Te Waka Maori o Niu Tirani 1878-1879: Volume 1, Number 28. 12 April 1879 |
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"KO TE TIKA, KO TE PONO, KO TE AROHA. " VOL. 1. ] TURANGA, HATAREI, APERIRA 12, 1879. [No: 28. KO TE MIRA, KAI. HOKO TEIHANA, HOIHO, KAU, HIPI, ME ERA ATU MEA PERA, KEI NEPIA. KO A. RAHERA, ROIA, KAI TUHITUHI HOKI I NGA PUKAPUKA WHAKARITE TIKANGA KATOA. Ka haere ano te Rahera ki te Kooti kei Kihipone ina tonoa e te tangata. TEONE TIKI, TOHUNGA PARAKIMETE NEI, KAI-HANGA POROWHITA HOKI, ME ERA ATU MEA PERA. E ki atu ana ki nga tangata o Kihipone kua oti tona Whare inaianei, a kua whiwhi hoki ia ki nga Mihini me nga mea tohunga-tanga katoa e ahei ai ia te mahi i nga mea rino katoa. Kua oti hoki tona WHARE HANGANGA KARETI, A, ka hanga ia inaianei nga tu Kaata katoa, me nga Terei, nga Kiki, me era atu mea pera katoa. He tohunga rawa ona . kai mahi katoa. Ko tona WHARE HU HOIHO kua oti hoki inaianei. Ka mahia paitia nga hoiho e kawea mai ana. ki a ia—he tangata hou no Akarana te kai mahi, he tino tohunga. TAMATI KIRIWINA, ROIARA OKA HOTERA, MATAWHERO. Kei a ia nga Waina me nga Waipiro tino pai rawa. Ko KOTAPERE HOKANA. E MEA atu ana ki nga tangata katoa o Turanga kia rongo ratou kua timata ia i te mahi TUI PUUTU, HU HOKI I tona Whare Hou i Ro Tram, Kihipone, e tata ana ki te Paparikauta a Tiki. E mea ana a ia ma te Pai o tona ahua ki nga tangata haere mai ki tona whare, ma te Pai hoki o tana mahi, ma te Iti marire hoki o te utu, ma reira ia e manaakitia ai e te tokomaha. He pai, he hohoro, tana mahi i nga mea pakaru. HAERE MAI, WHAKAMATAURIA. TE TOA HOKO UAWA. KO te Toa ngawari rawa te hoko. Haere mai kia kite! Haere mai kia kite! KO PARAONE MA E ki atu ana ki nga hoa Maori, heoi rawa te Toa o te Tai Rawhiti katoa e tomo tonu ana i nga hanga katoa e tau an a mo nga Maori; a ko te utu e rite tonu ana ki to Kihipone. Tera tetahi ruma kei te taha tonu o taua Toa, he ruma whakaari i nga hanga mo te wahine. E whakawhetai atu ana te Paraone ma ki o ratou hoa Maori mo ta ratou manaakitanga i aua Pakeha o mua iho, a e inoi atu ana kia manaaki tonu nga Maori i a ratou. E kore e pai te matu nama; engari, " Ko te patu ki tahi ringa, ko te whakapuru ki tahi ringa; noho maha ana, haere maha ana. " M. HAARA, KAI HANGA TERA HOIHO, HANEHI, KARA HOIHO HOKI, KEI KARATITONE RORI, KIHIPONE, TURANGA. He nui rawa he pai rawa ana Tera hoiho, Paraire, Whiu (Wipu nei), Kipa, Kahu hoiho, me era atu mea pera. Tetahi, he Hanehi mo te Paki hoiho rua nei, Kiapa, Kiki, Kareti hoki. E tere tonu ana tana hanganga Tera-pikaunga, me nga tu Hanehi katoa mo te Kaata, te Parau, me te aha noa atu; ko te utu e ngawari rawa ana. I a TE HAARA e timata hou nei i tana mahi ka tino whakawhetai atu ia ki nga tangata katoa mo to ratou manaaki nui i a ia i mua ai, a he ki atu tenei nana ka tohe tona ia kia pai tana mahi ki nga tangata e haere mai ana ki a ia, kia tatu ai hoki o ratou ngakau. Tana Hanganga i nga mea pakaru He Pai, ke Hohoro,
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TE WAKA MAORI O NIU TIRANI HE KUPU TENEI MO RUNGA I NGA RAWA O TE RIRE O TURANGA KUA MATE NEI. KI te mea he tono ta tetahi tangata, ahakoa Maori, Pakeha ranei, ki runga ki aua rawa a taua Pakeha (ara a Te Rire) na, he mea atu tenei na nga Kai-tiaki o aua rawa kia rongo taua tangata tono, ka pai tonu ratou ki te ata whaka- rite marire i aua tono i runga i tetahi ritenga tika, marama, kia kore ai e whakaurua ki roto ki nga tikanga o te Ture—ara kia oti pai ai i runga i te pai. Ko te tangata e mea ana kia tono pera ia, na, me tuku mai e ia ki au tana tono, me tuhituhi rawa ki te pukapuka ka tuku mai ai. Naku Na te WAARA, Koia mo nga Kai-tiaki o nga rawa a te Rire. KO TE WAORA MA, KAI HANGA WAATI, ME ETAHI TAONGA WHAKAPAIPAI, KEI HEHITINGI RORI, NEPIA. He tini noa nga mea pounamu Maori, whakapaipai nei, kei a ia—he iti noa te utu. KIARETI MA, WHARE HOKO PUUTU, HU HOKI, KARATITONE RORI, KIHIPONE. Ko nga tu puuta katoa kei taua Whare; ko te pai, ko te iti o te utu, e kore e taea e tetahi atu whare. He whare hanga puutu na aua Pakeha kei Weekipiri Tiriti, Akarana, kei Nepia hoki. HENARE WIREMU, TINO KAI HOKO O NGA MEA RINO KATOA. He mea tuku mai ki a ia i Ingarani tonu nga mea mahi paamu katoa. Kei a ia nga mea rino katoa; me nga pu, he mea puru i te ngutu etahi, he purukumu etahi. He nui nga ahua o te paura kei a ia, me nga mea katoa mo te tangata pupuhi manu. KEI HEHITINGI RORI, NEPIA. KAI MAHI PU. KUA whakaputaina mai e te Kawanatanga he raihana mahi pu ki a ERUETI PAATI. Mauria mai ki Kihipone a koutou pu, mana e hanga. Ko nga tu paura katoa kei a ia, he ngawari marire te utu Ko TUKEREU ! Ko TUKEREU ! PEKA WIWI NEI. KO HONE TUKEREU e whakawhetai atu ana ki ona hoa Maori o Turanga mo ta ratou mahi e haere tonu nei ki tona whare ki te hoko rohi ma ratou; he reka rawa hoki no ana rohi i pera ai ratou. Ka rongo te tangata ki te reka o ana rohi e kore rawa ia e hiahia ki nga rohi a tetahi atu peka. Kaore hoki he rongoa i roto i ana rohi e mate ai te tangata—tuku hoki ki ana rarepapi ka heke te wai o te waha i te reka. He Whare Tina tona whare mo te tangata haere; kei reira e tu ana te kai i nga ra katoa— HAERE MAI, E WHAI I TE WAEWAE A UENUKU KIA KAI KOE I TE KAI !" Engari me whakaaro koutou ki te whakatauki nei na: — " Ko TE PATU KI TAHI RINGA, KO TE 'WHAKAPURU KI TAHI RINGA; NOHO MAAHA ANA, HAERE MAAHA ANA !" He tangata hoko hoki a Tukereu i te pititi, me era atu hua rakau, i te hua pikaokao hoki, te pikaokao ano, me te taewa, me nga mea pera katoa, ina kawea atu ki tona whare e nga Maori. E tata ana tona whare ki te Paparikauta hou, nui nei, kei KARATITONE RORI, KIHIPONE. KO KEREHAMA MA, KIHIPONE. HE Kai-whakahaere tikanga mo nga Teihana whangai hipi, mo nga Kau, Hoiho, me era atu kuri, mo nga whakahaere katoa hoki a te Pakeha; he kaa uta taonga mai hoki ratou. Hoko ai ano hoki ratou i te Huruhuru hipi ki te moni tonu, i te Ngako mea taupa nei, me nga mea katoa e whakatupuria ana e te tangata. Ko nga huruhuru, me era atu mea e tukuna ana e ratou ki o ratou hoa i rawahi, ka taunahatia wawetia e ratou ki te moni ki konei ano. HE KAI UTA MAI RATOU i nga mea katoa e tangohia ana mo nga Teihana whangai hipi, me era atu kuri. Tetahi, he Huka, he Ti, me nga mea pera katoa; nga tu Hinu katoa mo te pani whare ki te peita, mo te raite, mo te aha noa; nga mea Rino katoa; he Tera hoiho; he Waina, he Waipiro, me nga tu Kakahu katoa kei a ratou mo te hoko. KI NGA TANGATA KATOA. E. K. PARAONE, NONA te Whare iti iho te utu mo nga hanga katoa i to nga whare katoa