Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 1, Number 6. 24 October 1874 |
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TE WANANGA HE PANUITANGA TENA KIA KITE KOUTOU . "TIHE MAURI-ORA." NAMA, 6. PAKOWHAI, HATAREI, OKETOPA, 24, 1874. PUKAPUKA, 1. PAKOWHAI SEPTEMBER 21st 1874. The Committee of the Wananga did arrange that these appointments should last only three months from the beginning of October to the 25th of December so that it will give this Committee time to the 25th of December to reflect upon which canoe (tribe) the votes will be affirmed on by this. Committee. • We will hot approve of the majority o£ votes, if it is not approved of it will not be confirmed. It will be sent to each canoe (tribe) to-mention their price for this paper, and each canoe, (tribe) will vote for their price and return, the same to the Chair- man of this Committee to be approved of, and we will Tote also on .which canoe (tribe), it will be confirmed. That is the reason-we stated it to be only for three months, so it will give each, canoe time to send their thoughts to us in November, dont wait till January that will be behind the day we appoint; viz;, 25th December which will give us time to look about. We shall issue on the 25th December, and you, will receive the same on the 1st January 1875.. ..... And, if any person wishes to ask,for.a. copy,of this paper to write his proper name, and residence, so that we shall understand where to send them,and also (Tainui) to send his proper name instead of (Tainui.) Friend, the reason that each canoe (tribe) has to state its price, is because the Press is for the whole Island, and therefore we cannot best show these reasons to our canoes (tribe.) When you vote, call together the tribe or persons to see their votes, Magistrates, Policeman, or Chiefs and also write their names so that we may approve of them.. PAKOWHAI. HEPETEMA 21 1874. I whakahaerea e te Komiti tuturu o Te Wananga kia toru Marama ka mutu enei whakaritenga, ko Oketopa tae noa ki te 25 o nga ra o Tihema, hei huri- hurihanga ma matou ma te Komiti o konei te 25 o nga ra o Tihema, Hei whakapumautanga ki ta wai o nga waka te Pooti e whakamana e tenei Komiti, e kore e tirohia te Pooti nui, kei nga kai whakamana te ritenga ki te kore he kai whakamana, e kore e whakaponohia Ko taua whakaritenga ka tukua atu ma ia waka, ma ia waka e karanga tana utu e pai ana mo te Nui- pepa, me Pooti marire e ia waka, e ia waka, me tuku mai ma matou e titiro te ahua o nga Pootitanga, me te whakamanatanga a nga kai whakamana, ma matou e titiro.te tika o te Pooti, ma te Tumuaki Tuturu e karangatia Pooti matou, hei reira ka whai kupu te Tumuaki, kua whai-mana te Pooti a wai ranei o enei waka.. Koia,i karangatia ai kia toru Marama hei korero- tanga mo tena waka mo tena waka, ko te Marama tuturu hei taenga mai mo a koutou tikanga ko Noema, kaua e tatari kia Hanuere. kei mahue ki muri o te ra, hei tirotirohanga • ma . matou, i o koutou whakaaro, ara, te 25 o nga ra o Tihema, mo matou tena ra, hei Perehita- nga nga ra whakamutunga, hei putanga atu a Hanuere te 1 o nga ra. A, ki te hiahia koutou ki te tono Nuipepa mai kia marama te tuhi mai i te ingoa o te tangata e hiahia ana, me te kainga e noho ana, kia marama ai hoki te tuku- nga atu, me whakarere tenei ingoa a Tainui te tuhi mai, erangi me tuhi tonui te ingoa o te tangata. Na, e hoa ma, ko te huarahi i tukua ai ma ia waka ma ia waka e karanga tana utu, no te mea i huaina Hei Perehi mo te motu katoa, koia ra e kore rawa e mutu tenei whakaaro kia whakaaturia ki o tatou waka. Me penei te Pooti, me huihui ki te wahi kotahi me whakamana e te iwi etahi tangata hei kai titiro mo nga Pooti, kai whakawa ranei, Pirihimana ranei, Rangatira ranei, me tuhi iho ano nga ingoa kia whai- mana ai hei tirohanga ma matou.
