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Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 1, Number 5. 10 October 1874 |
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TE WANANGA HE PANUITANGA TENA KIA KITE KOUTOU "TIHE MAURI-ORA." NAMA 5. PAKOWHAI, HATAREI, OKETOPA,-10, 1874. PUKAPUKA, 1 PAKOWHAI. SEPTEMBER, 21st 1874. 5th August 1874, October to the 25th of December 25th December 5 January 1875. r PAKOWHAI. HEPETEMA 21 1874. Akuhata.,
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TE WANANGA, And, if any person wishes to ask for a copy of this paper to write his proper name, and residence, so that we shall understand where to send them, and also (Tainui) to send his proper name instead of (Tainui.) Friend, the reason that each canoe (tribe) has to state its price, is because this Press is for the whole Island, ana therefore we cannot best show these reasons . to our canoes (tribe.) When you vote, call together the tribe or persons to see their votes, Magistrates, Policeman, or Chiefs and also write their names so that we may approve of them. If any tribe or hapu, do not know the meaning of voting, and if any anxious for the Wananga, We have elected a Committee for the Wananga, and also a Chairman whio will have authority from the Committee, Although they may be four or five Members, and also write their names at the end of these words. Friends, If a canoe (tribe) or canoes (tribes,) are anxious of voting that there should not be any price for the paper, we will not accept it. There is the Post Office it must have a stamp or else the Mail wont take it, and also the persons who are working at the Press, they must be paid so that will be the difficulty, if you vote that there should not be any pay for the paper. The first voting will be for the Committee. The second, will be for the Chairman. Thirdly, and also* a person under the Chairman, and also others persons under them if you are anxious for this work. Fourthly, the price for the paper, by the year or by the month. All the words to be looked into. And also state your returns and the electing of the Committee, and also send the principal word of different canoes (tribes) and fix a proper method for us to see and think of Friends, when you send letters to the Wananga, please direct it thus, Henry Tomoana, Pakowhai Napier. Do hot direct on the envelope, Heretaunga, which will not reach us. And at the beginning insert it thus. To the Editor of the Wananga, please to allow my words to be inserted i n the Wananga. Here another word, if we see that there will be any word that will be; detrimental to the Wananga we will not insert it, but will look over it and correct the words alluding to person or persons. A, ki te hiahia koutou ki te tono Nuipepa mai kia marama te tuhi i te ingoa o te tangata e hiahia ana, me te kainga e noho ana, kia marama ai hoki te tuku- nga atu, me whakarere tenei ingoa a Tainui te tuhi mai, erangi me tuhi tonu i te ingoa o te tangata. Na, e hoa ma, ko te huarahi i tukua ai ma ia waka ma ia waka e karanga tana utu, no te mea i huaina hei Perehi mo te motu katoa, koia ra e kore rawa e mutu tenei whakaaro kia whakaaturia ki b tatou waka. Me penei te Pooiti, me huihui ki te wahi kotahi me whakamana e te iwi etahi tangata hei kai titiro mo nga Pooti, kai whakawa ranei, Pirihimana ranei, • Rangatira ranei, me tuhi iho ano nga ingoa kia whai- mana ai hei tirohanga ma matou. Mehemea kahore tetahi iwi, Hapu ranei e mohio ki nga tikanga hei Pootitanga, a, mehemea he ngakau hiahia ki a Te Wananga, me penei, ko matou e hiahia ana kia Te Wananga, ko to matou Komiti kua tu mo Te Wananga, me te Tumuaki, ka whakamanaia tena e te Komiti Tuturu, ahakoa toko-rima, toko-wha ranei, me tuhi iho o ratou ingoa ki te whakamutunga o aua kupu. E hoa ma, ki te hiahia etahi waka nga waka ranei, ki te Pooti, kia kore he utu, e kore e whakaaetia ko te he, kei nga Poohi Tapeta, e kore e tukua kia haere, kahore hoki he Heti e ahei ai kia tukua ki te Meera tetahi, ka mate hoki nga kai mahi, kei te tangata i te Perehi tetahi, heoi nga tino mate hei whakahe i te Pooti kia kore he utu mo te Nuipepa. Ko te mea tuatahi hei Pootitanga, ko te Komiti. Te mea tuarua, kia tu he Tumuaki. Tuatoru, ko to raro iho i te Tumuaki, me to raro iho, me to raro rawa, mehemea ia he hiahia ki tenei mahi. Te mea tuawha ko te utu mo te Nupepa, he utu tau ranei he utu marama ranei, Kia puta katoa ena kupu me nga whakautu me te tuunga o nga komiti, ka puta mai nga tino kupu a ia waka a ia waka ka whakapumautia etahi tikanga nui, lei whakaaro hei matakitaki, ma tatou. Heoi a matou kupu. E hoa ma ki te tuku reta mai koutou kia Te Wananga, me Penei te ingoa o te whare o waho kia Henare Tomoana, kei Pakowhai, Nepia. Kaua he ingoa Heretaunga ki waho, ekore e tae mai ki a matou, mo te timatanga tenei o te kupu mo nga korero. Ki te kai tuku o te Wananga, me tuku atu aku kupu kia te Wananga, heoi tena. Tenei ano tetahi kupu ki te kite iho matou e he ana tetahi kupu tena a Te Wananga e whakawakia, e kore e tukua-engari ma matou e whakatika kia tika tana kupu e ahua whakakino ana, ki te tangata, e ahua whakapae ana ranei.