o te taone—he Hooro, Paraikete Tera-hoiho, Paraire, Puutu, Kakahu, Kaheru, Poke, Kakahu Hoiho, he Kakano Kaari, he Paraoa, he Pihikete. Haere mai! Haere mai ! Haere mai! KI A PARAONE ! KI A PARAONE WAIKATO ! Turanganui. KO ROPITEONE RATOU KO TITI MA, HE TANGATA HOKO KAHU, HUKA, TI, ME NGA TAONGA KATOA ATU. He Potae, he Puutu, he Kahu mo roto, hate nei, aha nei, me nga mea whakapaipai katoa mo te wahine. KIHIPONE. E tui ana i nga kahu tane i taua whare. WHARE TAHU PIA, KIHIPONE. WIREMU KARAAWHATA. HE PIA REKA RAWA. E tiakina ana e te Kawanatanga te mahinga o tana Pia kia pai ai. KO TAAPU, TAKUTA HOKO RONGOA Pukapuka hoki, KARATITONE RORI, KIHIPONE. He tangata ata whakaranu ia i te rongoa. Ko nga Tino Rongoa pai kei a ia e takoto tonu ana. ERUINI WUNU, KAI HOKO WHENUA, KAI WHAKAMAORI. TURANGANUI. KO TE HIIRI, KAI mahi i nga Mata, Tini nei, me nga mea Rino papa nei, me nga mea pera katoa mo te whare, mo te aha noa. (E tata ana ki te Puna i pokaia i te rori). KARATITONE RORI, KIHIPONE. TITIRO MAI KI TENEI ! KEI wareware koutou ko te Whare e pai rawa ana te mahi, e iti ana te utu, kei a W. TARATA \_ Kai hanga Kooti, Porowhita Kooti, he mahi Parakimete hoki. He hu Hoiho etahi o ana mahi. KEI TE WAAPU A RIRI, KIHIPONE. He Paki, he Terei, kei a ia mo te Hoko, Kurutete ranei.
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TE WAKA MAORI O NIU TIRANI KO TE PARAONE, KAI-WHAKAAHUA TANGATA, KARATITONE RORI KlHIPONE. Ko etahi tu ahua te 10s. mo te mea kotahi; te 15s. te utu mo nga ahua e ono; ki te mea ka mahia kia te kau ma rua ahua, ka te 12 ano herengi te utu. Tetahi tu ahua e 5s. mo te mea totahi; ka ono ahua, ka te 10s. te utu; te kau ma rua ahua, ka te 12 ano herengi te utu. Ka mahia te ahua ka homai tonu te moni, kaore e pai te nama. A. W. PARAMOPIRA, ROIA, KIHIPONE. He tangata haere ia ki te Kooti i Kihipone, i Omana, i Uawa, ki te whakahaere i nga mahi Maori i roto i aua Kooti. E tae ana hoki ia ki te Kooti Whenua Maori. Me homai nga korero ki a TEONE PURUKINI, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Kai-Whakamaori. KO TAMATI URENE E MEA atu ana kia rongo mai nga tangata katoa, katahi ano ia ka hoki mai i Akarana me ana tini TAONGA RAUMATI he mea ata whiriwhiri nana mo tenei kainga no roto i nga tino taonga pai o te koroni katoa, ara he mea WHAKAPAIPAI WAHINE, NGA MEA WHATU KATOA, ME NGA KAKAHU MO TE TINANA, Ko te utu e rite tonu ana te ngawari ki to Akarana, ki to Kihi- pone hoki. HE KAHU TANE, HE KAHU WAHINE MO KOTO. Nga mea katoa mo te Hoiho, he Kahu whakapaipai, he Tokena, nga Tini mea rawe a te Pakeha, he Kariko, he Kaone, he Potae, he Kiapa, he Potae Wahine, he mea ahua hou katoa, ko te iti o te utu e kore e taea e tetahi atu tangata te whai. TAMATI URENE, KAI-HOKO TOA, MAKAKAKA. TAKUTA PUKAKA. HE panuitanga tenei naku, na TAKUTA PURAKA, ki nga tangata Maori katoa o te takiwa o Turanga. E hoa ma, tena koutou. Kua tae mai ahau ki konei ki te mahi i nga mate katoa o nga turoro Maori. Ko taku mahi tena i nga tau e rima kua pahure ake nei, i au e noho ana i Hauraki i Ohinemuri. Ko au te takuta o nga rangatira me nga tangata Maori katoa o aua takiwa, ko Te Hira, Tukokino, Te Moananui, ara ratou katoa. Kei au nga rongoa katoa hei hoko ki nga Maori. Ko taku whare te whare i nohoia e Paati, kai-hanga pu i Kihipone i te rori nui e tika ana ki uta. KO ATENE RAUA • KO WEHITANA (Ko Houra i mua ai). KO te Whare ngawari rawa tenei te utu o Haake Pei katoa mo nga Tera hoiho, nga Hanehi, Tera-pikaunga, me era tu mea katoa—he pai hoki te hanganga. KEI NEPIA, KEI HEHITINGI HOKI (Heretaunga). HAERE MAI! HAERE MAI! KIA whiwhi toutou ki te Puutu kaha rawa i te Whare o TEKUPA RAUA KO KIRIWHINI (Ko Te Pereki anake i mua ai). He mohio rawa aua Pakeha ki te tui Puutu, he kiri pai anake a raua kiri e tangohia ana. Ko te whare tena e ata ruritia ai o koutou waewae kia rawe ai nga puutu. Ko te whare puutu whakahihi rawa tenei. He puutu tere haere etahi i nga taha; he Puutu Werengitana, he hawhe Were- ngitana etahi, he Puutu kore e uru te wai, me nga tu puutu katoa atu, he mea tatai te waewae, muri iho ka tuia nga pu- utu. Kia kotahi tau tinana e takahia ana a raua puutu, e kore e pakaru. KARATITONE RORI, KIHIPONE. KIHIPONE * MIKA PARAOA KOROHU NEI. HE PARAOA PAI RAWA kei reira e tuna, ko a te Tohu (Parani nei) o taua paraoa he Kani Porowhita. He Tino Paraoa, He Paraoa Papapa, He Papapa tonu, He Witi whangai Pikaokao Me Moni tonu me whakarite ke ranei—" Noho maaha ana, haere maaha ana. " NA KINGI MA. NAHIMETI MA. KAI-HANGA WATI, KARAKA HOKI. KEI tetahi taha o te rori i te hangaitanga ki te Peek o Atareeri, Karatitone Rori, Kihipone. He tangata hanga ratou i nga Wati pakaru, me nga Karaka, me nga Whakakai, me. nga mea whakapaipai pera katoa. He tini o ratou Wati Koura, Hiriwa, mo te Tane, mo te Wahine hoki. Kia kotahi tau tinana e haere ana e kore e kino. He nui nga mea whakapaipai katoa kei tana Whare e tu ana. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ KO TE METI, KAI TUI PUUTU, HU HOKI, KARATITONE RORI, KIHIPONE, Kei te taha o te Toa o Hame Tiwingitone. E MAHIA ana e ia ki te Mihini he taha tere haere ki nga puutu tawhito. E mea ana ia kia matakitakina ana puutu kore e uru te wai, kaore he hononga o te tuinga, he mea rawe ia mo nga tangata Ruri Whenua, me nga tu tangata pera. Ka tuia e ia mo te utu iti nga Puutu me nga Hu mo te Kanikani, mo te Haere, mo te haere ki te Pupuhi manu, me nga Puutu tere haere hoki nga taha. He Ora mo te waewae, he Rawe, he Ataahua, tana mahinga, KO W HERIHI RAUA KO PITI. E MEA atu ana ki o raua hoa Maori katoa o Turanga kia rongo mai ratou he tangata hoko raua i te Witi, te Taewa, te Purapura patiti, me era atu mea pena katoa, ina mauria mai ki to raua whare i Kihipone. E kore e rahi ake te moni a etahi Pateha i ta raua e hoatu ai mo aua tu mea. Tetahi, he tangata makete raua i nga Hoiho, Kau, Hipi, Whare, me nga toonga noa atu a te tangata. Ka hiahia etahi Maori ti te tuku i etahi mea pera kia akihanatia, ara kia maketetia, me haere mai ki a raua ma raua e mahi. Ko raua hoki nga tangata e manaakitia ana e te Pakeha katoa ki runga ki taua mahi— he tika hoki no to raua mahi. KARATITONE HOKI, KIHIPONE. PANUITANGA. KO nga Rangatira e haereere mai ana ki Werengitana, a, e hiahia ana Ma pai he kakahu, mo ratou, pai te tabu, pai te tuhinga, pai te utu, na me haere mai ratou ki te ta- ngata e mau nei tona ingoa ki raro iho. He tini noa nga kakahu pai kei a ia; he mea hanga etahi i nga Koroni, he mea hanga etahi i Rawahi. ERUERA WIRIHANA, TEERA TUI KAHU, RAMITANA KI, WERENGITANA.
