Te Waka Maori o Niu Tirani 1871-1877: Volume 8, Number 24. 24 December 1872 |
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TE WAKA MAOEI O NIU TIRANI. "KO TE TIKA, KO TE PONO, KO TE AROHA." VOL. 8.] PO NEKE, TAITE, TIHEMA 24, 1872. [No. 21. HE KUPU ATU ENEI KI NGA HOA TUHI MAI. Ko nga tangata enei kua homai moni i muri nei mo a raua nupepa, ara:— £ s. d. Eruhiri Taheke o Hokianga ... ... 010 O Anaru Patene o Hamilton ... ... ... 1 O O Total ... ... ... ... 1 10 O Tenei te kupu ki nga tangata tango nupepa. Ena mea, matou kia whakamutua te tuku nupepa a muri ake nei ki nga tangata whakaaro kore ki te utu i ana nupepa. Kaore hoki e tika, kia rite tonu te haere o te nupepa ki nga tangata utu kore ki to ngu tangata e utu tonu ana. He aha te pai o tena ? Me whakaaro nga tangata kaore ano kia utu i ana nupepa, a ka hohoro le whakarite—kia haere tonu ai hoki ana nupepa. MANAWATU. Ko te mahi a te Kooti Whakawa Whenua Maori i Manawatu kua nekehia atu. ki te 4 o nga ra o Maehe e takoto ake nei i te tau 1873. Ka rima nga wiki e noho ana taua Kooti. Ko nga korero a nga iwi e rima i whakakotahi ki te taha ki a Meiha Keepa i korerotia i te tuatahi—ara, ko Ngatikahu- ngunu, ko Muaupoko, ko Rangitane, ko Ngatiapa, ko Whanganui. Ka mutu a ratou korero katahi ka korerotia nga take o Ngatiraukawa, ratou ko Nga- titoa, ko Ngatiawa. Ka mutu tera ka whakapuakina ki te Kooti nga kupu a Hoani Meihana o Rangitane, te tangata i whakaritea hei Kai-whakahaere mo nga iwi e rima ra. Ka mutu ana korero ka korero a Hare Wirikake o Ngapuhi, te tangata whakahaere mo te taha ki Ngatiraukawa. Katahi ka ki nga Kai Whakawa me neke atu te Kooti ki te 4 o nga ra o Maehe kia whai takiwa hei kimihanga ma raua i te ritenga. Hei reira hei taua ra ka puta te kupu whakatau a te Kooti. Ki ta matou whakaaro e pai ana kia tukua atu ki reira whakaoti ai te whakawa mo aua whenua. He takiwa kai hoki taua takiwa. Ko tenei na te Kawanatanga nga kai i ora ai te kotahi mano tangata i tenei tunga o te Kooti i a Nowema nei. Ko te Rokena raua ko te Mete nga Kai Whakawa. E whakamoemiti ana nga tangata katoa, nga pakeha me nga maori, ki te ata mahi a aua Kai Whakawa; te ata whakarongo ki nga korero katoa, nga kupu nui me nga, kupu iti. Ehara i te hanga ake te manawanui o aua tangata; te pai, te ngawari, te ata kimi, te ata whakahaere marire i te mahi. Te kupu e whakataua, me ka tu ano te Kooti i a Maehe, he kupu mo nga iwi e tika aua ki runga ki te whenua katoa i roto i nga rohe o waho, ka timata i Tuwhakatupua ki te taha marangai puta noa ki Kukutauaki ki te taha tonga ; ko runga o Tararua ki te taha rawhiti, ko le moana tonu ki te tana hauauru. Kia oti tena katahi ka whakawakia nga rohe wehewehenga ki ia hapu ki ia hapu. Ko nga korero enei i raro nei a Hoani Meihana i whai korero ai ki te Kooti i te mutunga o te mahi i te 9 o nga ra o Tihema. Ko a Hare Wirikake korero kaore i tuhia mai e ia. Ko a Hoani Meihana enei;— " Ko taku korero tuatahi ki te Kooti ko te,Tiriti o Waitangi. Ko te Tiriti o Waitangi i tae mai ki Manawatu nei i te tau 1840. E mohio ana te Kooti he mea nui rawa tena mea a te Tiriti pera me te Tiriti o Waitangi. E kore e tuhituhia nga ingoa o nga tangata kuare, o nga tangata rawakore, o nga taurekareka, o nga tangata mana kore, hi roto ki taua mea. Engari e tuhia ana ko nga tangata whai mana, ko nga tangata whai whenua, whai taonga, ki roto ki taua tiriti. I tae mai a te Wiremu minita, te kai kawe mai o taua tiriti, ki te Rewarewa i Mana- watu. He pa nui tera, he pa kaha—kei roto i nga rohe o te whenua e whakawakia nei. I roto i taua pa nga iwi e rua, a Rangitane me Ngatikahungunu, i taua tau 1840. I tuhia ki reira nga ingoa o aua rangatira nunui o aua iwi. Heoi, kaore a Ngatirau- kawa i tae ake ki reira ki te whakahe i taua takiwa i tuhia ai. I tuhia ki Rangitikei nga ingoa o nga rangatira nunui o Ngatiapa ki roto ki taua tiriti, mo to ratou mana kia mau tonu ki runga i to ratou whenua me o ratou iwi me o ratou taonga. A e mau nei to ratou mana i runga i o ratou iwi me o ratou uri a taea noatia tenei ra e tu nei matou o ratou uri ki te aroaro o tenei Kooti. I tuhia ki Whanganui nga ingoa o nga rangatira nunui o tera wri mo tana mana ano. Engari kihai a te Wiremu i tae atu ki Horowhenua me etahi kainga atu i