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TE WANANGA. If any tribe, or hapu, do not know the meaning of voting, and if any anxious for the Wananga, We have elected a Committee for the Wananga, and also a Chairman who will have authority from the Committee, Although they may be four or five Members, and also write their names at the end of these words. Friends, If a canoe (tribe) or canoes (tribes,) are anxious of voting that there should not be any price for the-paper, we will not accept it. There is the Post Office it must have a stamp or else the Mail wont take it, and also the persons who are working at the Press they must be paid so that will be difficulty, if you vote that there should not be any pay for the paper. The first voting will be for the Committee. The second will be for the Chairman. Thirdly, and also a person under the Chairman, and also others persons under them if you are anxious for this work. Fourly, the price for the paper, by the year or by the month All the words to be looked into. And also state your returns and the electing of the Committee, and also send the principal word of different canoes (tribes) and fix a proper method for us to see and think of. Friends, when you send letters to the Wananga, please direct it thus, Henry Tomoana, Pakowhai, Napier. NAPIER. SEPTEMBER 9th 1874. New Zealand Lily. (Rengarenga) Tuhourangi (Putaiki) Great Heart of New Zealand Tamati, Paora, Rangianui, From Parekarangi. Mehemea kahore tetahi Hapu ranei e mohio ki nga tikanga hei Pootitanga, a, mehemea he ngakau hiahia kia Te Wananga, me penei, ko matou e hiahia ana kia Te Wananga, ko to matou komiti kua tu mo Te Wananga, me te Tumuaki, ka whakamanaia tena e me tuhi iho o ratou ingoa ki te whakamutunga o aua E hoa ma, ki te hiahia tetahi waka nga waka ranei, Pooti, Poohi Tapeta, Perehi Te mea tuarua, kia tu he Tumuaki. Tuatoru, ko to raro iho i te Tumuaki, me to raro ho me to raro rawa, mehemea ia he hiahia ki tenei mahi. Te mea tuawha, ko te utu mo te Nupepa, he utu tau ranei, he utu marama ranei. E hoa ma ki te tuku reta mai koutou kia Te Wananga, me Penei te ingoa o te whare o waho kia Henare Tomoana, kei Pakowhai, Nepia. NEPIA. HEPETEMA, 9, 1874. Ki te Kai tuku o Te Wananga. Na to Ihoa, Na Rangianui, TAMATI PAORA PAREKARANGI. I No Parekarangi.
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TE WANANGA. HOTERENI TAONE. HEPETEMA, 18, 1874. Ki te Kai-tuku o Te Wananga. E HOA tena koe, kua kite maua i to panuitanga, E hoa, aukaha te Waka, kia taru ora i te Waka Tawharautia te whare kia maru, tirohia atu te mate raua ko te ora. Koia ra tenei, ko to tatou kuaretanga ki te hanga ritenga mo tatou. I nga ra o te tama a Kiripuai, he kura te tangata, waihoki me tenei, I te mea e ora ana te whenua, e ora ana nga mahara. Koia nei ra, e hoa kua taka nei hoki tatou ki te waha o te Parata. Ka tika, katika ra e hoa kia ata kimihia he oranga mo tatou, nao tenei Iwi nao te Maori. Na, whakarongo mai e nga Rangatira Tai-tamariki o ia wahi, me ata whiriwhiri he oranga mo tatou, kia kata ra tatou. Kihai a te Karaiti i Haere mai ki te hunga ora; engari ki te hunga e mate ana. MAU e uta atu enei wahi korero, hei titiro ma o tatou hoa Maori Pakeha hoki, I nga wahi katoa o to tatou motu. . Heoi ano na o hoa aroha, NA H. ROPIHA. NA FORD RIWAI. OTAKI. HEPETEMA, 21, 1874, Kia Henare Tomoana. TENA KOE, tenei kua tae mai to panui kia matou, ara, Te Wananga. I mea mai nei kia tukua atu he utanga mo Te Wananga; Tenei ka tukua atu o matou whakaaro mo matou whenua, Ko nga ingoa o matou whenua ko Tirau, ko Te Niu Motuwhakaku- mu. Te Kerekeringa, ko Haruru, ko Potaka, ko Te Hei-o-Paretaha, ko Okautea, ko Tawhiti koko, ko Whareputa, ko Papakapatua Te Tihio-karioi. Titongi, Te Ahiateao, Kenetango, Maungaroa, Otukawhau, Taurangatahi, Pureirei, Whakatuarea, Wehetamaiti, Te Papa, Mangaharakeke, Tawhiriwhiri, Te