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TE WAKA MAORI O NIU TIRANI IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF G. E. READ, LATE OF GISBORNE, DECEASED. IF any person or persons, Native or European, have any Claim or Claims to make against this Estate, the Trustees will be glad to entertain them in the most liberal and equitable spirit; and will, so far as in their power lies, do everything feasible to settle disputes without recourse to legal proceedings. It is requested that any such Claim or Claims against the Estate be sent in writing to the undersigned. EDWD. FFRAS. WARD, JUN., Solicitor to the Trustees, Gisborne. NEWTON, IRVINE & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GENERAL MER- CHANTS AND COMMISSION AGENTS, HASTINGS STREET, NAPIER. Agencies in London, Wolverhampton, and Glasgow. Agents for the Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine Com- pany. Importers of General Drapery, Hosiery, Household Furnish- ings, Men's Youths' and Boys' Clothing, Boots, Shoes, and Slippers, &c., &c., &c. General Grocery Goods of all descriptions. Wines and Spirits, Ales and Stouts, Patent Medicines, Builders and General Ironmongery, Hollow-ware, Tinware, Electro-Plated ware, Lamps, Lampware and Kerosene Oils, Brushware, Combs, &c., Cutlery, Earthenware and Glassware. GISBORNE STEAM FLOUR MILL. ON HAND SUPERIOR FLOUR (Circular Saw Brand). Superior Flour (Household), Sharps, Bran, Fowl Wheat. TERMS CASH, OR THE EQUAL. KING & C O. J. PARR, PRACTICAL GASFITTER, Locksmith, Bellhanger and General Jobbing Smith, SHAKESPEARE ROAD, NAPIER. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. N. B. —Old Metals Bought. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ JAMES MILLNER, TINSMITH, PLUMBER, &c. BEGS to return his best thanks to the people of the town of Gisborne and country districts for the very liberal support which they have accorded him since he commenced business, and to assure them that no effort shall be wanting on his part to merit a continuance of their favors. 'Tis not in mortals to command success, But we'll do more, Sempronius, we'll deserve it. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_PEEL STREET, GISBORNE. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ THE MISSES SCHULTZ, DRESSMAKERS & MILLINERS, GLADSTONE ROAD, GISBORNE, are in regular receipt of the latest Euro- pean fashions, and therefore have much pleasure in guaran- teeing perfect fits and newest styles. They would also take this opportunity of thanking the ladies of Poverty Bay for the very liberal support accorded them during the past twelve months, and further to state that they will leave nothing undone to merit a continuance of such favors. D. E. SMITH, BOOT & SHOE MAKER, GLADSTONE ROAD, GISBORNE (Next to Mr. S. Stevenson's Store). Elastic Sides put in Old Boots by Jones's Arm Machine, specially adapted for the purpose. Particular attention is directed to the Seamless Watertight Boots, made specially for Surveys, &c. Dancing, Walking, Shooting, and Elastic-side Boots and Shoes made to order at the most reasonable rates. COMFORT, EASE, FIT, AND STYLE GUARANTEED. ARGYLL HOTEL, GISBORNE. SAMUEL MASON WILSON, PROPRIETOR. THIS first-class Hotel is replete with every convenience and comfort for the accommodation of Travellers and families, and is under the personal superintendence of the Proprietor. Wines, Spirits, and Malt Liquors of the finest quality. LIVERY AND BAIT STABLES. Conveyances sent to the Wharf on the arrival and depar- ture of the Steamers. Also, to order, to any part of the town or suburbs. MASONIC LIVERY & BAIT STABLES GISBORNE. SADDLE HORSES, TRAPS & BUGGIES ALWAYS ON HIRE. Horses can be left at Livery and every care taken of them, but no responsibility. Good and secure Paddocking. Good Accommodation for Race Horses and the best of Fodder always on hand. Persons sending Horses to the Bay will, by wiring to the undersigned, ensure that they will receive every attention oa arrival in Gisborne. - The Veterinary treatment of Horses is a speciality with the undersigned. E. V. LUTTRELL. BOARD AND RESIDENCE at the COTTAGE of CONTENT, opposite the old Block House, GISBORNE. L E O N POSWILLO, (Late Chief Cook of the s. s. "Pretty Jane" and " Go-Ahead. ") A. MANOY & CO., WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS And Wine and Spirit Merchants, Napier. N. B. Port Wine for invalids at 80s, per dozen, recommended by the faculty. W. G O O D. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, GLADSTONE ROAD, GISBORNE. Clocks, Watches, and Jewellery, of every description bought, sold, or taken in exchange. JAMES MACINTOSH, NAPIER, ENGINEER, BOILER MAKER Iron and Brass Founder, General Jobbing Blacksmith, hopes by strict attention to business, and supplying a first-class article at a moderate price, to inherit a fair share of public patronage. BLYTHE & CO., DRAPERS, MILLINERS Dressmakers and Outfitters, EMERSON STREET, NAPIER.