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158 TE WAKA MAORI O NIU TIRANI. waenganui o te motu nei; kahore hoki he panui mana i tae atu ki era kainga—i haere tonu i te takutai moana. No reira te tuhituhia nga ingoa o nga rangatira nunui o era iwi ki taua tiriti. Kihai a Ngatiraukawa i tae mai i te takiwa i tuhia ai nga ingoa o nga rangatira nunui o aku iwi ki roto ki taua tiriti ki te whakaatu ki a te Wiremu he taurekareka tenei iwi me tera iwi nana. Katahi ka puta tenei kupu i tona waha e ki nei ki te aroaro o te Kooti. E kore hoki ia e kaha ki te ki pera mai ki oku iwi me nga rangatira nunui o nga iwi e rima. Te rua. Ko te take o aku iwi. He take tupuna to matou take pumau ki runga ki to matou whenua e whakawakia nei e mau nei i roto i tenei mapi; he take noho tonu, tetahi no matou i runga i te whenua tae noa mai ki tenei ra. Kihai tena take o aku iwi i hinga i a Ngatiraukawa, i a Ngatitoa, i a Ngatiawa. E kore e tino korerotia e au tena take, no te mea kua marama i nga korero i korerotia i te aroaro o te Kooti. Te toru. Me titiro te Kooti ko nga hoa whawhai o aku iwi, e rua, ko Ngatitoa ko Ngati- awa-kaore a Ngatiraukawa. Heoi nga iwi i mohiotia e au ko ena aku hoa riri. Heoi ra, i korero nui aku tangata ki te aroaro o tenei Kooti kihai aua iwi i kaha ki oku iwi; i hinga ratou, i mate ratou,—a i riro i aku iwi te whakamutunga o nga whawhai ki aua iwi rua, a mau tonu te mana o aku iwi ki runga ki to ratou papa whenua taea noatia tenei ra e noho nei ratou i te aroaro o tenei Kooti. Te wha. Te taha ki a Ngatiraukawa mo te wha- whai. Kaore rawa au i mohio ki nga whawhai a tenei iwi a Ngatiraukawa, e ki :nei he whawhai ta ratou kei runga i tenei papa whenua e whakawakia nei. Kaore ano hoki he whawhai a to ratou rangatira a te Whatanui. Heoti ano nga whawhai a tena iwi kei te taha ki Heretaunga, ko tana kainga tera i hiahia ai. No tona matenga i a Ngatikahungunu i ona pa horo ki reira, i hereherea nei ana wahine ana tamariki me tona iwi, a mate ana ia, oma ana mai ki konei. I tona taenga mai ki konei ka kohurutia etahi tangata ruarua nei e noho ana i nga piko o nga awa, kua oti nei te korero e aku kai korero ki te Kooti. Ka whakatika aku iwi e toru ki te whawhai ki a ia (a Muaupoko, a Rangitane, a Ngatiapa) a tae atu ana ki Karekare, ta tutaki pu ki taua taua. Na, ka wehi nui ia koi mate ia i aku iwi, a tukua mai ana e ia nga wahine i hopungia e ia 1d reira ano, me te tono mai ano ki aku iwi kia houhia te rongo, a mau aua te rongo ki Karekare ; i korerotia nei e aku tangata ki te aroaro o tenei Kooti. Ko te take tena i noho pai ai tenei iwi a Ngatiraukawa, a atawhaitia ana ratou e aku iwi, hoatu ana he whenua ki a ratou, kua rongo nei te Kooti e korerotia ana e aku kai korero ki tona aroaro. I hoatu e Muaupoko ki a Te Whatanui ko te Rauma- tangi; i hoatu e Tawhati, o Muaupoko, ko Poroutawhao ki a Ngatihuia; i hoatu e Te Hiaro, o Rangitane, ko Tokomaru ki a Ngatiwhakatere; i hoatu e Te Aweawe, o Rangitane, ko Manawapou ki a Rangiheuwea; i hoatu e Mahuri, o Rangitane, ki a Te Whetu o Nga- tiraukawa ko Taonui; na kei Oroua etahi wahi, kei Rangitikei etahi wahi, i hoatu—e noho mai nei ano etahi hapu o Ngatiraukawa i runga i nga wahi i hoatu e nga rangatira o aku iwi ki a ratou i runga i ta ratou tono. Tua rima o aku korero, ko te whawhai ki Hao- whenua i riri ra a Ngatiawa me tetahi wahi o Ngatitoa ki a Ngatiraukawa. I haere atu aku iwi hei awhina i a ia kei mate rawa ia i nga iwi maha kua tae mai nei ki reira whawhai ai. I haere atu Muaupoko i Horowhenua; i haere atu Rangitane me Ngatikahungunu i Manawatu ; i haere atu Ngatiapa i Rangitikei; i haere atu a Whanganui i Whanganui ano. Whawhai ana ratou a hinga ana te hoa riri, e korerotia nei e aku kai korero e ratou hoki ki te aroaro o tenei Kooti. Na, mai te Kooti e titiro mai ki nga tohu o tenei hanga o te maunga rongo.—koia tenei ko te noho tahi, ko te haere tahi ki nga whawhai, ko te hoatu whenua mo ratou. Ko nga mahi tenei a nga iwi rangatira he atawhai. Na e kimi ana ahau me pewhea e oti ai enei whakaaro pai mehemea kahore he maunga rongo ? E ki ana Matene te Whiwhi he mana nui to Ngatitoa i runga ake i a Ngatiraukawa, i a Ngatiawa, mo tenei papa whenua e whakawakia nei—no Tuwhakatupua a tae noa ki Kukutauaki. Na e mea ana tetahi kupu a Matene he mea hoatu nana tenei whenua ki a Nga- tiraukawa a tae atu ana te rohe ki Whangaehu. E ki ana Henere te Herekau kahore he mana o Ngatitoa i runga i tenei whenua. E ki ana Henere te Herekau i riro i a ia tenei whenua i runga i te rau o te patu a Ngatiraukawa. Na, kia rongo te Kooti e he ana tenei kupu a Henere te Herekau. No whea tana rau patu i runga i tenei whenua ? Engari a Ngatitoa a Ngatiawa, ko nga hoa whawhai tena o aku iwi. Kahore nei hoki aku tangata e huna i nga whawhai a Ngatitoa me nga whawhai a etahi atu iwi ki konei. Na te kaha hoki o aku iwi i haere a Te Peehi ki Ingarangi ki te tiki pu; i haere ai Te Rauparaha ki a Ngapuhi ki te tiki pu ; i haere ai a Ngatata ki Taranaki ki te tiki i era iwi hei whawhai ki aku iwi, i oma ai a Ngatitoa ki Kapiti noho ai ki te kai ika, paua—e ki nei a Matene ki te aroaro o te Kooti i a Ngatitoa te mana ki konei ! Tena e te Kooti he tohu kaha kore koia tenei no aku iwi ? E noho mai ra a Ngatiawa i Poneke, e noho mai ra a Ngatitoa i tawahi i tera motu, i Porirua hoki; na taku kaha ka kore ratou e noho i runga i tenei wahi. Mei kore hoki te Whakapono ka mate rawa atu ano ena iwi i au—kua whiwhi hoki ahau ki te pu. Ko nga hawhe- kaihe anake o Ngatitoa e noho nei i roto i a Nga- tiraukawa, i te iwi e manaakitia nei e aku tupuria e aku matua, e