Te Haeata 1859-1862: Volume 3, Number 7: pp Abstract
pp Intro to Abstracts

[p.1] Almanac
Notice giving publication and subscription details.
pp.1-2 Ways to end war
By Rongomau [John Whiteley?]
Promotes consideration for the land as a way to end war. Discusses land as God's gift to Maori ancestors, land acquisition in past and present times and in foreign places, Pakeha payment for Maori land, individual land titles, and the settlement of land disputes through committees of chiefs rather than fighting.
The Parent Church
Argues that the Roman Catholic claim to being the Parent Church is a fabrication.
Includes scriptural quotations from Acts and Isaiah to show that Jerusalem rather than Rome was the origin of Christianity.
pp.2-3 Idol worship of the Church of Rome
Reports the construction of a statue of the Virgin Mary and Jesus in France, made of pieces of cannons from the fall of Sebastopol [Crimean War 1853-6]. Argues that Catholic adoration of the statue amounts to idol worship which cannot be a sign of the true Church.
People from whom the Scriptures came
The Maccabees
Discusses periods of peace and conflict for Jews and the activities of Maccabean rulers.
Includes scriptural reference.
pp.3-4 This is a story about certain missionary work with the Karens
Discusses missionary activity amongst the Karen people of Burma and cites reports from one missionary, Mr Mason. Various statistical figures given and mention made of Burmese ministers.
Faith and works
Cites James 2:18. Discusses the need for inner belief in Christ and outward signs of a righteous life. Illustrated by a story of two men.
The great ocean
Argues that oceans cover a greater area of the world than dry land. Describes landforms under the sea.
From Hāmiora Ngāropi [Wesleyan minister]
Reports the deaths of Rāwiri and Rāmari of the Wesleyan Church at Whatawhata.