Auroa, Pitomaahurangi, Te Raorao, Kei Patetere enei whe- nua, ko nga ingoa enei o: matou whenua, ara, o to matou Tupuna o Turora, E mea ana ahau kia kaua rawa e hokona enei whenua, ko nga ingoa o nga tangata no ratou enei whenua ka tuhia iho nei, E hoa nae tuku mai ano e koe tetehi panui ki a an. Karanama te Whakaheke, Maata te Ruatahapari, Riria te Tawhera, Te Peina te Hamaka, Wirihana te Rimuroa Aterea Tanehe, Te Kere te Pamaka, Te Peina Tahipara, Tamihana Karanama, Merania Karanama, Ripera te Unu Tamati Rauapiri. SHORTLAND TOWN. SEPTEMBER 18th 1874. To the Editor of the Wananga. Friend, Salutation to you. We have seen your Advertisement, do not press forward the canoe so that the canoe will live, build a house so that it will be dry, look at sickness and health ; as to our Ignorance of Establishing laws for Ourselves, in the day of the son of (Kiripuai) a person was a (Kura.)And this also when the Land was in its proper state, our thoughts -were alive. But now Friend we have fallen into the mouth of the (Parata.) You are-right Friend, to search for a way by which we the Maori tribes will prosper in circumstances, Listen all you young chiefs of all different districts, it is a proper thing that We should strive to find food for ourselves for which I hope we shall try. Christ did not come to the wealthy only, but to the destitute as well. - You will insert these few words so that our Maori and Pakeha, Friends through the whole Island will see them. From your Friend, H. Ropiha. Ford Riwai. OTAKI. SEPTEMBER 21st 187S. To Henry Tomoana, Greeting, We have received a Journal of yours the Wana- nga, which says to send correspondence for the Wana- nga. So we send you our thoughts about our Lands, these-are the names of the Lands viz, Tirau, Niu, Mo- tuwhakakumu, Kerikeringa, Haruru, Potaka, Hei o Paretaha, Okautea, Tawhitikoko, Whareputa, Papa- kapatua, Tihio-Karioi, Titongi, Ahiateao, Kenetango, Maungaroa, Otukawhau, Taurangatahi, Pureirei, Wha- katuarea, Wehetamaiti, Papa, Mangaharakeke, Ta- . whiriwhiri, Auroa, Pitomaahurangi, Raorao. These lands are at Patetere, these are the names of our Lands of our Ancestor of (Turora,) and we do not wish these to be sold, these are the names of the persons that own these Lands, which we insert. Friend, send me a copy of your Journal, From, Karanamu Whakaheke, Maata Ruatahapari, Riria Tawhera, Peina Hamaka, Wirihana Rimuroa, Aterea Tanehe, Kere Hamaka, Peina Tahipara, Tamihana Karanama, Merania Karanama, Ripera Unu, Tamati Ranapiri.
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TE WANANGA, RAHUI PART OF WAIAPU. SEPTEMBER 9th 1874. (Hikurangi) (Maui) (Tuarangi,) (Tauhou) Henry Tomoana (Horouta) (Porou) (Horouta.) Toi, Ariaterangi, Tahatiti, Tahitokuramaranga, Ruatapu, Tamatea Nihomakuru, Rakaiora, Taanetangia, Tamakitehau, Kauwhakaheia, Tamakitera, Niwa, Tamakurumanu, Kainuku, Tamaaikake, Pohatu, Pahuruoterangi, Rongomaiwharemanuka, Tamakake, . TeaoKairau, Tangatapahau, Henehare, Teurumaraki, Rongokahekeiterangi, Aiorangi, Tawara, TE KAWAKAWA Anaru Kahaki TERAHUI WAHI. O WAIAPU: HEPETEMA, 9, 1874. Kia Te Wananga. Hikurangi Maui Te Wananga motu katoa nei, kia utaina ata ki runga ki a koe, hei Henare Tomoana mai nei e koe kia kite te* tai Rawhiti nei i nga mahara Te Wananga, Horouta ana mahara, mihi tao to tatou taonga nui ma Te Porou Waka o Horouta. Ko Toi, Ko Aria-te-rangi, „ Tahatiti, „ Tahito Kurumaranga,, „ Ruatapu, „ Tamatea Nihomakuru, „ Rakaiora, „ Tane-tangia, „ Tama Ki-te-hau, „Niwa, „ Tama Ki-te-ra, Kainuku, „ Tama Kurumanu, „ Pohatu, „ Tama Aikake, ,, Rongomaiwharemanuka.. „ Pahura O-te-rangi, „ Teao Kairau, „ Tama Kake, „ Hinehare, „ Tangata Pahau, „ Rongo kaneke i te rangi „ Teuru Maraki, „ Tawara. „ A-i-o-rangi, TE KAWAKAWA, Ihi Kepa i te 2 o Hepetema 1874 Hapeta Mahue, Aperahama taua pa ko te Kawakawa, e 3 putu te mamaotanga Akarana, Kawanatanga NA ANARU KAHAKI.