aku iwi hoki, i runga i te maunga rongo. Tua, whitu. E ki nei a Ngatiraukawa kahore ratou, i panaia mai e Waikato me etahi atu iwi i Maunga- tautari, i haere pai mai ratou. Taihoa te Kooti ka rongo a muri ake nei. E ki ana Waikato me etahi atu iwi i pana mai ratou. Tera ano te Kooti e rongo e hunahuna ana ratou. Kaore i haere pai mai ratou ki konei. He tohu koia tenei no te ora ka mahue atu to ratou kainga tupu ka haere mai ki konei ki te whenua tawhiti noho ai ? Koia ahau i mea ai mehemea e te Kooti ko te ra whakaotinga tenei mo tenei whenua, ko te ra e whakataua ai, me homai tonu, taku whenua ki runga ki toku ringaringa i tenei ra, ki te ringaringa hoki o aku iwi e rima e noho nei i te aroaro o tenei Kooti. Ka mutu nga karero mo nga iwi e toru, mo Ngatiraukawa, mo Ngatitoa, mo Ngatiawa. Tua waru. Ka korero ahau inaianei mo te taha ki a Huru te Hiaro me tona Rangitane e korero nei ia ki te aroaro o te Kooti. He mea naku kei whea tona Rangitane i te mana o te iwi nui tonu e korerotia nei ki te aroaro o te Kooti e nga iwi e rima? A kei whea tona mana me te mana hoki o tona matua e tu ana ? Kei runga ake ranei i te iwi nui tonu e tu ana, keiwhea ranei? E kore hoki ia e tau hei korero whakahi, hei peehi ranei i te mana o nga rangatira o Rangitane me te iwi nui tonu. Kahore hoki he mana o ona tupuna me tona matua, hapu ranei, ki runga ki tenei papa whenua e whakawakia nei, no Tuwhakatupua tae atu ki Kukutauaki puta noa i nga maunga huka, tae noa ki te moana. E hara i te mana iti te mana o oku tupuna oku matua a tae iho ki aku tamariki e noho nei i te aroaro o tenei Kooti. E totoro atu ana taua mana ki runga ki te whenua ki runga hoki ki a ia, ki a Huru me ona tangata pehi ai, no o matou tupuna iho a tae noa ki a matou e noho nei i te aroaro o te Kooti inaianei. B hara hoki i te tino tangata rawa ia i whakahe ai i pana . ai ia i etahi tangata i runga i tenei papa whenua e
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TE WAKA MAORI O NIU TIRANI. 159 whakawakia nei. Nana ano ia i whakataka me tona hapu, e ki nei hoki ia ki te aroaro o te Kooti kua hoatu tona mana ki nga iwi ke me tona whenua. A kei whea ranei tona whenua e takoto ana ? Koia au ka mea ki te Kooti inaianei me pana rawa atu taua tangata me tona hapu ki waho o tenei papa whenua, a tae atu ki etahi whenua. Me whakaae ra\\va mai te Kooti ki tenei kupu aku ki te kupu hoki a nga, iwi e rima e whakapuakina nei e au ki te aroaro o te Kooti i tenei ra." Heoi nga kupu a Honui ki te Kooti. Na, ko aua korero ano enei kei raro iho nei. He mea whakatu ki te reo pakeha i runga. i te tono a nga iwi e rima i whakakotahi ki a te Keepa ma. Koia tenei:— Hoani Meihana's address to the Native Lands Court at Foxton. " The first point to which I shall draw the atten- tion of the Court will be the Treaty of Waitangi. The Treaty of Waitangi was brought to Manawatu in the year 1S40. The Court will know that a treaty like that of Waitangi was a highly important matter ; and that low and obscure persons, beggars and slaves, and men without power and authority, would not he asked to become parties to such a treaty. On the contrary, it is clear that men possessing and exerci- sing power and authority, owners of land-and mon of substance, would be the men sought after for their signatures. The Rev. Mr. Williams brought the treaty in question to the Rewarewa, at Manawatu. This (Rewarewa) was a large and strongly fortified place standing within the boundaries of the land our title to which is now being investigated by the Court. At that time, 18-10, it was occupied by the Rangitane and Ngatikahungunu, and the chiefs and principal men of those tribes then and there signed their names to the deed, and became parties to the treaty. The Ngatiraukawa did not then come forward to make objections. The Chiefs of Ngatiapa signed at Rangitikei to secure and fix their title to their lands, and their power and authority over their people. And that right and title and power and authority has descended upon their tribes and upon us their children, and has remained with us down to the present day when we stand before the Court. The Chiefs of Whanganui signed the treaty at Whanganui in respect of their power and authority also. But Mr. Williams did not go, or send a message, to Horowhenua and other places inland ; he travelled straight along the Coast, and therefore the chiefs of those people (inland) had no opportunity of becom- ing parties to the treaty. The Ngatiraukawa did not come when our chief's were signing the treaty and tell Mr. Williams that this or that tribe were their slaves. Now, however, for the first time they brand us before the Court as slaves! They dare not so speak to the people and chiefs of our five united tribes. "The second point which I shall notice is the nature of our title. We claim, principally by right of ancestry, to be owners of the land shown on the map and now being investigated; and