Te Karere Maori 1861-1863: Commentary

Te Karere Maori 1861-1863

Maori Messenger

Bibliographic Details    Background    Subject Matter    Availability

Bibliographic Details

Published: Auckland, December 16, 1861-September 28, 1863.

The editor was probably Walter Buller.

For further physical details refer to Herbert W. Williams, A Bibliography of Printed Maori to 1900, Item 335.

This newspaper is written in Maori.


This newspaper was a continuation of Te Manuhiri Tuarangi 1861 with the same physical format, although the number of pages was reduced and the issues appeared less regularly. The Royal Coat of Arms is slightly changed along with the title. The motto remained and the intention of the newspaper and subject coverage were the same as Te Manuhiri Tuarangi.

Subject Matter

Included in this paper are:

  • numerous letters to the Governor from Maori people expressing views on the:
  • situation in Taranaki
  • the escalation of the Land Wars
  • the King Movement
  • law and order
  • peaceful settlement of disputes
  • reports from Native Districts, for example the "hundreds" system established by Governor Grey as a form of Maori self-government
  • reports of local events.


This newspaper is on microfilm and microfiche. Original copies are held at:

Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington:

1863Jan.-Sept. 28

Auckland Institute and Museum Library:

1862March 13, Dec. 16
1863Feb. 12, Sept. 28

Auckland Public Library:

1862Feb. 5 and 25, March 13, April 15, May 1 and 23 Sept. 20
1863March-June, Sept. 28

Auckland University Library:

1861Dec. 16
1862Jan. 15, Feb. 5, March 13, May 23, Dec. 16
1863Feb. 12, April 29, May 15 -July, Sept. 28

Dunedin Public Library:

1862Dec. 16
1863May 15

Hocken Library, Dunedin:

1863Jan.-Sept. 28

The Parliamentary Library, Wellington:

1863Jan.-Sept. 28

Wellington Public Library:

1862Jan.-Dec. (some issues not held)
1863Jan.-Sept. 28 (some issues not held)