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TE WAKA MAORI O NIU TIRANI, HE RONGO NUI TENEI, KA TUKUA NEI KI NGA MAORI! KUA whiwhi a Hohepa H. Kiriwhini ki tetahi Whare hou, i wera ra hoki tona Whare tawhito. Tenei ano ia kai te tui tonu i nga PUUTU pai rawa ake i nga puutu katoa o Kihipone. He puutu whakapaipai; he puutu kaha; he puutu pai. Haere mai te kotahi, haere mai te katoa, ki te whaka- matau. TEO KIRIWHINI, KARATITONE RORI, KIHIPONE. KUA KITEA tetahi moni. Ka riro i te tangata nana, ina utu ia i tenei panui, ka whakaatu tika mai hoki i nga tikanga. HE KUPU WHAKAHOKI KI NGA HOA TUHI MAI. ——————»—————— Ko Henare Rahera, o Nepia; ko te Para, Kai-hoko pukapuka, o Kerehama Taone, Akarana; ko J. A. Hatingi, o Waipiro; ko W. W, Paraone, o Uawa, kai-hoko toa, kua whakaritea katoatia hei tangata tango moni mo te Waka. E hiahia ana matou kia whakaturia etahi tangata tika hei whakahaere i te hoko o te Waka i nga takiwa Maori. Ko te tangata e pai ana me tuhi mai ki te Etita kei Turanga nei, me te whakaatu mai i tana utu e pai ai ia mo taua mahi—ara te herengi mana i roto i te pauna kotahi. He mea atu tenei ki nga tangata tuhituhi mai, me utu e ra- tou te meera mo te mauranga mai o a ratou reta, ara me wha- kapiri nga upoko Kuini e rite ana, ka kore, e kore e tangohia e matou aua reta. Kia rongo mai nga tangata katoa e tongo ana i te WAKA MAORI, me hohoro te tuku mai i nga moni utu mo te WAKA; ka kore, me pewhea e ora ai. Kua hae- haetia atu e matou inaianei nga ingoa o nga tangata kaore e whakaaro mai. He aha te pai kia mahi kau noa te tangata. Ka whakamutua taua tikanga, kua hoha hoki. \_\_\_\_Te Waka Maori. \_\_\_\_ TURANGA, HATAREI, APERIRA 12, 1879. KUA panuitia e matou i tetahi wharangi te reta a etahi tangata o te iwi o Ngatikahungunu, e ki ana kaore ratou e pai ana ki te pooti mema mo te Pare- mete, no te mea " kaore e mohiotia ana e ratou te painga o taua mahi. " Na, he tohu tena no te kua- retanga o nga tu tangata e korero pera ana. He tohu ia e kitea ai kaore ano ratou kia tae noa ki te mara- matanga e mohiotia ai e ratou te nui rawa o tenei tika kua whakataua nei ki runga ki a ratou. He tauira te Paremete o Mu Tirani no te Paremete o Ingarani—a, i runga i nga tikanga o taua Paremete i eke te iwi o Ingarani ki runga ki tetahi turanga rangatira nui rawa atu i to etahi iwi o te ao katoa ata. Kaore rawa he tika nui atu i te mana Pooti- FOUND, a sum of Money. The Owner can have the same on giving full particulars, and paying for this advertise- ment, —Apply at the Office of this Paper. M. R. MILLER, STOCK & STATION AGENT NAPIER, ROUTLEDGE, KENNEDY & CO. COMMISSION AGENTS Merchants and Auctioneers, \_\_\_\_\_ NAPIER. NOTICES AND ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. ——————*—————— Mr. Henry Lascelles, of Napier; Mr. Burra, of Grahams- town. Auckland, bookseller; Mr. J. A. Harding, of Waipiro Bay; and Mr. W, W. Brown, of Tologa Bay, storekeeper, have been appointed agents for the Waka Maori, and are authorised to collect and receive money on our behalf. Responsible agents are required for the sale of the Waka in Native districts. Address applications, stating terms, to the Editor at Gisborne. We beg to inform our correspondents that we shall not receive letters for publication unless the postage be prepaid. We have liabilities to meet which. admit of no delay; we therefore beg to notify to persons indebted to the WAKA MAORI, who CAN pay but WILL NOT, that, unless they settle their accounts at once, we shall, most unwillingly, be forced to take legal action to enforce payment. We hope we shall not be driven to adopt so unpleasant a course. This notice is not intended for Gisborne only. Te Waka Maori, \_\_\_\_ GISBORNE, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1879. WE publish in another place a letter from a section of the Ngatikahungunu tribe, declaring that they object to voting for a member to represent them, in Parliament, because they " cannot see what benefit they derive from so doing. " This simply proves the ignorance of the people who so speak. It shows that they are not yet sufficiently enlightened to realise the greatness of the privilege which has been bestowed upon them as a people. The constitution of the New Zealand Parliament is copied from that of England —a constitution under which, and by means of which, the British nation has risen to a higher and nobler position than that of any other people on the face of the earth. No greater or more glorious privilege
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TE WAKA MAORI O NIU TIRANI tanga Mema e aheitia ana te hoatu ki te iwi Maori o Niu Tirani, e mau nei ki a ratou tahi ko nga tangata Pakeha o te Kuini. Ki te mea ka tika ta ratou whakahaere i taua mana pootitanga, ara ki te mea ka pootitia e ratou etahi mema whai matauranga, nga- kau rangatira, maia, hei nga mema e kore e whaka- rongo ki nga whakawai a etahi tu tangata ngutu patere, rupahu noa nei, -penei e kore ratou e ki kaore ratou e mohio ana ki te painga o te mahi pooti. E whai wahi ana ia tangata ia tangata ki te Paremete, ara i runga i tona mema i pooti ai ia; a, e kore e taea e te Paremete te hanga i tetahi ture, te whakakore i tetahi ture ranei, ki te kore e whakaaetia e nga mema o te iwi nui tonu. Ko nga mema o te Whare nga kai-tiaki i te rangatiratanga o te iwi; ko ratou -nga reo o te iwi i haere ake i nga wahi katoa o te motu hei whiriwhiri i etahi ture e pai ai e ora ai te iwi nui katoa. Na, he mahi nui rawa tena kei a ratou, ara he tiaki i to tatou rangatira- tanga, i a tatou mahi hokohoko; me o tatou taonga katoa; koia hoki me tatou, kia tupato rawa tatou, kia mohio rawa tatou, ki te whiriwhiri i etahi tangata mohio; tangata whakaaro rangatira e kore nei e taea te poapoa, tangata matauranga nui, kia mohio ai ki te whakahaere tika i nga tikanga o te motu. Ka hoko te tangata i tona pooti ki te moni, ki te aha ranei, a ka pooti ia i te mema kuare, mema hara ranei, na he nui atu te hee o tena tu tangata i to te porangi; ehara ia i te tangata tika kia whiwhi i te mana pooti- • tanga, no te mea e hoko ana ia i a ia, me te oranga ano hoki o te motu. Kaua ia e amuamu i muri iho, ki te mea ka kitea e whakaaro kore ana taua mema ki te iwi, e whai ana ki te rawa mona anake. WAIKATO. —————»————— Kua tae mai he korero ki a matou no Waikato. E ki ana kua tuturu ki te 28 o nga ra o Aperira nei te ra mo te hui nui. E patu waea ana ki nga wahi katoa o te motu ki nga tangata kia haere atu. Ka tuwhera taua hui ki nga Pakeha katoa, engari e kore e tukua he tono ki a Kerei ma. E mahara ana matou i hee pea tenei kupu—ahakoa hee, tika ranei, ko te kupu tena kua tae mai ki a matou, koia i panuitia atu ai. E ki ana ko te hui nui rawa tenei o nga hui katoa ki taua takiwa o Waikato o mua iho. Tera e perehitia e matou nga korero o taua hui. PARIHAKA. —————«————— Ko nga korero kai raro iho nei mo te raruraru o Waimate he mea tango mai na matou i nga nupepa Pakeha: — HAWERA., Aperira 1. Ko Hemi Make kua riro ki Parihaka kia kite i a te Whiti. He tangata ia e whakaponohia ana e nga Maori. He tokomaha nga Maori e ki ana he tika te mahi a te Whiti ki te whakaora i to ratou whenua. Ko etahi e ki ana. " Me rahui mai ki nga Maori etahi wahi rahi; ko te toenga, me riro i te Kawanatanga, a ka oti te raruraru. " OPUNAKE, Aperira 3. Ko nga Maori o Parihaka e ki ana i whakaae a Ta Tanara Makarini kia nui nga wahi porohita e waiho ki a ratou; a ka hokona nga toenga, ka hoatu could have been bestowed upon the Natives of New Zealand than the Electoral Franchise, which they enjoy in common with Her Majesty's European sub- jects. If they use that privilege aright, if they re- turn men to represent them possessing wisdom, honor, and independency of character, men who will not allow themselves to be led by political adven- turers, they will not have occasion to say they can see no benefit arising from its exercise. Every man has, by his representative, a share in the legislature, by which no laws can be enacted or repealed without the consent of the majority of the people's represen- tatives. The