raihana e tu ai a
 Te Wokona hei Kai Whakamaori.   Ki te mea o  kore e tino
 whakamutua  rawatia taua Raihana, heoi ra me whakamutu
 mo etahi marama.   Ki te mea e kore e peratia i enei ra ano
 e kore pea e puta he ora, a puta rawa ake te whakaaro mo
 te ora, ko te ho kua utonga noa atu.
                           Naku  na,
                  (i tuhia)             F. E. HEMARA.

 Ki Te Minita mo te Taha Maori,