also by right of occupation down to the present time. The Ngati- raukawa, Ngatitoa, and Ngatiawa united have never succeeded in overthrowing this right. I need not go into this question, as the thing is clear from the evidence which the Court has before it. " In the third place, I wish to direct the attention of the Court to the fact that the people who fought against us were the two tribes of Ngatitoa and Ngatiawa—not Ngatiraukawa. Those tribes were our enemies, and they fought against us. I am not aware of any others. And it has been clearly shown to the Court iu the very full evidence which has beer brought before it that those tribes did not prevail against us; that, on the contrary, they suffered severely from our attacks ; that the last battle fought between us and them resulted in a victory for our side ; and that we have ever since maintained our right and power over the land, even to this very day upon which we stand before the Court. " The fourth point which I shall notice has respect to the claims by conquest of Ngatiraukawa. I am altogether ignorant of their ever having fought against us(as they assert) in respect of this land now the subject of inquiry. Their chief. Whatanui, never fought against us. Their battles were fought on the Heretaunga side, which district they were ambitious of obtaining. Bat the Ngatikahungunu defeated them, destroyed their fortified places, arid made prisoners of their women and children—they wero thoroughly beaten there and forced to retreat to this coast. When they arrived here they treacherously slew (or murdered) a few persons who were living in isolated spots about the bends of the rivers, as has been shown to the Court by our wit- nesses. Three of our tribes then arose to take ven- eance (Muaupoko, Rangitane, and Ngatiapa), and proceeded to Te Karekare, on the Manawatu, where they fell in with the Ngatiraukawa parly who had committed the murders. Ou seeing our vvar-party great fear and dread came upon them lost ther should be punished for their evil doings, and they straightway liberated some women of whom they had made prisoners, and begged that peace might be made with them. Peace was therefore concluded .it Karekare, as the Court will see by the evidence be- fore it. This was ihe reason they were allowed to remain here not only undisturbed but cherished and befriended by our people, and land apportioned to them, as the Court has been informed. Raumatangi was given by Tauweki of Muaupoko to Te Whatanui; Tawhati of Muaupoko gave Poroutawhao to Ngati- huia ; Te Hiaro of Rangitane gave Tokomaru to Ngatiwhakatere; Te Aweawe of Rangitane gave Manawapou to Rangiheuwea, and Te Mahuri of Rangitane gave Taonui to the Whetu of Ngatirau- kawa. In addition to this other lands were given to Ngatiraukawa at Oroua and Rangitikei at their own request, which lauds are still occupied by some of their hapus. " Tho fifth point of which I shall speak relates to the fighting at Haowhenua (Otaki), where the Nga- tiawas and a section of the Ngatitoa attacked the Ngatiraukawa. On that occasion our people be- friended and assisted the Ngatiraukawa, lest they should be utterly destroyed by the numerous tribes who were there collected against them. The Muau- poko went from. Horowhenua to assist them ; the Rangitane and Ngatikahungunu from Manawatu; Ngatiapa from Rangitikei; and the Whanganui people from Whanganui. All these people fought on behalf of the Ngatiraukawa and defeated their enemies, as has been shown to the Court in the evi- dence given before it. The Court will see that we were living together in peace from the fact of our associating generally with each other, from our making common cause with. them against their ene- mies, and from our giving them land to live upon. These were the acts of a superior race—a people of influence and power. I cannot see how these things could have happened had we been at war with them. " Sixthly,—Matene te Whiwhi (of Ngatitoa) ha» said that the power and authority of Ngatitoa extended all over this laud, superior to that of Nga- tiraukawa and Ngatiawa, from Tuwhakatupua to Kukutauaki; and that they the Ngatitoa gave the laud to Ngatiraukawa as far north as Whangaehu. But Henere te Herekau (of Ngatiraukawa) denies this and says that they conquered it themselves. Now, I deny this altogether. I ask where did they ever