members of the House of Represen- tatives are the guardians of the public liberty; they are the deputies sent up from all quarters to make such laws as shall best promote the interest of the whole collective body of the people. But while they have thus the important charge of watching over the preservation of our liberties, our trade, and our property, what care ought we to take to choose only such men as are qualified for performing this im- portant task; men whose integrity will render them superior to the temptation of a bribe, and whose wisdom will enable them to manage the affairs of the country with success. The man who parts with his vote for a lucrative or selfish consideration, and is instrumental in choosing a representative who is unqualified or corrupt, is something worse than a fool; he is unworthy to possess the privilege of vot- ing, since, as much as is in his power, he sells him- self and his country. He should not afterwards complain if he find the man he has helped to return neglecting the interest of his constituents and seek- ing only his own advantage. WAIKATO. —————«————— We have received direct information from Wai- kato that the great meeting is to be held on the 28th of April inst.; that invitations are being telegraphed to all parts of the island; that the meeting is to be open to all Europeans, and that an invitation will not be sent to Grey & Co. We think there must be some mistake here—however, we give the infor- mation as we received it. The meeting, it is said, will be the largest ever held in the Waikato district. We hope to be able to give a full and honest report of the whole proceedings. PARIHAKA. . —————•————— We give the following items of intelligence from the Pakeha papers respecting the Waimate Plains difficulty: — HAWERA, April 1 James Mackay has gone to Parihaka to interview Te Whiti. The Natives have considerable faith in him. A large number of Natives, generally friendly disposed, now say that Te Whiti is right in defend- ing their land. Others say, " Give us liberal re- serves; the Government can. take the rest, and the matter can be settled. " OPUNAKE, April 3. The Maories of Parihaka, say that the late Sir Donald McLean promised them large reserves on the plains, and a monetary acreage compensation for
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TE WAKA MAORl O NIU TlRANI. ki a ratou etahi o nga moni e riro mai mo te eka. E ki ana ratou kaore i whakamanangia aua kupu a te Makarini. E whakaaro ana ratou he kotahi nga Kawanatanga katoa, ehara i te mea motu-ke pera me te tangata; no kona e kore e tika kia whakaparahako tenei Kawanatanga ki nga kupu whakaae ft tera Ka- wanatanga o mua. E ki ana hoki ratou kotahi te kau ma ono mano eka kua ruritia o taua whenua raorao o Waimate, a kaore kia kotahi eka i wehea atu mo ratou mo nga, Maori o taua whenua. E korero ana ratou ki te panuitanga o taua whenua kia hokona, mea aua he tohu taua panuitanga no te whakaaro o te Kawanatanga kia whakakorea te kupu a Ta Tanara Makarini, he tahae hoki i ta ratou whenua. E ki ana, tena ano etahi Pakeha, Maori hoki, e mohio ana ki te pono o a ratou korero, i rongo pu hoki ki aua kupu a te Makarini. I te ui haere a Hemi Make raua ko Kapene Pereeki kia mohio raua ki nga tikanga o mua i whakaputaia mo aua whenua i tangohia ra. I nui te pai o te ahua o te Whiti ki a raua; engari he mahi uaua rawa te whakaotinga o taua raruraru, he maha hoki nga tau e takoto ana me te nui haere hoki nga raruraru. WERENGITANA, Aperira 3. Kua tae mai he korero ki te Kawanatanga no Wai- mate, e kiia ana e kore e tupu he pakanga i taua raruraru; kua whakaae hoki nga Maori kia mahia ano nga ruri i roto i enei rangi e takoto tata ake nei. E ki ana kua tae mai he kupu ki te Kawanatanga i muri nei, he kii mai tera e whakahokia e nga Maori ano nga mea a nga kai-ruri ki nga wahi i mauria mai ai e ratou, a ka mutu te raruraru. Ko nga hoia o Taupo kua tae mai ki konei (ara, ki Po Neke), e haere ana ki Waimate. WERENGITANA, Aperira 4. Kua tae mai nga korero a te Make ki te Minita • Maori; e ki ana i tohe te Whiti ko tetahi wahi o te whenua kia waiho ki a ia, kei mate rawa ia, ara kei rawakore, Engari i ki ia e kore rawa ratou ko tona iwi e pai ki te pakanga; e kore rawa e puta he wha- whai na ratou ko o ratou hoa Pakeha inaianei, a mua ake ranei. Ki te ahua o taua korero, a Make e kore e roa ka oti pai taua raruraru. E hiahia ana te Whiti kia rongo ia ki te whakaaro o te Kawanatanga e pewhea ana ranei mo etahi wahi porohita kia wehea atu mo nga Maori (a e kiia ana tera ano e pai te Kawanatanga kia pera, kia awe ai te mutu taua raruraru). Ko Titokowaru i ki, kua mutu tana mahi i te Ngutu-o-te-manu. Ko tona ahua, e ahua pai ana ki te Kawanatanga, NIU KARETONIA. —————*————— Kotahi rau e rua te kau ma wha nga tangata whenua o tetahi kainga o reira, ko Oreeri te ingoa, kua riro herehere mai i a Wi-Wi, na ratou ano i tuku mai i o ratou tinana. He iti nga tangata tutu o taua wahi e toe atu ana. E rima te kau ma ono nga wahine o enei kua riro mai nei. Kua kawea katoatia ki te Aira o Paine. (Tirohia Waka Nama 22. ) Tera te rangatira o tetahi kainga, (ko Poreera te ingoa o taua kainga), kei runga maunga e oma haere ana me ona tangata 150. E maharatia ana e kore ratou e roa ka haere mai ano. I te 2 o Maehe e 40 nga herehere i mau i a Norika, what the sequestered land sold. These promises, they maintain, have been ignored. They regard all Governments as continuous, and not as individuals, and think that the honor and promises of the past should not be broken or set aside by the present Government. They say that 16, 000 acres of fern Land on the plains have been surveyed and laid out without the reservation of a single acre for them They point to the advertisement of its sale as the deliberate sanction of the Government to ignore the Late Sir Donald McLean's promises, and rob them absolutely of their inheritance. They have Euro- pean and Native witnesses who can testify to the truth of their statements, and as to what Sir Donald McLean really did promise. Mr. James Mackay and Captain Blake have been endeavouring to obtain information with regard to the previous proceedings as to confiscated lands. They were both received in a most friendly way by Te Whiti, but a satisfactory settlement of the matter proves to be very difficult, owing to the com- plications which have grown up during a series of years. WELLINGTON, April 3. The Government have received reliable informa- tion from Waimate that there is no prospect of any breach of the peace, and the Natives express their willingness to allow the surveys to proceed in a few days. It is understood that the Government have re- ceived an almost positive assurance that the Maories will themselves put the surveyors' instruments back where they were taken, from, and that no further trouble will arise. The Armed Constabulary from Taupo have arrived here en route for Waimate Plains. WELLINGTON, April 4. The Native Minister has received a reply from. Mr. Mackay, who says that Te Whiti stood out for at least a portion of the land, deprecated being left impoverished, but at the same time scouted the idea of force being resorted to by himself or any section of his people, and reiterated there could be no war now or at any other time between themselves and their European neighbours. It is considered that the whole tenor of the report indicates a speedy and satisfactory settlement of the present difficulty. Te Whiti is anxious to learn from the Govern- ment what their intentions are in regard to setting aside reserves for the Natives (which it is understood the Government intends doing, and thus bring the present complication to a speedy and satisfactory conclusion). Titokowaru said he had finished his work at the Ngutu-o-te-manu, and seemed to lean towards the Government. NEW CALEDONIA. —————•————— One hundred and twenty-four rebels in Orail dis- trict have surrendered, which, with one or two exceptions, comprise the whole of the rebels in that district. Fifty-six of these are women. They have all been, sent to the Isle of Pines. (See Waka No. 22. ) Diounst, the chief of Bourail, and 150 of his men are still at large amongst the mountains, but it is ex- pected they too will surrender in a short time. On March 2, Norika, the war chief of Canala,