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TE WANANGA OTAKI. SEPTEMBER 24th 1874. To the Editor of the Wananga. Friend. Greeting, to you. Will you insert, the words shastoote other corres- pondents can see them. (Returning thought,) Friends ] listen to what thoughts said when he returned from the road to death. It says that it was our parent who carried us to death in the days which are past. And these parents are carrying us now to death also, and also whipping (whiu) our parent the land. We must not say that there is another wealth for us in this world, and let not our thoughts say—"That God will make another land for us " No, God is not a child, hut this is what God said in the 5th Commandment, Honour your father and mother &c. That is right, and it is right that we should think more of our other parents the land. What would your father and mother leave you if there was no land, that you be only born to this world, and it was by the land you lived, according to some portion of the 5th Commandment. My Friend, seek into these few words and joint them into our minds, that good will grow amongst us. Perhaps some one might say—well, I have no land I will live long, and I am wealthy, that is true, but by having your name in the line amongst the names or big persons you got that wealth ; but there is an end to that wealth, the wealth will go and leave a person destitute, but the wealth of the land is a long; wealth. It is the body of a person that leaves the wealth of the land, here is another, be cautions of,persons that will beguile you, he might make you look up and take your property from under you. We must not say that it is only Satan that is betraying us, to be misled, no, Satan is staying on the tip top of a persons tongue, but which is the principal shown to us. It is the Europeans which beguile us, they are the only race that knows how to beguile people, (Maori) thoughts, Thought that the Maories and Europeans were united together with one mind and love, bat unity was only at the lips, not for the body- The reason perhaps it was made like this was that the beguiling would not be seen, and be a good way to make our eyes look upwards and also be a good way of taking our property from under us. That is what thought thinks, there is not a year passes by without the Europeans are buying Maori lands, because they know that is the proper parent of a person so they will buy the land-every year. Here is another, If we are sick in body the Europeans are sorry for us, but if there is any sickness about land they are not sorry. The Laws are not translated to the Maories, Listen thoughtful Maories to what thought says, look at the beginning of our sickness, and look also at the beginning of the Europeans wealth, thought says it is from the land, why do we waste it away our wealth, perhaps some one might say, the land was paid for money, that is right, but land is the father of money, If there were no land what, would money make for you, money is in the land &c., .you cannot get any from space, they all came from the land, and also the man, and that is the very reason that land is the parent oi man, now I see says-thought, what the Europeans says is right, that the: Maori race is a dog, and did not know how to behave kindly to their parents the land This, race is like a bird which has no knowledge, when OTAKI:, HEPETEMA, 24, 1844 Ki te kai tuku o Te Wananga, E hoa tena koe, Mau e tuku atu enei korero hei titiro ma nga boa tuhi mai, (Hokinga whakaaro,} E hoa ma, whakarongo ki nga korero a te whakaaro i hoki mai i te huarahi ki te mate, e mea ana na o tatou matua tatou i kawe ki te mate i nga ra kua pahure ake nei, a e kawe nei ano inaianei enei matua o tatou ki taua mate ano, ara ki te whiu i to tatou-matua i te whenua, kei mea tatou tena ano he oranga mo tatou i tenei ao, kei mea ranei o tatou whakaaro tena ano te Atua e hanga mai ano i tetahi atu whenua mo tatou, kaore ehara hoki te Atua i te tamaiti Heoi ta te Atua e mea ana i te Ture 5, Whakahonoretia tou Papa me tou Whaea &c., e tika ana tenei, a e tika ana hoki kia wha- kaaro tatou-ki te whenua ki tera matua o tatou, ko te aha koia ta to Papa me ta to Whaea i a koe,-mei kaua te whenua ?. ko to putanga anaketanga mai ki tenei ao,, a na te whenua koe i ora ai, ara