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TE WANANGA. HOTERENI TAONE. HEPETEMA, 17, 1874. Ki te Kai—tuku o Te Wananga. TENA KOE,—Tenei ahau te tuku atu nei i te Tauira o nga korero i whakatakotoria e tetehi Roopu i huaina "He Komiti rapu tikanga mo Te Wananga." NA, e hoa, kei te nui to matou whakapai mo to tukunga mai ki te pito whakararo nei, I te putanga Tua-tahi o Te Wananga. NA HOANI NAHE. HOTERENI TAONE, HEPETEMA, 10, 1874. Ki te Kai-tuhi o Te Wananga. TENA KOE, I noho i tenei ra he Komiti iti, he rapu tikanga mo tetehi Nupepa, ko Te Wananga te Ingoa.—Nga tangata o taua Komiti,— Hirawa Te Moananui, Anaru Te Poroa, Mohi Mangakahia. Hoani Nahe, Nikorima Poutotara, Wiremu Hikairo, Nepihana Tuiri, Matiu Poone. Tapiata Kiwi, A, POOTITIA ANA, he Tumuaki, a tu ana ko W. Hikairo, Katahi ka kiia kua tu te Komiti.— I whakaaria e Hirawa Te Moananui,—I tau- tokona e Anaru Te Poroa,— 1. Kua whakaae tenei Komiti kia whakaturia tetehi -Komiti ki Hauraki, Hei whakahaere tikanga mo Te Wananga,—A whakaaetia ana. I whakaaria e Nikorima,—I tau-tokona e Tapiata Kiwi,— 2. Kia tu rano he Komiti ki Hauraki, hei reira ka whakarite moni ai hei whakakaha nao te haere o taua Nupepa,—A whakaaetia ana. I whakaaria e Mohi Mangakahia,—I tau- tokona e Hoani Nahe,— 3. Me whai kupu atu tenei Komiti kia Te Wananga, kia ngawari tana haere,—A whakaaetia ana. I whakaaria e Matiu Poono,—I tau-tokona e Nikorima Poutotara,— 4. Me whai mana tonu a Hoani Nahe ki te tuhituhi atu i te kupu a tenei Komiti kia Te Wananga, kia ngawari tana haere,—-A whakaaetia ana. I whakaaria e Nikorima Poutotara,—I tau- tokona e Hirawa Te Moananui,— 5. Kia tu te Komiti whakahaere mo Te Wananga ki Hauraki, hei reira ka whakarite tikanga ai mo nga moni utu mo te Poohi Tapeta,—A whakaaetia ana. I whakaaria e Anaru Te Poroa,—I tau-tokona e Tapiata Kiwi,—- 6. Ko te kainga hei tunga mo te Komiti whaka- haere o Te Wananga i Hauraki nei, ko Hotereni Taone. I whakaaria e Mohi Mangakahia,—I tau- tokona e Nepihana Tuiri,— 7. E whakaae ana tenei Komiti kia tuhituhi katoa ratou i o ratou ingoa ki raro iho i nga korero o tenei nohoanga o te Komiti,—A whakaaetia ana. Tuhituhi ana ratou i o ratou ingoa. Hirawa Te Moananui, Hoani Nahe, Mohi Mangakahia, Matiu Poono, Nikorima Poutotara, Tapiata Kiwi, Nepihana Tuiri, Wiremu Hikairo. Anaru Te Poroa, SHORTLAND TOWN. SEPTEMBER I7th 1874. To the Editor of the Wananga. Greeting. Allow me to send you a report of the Committee called C. C. It was a special Committee for the Wananga. Friend, we very much approve of your sending to us the first Copy of the Wananga. Hoani Nahe. SHORTLAND TOWN. SEPTEMBER 10th 1874. To the Editor of the Wananga. A small Committee sat to day to arrange a plan for a Newspaper called the Wananga, persons present at the Committee. Hirawa te Moananui, Anaru te Poroa, Mohi Mangakahia, Hoani Nahe, Nikorima Poutotara, Wiremu Hikairo, Nepihana Tuiri, Matiu Poono. Tapiata Kiwi, They voted for a Chairman, W. Hikairo was Elected and the Committee sat. Hirawa