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TE WAKA MAORI O NIU TIRANI, rangatira o te iwi o Kanara, kawea mai ana e ia ki te I Wi-Wi. Ko Tiama te ingoa o tetahi o aua herehere, he nanakia, he tokomaha nga tangata i mate i a ia; tera atu hoki etahi kohuru i roto i aua herehere. Katahi ka puhia e Wi-Wi tokoona; ko etahi i kawea ki tetahi motu noho ai. Ko nga mangumangu ouou kaore ano i mau, kei ro ngahere, kei ro ana e noho ana, e huna ana i a ratou; he noho mate tona tikanga, mate tinana, mate whakaaro. E ki ana no te timatanga o ta ratou riri ki te Wi- Wi, i a Hune, 1878, tae noa mai ki tenei wa, kua iwa rau o ratou kua mate rawa, kotahi mano kotahi rau i kawea ki etahi motu o reira. I te 10 o nga ra o Maehe kotahi te kau tangata o nga iwi e riri ana i patua o te iwi o Kone, kotahi hoki te kau i hopukia e ratou, He iwi mangumangu, he hoa no te Wi-Wi, te iwi o Kone, e wha rau to ratou nui. Na ratou ano i whakatika noa ki te riri ki nga iwi e tutu ana, kaore he Pakeha e whakapiki ana i a ratou, TT KEEPA. —————•————— Kua timata e Kanara Peahana te ngaki utu mo te matenga o nga Pakeha i nga Huuru. Kua wera i a ia te tino kainga o Hetiweo, kua riro herehere mai hoki etahi o te iwi o taua rangatira. Kotahi te riri kaha rawa i muri nei, a mate rawa ana nga Huuru. E toru mano rawa aua Huuru, e waru te kau tonu a nga hoia o te Pakeha. I toa aua Huuru, engari he nui rawa o ratou i mate, a whati atu ana. E kaha katoa ana te whakaaro o nga hoia i te Keepa kia ngakia he utu mo nga tangata i mate i mua ra. Ko Maniotahi, tetahi rangatira Huuru o reira, kua tahuri mai ki te whawhai ki te Pakeha, ratou ko tona iwi. Nga korero mai o te Keepa o te 18 o Maehe e ki ana ko Ohama me tona tama me nga Huuru e 300 kua tuku mai i o ratou tinana ki te Pakeha, kei te Pakeha he whakaaro mo ratou. He teina no Hetiweo taua Ohama, e whai ana ia ki te Kingitanga, ara ko ia hei Kingi, Kaore he korero tikanga o muri nei. Ko Kanara Raa te rangatira o tetahi rangapu hoia e haere ana ki te whakaora i te taone o Ekowe, e muia ana e nga Huuru. Ko nga hoia o taua taone e ara ana, engari he kore kai te mate. Ko te rangapu hoia nama 57 kua riro atu ki Tukera tiaki ai i taua kainga. Ko nga rangapu nama 81 me te 16 kua u atu ki te Keepa, me nga pu repo me ona hoia ano hei mahi i aua pu. HE RETA TUHI MAI. —————+————— Ki te Mita o te WAKA MAORI. Turanga, Aperira 8, 1878. E HOA, —Panuitia atu ta matou kupu ki runga i te Waka Maori; koia tenei, —Kaore to matou takiwa e " pai kia pooti mema mo te Paremete. E whakaatu ana matou ki nga hapu katoa o te motu nei; ko ta matou whakaaro i penei ai, he kore kaore e mohiotia he aha te painga. No te takiwa ki te Wairoa, tae atu ki Waikawa, tae atu ki te Muriwai. Na NGATIKAHUNGUNU. Ki te Etita o te WAKA MAORI. Kopua, wahi o Arekahanara, 27 o Maehe, 1879. E HOA, —Tena koe. Tenei he utanga mo ta tatou Waka. Tokorua enei tangata, he hawhe-kaihe, he Pakeha: ko Hori te ingoa o te hawhe-kaihe, no Nga- puhi ia, ko Areka te Pakeha. I tuku waea mai raua i Waitara ki a Meiha Tiakihana, o Rangiaohia, kia brought in 40 rebels, among whom was the infamous Cham, who shed a great deal of blood, and several other noted murderers. Six of them were immediately shot, and the rest sent into exile. The few blacks not yet taken are leading a miserable life among the rooks and forests, completely crushed in spirit. It is estimated that about nine hundred blacks have been killed and eleven hundred captured and banished to neighbouring islands since the revolt in June, 1878, On the afternoon of the 10th news was received of the killing of 10 rebels and the capture of the same number of prisoners by the faithful Kone tribe. This tribe, 400 strong, commenced operations against the insurgents, and put them to flight without being aided in any way by the whites. THE CAPE, —————«————— Colonel Pearson has exacted revenge upon Cete- wayo by burning down his principal kraal and capturing a number of his men—Severe engagement between a detachment of British numbering 80 men and. a force of 8, 000 Zulus; the Zulus fought bravely but were defeated with great loss—The British forces at the Cape are anxious to retrieve the stain which their arms have sustained—Maniotasi, Chief of Banti Land, is up in arms against British rule. News from Cape Town, dated March 18, states that Oham, Cetewayo's brother, and supposed aspirant to the throne, with Oham's son and 300 Zulus, surrendered unconditionally. There had been no important movement. Colonel Law is in command of the force for the relief of Ekowe. A large number of Zulus surrounded Ekowe. The garrison is well, but short of provisions. The 57th Infantry regiment are marching to Tugela; the 81st and 16th Infantry Regiments and a British battery have arrived. CORRESPONDENCE. —————«————— To the Editor of the WAKA. MAORI. Turanga, April 8th, 1879. FRIEND, —Publish our word in the Waka Maori namely, that our districts object to returning a mem- ber to Parliament. And we desire all the hapus of the island to know that our reason is, that we do not see any benefit to be gained by our doing so. From the districts of the Wairoa, Waikawa, and the Muriwai. From NGATIKAHUNGUNU. To the Editor of the WAKA MAORI. Kopua, Alexandra, 27th March, 1879. FRIEND, —Greeting. This is cargo for the Waka, There are two men here, a half-caste and a Pakeha; the half-caste is a Ngapuhi named Hori (George), and the Pakeha's name is Alick. They sent a tele- gram from Waitara to Major Jackson, of Rangiao-
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TE WAKA MAORI O NIU TIRANI. homai he moni tekau pauna. I tuhia iho e raua ko Manga te ingoa o roto. Tukua atu e Meiha 10 pauna. Pau ake i a raua e 5 pauna, hoatu ana ki a Manga e 5 pauna. Kii atu ana a Manga, Ke hee tenei mahi, ne kohuru i au. Muri iho ka tuku waea ano e aua tangata kia tukua mai ano 10 pauna e taua Meiha; ka maka ano te ingoa o Manga ki runga. Ka tukua, mai ano aua moni; na haria mai e Hori taua moni ki te aroaro o Manga. Ka kii atu a Manga " No hea enei moni ?" Ka kii mai " Na te Meiha i tuku mai mau i runga i te waea. " No te taenga mai o Manga ki Puniu ka patai e taua Pakeha e Meiha; ka kii atu a Manga, " Na raua ano ta raua nei tikanga ehara i au. " Katahi ka kii a Manga, ma raua nei e utu. Katahi ka haere atu a Areka ki te kawe atu i nga moni hei utu mo aua moni, 15 pauna. Kii mai ana a Meiha me kawe ki a Manga. Ka tae mai ki a Manga ka whakahokia ki a Meiha aua moni, 15 pauna, me te reta a Manga ki a Meiha. Ka nui toku pouri ki tenei mahi a te tangata, no te mea ko Manga ko ahau. Na TUPOTAHI [Kua rongo matou he turanga nui, turanga ranga- tira, te turanga o taua hawhe-kaihe i whakahuatia i roto i tenei reta—inahoki he pononga ia, e kiia ana, na te Hihana. Ko ia te tangata i kiia e te Hahana i roto i te Whare i mua ai "he kai-whakamaori na Rewi. "] Me titiro nga Maori o Turanga ki te panui a Teo Kiriwhini i te wharangi mama 373. I wera te whare tawhito o te Kiriwhini, a e hiahia ana ia inaianei kia rongo ona hoa Maori kua timata ano ia i tana mahi i roto i tetahi whare paku i Karatitone Rori, i te taha ki raro tata atu o te tari o te Wake Maori; a e mea ana ia kia haere tonu nga Maori ki a ia, pera me mua. Ko nga Puutu me nga Hu e mahia ana e ia e kore e taea e te tangata te whai, te pai me te iti o te utu —iti iho i ta etahi whare katoa o Kihipone. Tera te korero waea no Akarana i perehitia ki roto ki te Taima nupepa o Werengitana, e ki ana kua puta te hamene mo te Riihi, mema o te Paremete, nei (roia nei). Na Makewharana, M. H. R., kai-whaka- haere i nga taonga o Kapene Riri kua mate nei, nana i tono taua hamene i te Hupirimi Kooti, e tonoa ana kia te kau mano pauna e utua e te Riihi (he korero whakapae pea nana). I tukua ki Nepia taua hamene hoatu ai ki a te Riihi. He nui rawa te mate-kai kei te taha tuaraki o