i tika ai ki tetahi waahi o taua Ture 5, Na, ehoa ma maharatia enei kupu torutoru, nei, whakaukia ki roto i o tatou ngakau» ka tupu ai he painga mo tatou, otira tera pea tetahi e ki mai Ha, ka- ore oku whenua, a e ora roa aha ahau, e whiwhi ana ki te oranga e tika ana otira na te urunga o to ingoa ki- roto ki te rarangi o nga ingoa nunui. Koia koe i whiwhi ai ki tena oranga otira he mutunga to tena mahi tona oranga» Haere aua te ora waiho iho te mate mo te tangata. tena ko te oranga ki te whenua he oranga roa ma te tinana o te. tangata te oranga ote whenua e whakarere,. Tenei ano tetahi kia tupato ki te korere whakapati a te tangata, kei whakatirohia ou kanohi ki runga a-ka naomia mai tou taonga i raro i a koe, kei-,mea tatou ko Hatana anake te kai whakawai mo tatou e raru ai kawe kei te noho tonu a Hatana i te matamata o te arero o te tangata, he aha koa ra te Hatana tinana i whakakitea mai ki a tatou, ko nga Pakeha e nukarau nei i a tatou,. heoi te iwi mohio ki te whakawai i te tangata, ara i te maori kahua a te whakaaro kua oti te maori raua ko te Pakeha te hui kia kotahi, kia kotahi ai te whakaaro me- te aroha, kaore mo nga ngutu kau, taua huinga, ehara mo te tinana o te take pea i peneitia ai kia ngaro ai te whakawainga, kia pai ai te whakaarohanga o nga kanohi ki runga kia pai ai hoki te naomanga mai i o tatou taonga i raro i a tatou, e ai ta te whakaaro i mohio ai inahoki. kaore he tau o te Pakeha e mutu te hoko whenua maori na to ratou mohio tanga hoki ko te tino matua tena mo te tangata- koia ratou i hoko tonu ai i te whenua ' mo Tatou i nga tau katoa, tenei hoki tetahi, koo tatou mate tinana ka arohatia mai e te Pakeha koo tatou mate whenua kaore e arohatia, ara kaore nga Ture e whakamaoritia, ana ki nga maori, Na, whakarongo ano e nga maori ngakau mohio ki nga korero a te whakaaro Tirohia te timatanga mai o to tatou mate, Tirohia hoki te timatanga mai o te ora o te Pakeha, rae he mea no whea to ratou oranga, ki ta te whakaaro, no te whenua, Na, me hemea e mohiotia iho ana e tatou no te whenua te oranga, a he.aha rai maumauria ai to tatou oranga, Tera pea tetehi e ki mai, Ha. i utua ano ra te whenua ki te moni. E tika ana, otira ko te whenua ano te matua o te moni, ki te kore hoki te whenua he aha ta te; moni. e hanga ai maau, kei roto nahoki te moni ite whenua &c., kaore hoki he mea i puta- noa mai ite. takiwa,! U
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TE WANANGA. a bird is charmed, they, will come, and if shown a few leaves of rushes, it will fly to eat it, and does not know that it is to kill him and also the Maories who are charmed over by Europeans by telling good yarns, their, minds are -delighted, and when the money is shown to him he takes it, does not know that it will be. his destruction. Now birds you must be cautions of ike flower» entwined in the traps, hold your feet on the perch, reach only with your neck and then look at the flowers entwined, when the pull is given to the trick line, you will, go unhurt. This is all, Tamati Ranapiri. PAKOWHAI. SEPTEMBER 24th 1874. We have learnt since we thought of starting a paper, that ihe first English Newspaper was printed about 250 years ago; and up till now they have •gone on improving, every year. This is our first attempt and errors may have been overlooked, which to some of our readers may appear strange and we would therefore ask for your patience for the present, Our object in starting the paper was to enlighten ourselves on some subjects which are at present un- known to us, and which if we had understood earlier, would have been greatly to our benefit: also by an interchange of thought between ourselves and the Europeans still better to learn their ways. We shall at all times strongly uphold every thing that we think will benefit not only our present generation, but also our young people to whom we more especially look. On the of their hand we will consider fairly anything which at first we are not inclined to accept, knowing that in the world, many men have many minds. MATATA. SEPTEMBER 7th 1874. To the Editor of the Wananga, Salutation to you. We have received your notice to the Maori chiefs and also to the Maori tribes, and also to the Arawa's, who are residing on this side of the Island, and their thoughts likewise, this (Kura) is