Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 2, Number 11: pp Abstract
pp Intro to Abstracts

p.93 Notices and Answers to correspondents
List of names of subscribers and the subscription amounts they have paid.
From William Marsh
Writes that he is not receiving his copies of Te Wananga.
Editor replies that they are sent regularly to Marsh's address.
p.93 Telegrams (Press agency)
The New Zealand Prime Minister, Julius Vogel, is very ill and cannot now return from London before September.
The ship, Schiller, ran aground in fog and 311 died but 44 were saved. Some of the cargo was saved.
[English translation included.]
pp.93-94 [Brief news items]
From the Hawke's Bay Herald
Concerns the opening of the House prior to Mr Vogel's return from London. States that there is no confidence in the present administration without Mr Vogel to lead them.
Reports Rewi [Maniapoto?]'s arrival in Ōpōtiki and opening the great house dedicated to Mātaatua, and Sir Donald McLean, the Native Minister, apology for being unable to attend.
Regarding the presentation to Captain Rogers of the ship Marchmont of Glasgow of a gift, a silver telescope, by the German Emperor, in appreciation of Captain Roger's successful rescue of the entire crew from the floundering German barque, Haydn.
[English translations included.]
p.94 [News items]
From The Westport Times
Reports death of 500 Fijians living on Kaoho Island, Fiji, from the measles, and children left parentless without food or other sustenance.
[English translation included.]
From The Echo
Concerns the Good Temperance movement. Reports that out of the eight crew members on the barque, Glimpse, the second mate and five men are members of the order of the Good Templars.
pp.94-95 [News item]
The recent Te Kūiti meeting.
Reports attendance of over 2,000 Maori from Waikato and Ngāti Maniapoto at a meeting held at Te Kūiti, and the three main points agreed to: the reformation of all Acts issued by the government; that the system of accepting government rations should be stopped; and that they should keep the country now possessed by them and preserve themselves a separate people.
[English translation included.]
p.95 Maori news
Notifies a proposed meeting at Kāwhia between the Kingites and the Native Minister, Sir Donald McLean, and that many members of the Maori King Movement are opposed to this venue.
[English translation included.]
Attitude of the Kingites
Suggests that the prime objective of the King Movement is the return of their confiscated lands in the Waikato, and that the Government will not agree to this but accepts that at any meeting held with the Kingites, the issue will be addressed.
[English translation included.]
pp.95-96 [News item]
Corrects the previous report concerning the meeting held at Te Kūiti [refer to pp.94-95]. States that the points agreed upon were: that all acts by the Maori King shall be reaffirmed and maintained; that the mill stone which has so long hung round the necks of Maori should be taken off and cast into the sea and allowed to remain there forever; that the system of accepting rations from the government should be discontinued; that the lands now possessed by the Kingites should be retained, that no further lands should be alienated, and that the Kingites should maintain their independence as a separate people.
Also suggests that this demonstrates that the Maori King Movement has not deviated from its original intentions.
[English translation included.]
pp.96-98 [Letter to the Editor]
From Rīwai Tāmati
Discusses several issues including the succession to land belonging to Wiremu Kīngi Tūtepakihirangi at Ahikouka, investigated several times by the Native Land Court and rightfully awarded to him and his tribe. Notes that a Maori committee has wrongfully divided the land and allowed Crown grants to be issued to people who have no rightful claim, and that the matter will now be brought before the House.
The writer narrates a story concerning the many trials and tribulations of the ancestor, Hau and how he overcomes them. Suggests Maori take heed of Hau and do as he does, and that no matter how difficult the way forward, there is always a direction to follow that will result in a favourable outcome. Te Wananga is likened to Hau because the newspaper is searching for a way ahead for Maori.
A further story concerns two sightings of a particular person at Parihaka, whose hair had the appearance of a rat-skin cloak. Notes that the people of Taranaki are flocking to him.
Also reports the deaths of several people in the month of April.
[Partial English translation]
pp.99-100 [Letter to the Editor]
From Rēnata Paraire Kawatupu
Discusses the various ways of selling land in the areas owned by Ngā Puhi. States that some transactions are fairly agreed upon and Maori are freely selling some pieces, but that land sales that will cause problems in the future are those sold by people who do not have a claim or by those who do not carefully survey the boundaries. Refers to Maori stating that missionaries are taking land, and suggests that it is the chiefs who are mostly selling the land for money, like flies that follow a person. Adds that the money means death for the land.
[Partial English translation]
p.100 Notice
Opening of Vincent House.
The opening of Vincent House
From W.H. Binks: Advising the opening of a new drapery store in Hastings Street, Napier.
[English translation included.]
From Nikora Pura, Pakipaki, that he has employed a blacksmith.
[English translation included.]
From M.Boylan, advertising his services as a gunsmith.
[English translation included.]
Terms of subscriptions
Subscriptions to Te Wananga are ten shillings for one year.
[English translation included.]
Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
Te Wananga is printed by Henry Hill and published by Hēnare Tōmoana.