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160 , TE WAKA MAORI O NIU TIRANI. fight a battle against us on this land ? . It was a very different matter with respect to Ngatitoa and Ngati- awa. They were indeed our enemies and fought against us. My witnesses have not disputed this and do not attempt to hide it. But on account of the strength and bravery of our tribes Pehi was forced to go to England and Te Rauparaha to Ngapuhi to get guns to enable them to stand against us; and Ngatata also had to go to Taranaki to get assistance from his friends and allies there. Ngatitoa fled to Kapiti and fixed themselves there, and lived upon fish and paua (shell-fish). Matene said the Ngatitoa held sway here ; but I ask the Court do these things look like weakness on our side? Ngatiawa are living .at Port Nicholson; of Ngatitoa some are living on the other island and some at Porirua; and this was solely in consequence of our power and prowess, otherwise they would have located them- selves here. Had not Christianity been introduced we should have utterly annihilated those people, as we too had become possessed of guns. A portion of the Ngatitoa being related to the Ngatiraukawa (the people who were befriended by our ancestors and parents, and with whom they had entered into an alliance) they only were suffered to remain here with their relatives." "Seventhly, Ngatiraukawa say they were not driven away from Maungatautari by Waikato and other tribes, but that they came away peaceably and of their own accord. The Court will no doubt dis- cover that Waikato did drive them away, and that they are hiding that fact. Is it probable that they would have left their own homes and have travelled to this far-distant place to settle if they had not been forced to do so ? Therefore, if this be the day on which the Court intends to give its decision, I ask that our lands may at once be handed over to us. I have nothing more to say respecting the claims of the three tribes (Ngatiraukawa, Ngatitoa, and Ngatiawa). " In the eighth and last place I have to notice the claim put forward by Huru, te Hiaro on behalf of a section of the Rangitane (his immediate con- nexions) independently of those of the whole tribe of Rangitane. I ask what claims has his section of Rangitane, independently of the claim of the whole tribe, as shown by our five united tribes before the Court ? What right and title has he, and what right , and title had his ancestors before him superior to that of the people generally ? I object to his over- bearing assumption of superiority, and his attempt to •' suppress the rights of the chiefs and people of Rangitane. Neither himself nor his ancestors ever had any exclusive right or title to the land now the subject of discussion. The power and influence of our ancestors (which has descended to us) was not small. It extended over the land in dispute, and over Huru and his people. He is not a man of so great import- ance that he should subject other men to his authority and ignore their claims to the land. He of his own accord has given up his claim and his land, as he said to the Court, in favour of a strange people (Ngatiwhakatere section of Ngatiraukawa). This being the case what land has he here now in respect of which he can put forward any claim ? Therefore I call upon the Court to reject his claim altogether and to admit the claim of the five united tribes which, appear before it this day " HE WHARANGI TUWHERA MA NGA HOA TUHI MAT. Ki a te Kai Tuhi o te Waka Maori. Waimamaku, Nowema 11,1872. E HOA. Tena koe. Tenei matou te pito whaka- raro o te motu te whakarongo kau atu nei ki te tuki o te Waka Maori. E hoa, ko tenei iwi ko Ngapuhi ki Hokianga e tae -whakauaua mai ana nga utanga o te Waka Maori. Heoi, he kupu tenei naku ki a koe kia kaha te hoe i ta tatou waka:— Tera te marama ka nekeneke ake i te pae, E tatau ana i nga whetu maha me ko Matariki. No te Makarini te Waka (Maori) i waihape mai ra; Ki hai Rangiriri i tino mamao atu ki tawhiti Kei tata mai ki konei. Ea whakapurangatia taku tahua i te waka tuku mai no Hineitua. • • He aha nei te huanga ? Ko aku rongo pea kia takahia i te ia taipari. Mana ra e huaki ngutu maioro o te Tiriti o Waitanga kei mua. Whakakore rawa ake ka pa katoa ka rongo mai te tini. E hoa, ko to matou unga ki te Ture i te Tiriti o Waitangi tae noa mai ki enei ra. Ka PENE TIPANA. Ki a te Kai Tuhi o te Waka Maori. Wairewa, Little River, Katipere, Nowema, 5, 1872. E HOA. Tena koe, te mahi na i nga mahi a ou tupuna e whakaako nei koe i enei motu e rua. He haerenga atu noku ki tetahi wahi ka kite au i tetahi nupepa maori e puhia ana e te hau i te taha o te rori. Ka kite au i nga korero o roto o taua nupepa nei, tau ana te mihi o roto o toku ngakau ki te ahua reka o aua korero. Ka puta taku whakatauki mou; " Ka tika tau mahi e Keha! Ahakoa kei tawhiti o ratou tinana ko a ratou korero otia tonu kei te whatitoka o toku whare e korero mai ana!" No taua nupepa nei ano ka kite au i nga korero a Hare Reweti, he kupu whakahe nana mo te waipiro, mo te uhunga maori. E tika ana. Ka whakahe hoki au ki aua mea e rua e toreretia nei e e tangata no te mea he kai kino no te maori; te waiho atu ai ma te pakeha e kai tana kai. Me te uhunga maori, tona kino he whakamate i ona taonga ki te utu kai. E hoa ma, kati nei he waipiro ma tatou ko te tupeka—he mea nui hoki taua kai. Ko tetahi wahi o tenei moutere kua kore taua kai te waipiro—ka rima tau e mahue ana, kei te haere tenei ki