Haina. Rere ana te wehi o nga korero o taua whenua. Ko etahi tangata o nga iwi ke kua riro ki te kawe oranga ki reira. E rima te kau mano pauna moni kua kohi- kohia e nga iwi hei oranga mo taua iwi. E rua mano e rima rau o aua moni e toe ana, taihoa ka pau. E whakapai ana te komiti whakaora ki te nui o nga moni i kohikohia ki Merepana nei, ki Atereite hoki, mo taua mate. He kino rawa te mate kei te porowini o Hanahai. Takoto kau ana te nuinga o te whenua, kaore e mahia ana; he nui nga taone e hinga noa ana, kua kore he tangata, he nui nga tupapaku e tawhetawheta noa ana i te whenua, kaore e tanumia ana. I rakia te whenua i Hanatanga, muri iho ngaro ana i te waipuke, a he nui nga taonga i ngaro; he mea ano, riro puku ana etahi taone paku. He tini hoki nga tangata i mate i te waipuke. Ha, and put the name of Manga (Rewi) in it, asking him for £10 The Major sent the £10. They spent £5 of the money, and gave £5 to Manga, who told them that their conduct was wrong, and would impli- cate him. Subsequently they again sent a telegram for another £10 from the Major, and again put Manga's name in it. The money was sent, and they took it to Manga, who asked, "Whence comes this money. ? They said, " The Major has sent it to you by telegram. " When Manga returned to Puniu, the Major enquired about the money, and Manga said he had not authorised them, to send for it, and that they must refund the money themselves. Alick then took back £15, but the Major told them to take it to Manga. When it was brought to Manga he sent it back with a letter to the Major. I am troubled about people doing these sort of things, because Manga and I are one, From TUPOTAHI. [We are informed that the half-caste mentioned in the above letter occupies the proud position of being a creature of Mr. Sheehan's. He is the distinguished individual who was mentioned by that gentleman in the House as " Rewi's own Interpreter. "] We call the attention of the Natives of Turanga to the advertisement of Mr. Joseph Griffin on page 373. The house in which Mr. Griffin carried on business heretofore was burned down during the late fire, and he now wishes his Maori customers to know that he has recommenced business in a small building in Gladstone Road, a short distance below the office of the Waka Maori, where he hopes to re- ceive a continuance of their patronage. He promises to supply them with Boots and Shoes, manufactured in his usual inimitable style, at a cheaper rate than any house in Gisborne. A telegram from. Auckland, published in the Wel- lington Times, says that a writ against Mr. W. L. Rees, M. H. R., for £10, 000 damages, at the suit of Mr. J. S. Macfarlane, M. H. R., as trustee in the estate of the late Captain Read, has been issued and sent to Napier for service. The famine in the north of China is by no means over yet. Fearful accounts of suffering continue to be received from the famine districts, and several foreigners have gone to render help. The total amount received in aid of the distressed amounts to £50, 000, of which £2500 remains in hand. The committee of the relief fund, in their report, speak of the contributions received from Melbourne and Adelaide as very liberal. From the province of Shansi deplorable accounts have been received. Vast tracts of land are unculti- vated, numbers of villages are in ruins, many towns almost deserted, and heaps of human bodies He un- buried. The drought in Shantung has been succeeded by floods, which have destroyed a large amount of pro- perty, in many cases sweeping away whole villages. The loss of life from this cause has been dreadful.
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TE WAKA MAORI O NIU TIRANI. HE RETA MAORI, ——————«. —————— [The following letters, being of no interest whatever to Europeans, are published in Maori only. Our Native sub-. scribers complain very bitterly if we do not give insertion to their letters, many of which are upon subjects ao trivial and un- important that making translations of them would be an en- tire waste of labor, and the insertion of them would necessitate the exclusion of more useful matter. We propose therefore, as a rule, to publish translations of those only which may bear upon political questions of importance, or be otherwise interesting to the European public. ] Wharekahika, Pepuere, 1879, E HOA, —Utaina ki te Waka taku whakahoki mo te panui a Wi Pahuru ma. Katahi ano aku tangata auau rere-ke marire ko nga tangata taka i te maaae o aku whare, a noho rawa hoki ki runga ki taku whenua! Katahi marire te tu tangata mohio ki te tuku panui ki te Waka o nga tangata totika o nga iwi ka Pakehatia kia rongo ai ra a wai ma i te panui- tanga ! Kati te noho i runga i to matou whenua ko aku Pakeha, te whakaapiapi noa. Tukua mai nga manuhiri a taku tipuna, a Uenuku. Ka mate ia ka makere iho tona kupu ki au, —" E tama, i muri nei, kia mau ki nga Pakeha anake, Engari hoki te hanga e taka nei, hei mau ka weru mau. " E hoa ma, kai te hangai marire ki toku; kaore i te titi ke. Kaua hei puhaehae noa; kia pai te mahi kei tipu noa te kino ki tenei whenua. Kua mutu nga ra mo te korero. I to matou taenga mai ko Hemi Make me H. Potae kaore he kupu pono. Kati te haere ki te rapu korero ki te tangata ke; ahu mai ki to kou- tou tipuna, ki a te Hokamau, hei ako i a koutou ki nga korero o te whenua, me etahi tikanga atu. Na te HOUKAMAU, Te Mimioruamoana. Kaitaha, Pepuere, 1879. E HOA, —He kupu atu tenei na matou, mau e uta atu ki runga ki te Waka. Kaore matou e pai inaia- nei ki o matou piihi whenua e takoto nei i roto o tenei panui (a Meiha Ropata). E he ana. Kati, ko o matou piihi ka unuhia e matou ki waho; timata i te Ngaiopiko whakamutu ki te ruritanga a Meiha Ropata i tona piihi; timata i tetahi taha o taua piihi whakamutu ki Pauoruku; timata i Pauoruku whaka- mutu ki Mangaoparo, whiti noa mai ki te Ahikouka nama wana, tae noa ki te poraka o Kai-inanga, tae noa ki nga wahi o te Poroporo. Me puta katoa ki waho; kaore matou e pai ki tenei tikanga e panuitia nei i te Waka. Kei ia tangata, kei ia hapu, kei ia iwi, te tikanga mo ona wahi, mo ona wahi, mana e hoko, e reti, e pupuri ranei. Na Hamana Mahuika, Taraka Urupa, Hare Mumu, Rota Ihaka, Puha, te Whitu Rangi, Wiremu Takeke, Hami Pake, Toanga, Rihara Mautu, Maki, Kara Ngere, Pine Tamahori, te Rana Tirahina, Karaka te Rangi, Muni Mihakai, Ihaka Poi, Wi Nanga, Naera te Wheru, Himi Peti. Wharepongo, Maehe 1st, 1879. E HOA, —Ko nga kai-whakahaere mo te whenua i panuitia e matou, mo Harataunga, koia tenei, Tami-. hana Kakano, Hamiora te Manana; ma enei tangata e whakahaere nga ritenga mo nga rakau me etahi atu mea e manakohia ana i runga i taua whenua. Ei te kitea tetahi mea, haere mai ki a maua whakaatu ai. Na TAMIHANA. KAKANO. Taumata o Mihi, 10 Maehe, 1879. E HOA, —Me tuku taku panuitanga mo nga rohe a to matou takiwa ki te Waka. Kai muri atu te honoa mai ai nga rohe o nga wahi i kapea ki waho e tenei panui; hei reira korerotia ai nga hapu me ona take i tino tau ai ki roto ki aua wehenga ki ia hapu, tangata ranei. Ko tenei panui mo te Rangatikitiki ke, ara mo Honokao me ona maunga ririki i raro i a ia: — Poho Hinekehu, Puketauhinu, Tututohora, Pukaka- honui, me ona wai e heke ana i roto i a ia. Ko ona rohe tenei: — Makahikatoa, te Whakaekenga a Tamakaroro, Tahunawaerenoa, te ngutu awa o Ma- ngarata, ka rere i roto o Tapirimoko Taone, te ngutu awa, o. Mangamauku, ka rere i roto o Ururoanui, Tarake, a Tahimaro, te Poho o Hinekehu, ka rere i roto o tetahi wehenga o Ururoanui, i te Kahika, ka ahu ki Hauauru i te taha o te maunga o te Poho o Hinekehu, ka huri ki tetahi taha ki te kauru o te wai, ko te Maroro, i puta mai i roto o Puketauhinu, Mangatutara, ka rere i runga i te raina ruri a te Kawanatanga Tahunanuiakea, te Kaipukutaka, Ta- kapau o Whakatane, te ngutu awa o Mangatutara Umukapua o Tauwhare, Huwaero, Manuriki, Manga- hatapua, ka rere i roto o taua wai ka eke ki Puka-. kahonui, Manga Kotukutuku, ka whati ki te kaura o Huitatariki, te Poti a Taeho, Tutukaka, Kakaho- roa, ka makere ki Tapuaeroak, a rini ki Makahikatoa, Na R. KAWHIA.
