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Te Karere Maori 1861-1863: Volume 2, Number 14. 20 September 1862 |
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OR MAORI MESSENGER VOL. II.] AUCKLAND, SEPTEMBER 20, 1862.—AKARANA, HEPETEMA 20, 1862. [No. 14. " Good books arc like true friends; they will never fail us; never cease to instruct—never cloy." • THE Mangonui Runanga, being the second Maori Council held in New Zealand under the system of Native Government introduced by Governor Sir George Grey was opened by the President, W. B. Whire, Esq., in. the presence of a highly interested audience,, on the 29th of July, 1862. The popularity of the assembly was demonstrated by a large concourse of visitors, there being from 400 to 500 Natives present, besides many warm hearted Europeans. The Mangonui District extends from Herekino Harbour, or False Hokianga on the West Coast, to Whangaroa on the East, being a coast line of 160 miles. The lands within this territory are considered to be of superior quality, abounding in cultivated grounds, for the most " Ko nga pukapuka papai, e penei ana me nga hoa pono; te whakarere i a tatou—te mutu te ako—te whakatina." Ko te Runanga o Mangonui, ko te tuarua ia o nga Runanga Maori i Niu Tireni i runga i te tikanga i whaka- turia e Kawana Ta Hori Kerei, mo te Kawanatanga o nga iwi Maori,—i turia i te 29 o nga ra o Hurai, 1862, ki te aroaro o te whakamenenga, e tona Tumuaki e Te Waiti, i roto i te whakamoemititanga, o te katoa. I mohiotia ai te manawareka o te tangata ki taua Runanga, he mea titiro ki te reinga mai o te tini, e 400, e 500 ranei, o nga tangata Maori, haunga hoki nga Pakeha ngakau whakaaroha. Ko te Takiwa o Mangonui e maro mai ana i Herekino, i te tai Hau- auru, tae noa ki te awa o Whanga- roa, i te tai Rawhiti; haere ake te roa o taua taha paenga moana, 160 maero. Ko nga whenua i roto i enei kaha, e kiia ana, he momona; a, he nui nga ngakinga kai; ko te
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2 TE KARERE MAORI OR MAORI MESSENGER. part, possessed by the Aupouri and ] Karawa tribes. There are many excellent farms, too, the property of enterprising Europeans, large flocks of sheep, and herds of cattle. The Natives concentrated from all parts of the District, at Mangonui, to witness the proceedings of its first Parliament, and the visitors returned to their respective settlements, much pleased with so orderly and prompt a mode of regulating Native affairs. Mr. White in his opening address, suggests that the Natives should bear a portion of the expense attendant upon their local self- government. We deem it of im- portance to accustom the Natives as early as possible, to contribute to the fund set apart for their moral and political training, and when they are able, we hope that they will be willing and proud to defray the whole of ihe expenses, which are so gene- rously borne at the present time by their European brethren. By a reference to the President's speech, it will be found that the sum of £49 17s., being "fees and fines of the Courts in the District," was placed by the Government at the disposal of the Runanga, which sum it voted as a contribution towards the erection of a Runanga House on a Native reserve in the valley of Oruru, five - acres of land having been given for the purpose above named, by the Chiefs. We come now to notice a matter of important consequences and we beg to call especial attention to it,— hira ia, o aua mara, na Te Aupouri, na Te Rarawa. Tera ano etahi pamu, na nga Pakeha ahuwhenua,— nga kahui hipi hoki, me nga kau; I hou tonu mai nga tangata i wha- katika mai i rau kainga, i roto i taua Takiwa ki Mangonui, ki te mataki- taki