decayed, and this port Mautean is broken and this canoe the Arawa has returned to the mouth of the (Parata,) and who will pull it out. As it is moored now with a silver anchor, this is the way I propose to pull it, throw, the principal persons and the rest will fall. Secondly, to stop the chiefs from receiving their quartois salary. And establish the church, that is the law of ihe rich, the poor, the lease, the slaves, the persons body, And also the land was saved. My puta katoa mai i te whenua nga mea katoa, me te tangata, koia i tino tika ai te matuatanga o te whenua ki te tangata, Waihoki ko to ratou oranga i ahu mai ano i te whenua, Na, katahi a te whakaaro ka kite he tika rawa nga korero a te Pakeha e mea nei he kuri J tenei iwi te Maori, Inahoki, kaore i mohio ki te atawhai i to ratou matua i te whenua, katahi te iwi i rite ki te manu te kore mohio, ka whakatangitangihia te manu ka rere mai, ka whakaaria ki te pua Akau, ka rere tonu atu ki te kai, te mohio he matenga mona tera, Waihoki, ko nga Maori e whakakorerotia ana e te Pakeha ki nga korero papai, haere tonu atu, kua rekareka hoki te ngakau te whakaaringa mai ki te moni, nanao tonu atu, kai tonu, te mohio he matenga mona tera. Na, e nga manu, kia tupato ki te pua o te tawhiwhi o te pewa, kia mau o waewae ki te pae, ko to kaki anake e toro atu, ara e titiro atu ki te pua o te tawhiwhi, mo te takiri rawa ake o te rore takiri kau ana, haere ora ana koe. Heoi ano. Na to koutou hoa aroha, Na Tamati Ranapiri. PAKOWHAI. HEPETEMA 24 1874. 1 muri iho o ta matou whakaaro kia mahia e matou tetahi nupepa, ka mohio matou ka 250 nga tau kua hori ake nei, o te perehitanga o te nupepa tuatahi a te Ingirihi. a Kei te whakapai tonu i te haere i nga tau katoa, a tae noa mai ki tenei wa. ko te whakamatautanga tutahi tenei o ta matou, a me nga he, tena pea e mahue noa ake te tirotiro, tena e ahua tauhou ki etahi o nga ' kai korero, na reira matou ka tono atu kia koutou, kaua koutou e kaika mai kia tika tonu inaianei, ko te take i mahia ai e matou tenei pepa, hei whakamarama i a matou ki etahi ritenga kaore nei ano i mohiotia e matou, a mehemea kua mohiotia e matou i mua, ena pea e tino nui te painga kia matou, na, i te rereke o nga whakaaro o matou i o te Pakeha, Tena matou e tino kaha ki te hapai i nga mea katoa e mohiotia, ana hei tika, e hara i te mea mo matou anake mo tenei whakatupuranga, erangi mo a matou tamariki, ko ratou hoki ta matou e tino titiro nei, ma reira e ata hurihuri tika ai matou i nga mea, kihai matou i aro ki te whakaae i te tuatahi, e mohio ana kei te ao nei te huhua tangata, nae te huhua o nga mahara. MATATA. HEPETEMA, 7, 1874. KIA Henare Tomoana, E pa tena koe, kua tae mai to whakaaturanga ki nga Rangatira maori me te Iwi maori me te Arawa ma, e noho atu nei i tenei taha o te motu nei, me ana maharatanga ano, e hoa ko te kura nei kua popoa ko te putea nei kua pakaru ko te Waka nei ko te Arawa, kua tere kua hoki ano kai te Korokoro o te Parata, mawai ra e huti ki irunga i te mea he Hiriwa te Haika, tenei taku huti ki runga me whakahinga i nga uruahu o Rehua, ki te hinga hoki nga uruahu ka ihinga hoki a Rehua, tua-rua, me whakakahore nga koata i nga rangatira maori, tua-toru, me whakatu te Haahi, ko te Ture tera i ora ai te iti, i ora ai te rahi i ora ai te kopa i ora ai te tangata kuare, i ora ai te tinana o te tangata i ora ai hoki a
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TE WANANGA. Papa, ki taku mahara ki nga whenua i Ketia, me tuku ki te ono o nga tau, me homai nga kau kia 300 2s". 6d. te utu mo te kau kotahi i roto i te tau, mo te hoko, 15 tau, e 600 nga kau e 3s 6d te utu mo te kau kotahi, otira kai te paunga o nga moni te tikanga, ki te mana enei tikanga ma nga Mema tonu e arahi ki nga 1 wi Maori. E 20 nga ringa ma i roto i tenei Iwi i a Rangitihi, e 40 tangata kua whero nga ringa, tenei taku whenua ko te Haehaenga, he whenua tena i rite ki te kapata kai a taku tupuna, a taku koroua, a taku matua tae noa ki a au, tae noa ki taku tamaiti, he whenua hoki tera i rite, ki te parani whare, me tu ano nga paraki aku tupuna i reira, tae noa nei ki a au, no te taima o te moni a te Kawanatanga, katahi au ka kite i te tangata, i whai mai te tangata i runga i tenei ki o te Ture, ma o au kupu pu koe ka tika ai, ma o au kupu koe ka he ai, ahakoa he