te ono. Heoi. Na HARE KEPA. Ki a te kai tuhi o te Karere Maori. Raorikia, Tihema 10, 1872. E HOA. Mau e tuku atu to maua mihi me to maua aroha ki a maua tamariki hei matakitaki ma o maua hoa maori, pakeha; mo Erita Wikitoria, mo Reihana Kawekairangi. Ko Erita no te 10 o nga ra o Nowema 1872 i mate ai, ko Heihana no te wha o nga ra o Tihema, 1872. I te ra ka ngaro ia ka waiatangia tana waiata, ara :— Te ngarongaro noa te makau e, e i— Te kainga wai o Kurutoki e tipapa noa ra kei waho, He ki a Kaihanga rau te Atua e i— Te Atua kino na Hatana i. Ka nui to matou pouri ki te matenga o a matou tamariki. He kupu poroporoaki enei:—" Haere atu e hine me tou tungane, e whai i muri atu i to korua papa me o korua tupuna ; waiho te mamae ki a matou i tenei ao. Kua whiti atu korua ki te mate, ki te ora. He Atua kei tenei ao, he Atua kei tena ao. E ki ana te ki a Paora, ' ko te mamae kei o matou ngakau, e kore e mutumutu.' " Ko a maua tamariki he tamariki manaaki na o raua hapu hei tamariki rangatira mo ratou. Heoi, kua mate. Ka nui te pouri. Ka mutu, •Ka HORIMA KATENE MATAIKAI, Ka REIHANA TEREKUKU.
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% TE WAKA MAOEI O NIU TIRANI. 161 Ki a te Kai Tuhi o te Waka Maori. Poneke, Tihema 18, 1872. Tenei te mea hei utanga atu mo te Waka ki nga wahi katoa e u atu ai ia ki uta, hei titiro mai ma nga tangata katoa; koia tenei. Ko te mahi pai rawa mo tatou mo nga maori katoa ko te whakakaha i nga mahi kura katoa hei ako i te pai, i te matauranga, ki o tatou tamariki i muri i a tatou. I penei hoki te pakeha i mohio ai, i whai rawa ai, i rangatira ai, he mea kura—a, ka mohio ki nga mea katoa. Tera hoki o tatou tamariki e penei i muri i a tatou, e rite ki nga pakeha. Hei reira tino pai ai te noho o nga iwi e rua, o te maori o te pakeha. Tetahi mea pai hoki ma tatou inaianei, ko te whakatupu i nga mea pai pera me tera awa me Whanganui kua whakatupu i nga mea pai katoa a te pakeha. Tetahi atu ano hoki ko te haere tonu i runga i nga tikanga o te Ture. Me tu te waewae o nga whakaaro o te maori ki..runga ki te Ture, ka nui te pai ; ka ora ano hoki te tangata—no te mea kei te kitea nuitia te Ture me ona tikanga e tetangata. Ma te tangata e atawhai i te Ture, ka pera ano te ture ki a ia. Ki te kino tona mahi ki te Ture, ka pera ano hoki te Ture ki a ia. Na, e hoa ma e nga tangata katoa o te motu nei, tena koutou. Ko enei mea e korerotia i runga ake nei me era atu tikanga a te pakeha me tango e tatou hei taonga mo tatou. Ko nga tini mahi kuare a etahi atu maori o tenei motu e mahia nei e ratou, aua hei tahuri atu, aua hei whakarongo atu. Ka rite ano ratou ki nga poropiti teka e haere mai ana ki a koutou i peitatia nei a waho i a ratou ki te ingoa o te Atua, ki te tikanga ano hoki o te ture ; ko roto ia o ratou e ki ana i te tinihanga, i te kohuru. He uri ratou no nga kai mahi i te teka i puta nei i enei ra kua hori ake nei; a kei hea ratou inaianei ? Tena ra kia tupato tatou kei pera tatou me era iwi i whaka- - waia e te nakahi i tona rapunga utu mona, a riro ana te tangata i a ia. He maha ano hoki nga mea i pa mai ki a tatou i enei ra kua hori ake nei, a he toko- maha ano hoki o tatou i riro i a ratou. Titiro hoki ko te Ua te poropiti tuatahi; he toko- maha nga tangata i riro i runga i tena tinihanga, ara i mate te maori me te pakeha ano hoki. Muri mai ko ona akonga, ko Kereopa raua ko Patara. Na ena tangata te mate nui ki te tai rawhiti, nga maori me nga pakeha—mate tangata, mate whenua Muri mai ko Titokowaru ; he tokomaha ano nga tangata i riro i te mahi tinihanga a tera tangata. Muri mai ko te Kooti; ko te tino Hatana rawa ia o ratou katoa. Haunga hoki nga riri whenua o Taranaki o Waikato; i kitea atu ano hoki tera he tangata ano. Erangi e whakaatu ana ahau i nga putanga mai o Hatana ki te ao. Koia tenei i runga ake nei, he mea hoki naku kia noho tupato ai tatou a muri atu. Kei mea tatou kua mutu te pena. E hoa ma ekore e mutu ; kei te haere te ao, kei te haere hoki te kino—kia mutu ra ano te ao ka mutu ai te kino. No te mea kei te hanga etahi rangatira o te motu nei i etahi tikanga hou mo ratou, ara ko Henare Matua me ona hoa. I peitatia a waho o ratou ki nga tikanga o te pakeha o te Atua hoki; ko roto ia o ratou e ki ana i te maua- hara, i te hae, i te kohuru. Heoi ra, kia tupato tatou ki enei mahi katoa. Tenei ano tetahi kupu mo te mahi o nga tangata e korero nei mo ratou waka, mo ratou kumara hoki. E hoa ma me whakamutu to koutou mahi penei. Kaore matou nei ko nga pakeha i te mohio ake he tika to koutou mahi; he parau anake a koutou korero. Me mutu te uta i nga korero parau ki tenei waka. Erangi ko te TIKA, ko te PONO ko te AROHA e uta mai ki runga ki tenei waka. Na to koutou hoa, Na HENARE POTAE. Ki a te Kai Tuhi o Te Waka Maori. Pipiriki, Wanganui, Nowema, 16, 1872. E hoa tena koe, te pou whitikinga nupepa a nga iwi e rua i te ao. Mau e tuku atu tenei reta hei titiro ma o taua hoa aroha. E whitu nga mea