te Moananui, proposed, and it was seconded by Anaru Poroa,— 1. That this Committee is of opinion that a Committee should be elected in the Thames to choose a method for the Wananga which was carried. It was proposed by Nikorima Poutotara and seconded by Tapiata Kiwi,— 2. That when the Committee is duly elected in the Thames, money matters shall be arranged to push on the paper, also carried. Mohi Mangakahia proposed, and seconded by Hoani Nahe,— 3. That this Committee shall state to the Wananga to go ori gently, also carried. Matiu Poono proposed, and it was seconded by Nikorima Poutotara,— 4. That Hoani Nahe is to have authority to write the statements of this Committee to the Wananga to go on gently, carried. Nikorima Poutotara, proposed, and seconded by Hirawa te Moananui,— 5. That a Committee shall be established at the Thames and then arrange a method for money for Post Offices &c , carried. Anaru te Poroa proposed, and it was seconded by Tapiata Kiwi,- - 6. That the Committee for the Wananga shall sit at Shortland Town, carried. Mohi Mangakahia proposed, and it was seconded by Nepihana Tuiri,— 7. That this Committee is agreeable that all present do sign their names under these proposal made at this sitting of this Committee, which was also carried. Hirawa te Moananui, Hoani Nahe, • Mohi Mangakahia, Matiu Poono, Nikorima Poutotara, Tapiata Kiwi, Nepihana Tuiri, Wiremu Hikairo. Anaru te Poroa, CHAIRMAN.
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TE WANANGA PAKOWHAI. HEPETEMA, 21, 1874. KA tu te Hui ki Pakowhai, ko nga tangata i taua Hui 122. TAKE. 1 Kia tu he Komiti whakahaere mo te Perehi, Pootitia ana e te Hui 119 i te Ae e toru i te No, heoi oŁi ana ki te Ae. • 2. Kia tu he Tumuaki mote Komiti e 49 i Ae ki a Noa Huke e 44 i te Ae ki a Kota heoi oti ana ko Noa. , 3. Me Komiti Rangatira ranei, me tangai mohio ranei, oti ana me Rangatira. 4. Ko te utu mo te Nupepa, kotahi, 40, i Ae kia o pene, e 38 i Ae ki te 6 pene, oti ana ki te 5 pena mo te pepa kotahi. 5. Mo Mohi Mangakahia raua ko Mita Hikairo, kia tu mo te Komiti, Aetia ana e te 122. 6. Kia tu a Henare Paraone Hei hoa mahi mo Henare Tomoana i te Perehi. 7. Kia tu a Karanama raua ko Ropata, Aetia ana a Karanama, waiho aba te taha kia. Kopata kia puare ana. . 8. Kia tu a Pineaha hei mahi mo te Perehi, heoi kaore a Pineaha i pai he whakaaro ki ona matua, muri iho kia tu a Hori te Koro hei mahi i te Perehi, heoi, kiia ana hei Omahu whakaoti ai, heoi oti ana ko Hori. Ka whakatika a te Teira Tiakitai, ka whakapuaki . i te korero a te Harawira te Tutere, kia whakapuaretia te Perehi. I muri iho ka whakatakotoria e Paora Kai- whata nga moni, Ł47 kia mohio ai nga Iwi me nga ta- ngata e hiahia ana kia ura ki tenei Perehi, kei te puare. Ka ki hoki a Karaitiana Takamoana, e Ł47 ano ana, mo te Perehi. Ka ki a Henare Tomoana, kia whakatakotoria ki roto ki te Whare o te Hui e Ł200, ma te Komiti e whakahaere te taunga ino aua moni, kahore i oti tenei. kuupu. NA TAREHA TE MOANANUI. NA TE HAPUKU.