takahanga waewae no tona tupuna anake, ka tango ia i te moni a te Kawanatanga, hei tautoko, koia na, ko nga timatanga mo toku whenua e waiho ana ahau mo aku uri no te putanga o te tuara o Maruhiku aua waahi, Aputauaki Kiruawahia no taua whare purakau Kira- oraototara he wahi ano a te Pokohu kei maunga Whakamaira, ki maniawhi ano a te Pokohu, Hitaina pekapeka ki te whanautanga o Tuhourangi. Tenei te tikanga o nga kai-mahi a te Kawana- tanga, ki te pupuri tetahi tangata i te whenua, ka haere ki tetahi tangata ki reira tuku ai i te moni, me haere mai i waho he tangata hai rapu i enei, heoti ra, kai te Paremata te tikanga, e hoa e Nare mau e whakapai atu, otira ma koutou tahi ko nga Mema e whakapai atu nga korero o tena pukapuka, ka tuku atu ai ki a Te Wananga, ki te Paremata hoki o Nui Tireni. Heoi ano. NA PORIONE TANGIHIA. TE RIUOPURANGA, (PATEA.) AKUHATA, 21, 1874. KIA Henare Tomoana, E pa tena koe te tangata i tukua e Manawanui ki te rire o te moana hoe mai ai, kati te mihi, no te 21 o nga ra o Akuhata 1874 i tae mai ai a te Paki raua ko Te Wananga kia au, ko taku hirihiri mo Te Wananga, wawahia wawahia, oi whiwhia, oi ranea, oi homai taku taonga tua-rua, e noho e tama karoi e koe i to kete tuauri hei amonga mahau ki nga putake o nga korero e, whaka- rewa ia ra ki runga te pakihiwi, he hikitanga, he hapainga, he amonga, he area, he tauira pikitanga o kai, heketanga o kai, ka heke nga kai, ka heke ki te pukenga, ka heke nga kai, ka heke Ui Te Wananga haruru te ika ki te pu ma te kahu kai te ara tiatia, kai te ara to ngake, ngake, uru o Tangaroa ki te kara pinepine i uta ra e manawa mai hoki te whatu korongata hau nei kia nenewa, nenewa, katohia te matau o tonga nui, ka whiwhia, ka rawea, kaea te whenua nui, kaea he aha te mahue, he titi te manu, he aha te manu e, he rakorakoa te manu, he aha te manu e, he takahika reraro, ka tau ki Tahuna Tapu, kapikitia e koe te mahanga ki te kawai o te kete, ko Tarai noho Kiarouri ko Tarai noho Kiarotea, te huki toto e te tahe toto e, e tara e kai enei nga amo amohanga, whakarongo e tama ki te waha e tararau mai ra, na runga aua mai o te hiwi nui e, o te hiwi roa e, tau-arai mai nei e, he ideas are that land should be leased for six years, and put 300 heads of cattle on it at 2s. 6d. per year, Land for sale 15 years, 600 heads of cattle at 3s. 6d. per year, but this method will see when the money is consumed, If the plans are agreed to. It should be the members that should lead them to the Maori race. They are 20 white hands amongst this tribe (Rangitihi) and also 40 their hands are red. This my Land the (Haehaenga,) That land is like a cupboard from my ancestors, forefather, father down to me, and my child, the said land is like the verandah of a house my ancestors flag shall stand there from then to now to me, but at the time of the Government money, there were several persons who came in by the word of the law by your words you will be right and by your words you will be wrong whether his ancestor only tread his foot on it. He will receive the money from the Government, to enable him on, this is the first, for my land which I left for my children &c., (Te tuara o Maruhiku, Putauaki, to Ruawahia, from Tauwharepourakau, to Raoraototara, part of the Pokohu, io Mounga-wha- kamaira, to the plains part of the Pokohu to Taina Pekapeka, to were Tuhourangi,) was born this is the way that the Government Officers do here, If any person will hold there land he will go to another person and give him money a person out side should come and see to their wrongs, the parliament is the place for settling these affairs. Friend Henry, will you and the Members also correct the words in that letter, and let it go to the Wananga, and also the parliament of New Zealand. That is all, NA PORIONE TANGIHIA. TE RIUOPUANGA, (PATEA.) AUGUST 21st 1874. To Henry Tomoana (Salutation) to you the person who was let go with a Stout Heart to the raging waves of the sea, and has come back, cease greeting on the 21st of August 1874, Paki and the Wananga arrived at my place, here is my charms for the Wananga, Disclose, Disclose, (oi) present, (oi) present, give me my Property, Secondly stop son, and tie your basket of sundries and carry them, here is an ancient song which is not translated. Paramena Te Naonao a Tuterangi.