ka tuhia atu na e au. Ko te whakatupu Hapi katahi; ko te tou Mapere ka rua; ko te mahi Waina ka toru, he Ratipere ka wha; he Kuitepere ka rima ; he mahi Mira ka ono. He mea tuku na te Kawanatanga te Hapi, te Mapere. I tukua mai ki a Rihari Wunu, kai Whakawa tuturu o Whanganui, hei mahi ma matou ; a kua tipu aua mea. Haunga te Waina, te Ratipere, te Kuitepere, na matou ano enei, me te Torori tupeka nei; ka nui te tupu o aua mea ki konei. Ko te mira ko Kaukore te ingoa, na Hori Patene ano. No te taima i kino ai te motu ka mate a Hori Patene ki Tataraimaka; ka mate hoki taua mira. He raira - pai he awa nui te awa ; kia 12 hoiho ka rite ki te kaha o taua mira me ka huri. No naianei ka puta te mahara a Meiha Keepa kia whakaorangia taua mira. Ka puta tona kupu ki a Tuatini, te tangata kua mate, ko te taonga me whakaora inaianei. Hokona mai ana e Meiha Keepa e rua tana paraoa homai ana ki a Tuatini raua ko te Haro kia haria mai ma nga kai mahi; ka tae mai ka hui maua katoa, whakaaetia ana e au nga kai a Meiha Keepa; ka hoe matou i runga i te waka ki te taone ki te hoko rakau mo te whare; riro mai ana 136 nga paraki. Na Meiha Keepa raua ko Rihari Wunu nga haeana me nga nera ; a kua oti te whare o taua mira inaianei i a maua ko Turahui. A kua mahara hoki maua ko Meiha" Keepa te Taitoko ki te Uru te rangatira tuturu mo taua mira; no te mea, kua mohio maua he tohunga rawa tenei tangata raua ko Mete Kingi, he whakaora tangata. Otira he uri a Meiha Keepa na Tamaupoko raua ko Tupoho, koia tenei whakatau ki; " Tamaupoko tumu whare." Hetupuna whakaora tangata ona tupuna, a Ta- maupoko. I te riri ki Patiarero whakaorangia ake e Tamaupoko te tangata, te taonga ; i te riri ki Pipiriki nei whakaorangia ake te tangata, te taonga. I roto i enei ra ka rite ano ia ki tona tupuna e whakaora nei i te tangata i te taonga. E hoa ma, kanui ra te pai o ta tatou noho e noho nei tatou. Ka tika enei mahi hei mahi ma tatou, te whakatipu i nga mea i tatauria i runga ake nei. Me te mahi mira hei huri paraoa kia kati te mea hei paunga mo te moni ko te huka—ko te paraoa ma tatou ake ano. He aha ra te kino o enei mahi ma te tangata i roto i enei ra kia whai rawa ai te tangata i runga i te whenua ; e ki nei kia mau ki te oneone. Hua atu ma te ahu whenua ka tika ai tenei kupu; tena ma te whakahihi ki nga ritenga maori porori nei, hua atu ma te Ture ka Tika. Ki te mea ka pa he raruraru nui ki a au e kore au e tuku i taku ngakau maori kia puta i mua i te Ture; engari ko te Ture ki mua—me kawe atu e au ki te Ture, ki te matua o te tutua o te rawakore, mana e tirotiro. Ki te kite te Ture e he ana au, kua tika; ki te ki te Ture kaore aku he, kaua te tangata ' e whakahe kau kei tu nga waewae o te Ture ki runga i to tumuaki pehi ai i a koe, ahakoa rangatira pono- nga ranei. No te mea kaore a te Ture titiro ki te rangatiratanga o te tangata, ki te tutuatanga ranei; engari e titiro ana te Ture ki te mea tika anake ki tana e mahara ai. Heoi te Ture maori e kore e ma- hue i a au, ko te karanga ki te tangata haere ; tena ko te nuinga ka mahue i au tae noa ki nga uhunga tupapaku—ma te whanaunga tuturu ake o te tupa- paku e haere mai e tangi. Me rongo ia kua kino rawa i au tenei mahi te uhunga tupapaku. Ko matou ko nga tangata Hauhau kei te tautohe- tohe tonu i roto i nga ra katoa mo ta ratou mahi tonu i nga Ratapu katoa, kaore he Ratapu i kore ai te mahi. No te 11 o nga ra o te marama nei ka huihui katoa maua i te taenga mai o Tataraimaka, o te Tau-
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162 TE WAKA MAOEI O NIU TIRANI. hero, o Tukapua, o te Kapeiti, me te iwi katoa ki te kawe mai i nga paraki mo te whare o te mira. Ka tu a REONE ka ki;— "Whakarongo mai e hoa ma. Me mutu ta koutou mahi i nga Ratapu katoa. Ki te tohe koutou ka tamanatia koutou." Kai runga ko MAKETU ;— " E kore e mutu -taku mahi i nga Ratapu; kore rawa atu. Engari ko te Ture me mutu atu i Hiru- harama me te whakawa." Kei runga ko Tataraimaka ka pera ano me ta Maketu. Kei runga ko KAPEITI ; " E hoa, to ture me mutu atu i Hiruharama, me te whakawa. No te mea kaore ano toku mareikura i ma noa." Kei runga ko WHIARI TURAHUI; "Whakarongo mai e Maketu, e Tatara, e te Kapeiti, e koutou katoa. E kore e tika kia mutu te ture i Hiruharama me te whakawa ; no te mea ko te ture te kai tiaki o tenei kainga o Pipiriki nei; na te ture hoki i whakanoho koutou ki konei. Mehemea i noho ture kore tenei kainga aianei, e kore a konei e nohoia." Kei runga ko te KEEPA TAHUKUMUTIA ; " E he ana kia mahi koutou i nga Ratapu i tenei kainga, no te. mea e noho ture ana tenei kainga. Titiro, na te ture raua ko te pai i tu ai ta tatou mira. E whakaae ana au kite korero a Turahui raua ko Tahukumutia." Kei runga ano a MAKETU ;—" E hoa ma, kaore rawa atu au e rongo—e kore e mutu taku mahi." Penei katoa a ratou korero. Ka titiro au ka tino uaua taua korero ka ki atu au;—" Me mutu tenei korero. Kei mea mai nga tangata i mamao atu na tatou pea