i nga mahi o tona Paremeta tuatahi; a, hoki ana ratou ki nga kainga, i runga i te whakaoranga- ngakau mo to ratou kitenga i te pai, i te tangatanga o te mahi whakarite i nga tikanga Maori. E mea ake ana a Te Waiti, i roto i tana korero tuatahi ki te Runanga, kia whakaarohia e ratou, e nga Maori, tetahi wahi o te utu mo to ratou Kawanatanga. Whakaaro ai matou, he tika kia pa te tono ki nga Maori, i te puititanga o nga mahi, kia whakataua mai a muri o nga mea kua Oti te whakatakoto, mo to ratou kuranga i runga i te tika, i te mahi kawana hoki i a ratou; a, e mea ana matou, a te wa e taea ai tenei tika- nga utu e ratou, me whakaae nui, i runga i te whakaaro rangatira, kia utua katoatia nga mahi o te taha Maori, na te mea, ko o ratou tuakana Pakeha anake, i runga i te atawhai nui, kei te utu, i tenei o nga wa. Ki te tirohia te korero o te Tumu- aki, e kitea i puta te ki o te Kawana kia tukua ki te Runanga " nga moni o nga Whare Whakawa i roto i te Takiwa o Mangonui," £49 17s.; a karangatia ana e te Runanga kia motuhaketia era, hei moni tuatahi ! mo te whakaarahanga o tetahi Whare Runanga, ki te wharua o ; Oruru, e rima hoki nga eka whenua i tukua mai e nga Rangatira mo taua tikanga. Na, ka pa matou i konei ki tetahi mea e hira ana nga..hua, o roto. a, e karanga atu ana matou kia matatau
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TE KARERE MAORI OR MAORI MESSENGER. 5 Waka Rangaunu, Reihana Kiriwi, [Wardens. Heremaia te Ara, Raharuhi. Makarini, Hohaia Hataere, Tamehana, Ruteni, Reihana te Huhu, Timoti Popata, Moihi, Hemi Rihari, Komene, Rapini, . Minarapa, J Ko Te Waka Rangaunu Ko Reihana Kiriwi, Kai-tiaki. Ko Heremaia Te Ara, Ko Rapini, Ko Minarapa, Ko Makarini, Ko Komene, Ko Raharuhi, Ko Ruteni, Ko timoti Popata, Ko Reihana Te Huhu, Ko Hohaia; Ko Hataere, Ko Ihaia,. Ko Tamehana, Ko Moihi Ko Hemi Rihari.
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4 TE KARERE MAORI OR MAORI MESSENGER, THE RUNANGA OF MANGONUI. Paraone Ngaruhi, of Parengarenga, Puhipi te Ripi, of Ahipara, Hohepa Poutama, of Kaitaia, Karaka te Kawau, of Mangatete, Tipene te Taha, of Waikainga, Pororua Wharekauri, of Kohumaru. Paora Putete Ururoa, of Whangaroa. Nepia te Morenga, Tuhua, Tamoti Ngatoti, Ruinga, Ngapipi Mumu, KO TE RUNANGA O MANGONUI .
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6 TE KARERE MAORI OR MAORI MESSENGER. Hohepa Poutama Tipene Heke Penetito te Huhu Kingi Wiremu Pene te Pae Hoani Taua Heremaia te Ara Ngaropo Waka Rangaunu Reihana Kiriwi Te Hira Ngaropo
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TE KARERE MAORI OR MAOBI MESSENGER. 7 Hira Te Ngaropo Karaka te Kawau Tipene Wiremu Naihi Puhipi te Ripi Hira te Naropo Manganuiowai Pororua Whangaroa Heremaia te ara Hohepa Poutama Heremaia Te Ara Te Hira Te Ngaropo Te Kahika Heke
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TE KARERE MAORI OR MAORI MESSENGER. 19 nulled to the enumerators, and it shall be lawful for the enumerator to direct the sub- enumerators to make further enquiries as to any mailer in the opinion of the enumerator further or more accurate information ought to be obtained. 7. Every sub-enumerator who shall fail to deliver or transmit to the enumerator all the forms which shall have been so filled up, or who shall knowingly sign, deliver, or trans- mit untrue forms or returns, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding five pounds. 8. Any person who shall refuse or neglect to answer to any enquiry of the enumerator or sub-enumerator required by this Act shall forfeit a sum not exceeding five .pounds. 9. All fines and penalties or forfeitures imposed by this Act, shall be recovered in a summary manner before a Resident Magis- trate and an Assessor. 