Te Karere o Poneke 1857-1858: Volume 1, Number 8: pp Abstract
pp Intro to Abstracts

p.1 Terms of subscription and advertising [in English]
From the Editor requesting correspondence be addressed to Te Pura [James Buller].
From Wiremu Toniki warning of arrest for theft from his business.
[Advertisements and Notices]
From Te Miti & Rewana advertising stud services.
From Te Waharei mā (Worsley & Co.) seeking to buy flax fibre and sheep wool.
From Wiremu Rakiwhata (Wm. Luxford) concerning a mare and foal, found.
From Te Poura mā (Wm. Bowler, Son & Co.) and Tuati, Kinirohi mā (Stuart, Kinross & Co.) wishing to buy gold.
From Tākana (R. J. Duncan) of the travel costs for the steamer Wonga Wonga.
p.2 Sheep
Editorial discussion of the benefits of and the products available from sheep farming, with the explanation that sheep may subsist on those tracts not needed for producing wheat, potatoes and other goods, but that the sheep need a shepherd to guard them against attacks from Maori dogs and adverse weather conditions especially around lambing season.
pp.2-4 Letters to the Editor
From Kiharoa, Ōtaki
Criticises Maori practices and urges adherence to Pakeha customs, with a description of Pakeha as accomplished and proficient.
From Tāmihana Te Rauparaha, Ōtaki
Address to Governor [Gore-] Browne, government officials, Pakeha friends and Maori leaders. Reports the speeches from the tribal meeting with Te Heuheu and Taonui at Ōtaki, 6 October 1857.
Te Rauparaha acknowledges the benefits the colonial government has brought to Maori under the control of Governors Grey and Gore-Browne.
Te Heuheu acknowledges the strategy of the King Movement to halt land sales so that `his champion may retain the word and the authority of New Zealand'.
Address from Te Ahu Korama with an accolade to the mountains Te Heuheu passed on his journey to Ōtaki and acknowledgement of the benefits Pakeha have brought to Maori.
Address from Taonui supporting Te Heuheu.
Satirical address from Te Mātia welcoming Te Heuheu to inspect the health of his people's `decaying bodies' and commenting how the supportive aid from Pakeha has turned his people into vassals.
Address from Mātene Te Whiwhi criticising Te Heuheu's contentions and supporting the actions of the Crown because on his journeys to Taupō, Rotorua, Ōtaki and Taranaki he found unity amongst the people. Mentions the demise of Kahukore, Rāwiri and Tōpine Te Karamu. Uses the analogy of the contented wood pigeon that says `U, u, u'.
Address from Nēpia Taratoa citing that the root of lawlessness is at Rangitīkei.
Address from Ngāti Raukawa followed but was not recorded.
Address from Pairoroku Te Māhia, which extends the salutations to the dead to focus on traditional Maori perceptions of society, in order to argue for peaceful relations with and adherence to the practices and laws of the Queen. Uses metaphorical language about the habits of sea birds, relating them to the customs of Maori and Pakeha.
Emphatic address from Āperahama Te Ruru about retaining the land.
Synopsis by Tāmihana Te Rauparaha, that the topics discussed by Te Heuheu and Taonui were religious beliefs, the English Queen, the Maori King, land retention, emancipation, purchase of a printing press, and the meeting at Rangiawhia.
From Te Nu Paremata [The New Parliament], Whaigaroa [Whāingaroa]
Proclamation regarding different people's responsibilities towards the care of horses and the consequences of any such wrongdoing.
p.4 Market prices
Current prices for foodstuffs and produce.
Notice from the Editor that readers will be informed of the differences in the volume of bushels required by the flourmills.