te he i he ai tatou, kao na te tohe." Ka kite koutou i ena korero- tautohetohe me utu mai me whakahe ki a matou ki nga tangata Kuini. E pai ana, e kore matou e riri. Otira e hara ta matou i te korero kino, engari e korero ana matou i te pai kia puta i roto i te ture me te kotahitanga o to tangata i roto i enei ra pai. Heoi ano. Na RINI HEMOATA PARAKAIATO, Na WHIARI TURAHUI, Na Te KEEPA TAHUKUMUTIA, Na REONE TE MOUNGAROA. Poneke, Nowema 10, 1872. Ki a te Kai Tuhi o te Waka Maori. Tenei ka tukua atu na e ahau nga mahi o te Pare- mete kia kite oku whanaunga i nga mahi o te motu. Tera pea koutou kua rongo i nga raruraru o te Pare- mete ki hai nei i ata takoto he ture mo nga iwi e rua. E hoa ma, te take i kore ai e oti he ture mo tatou i warea te Runanga ki te whawhai ki to ratou Kawa- natanga. I mea a Tapata ko ia hei Kawanatanga. Whakapuaki nui ana i ana mahara mo te taha maori; ahuareka ana ki te taringa me te ngakau, koia taku awhinatanga i tana Pooti. No muri iho i tana tunga ka kite ahau i tona ahua i penei me nga urupa i pania nei a waho ki te paru ma, ko roto e toki ana i te iwi tupapaku. E hoa ma ko te take tenei i hoki ai ahau ki te pooti o te Kawanatanga tawhito. I kite ahau i te he o te Tapata. Te tuatahi. Ko nga Huperetene i whiri- whiria e ia hei noho i roto i tona Kawanatanga. Te tua rua. Ko tana tononga kia hokona a Whenuakura ki te Pakeha. Tua toru. Ko tana whakaaetanga i etahi wahi i riro i te rau o te patu kia karaunatia mo te Huperetene o Taranaki. Ko enei aku hei kite ai i tona tunga hei Kawanatanga. I roto i te marama kotahi ka whakahengia ana korero pai kua tae atu na e to koutou "Waka " te kawe atu ki a koutou—na enei i runga ake nei i whakahe. I mahara hoki ahau ki ana kupu i ki ai ka whakahokia e ia nga whenua i riro i te rau o te patu ki nga iwi no ratou aua whenua, hua noa ne kupu rangatira tana, Kia rite tonu—kaore i rite. Kei mea koutou i tawaia ranei ahau e te Makarini ki te hiriwa ki te koura ranei, kaore; na o koutou hiahia e nga iwi pani ahau i whakamatautau ai i te mea tika, kei tenei ranei kei tera atu Kawanatanga ranei te tatu o koutou mahara e hikaka nei. E nga iwi kia manawanui, kaua e kaikatia mai o koutou mahara. Ehara hoki i te mea i mahia ititia e koutou nga rongo o koutou taonga i runga i o koutou. ringa. Waiho me ata mahi e matou. Tera ano maua ko te Makarini e tae atu kia kite i nga wahi o te motu nei. Heoi. Na to koutou hoa Na WI PARATA, M.H.E. HE TANGI. He Tangi tenei mo HARE TAUTEKA i mate ki Taupo i te 24 o nga ra o Hurae i tenei tau 1872. He tangata hautu ia i runga i te waka i a te Arawa no ana matua tae noa iho ki a ia. No Whanganui tona matua wahine. He mea tuku mai na Hohepa Tamamutu te tangi nei kia taia ki te Waka Maori, ara:— Me he tane pea koe tikina i herea i te ihi o te ra e kore po tonu e i. Aue kau au ki te iwi ka ngaro— E kore e ngaro, tena taku mahue, E kore e ngaro, he taru whakanui. Houhia ki te rongo, horahia ki te Kura, E hiue ranei me puhi ki te kakara ; E tama ranei tenei to patu, E pari e te tai hei kawe i a taua— Nga tai tu mai i Otira i runga. Tautika te haere ki te aroaro o to inatua o te Tara, Kia tangohia mai te huru, ko Pipi te wai e i. Kuruki natu e hine to manawa, Kuruki natu e tama i taku manawa; He manawa tina, he manawa toka, he he manawa kaukau. Me kahaki taua e hine kia pumau i Tautari ra. Engari to matua e hine i huhia ai ki te kahu rere mai o Taurangaitua. Ka te turaki taua e hine ki tou tini i te po, ko te turanga o aitua— Ko aitua te parea, ko aitua whakatoka Kia toka te whenua, kia toka nga tangata. E kai kawau ana koa e pa te moenga iho ki te po ; Ki te pouriuri, ki te potangotango. Whakaputa e Hare i te paki o hewa, Pohewahewa noa ana au. Tenei koa taua te kiia mai nei, E tou tini e to mano, He tauranga riri e i. HE WAIATA. He waiata tenei na Matiu te Puahanui o Turanga i tona matenga. I mate ia i te 29 o nga ra o Hurae i tenei tau 1872. He mea tuku mai na ona huanga te waiata nei kia taia atu ki te nupepa nei, ara:— E to te ra kurekure ana ki te rua Ka whakawaikura i te pae te tara ki Pukehinau. Hua atu au e te tau taua tahi e haere Ka noho whakamatuku hei parera kaukau ki te wai. He hau auru te hau, he tingongo i aku kiko ; I karawhiua mai e te tai, Me he kowhititanga marama te paanga mai ki te kiri. Rokohanga mai te tinana kai te auahi pawa; E rere ana ki te nehu kai te One kura o Patu Marama. Ki kona e te hoa whakakiia mai ai No hea e ruru mai te ika a Whiro i tuaki Te toki a te Atua i hauporoa i te porotuku tutakinga o aku papa, Ka rongona iho ka tete. Kei te manga rakau ano ko au e kohaki ana i te hau, Whano ake ka korikori, kai te hopehope wha? o koni ki te tahuna o Ne. . Naku i whakataetae ki te iriiringa o te Atua, Ki te kainga ra o nga Nehenehe, o Wairua koro O Mata Ngurunguru, o Taumaha Rukiruki. No konei te tinana huri mate noa ki te whare Ma te Atua o te Rangi e kukume ana i te tau Tahuri mai ki a hau Kai te riko i te marama a i.