Te Karere o Poneke 1857-1858: Volume 1, Number 11: pp Abstract
pp Intro to Abstracts

p.1 Terms of subscription and advertising [in English]
From the Editor requesting correspondence be addressed to Te Pura [James Buller].
From Wiremu Toniki warning of arrest for theft from his business.
[Advertisements and Notices]
From Te Miti & Rewana advertising stud services.
From Te Waharei mā (Worsley & Co.) seeking to buy flax fibre and sheep wool.
From Wiremu Rakiwhata (Wm. Luxford) concerning a mare and foal, found.
From Te Poura mā (Wm. Bowler, Son & Co.) and Tuati, Kinirohi mā (Stuart, Kinross & Co.) wishing to buy gold.
From Tākana (R. J. Duncan), of the travel costs for the steamer Wonga Wonga.
p.2 The Maori King
Editorial discussion of Te Heuheu's meeting at Ōtaki to discuss the suitability of Te Wherowhero as the candidate for the position of Maori King, rejected by Tāmihana [Te Rauparaha] and his associates.
Support from the Editor to those who have recognised the benefits of Pakeha practices, and discussion of the detriment to society that would be caused by the advent of a Maori king. Argues that no other tribes but those of the Waikato would be willing to follow Te Wherowhero, that such a movement does not have the financial stability to support it, that it will cause separatism and war between Maori and Pakeha, and a return to the practices of old.
pp.2-4 A monster overcome
A traditional story collected from Rotorua by Governor George Grey about how the taniwha [monster], Hotupaku, was overcome.
p.4 Letters to the Editor
From Wēpiha Te Rimunui, Manawatū
Plea to Maori to accept and adopt the words and practices of the Governor and his ministers. Comparison made between the benefits of a Pakeha house and a Maori house.
[Some of this article is overexposed and unreadable]
From Kereopa Wharepōuri, Heretaunga, Waiwhetū
Support for the good work done by Pakeha on behalf of Queen Victoria and God, and by the newspaper.
[Some of this article is overexposed and unreadable]
Market prices
Current market prices for foodstuffs and produce.
Notice from the Editor informing of the aggregate weight of bushels required by the flour mills.