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TE WANANGA OHINEMUTU. SEPTEMBER 28th 1874. To the Wananga Salutation to you. Shout, Shout, I now rise well with the Maori (Takiwai, Takiwai,) to welcome you, The Island is saved, they will have one word, and can hear and see the thoughts of our friends. Friend Editor, Listen this canoe the Arawa now is like a vessel at sea which is coverd with branches it is not the Europeans fault, it is our own fault. Friends send me a paper every month, and inform me the price of twelve papers in the year, I conclude my speaking at present, but will at another time. Pererika Nga Huruhuru, Napier, Printed by Henry Hill, and published by HENRY TOMOANA the proprietor of this Newspaper at the Office of the Wananga at Pakowhai, Napier. SATURDAY OCTOBER 24TH. 1874. kape pea e tama i a taua nei korero nui, tana nui nana i rongo ki to hona taweke iti, taku iti naku i tito ake te rongonga o toku, taringa, e tama, i rongo te ki, rongo te rea, koia i a nuku, koia i a rangi, ka waiho nei her ingoa mo korua, e tama, tua-toru. Aue, aue, pakipaki kau au ki te tua-kirio o te whare kai whea te mea e uaratia e taku kuru pounamu, whakaputa e tama ki waho ra to moki, ae koe i te whare i a Te Wananga, kia whakauhia koe ki te rau papaauma, ka pai taku mea, te haere to pikitanga, kai Waipoka ia ka kitea mai koe e to whanau hei karanga mai, nau mai, nau ake takahia te one ki te arahanga, ma Henare koe e whakatangi ki te rapa wai, hoe tohue e tama b te kore i to Iwi nao 6 kai ka riro te karanga, pa wawe ki tawhiti, ka pa ta taku tini te taumata ki Kapura ka hoki mai taku mea ki a ahau & i, tua-wha, Piki ake ka ke ake i te toi hua, rewa te ara o Tawhaki i piki ai ki runga i rokohina atu ra maikuku ma- kaka, hapai amaui, he waha i pa mai taku wahine pu- rotu, taku taane-purotu, korua ko te tane, ka mutu taku hirihiri i konei kia Te Wananga, tena koe e te hoa aroha, kua tutaki te maha tohu raua ko te pono, kua kihi tahi te tikanga raua ko te marietanga. NA PARAMENA TE NAONAO A TUTERANGI. OHINEMUTU. HEPETEMA, 28, 1874. Kia Te Wananga, E koro tena ra koe. Karangatia, Karangatia, Ka ara au e takiwai ora ki Tupua, Au, e takiwai, takiwai ora, ka ora te motu, ka kotahi te ki, ka rongo hoki i nga whakaaro a nga hoa. E hoa ma, e nga kai tuku korero, whakarongo mai, ko au ko Te Arawa inaianei, e rite ana au ki te kaipuke e tere na i te moana, na to iwi na te Pakeha i aha, te mea naku ano te he. E hoa ma kia kotahi pepa ki a au i te marama, whakaaturia mai te utu mo nga pepa tekau ma-ma. i te tau, kati nga korero, tena ra pea e korero. Na Pererika Nga Huruhuru. Nepia, He mea ta e Henare Hira, a he mea panui e- HENARE TOMOANA, e te tangata nana tenei nupepa, i te whare ta, o "Te Wananga" i Pakowhai Nepia. HATAREI, OKETOPA, 24, 1874,