10. In the construction of this Act, the words dwelling-house, shall include any house, building, booth, tent, or other erec tion, in or under which any person usually sleeps, and also all ships or vessels in any part of the district. The short title of this Act shall foe the "Mangonui Census Act, 1862." No. 1. A LIST OF CHIEFS OF RUNANGA AND PLACES FOR WHICH ELECTED. : No. Name of Chief. elected. 1 Paraone Parengarenga 2 Puhipi Te Ripi Ahipara 5 Hohepa Poutama Kaitaia 4 Karaka Te Kawau Mangatete S Tipene Te Taha Waikainga i 6 Pororua Wharekauri Kohumaru 7 Paora Putete Ururoa Whangaroa No. 2. LIST OF ASSESSORS AND PLACES OF RESIDENCE. No. Name. Residence. i Wiremu Kingi Ahipara 2 Penetito Te Huhu Victoria 3 Pene Te Pae Pokonga 4 Hone Taua Kareponia 5 Wiremu Naihi Whangaroa kiano i oti pai, aianei, me rapu hou ano nga mea mahue, a, ma nga kai kohikohi e wha- kapiri ki roto ki nga tepara. 7. Ko nga Kai-kohikohi ekore e hohoro le kawe i nga Tepara ina oti, ki te tino Kai- kohikohi, a ko nga Kai-kohikohi e mahi he ana i aua tepara, e whakapiri te ana ranei i le ingoa lu aua tepara, ko aua tangata be, me utu ratou 1 nga pauna moni e rima (51.) mo to ratou mahi he. 8. Na, ko te tangata ekore e rongo ki te tupu a le Tumuaki onga Kai-kohikohi ranei, te kupu o nga Kai-kohikohi ranei, ka mei- nga kia utu ia i nga moni e kore e nui ake i le rima pauna (51) 9. Na, ko nga moni o roto o enei mahi le, ina tae ki te whakawakanga, raa te tino Kai-whakawa tuturu, ma nga Kai-whakawa Maori ranei, e karanga i roto i te Whare Whakawa. 10. Na, ko nga whare, ara ko nga whare nohoanga tangata katoa, ko nga pahoka, ko nga teneti, ko nga whare e moea ana e le tangata, ko nga kaipuke ranei e tapeke katoa ki roto ki te ritenga o tenei Ture. Ko te ingoa poto o ienei Ture koia tenei, " Ko te Ture Kohikohi o Mangonui, 1862," No. 1. KO NOA INGOA O NGA RANGATIRA O TE RUNANGA, ME TE WAHI HOKI I WHIRIWHIRIA Al RATOU. 1 Paraone Parengarenga 2 Puhipi Te Ripi Ahipara 3 Hohepa Poutama Kaitaia 4 Karaka Te Kawau Mangatete 5 Tipene Te Taha Waikainga 6 Pororua Wharekauri Kohumaru 7 Paora Putete Ururoa Whangaroa No. 2. INGOA O NGA KAI-WHAKAWA ME NGA KAINGA. No. Ingoa. Kainga. 1 Wiremu Kingi Ahipara 2 Penetito Te Huhu Wikitoria 3 Pene Te Pae Pokanga 4 Hoani Taua Karaponia 3 Wiremu Naihi • Whangaroa
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20 TE KARERE MAORl OK MAORI MESSENGER, No. 3 LIST OF KAI-TIAKIS AND KARERES (POLICE), AND PLACES CHOSEN FOR. Section No.1 Waka.Rangaunu,Kai- . District in tiaki eludes Kaitaia and all North of it ' r 1 Rapine, Karere Parengarenga 2 Minerapa, 3 Makarini, Ahipara 4 Komene, S Raharuhi, Kaitaia 6 Ruteni. Section No. 2. Reihana Kiriwi, Kai; From; Mango- tiaki nui inclusive to Kaitaia. 1 Timoti Popota, Karere Mangatete 2 Reihana Te Huhu, 3 Hohaia, Waikainga 4 Hataere, i Section No. 3 Heremaia Te Ara, Kai-From Whanga- tiaki roa to Ma- | ngonui. 1 Ihaia,- Karere Kohumaru •2 Tamehana 3 Whangaroa 4 Hemi Rihari, ! NOTICE. SADDLES, BRIDLES. CART & PLOUGH HARNESS on Sale,:.and MADE TO ORDER; Good and CHEAP, at JAMES WISEMAN'S Saddle and Harness MANUFACTORY, Queen- street, next to Mr. A. Buckland's, and opposite the BANK OF NEW ZEALAND. Auckland, September 20th, 1862. No. 3. KO NGA INGOA 6 NGA KAI-TIAKI, O NGA KARERE, ME NGA KAINGA HOKI. PANUITANGA. O E Panuitanga tenei, kia mohio ai nga E tangata Maori, tenei te HEA HOIHO, * le PARAIRE, te HANEHE KAATA, HANEHE PARAU hoki, he mea TINO PAPAI, UTU NGAWARI hoki, e HANGA ana, e HOKOHOKO ana e HEMI WAIMANA, ki te Whare Hanga, Whare Hokohoko, i Kuini-Tiriti, tutata mai i te.Makete Hoiho a Te Pakarana, i tera taha atu hoki o te PEKE MONI O NIU TIRENI: Akarana, Hepetema 20. 1862