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TE WAKA MAORI O NIU TIRANI. EDWARD LYNDON, AUCTIONEER, LAND AND COMMISSION AGENT, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT & ARBITRATOR, NAPIER. Government Broker under the Land Transfer Act. THE WORKING MAN'S STORE, GLADSTONE ROAD, GISBORNE. SAM. STEVENSON, PROPRIETOR. THIS is the old-established Shop where you can get your GROCERIES, GENERAL STORES, BRUSH WARE, DRAPERY, &c., of first-class quality, and at prices as low as any house in town. Just Received—A splendid Assortment of IRONMONGERY, Colonial Ovens, Spades, Axes, &c. A capital assortment of SADDLERY. JAMES CRAIG (Successor to T. Duncan), BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, GLADSTONE ROAD, Begs to announce that ho is prepared to supply the people of Gisborne with Bread of the Best quality. CONFECTIONERY, GROCERIES, &C. Wedding Cakes supplied to order. Suppers, Balls, Soirees, and Parties catered for. G. HOUGHTON, PAINTER, PAPER. HANGER, DECORATOR. &c., GLADSTONE ROAD, GISBORNE (opposite the Royal Hotel). Oils, Colors, Glass, and Paperhangings of all descriptions always in stock. M. HALL, SADDLER, HARNESS, & COLLAR MAKER, GLADSTONE ROAD, GISBORNE. An extensive well-assorted Stock of Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Spurs, Horse Clothing, &c. Also Buggy Pair Horse. Cab, Gig, and Carriage Harness. Pack Saddles, Cart, Trace and Plough Harness manufactured on the pre- mises at the shortest notice on the Most Reasonable Terms. In resuming Business, M. H. offers his best thanks to the public generally for their liberal support in times past, and assures them that nothing shall be wanting on his part to give general satisfaction to those customers who give him a call. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ EDWIN TURNER WOON, NATIVE AGENT & INTERPRETER. OFFICES—Cooper's Buildings, Gisborne. J. H. STUBBS, CHEMIST, DRUGGIST & STATIONER, GLADSTONE ROAD, GISBORNE. Prescriptions carefully prepared. Patent Medicines of every kind always in stock. N JACOBS, IMPORTER OF FANCY GOODS, Musical, Cricketing and Billiard Materials, Tobacconist's Wares, &c. HASTINGS STREET, NAPIER. A. LASCELLES, SOLICITOR & NOTARY PUBLIC, NAPIER. Mr. Lascelles also attends when required at the Gisborne Court. J. LE QUESNE, COAL AND TIMBER MERCHANT, POET AHURIRI, NAPIER. W. S. GREENE, AUCTIONEER, Land & Estate Agent, Timber Merchant Valuator, Horse, Sheep, and Cattle Salesman, &c., GISBORNE. AUCTION MART—Next door to Masonic Hotel. TIMBER YARD—Next Masonic Hall. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ IMPORTERS OF DRAPERY, CLOTHING BOOTS and SHOES, GROCERS, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, N A P I E R. GARRETT BROTHERS, BOOT & SHOE WAREHOUSE, Gladstone Road, Gisborne. EVERY description of BOOTS kept in Stock, which, for quality and price, cannot be equalled. Factory, —Wakefield-street, Auckland, and Napier. WILLIAM ADAIR, GENERAL IMPORTER OF DRAPERY, IRONMON- GERY, OILMAN'S STORES, Wines and Spirits; Saddlery, Sewing Machines, Kerosene, Turps, Paints, Oils, GISBORNE. AGENT FOB New Zealand Insurance Company Auckland Steamship Company Marshall & Copeland's Exhibition Ale The " Wellington" Sewing Machine, \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_WILLIAM ADAIR. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ T. WILLIAMS, BOOT & SHOE MAKER, HASTINGS STREET, NAPIER. A first-class assortment of Ladies', Gent's, and Children's Boots and Shoes always on hand. Boots and Shoes of every description made on the premises. A perfect fit guaranteed. J. SIGLEY, TINSMITH, PLUMBER. SHEET IRON & ZINC WORKER. GLADSTONE ROAD, GISBORNE. GRAHAM & CO., GlSBORNE, STOCK, STATION AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. Cash purchasers of Wool, Tallow, and all Colonial Produce consigned to their Home Agents for sale. Importers of Stock and Station Requirements, Groceries and Oilmen's Stores, Ironmongery, Agricultural Implements, Saddlery, Wines and Spirits. Men's Clothing and Drapery Goods. T. WATERWORTH. CEMETERY MARBLE WORKS DlCKENS STREET, NAPIER. Plans furnished and executed in any part of the colony for all kinds of Tombstones, Railings, Monuments, Stone Carvings, &c.
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TE WAKA MAORI O NIU TIRANI. KIRKCALDIE & STAINS, DRAPERS, GENERAL OUTFITTERS, IMPOTERS OF MILLINERY, UNDERCLOTHING, BABY LINEN, MANTLES, COSTUMES, BALL DRESSES, HOUSEHOLD FURNISHING, CARPETS of every description, FLOUR CLOTHS (all widths), LINOLIUM, BILLIARD CLOTHS, &c., &c. IN soliciting the attention of Buyers resident in the country, KIRKCALDIE & STAINS respectfully announce that all orders are specially supervised by themselves and dispatched by the first mode of conveyance after receipt of order to all parts of New Zealand. Patterns forwarded on application, and Details and Styles given descriptive of the Articles mentioned in order. TERMS OF PAYMENT—5 per cent discount on all cash purchases over £200; 2½ per cent on all purchases over £200, settled monthly. Accounts rendered quarterly are subject to no reduction. KIRKCALDIE & STAINS, LAMBTON QUAY AND BRANDON-STREET, WELLINGTON. -- P. S. —Dressmaking conducted on the premises. Mourning orders promptly executed. * HE PANUITANGA. TITIRO MAI! TITIRO MAI! KA puta te Haeata o te Rangi ki Kihipone nei! Kua ara nga Kawainga o te ata!—ara, ko RENATA MA E HAERE MAI ANA KI KIHIPONE NEI. He tini noa atu a ana KOTI, TARAUTETE, WEKOTI, KAONE, PARAIKETE, RAKA, POTAE, KIAPA, Me nga tini mea katoa e paingia ana e te Maori. He maka noa tana mahi i te taonga. KO TE WHARE KEI KARATITONE RORI, INA, KEI TE WHARE PEKA TAWHITO A TAKANA. PARNELL & BOYLAN, IMPORTERS OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Of all Description, FURNISHING IRONMONGERS, GISBORNE. Guns, Shot, and Powder. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Bread and Biscuit Bakers and Confectioners— HERON, J., Carlyle Street, Napier. JOHNSON, J. T., Hastings Street, Napier. (Refreshment Rooms). Engineer and Iron Founder— GARRY, J., Hastings Street, Napier. Fancy Bazaar— COHEN, H. P., Hastings Street, Napier. Fruiterer— BENJAMIN, G., Hastings Street, Napier. Hotels— ASHTON, E., Provincial Hotel, opposite the Theatre, Napier. BELL, JOSEPH, Crown Hotel, Port Ahuriri. YOUNG, JOHN, Rail-way Hotel, Port Ahuriri. Licensed Interpreter— GRINDELL, JAMES, Gisborne. Merchants and General Importers— DRANSFIELD & Co., Port Ahuriri. ROBJOHNS, IRVINE & Co., Port Ahuriri. VAUTIER, J. H., Port Ahuriri. Wood and Coal Merchants— WISHART & Co., Dickens Street, Napier.